Final Exam (EDUC 313)

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Cognitive Development Warner Schaie Stages of Development

Acquisitive Stage (childhood and adolescence) --> Achieving Stage (young adulthood) --> Executive and Responsible Stage (middle adulthood) --> Reintegrative Stage (late adulthood)

(book) In the book they talk about the differences in health problems for people with various in come levels. What is one of the reasons the book gives for the fact that people with low income have more health problems compared to people with high income?

People with low income have inferior health-care coverage


Behaviorists say that babies want to be close to their mother because she gives the reward of food. No study of feelings.


Being 'in the solution,' change the situation.

What is the correct format of a reference in the references?

Berndt, T. J. (2002). Friendship quality and social development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.

Bulimia Nervosa

Bing eating (eating large amounts of food in one setting) and purging (vomiting or laxative use)

Erik Erikson: Generativity versus stagnation Examples of generativity:

Biological (having children) Parental (parent children) Work (passing on skills) Culture (passing on culture)

Infancy and toddlerhood

Birth - 3

Water birthing:

Birth in a bath tub.

Rubella (German Measles):

Blindness, deafness, brain damage


Born before 38 weeks.

____ _______ is influenced both by genes and environment.

Brain development

Persistent Vegetative State

Brainstem is still working, cerebrum is not. Some reflexes are possible. Terri Schiavo Case: Parents wanted to leave her feeding-tube in, husband wanted to take it out. Court cases took 15 years.

Cognitive Development Intelligence. Gardner:

Eight intelligences Verbal Mathematical Interpersonal (relationships) Intrapersonal (know self) Musical Kinesthetic (use of body) Naturalist (use of nature)

_____plays a key role in children's ability to manage conflicts they face interacting with others.

Emotion regulation


Emotion regulation, controlling the reaction.

Genes and Chromosomes

Every human cell has 46 chromosomes except for the egg and sperm cell, they have 23 chromosomes.

Which of the following is an example of active euthanasia?

Injecting a lethal dose of a drug

Which of the following is a type of intelligence identified by Howard Gardner?


___________ intelligence is knowledge of yourself, interpersonal intelligence is how well you know others and how intelligent you are about relationships.



Introducing new things when the baby is losing interest helps brain development. Example: Use baby mobiles that you can change up.

Nature versus nurture

Is development influenced by nature (genes, evolution) or by nurture (environment, school)?

If you want to explain to your friends why you are using 'annoying baby-talk' with your one-month-old niece, what could you say?

It helps your niece develop language skills

With regard to the timing of menarche, research says:

It's determined by bodyweight. and It's determined by the level of family stress.

Which child is showing they can't conserve?

Jake, who thinks he has less juice than his sister, because her juice is poured into a taller glass

Cultural bias example:

Japanese culture does not separate parents from infants, which can lead to ambivalent (=resistant) attachment measurement in the strange situation.

Making Marriage Work

John Gottman dedicated his life's work to studying marriage. He established seven main practices that help marriages succeed. 1. love maps (know each other) 2. fondness (like each other) 3. turn towards each other (not to your friends or 'buddies') 4. let them influence you (listen...) 5. solve conflicts 6. get out of gridlock (some issues cannot be solved) 7. shared meaning (something you are both excited about)

Week 5:

Nervous system begins to work (brainwaves).

The Onset of Development

Neural tube closes at 24 days. Folic acid will prevent Spina Bifida and Anencephaly (incomplete closure of neural tube). Growth of all major organs!


New treatment for ADHD using feedback about brainwaves and training to alter brain activity.


No stages either in this theory. Educators can influence cognitive growth, children do not have to wait to 'grow into' a skill by themselves. Culture guides what educators teach. (Sociocultural Theory) Social interaction and culture guide development, not stages. (Contextual Perspective)

Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love Note: Intimacy does NOT mean sex. Sex is passion in this theory.

Non-love Liking: Intimacy Infatuation: Passion Empty love: Commitment Romantic Love: Intimacy and passion Fatuous love: Commitment and passion Companionate Love: Commitment and Intimacy Consummate love: Commitment, intimacy and passion

Infantile amnesia?

Not being able to remember your first 2 years of live.

Violation of expectation research:

Object permanence at 3-4 months (Piaget said 12 months).

Four babies have difficult temperaments. Which child is MOST likely to develop a secure attachment?

Olaf, whose mother always attends to him lovingly

Grey Panthers:

Organization started by Maggie Kuhn, fighting for the right of older adults


Organs start to work. Differentiation of male or female due to production of hormones.

Interactional synchrony:

Parent and baby interact in synchrony = matching emotional states.


Patterns of arousal and emotionality believed to be a consistent and enduring part of an individual's personality.

Substance use and abuse: Risk factors:

- Chaotic home environment - Ineffective parenting - Little mutual attachment and nurturing - Inappropriate, shy or aggressive classroom behavior - Academic failure - Low academic aspirations - Poor social coping skills - Affiliations with deviant peers - Perceived external approval of drug use (peer, family, community) - Parental substance abuse or mental illness

Dr. Smith is an old-style behaviorist. How would he explain 1-year-old Ned's efforts to be close to his mother at all times?

"Ned's behavior is being rewarded because his mother feeds him."

You are giving a lecture on U.S. childhood obesity. Pick the statement (from the slides) you could make:

"Obesity has a genetic component."

Pick the statement a behaviorist would make.

"You can succeed if you are rewarded by the teacher for doing well."

Joan is 45 years old and feels hot. She gets red, begins to sweat, and then she feels chills. The symptom Joan is experiencing is

"hot flashes."

Neurodevelopmental Disorder: Autism Spectrum Disorder

'Autism Disorder' has changed to 'Autism Spectrum Disorder' to show mild to severe symptoms under one name. 'Asperger' has been terminated to describe mild autism.


'Chainsaw' for genes.

James Marcia: Identity Status: Identity diffusion

'Drifting aimlessly without any goals'. Not knowing what you want to do with your life and not trying to find out.

Chronological age:

'Regular' age, the amount of years a person has lived.

Negative effects of spanking:

- Modeling aggressive solution to problems. - Lower quality of parent-child relationship. - Mental health issues. - Higher delinquency. - Higher anti-social behavior.

Oldest person ever Jeanne Louise Calment

122, born in 1857 in France Smoked one cigarette with one glass of wine every day and loved chocolate died in 1997

What percentage of your paper can be direct quotes in quotation marks?


Average age of first sexual intercourse:


Infantile amnesia is defined as the lack of memory for experience that occurred prior to

2 years of age.

Embryonic period:

2-8 weeks

According to our book, what age is typically considered to be the beginning of young adulthood?


Young adulthood

20 - 40

Which of the following is considered the 'early adulthood' period of development?



2018: American Academy of Pediatrics states that spanking is harmful for children's development and ineffective in teaching behavior regulation

Age of viability (able to live outside the womb):

22-25 weeks.

Uniform Determination of Death Act, UDDA (legislation applied in most states): An individual is determined death when having:

(1) irreversible non-functioning of circulatory and respiratory functions. (2) irreversible non -functioning of the entire brain, including the brain stem


(Behavioral Theory) Development through rewards and punishments

What is the correct way to include a page number of a quote in the citation?

(Smith, 2014, p. 4)


(Social Cognitive Theory) Development through modeling other people

Nursing homes:

24/7 live-in care

The median age of first time marriage in the U.S. is now approximately _____ .



2o% of American children live in poverty, 1 in 6 are food insecure.

Preschool period

3 - 6


32% of all deliveries in the US.


38 weeks (At 22-25 weeks the fetus can survive).

Psychologist James Marcia proposed ____ categories of adolescent identity.


A block quotation format needs to be used when a quote is longer than____ words.


Middle adulthood

40 - 65

Sperm can survive for

5-7 days inside the vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes.

According to the American Cancer Society, men need to start yearly prostate exams at what age?


What percentage of marriages in the U.S. remains intact?


In the embryonic stage, the nervous system begins to function around the ___ week, and weak brain waves begin to be produced.


Breastfeeding for the first _____ months and one year after that as supplemental feeding.


Middle childhood

6 - 12

New research shows memory traces are present at _________, but retrieval later in life is only possible with memories made after 18-24 months.

6 months

Late adulthood

65 - death

What is the current edition of the APA format that we are using for this paper?


Fetal period:

8 weeks- birth

Physiological reactivity to the unfamiliar

= increased heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation, limbic system arousal (= emotions) in infancy is associated with shyness, depression and anxiety in adulthood.


A ________ is anything that can cause birth defects. A critical period is a specific time when a body structure is developing and vulnerable to __________.

Active euthanasia:

A doctor helps a patient die. Legal only in The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, Colombia and Canada. Not legal in the US

James Marcia: Identity Status: Identity achievement

A person has chosen an identity and adult life path after searching out various options.

Fantz chamber

A research method that measures how long an infant looks at different stimuli to measure if infants can distinguish one stimulus from another.

Gender roles:

A set of expectations that says how males and females should think, act and feel.


A time of evaluation, decision making and finding a place in the world. For adolescents to reach their full potential they need opportunities and long-term support from adults who care about them.

_____ is a disability in which children consistently show one or more of these characteristics over a period of time: inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.


Diana Baumrind: Parenting styles

Accepting/responsive ↔ rejecting/not responsive and Demanding/controlling ↔not demanding/controlling

Information processing theory:

According to this theory cognitive development does NOT happen in stages, it is a cumulative process with one skill building on the other. They say that a child can conserve because they have a longer attention span as they age (due to brain maturation), so they can focus on more than one thing at the time.


Achievement and foreclosure have a commitment, foreclosure and diffusion have no exploration, moratorium does. You can see this also in the picture on slide 23 and I explain it in the lecture.

Female climacteric:

Transition from being able to bear children to being unable to do so. Starts around age 45 and the whole process lasts about 10-15 years. Lowering of estrogen and progesterone levels.

All authors of an article (until 20 authors) need to be written out in full in the references.


In a citation you can use the first author followed by et al., when an article has 3 or more authors.


The last names you use in the citation of an article in your paper need to be the same last names you use in the reference of that article in the references.


You can use the same citation more than once in your paper.


YouTube videos and Ted Talks have their own specific APA citation and reference format.



Trust versus Mistrust

What type of research do behavior geneticists use?

Twin studies, Adoption studies, and Twins reared apart studies

First social smile:

Two months.

Behavior that is categorized by competitiveness, impatience, and a tendency toward frustration and hostility is called

Type A behavior pattern.

Formal operational thinking (Piaget):

Tyra will leave Ben because that is the logical thing to do given the situation. Hypothetical-deductive reasoning = clear cut solution.

Which of the following is considered a risk factor for alcohol and drug abuse among teenagers?

academic failure

According to Schaie, what is the mission of young adulthood?


Identity _____ is the status of individuals who have undergone exploration and made a commitment.


According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attainment of long-term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions is identified as which stage?

achieving stage

According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the point reached by young adults in which intelligence is applied to specific situations involving the attainment of long-term goals regarding careers, family, and societal contributions is called the

achieving stage.

According to Schaie, what is the mission of childhood and adolescence?


According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the first stage of cognitive development, encompassing all of childhood and adolescence, in which the main developmental task is to acquire information, is called the

acquisitive stage.

Piaget argued that infants acquire knowledge through

actively interacting with the environment

Brain and Adolescence

adolescents have very strong emotions and impulses and limited skills to control them.

Amad does not need continued care. However, he does receive care during the day in the form of meals and medications. What type of facility does Amad attend?

adult day-care

The Scishow video about teenagers and brain development talks about research studying a specific difference between adult brains and teenage brains. What is that difference?

adults can read facial expression better than teenagers

Alice's symptoms of menopause include hot flashes and the cessation of her monthly menstrual cycle. Alice's doctor tells her she is experiencing a(n)

age-graded influence

The wear-and-tear theories of aging argue that the body constantly manufactures energy and creates ___________, which eventually reach(es) such high levels as to impair the body's normal functioning.


Genetic counselors

can counsel the parents about adjusting the baby's diet to prevent phenylalanine damage.

The overall practice of helping people who are terminally ill to die more quickly is called:


Marion is 45 years old. According to the American Cancer Society and the American College of Radiology, she should start having mammograms

every year.

According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity following a period of exploration during which they consider various alternatives is called

identity achievement.

According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who never even consider identity options in any conscious way, is called

identity diffusion.

Ramon's parents have decided that he will enroll in law school in the college near their hometown. Ramon has not really thought about the issue much himself, but he will follow their advice. James Marcia would classify Ramon's identity status as:

identity foreclosure

According to James Marcia, the status of adolescents who commit to an identity without adequately exploring alternatives is called

identity foreclosure.

A boy thinks that everyone is constantly watching him and commenting on his behavior. A girl takes incredible risks because she thinks that she could never die. Pick the terms for these facets of adolescent egocentrism, in order

imaginary audience; personal fable

Neural pruning begins:

in infancy

Crystallized intelligence ___________ in midlife


Which of the following is a type of speech directed toward infants, characterized by short, simple sentences?

infant-directed speech

According to the slides, what is a major problem for women in young adulthood?

infertility caused by STIs

The final stage of Erik Erikson's developmental theory is: a. generativity versus stagnation.

integrity versus despair

According to Robert Sternberg, liking develops only when _________ is present.


The component of love that encompasses feelings of closeness, affection, and connectedness is called

intimacy component.

In Gardner's multiple intelligences test, the scale that measures how well you know yourself gives you information about__________ intelligence .



is a genetic disorder that makes the baby unable to metabolize the amino acid (protein) phenylalanine. Consuming phenylalanine can cause intellectual disability.

Looking time

is an important measuring tool in research with infants because they cannot speak.

Emotion regulation

is important for development of social skills.

First stage in Erikson's theory

is trust versus mistrust. When babies are attended to lovingly and consistently in the first year of life they will learn to trust their environment. If not, they will mistrust their environment. According to Erikson this trust or mistrust will continue on later in life.

Play is considered to be valuable because:

it helps children's brain development, it advances children's cognitive development, it helps children advance their social development

Which interventionused in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is known to stimulateneurological maturation in preterm babies?

kangaroo care

Which of the following are benefits of high-quality infant-care?

learning from other babies, developing social skills, being more independent

A newborn has been categorized as a low-birthweight infant. Which describes the infant's weight best?

less than 5.5 pounds

Which of the following is one of Gottman's seven main practices for a good marriage?

let him/her influence you

If a researcher was interested in learning how children's moral development changes between the ages of 3 and 15, the researcher may follow them until they are 15, testing them periodically. This research strategy is known as _________ research.


In a study of the behavioral adjustment of a group of children placed in foster care, the children were assessed once a year over a period of 10 years. This is an example of a ______ study.


When the behavior of one or more study participants is measured as they age, this is called ________ research.


A video in chapter one about exercise and aging illustrated a type of research that is very typical in developmental psychology, what type of research was that?

longitudinal research

A video in chapter one about exercise and aging illustrated a type of research that is verytypical in developmental psychology, what type of research was that?

longitudinal research

Vaillant (the Grant study):

longitudinal studies over 75 years and ongoing. Outcome: midlife is not crisis

What is habituation?

looking away from an object

Infants who weigh less than 2,500 grams (5 1/2 pounds) at birth are called

low birthweight.

According to research on the biological basis of temperament, people with ____ physiological reactivity to the unfamiliar as infants will have _____ chance of depression and anxiety in adulthood

low, a lower

In the speech given to the employees of a home health company, the lady who gave the speech:

made jokes about the issues people her age have

For men, the period of physical and psychological change in the reproductive system is referred to as

male climacteric.

The cessation of menstruation is known as


Which of the following terms relates to the knowledge that people have about their own thinking processes, and their ability to monitor their cognition?


According to Levinson, ___________ is the period of assessment that middle-aged people 40-45 go through that may lead to a stage of uncertainty and indecision brought about by the realization that life is finite.

midlife crisis

Ralph watches the other kindergarten students receive stickers and other rewards from the teacher for sitting at their desks and completing their work. Soon, Ralph begins to behave like the other kindergarten students. This is what type of learning?


If a child has an XX pairing of the 23rd chromosomes, they will be chromosomally:


Jason and Justin are twins and are genetically identical. They are ________ twins.


Identity _____ is James Marcia's term for the status of adolescents who are in the midst of exploration, and whose commitment levels are either absent or only vaguely defined.


The ______ control an elderly person in a nursing home has, the ______ they will live.

more; longer

The Uniform Determination of Death Act is adopted in:

most states in the USA

What is the name of the process adding fatty substance that surrounds parts of neurons and speeds the transmission of electrical impulses along brain cells?


Lawrence Kohlberg: levels of moral reasoning: Conventional

need to obey parents or society's rules

The basic nerve cell of the nervous system is called


Environmental influences that shape behavior are referred to as


A baby who knows that her toy continues to exist even when it falls behind the sofa has mastered the beginnings of:

object permanence

A 10-month-old baby who looks for a hidden object in the first place he found it, rather than in the last place he saw it, is showing:

object permanence in progress

socioemotional selectivity theory

older people have less time left so they are looking for emotional satisfaction -ignore negative information, focus on positive information -select positive relationships with people and let go of the negative ones

Can the brain be trained to prevent loss of cognitive functioning?

one large study says yes, 'use it or lose it,' the brain has plasticity (=can be changed by environment) Most experts agree that mental 'exercise is a good thing

Research results

one third of abused children become abusive adults. two thirds of abusive adults were NOT abused as children

What is an important sign of puberty in girls?

onset of menstruation

When a child uses decentration, they can conserve and they are in the concrete _________.

operational stage

Abdiel has raised three children, according to Erikson, he has achieved:

parental generativity.

Empty nest syndrome:

parents being unhappy, depressed, and lonely after their children move out of the house

Helicopter parenting

parents who are overly involved in every aspect of their children's life.

According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, _____ is physical and sexual attraction.


According to Robert Sternberg, infatuated love develops when only _________ is present.


Pick the relevant triangular theory of love terms: "She has a crush from afar on that handsome bartender"; "He is your best friend, but you will never have sex with him"; "She and her husband live totally separate lives, but they would never get a divorce."

passion; intimacy; commitment

Turning off a respirator or a heart-lung machine is an example of _____ euthanasia.


Which of the following is an example of the avoidant attachment style?

people who are uncomfortable being close to others

According to Baumrind, a parent who is highly involved with his/her children but places few demands or controls on them is displaying a(n) _____ parenting style.


What is the term for parents who are always 'chill' and require little of their children?


Which parenting style leads to 'empty' self-esteem?


Which parenting style leads to moody behavior, and social incompetence in children?

permissive parenting

Billy is a 5-year-old child whose parents always give him their undivided attention. He does not have a regular bedtime, is permitted to neglect personal hygiene such as brushing his teeth, and doesn't usually participate in any simple chores, such as picking up his toys in his room. It would appear that Billy parents' style of parenting is



person 100 years or older.


person 110 years or older

The view held by some adolescents that what happens to them is unique, exceptional, and shared by no one else is called

personal fable

Which of the following is a term that relates to an adolescent's belief that their own behavior is unique and a primary focus of others' attentions and concerns?

personal fable

Egocentrism leads to a distortion in thinking: the notion that one's experiences are unique. This may lead the adolescent to develop

personal fable.

Lawrence Kohlberg: levels of moral reasoning: Postconventional

personal moral code, universally valid, surpassing society's rules.

________ development involves the ways that the enduring characteristics that differentiate one person from another change over the life span.


Secondary aging

Physical decline due to stress, abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs and contracting STI's through unprotected sex. There is a strong correlation between alcohol abuse and sexual assault.


Physical part of Adolescence

Which theory describes many of the cognitive changes such as logical and hypothetical-deductive reasoning that might influence religious and spiritual development in adolescence?

Piaget's cognitive developmental theory

Stage 3:

Placenta is delivered.

Eating disorders

Possible causes: dieting, perfectionism, felling of control, depression, culture of thinness.

Tapi believes that all human beings have certain inalienable rights that need to be protected. She believes that the current law in her country which prohibits interracial marriage is unfair and should be changed. According to Kohlberg, which of the following describes Tapi's level of moral reasoning?


Over the past week, Walter has been trying to learn to tie his shoelaces. Initially, his mother held his hands and worked his fingers through the process. Now that Walter is better at it, she only guides him verbally. Which of the following is this an example of?


Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD):

Screening a fertilized embryo before implantation.

Adult Attachment

Securely attached adults tend to have relationships that are: - more trusting - more committed - lasting longer It is possible to change behavior in adulthood


Self- hypnosis during birth.

_____ refers to global evaluations of the self.


Postpartum Depression

Severe depression, ongoing, therapy needed


Severe impairment of reading and spelling.

Sexuality Late Adultood

Sexual activity in late adulthood is connected to longevity (live longer) If you stop having sex you might lose the ability to, so: "use it or lose it"

Three-year-old Sharon can solve 4-piece jigsaw puzzles on her own but needs her parents' help to solve 6-piece jigsaw puzzles. Which of the following represents the outside of Sharon's zone of proximal development (ZPD) for solving such puzzles?

Sharon solving 10-piece puzzles and Sharon solving 4-piece puzzles

First stranger anxiety:

Six months.

Kangaroo Care:

Skin-to-skin contact with infant to stabilize heartbeat, temperature and breathing. Helps neurological maturation.

When you are using information from an article published in 2014 and written by Tim Smith, what is the correct format of the citation?

Smith (2014) or (Smith, 2014)

What is the correct citation when an article has 2 authors?

Smith and Jones (2014) or (Smith & Jones, 2014)

What is the correct format for an article with 3 authors?

Smith et al., (2014) or (Smith et al., 2014)

When you are using information from an article with the title "I love APA," published in 2014 and written by Tim Smith, what is the correct format for the reference in the references?

Smith, T. (2014). I love APA. Then the source of the article and the link

When an article has 3 authors and was published in 2014, what is the correct format for the reference of the article?

Smith, T., Jones, P., & Thompson, A. (2014)

_________ development involves the way in which individuals' interactions with others and their social relationships grow, change, and remain stable over the course of life.


Birth. The Stages of Labor

Stage 1, 2, and 3

Heinz Dilemma: Postconventional

Steal the drugs and save spouse, because that is the right thing to do, no matter what the law says.


Step-by-step teaching a new skill by not doing it for them (no 'spoon- feeding'), but helping them do it themselves.


The primary goal in life is self-actualization, which means reaching for your full potential. According to Rogers every person needs unconditional positive regard from someone to self-actualize (Humanistic Perspective)

Gender identity:

The sense of being male, female or something else. Usually around age 3.

Emerging adulthood

The transition from adolescence to adulthood Characteristics: 1. Identity exploration 2. Instability 3. Self-focus 4. Feeling in-between 5. Optimism

Theory of mind

The understanding that 'we live in different heads'. Other people have different thoughts than us. One way to measure it is with the 'false belief task' (know the 'false belief' task!). Children age 3 will fail the false belief task, children age 4-5 will get it.

Egocentrism: Imaginary audience:

The young adolescent's belief that everybody is watching everything they do

Genetic programming theories of aging

Theories that show a genetic time limit on the reproduction of cells.

Cycle of violence hypothesis

Theory about children who were abused being predisposed to become abusive as adults


Theory of Cognitive Development


Things stay the same even if the appearance changes. Because of centration preschoolers cannot do this yet. Transition happens between age 5-7, done at age 8.

Egocentric thought:

Thinking that everybody sees things from the same perspective as you. This is measured with the three mountain task (know the three mountain task!).

Evaluating Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development

This new science has proven that infants can do many things much earlier than Piaget thought they could.

According to Schaie, what is the mission of people in late adulthood?


According to Schaie, old age marks a period in which people no longer focus on acquiring knowledge to solve potential problems, but rather focus on acquiring information directed toward issues of personal interest. He calls this stage the

reintegrative stage.


research consisting of in-depth interviews with men. outcome: midlife is a crisis.

According to Schaie, what is the mission of middle adulthood?


According to Schaie, the stage in which people in middle adulthood are mainly concerned with protecting and nourishing their families and careers is called the

responsible stage.

According to Schaie, the stage in which people in middle adulthood are mainly concerned with protecting and nourishing their families and careers is called the`

responsible stage.

What area of the brain associated with attention and concentration is completely myelinated by the time a child is about 5 years of age?

reticular formation

Darnell and Denise have been in a loving and sexual relationship for months however, they do not feel compelled to make a long-term commitment yet. Psychologist Robert Sternberg would call their relationship

romantic love.

Couples in middle age that must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents are called

sandwich generation.

Juanita is feeling stressed today because her children need help with their homework while her elderly parents need someone to take them grocery shopping. Juanita is a member of the

sandwich generation.

Erikson's major contribution to the field of human development was:

saying that we develop in psychosocial stages.

Molly is a 27-year-old female who looks years older than her actual age. She lives a high-risk lifestyle that includes regular use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs, and she has never exercised regularly. Molly's behavioral choices have likely brought about

secondary aging.

Physical declines brought about by environmental factors of an individual's choices in life are called

secondary aging.

On an assessment of attachment styles modeled on Hazan and Shaver's questionnaire, Alicia described herself as follows: "I find it relatively easy to get close to others and I am comfortable depending on them and having them depend on me. I don't worry about being abandoned or about someone getting too close to me". Alicia seems to have a(n):

secure attachment style.

Link the correct attachment style to the following descriptions: (1) thrilled when reunited with a caregiver, easy to calm down (2) erratic and scared response when reunited with a caregiver, and (3) doesn't care when reunited with a caregiver.

secure; disorganized; avoidant

How does a person experience ego transcendence?

seeing their contributions lasting beyond their own lives

The process by which people concentrate on particular skill areas and concentrate on only a couple of main goals is called :

selective optimization.

prefrontal cortex

self-control, planning and reasoning. matured around age 18-25

Self-concept is not in the slides

self-esteem is. Self-concept is an evaluation of a specific part of yourself, not yourself in general. Self-esteem is an overall, general evaluation about yourself.

What does the American Academy of Pediatrics suggest to prevent SIDS?

sleep on back

What is an important component of children's development in the industry versus inferiority stage of Erik Erikson's theory?

social comparison

What is the term that means the intentional search for information about others' feelings to help explain the meaning of uncertain circumstances and events?

social referencing

Two-month-old Baby Timmy is playing and smiling at his Dad. Baby Timmy is demonstrating a

social smile.

What is the learning approach that emphasizes modeling, which involves learning by observing the behavior of another person?

social-cognitive learning

Which of the following reflects a secure attachment style?

someone who finds it easy to get close to others and is comfortable depending on them


something can change shape but still be the same. Use the glasses with the blue water to understand this!

Male climacteric

starts around age 50, lower testosterone, lower sperm count, enlarged prostate, erectile dysfunction (also called 'andropause' because testosterone is an androgen-type hormone).

John is dating because all his friends are dating and he doesn't want to be the only one who is not. Which of the following is John's reason for dating?


Adult day-care facilities

staying in the facility during the weekdays and home at night and in weekends.


study of the relationship between psychological processes, the brain and the immune system. stress lowers the strength of the body's immune system


supportive and firm parenting is associated with higher self-esteem.

In order to learn about children's toy preferences, researchers interview children at a local preschool and base their toy-design on the children's responses. This is an example of _______ research.


According to Piaget, what is the key aspect of the preoperational stage?

symbolic function

When children start to write, researchers of cognitive development call that:

symbolic function

The elimination of neurons as the result of nonuse or lack of stimulation is called

synaptic pruning.

___________is a lifelong process, whereas____________ is completed in the early twenties.


Which of the following is NOT one of John Gottman's seven main principles that determine whether a marriage will work?

take time away from each other

What is the term for the part of the protective area(s) or tip of the DNA that grow(s) shorter every time the cell divides?


Which of the following is a sexual problem facing men during middle adulthood?

testosterone declines

When Dr.Hernandez, a behavioral geneticist, compares happiness in a sample of fraternaland identical twins he finds fraternal twins' scores on happiness differ agreat deal, while identical twins' scores are virtually the same. What do thoseresults mean?

that happiness has a genetic component

What did the video about Harry Harlow's research with baby monkeys prove?

that the monkeys attach to their mother for comfort, not for food

What is used in research to see whether infants can distinguish one stimulus from another by measuring the length of time they attend to stimuli?

the Fantz chamber

Fluid intelligence

the ability to think logically and solve problems in new situations. Decreases in midlife

What are the theories of aging that argue that the body's constant manufacturing of energy creates by-products, which combine d with toxins such as radiation, chemical exposure, accidents, and disease, eventually reach such high levels that they impair the body's ability to function normally?

wear-and-tear theories


women who have not had a period for 12 consecutive months. Average age 51. Symptoms: Hot flashes, night sweats, osteoporosis. Not all women have severe symptoms

Intrinsic motivation

working for enjoyment something inside yourself

Extrinsic motivation

working for money or status. something outside yourself.

Lawrence Kohlberg: levels of moral reasoning: Preconventional

worry about being punished or rewarded


you can look at more than one thing at the same time (the length and the width of one object).


you do things because you don't want punishment or you want a reward.


you do things because you feel that it is the right thing to do, no matter what the rules are or what the law says.


you do things because you want to follow the rules (parents) or the law (society).


you only look at one aspect of a situation or object, you 'center' on one thing (height, width, length). Use the video to understand this!

According to Vygotsky, what is the level at which a child cannot fully perform a task independently, but can do so with help?

zone of proximal development

Heinz Dilemma: Preconventional

Don't steal the drugs because you don't want to go to jail

Heinz Dilemma: Conventional

Don't steal the drugs because you don't want to go to jail.


The loss of interest in a stimulus after the infant has seen it (=getting bored).

What is the type of research in which people of different ages are compared at the same point in time?


Terrence has a learning disability that involves extreme difficulty with spelling. Identify Terrence's condition.


Gender _____ involves a sense of one's own gender, including knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of being male or female.


Oldest person alive now Kane Takana

117 years old, born in 1903 in Japan Likes to eat chocolate and to study math

Adolescence age range

12 - 20

Functions of dating

- Recreation - Status - Learning about close relationships - Finding someone to marry

Substance use and abuse: Protective Factors:

- Strong family bonds - Parental engagement in child's life - Clear parental expectations and consequences - Academic success - Strong bonds with pro-social institutions (school, community, church) - Conventional norms about drug and alcohol

(book) According to the book, which of the following is a way to help children cope with grief?

- be honest about death - encourage them to express their emotions - talk to them about the funeral so they know what to expect.

When discussing marital aggression, which of the following is a stage that the couple typically goes through?

- the tension-building stage - a battering incident - the loving contrition stage

In the triangular theory of love video different triangles were shown. In this theory, what does it mean when a triangle is not symmetrical?

- there is intimacy, commitment, but only low passion - there is passion, commitment, but only low intimacy - there is passion, intimacy, but only minimal commitment

Kubler-Ross's stages of dying and grief

-Denial -Anger -Bargaining -Depression -Acceptance Not everybody goes through these stages

Age 5:

-Myelination of the reticular formation increases attention span. -Myelination of the hippocampus increases memory.

Insecurely attached

-avoidant: indifferent -ambivalent (resistant): upset, can't calm down -disorganized: upset, scared of caregiver.


-deficiency in neurotransmitter acetylcholine (important in memory) -'plaques', dense build up proteins in blood vessels of the brain -'tangles', twisted protein fibers build up in neurons.

SIDS prevention

-put infant to sleep on back -give pacifier before sleeping -breastfeed -no exposure to second-hand smoke or maternal smoking -don't share the same bed as the infant - have infant sleep in the same room as parents -have a fan running in the infant's bedroom

What age-range is Piaget's sensorimotor stage?


Germinal period:

0-2 weeks

Every paragraph in your paper needs to have at least ____ citation(s).


Postpartum Psychosis

1% of new mothers. Depressed, delusional, dangerous to self or baby, requires hospital admission

Pick the relevant triangular theory of love terms for the following types of marriage: (1) Have it all—great sex, best friends, and firmly committed; (2) best friends, happily married, but no longer sexual; (3) stay together out of habit, but have no emotional connection or sex.

1) consummate love; 2) companionate love; 3) commitment

How much did childhood obesity increase from 1975-2016?


Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

1. ADHD with predominantly in attention 2. ADHD with predominantly hyperactivity and impulsivity 3. ADHD with both in attention and hyper activity/impulsivity

Research Methods The Scientific Method

1. Have a question 2. Formulate an explanation and develop a theory 3. Have a hypothesis 4. Test the hypothesis with research

Adult Attachment Styles

1. Securely attached: positive views of relationships, easy to get close to others, not overly concerned about their romantic relationships. 2. Avoidant attached: Hesitant about getting involved in close romantic relationships and distancing oneself from romantic relationships and distancing oneself from romantic partner. 3. Ambivalent/anxious attached: demanding closeness, not trusting, emotional, and possessive.

1. _____, making connections between neurons, and 2. ________, a fatty layer around axons, are the neural changes involved in development.

1. Synaptogenesis; 2. myelination

While showing his mother a picture he has drawn, five-year-old Danny says: "Look what a big dog I made!" Danny must be in the 1. _______stage of development because he is capable of 2. _____ .

1. preoperational 2. symbolic function

Peck's theory of healthy development in late adulthood

1. redefinition of self versus preoccupation with work role: switching identity from work to something else like grandparent or gardener 2. body transcendence versus body preoccupation: Cope with physical changes; transcend=moving beyond 3. ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation: knowing accomplishments will live on after being gone, feeling good about accomplishments

Stages of spousal abuse

1. tension building 2. acute battering incident 3. loving contrition (remorse) stage, also called 'honeymoon stage' Research found that over a time-span of 10 years, 50% of women murdered in the US were murdered by a partner.

Replacing organs:

1. transplantation 2. grow organs from recipient's cloned cells 3. cloning of genetically engineered cells from animals to grow organs

Stages of Psychosocial Development

1. trust vs mistrust 2. autonomy vs shame and doubt 3. initiative vs guilt 4. industry vs inferiority 5. identity vs role confusion 6. intimacy vs isolation 7. generativity vs stagnation 8. integrity vs despair

Newborns are born with how many neurons?

100-200 billion neurons

Implantation in uterus:

11-15 days (can cause bleeding).

Stage 2:

Baby is delivered.

Cognitive Development Warner Schaie Stages of Development definitions

Acquisitive Stage (childhood and adolescence): Acquiring information Achieving Stage (young adulthood): Applying the information to achieve goals Responsible Stage (middle adulthood): Taking care of family and career Executive Stage (middle adulthood): Concern about the world. Not everybody goes through this stage. Reintegrative Stage (late adulthood): Focus on things that have personal meaning. Then dead

James Marcia: Identity Status: Moratorium

Active search into different adult pathways. Example: Changing majors in college

Adolescence and sexuality

Adolescence is the bridge between the asexual child and sexual adult. They need to incorporate sexuality into their identity. Sexuality is a normal part of adolescent development.

During adolescence, which of the following is true?

Adolescents lack sufficient prefrontal brain development to make informed decisions.

Genes influence weight:

Adopted children are more similar in weight to their biological parents than their adoptive parents.

James Marcia: Identity Status: Identity foreclosure

Adopting an identity without exploration or thought Example: everybody will work in the family business

Sandwich generation:

Adults in midlife who need to take care of their own children and their aging parents at the same time

Cognitive development: Piaget: Formal Operational Stage

Age 12 through adulthood. - hypothetical-deductive problem solving - questioning parent/authority - idealism

Functional age:

Age according to physical and psychological well-being

Early Adulthood:

Ages 20-40 Exercise: Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise a week. This can be accomplished in 10 minute intervals. Exercise has been proven to strengthen the immune system!

What is the term for a specific brain disorder that pro duces loss of memory, reasoning and language?

Alzheimer's disease

Muriel is an 86-year-old woman who tries to function independently but has suffered for several years with forgetfulness, especially with recent memories. She has trouble recalling the names of her best friends when they call on the phone, and she worries that she may have a form of dementia called

Alzheimer's disease.

When the production of the protein beta amyloid precursor protein, which normally produces neurons, goes awry and produces clumps of cells that trigger inflammation and deterioration of nerve cells, this is called

Alzheimer's disease.

Object permanence:

An object still exists even when you can't see, hear or touch it anymore. This is solid at age one.


An umbrella term for any neurological disorder that involves the deterioration of mental functioning


Associated with low self-esteem across the board


Attachment research with humans babies. According to Bowlby having a close attachment in the first year is crucial to development of close relationships in later life.


Attachment to some form of higher power. This can be practiced with or without religion. Adolescents may start applying their new found logical thinking skills to religious principles and start developing different religious/spiritual beliefs.

_____ individuals are hesitant about getting involved in romantic relationships and once in a relationship tend to distance themselves from their partner


Cultural bias:

Babies response to the Strange Situation can be influenced by the cultural values of the parents.


Baby born blind


Baby born with HIV.

Securely attached

Baby gets upset when separated from the mother, but is calmed down easy by caretaker.

How can the person who reads your paper look up a direct quote that you used in the original article?

By going to the page number of the quote that you included in the citation of the article.

Defensive coping

Changing the reality, denial or minimizing.


Children are not able to look past the way things look at first glance, they only focus on one thing at the time.

Social comparison

Children comparing themselves to others. Self-esteem is an overall evaluation of self-worth.

Information Processing Approach

Children develop cognitively by learning how to process and memorize information. This approach does not believe in stages of development. (Cognitive Perspective)

________ development involves the ways that growth in intellectual capabilities influence a person's behavior.


What is the Theory of Cognitive Development?

Cognitive development happens when children actively interact with their environment.

Adoption studies:

Compare adopted child's behavior with behavior of biological parents and adoptive parents.

Twins reared apart studies:

Compare identical twins who were separated at birth.

Regular twin studies:

Compare monozygotic (=identical) twins with dizygotic (=fraternal) twins.

Prenatal period

Conception - birth

When a child is capable of thinking logical, the child most likely is in which stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory?

Concrete operational stage

Physical Development Sexually Transmitted Infections

Consequences of STIs are particularly severe for young women. Undiagnosed STIs cause 24,000 women to be infertile each year.

When all three dimensions of Sternberg's triarchic theory of love are present in a relationship, what type of love are people experiencing?

Consummate love

Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love with examples

Consummate love: Passion, intimacy and commitment = perfect love Companionate Love: Intimacy, commitment and NO passion = close friendship Romantic Love: Intimacy, passion and NO commitment = friend with benefits Infatuation: Passion only = one-night stand Fatuous love: Commitment and passion = film star adoration from a distance

Stage 1:

Contractions cause the cervix to widen.

Which of the following stages of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is characterized by moral judgements based on understanding the social order, law, justice, and duty?



Cut in the skin to widen the vagina opening

When an article has a DOI and a URL, what is the best one to use?



Death or brain damage.

Cognitive Development Piaget: Concrete Operational Stage. Age: 7-11

Decentration: Able to look past how things at the time. Able to conserve due to decentration. Thinking logical


Deny, ignore or try to change negative emotions.

Correlational Research

Describes relationships between variables

Bronfenbrenner: Bioecological Approach

Development is influenced by various environmental systems (home, school, culture etc.) (Contextual Perspective)

(book) According to the book, what is the explanation of Asian academic success?

Differences in attribution style between Asian and American parents and teachers

Auditory Processing Disorder:

Difficulty discriminating between sounds. This makes listening difficult.

Autism Disorder symptoms

Difficulty in social interaction and Lack of imaginative and creative play


Discuss emotions and teach children how to deal with them.

Continuous versus discontinuous:

Do we develop in stages or not?

Wear-and-tear theories

Example: free radicals are by-products of the metabolism of cells Free radicals damage cells Anti-oxidants (in greens) can possibly reduce the free radical damage to cells.

Early Adulthood Ages 20-40

Exercise: Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise a week. This can be accomplished in 10 minute intervals. Exercise has been proven to strengthen the immune system!

________ research is designed to discover causal relationships between various factors.



Expressed genes that you can see (how tall somebody is).


Eye and face deformities.

You are allowed to use information from an article and not cite it in your paper.


You can cite a source in your paper, but not have the source in your reference list.


You can have a reference in your references that you read to gain information about your subject, but that you decided not to cite in your paper.


You need to put "retrieved from" in front of the link in the reference.


When an article does not have a DOI you can put the link of the TCL database in the reference.

False, the reader cannot find the article that way.

You can trust APA reference generators online.

False, those sites are not reliable, you need to create your own reference.


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Delayed growth, facial deformities, intellectual disability.

Continuing Bonds Theory

Finding ways to stay connected to a loved one who has passed. Example: Celebrating their birthday, cooking their favorite meals, visiting their favorite places etc.

Age 15: Spermarche:

First ejaculation with live sperm

Age 13-14:

First ejaculation without sperm

Career choice: flow

Flow is the perfect balance between skills and challenge. Work should be challenging (otherwise you get bored), but not too difficult (otherwise you get anxious).

How might finding yourself in flow help you choose a career?

Flow states alert you to absorbing and engaging jobs.


Focus on breathing and relaxation.

Physical development:

Focus on bodily systems.

Cognitive development:

Focus on intellectual abilities and thought processes.

Social development:

Focus on relations with others.

Personality development:

Focus on the stability or change in personality.

Which of the following is an accurate vision of adolescence?

For most individuals, adolescence is a time of evaluation, decision making, commitment, and carving out a place in the world.

Which of the following is the final stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Formal operational stage

Cognitive Development Post-Formal Thought Read this story: Ben is known to be a heavy drinker. Tyra, Ben's wife, warns him that if he comes home drunk one more time she will leave him and take the children. Ben is out late at an office party and comes home drunk. Does Tyra leave Ben?

Formal operational thinking (Piaget): Tyra will leave Ben because that is the logical thing to do given the situation. Hypothetical-deductive reasoning = clear-cut solution. Post-formal thought (Labouvie-Vief): Looking at multiple aspects of the situation, taking values and beliefs into account. Is he a good dad? Did she mean it? No clear-cut solution.


Forming new connections (at the synapses) between the neurons in the brain. Lifelong process.


Forming of a fatty layer around the axons of the neurons to speed up transmission of neural signals. Completed in early twenties.

The psychodynamic perspective is closely associated with


Psychodynamic Perspective

Freud and Erikson)

(book) What does research conclude about the difference between heterosexual and gay marriages?

Gay marriages overall do not differ much from heterosexual marriages

Dynamic Systems Theory:

Motor skills are developed when a child is motivated to put together sensory information while interacting with the environment.

____ encompasses adults' desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation.



Genetic make-up of a person that you cannot see (genes for height).


Girl's first menstruation (ages 9-15)


Group of people born at the same time


Having gender roles that are thought to be typical for both males and females.


High on acceptance and responsiveness and high on demands and control. Reasonable freedom and flexibility in rules. Children: Friendly, good emotional self regulation and social skills.


High on acceptance and responsiveness, low on demands and control. No structure, children's wishes rule. Children: Moody, no self-control, no social skills.


High self-consciousness, high sensitivity to what other people thing of them.

Pick the BEST sign that your 1-year-old nephew is securely attached.

His primary caregiver can calm him down easily after being separated.

The egg is receptive for 24 hours, but:

Hormones that trigger ovulation are responsive to erotic cues....

If you were only "so so" in your school abilities but have become a huge success in life because you are very musical, you would agree MOST with:

Howard Gardner's ideas about intelligence.

Identity Who am I? What am I about? What am I going to do with my life?

I am not lost. to be lost, you have to know where it is you're supposed to be, and I don't even know that.

Nancy was torn in her decision to major in music or take up an undergraduate program in engineering. After long deliberation, she finally chose the latter, with a minor in music. Identify Nancy's status of identity.

Identity achievement

Fifteen-year-old Juanita wants to skip school today because she is having a bad hair day and is convinced that everybody will notice and think badly of her. Which aspect of adolescent egocentrism is Juanita experiencing?

Imaginary audience

Where does the citation of an article go?

In the paper itself

Where does the reference go?

In the references at the end of the paper

In the video about a nursing home in the Netherlands we saw that things were done a little different than in regular nursing homes. What was one of those differences?

In this nursing home residents were allowed to go outside their rooms as they wished


Inborn genetic patterns influence behavior and development. Research with geese. The geese attached to him because they are programmed to follow the first moving object after birth. (Evolutionary Perspective)

Erik Erikson

Industry versus inferiority Second stage is autonomy versus shame and doubt. Encourage independence or create self- doubt. has very specific names for his stages and whatever happens in a stage is described by the name of that stage. Stick with that when answering questions about his theory.

Which of the following is a key criticism of Piaget's theory of cognitive development?

Infants are more competent than Piaget thought.


Infection of amniotic fluid, preterm birth.

Which person is teaching using Vygotsky's ideas?

Mr. Smith, who figures out each child's level and then teaches new information in small steps

Child-directed speech:

Language spoken in a higher pitch than normal, with simple words and sentences. "Baby-talk" actually helps infant's language acquisition.


Less than 5.5 pounds.

Which of the following researcher(s) conducted a qualitative study of Middle Adulthood consisting of in-depth interviews with men?


Development of object permanence:

Look for an object in the first hiding place, not in the second.

Post-formal thought (Labouvie-Vief):

Looking at multiple aspects of the situation, taking values and beliefs into account. Is he a good dad? Did she mean it? No clear-cut solution.

Social referencing

Looking at parents to see how they respond to a situation: Eight months.


Looking at something until it becomes familiar and then lose interest. Fast habituation in infancy is related to intelligence later in life.

Experimental Research

Looks for a causal relationship between variables

The evolutionary perspective draws from the field of ethology, which examines the ways in which our genetic makeup can influence our behavior. Who was a primary proponent of ethology?


The evolutionary perspective draws from the field of ethology, which examines the ways in which our biological makeup can influence our behavior. Who was a primary proponent of ethology?

Lorenz Konrad


Low birth weight, chance of miscarriage and death in infancy.


Low birth weight, seizures, learning disabilities.


Low on acceptance and responsiveness and high on demands and control. Inflexible rules and emphasis on obedience. Children: Withdrawn, few social skills, hostile.


Low on acceptance and responsiveness and low on demands and control. Children are ignored and emotionally abandoned. Children: Low self-esteem, emotionally detached.

Sally is terminally ill and wants to terminate her life early, where in the US is she legally able to do that?


Asperger symptoms

Many people with AS develop an obsessive interest in one subject and Changes in routine can be very distressing

deinstitutialization of marriage

Marriage is transformed from the standard adult 'institution' into a more optional choice. Increase in cohabitation. USA: average age of marriage 27 50% of marriages stay in tact.

Who is the most likely to fail the false belief task?

Mary, who is 3-years-old

Psychophysiological Research

Measures blood flow, heartrate, hormones, etc. Uses brain scans like CAT or MRI.

Which of the following is important with regard to menopause?

Menopause marks the point at which traditional pregnancy is not possible.

Postpartum Blues

Mild depression, gone in 1-2 weeks

Harlow (1958):

Monkey study proved with experimental research that monkeys prefer comfort over food.

Name the permissive dad, using Baumrind's parenting styles framework.

Morty allows his daughter to set her own bedtime and to take a bath only when she "feels dirty"—but offers unconditional love and support.


Most famous developmental theory. All children develop cognitively in four stages. Stages are finished in adolescence. (Cognitive Perspective)

When asked why she participated with other students in a protest against treatment of women on her campus, Kai says that all human beings should have equal rights. According to Kai, the university has rules that are unfair to women; and she is morally against such discriminatory practices. Which of the following is likely to be Kai's moral level according to Lawrence Kohlberg?

Postconventional reasoning

Cognitive Development Intelligence

Practical Intelligence: Intelligence learned by observing and modeling others. Based on experience Emotional Intelligence: Accurate assessment and regulation of emotions of self and others


Praise not based on performance leads to 'empty' self-esteem which eventually leads to lower self-esteem due to social problems and disappointment.

As a parent, how can you raise your children's self-esteem?

Praise them when they work hard and tell them they can do it.

According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, during which of the following stages do people act nice so they can get something good out of it?


Megan bases her moral decisions on fear of punishment. According to Kohlberg, Megan is currently in which of the following levels of moral development?

Preconventional reasoning

Kohlberg's stages of moral development

Preconventional, Conventional, and Postconventional


Prejudice against others because of their age, especially against older adults

The Start of Life:

Prenatal Development

What was Piaget's explanation as to why preschool-age children in the preoperational stage make errors on tasks requiring conservation?

Preschool-age children's tendency toward centration prevents them from focusing on other relevant features of a situation.

Physical Development Coping with stress

Problem-focused: being 'in the solution,' change the situation Emotion-focused: Emotion regulation, controlling the reaction. Defensive coping: changing the reality, denial or minimizing.

Alzheimer's Disease

Progressive, irreversible brain disorder with gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language and eventually physical function

Physical Development Stress

Psychoneuroimmunology: Study of the relationship between psychological processes, the brain and the immune system. Stress lowers the strength of the body's immune system.


Psychosexual stages of development until adolescence.


Psychosocial stages of development over the lifespan.


Punishment and control sends the message of not being able to make good decisions which is associated with low self-esteem.

When you cannot find the year of publication for an article you should:

Put n.d (stands for "no date") in the same place as the year would be.

What is the title of the page with the references?

References, in the middle of the page

Anorexia Nervosa

Refusing to eat

Reminiscence Therapy

Reminiscing helps improves memory for all people in late adulthood! Reminiscing therapy is used for various conditions in late adulthood: Alzheimer's grief, depression.

Germline therapy:

Replace defective genes with healthy versions of the gene.

Perceived control

Research has shown that giving elders control over their environment makes them happier, healthier and live longer

Which of the following statements is TRUE about alcoholism?

Research indicates there is a correlation between sexual assault and alcoholism

Child Care

Research shows that high quality daycare has no negative effect on attachment and child development.

Who was a major proponent of the humanistic perspective and suggested that all people need positive regard that results from an underlying wish to be loved and respected?


_____ love is also called 'friends with benefits'


Bart and Muriel put their infant to bed for her regular afternoon nap. When they go to check on her several hours later the baby is unresponsive and never wakes up. What is the term for this?


The American Academy of Pediatrics now suggests that babies sleep on their backs rather than on their sides or stomachs to prevent


American Academy of Pediatrics recommends one hour or less high-quality media time for preschoolers.

Studies show positive effects of Sesame Street: -children do better in school. -children read more.

Behavioral genetics:

Studies the effects of genes on behavior and on psychological characteristics.

Sleeping and SIDS

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, baby stops breathing and dies in sleep

Doula ('woman who helps'):

Support during birth.

Piaget's Preoperational Stage: Ages 2-7

Symbolic function: Children can represent something with words, drawings etc. without seeing it in front of them. = less reliance on sensorimotor skills.

Physical Development: Childhood Brain

Synaptogenesis and myelination continues. Myelination = maturation.

The Prenatal Environment: Threats to Development

Syphilis, HIV, Gonorrhea, Herpes, Chlamydia

Gender-neutral parenting:

Teaching children to act as an individual and not as a representative of a particular gender.

(book) According to the book, what is the goal of multicultural education?

Teaching minority students how to succeed in majority culture, while keeping a positive view of their own culture

Cross-sectional Approach

Testing different age groups at the same time. Example: 'How important is love in your life?' Ask a group of 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60- year-olds and then see the development with age. Problem: Cohort-effects. Research shows differences between cohorts, not individual development.

Longitudinal Approach (Longitudinal study of aging)

Testing the same group of people over many years. Shows how people develop while they age. Problem: Time-consuming and many participants drop out.

Zone of Proximal Development:

The 'zone' where a child can do something only with help.


The American Cancer Society recommends: - women 40-44 should have a choice to have a mammogram to check for breast cancer. - women 45-54 should have one every year. - women 55 and older should have one every two years or every year by choice -men should start yearly prostate exams at age 50.

__________ focuses on the processes that allow people to know, understand, and think about the world.

The cognitive perspective


The cycle of low and high self-esteem and success

Secular trend in puberty

The declining age of menarche. Causes: Body weight: fat produces the hormone Leptin which triggers menarche. Stress: early menarche under extreme stressful circumstances (leaving a 'hostile nest')

What is life span development?

The field of study that examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occur throughout the entire lifespan.

Teenage brain

The limbic system processes emotion and reward and is matured BEFORE the frontal cortex, which processes rational processes. So teenagers feel strongly before they have the capacity to think about rational consequences.

Stealing of intellectual property is:

Using information from an article in your paper but not citing it.

Which developmental psychologist believed that cognitive development is a result of social and cultural interactions in which children learn through guided participation and working with educators and parents to solve problems?


Which developmental psychologist believed that the nature of the partnership between children, adults, and peers is determined through cultural and societal factors such as preschools, play groups, the emphasis on certain tasks that are valued by the culture and society, and that even the toys that children play with reflect the nature of the society in which the child lives?


In which of the following states is physician assisted suicide not considered a crime?



Week 4: Growth of 100,000 neurons (nerve cells) per minute!

Peek-A-Boo and Object Permanence

When they can't see you, they think you can't see them either

Sexual identity

Whether you re heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, fluid, queer or something else.

Passive euthanasia

Withholding potentially life-saving interventions (example: feeding tube). Legal only with advance directives (will).

What is the recommendation of the American Cancer Society regarding routine mammograms?

Women 45-54 should have mammograms annually.


Women, infants and children nutrition program helps feed food insecure pregnant mothers, infants and children.

Female zygote:


Male zygote:


Overproduction and pruning of synaptic connections:

You only keep what you use and what you need and get rid of the rest=maturation of the brain.

Egocentrism: Personal Fable:

Young adolescents feel they are invincible ('it cannot happen to me') and that their life is completely unique.

Boomerang children

Young adults moving back home with their parents after being away from home for a while.


____ is important for social, cognitive, physical and brain development. Less time for play and more emphasis on academics hinders development.


_______ attempt to explain behavior and then make predictions about that behavior. ________ are continuously tested with scientific research.

(book) The researcher Timothy Salthouse suggests that if people are mentally active all of their lives, they enter late adulthood with

a "cognitive reserve" that allows them to continue to perform at a relatively high mental level.

What is a doula?

a person well versed in birthing alternatives who provides emotional, psychological, and educational support to the mother

crystallized intelligence

a person's accumulated information and verbal skills. Increases in midlife

An observable trait is labeled

a phenotype

Ethnic identity

a sense of being a member of an ethnic group and the way you feel about that membership

Intelligence that represents the accumulation of information, skills, and strategies that people have learned through experience is called

crystallized intelligence.

Alex is playing in a room where his mother is sitting nearby. Alex becomes distressed when a stranger enters the room and hardly leaves his mother's side. Later, when his mother and the stranger leave the room for a moment, Alex begins to wail and cry. However, when his mother returns, he begins to punch her in the arm and cannot clam down. This would be a description of what type of attachment pattern?

ambivalent attachment pattern

Which attachment pattern describes a style of attachment in which children display a combination of positive and negative reactions to their mothers? They show great distress when the mother leaves, but upon her return they may simultaneously seek close contact but also hit and kick her and cannot seem to calm down.

ambivalent attachment pattern

James is very demanding and possessive of his girlfriend, but in reality really wants to have a close relationship with her, what type of attachment style does James have?


One-year-old Anthony is terribly clingy even when his mom is in the same room. If she leaves, he cries frantically and cannot be comforted by her when she returns. How might you classify Anthony's attachment status?


What is the term for a state in which gender roles encompass characteristics thought typical of both sexes?


When a child is high on masculine traits and high on feminine traits, the child is considered:


Rose's ex-boyfriend, Peter, describes her as clingy and dependent. During their relationship, she always told that she was loved and wanted to rush into marriage. She also kept tabs on Peter and was jealous of all his female friends and colleagues. Rose seems to have a(n) _____ attachment style.


Mike is constantly punished for not listening to his teacher. After careful observation a child psychologist decides to test Mike for learning disorders. What learning disorder is most likely associated with Mike's symptoms?

auditory processing disorder

What is the term for parents who are controlling, punitive, rigid, cold, and whose word is law?


Suzie, aged 8, has to eat everything on her plate at dinner. When she does not, her father punishes her by sending her to bed. Suzie also has strict schedules for playing, watching television, and studying, and any disobedience leads to spanking and punishment. Suzie's father is most likely a(n):

authoritarian parent.

When asked to describe his parenting style, Juan stated, "In my house, my word is the law". Juan is probably a(n):

authoritarian parent.

Which parenting style leads to low self-esteem?

authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved

A parent who encourages his/her children to be independent and express themselves but still places limits and controls on their actions is a(n):

authoritative parent.

The slide about self-esteem and parenting styles shows that all styles lead to low self-esteem except the ___________. Permissive parenting gives children self-esteem that is not based on their accomplishments, so it is empty. This eventually leads to low self-esteem. Authoritative parents talk things out with their children, authoritarian parents don't.

authoritative style

Three-year-old Jared was taken to the doctor by his parents who were concerned by his seeming lack of attachment to those around him. Jared hardly spoke at all and spent all day preoccupied with bouncing his ball off a wall. After a thorough investigation, his pediatrician diagnosed him with _____.

autism spectrum disorder

Erik Erikson describes the second stage of personality development as the stage of _____ versus shame and doubt.


1-year-old Erik doesn't seem to care when his mother leaves the room, and shows no reaction when she returns, how might you categorize Erik's attachment style?


Colin does not earn high grades on standardized tests but has a black belt in martial arts. According to Gardner, Colin has _____ skills.


Last year, Greta's knee injury caused her to drop out of her bowling league, but at 90 years old she still enjoys life and is involved in many activities. Greta is successful at which of Peck's developmental stages?

body transcendence versus body preoccupation

Which of the following is a stage in Robert Peck's developmental tasks?

body transcendence versus body preoccupation

Which of the following terms relates to an eating disorder characterized by binges on large quantities of food, followed by purges of the food through vomiting or the use of laxatives?


Stella is a 16-year-old adolescent female who privately eats large quantities of food but then purges herself right after consuming the food by vomiting and taking laxatives. Stella is suffering from


Madeline is working to teach her 4-year-old daughter, Eliza, how to count. She places ten buttons in one row with very little space between the buttons, and eight buttons in another row with more space between the buttons; therefore, the second row is longer than the first. Then Madeline asks her daughter which row has more buttons. Eliza chooses the second row, even though she knows that ten is more than eight. What is this an example of?


What is the term for the process of concentrating on one limited aspect of a stimulus and ignoring other aspects?


According to the slides, what is an important tool to prevent obesity?

children's internal control of food intake

In the video about gender identity they give a name for a person who has the same gender identity as the gender that was assigned to them at birth. What is the name?


Dr. Johnson is lecturing a group of medical students. Her lecture focuses on the period beginning around 10 years prior to menopause, when hormone production begins to change. She is discussing


What illegal substance, when used by pregnant women, produces an intense restriction of the arteries, causing a significant reduction in the flow of blood and oxygen to the fetus, and increases the risks of low birth weight and learning disabilities?


Researchers in the early learning department of a university are conducting a long-term study to see how intellectual skills change over time as school-age students move from elementary school to high school to college. What type of development are the researchers most likely studying?


Researchers in the early learning department of a university are conducting a long-term study to see how problem-solving skills change over time as school-age students move from elementary school to high school to college. What type of development are the researchers most likely studying?


Researchers who use intelligence quotient (IQ) testing as part of their research project with elementary age students are likely to be researching _________ development


Researchers who use intelligence quotient (IQ) testing as part of their research project with elementary age students are likely to be researching _________ development.


According to Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of love, _____ is the intent to maintain the relationship even in the face of problems.


According to Robert Sternberg, empty love develops when only _________ is present.


Continuing-care communities

communities with different levels of care for senior citizens, from living independently with little assistance to full-time care.

What is the term that refers to the period of cognitive development between 7 and 11 years of age, which is characterized by the active use of logic?

concrete operational

Physical development Sexually transmitted infections

consequences of STIs are particularly severe for young women. undiagnosed STIs cause 24,000 women to become infertile each year

In the video with a little boy who had to decide if two balls of clay had more or less or whether they were the same, the boy showed lack of:


In the video with the older children in the classroom, what is the researcher trying to measure?


Juan and his little sister, Anne, are each given a large cookie. Their mother breaks Anne's cookie into four pieces to enable her to eat it easily. Juan immediately begins to cry and says that it is not fair for his sister to get so many cookies when he only has one. Juan is showing a lack of:


Piaget's stages

conservation, centration and decentration

Close attachment is formed when the caregiver responds ________ ______ __________ to the child in the first year.

consistently and sensitively

According to Piaget, cognitive development in children is:

constructed by interacting actively with the environment

Stella and Anthony have been happily married for 22 years, and they still enjoy an active sex life and participate in many activities together. Psychologist Robert Sternberg would call their relationship

consummate love.

What is the significant finding of Harlow's experiments on monkeys reared by surrogate mothers?

contact comfort is the crucial element in the attachment process.

Which perspective contains the two major theories of Bronfenbrenner's bioecological approach and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory?


Frederick is living in a specialized living environment where all residents are of retirement age and in need of varying levels of care. Frederick is in a(n)

continuing-care community.

According to the information processing theory cognitive development happens:


According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, which of the following levels of moral reasoning reflects a person's interest in acting as a good member of society?

conventional morality

Heart disease:

correlated with having a Type A personality: competitive, impatient, high frustration and hostility

In _________ research, the researcher can tell if an association or relationship between two factors exists.


Researchers who are interested in the relationship between televised aggression and subsequent behavior have found that children who watch a good deal of televised aggression (murders, crime shows, shootings, etc.) tend to be more aggressive than those who watch little of this type of television programming. This is an example of a(n) ____________ study.


Seven-year-old Marvin and his four-year-old brother are sitting at the table as their mother pours milk into their glasses. Both glasses are the same size and shape. However, Marvin's mother notices a scratch/nick on the lip of his glass, and decides that it is safer if she pours that milk into another glass for Marvin so he doesn't cut his lip. The new glass is shorter and much wider, and when she pours the milk into the new glass Marvin's younger brother laughs and says that now he has more milk than Marvin. However, Marvin is not upset because he knows that he still got the same amount of milk. Marvin is exhibiting


Baby Max watches his mother jingle her keys in front of him. After several minutes, he looks away. This would indicate that he is habituated to it and is showing a(n) _____ to the stimulus after repeated presentations of the stimulus.

decreased interest

When a person attempts coping that involves unconscious strategies that distort or deny the true nature of a situation, this is called

defensive coping.

According to Kübler-Ross, what is the first step people pass through as they move towards death?


According to Kübler-Ross, when people protest and have objections to either learning about their impending death, or the manner of their impending death, this is called


Myette has just been told that she has breast cancer and that her tests show that the cancer has spread to her liver. Myette says, "I feel great. The lab obviously has my test results mixed up with someone else's." According to Kübler-Ross, Myette is in the _____ stage of dying.


The Uniform Determination of Death Act states that someone who has no more circulatory functions and no more respiratory functions and they cannot be restored, the person is:

determined dead

Individuals whose identity status can be described as identity _____ are undecided about occupational and ideological choices, and they are also likely to show little interest in such matters.


Researchers like Baillargeon have found that infants' perceptual abilities are highly developed much_____ than Jean Piaget proposed


The video about research with young babies using the eye tracking method was trying to find:

early signs of autism

myelination is finished by:

early twenties

According to Erikson, when a person is in their 30s, intimacy is related to which of the following?

efforts to be selfless or to sacrifice one's own needs for those of another person

Robert has been given six months to live and he is reminiscing with his family about his life well lived. They are all starting to come to grips with his impending death. What developmental task is he facing?

ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation

Adolescent _____ is the heightened self-consciousness of adolescents.


The inability to distinguish between one's own perspective and someone else's is known as _____.


What does the three-mountain task measure?


While talking to her grandmother on the phone, five-year-old Julie suddenly exclaims: "Oh look at that pretty bird!" When her grandmother asks her to describe the bird, Julie says: "Out there, out there! Right there, Grandma!" This is an example of:


Barbara monitors her children's emotions, views their negative emotions as opportunities for teaching, and assists her children in labeling their emotions. She is an:

emotion-coaching parent.

What type of intelligence allows some people to acquire the ability to relate to others, understand what others are experiencing, and respond to needs of others?

emotional intelligence

Skills that underlie the accurate assessment, evaluation, expression, and regulation of feelings are referred to as

emotional intelligence.

Limbic system

emotions and experience of rewards. matured at beginning of adolescence

According to Robert Sternberg, when a couple has decided to stay together only "for the sake of the children," this is called

empty love.

Jerome and Alice have been married for 15 years, and their marriage is strained with bickering and unhappiness. Still, they are not considering a divorce because they have an 8-year-old son whom they both love deeply. Psychologist Robert Sternberg would call their relationship

empty love.

After Kathy and Bob's son leaves for college, they have feelings of unhappiness, worry, loneliness, and depression. They are experiencing

empty nest syndrome.

What is the term for the process by which information is initially recorded in a form usable to memory?


Infants, like all people, are exposed to massive amounts of information in their environment, and therefore, they must focus their attention and select information so as not to be overwhelmed. This process is called


The video about alcohol and sexual assault is showing how to prevent sexual assault. What is the method of prevention that is portrayed?

engage bystanders

A physical change that occurs frequently in men during climacteric is

enlargement of the prostate gland.

Bob and Marion's high level of responsivity to their baby's persistent crying demonstrates a(n) _______ influence on the baby's development.


An incision that is sometimes made to increase the size of the opening of the vagina to allow the baby to pass is called a(n)


According to developmental psychologist K. Warner Schaie, the period in middle adulthood when people take a broader perspective than they did earlier, including concerns about the world, is called the

executive stage.

Psychologist James Marcia suggests that adolescent identity can be seen in terms of two characteristics, which are

exploration or commitment.

What type of motivation drives people to obtain tangible rewards such as money and prestige?

extrinsic motivation


fertilized cell.

What is the term for a developing child from 8 weeks after conception until birth?


Because of pruning, teenagers have ________ synapses as they did in the first year of their life.



finding meaning in life through nurturing the next generation Generativity leads to higher eudaimonic happiness (having purpose and meaning)

When the uterine contractions occur around every 8 to 10 minutes and last about 30 seconds, this is considered the ________ stage of labor.


When the uterine contractions occur around every 8 to 10 minutes, this is considered the ________ stage of labor.


Intelligence that reflects quick information processing capabilities, logical thinking and problem solving in new situations is called.

fluid intelligence.

Identity _____ is the status of individuals who have made a commitment but have not explored.


The status of identity _____ occurs most often when parents hand down commitments to their adolescents, usually in an authoritarian way, before adolescents have had a chance to explore different approaches, ideologies, and vocations on their own.


During the beginning of the _____ stage an adolescent's thoughts are full of idealism and possibilities.

formal operational

According to Piaget, the stage at which people start questioning authority is called the

formal operational stage.

What is a category of by-product that is produced in the body and has been related to aging?

free radicals

What is the term for the perception of oneself as male, female or another gender?

gender identity

Erik Erikson suggested that middle adulthood encompasses a period he characterized as ________________, where a person is, or is not, making a contribution to family and community.

generativity-versus-stagnation stage

Theories that suggest that our body's DNA genetic code contains a built-in time limit for the reproduction of human cells are called

genetic programming theories of aging.

What is the procedure where cells are taken from an embryo and then replaced after the defective genes they contain have been repaired?

germ line therapy

Farah shows her baby a colorful block several times. The baby looks carefully at the block at first, but then turns her attention to a different toy after seeing the block a few times. The baby is displaying


The video with a mean monkey hand puppet who tried to get the child's favorite sticker showed when children:

have reached theory of mind

In the video about hypothetical-deductive reasoning the younger child could not follow the rules given because:

he could not understand that a feather could hypothetically break glass

In class we saw a video about genetic modification. What did one of the researchers in that video do?

he modified the genes of human embryos and implanted them in the mother.

In the video about neurofeedback the child learned how to regulate his own brainwaves. What did he use to do that?

he played a videogame with a rocket

Maria has a predisposing factor to depression and anxiety. She is concerned that her newborn child may develop these disorders. A developmental psychologist informs her that

high reactivity to unfamiliar situations in infants has been linked to greater susceptibility to depression and anxiety disorders in childhood.

The results of a study conducted by National Institute of Child Health and Human Development indicated that:

high-quality day-care does not hurt parent-child attachment

Which childbirth method involves a form of self-hypnosis during delivery that produces a sense of peace and calm that also reduces pain?


Ethnic _____ is the enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.


A student reads a flyer on the campus bulletin board that says a researcher is searching for students to volunteer for a long-term study. Participation includes completing testing that measures personal traits, as well as being available for follow-up for the next 10 years. The researcher who is developing this study is most likely interested in ___________ development.


A student reads a flyer on the campus bulletin board that says a researcher is searching for students to volunteer for a long-term study. Participation includes completing testing that measures traits such as temperament, attitudes, and adaptability, as well as being available for follow-up for the next 10 years. The researcher who is developing this study is most likely interested in ___________ development.


A developmental researcher who is interested in studying which senses are used most often by a child or what long-term effects premature birth has on vision would be studying ___________ development.


Secondary aging

physical decline due to stress, abuse of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and contracting STI's through unprotected sex. There is a strong correlation between alcohol abuse and sexual assault

(book) Which of the following is a tip given for a good retirement?

plan financially, explore your interests before retirement, volunteer your time

The degree to which the brain is susceptible to experience and can change over time is called


What is the order of the cycle of low and high self-esteem and success ?

poor performance; social comparison; low self-esteem; less effort; poor performance again

According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, what stage reflects a person's use of moral principles, which are seen as broader than those of any particular society?

postconventional morality

Thinking that acknowledges that adult predicaments must sometimes be solved by taking complex circumstances into account is called

postformal thought.

Mariah has given birth to a baby girl. One month after delivery, she is experiencing very strong feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is having trouble coping with daily tasks. Mariah is most likely suffering from:

postpartum depression

Mariah has given birth to a baby girl. One month after delivery, she is experiencing very strong feelings of sadness and anxiety. She is having troublecoping with daily tasks. Mariah is most likely suffering from:

postpartum depression

According to the theories of Labouvie-Vief, the complexity of society requires specialization of thought. Therefore, thought is not necessarily based on only logic but also requires which of the following?

practical experience

When a person solves problems by utilizing her or his prior experience, as well as insight from other people, this person was demonstrating what kind of intelligence?

practical intelligence

When a person solves problems by utilizing their prior experience, this would suggest that person was demonstrating

practical intelligence.

Which of Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development are children in when they are behaving in ways to avoid punishment?


According to psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg, which of the following levels of moral reasoning reflects the use of rewards and punishments?

preconventional morality

What is the area of the brain that is 'under construction' during the adolescent years?

prefrontal cortex

Cynthia's mother will undergo a procedure to ensure her next child will be free of the genetic disorder Fanconi anemia. Which of the following procedures will be used?

preimplantation genetic diagnosis

According to Piaget, which stage occurs from approximately ages 2 to 7, in which children's use of symbolic thinking grows?


When a child uses centration, they cannot conserve and they are in the _______.

preoperational stage

Gender, the sense of being male, female or another gender, is well established by the time children are

preschool age

Which problem can occur later in life when a child did not develop a close attachment in the first year of life?

problems with intimate/close relationships

Which problem can occur later in life when a child did not develop a secure attachment in the first year of life?

problems with intimate/close relationships

Because of _______ we lose a lot of details, like differences in sounds from different languages.


When babies engage in physical activity or use language, some synaptic connections will be strengthened, while the unused ones disappear. A neuroscientist would identify this process as "_____"


Freud proposed a theory that suggests that unconscious forces act to influence personality and behavior. This is called the ______ perspective.


What is the name for the new field of study that researches the relationship among the brain, immune system, and psychological factors with regard to stress-related events?


Mollie has been retired for 2 years and is 68 years old. She is having a conversation with her daughter, and she is discussing plans to do different things with each of her grandchildren now that she is no longer working. According to Robert Peck, Mollie is in what developmental stage?

redefinition of self versus preoccupation with work role

Which of the following is way to postpone aging mentioned in the slides?

use cloned cells from animals to grow new organs

Donna is concerned about her adolescent daughter's tendency to flare up at the mildest provocations. Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason sometimes and seems unable to exercise much self-control. As a specialist in the development of adolescents, you would tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason that:

the amygdala—part of the limbic system and the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex in adolescents.

William and Sandy's baby was considered preterm because

the baby was born prior to 38 weeks after conception.

Mateo hasthe gene-linked abnormality PKU and is on a special diet because he cannotmetabolize phenylalanine, a protein. Buildup of this protein in his system couldresult in intellectual disability, but thankfully the diet prevents this fromhappening. What specific important fact in development does Mateo's situationillustrate?

the bi-directional influence of genes and environment in development

During childbirth, the obstetrician decides that there is a need for an episiotomy. That means

the doctor makes an incision to enlarge the size of the vaginal opening.

According to Erikson, the period of post-adolescence into the early 30s that focuses on developing close relationships with others is called

the intimacy-versus-isolation stage.

Life Span:

the maximum number of years a human can live (now at 120-125)

Researcher Gisela Labouvie-Vief suggests that

the nature of thinking involves more personal values than logic during early adulthood.

life expectancy

the number of years and average person will live born in a certain place and time (in US now at 78)

Adolescents who engage in risky behaviors such as not using condoms when engaging in sexual activity and driving recklessly when drunk are exhibiting

the personal fable.

Euthanasia Physician-assisted suicide

the physician can prescribe medications that the patient can take themselves to end their life. Legal in the US: Oregon, Washington State, Vermont, California, DC, Colorado, Hawaii, New Hersey and Maine. Legal in Switzerland, Germany, Finland and one part of Australia. Important: The patient has to administer the medicine to themselves, the physician or a family member cannot help.

Which of the following best describes the "age of viability"?

the point at which an infant can survive prematurely, approximately 22 weeks

Life review:

the point in late adulthood that people evaluate and look back at their life. Benefits of life review: -understanding past and resolve lingering problems. -social interaction when reminiscing (=sharing memories from the past) - improve memory

Zone of proximal development (ZPD) is Vygotsky's term for:

the range of tasks difficult for a child to master alone but that can be learned with help from adults.

When Jamie is upset, her mother gets a toy and starts playing with her and laughs out loud to cheer her up. How does an interactional synchrony researcher describe this scenario?

there is no interactional synchrony

When the gender is of a person you are discussing in your paper is not known, what does APA recommend you use?


Fluid intelligence is the ability to:

think logically & solve problems in new situations


thinking about your own thinking. understanding your own thoughts

At what stage of birth does the placenta expel from the mother's body?


Why is it essential for the baby's health that the mother gets tested for HIV?

to prevent the baby from contracting HIV through breastfeeding

Cycle of violence research has determined that ____ of the abusers were NOT abused as children.

two thirds

The sensorimotor stage of development lasts from birth to about:

two years of age

What type of parents show no interest in their children and demonstrate indifferent, rejecting behavior(s)?


Which parenting style could lead to low self-esteem in children?

uninvolved parenting

Which parenting style is not demanding nor controlling, but is rejecting and unresponsive?

uninvolved parenting

Child-directed speech is the:

unique way that parents (and others) talk to babies.

Synaptic pruning means

unused synapses are being removed in the brain.


unusual difficulty with math, probably originating from a distinct part of the brain

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