Film Evaluation (COMM-326)

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The eclectic approach to analyzing films is

a composite approach that incorporates elements of other approaches

When the shape of an object is matched similarly shaped object in the next slot, this type of editing device is known as

a form cut

Which of the following would be considered a form cut

a piece of bone flung into the air dissolves into a similarly shaped orbiting object in the following sequence in the film 2001

The text offers the voice-over narration in To Kill a Mockingbird as an example of

a successful reproduction of the flavor of a first-person narrator

The prose style of Ernest Hemingway, as in the beginning of The Battler, is held up in the text as an example of

a very cinematic prose style

A fim's sequences roughly corresponds to what aspects of stage plays


Dead screen refers to which of the following

an area of the screen with no interesting visual information

When a scene begins with a close-up detail shot and then, in a series of related shots, backs off from the details show its relationship to a larger visual setting, the editor is using

an inside/out editing pattern

A narrator who is not a character or participant in the story's events, tells the tale, and can be read the thoughts of others is

an omniscient third person narrator

Sound effects achieve their most original and effective results

as independent images

the color of an object as it appears in the context of its natural environment, which usually renders it complex and constantly chaning

atmospheric color

Why do most modern filmmakers not make use of the traditional transition devices such as wipes, dissolves, and fades?

audiences' visual conditioning by TV commercials to follow quick cuts without confusion

Our personal guidelines for analyzing films should

be constantly changing and growing as we experience new types of films

When color filming was developed, some directors preferred photographing their films in black and white rather than in color because

black and white required more subtle lighting and thus was more artistic and less distracting than color

The key function of a reviewer is to

bring about a better understanding or a keener appreciation of a film

Colors can be said to be used expressionistically when

colors are manipulated to make us experience the inner reality of a character

When a novel contains too many important characters to develop in sufficient depth in a film, a director may solve this problem by

creating composite characters who combine into one character the plot or thematic functions of two or more characters from the novel

Advancing colors are particularly well-suited to

creating the illusion of three-dimensionality

A director using forced perspective is attempting which of the following?

creating within a limited space the illusion of a large space

Approximates the human eye's ability to see a deep range of objects in clear focus

deep focus

In the introduction to his collected reviews, On Movies, film critic Dwight Macdonald discusses the difficulty of

defining general principles

The completely consistent use of the subjective camera

does not work well in film

Which of the following takes place in a high-angle shot

dwarfing of the subject and diminishing its importance

The Marxist approach

examines films from socioeconomic perspectives

CGI techniques have played a significant role in films ever since the original King Kong


Deep-focus cinematography tends to require a faster and more rhythmic editing pace


In Woody Allen's Annie Hall, color patterns are used ironically.


In evaluating a film as technical achievement, we are most concerned with what a filmmaker communicates with the film


In film, actos must incorporate brief pauses in the question/response patten to be understood


In his film Moulin Rouge, John Huston attempted to use color to cultivate an extremely realistic look


Montage is a technique that can stretch time and tends to lengthen the running time of a film


Most great directors wanted to make their films in color when color film became available.


Novels are usually written in the present tense, while films create a strong sense of past tense


Purely lateral movement in a fixed frame shot enhances the illusion of depth


Shots using rough-grain film stock often have a more powerful visual impact than does reality.


Sound always functions in a purely objective way, conveying only things we could actually hear in any given scene


Stills are used when the director wants to eliminate camera motion for a short period


Synthesizer and electronic scoring first appeared in the late 70s and has since grown in popularity; roughly a third or more of major studio releases today are scored electronically


Television advertisers now almost completely avoid using black-and-white commercials, for fear of losing viewer's attention


The Sound of Music screenwriter Ernest Lehman solved the potential claustrophobic effect of the "Do, Re, Mi" scene by moving to an outside classroom setting, open to the sun and sky


The decision of whether or not to shoot on location is usually dictated by the director's preference.


The eclectic approach represents one of the narrowest approaches of film analysis


The primary function of Mickey Mousing is to capture the overall emotional atmosphere and mood of a sequence


The stage is better equipped to portray physical violence than is film


The approach to film that shows a strong anti-intellectual bias is the

film as an emotional or sensual experience approach

The text offers the films Blade Runner, The Thing, and Bram Stoker's Dracula as examples of

films in which the special effects visuals overwhelm the story and characters

Which literary point of view has no true cinematic equivalent

first person

Which of the following might best be used by the editor to suggest the entire eight-hour shift of a factory worker in just a minute or two?

flash cuts

the auteur approach

focuses on the special skills, style, techniques and philosophy of the director

Judges a film in terms of how it relates to a body of formula films

genre approach

Which of the following would be the overall question to consider in an objective analysis of a film

given the film's level of ambition, how well does the film succeed in what it tries to do

The handheld camera is most often used for

heightened sense of reality through a subjective viewpoint

When light is balanced throughout the set, and subjects are seen in middle grays and highlights, this is called

high-key lighting

What is the usual solution the the difficulties of depicting the thoughts, concepts, or reflections of a character when using the omniscient, third-person limited, and stream-of-consciousness points of view

ignoring the novel's point of view

Which of the following applicable to stream of consciousness

images and thoughts from within a character's mind without the conscious acts of selectivity, organization, and narration

What is achieved by soft focus in the film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

indication of the subject's love for another character

Another term for steam of consciousness is

interior monologe

The voice-over narration in Days of Heaven

is postmodern in the sense that it comments on the structure of the filmmaking process itself

Citizen Kane is generally considered to be the first modern sound film because

it conveyed a sense of three-dimensionality without the benefit of the multiple sound tracks and speakers required for true stereo

The fixed camera frame approximates the effect of

looking through a window

When most of the film's sets are cast in shadows and just a few highlights define the subject, this is called

low-key lighting

A generalized score

makes no attempt to precisely match music and movement

Surrealistic and expressionistic settings are

more common on stage than in film

Why is strong side lighting so important in most of Ingmar Bergman's films

most are set in Sweden, where the sun never rises high in the sky

When the camera lens shifts focus in one continuous shot to objects in different planes of depth one after another this is called

rack focus

To create the look and feel of documentary footage, a filmmaker uses

rough-grain film stock

Visible sounds, in a movie sound track, refers to

sounds that would naturally and realistically emanate from the images seen on screen

Which of the following is true of John Huston's experimental golden hue in the film Reflections in a Golden Eye?

studio heads feared it would turn off the audience and so released the film without the golden effect

Dead track refers to

the complete absence of sound in a film scene

Which of the following is NOT part of the basic assumptions of Junigian criticism

the concept of the multimyth

In auteur analysis

the film is judged in relation to the directors entire canon

Which of the following is true of adapting the novel All the King's Men

the filmmakers could not single out specific passages of philosophical reflection for voice-over narration because the novel is full of such passages

The feminist approach to film criticism often focuses on

the way in which films reflect a patriarchal ideology, the representation of female characters in films, the gender of directors and screenwriters, and how gender might influence the style or approach toward the subject matter of the film. ALL CORRECT

A type of lens that keeps an image in constant focus while appearing to glide toward or away from the subject without any camera movement is called

the zoom lens

How does Orson Welles amplify the effect of the opera performance in his film Citizen Kane

through the use of a dead screen

To what purpose is slow motion used in the scene of Chariots of Fire where the Olympic runners pictured in slow motion as they walk into the stadium to prepare for their event?

to create a sharp contrast with normal motion

How are the massed voices of choirs used in films like Beloved or The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

to express an inner mystical or spiritual transformation

Musical codes tend to be used by composers for which of the following

to use audience conditioning to signal certain upcoming narrative developments or actions

A genre film is a film based on subjects, themes, or styles that have become familiar because they have been used often


A goal of the Jungian critic is to analyze the film's characters and their actions in relationship to the monomyth


A wide screen can actually distort an image and detract from the film's visual effectiveness if the physical set is too narrow for its field of view.


After we make an initial objective evaluation of a movie, we must consider the film's level of ambition


An objective shot that shows a character looking at something off screen is called a "look of outward regard


Commercial considerations play an important role in deciding whether or not a novel will be made into a film


Endings have been drastically altered for the film versions of stage plays, to conform to the expectations of the mass audience or because of censorship restrictions


Expressionistic use of color in film is difficult because all viewers do not interpret expressionistic effects in the same way


Film almost always requires a sense of space or physical movement that is not possible in a stage setting


In Citizen Kane, the thawed image us used as a transitional device


In cinematography, a sense of naturalness is more praiseworthy than clever camerawork


In his film 3 Women, Robert Altman uses the colors in which the principal characters dress as a powerful color leitmotif


In reading a film review, we should consider whether or not the author carefully considered the level of ambition of the film


Music can often be very effective in covering weak acting or banal dialogue


Point of view in sound is usually directly linked to the visual viewpoint


The Freudian perspective of analysis assumes that a movie is an expression of the filmmaker's psyche


The editor's job is made more difficult when the best shots in terms of lighting and composition may be the weakest in terms of acting and dramatic impact


The term background music, which generally refers to the musical score, is a misnomer because it has a direct and very significant effect on our reaction to film


The use of a dead track can be effective in creating an immediate sense of physical tension and suspense


Compilation works are musical scores that

use nostalgic music that comes from the off screen score but can also come from on screen sources

According to standard principles of visual composition, feelings of strength, authority, and dignity are suggested by

vertical lines

Technicolor's early use of color film

was embraced by movie audiences and quickly pushed the use of Technicolor into over 90% of produced films

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