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Which rule was established by the Chimel case (1969)?

After making an arrest, police may search the defendant and the area within the defendant's immediate control.

An autoerotic death most likely results from ________.


Which of the following can be processed using the AFIS?

Latent Prints

Which is the most accurate interpretation of the "best evidence rule"?

Original notes are usually better than photocopies.

Which one of the following is the most reliable means of diagnosing a drowning?

The circumstances of the death

In which of the stages of decomposition does marbelization occur?

The putrefaction stage

For which of the following purposes does an officer use FI cards?

To jot down notes about suspicious persons during a watch

Which of the following is a basic fingerprint pattern?


Who reviews and signs search warrants?

a Judge

Police officers may wish to carry reports or other documents into the courtroom for reference while they are testifying. Although rules of evidence vary in different courts, in general, what is the rule regarding the use of notes or reports by the officer?

all of the above

Who is a likely victim of identity theft?

people with good credit

Which of the following is an example of legal court testimony given by a "fact witness"?

"I saw the defendant draw his gun and point it at Mrs. Gunther."

Officer Notts is testifying in court. The defense attorney asks, "Why are you here today?" What is the proper response?

"I was served..."

Which of the following most accurately reflects the average dollar loss per robbery offense in the United States?


Which are objectives of criminal investigation? I. Recover stolen property II. Preserve evidence in crimes III. Prepare criminal cases for prosecution


Which of the following are the main groups of fingerprints? I. Latent II. Plastic III. Composite IV. Visible


Which U.S. Supreme Court interpretations are exceptions to the exclusionary rule? I. Good faith II. Second-party consent III. Inevitable discovery IV. Computer errors


Which of the following statement(s) regarding trace evidence is/are correct? I. It usually is in plain view of investigators. II. It plays a greater role today with the aid of modern forensic analysis. III. Criminals seek to destroy it before leaving the crime scene.

2 only

Which of the following are examples of excessive force used by a police officer? I. Compliance holds on a subject who is physically fighting with his wife during a domestic disturbance II. Use of firearm against a suspect, who is armed with a knife, has just stabbed a store clerk, won't put the knife down, and is telling the officer he is going to kill the officer III. Use of chemical gas against a protester who refuses to leave the courtroom IV. Use of a taser on a 12-year-old middle school student who spits at the police officer


A police officer learns that Julie and George Hammerstone are growing and selling marijuana out of their home on Stewart Avenue. What constitutional limit governs the officer's actions in regards to searching this home for evidence?

4th amendment

Approximately what percentage of sexual assaults go unreported to authorities?


Which technique was used by the Pinkerton agency until it was declared unconstitutional by Congress in 1937?

A "rogues gallery" to identify suspects.

Which of the following situations best illustrates an arrest?

A police officer investigating a theft places the suspect in handcuffs but does not tell her that she is under arrest.

John is an internal investigator for a large retail store. He is watching a customer near the cell phone display on a remote camera. John starts the recording and continues to watch as the customer cuts the security cable with pliers of some sort and conceals the phone in his coat pocket. John then follows the customer out of the store and notes that no attempt to pay for the phone was made by the customer. After stopping the man, John asks the customer/suspect if he has a receipt for the cell phone that he took. What type of investigation is John conducting?

A proactive shoplifting investigation

Statistics show that many robberies do not result in physical harm to the victim or extensive loss. When victims are harmed, their injuries range from bruises and black eyes to life-threatening gunshot or knife wounds. How often during robberies do injuries occur in the United States?

About one in three involve actual injury.

A 17-year-old is driving to school with her boyfriend in the rain. The roads are slippery. The driver loses control in a curve and the car crashes into a truck in a head-on collision. The truck driver suffered minor injuries. The 17-year-old driver and her 18-year-old boyfriend are both killed in the crash. Classify the death of the driver.

Accidental Death

Which category of death is associated with drowning, falling, automobile wrecks, and drug overdose?

Accidental Death

Which of the following is a characteristic of an anger-excitation rapist?

Acts out violent fantasies during the assault

Which statement below best reflects the amount of coordination that should occur between jurisdictions investigating identity theft?

Agencies should readily coordinate the investigation and prosecution of such cases.

An officer is sent on a call to investigate a report of "shots fired." When he arrives at the scene, he sees a woman lying on her stomach in a large pool of blood. No one else is present at the scene. What is the first officer's principle concern at this time?

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of legal court testimony given by an "expert witness"?

All of the above

The Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) is designed to perform the following function:

All of the above are functions of the AFIS system.

Which of the following should be included in a police officer's field notes?

All of the above should be in an officer's field notes.

What statement below is true regarding the Pinkerton National Detective Agency?

All of the above statements are true of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency.

A police officer has information that a man is selling drugs out his home. The officer goes to the home and knocks on the door. The man's wife answers the door and gives the police officer consent to search the house. The officer searches the entire home and finds drugs, a digital scale, cash, drug packaging material, and drug ledgers. What statement below regarding the discovered evidence is true?

All of the evidence is admissible and may be used in court.

Officer Franklin will soon testify in court. Which guideline should he follow when testifying?

Always tell the truth about the case

Which of the following factors is considered in determining the target utility?

Amount of criminal activity

Cell phone tracking can be used by law enforcement to locate the current position of a cell phone. Which statement below is true of this ability?

An active call is not required to track the current position of the cell phone, but the cell phone must be turned on for the tracking to be successful.

An investigator is interrogating a suspect in a sexual assault. The investigator asked, "Why did you force yourself on her?" The suspect answered, "I had sex with her but it was consensual!" What kind of statement did the suspect just make?

An admission

Which is NOT correct information about an automobile's VIN?

An auto's VIN consists of 14 numbers, letters, and symbols unique to each vehicle.

Which of the following people is the most likely target of a street mugger?

An elderly person

Which is the best interpretation of the 1991 Acevedo case?

An officer who has probable cause to believe that a container in a vehicle holds contraband may open the container and seize the contraband.

Police use informants to solve certain crimes. Which person below falls under the typical definition of an informant?

Anyone who provides information of an investigative nature to law enforcement.

Parties involved in which of the following may act for the purpose of increasing group cohesion among friends?

Assaults in bars

A proper investigative response to identity theft will include the following: 1. Develop a standardized procedure for taking identity theft reports. 2. Initiate criminal investigations of identity theft reports. 3. Prosecute violators. 4. Cooperate with other agencies. 5. ? What is the fifth step?

Assist victims by providing the victims with helpful information.

When testifying in court, a police officer should ________.

Avoid using police terminology or slang

A police officer is at a crime scene and locates a footprint in a flowerbed near an open window. The window is examined closely and pry marks are discovered on the lower window sash and the window sill indicating forced entry. The police officer pointed out the evidence to the investigator who photographed the evidence and collected the footwear impression using a liquid footwear casting system. Who is required to testify in court to get the evidence admitted during the trial?

Both the police officer who discovered the evidence and the investigator who collected the evidence are usually required to testify.

Which of the following is the best example of a "smash-and-grab" robbery?

Breaking the window of a stopped car and holding the driver at gunpoint

Which of the following distinguishes burglary and robbery?

Burglars are more concerned with financial gain, whereas robbers are prepared for a violent altercation with the victim.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding the crime of burglary?

Burglars usually try to avoid confrontations during the commission of their act.

While a family was away, two men broke inside their single family home through a basement window. Once inside, the perpetrators took guns, jewelry, and cash and left the premises. There were no witnesses. When the husband came home for lunch, he discovered the crime and reported it to police saying, "We were robbed!" What crime was committed?


Which of the following is an element likely to define an aggravated assault?

Burns inflicted over a large area of a person's body

What statement below is true of CODIS?

CODIS stores DNA profiles from across the country in a series of local, state, and national databases, all linked via computers.

According to the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), which of the following is the most accurate definition of forcible rape?

Carnal knowledge of a female forcibly

Which of the following lists the appropriate order of steps involved in writing a report?

Collecting information about a crime scene, completing notes, preparing the report, proofreading the report

Which of the following actions best describes the collation process?

Comparing tests carefully

Officer Shultz is a rape investigator who will be conducting a follow-up interview with rape victim. Which of the following actions is NOT recommended during the interview?

Conduct the interview with an efficient, business-like tone.

Which of the following is NOT a task required of the follow-up investigator?

Conducting a body cavity search on the suspect

Which of the following actions is recommended for the first officer on reaching the scene of a robbery in progress?

Cover the most likely exit from the robbery location.

Which category of informants has proven to be most valuable in many police investigations?

Criminals or their associates

A police officer is investigating a homicide in a home office. The victim was shot several times. There are two bullet holes in the wall behind the desk, blood splatter on the wall behind the desk, several bullet casings on the floor, and a bloody handprint on the cordless phone lying on the floor next to the victim. What is the BEST crime scene measuring system the officer should use to document this crime scene?

Cross-projection Method

Which of the following is being analyzed when RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) technique is being used?


Which of the following is the best example of "flipping"?

Dante has agreed to provide information about an associate in exchange for his own charges being dropped.

Which of the following is the final stage of the intelligence process?


Raul Harrington's confession was ruled inadmissible by a court of law because he had been deprived of food and water for many hours before confessing. Which of the following methods best describes his treatment?


Which of following statements should be omitted from a police report regarding a sexual assault investigation?

During this part of the interview, I suspected that Ms. Anderson was lying.

A firm's accountant makes a payment to a fictitious company for goods that were never received. She then endorses the check for payment and pockets the money. If she is caught, with which crime will she probably be charged?


A police officer is using an informant to purchase drugs at a popular bar known for drug activity. The officer tells the informant, "I don't care what you have to do, just buy drugs from anyone inside and you'll get your money!" What legal question may arise following an arrest during this operation?

Entrapment issues based on the instructions given to the informant.

Which of the following is NOT one of the phases in the search of the crime scene?

Examining the victim's background

The preliminary investigation is the responsibility of the ________ at the crime scene. His or her actions at the scene can greatly influence the ultimate success or failure of the investigation.

First officer

Which of the following units receives and examines evidence related to firearms, ammunition, and tools?

Forensic Ballistics Unit

Photographs of the crime scene are usually taken in three stages. This approach enables a picture of all circumstances to be painted for jurors while leading up to the most critical part of the crime scene. What are the three photographic stages to document a crime scene?

General Views, Medium-Range Views, Close-up Views

Which of the following is a key technology in satellite-assisted surveillance?

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Which of the following statements is a major recommendation that arose from the PERF study?

Greater emphasis should be placed on the collection and use of physical evidence because it can be effective in corroborating other evidence of suspect identification.

Online predators ________.

Have a link of sexual offending in the "real" world and in the virtual world

Who is credited with establishing England's first police force and creating a working relationship with local business owners to reduce the profits of London's criminals?

Henry Fielding

Which of the following is a frightening and potentially dangerous crime that can occur to a family?

Home invasion

Which type of larceny involves obtaining credit, merchandise, or services by fraudulent personal representation?

Identity theft

On some occasions, the defense attorney may summon a police officer as a witness on the defendant's behalf. If the officer is subpoenaed by the defense, what should the officer do?

If the subpoena is not quashed, the officer is obligated to appear and testify.

A car thief opens the door of an unlocked vehicle, removes the lock cap, and attaches a device that when turned removes the lock. He then starts the engine with a screwdriver. Which device has he used?

Ignition Extractor

Which is the most accurate statistic regarding wrongful deaths in the United States?

In an estimated 85 percent of murders, the victim knew his or her assailant.

What is a dying declaration?

In cases where the victim eventually dies, while still alive, he tells police information regarding the events and the suspect.

Which of the following is true about the voice stress analyzer (VSA)?

Increase in the frequency modulation of voice is indicative of the subject lying.

Undercover officers must be careful not to entrap suspects. Entrapment occurs when undercover agents ________.

Induce someone to commit a crime

Aggravated assault is usually committed with a weapon or by some means likely to produce great bodily harm or death. How is great bodily harm defined?

Injuries that cause a high probability of death, or serious permanent disfigurement, or a loss or impairment of body members or organs

Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the criminal intelligence function?

Intelligence files are closed files.

Two officers have been dispatched to investigate a report of a domestic disturbance at a home. After officers have entered the location of the domestic violence call and have secured the area, the investigation begins. The first rule is to interview the suspect and victim separately. One officer is about to interview the suspect. What should the police officer do?

Interview the suspect without reading the Miranda warnings.

Perry Franks is investigating a check forging operation. Which is the logical first step in the investigation?

Interviewing the person who accepted the forged check

An estimated 70 to 80 percent of stalking cases fall into which of the following categories?

Intimate or former intimate stalking

According to the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, which one of the following is essential to a successful homicide unit?

Investigative tools, such as polygraph, bloodstain pattern analysis, criminal investigative analysis, and statement analysis

A man is driving home from work and is speeding in a residential neighborhood. He is going 55 mph in a 25 mph posted zone, exceeding the speed limit by 30 miles per hour. He hits a child playing in the street. The child dies one week later in the hospital. What crime has the man committed?

Involuntary manslaughter

Which of the following is incorrect regarding the Miranda warning?

It applies to both custodial interrogations and to circumstances in which the suspect is free to leave.

Which of the following is true of the triangulation method of sketching?

It is a bird's-eye view of the scene that uses fixed objects from which to measure.

Which of the following is true about writing and using field notes in the courtroom?

It is acceptable for a person who did not prepare the field notes to testify about their reliability.

All photos are required to be authenticated in order to be admissible in court. Specifically, the party seeking to introduce the photograph into evidence must be prepared to present testimony that the photograph is accurate and correct. Which of the following statements BEST describes the legal rule on who must authenticate pictures through sworn testimony in court?

It must be authenticated by someone who was at the scene but does not have to be the photographer.

What is the primary motivation for motor vehicle theft committed by juvenile offenders?


Three burglars entered a residence to steal some liquor, but while they were there, they carved their initials in a grand piano, broke record albums in half, and spray-painted obscenities on the walls. They also went into the kitchen and ate food from the refrigerator. Based on the M.O. of this crime, who are likely to be the burglars?

Juvenile, amateur burglars

An investigator is called to a convenience store to investigate a report of a robbery. The clerk reported that the robber came in right at 2:00 p.m. and was wearing a black ski mask and black clothing. He displayed a gun and handed the clerk a note that said, "Don't call the police. Just give me all of the money!" What can the investigator conclude about the M.O. in this case?

Knowing that bank robbers are predictable, he will likely employ the same modus operandi in successive robberies.

Which of the following is most likely typical of an amateur bank robber?

Lives near the target bank

Which one of the following statements is true regarding arrests in the United States?

Making an arrest is a dangerous process for a police officer.

Which of the following best illustrates the Bertillon system of criminal identification?

Matching the shape of the ears and skeletal size to a particular suspect

According to Hazelwood and Burgess, the use of force may include which of the following levels of severity?

Minimal, moderate, excessive, brutal

Which of the following is a measure an investigator takes to protect an informant's identity?

Minimize telephone conversations between control agents and informants

Which of the following statements is the BEST use of language in a police report?

Ms. Anderson saw the AMC Pacer with several men inside driving near the Appleton mall.

Which of the following processes of taking fingerprints involves the development of prints by using amino acids resulting from perspiration?


Surveillance is a process that allows investigators to perform which of the following actions?

Observe a suspect without arousing his or her suspicions

Officer Peters is about to interview a victim and must prepare several questions. Which of the following types of questions should he rely on most to force the interviewee to relate to the statement?

Open-ended questions

A younger perpetrator does not plan the crime well (e.g., use of weapons, getaway car) but robs a cab when it happens to pass by. The suspect is a member of a juvenile gang and is trying to "prove" himself to the others as a "tough guy." What type of perpetrator is the suspect above?

Opportunistic robber

The search warrant must contain specifics about the location to be searched and the objects being sought. What is the legal burden of proof that is required to obtain a search warrant?


Which of the following is part of overt collection?

Personal interaction with victims of crimes

Which of the following refers to informants who provide information with a hidden benefit or advantage to themselves?

Perversely motivated informants

An investigator is interviewing a sexual assault victim. Which question below is the best way to find out what happened?

Please tell me what happened.

Richard Franks uses an Identi-Kit in his job with the New York City Police Department. Which of the following is his most likely designation?

Police Artist

Which person(s) will most probably have custody of physical evidence and bring it to the courtroom?

Police Personnel

Which of the following statements about the different types of witnesses is true?

Police officers may find that their testimonies sometimes straddle the domains of fact and expert witness.

Both the judge and jury will be watching the investigator's demeanor closely as well as listening to what he or she has to say. First impressions can make a difference. Within this context, what is the general guideline regarding the use of humor when testifying?

Police officers may reveal a sense of humor, and the jury can be impressed but should be made with caution so as not to offend any member of the jury.

Which aspect of homicide investigations is most prone to error?

Preserving the crime scene

Evidence established by law that at face value proves a fact in dispute is known as ________.

Prima facie evidence

Which statement below is true regarding the establishment of the FBI in the United States?

Probably the single most significant development in criminal investigation in the United States was the establishment of the FBI in 1924.

Which statement below best describes the use of the polygraph?

Proper use of this tool can help an investigator determine a suspect's guilt or innocence.

After the preliminary duties have been performed at a homicide scene, the responding officer must immediately ________.

Protect crime scene

In order for a police officer to conduct a Terry Stop, what legal threshold must exist?


Because of the changing nature of criminal activity and the role of the investigator, the objectives of a criminal investigation may be more complex than people imagine. Which of the following are objectives of criminal investigations?

Recover stolen property and prepare sound criminal cases for prosecution

A female college student is receiving sexually explicit emails and texts from someone she is somewhat acquainted with. Texts include, "I watch you get undressed every day." "I saw you in the cafeteria." "You shouldn't walk to your car all alone after work." The officer investigating recognizes that this is clearly a stalking case. The officer suggests to the victim that she apply to the court to obtain a restraining order against the stalker. What is the likely result of a restraining order in this case?

Restraining orders are often ineffective in cases like this one and the stalking is likely to continue.

Which of the following is the most common type of robbery?

Robberies associated with holdups, muggings, and stickups

The Uniform Crime Reporting Program defines ________ as the taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence or by putting the victim in fear.


Which of the following is a procedure established to study human blood stains and distinguish them from the blood of most other animals?


A police officer is dispatched to a bank robbery. The first officer arrives at the scene and cannot determine whether or not a crime is still in progress. No backup has yet arrived. What should the first officer do next?

She should wait for backup, then carefully enter the building with at least one other officer.

A 32-year-old man is at a High School football game with his wife and two children. He is the father of a player and is cheering for the "home team." Another parent from opposing team is upset that the home team parent is cheering too loudly. The visiting parent tells the man, "Knock it off! We're trying to enjoy the game!" The home team parent ignores the comment and continues to cheer loudly. The visiting parent then stands up, clenches his fists and says to the home team parent as he is charging towards the home team parent, "I told you to shut up! Now I'm going to shut you up but putting my fist in your mouth!" The home team father sees the other man approaching him with clenched fists and hears the threat. Before the visiting father has a chance to strike, the home team father punches the visiting father in the face and knocks him down. Police arrive immediately thereafter. What crime has the visiting team father committed?

Simple Assault

A woman called police from a public phone and refused to identify herself. She told the police a suspect had shown her marijuana in his car and told her that in a few minutes he would be driving to a specified geographical area with the drugs. The informant provided investigators specific details about the suspect's vehicle and license plate number. The police followed up on the information given to them by the concerned citizen and located the vehicle. They stopped the vehicle, conducted a search, and found drugs in the car. The suspect was subsequently arrested. Which statement below best reflects the credibility of the informant and the legality of the police actions?

Since the woman did not identify herself, the woman is not legally credible and as a result, the officers did not have probable cause to search the vehicle and arrest the suspect.

The watershed in British police development occurred in 1829 with the establishment of the London Metropolitan Police Department by ________.

Sir Robert Peel

This is a thin, easily obtainable piece of metal or aluminum that is notched at both ends used to enter locked vehicles. This tool enables easy entry by the thief, who slides the tool in the small crevice between the door and the door frame. After the lock is manipulated, the door is easily opened. What is this tool?

Slim Jim

Which of the following is a type of intelligence that provides the investigator with information as to the capabilities and intentions of target subjects?


Which of the following is the first step in the intelligence gathering process?

Target selection

What are tiny pinpoint hemorrhages resulting from the discharge of unburned powder being deposited into the skin called?


Which Supreme Court case redefined the "fleeing felon rule"?

Tennessee v. Garner

"The phenomenon in which jurors hold unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence and investigation techniques, and have an increased interest in the discipline of forensic science" is known as ________.

The "CSI effect."

Review the following facts from Arizona v. Gant (2009): Police officers arrested Rodney Gant for driving with a suspended license. After he was handcuffed and locked in the back of a patrol car, officers searched his car and found cocaine in a jacket located on the backseat. Gant moved to suppress the cocaine found by police. How did the U.S. Supreme Court rule on the search incident to arrest issue in this case?

The Court held that the search-incident-to-arrest exception to the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement did NOT justify the search in this case because the arrestee was not within reaching distance of the passenger compartment at the time of the search.

Read the following facts regarding United States v. Sokolow (1989): Sokolow, appeared to be suspicious to police because while traveling under an alias from Honolulu, he paid $2,100 in $20 bills (taken from a larger sum of money) for a round-trip airline ticket to Miami. He spent a very short period of time in Miami. Sokolow was noticeably nervous and had checked no luggage. A warrantless airport investigation by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents revealed more than 1,000 grams of cocaine on the defendant. Based on the facts above, how did the U.S. Supreme Court rule?

The Court ruled that according to a "totality of the circumstances" criterion, in which the defendant's entire behavior is taken collectively to provide the basis for a legitimate stop, the evidence was admissible.

Which of the following is accurate about the National Auto Theft Bureau (NATB)?

The NATB estimates that 15 percent of all vehicles reported stolen were fraudulent claims.

An investigative tool gaining considerable popularity with law enforcement agencies is the voice stress analyzer (VSA). Which statement below is true of this technology?

The VSA detects, measures, and displays changes in the voice print frequency.

The criminal investigator must incorporate skills of critical thinking with known scientific methods in their investigations. When comparing these two approaches to criminal investigation, which statement below best reflects a scientific method?

The collection of data through observation and experimentation and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

Read the following facts: A man comes out of his house and approaches an undercover officer parked on the street. After a brief conversation, the man sells crack cocaine to the undercover officer and is immediately arrested. While he is being handcuffed, the man shouts to a second, unidentified man standing in the doorway of the home, "Eddie, quick, flush our stash down the toilet!" The officer then enters the house, arrests Eddie immediately, and seizes a large quantity of crack cocaine. Based on the facts above, which statement below is true?

The entry into the home, the arrest, and the search of the home are all lawful to prevent the destruction of evidence.

A police officer stops a car for a traffic violation. The officer conducts a legal search of the vehicle after obtaining consent from the driver. The officer discovered three ounces of cocaine in the car. The driver is given a choice to be charged with felony possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance or cooperate with the police to identify and arrest the source of the cocaine. What may motivate the driver to become an informant in this case? In other words, identify the category of informant the driver is most likely to fall under?

The fearful informant

Which statement below is true regarding a crime scene finished sketch.

The finished sketch is a completed sketch usually drawn to scale from information contained on the rough sketch.

wo police officers are called to investigate a domestic abuse incident. When police arrive, they find a married couple engaged in a physical fight where the man is on top of the woman and he is holding her down by the shoulders while she is scratching his face and arms with her fingernails. After separating the two, both are assessed for injuries and an ambulance is summoned to the scene. The man has multiple scratches on his face, his neck, and on his arms. His eye is severely injured. The woman has what appears to be a black eye and her clothes are torn and barely cover her underclothes. The woman stated that he insisted on sexual relations and began pulling off her clothes and she kicked him in the groin and tried to run away. He caught up to her and started to pull off her clothes and she was trying to fight him off. She also tells police that she does not want to "press charges." The man told the officers that his wife was angry at him and he just wanted to have a little fun. Things got out of hand and she kicked him in the groin. He said that he just was trying to keep her from hitting him so he pushed her down. He doesn't know how her eye got injured but insists that he is the victim by saying, "Look at me! Look at what that B_ _ _ H did to me!" Who should police arrest in this situation?

The husband should be arrested because he is the primary physical aggressor.

Which is a typical area of conflict between prosecutors and police?

The issue of when a case will be brought to trial by the prosecutor

What did the Volstead Act criminalize?

The manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcohol

A police officer is investigating the theft of a CD at a retail store. The complainant states that an anonymous person reported that the suspect fits a description of the person who stole a CD that is missing from inventory. The suspect is denying any involvement. The CD has not been recovered. Based on this information, what statement below is true regarding an arrest of the suspect in this case?

The officer may NOT arrest the suspect because the officer does not have probable cause.

A police officer has arrested a man in front of his house for felony theft. Subsequent to the arrest, what can the officer search?

The officer may thoroughly search the man but may not conduct a strip search.

A police officer is testifying in a criminal trial. The defense attorney, during cross-examination, asks the officer to express an opinion. What should the officer do?

The officer should delay answering to allow the prosecution an opportunity to object.

A police officer is investigating a sexual assault and recovered the underwear that was worn by the victim after the assault. How should the officer package the evidence so as not to damage potential DNA evidence?

The officer should make sure the evidence is air dried, then sealed in a paper bag.

An investigator needs fingerprints from a knife recovered from a crime scene. The investigator intends to send the knife to the FBI crime lab by placing the knife into a cardboard box after it is secured to a rigid board. The invoice, transmittal form, and property receipt are also secured inside the box. The box is sealed and then sent to the crime lab. What can be said about the process that was used to ship the evidence to the crime lab?

The process used was improper because the invoice should have been affixed to the outside of the box.

A task-force is investigating a series of armed robberies in Florida. A pattern has emerged and dozens police officers from multiple agencies, including the FBI, are involved in stakeouts of multiple potential banks in a five mile radius. The stakeout is now on day four. What is the purpose of this surveillance?

The purpose of the stakeout is to arrest the suspect(s) during the attempted or actual commission of another armed robbery.

Two police officers are investigating a child abuse and neglect case and during the walk-through, it was evident that significant evidence is located in the child's bedroom. What search method should the officers use to most effectively search the child's room?

The quadrant or zone search method

During an investigation involving drug trafficking, an officer learned through a confidential informant that drugs were being sold at 3984 Maple Street. The officer went to the residence seeking consent to search the home for drugs and drug trafficking and knocked on the door. A man later identified as Jim, came to the door and informed the officer that he was just visiting and had just arrived a few hours ago. He informed the officer that he didn't live at the house and that the owner had just left to pick up some groceries. When asked, Jim consented to a search of the house which was then conducted. Cocaine, LSD, marijuana, and unknown pills were seized. What statement below regarding this search is true?

The search is illegal and the evidence is inadmissible.

A woman contacted police and identified herself. She told the police a suspect had shown her marijuana in his car and told her that in a few minutes he would be driving to a specified geographical area with the drugs. The informant provided investigators specific details about the suspect's vehicle and license plate number. The police followed up on the information given to them by the concerned citizen and located the vehicle. They stopped the vehicle, conducted a search, and found drugs in the car. The suspect was subsequently arrested. Which statement below best reflects the credibility of the informant and the legality of the police actions (State v. Lindquist)?

The woman is credible and the officers had probable cause to search the vehicle and arrest the suspect.

An undercover police officer approached a suspected drug dealer in a bar. The undercover officer purchased a beer for the suspect and began a conversation about sports. The officer then told the suspect that he was out of a job and was wondering how he was going to pay his rent and other bills. The suspect became comfortable with the officer and said, "Are you looking to make a little money?" The officer replied, "I would love to make some cash. What do you have in mind?" The suspect said, "I'm looking for some help in selling some Oxy. Are you interested?" Based on the undercover operation above, what can be said about the issue of entrapment?

There is no entrapment because the officer provided an opportunity to commit a crime.

Defense attorneys frequently attempt to interview police officers about a case in the hope of developing information that will enable them to achieve a favorable result for their clients. What is the guideline regarding such interactions between police officers and defense attorneys?

There should be no communication between officers and defense attorneys regarding pending criminal cases without the express approval of the prosecutor's office.

A police department is holding intelligence files that are no longer accurate, or are not relevant to the mission of the unit, do not pertain to investigative interests and activities, and contain insufficient supporting documentation. What should the police department do with these files?

These files should be purged.

Which of the following is false about crime scene photographs?

They show true or actual distances with minimal mechanical errors and color disruptions.

Unless the patrol officer is able to make an immediate, on-scene arrest, 12 essential questions need direct answers to determine the solvability of the case. Based on the following facts, use the solvability factors identified in the text to answer the solvability question in this case: A 32-year-old woman was physically assaulted by her live-in boyfriend. He used a lamp to strike the woman in the back of the head while she was attempting to escape his grasp during an argument. The man left the scene prior to police arriving.

This case is highly solvable. Collect statements and evidence, obtain an arrest warrant, document the scene and refer the woman to the domestic abuse shelter for counseling and services.

A police officer stops a car for a traffic violation. The officer conducts a legal search of the vehicle after obtaining consent from the driver. The officer discovered stolen property and a large amount of illegal prescription drugs in the car. The driver is given a choice to be charged with felony possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance or cooperate with the police to identify and arrest the source of the drugs. What process is the officer using?

This process is known as FLIPPING

Investigators are called to a scene where a kidnapping of a 12-year-old girl was reported. Witnesses consistently state the girl was forced into a blue mini-van. The witnesses include several of her friends and two adults. The investigation has resulted in the identification of a van registered to Roger P. Anderson of 1594 Maple Drive, and this matches the description of the vehicle used in the abduction. How many crime scenes should the police be immediately concerned with?

Three crime scenes - the park, the mini-van, and the residence at 1594 Maple Drive should be secured and searched with proper search warrants.

Tim Burns fears for his life from an attacker. Which of the following rules must he follow in defending himself from his attacker?

Tim must use only the degree of force necessary to stop his attacker.

Which of the following is indicative of an exit wound?

Tissue Protrusion

What is the investigative goal of the police officer in interviewing a rape victim?

To determine if and how the crime occurred.

What is the purpose of the cognitive interview?

To elicit better information from victims and witnesses

For which purpose will an officer most likely broadcast a flash description?

To enable other officers to quickly apprehend a suspect still in the vicinity

Which of the following is a goal of an investigative interview?

To obtain information through a formal and nonaccusatory conversation

Which of the following best describes the goal of the RISS projects?

To offer access to intelligence databases and connect disparate systems

An investigator finds possible textile fibers and animal hair on a nude homicide victim. Which crime laboratory forensic unit identifies and compares textile fibers and animal hair that may have been transferred during the commission of this violent crime?

Trace evidence Unit

In taking field notes about a murder victim's gunshot wounds, which detail should officers omit?

Type of gun used

Which of the following is most likely true of undercover officers?

Undercover officers establish a fictitious story to conceal identity.

Which is the best method of seizing a handgun as evidence?

Using two fingers to hold the grip

Proactive investigations typically involve which type of crime?


Which of the following is NOT considered typical M.O. information for a robbery?

Victim is under 50 years of age

Which of the following is NOT a common factor used to determine an estimated time of death?

Washerwoman appearance of the hands and feet

Because of the violent nature of the crime of robbery and the imminent threat of injury, witnesses are not likely to remember many specific details of a robbery. It is important, however, that officers attempt to gather as much information as possible from the victim and any witnesses. Select the best question below that encourages a victim to disclose details that may help to identify a suspect.

What were the most noticeable features about the robber's face?

When do police officers use field interview cards (FI cards)?

When patrol officers happen on people in circumstances that appear suspicious but there is not sufficient cause for arrest

When are Miranda warnings required to be read to a suspect?

Whenever a person is in custody and prior to interrogation

Prima facie evidence is evidence established by law that at face value proves a fact in dispute. Which of the following is an example of prima facie evidence?

Wisconsin state law states that anyone with a blood alcohol content over .08 is operating illegally on Wisconsin highways.

A self-incriminating statement made by the suspect that falls short of an acknowledgment of guilt is known as a(n) ________.


Sally was sexually assaulted by an unknown man in her apartment during a home invasion. Police investigators interviewed Sally and she agreed to meet with a composite sketch artist to attempt to draw a likeness of the suspect. After the interview, a drawing was made and Sally said the likeness was, "So-so." In other words, the likeness was not very close but had some resemblance to the suspect. A week later, police had a suspect and a line-up was conducted. Sally was brought in to view the "suspects." What might an expert say regarding Sally's eyewitness identification of a suspect in this case?

all of the above

One of the goals of conducting an interrogation is to obtain a confession. What is a key psychological factor in obtaining an admission or a confession?

creating privacy

Which of the following is an interrogation style of interrogation in which an investigator attempts to give the suspect a rationale to justify his or her participation in the crime?

face saving

Which of the following sources of evidence is most fragile and should be collected first?


________ may result in highly suggestible and confused suspects beginning to believe they are guilty of the crime they didn't commit


What does the investigator's courtroom checklist NOT include?

personal Firearm

Since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the United States has been fortunate to avoid subsequent terrorist attacks within its borders. Which statement below best reflects the reason for the lack of subsequent, foreign terrorist attacks in the United States?

that is attributable to the efforts of enhanced intelligence resources.

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