Federal Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs

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The Emergency Food Assistance Program: participant eligibility

(a) Public or private nonprofit organizations: Organizations that distribute food for home use must determine household eligibilty by applying standards that are set by the State. (b) Households: If they meet State eligibilty criteria may receive food for home use. Standards set by the State may be met through participation in other federal, state, or local food, health and welfare programs.

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: setting

- Farmers' markets - Roadside stands - Community supported agriculture programs

National School Lunch Program: participant eligibility

1.Based on family income: <130% of the poverty level are eligible for free lunches 130-185% of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price lunches 185% or greater than the poverty level are eligible for full price lunches 2. Children may be determined "categorically eligible" for free meals through participation in certain Federal Assistance Programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or based on their status as a homeless, migrant, runaway, or foster child. Children enrolled in a federally-funded Head Start Program, or a comparable State-funded pre-kindergarten program, are also categorically eligible for free meals. 3. All students attending schools where the program is provided may participate.

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: program description

EFNEP provides peer educated hands-on, evidence-based, interactive lessons to participants that focus on the following: • Nutrition knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to improve diet • How to plan daily food needs • Assistance with financial management relating to a families food budget based on their income and what local food resources are available • How to use certain equipment for food preparation • Meal demonstrations • Food safety, storage and sanitation techniques • Food preservation techniques • Gardening and food production education • Mother and new born nutrition education • Encouraging physical activity and healthy active lifestyle These classes are in place to help promote wellness and supply tips for achieving better overall health for underprivileged community members with the goal to decrease the formation of chronic disease.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: population served

Elementary school students

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: setting

Eligible grocery/bodega/convenience stores can accept SNAP as payment. To become a SNAP retailer, retailers must apply for certification online through the USDA. All SNAP retailers must meet basic "stocking requirements": the retailer must sell at least seven varieties of food in each of four basic categories (meat, poultry, or fish; bread or cereal; vegetables or fruits; and dairy products) on a continuous basis, and must offer perishable food items in at least three of those four categories.

What does EFNEP stand for?

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

What is an entitlement program?

It means that if the person is meets the eligibility requirements of the program, they are granted the assistance

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: population served

Older adults at least 60 years of age

Special Milk Program: program description

The special milk program provides milk school aged kids, who do not participate in other lunch programs. The program allows schools in the student lunch program to provide milk for students who do not have access to the free lunch program (kindergarten and Pre-k students). The program reimburses schools for each half of pint of milk that is served. Schools can serve pasteurized, unflavored fat free or low fat (1%) milk. Milk should also meet Vitamin A&D standards set by the FDA.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: is it an entitlement program?


What does FDPIR stand for?

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

What does NSLP stand for?

National School Lunch Program

What does SMP stand for?

Special Milk Program

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: population served

44% of all SNAP participants are children, 2/3 of which live in single parent households. To break it down: 76% of benefits go to households with children, while 11.9% go to households with a disabled person, and 10% go to households with a senior citizen. 39.8% of SNAP participants are white, 25.5% are African-American, 10.9% are Hispanic, 2.4% are Asian, and 1% are Native American.

SNAP Nutrition Education: program description

A program which is intended to improve the likelihood that the program participants will make healthfood food choices within a limited budget and choose active lifestyles consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

What does the CACFP stand for?

Child and Adult Care Food Program

What does FFVP stand for?

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

National School Lunch Program: population served

High school and younger

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: participant eligibility

Must satisfy at least one of the following: • Receive or be eligible to receive federal food assistance (ex: SNAP, WIC, Headstart) • Have a monthly household cash income that is at or below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level • Be a pregnant teen or foster youth in transition, regardless of income or age • Attend a Title 1 school in which 50% or more of the students qualify for free or reduced price lunch or breakfast.

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: is it an entitlement program?


What does SNAP-Ed stand for?

SNAP Nutrition Education

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: participant eligibility

SNAP benefits are available to all eligible households based on income.To be eligible for SNAP, participants must be at or below 130% of the Federal Poverty level. In addition, able-bodied participants must meet certain work requirements. Furthermore, the elderly and the disabled are eligible provided they meet income restrictions.

What does SBP stand for?

School Breakfast Program

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: setting

Schools, community centers, after-school programs, day camps, neighborhood groups, and 4-H clubs. - Contact your local municipalities to become aware of the facilities and available services near you.

What does SFMNP stand for?

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

What does SFSP stand for?

Summer Food Service Program

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: setting where the program is delivered

Targets the highest need elementary schools with the largest percentage of free and reduced priced enrollment throughout the US.

What does the WIC FMNP stand for?

WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program

What does WIC stand for?

Women, Infants, and Children Specifically focusing on the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for WIC

What does TEFAP provide to those who are eligible? a) High quality nutritious emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost b) An EBT card with a specific allotment based on income, which is used to purchase food c) Fresh fruits and vegetables to elementary school students d) Free or reduced lunch to students during the school day

a) High quality nutritious emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost

The Emergency Food Assistance Program: population served

low-income Americans, including elderly people

Special Milk Program: population served

low-income school aged children

School Breakfast Program: population served

school children attending public and nonprofit private schools and residential childcare institutions

Special Milk Program: setting

schools, childcare institutions and camps who do not participate in other federal meal service programs

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: is it an entitlement program?


SNAP Nutrition Education: population served

-Children (18 years or under) -All adults -Disabled people -Single parent households -Low-income households -FDPIR (Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations) participants. FDPIR provides USDA foods to low-income households, including the elderly, living on Indian reservations, and to Native American families residing in approved areas near reservations and in the State of Oklahoma.

Child and Adult Care Food Program: population served

-Children in childcare centers -Adults who receive care in non-residential daycare centers -Children residing in homeless shelters -Teenagers participating in eligible afterschool care programs

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC): settings where program is delivered

-County health departments -Hospitals -Mobile clinics (vans) -Community centers -Schools -Public housing sites -Migrant health centers and camps -Indian Health Service facilities

WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: settings where program is delivered

-Farmer's markets -Roadside stands *that have been approved by the State agency to accept FMNP coupons

National School Lunch Program: program description

-Federally assisted meal program that provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost, free (or full) priced lunches to children each school day, depending on family income. -The program provides schools with cash subsidies and USDA commodities for each meal served. -Lunches served are required to meet federal nutrition guidelines related to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: program description

-Improve the dietary quality through provision of commodity foods and nutrition education

WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: population served?

-Pregnant, breastfeeding and non-breastfeeding post-partum women -Infants older than 4 months -Children up to 5 years old (similar requirements to WIC, but infants must be at least 4 months)

National School Lunch Program: setting where program is delivered

-Public and nonprofit private schools, including Charter Schools -Public and private nonprofit residential child care institutions -School food authorities can also be reimbursed for snacks served to children who participate in an approved afterschool program including an educational or enrichment activity.

Child and Adult Care Food Program: settings where program is delivered

-Public or private nonprofit childcare centers -Emergency shelters -Outside school hours care centers -Adult daycare facilities (adults functionally impaired or >60 yrs) -Head Start programs -Community centers offering afterschool activities for at-risk children and youth

SNAP Nutrition Education: participant eligibility

-SNAP participants -low-income individuals eligible to receive SNAP benefits or other means-tested Federal assistance -FDPIR participants

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: setting

-State agencies store CSFP food and distribute it to public and nonprofit local agencies -Local agencies determine the eligibility of applicants, distribute the foods and provide nutrition education

SNAP Nutrition Education: setting

-TANF offices -public housing sites -food banks -job readiness or training programs for SNAP/TANF recipients

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: population served

-low income households -older adults living on Indian Reservations -Native American families living in areas near reservations -Native American families living in Oklahoma

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: program description

CSFP works to improve the health of low-income elderly persons by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods. Food packages do not provide a complete diet, but are good sources of nutrients typically lacking in the diets of beneficiary populations. Food packages include milk, juice, farina, oats, ready-to-eat cereal, rice, pasta, peanut butter, dry beans, canned meat, poultry or fish and canned fruits and vegetables.

Summer Food Service Program: participant eligibility

Children 18 and under, people with disabilities who are over 18 and participate in school programs for people who are mentally or physically disabled

What does CSFP stand for?

Commodity Supplemental Food Program

School Breakfast Program: program description

Federally assisted meal program which assists states in providing nutritious free or reduced-price breakfasts to eligible children

Special Milk Program: participant eligibility

If a child's household meets the income eligibility guidelines (130% below poverty guidelines for free meals, in between 130%-185% for reduced price meals) for free school meals, then they are eligible for free milk in the Special Milk Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program: program description

Improves quality and affordability of daycare for low-income families by providing nutritious meals and snacks

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: participant eligibility

Income eligible households living on or near reservations and Native Americans in Oklahoma-(130% or lower than Federal Poverty guidelines)-Net monthly income standard for each household is the sum of the applicable SNAP net monthly income standard and the applicable SNAP standard deduction. - Households must have one person who is from a federally recognized tribe and CANNOT be participating in SNAP

Summer Food Service Program: setting

Local schools, community centers, recreation centers, faith based organizations (churches, etc)

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: participant eligibility

Low-income (generally) ≤185% Federal poverty guidelines

Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program: population served

Low-income families, particularly those with young children, in all 50 states and US territories. 74% are minorities.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: Is it an entitlement program?


Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: is it an entitlement program?


Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC): Is it an entitlement program?


The Emergency Food Assistance Program: is it an entitlement program?


WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: Is it an entitlement program?


Summer Food Service Program: program description

Provides nutrious meals in lower income areas to children during long school vacations All meals are free to eligible children Meals offered meet the same nutritional standards as the NSLP

School Breakfast Program: setting

Public and nonprofit private schools and residential childcare institutions

What does SNAP stand for?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

The Emergency Food Assistance Program: program description

The program provides high quality nutritious emergency food and nutrition assistance at no cost to each state based on number of unemployed persons and the number of people with income below the poverty level in the state. It provides food and administrative funds to States to supplement the diets of these groups. States also provide the food to local organizations such as community action agencies, which distribute the food directly to low-income households.

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: participant eligibility

The school needs to provide: - The total number of enrolled students and the percentage eligible for free/reduced meals - Certification of support for participation in the FFVP signed by the school food manager - Program implementation plan including efforts to integrate the FFVP with other efforts to promote sound health and nutrition. -Must also agree to promote the FFVP by spreading the word about its availability.

Child and Adult Care Food Program: is it an entitlement program?


National School Lunch Program: is it an entitlement program?


SNAP Nutrition Education: is it an entitlement program?


I am eligible for SNAP and WIC benefits, will I automatically receive both? a. Yes, I will start receiving the WIC coupons immediately upon acceptance into the SNAP program b. Yes, I can use my EBT card to purchase groceries at the Farmers Market c. No, I must apply for WIC Benefits, it is not an entitlement program d. No, I need to get a doctor's note before I can start receiving WIC benefits.

c. No, I must apply for WIC Benefits, it is not an entitlement program

Who is eligible for WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program? a. Pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding post-partum women, infants, children up to 5 years old b. Women and children in elementary schoool c. Pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding post-partum women, infants older than 4 months old, children up to 5 years old d. Single Mothers, Breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding post-partum women, infants older than 4 months old, children up to 5 years old

c. Pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding post-partum women, infants older than 4 months old, children up to 5 years old

Summer Food Service Program: population served

children up to age 18

Where can I get groceries for the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program? a. Any market where fresh food is sold b. Any produce department of the supermarket and get reimbursed c. Fresh Markets and roadside stands d. Fresh Markets and Roadside Stands only approved by the State agency to accept FMNP coupons

d. Fresh Markets and Roadside Stands only approved by the State agency to accept FMNP coupons

Summer Food Service Program: is it an entitlement program


School Breakfast Program: participant eligibility

-All students attending schools where the program is provided may participate -Children from households with incomes at or below 130% of poverty guidelines are eligible for free breakfast -Children from households with incomes between 130 and 185% are eligible for reduced price breakfast -Children from households with incomes over 185% of the poverty guidelines pay full price, a price set by the school

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program: program description

-Introduces children to fresh fruits and vegetables. -Provides fresh/dried fruits and fresh vegetables for free to children in eligible schools nationwide. -Helps schools create healthier environments and instill healthy eating habits: expanding variety of fruits and vegetables.

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: participant eligibility

-Low Income elderly persons -At least 60 years of age -Women, infants and children can continue to receive assistance until they are no longer eligble under the program rules in effect on February 6, 2014

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC): participant eligibility

-Low income (<185% Federal poverty guidelines) -Nutritionally at-risk (based on medical and/or dietary conditions)

Commodity Supplemental Food Program: population served

-Older Adults at least 60 years of age. As well as the following groups if they applied and were certified before February 6, 2014: -Children (up to 6 years old)

WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program participant eligibility

-Women, infants over 4 months old, and children who are certified to receive WIC program benefits, or on a waiting list for WIC certification *under the discretion of state agencies to serve some or all of these categories

Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: settings

Local Indian Tribe Organizations or State government agencies(Partnering or colocating with Tribal social service entities such as WIC,Senior and WIC Farmers Market, elder service programs, Head Start, and Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program)- Food Packages are available at FDPIR warehouses and nutrition centers, tailgate pick up, and some home delivery. Nutrition education materials also delivered along with food.

Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: program description

Provides coupons ($20 ≤ $50/year) during the harvest season that can be exchanged for locally grown unprocessed fruits, vegetables, honey and fresh-cut herbs, which raises domestic consumption of agricultural commodities and furthers the growth of domestic agriculture programs to bring about new farmers' markets, roadside stands, and CSA programs.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC): program description

Provides funds for supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition education and counseling at WIC clinics, screenings and referrals to other health, welfare, and social services

What does TEFAP stand for?

The Emergency Food Assistance Program

School Breakfast Program: is it an entitlement program?


Who would typically be considered eligible for TEFAP? a) Organizations that distribute food for home use must determine household eligibility by applying standards that are set by the State b) High need elementary schools with a large percentage of free and reduced priced enrollment in the US c) Infants over 4 months old d) People in centers and day care homes from households with low income < 130% of poverty

a) Organizations that distribute food for home use must determine household eligibility by applying standards that are set by the State

What is the main purpose of the WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program? a. To provide fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables to WIC recipients and expand the awareness, use of and sales at farmers' markets b. To provide nutrition education and counseling for pregnant women and infants c. To increase the awareness and sales of farmers markets d. To provide nutritious meals to low-income children in school

a. To provide fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and vegetables to WIC recipients and expand the awareness, use of and sales at farmers' markets

How does the population eligible for TEFAP obtain the food? a) The food is shipped directly to the eligible family's home b) State agencies provide the food to local agencies who distribute the food to soup kitchens and food pantries c) Eligible households are issued an EBT card that can be used in approved stores d) Children are provided with free or reduced lunches during school

b) State agencies provide the food to local agencies who distribute the food to soup kitchens and food pantries

Who purchases the food provided for TEFAP? a) Local supermarkets b) The person eligible for TEFAP purchases the food his/herself using an EBT card c) Volunteers in the community d) USDA purchases food and ships it to the states

d) USDA purchases food and ships it to the states

Child and Adult Care Food Program: participant eligibility

-Participants in centers and some day care homes from households with low income < 130% of poverty are eligible for free meals -Participants in centers from household incomes between 130% - 185% are eligible for meals at reduced price -Eligibility standards for free and reduced price meals are the same as the NSLP

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program (WIC): population served?

-Pregnant women -Breastfeeding women (up to infant's 1st birthday) -Nonbreastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months after birth) -Infants (up to 1st birthday) -Children (up to 5 years old)

WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program: program description

-Provides fresh, unprepared, locally grown fruits and veggies to WIC recipients -Expands the awareness, use of, and sales at farmers' markets

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: program description

Also known as food stamps, SNAP The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides food-purchasing assistance for low- and no-income people living in the U.S.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program: setting

USDA purchases food and ships it to the states. State agencies provide the food to local agencies such as food banks who usually distribute the food to soup kitchens and food pantries.

Special Milk Program: is it an entitlement program?


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: is it an entitlement program?


What population does The Emergency Food Assistance Program aim at serving? a) Only adults over 60 b) Single parent households c) Low income Americans, including the elder d) Elementary school students

c) Low income Americans, including the elder

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