FIN Test 2

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Capital gains yield =

(P1-P0)/P0 [%]

cap gains yield


Which of the following are considered relevant cash flows? -CF from erosion -CF from external costs -CF from beneficial spillover -CF from sunk costs

-CF from erosion -CF from external costs -CF from beneficial spillover

Place the steps involved in issuing securities to the public in chronological order: a.Prepare and file registration stmt b.determine sell price c. prepare and dist. preliminary prospectus copies d. obtain approval from the firm's Board of dir. e. Prepare and dist. a final prospectus

1. (d) obtain approval 2. (a) prep and file regist. statement w SEC 3. (c) preliminary prosp. 4. (b) det. selling price 5. (e) final prosp.

Borrowing rate=



=(%equity)*(cost of equity) + (%debt)*(1-Tc)

Break Even point =

=Total Fixed Cost/Cont. margin where TFC=(Fc+Dep)(1-tc) and cont. margin=(price-VCpU)(1-tc)

WACC with stock=

=[%E*Re ]+ [%D*Rd*(1-Tc) ]+ [%Pref stock*Rp]

Beta for a portfolio

=sum of [(xi/xT)*Bi] where xi/xT is portion of total portfolio in 'i'

Cost of equity, Re=

D1/P0 + g =[D0*(1+g)]/P0 + g

*** Debt-Equity ratio=x Equity weight=? Debt weight=?

Equity weight= 1/(1+x) Debt weight = x/(1+x)

the rate most intl. banks charge on another for overnight EURODOLLAR loans

London InterBANK Offered RATE (LIBOR)

After tax cost of debt =


After tax yield on debt =


performing 3 offsetting deals simultaneously to obtain an arbitrage profit. The cross rate of the UK pound and the euro (£/€) must be in equilibrium with these currency's exchange rates to the dollar, ($/£) and ($/€).

Triangular arbitrage

a sophisticated investor who is able to evaluate the risks of a complex investment. measured by high personal wealth or income

accredited investor

a security issued in the US representing shares of a foreihn stock and allowing that stock to be traded in the US

american depositary receipt (ADR)

investors who invest their own funds to provide seed capital for starting a business

angel investors

buying an asset in one mkt at a lower price and SIMULTANEOUSLY selling an IDENTICAL asset in another market at a higher price. this is done with no RISK and AFTER all costs are accounted for


For an option buyer, purchasing a call option would give them a _ position while a put option would give them a ____ position

buyer: call option- put option-

A _ option allows the buying to PURCHASE the asset from the writer

call option

Dividends paid to common stockholders _____ be deducted from the payer's taxable income for tax purposes


the covariance of the returns divided by the std dev of each return; a measure of the common variability shared by assets


appropriate discount rate to use to evaluate a new project is the ____

cost of capital

the minimum rate of return required to undertake a project

cost of capital

the return that equity investors require on their investment in the firm

cost of equity

a stat measure of the degree to which rvs' move together


implicit ex rate between two currencies quoted in some third currency

cross rate

As depreciation expenses increase, net income and taxes will ___, while investment cash flows will ____

decrease, increase

INcremental cash flows come about as a ___consequence of taking a project under consideration


forecasting risk is best defined as ___

estimation risk

international bonds issued in multiple countries but denominated in a single currency, usually the issuers


money deposited in a financial center outside the country whose currency is involved

eurocurrency if it was dollars, it would be a EURODOLLAR

The price of one country's currency expressed in terms of another country's currency.

exchange rate

risk related to having international operations in a world where relative currency values vary

exchanger rate risk

the price at which asset can be purchased or sold through option contract

exercise price

two parts that determine return on stock

expected and unexpected

additional funds to begin sales and manufacturing

first round stage

international bonds issued in a single country, usually denominated in that country's currency

foreign bonds

market in which one countries currency is trade for another's

foreign exchange market

profit for for ex trade =

forward price - future spot price

agreement to exchange currency at some time in the future

forward trade agrred upon rate is forward ex rate

funds for companies that are likely to go public within half a year

fourth round financing / *bridge financing

UK and Irish gov securities


to reduce risk by holding contracts or securities whose payoffs are NEGATIVELY correlated with some risk exposure


Weak-form efficiency: mkt price reflects ___

historic information/ technical info

in an efficient market, the cost of equity for a highly risky firm ____ in direct relation to the stock's systematic risk


difference between the actual result and the forecast is called what?

innovation or surprise

Unanticipated changes in relative economic conditions may cause the value of foreign operations to change.

long RUN

us company agrees sell games to UK. they mak forward deal to purchase pounds at a price with a rate of $/pound. this puts the company's accounts ___ in a __ position

long forward

standing to profit from an increase in the exchange rate

long position

if an international firm borrows money in the foreign country where it has operations it can reduce ____

long-run exchange rate exposure

unanticipated changes in relative economic conditions that affect the value of a foreign operation are known as ___ exposure to exchange rate risk


venture capitalism is expensive because ___

many if not most companies will fail without having provided a positive return to investors

Ideally, we should use ____ values in the WACC. BV's are often similar to MV for ___

market debt

Semistrong Efficiency: mkt price reflects

market price reflects all publicly available information

slope of the security market line;

market risk premium

the dif between the expected return on a mkt port. and the risk free rate

market risk premium

the holder of an option has valuable flexibility to exercise the option or to walk away from it. the price the pay for this is called

option premium

describes an option that if exercised immediately results in a loss of money

out of the money

risk related to changes in value that arise because of political actions

political risk

to prepare ____ financial statements, estimates of quantities such as unit sales, selling price per unit, var cost per unit and total fixed costs are required


the legal document that must be given to every investor who contemplates purchasing registered securities in an offering. it describes the details of the company and offering


when using the ___ approach for a proposed investment, a firm is primarily seeking a rate of return that best matches the risk level of the proposed investment

pure play

Other companies that specialize only in projects similar to the project your firm is considering are called ___

pure plays

a _ option allows the buyer to SELL the asset to the writer



raising capital from a large number of investors through the INTERNET

the first document released by an underwriter for a new issue to prospective investors

red herring

discloses all the pertinent info concerning a corporation that wants to make a public offering. It is filed with the securities and exchange commsission

registration statement

An all equity firm discounts a project's CF w the firm's WACC, even through the project's beta is less than the firm's overall beta, it is possible the project might be ______ when it should be____

rejected, accepted

reward on average for bearing risk

risk premium

the excess return on a risky asset that is the diff between expected return on the asset and the return on the risk free asset

risk premium

working capital funds for companies that are selling products but not yet profitable

second round stage

The initial capital used when starting a business, often coming from the founders' personal assets, friends or family, for covering initial operating expenses and attracting venture capitalists

seed capital

the systematic risk of a security is just a reflection of its ___ to overall market movement


The day-to-day fluctuations in exchange rates create short-run risks for international firms.

short RUN

standing to profit from a decrease in ex rate

short position

day to day fluctuations in EX rates create __

short term exchange risk exposure

an agreement to trade currencies based on the exchange rate TODAY for settlement within *TWO business days

spot trade exchange rate for this is called spot exchange rate

____ refers to the assumption that a project will be evaluated based on its incremental CF's

standalone principle

financing for firms started within the past year to pay for marketing and product development

start up stage

agreement to exchange two securities or currencies


___ risk is the only risk important to the well diversified investor


____ is defined as any risk that affects a large number of assets

systematic risk

financing for a company that is breaking even and expanding

third round stage or *mezzanine financing

an ad that announces a public offering of securities. It identifies the issuer, the type of security, the underwriters, and where additional information is available.


if a firm uses its overall WACC to discount Cf's from projects in higher risk divisions, it will accept ___ projects -too many -too few -optimal

too many

cost of debt with bonds is the __

total market value

the effect of an UNANTICIPATED change in the exchange rates on the CONSOLIDATED financial statements of a MULTINATIONAL corporation

translation exposure

MIRR is designed to address problems with ____

unconventional cash flows

the option _ issues the option and is obligated to go through with the OPTION contract if called upon


a risk free asset has a beta of ___


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