Fetal face & neck

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An absent or hypoplastic nasal bone is most likely associated with : a . trisomy 21 . b . trisomy 15 . c . trisomy 18 . d . Turner syndrome


At what level is the nuchal fold measurement obtained ? a . Cavum septum pellucidum b . Occipital horns of the lateral ventricle c . Brainstem d . Foramen magna


Facial anomalies when discovered , should prompt the sonographer to analyze the brain closely for signs of : a . holoprosencephaly b . Dandy - Walker malformation c . schizencephaly d . hydranencephaly .


The isolated enlargement of the fetal thyroid is referred to as : a . fetal goiter . b . cystic hygroma . c . lymphangioma . d . cervical teratoma .


A large , mostly cystic mass containing a thick midline septation is noted in the cervical spine region of a fetus . This most likely represents a ( n ) : a . sacrococcygeal teratoma . b . cystic hygroma . c . cephalocele d . anophthalmia


An abnormal division in the lip is referred to as : a . micrognathia . b . cleft lip . c . anophthalmia . d . cebocephaly .


An increase distance between the orbits is referred to as : a . hypotelorism . b . hypertelorism . c . anophthalmia d . micrognathia .


The measurement obtained between the lateral walls of the orbits is referred to as the : a . interocular diameter . b . binocular diameter . c . ocular diameter . d . biparietal diameter .


The most common location of a cystic hygroma is within the : a . axilla . b . neck c . chest d . groin


The term for the absence of the ear is : a . anophthalmia . b . anotia . c . cebocephaly . d . ethmocephaly .


What scan plane would likely optimize the visualization of a cleft lip ? a . Oblique b . Coronal c . Sagittal d . Medial


Macroglossia is most commonly found with : a . anencephaly . b . holoprosencephaly . c . Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome d . cystic hygroma


Sonographically , you visualize a hypoechoic , round structure with a thin hyperechoic border in the anterior aspect of both fetal eyes . What is the explanation for this finding ? a . Hyaline arteries b . Fetal cataracts c . Fetal lenses d . Bilateral anophthalmia


The most common cause of hypertelorism is : a . Dandy - Walker malformation b . anencephaly c . anterior cephalocele . d . holoprosencephaly .


The nuchal fold measurement is typically obtained a . before 12 weeks 6 days b . between 11 weeks and 13 weeks 6 days . c . between 15 weeks and 21 weeks . d . after 24 weeks


The optimal scan plane to visualize micrognathia is : a . transverse . b . axial . c . sagittal . d . coronal .


Which of following would most likely involve the development of a cystic hygroma ? a . Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome b . Hydranencephaly c . Turner syndrome d . Klinefelter syndrome


Which of the following would be most difficult to detect sonographically ? a . Cleft lip and cleft palate b . Isolated cleft lip c . Isolated cleft palate d . Isolated median cleft


An unusual protuberance of the tongue is termed : a . epignathus . b . macrognathia . c . pharyngoglossia . d . macroglossia .


Micrognathia is a condition found in : a Dandy - Walker complex . b . hydranencephaly . c . Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome . d . trisomy 18


The absence of the eyes is termed : a . agyria . b . epignathus . c . hypotelorism . d . anophthalmia .


The growth disorder syndrome synonymous with organ , skull , and tongue enlargement is : a . Klinefelter syndrome . b . Apert syndrome . c . Meckel - Gruber syndrome d . Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome


The most frequently encountered chromosomal abnormality associated with holoprosencephaly is a . triploidy . b . trisomy 21 . c . trisomy 18 . d . trisomy 13 .


Which of the following conditions does not affect the orbits ? a . Cebocephaly b . Cyclopia c . Ethmocephaly d . Epignathus


Which of the following is also referred to as Patau syndrome ? a . Trisomy 18 b . Trisomy 21 c . Trisomy 12 d . Trisomy 13


Which of the following is also referred to as trisomy 21 ? a . Edwards syndrome b . Patau syndrome c . Meckel - Gruber syndrome d . Down syndrome


Which of the following may also be referred to as Turner syndrome ? a . Down syndrome b . Trisomy 15 c . Trisomy 13 d . Monosomy X


Which of the following would least likely cause an obstruction to fetal swallowing and thus polyhydramnios ? a . Fetal goiter b . Epignathus c . Macroglossia d . Anophthalmia


Close - set eyes and a nose with a single nostril is termed : a . cebocephaly . b . cyclopia . c . ethmocephaly . d . epignathus .


The condition in which there is no nose and a proboscis separating two close - set orbits is : a . ethmocephaly . b . epignathus . c . micrognathia . d . cebocephaly .


Nuchal thickening is most commonly associated with a . Patau syndrome . b . hydranencephaly . c . Down syndrome . d . cebocephaly .


All of the following are sonographic features of holoprosencephaly except : a . cystic hygroma . b . proboscis with cyclopia . c . fused thalamus . d . monoventricle .


Which of the following may be caused by amniotic band syndrome ? a . Cleft lip b . Microphthalmia c . Anophthalmia d . Epignathus


The fetal lip typically closes by : a . 18 weeks . b . 8 weeks . c . 13 weeks . d . 6 weeks .


The thickness of the nuchal fold in the second trimester should not exceed : a . 3 mm . b . 6 mm . c . 10 mm . d . 12 mm .


Which of the following is a benign congenital neck cysts found most often near the angle of the mandible ? a . Epignathus b . Branchial cleft cyst c . Thyroglossal duct cyst d . Fetal goiter


Which of the following is not a true statement about the maxilla ? a . Shortening of the maxilla may result in flattened facial features . b . The maxilla is typically long in the fetus with trisomy 21 . c . A maxillary gap is best noted in the sagittal plane . d . The prefrontal space distance can help indicate maxillary abnormalities .


Fusion of the orbits is termed : a . microglossia . b . cebocephaly . c . cyclopia . d . ethmocephaly


An increased nuchal fold is most likely associated with : a . Dandy - Walker syndrome b . trisomy 21 . c . trisomy 3 . d . nuchal cord .


An oral teratoma is referred to as : a . macroglossia . b . epignathus . c . micrognathia . d . ethmocephaly .


A small mandible is termed : a . macroglossia . b . epignathus . c . micrognathia . d . ethmocephaly .


There is a definite link between microtia and what syndrome ? a . Rays syndrome b . VACTERL syndrome c . Down syndrome d . Fitz - Hugh - Curtis syndrome


What is the term for a smaller than normal ear ? a . Microphthalmia b . Micronatia c . Microtia d . Micrognathia


A cystic hygroma is the result of : a . alcohol consumption in the first trimester b . an abnormal development of the roof of the fourth ventricle . c . occlusion of the internal carotid arteries . d . an abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid within the soft tissue .


A group of abnormalities associated with the entrapment of fetal parts and fetal amputations is : a . cystic hygroma b . Edwards syndrome . c . ethmocephaly . d . amniotic band syndrome .


A reduction in the distance between the orbits is referred to as : a . anophthalmia . b . micrognathia . c . hypertelorism . d . hypotelorism


The term nuchal refers to the : a . jaw . b . orbit . c . neck . d . nose


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