FAD Test 2

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(control) degree to which adult expects and demands responsible behavior from children


(warmth) degree to which adult responds to the child's needs in an accepting, supportive manner

What are some of the reasons the transition to parenthood can be difficult?

-abrupt change to 24-hour duty -interruptions in sleep, work, leisure time -less time together as a couple -inadequate support -decline in quality of emotional/sexual relationship

Know the challenges of modern parenting

-diverse family forms -multi-partnered fertility -family vs. work -higher standards for parenting skills -conflicting information from experts -competition with societal influences and values -parents may feel responsible for child's outcomes -sandwich generation -parental authority is questioned

Know predictors of marital success

-husband accepting influence of wife -learning to accept and work through perpetual problems -positive sentiment override -partners who are able to recognize when they are being treated badly -Being able to soothe self in midst of problems or bad times

Know the positive (resilience) factors that influence parenting

-parents have higher levels of education and more knowledge of child development -increased involvement of fathers -lower violent crimes -communication technologies -smaller families -better health conditions; less serious illness among children

Know the principles of effective communication

-prioritize communication -avoid negative statements -establish and maintain eye contact -Establish empathy -Ask open- ended questions -Use reflective listening -Use "I" statements -Stay focused on the issue -share power

Know the characteristics of cohesive families

1. Communicate appreciation for one another 2. Have a high degree of commitment to the family group as a whole 3. Spend dinner time together, celebrate holidays and birthdays, spend leisure time together 4. Are able to deal positively with crises 5. Have some spiritual orientation 6. Have positive communication patterns

What are the 5 styles of problem solving?

1. Conflict avoiding- agree to disagree 2. Volatile- conflict erupts often, resulting in passionate disputes 3. Validating- couples compromise, calmly work out problems to mutual satisfaction 4. Hostile- high levels of all 4 horsemen 5. Hostile-detached- couples like two armies engaged in lonely standoff, lack regulation of negativity

Know the ten rules for successful relationships

1. Express love verbally. 2. Be physically affectionate. 3. Express your appreciation. 4. Help the relationship or family to become an emotional support system. 5. Express your affection in material ways. 6. Accept your family members shortcomings 7.Do unto each other as you would have the other do unto you. 8. Share more about yourself with your partner than you do with any other person. 9. Make time to be alone together 10. Do not take your relationship for granted.


A marriage system in which a person takes more than one spouse.


A marriage system in which one or both spouses retain the option to sexually love others in addition to their spouses. "many loves"

What are the 4 parenting styles, how do they differ and what style has the best and worst outcomes for children?

Authoritarian- low emotional connection, high direction & control. emotionally harsh, physical punishment (ROCK). Permissive/ indulgent- high emotional connection, low direction & control, set few limits, inconsistent in discipline (MARSHMALLOW) Indifferent/ Disengaged- low emotional connection, low direction & control, have either rejected or dont take time to parent. this leads to the WORSE outcomes for children (BUBBLE) Authoritative- emotionally nurturing; set clear, reasonable, but firm limits; high in warmth; highly responsive; best outcomes for children (TENNIS BALL).

What 2 dimensions are they distinguished on?

Baumrind: found 2 major factors determine an adults' style of caregiving: responsiveness and demandingness

Understand the marriage premise and expectations surrounding it

By getting married, partners accept the responsibility to keep each other primary in their lives and to work hard to ensure that their relationship continues; Expectations of permanence; expectations of primariness (sexual exclusivity);

According to the audio lecture what is the difference between career and job?

Careers differ from jobs in that careers hold the promise of advancement, are considered important in themselves- not just a source of money- and demand a high degree of commitment. Career men and women work in occupations that typically require education beyond a bachelor's degree

Know the differences between cohabiting couples and married couples

Cohabiters are less homogamous or alike in social characteristics than marrieds; cohabiters have been more likely than marrieds to be nontraditional ex. attitudes about gender roles. Cohab- short term.

Antidotes to the four horsemen of the apocalyse

Criticism- make a complaint specific and immediate. Learn to make specific complaints and requests Contempt- create in the relationship a culture in appreciation; validate your partner, shift to appreciation Defensiveness- accept responsibility for even a part of the problem Stonewalling- self- soothe, stay connected to interaction; rewrite your inner script, let go of stories

As we make choices (communicating with children, pg 277)

Helping children deal with their feelings, engaging a child's cooperation, instead of punishment, encouraging autonomy, praise and self-esteem, freeing children from playing roles.

Know what an individualistic and collectivistic society is and how they are different

Individualistic- one's own self-actualization and interests are a valid concern. Collectivist- people identify with and conform to the expectations of their extended kin/ family.

What are the gender differences in communication?

Men typically engage in report talk, conversation aimed mainly at conveying information. Women, on the other hand, are likely to engage in rapport talk, speaking to gain or reinforce intimacy or connection with others.

Understand the parental stress and effectiveness model of parenting and the relationship among the variables in the model

Parental stress- job demands, financial worries, concerns about neighborhood safety, and stigma of family stereotypes; poor parenting practices: inconsistent discipline, limited parental warmth or involvement; low levels of parental trust and communication

What is the difference between punishment and discipline?

Punishment goal=hurt; immediately stops unwanted behavior, but does not teach children which behaviors are appropriate; devalues children and teaches Discipline goal=teach; teaches children what behaviors are inappropriate but also teaches them which ones are appropriate; communicates that the child is valued

How does cohabiting affect marital quality and child outcomes?

The cumulative instability of cohabiting families is related to problematic outcomes; Relationship quality of long term cohabiting couples differed little from that of marrieds in conflict levels. amount of interaction together, or relationship satisfaction.

Living alone together

a couple engaged in a long-term relationship but each partner maintains a separate dwelling

Multi-partnered fertility

a person's having children with more than one partner

Understand what the institutional marriage is

a social institution based on dutiful adherence to the time-honored marriage premise, particularly the norm of permanence; functional partnership; high expectations


adult children who had previously left home but then returned

Stalled revolution

attitudes and behaviors became increasingly egalitarrian since the 1970's then slowed during the 1990s

Softened start up

call a "time-out"; address recurring, disturbing issues, identify new desired behaviors, identify perceptions to change, summarize your partner's perspective, generate alternative win-win solutions

Why do people cohabit?

cohabitation might be a trial run to determine compatibility; serves different purposes for different people; Peoples reasons for living together as an alternative to marrying may include the belief that marriage is too confining, signifies loss of identity, or stifles partners' equality and communication

Know the benefits of marriage and marriage on households and spouses

compared to unmarried households, married spouses: -had greater wealth and assests. -Earned higher wages -Had more frequent and better sex -Had overall better health -Had lower rates of substance abuse -Were more likely to engage in health behavior.

Gender role disruption

conflict between ideas about how gender should be performed and how it is actually enacted

5:1 ratio

contempt- shift to appreciation (5 times as much positive feeling and interaction as negative )

Wage Gap

difference in earnings between men and women

Understand the reasons for more unmarried

due to a growing proportion of widowed, a high divorce rate and young adults postponing marriage, along with a growing incidence of cohabitation.

Good providers

emphasize the provider role and work more hours than men with no children; they are expected to have "professional dedication" working longer hours and flexible availability

understand what companionate marriage is

emphasized love, compatibility, and separate gender roles; couples are bound together by companionship, coupled with a gendered division of labor, pride in performing spousal and parenting roles, and hopes for " the American dream" home of their own.

Neo traditional families

family that values traditional gender roles and organizes its life in these terms as far as practicable; formal male dominance is softened by an egalitarian spirit

Know the principles of effective parenting

give time, love, praise, encouragement, and acceptance; avoid overindulgence- giving children too much; appropriate monitoring; set limits and discipline children for inappropriate behavior

Understand how to communicate effectively with children and how it is different from adults

helping children deal with their feelings, engaging a child's cooperation, instead of punishment, encouraging autonomy, praise and self esteem, freeing children from playing roles

What are the things that couples need to consider when thinking about relationship and family counseling?

helping individuals, couples, and families gain insight into the actually or potentially troublesome dynamics of their relationship teaching clients more effective and supportive communication techniques

What is unpaid family work?

involves caring for dependent family members as well as maintaining the family domicile; less housework is being done now than in the past; men's share of housework is greater than in the past

What are the various living arrangements of singles?

living alone, living alone together, living with parents, group or communally living.

Understand the reason for increase in single hood

low sex ratio, increasing educational economic opportunities, technological changes, and changing cultural attitudes.

How do mothers and fathers define quality time with their kids, and how is it different?

mothers define quality time as having heart to heart talks or engaging in child-centered activities; fathers take responsibility for their children's upbringing

Occupational segregation

pronounced tendency for men and women to be employed in different types of jobs; men more likely to hold upper-level jobs; women are more likely to occupy lower-paying ranks

Know the four horse man of the apocalypse and their antidotes

represent: war, famine, and death. 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are contempt (a feeling that ones spouse is inferior or undesirable), criticism (Involves making disapproving judgments or evaluations of ones partner, defensiveness (means preparing to defend oneself against what one presumes is an upcoming attack, and stonewalling (involves resistance- refusing to take partners complaints seriously).

Understand Individualized marriage bond

spouses in individualized marriage remain together because they find self actualization, intimacy, and expressively communicated emotional support in their unions.


stay home to do domestic work while their wives are employed; they make up a small minority of men

What is the main work-family conflict in the 21st century?

the inability to escape relentless work demands correlates with depression, anxiety, and couple conflict.

Sex Ratio

the number of men to women in a given society or sub group; if the sex ratio is above 100, there are more men than women; if the sex ratio is below 100 there are more women than men.


togetherness, the emotional bonding that couples and family members have toward one another


unmarried couples living together; being financially obligated to one another and being sexually available to each other.

Why do women do more household labor?

women are mainly resposible for health behavior work; organize family activities and likely to perform kin activities; husbands working more or dealing with work related issues.

Know mens/ women's work and family roles

women's involvement in the work force really took off in the 20th century; for two career couples w children, family life can be hectic, as partners juggle schedules, chores and child care.

Involved fathers

work fewer hours than childless men so they can participate more at home; employers often do not support men taking time off work for family

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