Family medical leave FMLA

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Authenticating or clarifying a medical certification:

- contract health care provider to confirm its content were completed or authorized by the healthcare provider - employees consent to clarify to get an understanding of the handwriting or a response on the form Note: contact only for the purpose of clarification cannot be made unless the employee has first been given the opportunity to cure any deficiencies

Continuing treatment by healthcare provider means one or more of the following:

1). A period of incapacity of more than three consecutive calendar days - Treatment two (2) or more Times by a licensed healthcare provider pursuant to orders or referral by a license healthcare provider - Do you mean by licensed healthcare provider on at least one occasion's which result in a regiment of continuing treatment under his or her supervision. 2. Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy or prenatal care 3. A chronic serious health condition ( requires periodic visit / continues over an extended period of time / causes episodic rather than permanent incapacity 4. A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for its treatment may be effective. 5. Any period of absence to receive multiple treatments/recover ; would likely result in a period of in capacity of more than three consecutive calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment such as cancer (chemotherapy, radiation, etc.), severe arthritis (physical therapy), and kidney disease (dialysis)

A qualifying exigency may include:

1).Short notice deployment (7 days notice or less 2). Attending a military events with active duty or called to active duty 3). Arranging for alternative childcare or schooling or providing urgent temporary childcare 4). Addressing certain financial and legal arrangements 5). Attending counseling sessions 6). Spending time with a military member who is on temporary rest or recuperation leave (up to five days) 7). Attending post deployment activities and re-integration briefings 8). Additional related activities agree to the employer and employee

Family medical leave includes especially provision that permits County employees to take up to ______ weeks of leave during a ________months period to care for a covered service member.

26 weeks 12 months

The department director may require that the employee obtain recertification every ________ days upon receipt of information casting doubt upon the continued validity of the original certification

30 days

A husband and wife who are employed by the county and are eligible for family medical leave are permitted to only take:

A combined total of twelve 12 weeks of leave during any 12 month period (birth, placement of adoption or foster child, care for parent but not parent in law, care for grandparent with serious health condition

A department director may exercise The option of requesting a new medical certification or recertification in accordance with the following guidelines: (5 items)

A). A new certification may be requested every 30 or more days B). Recertification may be requested in less than 30 days (1) if the employee request an extension of leave, (2) if the circumstances described in the previous certification has changed significantly, (3) if the department receives information that cast doubt upon employee stated reason for the absence or the continued validity of the certification C). For medical condition certified as expecting to last longer than 30 days, the department director must wait until the specified period has passed prior to requesting a new certification D). In all cases, the department director may request recertification every six months E) for medical conditions to last longer than one year a new medical certification may be requested each leave year Note: employees must be allowed at least 15 days within which to provide a recertification

Family medical leave make amends prior to the birth or adoption of a child:

A). And expecting mother may take family medical leave before the birth of the child for prenatal care if her conditions make her unable to work B). An Employee can take family medical leave before the placement or adoption of the child if absence from work is required for the placement for adoption or foster care to proceed, such as counseling sessions, to appear in court, consult with attorney or doctor representing birthparents etc.

Employee seeking FMLA due to a qualifying exigency must provide a complete and sufficient certification to support the request for leave. This may include:

A). Copy of the covered service members active duty orders B). Any other military issued documentation which indicates that the covered service member is on active duty or call to active duty status in support of a contingency operation

Family medical leave shall be granted for the following reasons:

A). For the birth of an employees child including capacity due to pregnancy or to care for the newborn child B). For the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or state approved foster care C). Because of a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of the employees job D). To care for employee spouse, child, registered domestic partner or parent with a serious health condition E). To care for the employees grandparent with a serious health condition from whom the employee has assumed primary financial responsibility F). For military caregiver to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness occurred in the line of duty who is the employees child, spouse, parent, or next of kin G). For a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a family member (child, spouse, or parent) is on active duty or called to active duty status in support of a contingency operation as a member of the national guard or reserves

Employees in all status codes are eligible for family medical leave if they meet the following requirements:

A). Must be employed by the county for at least 12 months (need not be consecutive months) B). Must have worked for the county at least 1250 hours during the 12 months immediate proceed in the commencement date of the requested leave (leave taken during the qualification period, regardless of pay status, will not be included in any calculation of the required 1250 hours of service) and C). To be eligible for family leave to care for a grandparent who has a serious health condition, or to care for a registered domestic partner or a child or parent of a registered domestic partner, employee must not have exhausted leave under the family leave ordinances (flo)or family and medical leave act (FMLA) within the same calendar year

Military caregiver leave must meet all of the following conditions:

A). Serious injury or health conditions must have occurred in the line of duty on active duty B). The employer must be a spouse, parent, son or daughter or next of Kin (nearest blood relative other than the servicemembers spouse, parent, son or daughter) of a covered service member C). Service member must be either a current member of the National Guard or reserves or a member of the Armed Forces who is on the temporary disability retirement list

An employee may be permitted to take intermittent leave or leave on a reduced leave schedule:

A). When medically necessary to care for a sick family member or for the employees on serious health condition, and employee shall be granted intermittent leave or reduce the schedule B). An employee May take intermittent leave or go on a reduced Leave schedule for the birth of placement for a child at the department directors discretion

What is the leave code for Family medical leave?


Covered service member or military caregiver leave allows:

Allows eligible employees who are family members of covered service members to take up to 26 work weeks of leave in a single 12 month period to care for a covered service member would a serious illness or injury incurred in the line of duty on active duty.

The department director is permitted to obtain the name and contact information of the healthcare provider, the type of medical practice, and what is a provider is


An employee is required to provide medical certification my whom:

By an authorized military related healthcare provider such as department of defense, veterans administrator or TRICARE. No second opinion or recertification is required under this leave.

Employee qualifies for family medical leave and must be away from work for more than 12 weeks must first place on family medical leave under status code _____?

CM Note: if employee has not returned to work the employee May be placed on a leave of absence

Employees taking family medical leave must provide the _______ at least ______ days advance notice before the leave is to begin if the need for the leave is foreseeable based birth, adoption or foster card

Department director and 30 days Note: verbal notice is sufficient to make the department director director aware

When does Family medical and leave act expire for a birth of a child, placement of a child for adoption or foster care ?

Expires at the end of the 12 months period beginning on the date of birth or placement

True or false It's all 26 weeks of leave or not taken during this 12 month period, the unused portion will be rolled over to the next 12 months.

False- all unused portion will be forfeited Note: however after 12 month period expires, the employer will be eligible to care for the same coverage servicemember for subsequent injury or illness or for a different covert service member

True or false Making contact with a employees health provider is not a violation of the Health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) law.

False- it is a violation Note only (a). A human resource professional (B). A leave administrator (c). A management official (d). Another health care provider, are authorized to contact an employees health care provider

True or false The employee needs expressly assert rights under family medical leave or even mention FMLA OF FLO, but may state only that leave is needed for the expected reason.

False- need NOT expessly

The county family leave ordinances (FLO) was amended to be consistent with the _____?

Family and medical leave act (FMLA) Note: except that the Flo requires Employers to extend family leave benefits to employees to care for grandparents who have serious health conditions. Also extended to parties to a registered domestic partnership relationship

________ encompasses time off, with or without usage of accrued leave, required Unser the family and medical leave act of 1993 (FMLA) and related u.s. department of labor rules and the family leave ordinances (FLO)

Family medical leave

If they department director has reason to doubt the validity of The medical certification submitted by employee requesting leave due to a serious health condition which makes the employee unable to perform the function of his position, the department director may require, at the departments expense, that employees submit a:

Fitness for duty physical examination

How many days does the department need to notify employees when qualified for a family medical leave?

Five (5) business days (absent extenuating circumstances) that the leave is designated family medical leave and counts towards his or her twelve (12) week allocation

_______ means twenty four 24 hour care for children in substitution for, and away from, their parents or legal guardians. Such placement with the family for the child care is made by over the agreement of the state

Foster care

Who must complete the certification of healthcare provider for employees serious health condition, or the certification of healthcare provider for family members serious health condition (available online)?

Health care provider Note: within 15 days after the department director request, unless it is not practical under the particular circumstances to do so despite the employees diligent, good faith efforts.

Who schedules A county physical examination?

Human resource department

A covered service member is the employees spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin who is a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the national guard or reserves, who has a serious injury or illness incurred ________?

In the line of duty

In Lou of completing a medical certification, Employee may provide a copy of the: (2 things)

Invitational travel order (ITO) or invitational travel authorization (ITA)

Recertification under qualifying exigency leave:

Is not required Note: a copy of new active duty orders or any other military issued documentation must be provided if the need for a leave arises out of a different active duty or call to active duty status

The employees supervisor (may/may not) contact the employees health care provider


Who may require that the employees request for leave due to the employees own serious health condition or leave to care for a seriously ill family member be supported by a certification issued by the health care provider

The department director

Family leave ordinance (Flo) will be taken when?

To care for a grandparent, or a registered domestic partner or a child or parent of a domestic partner Note: FMLA leave is not considered when using Flo

True of false Military caregiver leave also known as covered servicemember leave


True or false A third physician may be consulted if there is a conflict between the findings of employees own physician and that the county physical examination provider


True or false Invitational travel order (ITO) or invitational travel authorization (ITA) alone is a complete and sufficient certification for an employee entitled to take FMLA leave to care for a covered service member regardless of whether the employee is name in the order or authorization, and no further documentation (including second opinion or recertification) is Required on this type of leave


True or false Leave to care for the employees grandparent is provided under the family leave ordinance and shall be granted under the same terms and condition as leave is permitted under the FMLA to care for a parent with a serious health condition


True or false Under the military care giver leave, there is no age limitation if the leaves to care for a son or daughter


For the purpose of FMLA taken for adoption of a child or to care for a child with a Serious health condition, the child must be:

Under age 18 or 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability Note: for purposes of FMLA taking to care of a covered service member with a serious injury or illness, or because of qualifying exigency, the child may be of any age

The employees must furnish the health care provider with a ______ allowing the health care provider to disclose such information to the employer

Written authorization

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