FE Other Disciplines Conceptual Questions

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Where can a couple be moved on a rigid body to have an equivalent effect?

Anywhere on the rigid body (they always cancel out bc in opposite x and y directions)

Daltons Law

The total pressure of a gas mixture is the sum of the individual gases partial pressure

What term is used for the ratio of stress to strain below the proportional limit?

Young's modulus


a formula or set of steps for solving a particular problem


a program that converts programs written in higher level languages to lower level languages that the computer understands

How does electronegativity vary on the periodic table?

electronegativity increases from left to right and bottom to top; F is most electronegative

The impulse-momentum principle is mostly useful for solving problems involving what?

force, velocity, and time

How can martensite be described?

hard, strong, brittle material formed by rapid cooling of austenite

Why does a spinning ice skater's angular velocity increase as she brings her arms in towards her body?

her mass moment of inertia is decreased, her angular momentum is constant, and her radius of gyration is decreased

Kinematic viscosity units


The computer language that is executed within a computer's central processing unit:

machine language

Which measurements are required to determine the phase angle of a single phase circuit?

power, voltage, current

The basis of the Bernoulli Principle equation for fluid flow is

principle of conservation of energy

What is the name for a vector that represents the sum of two vectors?


For which type of process is the equation dQ= Tds valid?


What kind of loads ARE resisted by a pinned joint? Which are NOT?

shear, axial, distributed. Moments are not resisted

A leak from a faucet comes out in separate drops instead of a stream. Why?

surface tension

What kind of test is depicted by a stress-strain diagram?

tensile test

What does the impact test measure?


What are the processes in an ideal Otto combustion cycle?

two constant volume processes and two isentropic processes

While moving from left to right across the second row of the periodic table, the atomic radii tend to...?

uniformly decrease

Minor losses are decreases in pressure due to friction where?

valves, tees, elbows

In vector calculus, a gradient is...

vector that points in the direction of the maximum rate of change of a scalar field

What are the products of a complete combustion of a gaseous hydrocarbon?

Carbon dioxide, water

The hydraulic radius of a fluid conduit is?

Cross sectional area in flow divided by the wetted perimeter

What is true regarding the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature?

It is important for structures used in cold environments; It is the temperature at which 20 J of energy causes failure in a Charpy V-notch specimen of standard dimensions

Second Law of Thermodynamics

It is impossible for a system working in a complete cycle to accomplish, as its sole effect, the transfer of heat from a body at a given temperature to a body at a higher temperature

What is the hardest form of steel?


What must be satisfied by the flow of any fluid, real or ideal?

Newton's second law of motion, the continuity equation, and the conservation of energy

The rise or fall of liquid in small-diameter capillary tube is NOT affected by...? What is it affected by?

Not by fluid viscosity; affected by cohesive forces, adhesive forces, and surface tension

What is true for a power series with the general term aix^i?

Power series can be added, subtracted, or integrated within their interval of convergence

Describe the cooling curve of a pure metal.

Solidification of a metal is no different than solidification of water. Temperature remains constant during phase change, as heat of fusion is removed.

What is the origin of the energy conservation equation used in flow systems?

The first law of thermodynamics

First law of thermodynamics for a closed system

The net energy crossing the system boundary equals the change in energy inside the system

If the sum of the forces on a particle is not equal to zero, the particle is...

accelerating in the same direction as the resultant force

What processes can increase the deformation resistance of steel?

adding alloying elements; hardening

Excess air is required in combustion because it...

allows complete combustion

How does an adiabatic process compare to an isentropic process?

both have no heat transfer; isentropic processes are not reversible

In programming, a recursive function is a function that...?

calls itself

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