
Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

which of the following might a teacher plan to gather during her first meeting with the child's parents

relationship between parent and child how the child has reacted in other new situations how the parents feel about enrolling the child in the program

Hoffman describes from a teacher's perspective the need to take people seriously

respect others

which of the following emotions to working and at home mothers share

satisfaction at watching their children grow and develop Guilt due to unfavorable self comparisons with ideal family worry that their choice is not best for the child uncertainty that they're doing their job well

Which of the following describes the teachers believe in herself and of her ability to create partnerships with families

self efficacy

which of the following best describes the change in the percentage of children living with two married parents between 1980 and 2011

declined dramatically from 1980 to 2011

what term is used to describe factors influencing family life such as financial worries and after school scheduling conflicts

eternal stressors

which of the following best describes a shortcoming of using reading as a way of understanding cultural differences

even within the culture each family is unique

Which of the following list communication elements in their order of impact on the listener from greatest to least

facial expressions ,voice tone ,words

For parent teacher partnership to work both parties must reach agreement on values concerning education


I conference is a failure of the teacher is unable to convert a parent to her


In the United States the infant morality rate the relative number of children in poverty and our record and protecting children against gun violence provide evidence that we are a child centered society


Mom's only or dad only special events at score acceptable as long as teachers make it clear That friends and relatives are welcome to substitute for parents were unable to attend


Teacher should assume that indifferent or uncaring parental behavior behavior indicate the lack of concern for the child


Teachers and schools in which most children are the same race need not concern themselves with diversity and it's classroom implications


Temporary denial is an unhealthy coping strategy and a parent confronted with a problem about their child


The average American is five times in a life time


The vocabulary acquisition Of three-year-olds shows a little difference between low income and professional families


two incomes made financial stress and not issue for the lawenrece family


veteran teachers are more likely than their inexperience counterparts to be authoritarian and paternatlistic in their relationships with parents


Which of the following are barriers to parent teacher relationships from both teachers and parents point of view

feel intimidated unsure of how to proceed Not enough time

How can teachers support parents who are developing their identities as individuals and parents

form relationships that allow them to learn from parents recognize and provide positive feedback on their skills learn about adult development to understand parents on going development

The first conversation between parents and a teacher is best scheduled when the child can be included


Which of the following actions and environmental factors lay the foundation for parent teacher partnerships

Family friendly environment Parent handbook administrative support systems Communication time variety of choices for family involvement

Which of the following are characteristics of two way communication

Family is actively respond and react dialogue is encouraged and facilitated

in what ways were the families described in this chapter's case studies alike

Felt love and concern for the children Felt isolated had difficulty juggling obligations

Which of the following would be helpful to know in advance of a classroom observation

Parents should know that they can leave it if their child had difficulty with her presence children should know that parents are coming to visit the classroom and why children should know that adults will probably sit at one side and not play or talk

which of the following are essential considerations when creating a parent handbook

gives parents useful information including their options for involvement translated into every language represented by the schools population written on a basic reading level clearly describes expertise of staff

Which of the following represents the history of family involvement in education in order from oldest to most recent

cooperative preschool deficient model parent empowerment

Which of the following are issues related to the cost of childcare in the United States

in a low income families childcare can exceed cost for food and housing Child care professionals provide an unseen consumer subsidy by earning low salaries and few benefits It's difficult to balance quality care and fair wages and affordability for parents

Which of the following terms is used to describe the idea that no matter how daunting exhausting the task of parenting must go on


which of the following correctly describes family status following a divorce

living standards for men rise by 8% 50% of divorce families have child support orders living standards for ex-wives and children drop by 30% 50% of divorce fathers do not see their children

which of the following are recommended In conducting parent teacher conference is

make several suggestions some of the things we've tried in the classroom are be professional many parents find that four-year-olds can you get quite out of bounds confess to limitations suppose I check with the school and let you know

Which of the following terms describes keeping a child connected to your family throughout the day


which of the following are possible negative consequences of idealized image of a perfect nuclear family

people may feel guilty when their families fail to measure up outsiders may consider alternative family structures less valid teachers may evaluate a family status based on its form rather than how well it functions

Which of the following are among the six attitudes or ideas of teachers conduct to forming a partnership with families

professionalism humility trustworthiness sense of self expertise

which of the following describes family home visits

provide opportunities to create a home/school link scheduled at the convenience of the family are brief social events Focus on the child

When parents turn the conversation to personal matters Not directly related to their children which of the following strategies are appropriate

recognize the parents have problems unrelated to their children make it clear that the teachers only rule is to listen supportively referred the parent to more expert community resources if they seem interested

which of the following I recommended to ease transitions from one classroom to another

regular communication about the child's response to the transition gradual participation in the routines of the new classroom opportunities to maintain contact with caregivers left behind Advance notification to the primary caregiver

Which of the following emotional responses may create barriers for parents


Which of the following maybe barriers to trust between parents and teachers


Which of the following maybe use the newsletters to capture attention and build sense of community


Which of the following might motivate a concerted community effort to support families


Which of the following our feelings experience by parents separating from their child


which of the following Questions might be included in a parent questionnaire


which of the following characterize Schools with a high level of family engagement


what are the major benefits to a teacher when he works constructively with parents

all except A teacher's workload is decreased when to parents Pitchin

Which of the following our motivations are models for family involvement in schools

all except Historical perspective some family involvement

Which of the following strategies contribute to a successful parent teacher conference

all except assume the role of an expert

which of the following describes the effect of parenting on a couples interaction

all except children improve relationships and may prevent divorce

Which of the following recommendations for using Bolton boards to communicate with parents

all except locate the bullion board as close as possible to maintain entrance of the school

Which of the following questions may fact delete the professional growth of a teacher following a parent teacher conference

all except were we able to reach a conclusion

Which of the following strategies will help reduce external barriers to parent teacher collaboration

allow access to the child's primary caregiver plan staffing to accommodate parents schedules start the day with activities parents can do with students

Which of the following have changed as society as changed

attitudes toward sex expectations concerning longevity values regarding abortion and contraption roles played by family members structure in appearance of the family

Which of the following are mandated by no Child left behind

building captivity for parent involvement involving parents and evaluating and improving parent programs educating teachers on how to work well with parents as equal partners

Which of the following outcomes were reported in the recent studies of the impact of the Headstart program on participating family

children typically entered school ready to learn IQ gains extended to siblings when parents were involved

Both middle and low income families are stressed by the lack of balance between work and family life


Family involvement may be mandated as a condition for obtaining government funds or to win activation or professional status


If more issues arise then can be discussed in a loaded conference time it is preferable to make a second appointment


In a transparent school parents can call in for daily recorded message concerning homework assignments and suggested activities as well leave it as a message for the teacher


People alienated by unconscious emotional responses have difficulty hearing her speaking to each other clearly


Teachers can help parents with work responsibilities by scheduling conferences at school events at times that fit into their schedules


Typical hand out set from school or written at the 10th grade level which presents and unintentional barrier to communication with immigrant families and those of low levels of literacy


When children are brought to school by cardboard bus teachers have to work harder to maintain regular contact by email phone calls or notes


arranging for teachers to have compensatory Time for communication with families provides a tangible indication of administrative support for their efforts


parents were unavailable to come into a classroom I still provide resources in the form of materials to be used in the classroom activities


special attention to a new child in the classroom teachers valuable lessons about compassion feelings and adult trustworthiness


teachers can supplement the neutering role without violating the parent child bond


to be successful parent education needs to strengthen parents sense of competence and the reciprocal partnership with teachers


when visiting their child's classroom parents can increase their understanding of typical child development and education


Which of the following are among the types of family involvement identified ByEpstein

volunteering support learning at home collaboration with the community decision making

Which of the following are outcomes of the increased number of women in the labor force

40% of women report feeling used up at the end of their workday Women have retained much of the responsibility for child rearing 40% of women are the main or sole breadwinner in the family more working woman expressed desire to work less than full-time

Which of the following topics can be used as conversation starters of parents at the beginning or end of the school day

A child's favorite song book or activity New things to Childs interested in Child's play mates

Which parenting style is recommended in a society where change is constant and children must learn to make choices


which of the following should be included in a model for family resource and support programs

Confirmation of the parents role in a child development and education parents and professionals working together as equals School is one of the agencies offering constellation of services to the family

Which of the following best describes a missed opportunity resulting from Sylvia Ashley's preoccupation with financial worries

Conversations with her four-year-old son

What could Kim's teacher do to ease the stress on the Lawrence family

Explain procedures for addressing parental questions and concerns

What should be provided to parents who assist field trip

List of children to keep track of guidelines for children's behavior understanding of specific duties understanding of safety rules

what could Terrence's teacher do to ease the stress on the ashley family

Secure assistance for parents unable to afford field trips discuss community resources with his mother Suggest free or subsidized after school programs provide Hall some snacks during the school day

Which of the following describes current trends in multi generational household

Single parent families may move into the grandparents home for economic reasons more people older than 55 and in their 20s are likely to live alone

Which of the following describes the primary purpose of traveling backpack

The backpack allows sharing of enjoyable learning activities involving parents fully in the educational process

Which of the following are characteristic of classroom families of the week

The child acts as a host for the day The families help model multi cultural diversity The visiting family share something about themselves The event draws parents into the classroom

how can a classroom newsletter be used in sure that a suggestion box fosters to way communications

The teacher can list good suggestions contributed by parents The teacher can explain why some suggestions might not be possible The teacher can explain when or how it suggestion will be acted on

Why is it vital that teachers be able to recognize social logical trends that influence us all

To work with people different from themselves To work affectively with parents despite time and cultural constraints to avoid us against them mentality To nurture effective relationships

What factors typically limit parents involvement in the classroom

Young children at home discomfort with speaking English in flexible work schedule unfamiliarity with school culture

Which of the following can be external barest to parent teacher collaboration

administrative policies personal problem Time and busyness

In what ways do families benefit from a cooperative relationship with


In what ways my parents and special skills this is beyond the classrooms


What are the following describes the event is planned


What opportunities do parent teacher conference is offered that less formal conversations don't provide


What precautions should be observant when communicating electronically with parents


Which of the following are common to both the family resource center in Fort Myers Florida in the box berrie school in Oxford in maine


Which of the following are good examples of items to be included in a sign-up sheet for conferences


Which of the following are steps to be used to collaboratively arrive at solutions are in a difficult conference


Which of the following describes interactions between community organizations in Parents


Sylvia Ashley intends to keep Terrence home on the day of the school play which of these external factors is the cause

social economic status

work hard for specific volunteer assignments like block area or reading buddies might include

suggestions for questions or comments to factual late learning A list of cleanup responsibilities A description of any preparation needed like wearing smocks The number of children who may participate

Which of the following strategies help children cope with separation from parents

talking about what will happen next and where parents are now writing notes from children's dictation to absent parents encouraging children to hold a transitional object from home or parent

which of the following or services that may be funded by title I

transportation and childcare for parent volunteers Family literacy activities parenting training activities

A child's first visit to school is ideally scheduled before the child comes to the classroom to stay


A warm welcome perhaps including a greeting in a child's native language is affirming for children of ethnic and cultural minorities


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