Final Exam 1 Review

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answer question in picture

single stranded binding proteins


leading strand



question on picture

A- T, B- T or C, C-A

question on picture

2 pontential phenotypes, df=2-1= 1

Flower color in roses is controlled by a single gene with two alleles. R=red and r=white. R is dominant to r. You perform a cross of a red and a white flower. 66 F1 flowers are red and 74 flowers are white. If the red flower is a heterozygote, what is the probability of getting this degree of deviation from the expected phenotypic ratio? what df do you use?

x^2 = (o-e)^2/e

Flower color in roses is controlled by a single gene with two alleles. R=red and r=white. R is dominant to r. You perform a cross of a red and a white flower. 66 F1 flowers are red and 74 flowers are white. If the red flower is a heterozygote, what is the probability of getting this degree of deviation from the expected phenotypic ratio? what formula would you use to solve this?

2/3, 2/4, 2/5, 5/3, 5/4

How many alleles and genotypes are present in the population below?

The probability is equal to the frequency of the allele so after migration that allele frequency of r (# of homozygous rr & migrants/total population & migrants = rr; square root of rr = r)

If after migration occurs, only genetic drift acts on the population, what is the probability that the r allele goes to fixation? How would you solve this?

p = 0.557; # of alleles = 2(239); so, 2(239)(0.557) = 266.246

In a population of 239 pea plants in equilibrium, 47 individuals have white petals, while the rest have purple petals. Color is controlled by a single gene with two alleles. Purple is dominant to white. About how many dominant alleles would be in the population if it is in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium?

p2=0.253; 2pq = 0.403; q2 = 0.345 (q2 = (47+54)/(239+54) = 0.345, 2pq = 118/(239+54) = 0.403, The number of p2 = 239-(47+118)=74, p2 = 74/(239+54) = 0.253)

In a population of 239 pea plants in equilibrium, 47 individuals have white petals, while the rest have purple petals. Color is controlled by a single gene with two alleles. Purple is dominant to white. If 54 white flowered plants migrate to the population, what will the new genotype frequencies be?

They appear to be further apart because recombination rates between the genes are greater in strain Z because recombination rates increase as distance increases

In a strain Y of maize, the distance between V and Gl is 32 cM, Gl and Va is 10 cM. Z strain: V and Gl is 40 cM, Gl and Va is 0.21 cM do the genes in strain Z appear closer or further apart on the chromosome relative to strain Y?

Each parent can produce 4 different gametes, Each parent has a 3/4 chance of contributing at least one dominant allele so (1/4)(1/4) = 0.25 x 100 = 6 white, 100-6 = 94 red

In chickens, two genes control feather color—the R gene and the Q gene. The R allele causes chickens to be red and the r allele causes chickens to be white. R is dominant to r. Likewise, Q codes for red and q codes for white. Q is dominant to q. If a chicken has just one dominant allele of either gene, it will be red. How many red and white chickens would expect in a cross between two chickens that are heterozygous for both genes and have 100 offspring?


In the gray cells above, add a "+" or "-" based on whether they represent mutations in the same gene or different genes.

mRNA: carries genetic code; tRNA: carries amino acids to ribosome; rRNA: part of the ribosome, important for translation; snRNA: part of spliceosome, important for splicing out introns; microRNA: regulatory RNA; siRNA: regulatory RNA; telomerase RNA: template for telomere extension.

List the 7 different types of RNA molecules (made of RNA) and provide their functions.


Of the three Okazaki fragments in the top left quadrant of the replication bubble above, which fragment was synthesized first?

A-b-C on one line a-B-c on the other and do the proportions for that and solve. Answer: 0.37

On a chromosome, the B gene sits between the A gene and the C gene. The B gene is 23 cM from the A gene and 5 cM from the C gene Genotype = AbC/aBc What is the probability that an individual with this genotype produces a gamete with the genotype AbC? how do you solve this?

p sqaure- 0.25 will have both C and P, 0.25*35 = 8.75 all purple, 35-8.75 = 26.26

Sweet pea flower color is controlled by two unlinked genes that interact through complementary gene interaction. With at least one dominant allele of both genes, flowers are purple. With any other combination of alleles, flowers are white. P1= CcPp X ccpp The above cross produces 35 offspring. How many do you expect to have white flowers? how to solve this?

1 - 0.5625 = 0.4375 mutant; (0.4375)(24) = ~11 mutants

The F1 cross above (c) produces 24 offspring. Approximately how what number of mutants should be white?

0.125, probability white = 0.5. There is only 1 way to get four white offspring. (0.5)(0.5)(0.5)(0.5) = 0.0625 probability red = 0.5. There is only 1 way to get four red offspring. (0.5)(0.5)(0.5)(0.5) = 0.0625

What is the probability that 4 of the next 4 offspring of a Rr x rr cross all have white flowers or all have red flowers? how do you solve this?

Answer: 0% chance of being a homozygote. 100% chance of being a heterozygote (If he was a homozygote, he must be AA, since he does not show the trait. But, if so, none of his offspring could show the trait. He must be Aa)

What is the probability that the father in generation I is a homozygote? What is the probability that he is a heterozygote?

Answer: 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25 (Parent genotypes = Aa x aa. There is a 50% of female. There is a 50% of showing the trait)

What is the probability that the next child of generation I is a female and shows the trait?

Answer: 2/3, or 0.66, chance of being a heterozygote (Aa). 1/3, or 0.33 chance of being a homozygote (aa) (Her parents must be heterozygotes because they don't show the trait, but some of their offspring do. The genotypic ratios of offspring genotypes are 1:2:1. But, the daughter cannot be AA or she would show the trait. So, the genotypic ratios are 2:1. So, you must use conditional probability)

What is the probability that the right-most female of generation III is a homozygote? What is the probability that she is a heterozygote?

4p^3q^1 = 0.047

What is the probability that three of the next four offspring of the mating pair in the blue will show the trait?


What was the template strand that gave rise to this sequence in 5'-3' orientation? Fill in the blank with capital letters only, with no space between the letters

bbWW x BBww; B_W_=green; B_ = 0.75; W_ = 0.75; (0.75)(0.75) = 0.5625

You cross a black lizard with a white lizard (P cross). All offspring are green (F1 generation). You cross two of their offspring (F1 cross). What proportion of the F2 generation will be green?

100% green

You cross a black lizard with an indigo lizard (P cross). All offspring are mutant (F1 generation). You cross an F1 lizard with a scarlet lizard. What proportion of the offspring will be green? L

bbEE x Bbee

You cross a chocolate lab with a yellow lab. They have 12 puppies. Six puppies are black and six are chocolate. What are the genotypes of the parents?

end product: 1 dna of n14, and 3 all n15

You move bacterial cells from N14 media to N15 media. N14 DNA = solid line. N15 DNA = dashed line. Starting from the parent genome draw the outcome of two rounds of replication based on the conservative model of replication.

end product: 2 strands half n14/n15, 2 strands all n15

You move bacterial cells from N14 media to N15 media. N14 DNA = solid line. N15 DNA = dashed line. Starting from the parent genome draw the outcome of two rounds of replication based on the semiconservative model of replication.



ori, dnaA

c? what enzyme is located here?

dna polymerase iii


Lagging strand


RR=39, Rr=67, rr=28+100=128, New total = 234 New f(RR) = 39/234 = ~0.167 New f(Rr) = 67/234 =~0.286 New f(rr) = 128/234 =~0.547

n roses, R = red; r =white Mainland population: f(R) = 0.32. It is in HW-equilibrium. Population size: 322 Island population: f(R) = 0.54. It is in HW-equilibrium. Population size: 134 100 white rose seeds get blown from the mainland to the island during a Hurricane. Seeds are baby roses, so you can think of it as 100 white roses getting blown to the island. What are the new genotype frequencies on the island after migration?

squared (ex= cm^2)

units of variance should always be what

1.) yellow, orange, scarlet, white, red 2.) purple, indigo, blue, black

what are the complementation groups

step 1: CC = s = 1-0.75 = 0.25, cc = t = 1-0.25 = 0.75 step 2: pE = 0.75/(0.25+0.75) = 0.75 = (f)C, qE = 0.25/(0.25+0.75) = 0.25 = (f)c

what are the steps to solve this

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