Final Exam

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CHS - Criminal History System

Contains criminal history info that is available to agencies on a right to know, need to know basis for the performance of their duties

LE, Judicial, Corrections

Criminal justice system is made up of what three parts


Failure to report suspected child abuse is a ______.


Falsely reporting an emergency that is likely to cause death or great bodily injury is a...

cursory frisk pat search

If an officer has a factual basis to suspect the person being detained poses a danger to the officer the officer is justified in conducting a limited search for weapons called a


Merging onto the freeway, Re-entering the freeway after a traffic stop, and driving at high speeds for long periods of time are all hazards while driving on the ________.

Body language and proximics or spacial relaionship

Nonverbal signals include these two observations which can influence the way the receiver hears the message.

Any device that directs traffic to alternately stop and go which is erected by a public authority.

Official Traffic Control Signal

Head Tilt chin lift

Of the two maneuvers for opening the airways, this one provides maximum airway opening.

Two minutes

Rescuers should provide about how many minutes of CPR before activating the AED to reanalyze the heart rhythm and attempt another shock?

False Imprisonment

PC 236, The unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another


PC 484, The taking away and carrying away personal property of another without the consent of the owner

Unauthorized entry of a dwelling

PC 602.5, Any person other than a public officer or employee acting in the course of employment who enters and remains in a non-commercial dwelling house, apartment, or other such place, without consent of the owner.


PC to believe that the subject poses a threat of death or GBI to the officer or another person is a valid reason to use deadly force on a subject. True or False

Any driver who drives a motor vehicle is understood to have already agreed to chemical testing for alcohol or drugs.


The most common delivery methods for incendiary devices are... [3]

Stationary placement, Hand thrown, Self propelled

Peace officers can make dual arrests, taking one to jail, and citing and release the other for the welfare of the child that is in the house. Agency policy is the deciding factor in these cases. T/F


The three most common methods of delivering bomb threats are...

Telephonic, Written, Face to face

Arrest, Arraignment, Right to Bail, Bail, Preliminary Trial, Indictment, Trial, Sentencing

The 8 steps of the judicial process (AARB PITS)


The invocation of a right to council can only be invoked by a ____ and express request for an attorney.

Traditional Policing

Policing type that is reaction based, incident driven, limited community interaction

Grand Theft

A woman had her wallet stolen from her containing $45. A witnesses grabbed the suspect. What crime has the suspect committed?


A woman is loitering around the outside of a building and LOOKING INTO the windows to the basement. A maintenance man asked her what she was doing. She walked away. What crime has she committed

Unlawfully Causing a Fire - Felony

A woman was driving through a state park. She threw her lit cigarette in the dry brush, which caught on fire. What crime did the woman commit. Crime classification?

PC 243, Sexual Battery, Misdemeanor

A woman who placed her hand inside a man's pants and fondled his penis without his consent committed the crime of what. Classification?

Receiving Stolen Property. Felony

A tourist bought a gold designer watch from a person on the street who was not a dealer, Normally priced at $3500, the watch was sold to him for $250. He suspected the watch was stolen because of the unusually low price He paid cash for it. What crime is he guilty of? Misdemeanor or Felony?

6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

Warrant arrest for felonies may be made anytime, any day. Warrant arrests for misdemeanors must be made between ___a.m. and ___p.m. unless the warrant is endorsed for nighttime service.

Automated Boat System

What does ABS stand for

Nonsalvageable, Immediate, Delayed, Minor

When assessing the condition of multiple victims, officers should classify each victim into one these four categories

Activate EMS, Check ABC's or CAB's

When checking for responsiveness a person is not responsive. What are the first two things you do?

Check for major bleeding, Treat for shock, Activate EMS if necessary

When checking for responsiveness, a person is responsive and breathing. What do you do?

Community / public

When determining which disposition to make on a juvenile offender, the officer should select the least restrictive alternative for the juvenile while also providing for the safety of the __________.

rear wheel cheat

When driving forward, the rear wheels will take the path inside that of the front wheels when the vehicle is turning. The sharper the turn, the greater the ____ _____ ____.

knock and notice

When exigent circs exist peace officers are not normally required to _____ and _____ before entering

Specific Intent

When the definition of a crime refers to a person's intent to do some further act or achieve some additional consequence the crime is this type of intent

PC 273.5, occurs when any person willfully inflicts upon another person who is his current or former spouse, current or former cohabitants, current or former dating relationship, etc., or any mother or father of a child in common, physical injury be it internal, external, minor or serious. Classification?

Willful Infliction of Corporal Injury, Felony

Callous Disregard

Willful insensitivity to the well being, as well as the rights and privileges of others, that is so flagrant that it rises to the level of negligence

Indecent Exposure

Willful, done intentionally, and Lewdly, to direct attention to one's genitals, are key elements for this crime.

Locked wheel skid

_______ skid occurs when one or more of the tires on rotating and are skidding over the surface of the road.


A false perception experienced through any one of the five senses like hearing voices, feeling one's skin crawl, smelling strange odors, or seeing visions.

Child Harm, Injury, Endangerment

A father left dangerous drugs in an area accessible to a child. He has committed the crime of _______________.

Physical Harm of a Child, Felony

A father whipped his son with a belt with such force that the next day, the school nurse saw redness and the outline of a belt on the son's back. What crime has the father committted? Classification?

Child abduction with custodial right

A father who never like the terms of their custodial agreement granting custody on alternating weeks took his child to Europe for three weeks against the mother will. What crime has the father committed?

MUPS - Missing/Unidentified Persons System

A file of records which catelogs reports of missing or unidetified persons according to a variety of physical and dental characteristics.

Child abduction without custodial right

A girl's non-custodial father stopped by and picked the girl up saying they were going to get ice cream, he ended up keeping her and moved them to another country. He enticed her away from the custodial mother. What is the crime?

Forgery. Felony

A man found a checkbook outside a grocery store. He went into the store and bought $130 worth of groceries. He signed the check with the name in the checkbook. What crime has the man committed. Misdemeanor or Felony?


A man grabs a briefcase with intent to steal it, then put it back down, and left the store Was the crime of theft completed?


A man grabs a woman's handbag and tries to run off with it, but she clutches it . The man pulls the bag away from her and knocks her off balance, then runs off with the bag. What crime is committed?

consensual encounter

A man is walking through a shopping center at 0120 hrs. all the stores were closed,, the officer shine a spotlight on him and ask,"is everything okay?" Is this consensual or a detention?


A vehicle theft that is usually committed by teens and stolen for the thrill of it is also known as

spring loading

A vehicle turning from side to side causes a build up and release of energy in the suspension system. This weight transfer can result in excessive _____ ____.


A victim complied with her attacker to avoid further injury or perceived harm to herself or others. Did she give consent?

False Imprisonment, Felony

A man lured his ex-girlfriend into his car and then locked the doors to keep her from leaving. He would not lock the doors and she couldn't leave of her own free will. What is the crime? What is the Classification?

Vehicle theft

A man picked up his girlfriend in a car he stole. He bragged to her about the theft. They took turns driving the car until it ran out of gas then abandoned it. Both are guilty of_____ ______ since they both drove the car with the intent to temporarily deprive the owner

Lewd Conduct

A man sat on a park bench. When women walk past him he openly rubs his genitals for them to see, saying, "Check this out" What crime has he committed?


A man sees a woman on the side of the road fixing her car tire. He tells the woman to get into his car or else he will hurt her. She gets in and they drive to a different state. What crime has he committed?

Loitering about a Public Toilet

A man sitting inside a public restroom at a local park eyes each man as they come in to use the toilet. Staring at a man's genitals, he asks, "Can I help you with that?". What crime has he committed?

Receiving Stolen Property. Felony

A man stole $2000 in jewelry. He gave an engagement ring to his girlfriend and admitted that he had stolen it. When he was arrested, she hid the jewelry and denied having the ring. Police obtained a warrant and found the ring in her apartment. What crime has she committed? Misdemeanor or Felony

Grand Theft

A man took a motor home that was idling in a rest area. He took it to his friends chop shop and dismantled it for parts. This man is guilty of____ ____ since he took the vehicle and his intent was permanent deprivation.


A man wandered around outside a house not in his neighborhood. He looked into several windows and stopped at one where he saw a child sleeping. What crime has the man committed so far?

Possession of Flammable or Combustible Materials

A man was pulled over for speeding. The officer saw six glass bottles, and a separate container with clear gold liquid and strips of cloth. The car smelled of kerosene as well. The man told the officer he was going to burn his ex girlfriends house down. What is the crime?

Arson - Felony

A man was terminated form his job. That night he returned to the vacant job site and poured gasoline on the front door, ignited it and burned half of the property. What crime did he commit? Crime classification?

PC 289 Penetration with a Foreign Object, Felony

A man who penetrated a woman's vagina with the barrel of his gun has committed the crime of what? Classification?

No, misdemeanor

A man with a prior felony conviction was being pat searched by an officer around the entrance of a shopping mall. The officer found a 2 ounce aerosol can of tear gas. He said he only kept it on him for self defense. Can he legally possess the tear gas? Classification?

PC 220, Assault with intent to commit rape

A man wrestled a female to the ground with intent to rape her. The headlights of an approaching vehicle scared him off before he could complete the sex crime. What crime has he committed?

Reasonable suspicion

A mandated professional to report child abuse must only have _____ _____ to report it.

Mental illness

A medical condition that affects a person's thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and disrupts daily functioning.


A medication used for allergic reaction or anaphalxis to allevaite swollen blood vessels and will open up bronchioles.

Bipolar disorder

A mental disorder characterized by rapid and unpredictable mood swings from mania to severe depression.

Criminal Intent

A mental state or frame of mind that the person knowingly did the act (broke the law)

Content, Voice characteristics and Non-verbal signals

A message is comprised of more than just words. The total message communicated is comprised of these 3 components: Content, Voice Characteristics and Non-_____ signals


A minor handcuffed to a bench, chair, or table is considered to be in secure custody.

False. Four or more truancies is considered habitually truant

A minor who has two or more truancies within one school year is considered to be habitually truant and may be placed into temporary custody. True or False

Nonsecure Custody

A minor who is less than 14, Or does not pose a serious security risk to self or others, should not be locked in a room or physically secured to any object. They are visually supervised by the staff at all times and are considered to be in _____ ____.

False. It is better to allow a misdemeanant to escape than apply deadly force when there is no imminent danger.

A misdemeanant who is fleeing and does not pose an imminent danger to anyone is still subject to the use of deadly force by officers. True or False

Child Harm, Injury, Endangerment

A mother left her infant in an unventilated vehicle on a 90 degree day whiole she ran into the supermarket. She has committed the crime of ___________________.


A motorcycle owner is repeatedly revving up his engine at 3 a.m. Would that be considered unreasonable noise?


A motorcycle revving up at 10a.m. is annoying a neighbor. Is that an unreasonable noise?


A narcotic addict lives in a rough neighborhood. During a lawful search of his house, a loaded revolver was found in plain view. Can the officers arrest him for possession of a firearm by a narcotic addict?


A night watchman is tied to his chair by a group of masked men, They went down the hall and stole several computers that were under his protection. Was this still robbery?

Developmental Disabilities

a disability that manifests before an individual turns 18, continues, or can be expected to continue, indefinitely, and constitutes a substantial disability for that individual.


A person may pose an imminent danger even though at the moment they are not actually pointing a weapon at another person. True or false


A person who commits Annoying or Molesting Children after entering an inhabited dwelling or house without consent has committed a _____ (classification)


A phone call must be made immediately, and a report shall be prepared, written, and sent to the child protective agency within __ hours of the initial contact.

life activities

A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a person from actively participating in one or more major _____ _____, like walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, thinking or concentrating, interacting with others, and working has a disability.


A police officer is not required to give Miranda warnings if there is _______ concern for the safety of a person or the public.

Community policing

A practice that involves problem solving, partnership and mobilization withing the community to achieve objectives


A private wrong commited by one person to another

probable cause

A warrantless arrest is a violation of the fourth amendment unless it is supported by _____ _____

Drivers License / Identification card

In the DMV system, this database maintains automated records of all CA licensed drivers, unlicensed drivers who have been arrested or received citations and those wih a CA ID card

Operation of Law

In the absence of a court order, _____ __ ___ means that both natural parents have equal rights to custody of their children.

Force, Injury

In the context of Battery, The degree of_____is not a consideration in the crime, and battery does not require an_____

General Intent

In this type of intent, the person intentionally did that which the law declared to be a crime


Dependent children can still be placed in secure custody. true or false

Can be in the form of capsules, tablets, liquid, or pills. They are usually packaged in baggies, bottles, or vials. The most commonly abused is alcohol.


This class of drugs slows the operation of the brain and other parts of the central nervous system. Barbiturates, anti-anxiety agents, GHB, GHL, distilled spirits, beer and wine.



During a traffic stop an officer learned that the driver had several outstanding warrants. He gets out of the car but assumes a fighting stance. Using a leg sweep takedown and arresting the person was appropriate force.

Violating a Court Order, Misdemeanor

During a trial, the judge ordered a witness who had been testifying, to return after lunch for examination by the D.A..The witness failed to return. She committed what crime? Classification?


During preliminary investigations, verifying that a crime has taken place and the presence or absence of the suspects is part of the ______ assessment.

Responsiveness, ABC's, Major Bleeding, Treat for shock

During the initial survey officers should check


Even in the case of non-violent offenses, such as Forgery or Grand Theft, the fleeing felon is not posing a threat to anyone physically, but the officer shoots toward him and misses. The accidental shooting of an innocent bystander would be justifiable. True or False


Excessive bails and fines are not allowed

psychological factors

Excitement, impatience, Aggression, overconfidence, lack of confidence, self-righteousness, fear, peer pressure, and preoccupation are all ________ factors that affect judgment and decision making while driving a patrol car.

Community Expectations of Police

Expected to Patrol the Community and Be Visible, Maintain Public Peace, Manage Civil Disturbances

longitudinal weight transfer

Front to back weight transfer caused by braking and acceleration.

The first unit to respond to the scene must take the leadership responsibility to_____ as much information as possible about the current status of the situation. Nature of the Emergency, extent of area affected, etc.



Info needed to make an inquiry into AFS

Reasonable Suspicion

Info obtained from CLETS can be used to establish or reinforce the ______ _______ necessary to lawfully detain a suspect

Cerebral Palsy

Looking directly at the person's eyes, watching for signs of fatigue, being encouraging and not correcting, allowing extra time to speak, asking questions that require short answers, asking them politely to repeat if not understood, allowing them to retain their mobility aids, and if arresting, possibly not handcuffing them are field contact points for those with...

Loitering about a Public Toilet

Penal code 647[d] Hanging around in or about any toilet open to the public, for the purpose of engaging in or soliciting any lewd, lascivious, or unlawful act is called

Child abuse

Several professions are required by law to report suspected _____ _____ to a child protective agency.

False, There is no relationship between the extent of physical impairment from Cerebral Palsy and how smart they might be. They may be highly intelligent or have normal levels of intelligence.

People with Cerebral Palsy are not as intelligent as the general population. Their IQ is usually as low as those with mental retardation. True or False

blind spots

Lane change collisions occur when drivers fail to check their ______ _____ and when they fail to signal.

lateral weight transfer

Side to side weight transfer caused by turning movements


Signaling a person to stop, with the hand, or pointing at a person would be considered this type of nonverbal signal

Chemical agents [cyanide] which inhibit the exchange of oxygen to the cells of the bloodstream, causing rapid and labored breathing.

blood agents

General, Specific, Transferred

What are the three types of intent?

Thought disorders and Mood disorders

What are the two categories of mental illness disorders?

Fear and anger

What are the two major factors that can affect an officer's response when confronted with danger?

Discussion, Admonishment , Training

What are three types of Delayed intervention techniques used to enhance the quality of future contacts.


What crime classification is Battery upon a specified person?


What crime classification is Battery?

Malice aforethought

What distinguishes murder from manslaughter? {two words}

Stolen Vehicle System

What does SVS mean

Violent Crime Information Network / Sex and Arson Registration

What does VCIN/SAR mean?


What information is needed to make an inquiry into the VCIN/SAR


What is the crime classification for Battery causing/inflicting serious bodily injury?


What is the crime classification for Battery upon a specified person, with a treatable injury, like stitches


What is the crime classification for Entering and Occupying Real Property


What is the crime classification for Prostitution?


What is the crime classification for Receiving Stolen Property?


What is the crime classification for Trespassing?


What is the crime classification for Unlawfully causing a Fire?


What is the crime classification for Vandalism over $400 in damages?


What is the crime classification for Vandalism under $400 in damages?


What is the crime classification for someone who burns his own property, but also injures another person, or another person's property, forestland, or structure

Peeping is Prowling PLUS Peeking into the door or window of that structure

What is the difference between Prowling ad Peeping?

NAM, DOB, AGE, SER, CAT Code, etc

What is the minimum information needed to make an inquiry into APS

Contains info on persons prohibited from owning or possessing firearms for mental health reasons

What is the purpose of MHFPS

Would another officer, with similar training and experience, facing similar circumstances in the same way or use similar judgement?

What is the reasonable officer standard?

60 minutes

When being secured to an object outside a locked enclosure, and under constant supervision for safety, a minor may not be secured to a stationary object for more than ___ ______, unless no other locked enclosure is available.


Whenever a person has been detained under 5150 W and I is found to own, have possession of, any firearms or deadly weapons, peace officers will ______ those weapons.

Disarming an Officer, Felony

While detaining a suspect for assault, one officer turns to talk to the other. The suspect grabs the officer's gun from his holster. The officer grabbed the mans hand before he could clear it from the holster. What crime did the suspect commit? Classification?

1. has been convicted of a felony or crime involving assault, 2. addicted to narcotics, 3. anyone attempting to sell or furnish to a minor, 4. is under 16 years old, 5. is 16 or 17 and without written parental consent or accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Who cannot possess tear gas, even in the spray form? there are five.

A man kicked his live-in girlfriend in the ribs; she was writhing in pain when officers arrived. What crime has the man committed? Classification?

Willful Infliction of Corporal Injury, Felony

The senior official of a governmental agency reported a bomb threat. When asked by officers if he wanted help searching for the device, he said no, and such threats were not uncommon. The officer left and documented the incident. Was this correct action by the officers?


Head, neck, or spinal cord injury

You should not use the head Tilt chin lift, if there are any indications of...


______ are the most common victim's of poisoning.


______ over something is generally established by ownership, lawful possession, authority, and or control of the area searched or property seized


_______ are all persons involved in the commission of a felony or misdemeanor.

Serious bodily harm [GBI]

a serious impairment of physical condition, including but not limited to loss of consciousness, concussion, bone fracture, etc.


a system that identifies restraining protective orders entered into CLETS by law enforcement agencies.


a violation of criminal statutes


Anyone who discharges a firearm from a vehicle is guilty of a _____.

Rescue, Felony

As an officer arrested a husband for domestic violence, the wife climbed on top of the officer and scratched his eyes. During the scuffle, the husband fled out the front door. By her actions, the wife committed the crime of _____. Classification?


the process of questioning suspects who often may be unwilling to provide information to investigating officers.

(CDC) California Dept of Corrections Parolees, (CYA) California Youth Authority Parolees, Probationers, federal parole and probation records

the types of records included in the SRF are from records pertaining to these

Health and Safety

Assuming EMS acts within the scope of the duties, in good faith, and provide care within their scope of training they can not be held liable for damages, this is written in the ____ & ____ Code

Because of then need to interrupt the chain of violence, cite and release is rarely advised for a solution. T/F


Depending on the material used, the discovery of WMD effects may vary from quick, like an explosion, to delayed, like a radiological or biological release. True or False


PC 653m, a person who telephones and uses obscene language or makes threat to a person, his property or family. Or repeated phone calls with intent to annoy another person, whether or not a conversation ensues. Calling another person's work more than 10 times in 24 hours. Crime and classification?

Telephone calls with intent to annoy, Misdemeanor


Temporarily borrowing a bicycle, motorboat, or vessel without the permission of the owner is what crime classification for vehicle theft


Temporary custody is the legal equivalent of an arrest. True or False

_____ and ______ assessments center on the ability to identify why, where and how communities are at risk to terrorist attacks and the rationale behind the target selection.

threat and vulnerability assessments

The drivers of two vehicles entering the intersection at approximately the same time is on a terminating highway, and the other driver is is on a continuing highway. At the T-intersection, who has the right of way?

The driver on the continuing highway.

Involuntary Manslaughter

The killing of a person in the commission of an act not amounting to a felony, or a lawful act which might produce death in an unlawful manner, or without caution and circumspection


The most common form of communication with a person who is deaf is through _____.


The process of questioning non-suspects such as victims or witnesses who typically are willing to cooperate.

Grand Theft

Theft of Property value exceeding $950 falls under what Theft category. Petty or Grand Theft?


Theft of retail merchandise or library materials can be classified as grand theft or Petty Theft depending on the nature or also of the items or service stolen. True or false?

Misdemeanor, Felony

Theft or embezzlement of an elder or dependent adult of less than $950 is a ______. Over $950 is a _____

Direct Pressure, Elevation, Pressure Points, Tourniquet

There are four techniques that may be used to control bleeding at the scene of an emergency. What are they?

Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, Misdemeanor

Two sixteen year old were dating. They willingly engaged in sexual intercourse. What crime have they committed? Classification?


(T or F) POP and CP are the same


records and data compiled by criminal justice agencies for the purposes of identifying criminal offenders; referred to as "rap sheets"

six foot privacy fence

which fence has a higher expectation of privacy by the owners? six foot privacy fence that can't be seen through very easily or a chain link fence?

If the lighting on a vehicle is appropriate but otherwise fails to meet requirements because of a defect or adjustment, the driver has ___ hours to make the equipment comply.

48 hours

Mental disability

A group of disorders that can cause disturbances in thinking, feeling, or relating to others. They often result in an inability to cope with the ordinary demands of life.

Falsely reporting a destructive device. Felony

A high school principal received a call stating that a bomb had been placed in a student's locker. The report was deemed to be false, and the student had done it on a dare. The student has committed what crime? Classification?


A high school student reached into his locker before practice and pulled out a six inch hunting knife his grandfather gave him. Is he guilty of possession of a knife on school grounds?

Entering and Occupying Real Property

A homeless man found a vacant apartment with a broken window. He climbed through the window and lived there for 3 months until the owner found him. What crime has he committed?


A hunter in possession of a rifle with a cartridge in the chamber while also being in or around a vehicle on a public highway is a _______.

Voluntary Manslaughter

A husband comes home to find his wife in the bedroom with his best friend. The husband got his shotgun out of the closet and shot his friend. He killed his friend in heat of passion. What is the crime?

Yes, the jogger manufactured and possessed a prohibited weapon and is guilty of a felony.

A jogger created a slungshot type device to carry on himself in case a dog came after him. Is the crime of Possession of a prohibited weapon complete?


A judgement of punishment that is formally pronounced by the court upon the defendant


A man who had penile/vaginal intercourse with a woman who consented, but who then had a change of heart and revoked consent after initial penile penetration has committed rape when he did not stop when asked. True or False


A man who had recently been fired from a job went to the location and shot at the unoccupied store causing damage to the building. What is the classification for this crime?

PC 289 Penetration with a Foreign Object, Felony

A man who just slightly penetrated a woman's anus with his fingers against the will of the victim committed what crime? Classification?

Will be suppressed

A person commits a crime and is read his Miranda Rights, suspect requests his attorney, but officer continues to question and eventually obtains a confession. Can be used or will be suppressed in court?

Will be suppressed

A person commits a crime. Before he is read his rights, the officer questions him about the crime and obtains a confession. Can this be used or will it be suppressed in court?

4 to 6 minutes

A person is clinically dead once breathing and circulation stops, Biological death usually takes place within ____ to ____ minutes, brain cells die, vital organs begin to deteriorate


A person is experiencing a cardiac arrest but is alert enough to ask you to grab his prescribed medications and open the bottle. Is this okay to do?

Version 4.5 Give 2 breaths, approx 1 second each. Look for chest to rise. Version 5.0 Check pulse and give 30 compressions

A person is not responsive on initial survey and is not breathing either, whats the first thing you do?

Unlawfully Discharging a Firearm at a Dwelling. Felony

A person shoots at, but misses an occupied house. What is the crime and classification?

Can be used in a court of law

A person who committed a crime is read his Miranda Rights and agrees to answers questions and confesses to the crime. Can the confession be used in court at this point or will it be suppressed?


A person who flees from a lawful detention or gives incorrect/misleading answers may be arrested, provided it is obstructing an ______


A person who has a prior felony, is a gang member, knew or should have known the gun was stolen, has committed a crime against a person or property, or is just not listed with DOJ as being capable of having a concealed firearm on them is guilty of a ______.


A person who has committed PC 368, Dependent Adult Abuse, is in possession of a concealable firearm without a license. Is this a misdemeanor or felony?

Ward of the Court

A person who is under the age of 18, who has been found by the juvenile court to be habitually disobedient or truant, OR who has committed a crime.

Danger to self

A person with mental illness may be a _____ to _____ when he is saying or implying intent to commit suicide or inflict bodily harm on himself, exhibiting gross neglect for personal safety.

danger to others

A person with mental illness may be a _____ to ______ when he is using words or actions that indicate the intent to cause bodily harm to another person, being specific to whom he will harm, have the appearance of being agitated, angry, or explosive, being destructive or misusing a vehicle.

Unauthorized entry of a dwelling

A transient was looking for a place to sleep. He saw a bed in an open garage. He fell asleep on the bed until he was discovered by the owner, who called the police. What crime was committed?

life threatening

A victim should only be moved from his location if he is in a ____ ______ situation

True - PC 836

A warrantless felony arrest is good if the the crime was committed in officer presence, not in officer's presence, and regardless of whether or not the felony was even committed.

Possession of Prohibited Weapon

A woman concerned for the safety of her daughter gave her a lipstick case that had a knife enclosed in it. The daughter carried it in her backpack for safety. The mother and daughter are both now guilty of what crime?

Violating a Court order. Misdemeanor.

A woman identified a prowler as her former business partner and showed the officer a valid restraining order. The man admitted that he had been properly served the order a week ago What can the officer arrest the man for in regards to the restraining order? Classification?


A woman knew that her boss kept a collection of coins at his home. While he wasn't there one night she entered the house with a key he kept in his desk. She discovered the coins were not there and she ran out. Is the crime of Burglary complete?

Lewd Conduct

A woman sitting in a bar is opening her blouse and inviting everyone to touch her breasts. What crime has she committed?

Battery, Felony

A woman walked into a bar and saw her boyfriend with another girl, she slapped him in the he'd, knocking him off his bar stool and rendering him unconscious. She committed _____ causing serious bodily injury. What crime classification is that?

Carjacking, Felony

A woman was sitting in her car at a red light. A man pulls her from the car and drives off. What crime has the man committed? What is the crime classification?


A woman who does not live at or know the occupants of a residence, enters the back yard looking for something of value to steal. What crime is she committing?


A woman who is too drunk to resist is not considered capable of giving consent. True or False

Possession of a concealable firearm, Misdemeanor

A woman who opened her purse to find her identification, had a small handgun in the purse, strictly for protection. What crime has been committed, classification?

Oral Copulation, Felony

A woman who performed oral sex on a severely retarded man who was unable to understand the act. What crime has the woman committed? Classification?

US Constitution

A written document that embodies the basic lawws of a nation or state

Falsely Reporting a Crime, Misdemeanor

A young man reported to a peace officer that his car had been stolen from the parking lot. He falsely reported this because he didn't want his dad to find out he wrecked the car. The young man committed the crime of what? Classification?

serious security risk to self or others.

Age, maturity, delinquent history, severity of the offense for being taken into custody, the minor's behavior, being cooperative or not, and staffing adequacy, are all criteria in determining if a minor in custody is a _______.

No, Yes

Can a person carry a loaded firearm on his person or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street? Can you arrest him warrantless for this reason?

No, Felony

Can a person carry a weapon into a school safety zone, or on school grounds without written permission from a designated school representative?

No, Felony

Can a person with a Temporary Restraining Order involving domestic violence go out and buy a gun? If he purchases or even attempts to purchase, what is the classification?


Can a theater owner detain a person suspected of operating an unauthorized video device within the premises of a motion picture theater?


Can people get radiation sickness just by going to radiation therapy?

To operate a motorcycle one must have at least this type of license...

Class C driver's license with an M-1 endorsement

To operate motorized bicycles, mopeds, bikes with attached motors, or a motorized scooter, one must have at least this type of license...

Class C driver's license with an M-2 endorsement


An officer is in a heated debate with a subject is becoming increasingly agitated. A fellow officer lightly touch the officer on the shoulder and offers a tactful reminder to calm down. What type of Immediate intervention is this?


An officer is not held responsible for not intervening while witnessing unreasonable force by another police officer. It is not his duty to intervene in this case. True or False


An officer is using unreasonable force, a fellow officer physically takes hold of the officer in order to separate the officer from the subject. What type of Immediate intervention is this?


Any person except in self defense in the presence of any other person draws or exhibits any deadly weapon in a rude, angry, or threatening manner or uses a deadly weapon in a fight or quarrel is guilty of a _____.


Any person except in self defense in the presence of any other person draws or exhibits any firearm in a rude, angry, or threatening manner or uses a firearm in a fight or quarrel is guilty of a _____.


Any person having upon themselves any deadly weapon with intent to commit an assault is a _____.


Any person who carries a loaded firearm, on one's person or in a vehicle in a public place in an incorporated area or any prohibited area is guilty of PC 25850[a] which is a ____.

Entering and Occupying Real Property

Any person who enters and occupies, real property or structures of any kind without the consent of the owner, the owner's agent or lawful person in possession, and refusing to leave upon request.

Trespass to Land

Any person who enters land, without permission, for the purpose of injuring any property or with the intention of interfering with, obstructing, or injuring any business or occupation.


Any person who knowingly brings in a deadly weapon inside a detention facility is guilty of a crime. Is it a misdemeanor or felony?

PC 311.11 Possession of Child Pornography

Any person who knowingly possesses or controls any matter showing a child under the age of 18 engaging in or simulating sexual conduct.


Any person who knowingly possesses, sells, offers for sale, exposes for sale or transports any prohibited tear gas weapon except when otherwise permitted is guilty of a ______.


Any person who manufacture's, imports into the state, sells, gives, lends, or possesses any prohibited weapon is guilty of a ______.

criminal, civil, disciplinary

Any person who violates PC 502 can be subect to _______ prosecution, ______ liability, and /or agency ________ action

PC 273d Physical Abuse of a Child

Any person who willfully inflicts upon any child any cruel or inhumane, corporal punishment or an injury resulting in a traumatic condition has committed this crime.

PC 273a Child Harm, Injury or Endangerment

Any person willfully causing or permitting any child to suffer, OR inflicting unjustifiable pain or mental suffering, OR having the care or custody of any child and allowinng that child to be placed in a situation where his body or health is endangered.

Lewd or Lascivious

Any person willfully committing any ____ or ____ act upon or with the body of a child, with the intent of gratifying one's sexual desires or those of the child when the child is under 14, or the child is under 14 and the suspect is more than 10 years older than the victim is guilty of a crime.

PC 272 Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor

Any person, including another juvenile, who causes, encourages, or contributes to a person under the age of 18 to become a dependent, status offender, or ward of the court is guilty of this crime.


Anyone who aims or points a laser scope or laser pointer except in self defense, in a threatening manner with intent to cause a reasonable person fear is guilty of a _______.


At 3:30a.m., a woman was found at the rear entrance of a building in a high crime area, the officer asked her if she needed any help, as she was nervously moving around, a set of pick locks fell from her pocket, she couldn't give a good reason for having them. Can the officer arrest her for Possession of Burglary Tools?


At 5:00 a.m. A man using his gas powered leaf blower to clean his yard refuses to stop working after being asked by his neighbor. Has he committed the crime of disturbing the peace?

Specific Intent

Burglary, Kidnapping for Ransom are examples of this type of intent

That portion of a highway of which 50 percent is occupied by buildings used for business there on one side of the highway for 600 feet, or both sides for 300 feet.

Business District

Cardiac emergency

A person is experiencing chest pains, pain down the arm, some heartburn, shortness of breath and sweating. What does this indicate?


The presence of a pulse on an infant is taken at the _____ artery


A sexual part need not be touched to complete Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child. The act must simply be _____ in nature with intent to arouse either the subject or the child.

18 inches, 26 inches

A shotgun with a barrel less than ____ inches or an overall length less than ___ inches is considered to be a prohibited weapon and is a felony.

Check for circulation (pulse)

A person is not responsive on initial survey, but is breathing, what's the next thing you do?

PC 647.6 Annoying or Molesting Children

Any person annoying or molesting any child under the age of 18 is guilty of this crime.

Normal pupil size is between___ and ___ millimeters.

3.0 and 6.5 millimeters

A child over ___ pounds may be transported in the back seat of a vehicle wearing only a lap safety between that seat isn't equipped with a combo lap and shoulder safety belt.

40 pounds


A severely retarded woman with an appointed Guardian cannot give sexual consent under the law. True or False

Obstructing a Public Way

A limousine of a controversial dignitary drove down the street, protesters broke through the police lines, stood in the street, chanted protests and prevented the limo from passing. What crime has been completed?


A collection of like or related data is referred to as a...


A _____ may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these.


A ______ must be temporary and last no longer than is necessary to resolve the reason for the stop.


A band is practicing in their garage with the garage door open and it is past midnight. Is this a crime of loud noises because of the unreasonable hour of the music?


A child is defined to be any person under the age of __.


A parent's duty to support and maintain a minor child no longer continues if the child is removed from the home and the custody of the parent. True or False


A part or structure of the body that has been torn or cut away. Like the tip of the nose that has been cut away or an eye pulled from its socket


A public offense punishable by fine only, normally the offender is issued a citation in place of arrest


An officer sees contraband or evidence in plain from a lawful location. Can he automatically enter the property without a warrant to seize it?


Any person convicted of Misdemeanor Assault, Battery, Spousal Abuse, Drawing a Firearm, or Stalking within the last ten years and owns, possesses, or has control of any firearm is guilty of a _____.


Any person who, unless authorized by law, willfully discharges a firearm in a grossly negligent manner which could result in injury or death to a person is guilty of a ______.

No. The crime did not involve or threaten to involve the use of force to produce death or GBI.

An officer views a drug dealer make a sale on the street. The dealer sees the cop, then flees into a large building. The officer shoots and kills the fleeing felon. Is this homicide justifiable?


According to W&I 625, any minor who commits a misdemeanor or felony, even if it was not committed in front of the officer, can be taken into temporary custody. That juvenile would be considered a _____ of the court upon arrest.

Physical Harm of a Child, Felony

An adult babysitter attempted to teach a child not to play with matches. She held a match to a child's hand until a welt was raised. What crime has she committed? Classification?

Child Harm, Injury, Endangerment

An adult babysitter was angry at the 7-year old for whom she was caring. She punished him by making him stand in a closed closet knowing he was afraid of the dark. What crime has she committed?

PC 647.6 Annoying or Molesting Children

An adult female made sexually explicit remarks to a 17 year old boy about it his body. What crime has she committed?

Community Policing

An organizational and personal philosophy that promotes police-community partnerships and proactive problem solving

Possession of Child Pornography, Felony

An adult male is discovered, during a routine traffic stop, to have photographs of a young child performing oral copulation on a man. What crime has the adult male committed? Classification?


An arrest may be made by a civilian

custodial arrest

An arrest where the suspect will be transported to a jail, station, detox center, juvenile hall, or school

probable cause plus

Additional show of need, beyond the usual probable cause, required for bodily intrusion warrants


Annoying or Molesting Children is a _____ intent crime.


The crime of presenting false identification to a peace officer is a...


The crime of rescuing a prisoner or detainee is a...


Any person who uses tear gas for any purpose other than self defense has committed a _____.


The crime of violation of a court order is a...

PC 314, Indecent Exposure

Any person who willfully and lewdly, exposes their private parts where there are other people present to be offended

Lascivious Act

Any act which has a tendancy to excite lust.

Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Any degrading punishment not known to the common law; also a disproportionate punishment to the crime so as to shock the moral senses of the community


Any driver or owner of a vehicle who allows another person to carry into, or bring into the vehicle a loaded firearm is guilty of a _______.


Any firearm that has an unexpended cartridge or shell in or attached in any manner to the firearm is considered to be _______.


Any firearm that is in a glove compartment, under the seat, in a door or center console, , or even just under another object like a shirt or piece of paper is considered to be a firearm that is being ______.


Any Californian over 18, may without a license, possess or carry, either openly or concealed, any firearm within that person's place of residence, place of business, or on private property that is owned by that person.

Children under 14

Are considered too young to form the necessary intent to commit a crime


Assault with Intent to Commit...crimes are considered ______ intent crimes.


Assault with a deadly weapon is what crime classification

Pedestrians shall not start to walk across the roadway is a pedestrian signal indicates ___ ___.

Don't Walk, or Wait

Imminent Danger

Because of spinal injury, you should never move an injured person unless you are unable to assess, like a person slumped over a steering wheel, or _______ ______ like fire, explosion, downed power lines

Knock and notice

Before entering a dwelling to make an arrest, with or without a warrant officers must identify themselves to the person inside by what procedure?

Physical Disabilities

Being deaf or hard of hearing, visual impairment, Alzheimer's disease, brain or spinal cord injuries, and amputations are all examples of what type of disability?


Belt buckle knives, lipstick case knives, cane swords, air gauge knives and writing pen knives are considered unrecognizable bladed weapons and are considered to be a ______.

A device upon which any person may ride, propelled exclusively by human power, through a belt, chain or gears and having one more wheels.


A person lawfully arrested for for DUI has the choice of providing a ___ sample or a ____ sample for testing purposes.

Blood or breath sample

Misdemeanor and Felony Arrests, Priors, and Convictions. Also subjects convicted of registerable sex offenses.

Crime classifications general recorded in ACHS


Burglary of a locked vehicle occurs the moment ___ is made.


Crimes that are considered wobblers are treated as ________ by law enforcement officers

Class D fires are difficult to extinguish even for trained fire fighters because they involve the burning of _____ ____that may involve specialized equipment. An example would be a vehicle fire where burning aluminum and magnesium may be involved.

Combustible metals

Sir Robert Peel

Commonly acknowledged as the father of modern policing


The judicial examination and determination of issues (of the alleged crime) between parties

Master Name Index, Automated Criminal History System, Manual Criminal History System

CHS is organized into what three portions?


CJIS and DMV are systems with information on the ______ level (state, nat'l, or Oregon)

California Justice Information System

CJIS stands for

California DOJ

CLETS is maintained by the...

California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System

CLETS stands for


Carjacking is a ______

This class of drugs can lead to the impairment of attention, changes in appetite, and leaves a floating sensation. Marijuana, hashish/hash oil, synthetics like Marinol.


bloodshot or reddening of the eyes, dry mouth, diminished inhibitions, difficulty in concentrating, increased appetite, green or yellow coating on the tongue. are all indicators of the use of this class of drugs



Cannot be compelled to testify against themselves

Mood Disorder

Category of mental disorder where the person experiences episodic disturbances in mood, concentration, sleep, activity, appetite, or social behavior. They can be marked by periods of extreme sadness, [depression] or excitement, [mania]

Thought disorder

Category of mental disorder where the person's thought process is disrupted, causing that person experience delusions, hallucinations, and/or irrational fears, or they may exhibit unusual fears.

The system of nerves which make up the brain and spinal cord.

Central nervous system

The two types of chemical agents are ____ WMD and Toxic ____ Chemicals.

Chemical, Industrial


Child Harm, Injury, Endangerment is what type of intent crime?

Often learns that violence is acceptable, low self esteem, learns to use violence to express anger, delayed development, PTSD, neglected, be injured while trying to intervene are all characteristics of ____ of domestic violence.


blow, snow, free base, blanca, rock, crack.


PC 20

Code that states in every crime, there must exist a union, or joint operation of act and intent, or criminal negligence


Coefficient of friction is the stickiness between the rubber and the roadway. When one or more tires exceeds the coefficient of friction, the vehicle will begin to _____.


Concealing a dirk or dagger on one's person is a felony. Is carrying a dirk or dagger in a sheath which is worn openly suspended from the waist of the wearer considered to be concealed?


Confront their accusers

Goods are removed, When a vehicle is entered, When a vehicle is hooked up to a tow truck

Control over a repossessed item is complete when one of the these three are obtained:


Corporal punishment is defined as any kind of punishment inflicted on the _______.


The judicial step that includes a formal written charge of the crime


Indecent Exposure is considered a ______ intent crime.

PCP, the most common of these, appears in the form of a liquid, clear or yellow, crystal, off white to yellowish tan, and a tablet, pale yellow or pink, packaged using eyedroppers, bottles, foil, vials, and joints.

Dissociative Anesthetics

This class of drugs produce changes in sensory perceptions and visual hallucinations similar to hallucinogens, can act as a stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogen and can cause bizarre and sometimes violent behavior. PCP, Ketamine.

Dissociative Anesthetics


Does there have to be forced entry commit Burglary?

Department of Motor Vehicles

DMV stands for

Another drug similar to ketamine and PCP which is the active ingredient in most over the counter cough and cold remedies

Dextromethorphan [DXM]


Difficulty relating to people, aversion to being touched, sensitivity to noise, may cover their eyes or ears to prevent unpleasant stimulus, fascinated by shiny objects, repetitive movements [like rocking or spinning], repeating what others say, insistence of a daily routine, tantrums, and self stimulation are behavioral indicators of this developmental disability.

Yes, the person can't be turned away for any reason

Does the facility in which an individual is transported to have to accept that person for the initial evaluation because they are full and don't have any beds, or other reasons?

A person who drives or is in actual physical control of a vehicle.


If any party is injured, officers should call for ___.


There are two levels of warnings issued by the DHS . What are they?

Elevated and imminent

probable cause to search

Enough credible information to to provide a fair probability that the items sought will be found at the place they want to search.

Miranda Rights

Established by the US Supreme Court in 1966 protecting a subject's 5th Amendment rights against self -incrimination


Minors found to be participants in criminal acts are referred to as _____.


Freedom of expression, speech, press, assembly

Aftermarket window tint or any that reduces light by 70 percent is considered legal.


Breath tests will detect drugs in the body. True or False



Failure to intervene can result in civil and criminal lawsuits for the officer witnessing but not doing anything about unreasonable force.

U-turns are prohibited in front of ___ stations, or their driveways.

Fire stations


For the average person with no criminal history, Carrying a Concealable Firearm without a license upon one's person is a _____


For the crime of Annoying or Molesting Children to be complete, The child must be touched. True or False


Getting out to see what is behind the vehicle, looking out the rear view mirror, continuing to look back, using assistance when necessary, and using all available mirrors are things to keep in mind when operating a vehicle in _____.

Commmunity Policing Goals

Goals include improving quality of life, prevent crime, reduce fear of crime, increase community awarenes


Government cannot endorse any religion

Intensified visual images, bizarre behavior, paranoia, insomnia, loss of appetite, impaired memory, sweating, possible flashbacks, are all indicators of the use of this class of drugs.


Any publicly maintained road, open to the public for vehicular travel, and extends from property line to property line


Introducing a drug into the body upsets the body's dynamic chemical balance, the body's natural tendency to ______. The body then alters it's own supply of natural chemicals to accommodate the drug now in the system.


What are the five methods drugs are taken in to the body?

Inhalation, injection, intranasal, ingestion, and trans-dermal

A field management system used to coordinate on-scene emergency operations, coordinate multi-agency responses, and establish temporary or permanent command at the scene.

ICS - Incident Command System

Broken Window Theory

Idea that one unchecked problem within a community may lead to other problems

Mental Retardation

Impaired communication, shortened attention span, poor sense of time, immature social relationships, overly compliant, difficulty with simple tasks, and poor understanding of consequences are all behavioral indicators of this developmental disability.

The ____ is the weapon of choice for terrorists worldwide. They are generally homemade devices, cheap and easy to make and require very few resources.

Improvised explosive device, IED


In general, are common containers like cigarette packs and film containers searchable in a cursory frisk?

CII (Criminal Identification and Information Number), OR a disposition number

In order to access CORI from the automated or manual CHS, he requesting party must have the subjects


In other words, to right a wrong


In regards to "application of force", to touch in a harmful or offensive manner includes the slightest touching if it is done in a rude or angry way. True or False

A person who refuses to present their driver's license to the officer upon request has committed a _____.


When questioning the parties in a DV call, eye contact should be avoided between them to prevent ____. So place the parties in two different rooms of the house, with your partner in between, if possible.



Jagged edged wound, caused by objects tearing or ripping the skin, broken glass, Jagged metal, saws,

Acid, tabs, sheets, squares, dots, micro dots


Establishing law and order, identifying necessary resources, enforcing emergency rules and regulations, /or providing emergency care for the sick and injured is the mission of ____ ____ responding to unusual occurrences

Law enforcement


Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child is a ______.


Lewd or Lasivious Acts with a Child is a ____ intent crime.

Code 3

Life threatening situations, serious crime in progress, peace officer needs assistance, traffic collision involving major injuries, and fire are some examples of emergencies where a _____ ____ response would be appropriate.


Lynching is a...

E, Ecstasy, rolls, mollies



Male and female juveniles are not allowed to be locked in the same room, unless under direct visual supervision at all times

A woman turned on her TV and received nothing but static. She checked the cable lines and they were cut by her estranged husband. What crime has the ex husband committed? Classification?

Malicious destruction of cable TV lines. Felony.

If a driver fails to present a driver's license or other evidence of identity, refuses to sign a promise to appear, [citation], demands immediate appearance, or is charged with D.U.I. These are the conditions where it is _____ to bring the person before a magistrate



May not deny due process to any person in the US


May not deny equal protection of the law to any person


Means a new rule and is commonly used with case law

Wire, ice, glass, speed, crystal, crank.



Minimum info needed for inquiries to the SRF

Developed by Homeland Security at the request of the President, this integrates effective practices in emergency preparedness and respond into a comprehensive national framework for incident management.

NIMS - National Incident Management System

Prosecuting Attorney, Defense Attorney, Judge

Name the 3 main positions in the CA court system

The involuntary jerking motion of the eyeballs drugs cause.



Occurs when an expectation of privacy is infringed upon by the gov't.

Of the 5 functions within ICS, this function is commonly organized by functional branches, implements than plan to deal with the incident, Allocates resources to the incident,


button, cactus


First, sixth, eighth, fourteenth

Prisoners lose there right to protection from search and seizure, but still retain these amendment's rights.

Fresh or dried mushroom caps or stems it a light blue to iridescent violet ring around the top of the stem.


Shrooms, magic mushrooms



Punishment must be reasonable for the crime


Refers to the immediate care or charge of a person.

New World Order, gun control, apocalyptic views, white supremacy, anti-government, anti-taxation, anti-abortion, Religious beliefs are motivations of this type of domestic terrorist group.

Right Wing


Right to a speedy trial


Robbery is a ____


Search and arrest warrants must show probable cause


Separation of Church and State


Sexual Battery is a ______ intent crime.


Smooth, straight cut caused by sharp objects, like paper cuts, razors, and edged weapons

When directing traffic with a whistle, an officer will emit two short blasts with the ____ signal.



Surgical or traumatic removal of a body extremity Accident involving chain saws, industrial equipment, etc.

The unlawful use of force or violence against person's or property to intimidate a government, the population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of original or social objectives.


Heart, blood vessels, blood

The 3 main components to the circulatory system are


The aim of criminal law is....


The consequence for violating criminal law is...


The crime of Altering or Removal of Identifying Marks from a Firearm is a ______.


The crime of Assault with Intent to Commit... is a ______ .


The crime of Penetration with a Foreign Object is a ______.


The objective for the use of force by peace officers in any situation is to ultimately gain ___ of an individual and the situation.


The objective for use of force is to use only the amount of force reasonable to overcome resistance, and to maintain control of a subject. True or False

Don't restrain, move objects out of the way, cushion the person's head

Things you can do to help a person while they are seizing.

PC 26

This penal code identifies those individuals who are presumed not capable of committing a crime

Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Throwing a hard object, kicking or beating someone severely, or throwing someone against or off something are all examples of

Intent or Negligence

To be a crime there must be one of two things, Criminal _____ or Criminal ______

Tunnel vision

With increase in speed or stress, peripheral vision can significantly decrease making it more difficult to detect objects outside of Central vision. This is called _____ _____.

evanescent evidence

evidence that will change over time (alcohol or drugs in the blood stream)

stable evidence

evidence that will not change over time

Consensual Encounter

face to face contact with a person in which they feel they could freely leave if they wanted to.

Vehicles may emit ____ lights only when hazards or emergencies exist.



if a search warrant is authorized for a residence for heroin and its ownership, police can search anywhere in that house, but can they search inside containers?

A driver who has been issued a license be doesn't have it on them has committed a _____.


If a driver wishes to move through successive lanes, he must Yield the right of way one ____ at a time.


Before a driver is entitled the right of way, the driver must be operating his vehicle within the parameters of the ____.


Ex post facto laws

laws written after the fact to punish an action that has already taken place and was not legal at the time of commission

seizure of property

meaningful interference with an individual's possessory interest in that property by the government


minimum information needed to make an inquiry into the Master Name Index (MNI)


minimum information needed to make an inquiry into the WPS

PC 18 + 19

provide for punishments for those offenses without a specific punishment

A Geiger counter measures and detects _____.


Methamphetamine is usually packaged for sale in powder or crystal form in ...

small plastic baggies, small plastic bundles, tinfoil

Treat inoperative traffic signals as if they were ____ signs.


When a vehicle is ____, the vehicle can be released to the owner, or authorized agent with proper identification, pending any fees, fines, towing costs.



the authority to obtain CORI pursuant to a court order, statutory law, or case law

Transporting Controlled Substances specifically involves a ____, motorized scooter, bicycle and any other forms of transportation, or aircraft


Searching for the bomb is up to law enforcement to handle. T/F

False searching responsibilities should be left to the occupant, management, or school officials. Officers may assist if requested to do so.

There are never circumstances when both parties are equally assaultive and batter one another. There is always a dominant aggressor. T/F

False, In such cases it may be appropriate to arrest both as long as self defense is ruled out.

Gene had a roommate who was growing Marijuana. When the roommate went on vacation, she asked Gene to water the plants. Because Gene had knowledge of the plants and helped to maintain them, she had committed the crime of what? Classification?

Cultivating or Harvesting Marijuana, felony

Yes, started as a misdemeanor, but escalated to imminent danger for others. Homicide is justifiable in this scenario

During a riot officer witnessed two men shoplifting from a store. One the men started firing his gun at people who tried to get close to him. The officer shot and killed him. Is this justifiable?

Possession of Flammable or Combustible Materials

During a search of a Neo Nazi's house, They noticed a pile of oily rags on the dining table along with pamphlets on the inferiority of the Jews. The man admitted that he was going to use them to "burn that place down". What crime has been committed?

Disarming an Officer, Felony

During a struggle, the officer's firearm fell from his holster. The suspect attempted to pick it up, but another officer prevented the suspect from doing so. The suspect was guilty of attemting to ____ __ ____. What is the crime classification?

Possession of a concealable firearm, Felony

During a traffic stop it was determined that the driver had a felony conviction and had warrants. The officer placed him under arrest. Upon search of the vehicle, a pistol was found under a t-shirt on the back seat. What is the crime regarding the weapon?

Escape, Felony

During a valid arrest, the woman is handcuffed by the officer, then shoves the officer down a flight of stairs, injuring him badly. What crime has the woman committed, and what is the crime classification?


During consenting sexual activity, a person withdraws their consent. Must the other person stop at that time?


During rescue breathing a person's mouth is injured and cannot be used, the officer should use the mouth to _____ position

Recheck airway, then give smaller, slower breaths

During rescue breathing, a person's stomach experiences gastric distension, what should be done about this?

For lane control use, a steady red signal light is an indication the driver can go ahead and use that lane. True or False


Sue was moving her arms out in front of her in a pushing action, says she acted in self defense from Tom who "started slapping her" and seems to pose more danger to her than her to him. In this case Sue is the dominant aggressor. True or False?


A person who is being arrested as the dominant aggressor in this case now wants to insist on making a private person's arrest on the other because she struck him first. Officers should accept the citizens arrest and proceed by arresting the woman. T/F

FALSE, do not need to accept the arrest

Felony, Misdemeanor

False Imprisonment if accomplished by means of violence, menace, fraud, or deceit is a _____. Otherwise it is a ______


The possessor of a car is shoved to the passenger seat during the taking of a vehicle and has been forced to give up control or dominion of the car. What crime has been committed?


Policies are different, but according to PC _____ each policy must include when to initiate a pursuit, number of units permitted, driving tactics, helicopter assistance, communications, capture of suspects, termination of the pursuit, supervisory responsibility, blocking, ramming policy, speed limits, exporting and post pursuit analysis.

Professional Policing

Policing type that incorporated traditional policing components AND training, policies and procedure "command and control"

When two or more drugs are used to achieve an effect that either one by itself would not have achieved.

Poly drug use


Positioning self for maximum visibility, slowing down, fluctuating the siren to get people's attention, stopping when necessary, looking for other code 3 vehicles, making eye contact with interference vehicles, are all ways to safely enter and get through _______.

WPS - Wanted Persons Systems

Positive matches in this system may include caution codes such as "armed and dangerous""mentally disturbed""suicidal tendencies"or "escape risk"

A person had a glass pipe with cocaine residue. The residue showed specific intent and the person possessed it. He committed the crime of what? classification?

Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Misdemeanor

A drug sniffing dog alerted on a gym bag of an attendee at a concert. The contents included two zip lock bags. One filled with a white powdery substance which turned out to be cocaine, and one with marijuana. Based on the large quantity in each bag the person committed...Classification

Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sale, Felony

During a traffic stop, a woman opened her purse in front of an officer to hunt for her driver's license. The officer saw about a half ounce of marijuana. What crime has the woman committed? Classification?

Possession of a Controlled Substance, Misdemeanor because it was Marijuana.

A suspect was found to be in possession of ephedrine and hydrogen as well as glassware, electrical equipment, and formulas for meth. Since ephedrine is the key precursor chemical for meth, the suspect committed what crime? Classification?

Possession of precursor chemicals for manufacturing. Felony


Power lines have fallen on a vehicle and a person is inside, is it okay to remove the person from the car?

Interpret the constitution and clarify statutes

Primary purposes of case law are to


Private security guards may use clubs or batons only if they have completed a specified training course or use of that weapon. True or false

Mental illness

Requesting backup, stabilizing the scene, calming the situation providing reassurance that officers are there to help, acknowledging the person's feelings, not making threats, and being truthful are all good field contact points to remember when handling people with _____ _____.

Consensual Encounter

Requesting information, interviewing witnesses, conversing casually, disseminating information are all appropriate actions for a...

10 to 12

Rescue breathing rate for adults and children 8 and over per minute

12 to 20

Rescue breathing rate for infants up to children 8 an under per minute

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1995.

Federal law that mandates for eliminating discrimination against individuals with mental and physical impairments or disabilities.


First aid for heat stroke includes activating EMS, Monitor ABC's Remove victim from source of heat. And Cooling the victim's body as_____ as possible


First aid measure for frostbite includes wrapping the area n dry loose bandages and allowing the area to re-warm quickly or slowly?


Four tourists are lingering in a public restroom trying to stay out of the rain. They are inconveniencing others who are actually trying to use the toilet, but only because they are trying to stay dry. Can the Park Ranger arrests these folks for Loitering about a Public Toilet?

Ingestion, Inhalation, Absorption, Injection

Four ways poison can enter the body I. I. A. I


If the person in possession of stolen property is the thief, the correct charge is_____


If the person to be arrested is actually committing the crime or attempting to escape, is it still required to tell them Intent, Cause and Authority

Blind or Visually Impaired

Having a service animal, an all white or white cane with a red tip, jerky eye movements, milky eyes, person not making eye contact, rocking body motions, holding on to the arm of another person are all indicators that a person is _______


Heat ____ can strike when the body loses too much salt due to prolonged perspiration


Heat ____ is a life threatening condition requiring immediate attention accompanied by red, hot, dry skin, shallow breathing, and possible seizures and/or unconsciousness


Heat _____ is a form of shock that can occur when the body becomes dehydrated, accompanied by profuse sweating, dizziness, headache, rapid pulse etc.


If the courts find that a search or seizure was not reasonable and the person's 4th amendment rights were violated those items could be ruled inadmissible or excluded in court. is this called the exclusionary rule?


If the crime of escape is by force or violence and causes serious bodily injury to the officer, the crime is a...


If the front tires stop rolling and begin skidding, there will be a loss of _____ and control.

physiological factors

Increased adrenaline flow, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, tunnel vision, loss of sensory perception, deterioration of decision-making ability, lack of sleep, illness, medication, and fatigue are _____ factors which can affect decision making while driving a patrol car.

Explosive is a heavy odorless oily explosive liquid, is a contact explosive, and highly unstable


If attempting rescue in a burning building, and you come upon a door that feels hot, should you open it?


Seizure of a person

Occurs when an officer physically applies force to a person or when that person voluntarily submits to an officer's authority


Once a person invokes the right to silence, all ______ must cease


Once the scene is stabilized and there is no threat to life, then the officer has a duty to reasonably ______ the person's disability, but not before. Hainze vs. Richards.


One man spits on another person, once the spit landed on that other person, what crime has been completed?

Shoulder Drag

One method used to move an injured person from one place to another whether they are in the supine or prone position


PC 11667 ensures the identity of the person reporting a suspected child abuse incident shall remain _____.


PC 187, the unlawful killing of a human being or a fetus, with malice aforethought.


PC 192, The unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought, upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion.


PC 207, The unlawful taking of a person, against his or her will, by force or fear, from one place to another.


PC 211,The taking of personal property of another, from the person or immediate presence, against the person's will, accomplished by means of force or fear of unlawful injury.


PC 215, The taking of a motor vehicle, from the person or immediate presence, of a possessor or passenger, by means of force or fear, with the intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the possessor or passenger.


PC 451, Willfully and maliciously sets fire or burns or causes the burning of any structure, forestland, or property.

Unlawfully Causing a Fire

PC 452, Recklessly setting fire to, burning or causing to be burned, any structure, forestland or property

Possession of Flammable or Combustible Material

PC 453, Possessing any flammable or combustible material or substance with the intent to commit arson.


PC 459, entering any designated building or structure with the intent to commit theft or any Felony.

Possession of Burglary Tools

PC 466, involves the possession of certain tools, knowingly making, altering, or attempting to make a key or other instrument with intent to break or enter into a structure to commit a misdemeanor or felony


PC 470 - Signing the name or another or of a fictitious person, without authority or otherwise altering a document with the intent to defraud.

Receiving Stolen Property

PC 496(a) - Receiving, buying, selling, concealing, or withholding any property knowing that it has been stolen or obtained by theft or extortion

Defrauding an Innkeeper

PC 537, aiding any food, fuel, services or accommodations at a designated facility without paying, with intent to defraud the proprietor or manager

Possessing or Receiving Personal Property with Altered Serial Numbers or identification Marks

PC 537e - Any person who knowingly buys, sells, received, disposes of, conceals, or has in possession, any personal property, from which the manufacturer's serial number or other distinguishing marks been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or destroyed.


PC 594, The malicious intent, to deface, damage, or destroy with graffiti or other inscribed material, personal or real property, not their own

A cigarette that has a brownish stain on the paper smells like ether. What drug has likely been added to this cigarette?

PCP liquid

Disturbing the Peace

Penal Code 415[1][2]and[3] this occurs when a person's activities causes unlawful fighting, making loud noises, or using offensive language.


Penal Code 647(h) Any person who loiters or wanders on private property, at any time without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant


Penal Code 647(i) Loitering or wandering on the private property of another, at any time, while looking into the door or window of any inhabited building or structure without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant

Lewd Conduct

Penal Code 647[a] ___ ____ means touching or soliciting of someone to touch the genitals, the buttocks, or female breast with the intent to sexually arouse, gratify, annoy, or offend.


Penal Code 647[b] is any person who solicits to engage or actually engages in any lewd act for money or other consideration

Public Intoxication

Penal Code 647[f] when a person is in any public place under the influence of alcohol, inhalants, or drugs to the extent where he can not take care of himself or others, or is obstructing any street, sidewalk or public way is known as

Invasion of Privacy

Penal Code 647[j] [l] Any person who looks through a hole or opening, into, or otherwise views, by means of any instrumentality a private area in which the occupant has a reasonable expectation of privacy


Penal Code 647f addresses Prostitution with prior convictions AND prior positive Aids test. What is the crime classification for this?

647f is Prostitution with prior convictions and prior positive AIDS test, while 647[f] is Public Intoxication

Penal Code 647f and 647[f] are different penal Codes. What are they?


Penal Code 653.22[a] addresses Loitering with the Intent to Commit Prostitution. What is the crime classification for this?

PC 4

Penal Code Deals with laws being dealt with according to the fair import of their terms with a view to effect its objects to promote justice

PC 19

Penal Code for Misdemeanors

missing person

Penal Codes 14205 and 14206 require that law enforcement accept any report regarding a ______ ______ without delay.

PC 835a

Penal code that authorizes peace officers to use reasonable force to make an arrest, prevent his escape, or overcome resistance

PC 15

Penal code that says a crime is an act commited or omitted in violation of a law forbidding it or commanding it

There is nothing anyone could have done to prevent it, SIDS is not contagious to other children, death occurs quickly and quietly.

Responding officers to a SIDS related death should reassure the parents and care givers that:

SRF - Supervised Release File

Responses from this system may disclose vital information regarding individuals that have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system

A woman call police after an ex boyfriend spray painted obscene comments on her car. Since this misdemeanor occurred out of sight of an officer, the officer cannot make an arrest, but should advise the woman about private person's arrest. T/F


Although LE may close an area to the public whenever there is a menace to public health or safety, with certain exceptions officers cannot prevent duly authorized media from entering the closed area. T/F


An engaged couple who have lived together for three years, have shared expenses, and plan to continue living together would be considered cohabitants. True or False?


Any car believe to have been involved in a Hit and run and no wonder is around to claim ownership can be towed? True or false


Anytime a person is arrested on a highway, the car can be towed incident to arrest.


At flashing red lights and stop signs the driver must stop before entering the crosswalk. True or False


Hitchhiking or soliciting a ride is not against the vehicle Code, however that person shall not stand in the roadway while doing so. True or False.


It is a good practice of calling for backup when going in to DV calls because of the danger involved. True or False


It is not lawful to drive around on license plates that are not secure to the vehicle, upright and displayed left to right. Also nothing may be covering the plate. True or False


Knowingly being present where controlled substances, besides cannabis, are being used is a crime in itself. Aiding and abetting. True or false


Officers should never try to handle, touch, smell, or attempt to dismantle any suspected or improvised explosive device. T/F


Removal and impound of a vehicle is authorized only when citation has been issued for not ever having been issued a license, having an expired license, driving out of class, driving suspended or revoked and with knowledge.


Riding in the back of a pickup truck is legal when properly restrained, in an emergency pursuant to the direction of a public agency, within the boundaries of a farm ranch, or riding in a parade. True or false


True or false, ICS is a component of SEMS, standardized emergency management system


When a pedestrian signal indicates "Walk, " pedestrians must yield the right of way to vehicles already in the intersection. True or false


When responding to an aircraft crash should maintain a safe position, conduct an initial assessment, secure the area, and assume command. True or False


Willful and wanton disregard for safety can be shown by a single act, but it is generally shown as a series of overt acts. True or False


stickers or GPS systems are allowed in the driver's lower left windshield area. True or False.



The crime of Assault with Intent to complete if an Assault is made AND at any moment during the assault the perp intends to commit on of the crimes listed. True or False


The crime of Burglary is what crime classification?


The crime of Defrauding an Innkeeper under $950 is what crime classification?


The crime of Disarming an Officer's Firearm is a...

1. Prior convictions for lewd acts with children, 2. Prior 314's or 3. When the person enters an inhabited dwelling, house, trailer or portion of a building AND entry was made without consent.

The crime of Indecent Exposure is a misdemeanor unless three exceptions are met, then it's a felony.


The crime of Oral copulation is a ______.


The crime of Possessing a Flammable or Combustible Material is what crime classification?

The item is an integrated computer chip or panel with a value of $950 or more

The crime of Possessing or Receiving Personal Property with Altered email numbers or identification marks is a misdemeanor Unless...


The crime of Possession of Child Pornography is a _____.


The crime of Rape is a______

Felony, General

The crime of Sodomy is a ______. It is also a _____ intent crime.


The crime of Unauthorized entry of a dwelling is what crime classification?

state prison or county jail

The crime of accessory is punishable by imprisonment in a _____ ______ or ______ ______ and/or fine


The crime of attempt or actual escape from a state prison is a...


The crime of drawing or exhibiting a firearm in a motor vehicle is a ______.


The crime of resisting an officer is a...

inadequate supervision

W&I 300[b] states an officer may take a child into temporary custody, without a warrant, when the child is at risk of harm or illness due to_______ ________, such as protection, food, clothing, shelter, or medical attention.

emotional damage

W&I 300[c] states an officer may take a child into protective custody when there is a risk of serious ______ ______, such as severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal, or aggressive behavior toward self or others.

sexual abuse

W&I 300[d] states an officer may take a child into protective custody, without a warrant, if the child is at risk of _____ _____ by a parent, guardian, or other person in the house, such as rape, incest, lewd and lascivious acts.


W&I 300[e] states an officer may take a child into protective custody when any single act of physical or sexual abuse of a child under ____ years old, when that abuse, if left untreated would cause permanent disfigurement or disability.

Truant, reasonable orders

W&I 625 authorizes officers to place juveniles into temporary custody who are habitually ______ from school, or refuses to obey ______ _____ from the parent or guardian.

The Office of Domestic Preparedness [ODP] method of threat assessment was developed with a specific focus on the ______ incidents. It still uses the CARVER+Shock tool though.


Any explosive, incendiary or poison gas bomb, grenade, rocket with propellant more than 4 Oz., Missiles with explosive charge more than 3/4 Oz., mines, or similar devices to those above are considered to be


Any weapon that is designed to cause great or GBI through the release or impact of toxic, poisonous chemicals, radiation at any level or disease organisms.

WMD's, Weapons of Mass Destruction

The initial response to a ____ incident will follow the same guidelines as any other hazardous materials release with the exception cars must consider the presence of _____ suspects and/or secondary devices

WMD, terrorist

Using offensive words, in a public place, which are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction

What are the crime elements for 415[3] Disturbing the Peace Using Offensive Words

Every person who knowingly, buys, receives, steals, conceals, it holds, or aids in the concealing, selling, or withholding, any property obtained by theft or extortion

What are the crime elements for 496(a) Receiving Stolen Property?

Any person who solicits or engages, in lewd or dissolute conduct, in a public place, or place open to public view

What are the crime elements for 647[a] Lewd Conduct?

Any person who solicits to, engages in, or agrees to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration

What are the crime elements for 647[b] Prostitution

Any person who willfully and maliciously, obstructs the free movement of any person, on any public way.

What are the crime elements for 647[c] Obstruction of a Public Way

Loitering in or about any public toilet facility, for the purpose of soliciting or engaging in lewd or lascivious acts

What are the crime elements for 647[d] Loitering about a Public Toilet

Any person in a public place, under the influence of alcohol, drugs or inhalants, and who is unable to care for his or her own safety or the safety of others, or is obstructing a public way

What are the crime elements for 647[f] Public Intoxication

Any person who loiters, prowls, or wanders on private property of another, at any time, without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant

What are the crime elements for 647[h] Prowling

Loitering, prowling,or wandering, on the private property of another, at any time, peeking in the door or window of any inhabited building or structure without visible or lawful business with the owner or occupant

What are the crime elements for 647[i] Peeping

Looking through a hole or opening,or otherwise viewed by any instrumentality into a private area, with the intent to invade the privacy of people therein.

What are the crime elements for 647[j][l] Invasion of Privacy

Entry into a building or specified structure, with the intent to commit, theft or any Felony.

What are the crime elements for Burglary?

Obtaining food, services, or accommodations at a designated facility without paying, with intent to defraud the proprietor or manager

What are the crime elements for Defrauding an Innkeeper?

Assault with specific intent to commit Mayhem, Rape, Sodomy, Oral Copulation, Rape in Concert, Lewd Acts with Child, or Penetration with a Foreign Object

What are the crime elements for PC 220 Assault with Intent to Commit Rape and Other Related Crimes

An unlawful attempt coupled with the present ability to commit a violent injury on another person

What are the crime elements for PC 240 Assault

The act of penile/vaginal intercourse committed with a person, not the spouse of the perpetrator, without consent of the person.

What are the crime elements for PC 261 Rape

Non-salvageable, Immediate, Delayed, Minor

What are the four classifications of multiple victims assessments?

[1] Release, [2] release to a parent or guardian, [3] deliver the minor to a public or private agency, [4] prepare a promise to appear and give one copy to child/parent and one to probation officer, and [5] delivering the minor to the juvenile probation department

What are the options for disposition of a juvenile case. [There are five]

Automated Firearms System

What does AFS stand for

Automated Parts System

What does APS stand for

Mental Health Firearms Prohibition System

What does MHFPS stand for

Missing/Unidentified Persons System

What does MUPS stand for?

Parole Law Enforcement Automated Data System

What does Parole LEADS stand for

Any peace officer with reasonable cause to believe the person to be arrested committed a public offense may use reasonable force to effect the arrest, prevent escape, or overcome resistance.

What does Penal Code 835[a] state?

a minute and sometimes less

What is a reasonable amount of time for knock and notice especially if it is known the person is awake and inside

Automated External Defibrillator. Device used to shock the heart out of fatal rhythm

What is an AED

100 per minute

What is the compression rate for single person Can for adults, children and infants


What is the crime classification for "assault by a public officer"?


What is the crime classification for Arson?

On the side, with the head supported by the lower forearm

What is the recovery position?

Criminal Intent

What must exist to distinguish the crime from an accident or mistake of fact


What type of intent crime is Rape?


What type of intent crime is Theft?

Threshold Braking

When ABS is not available, _____ _____ techniques should be used, which is accomplished through maximum application of the brakes just prior to locking the wheels.


When a juvenile has been advised of their legal rights, a waiver of those rights must be sought before _______ can take place.


When a person exercises physical control over land where the land is possessed and enjoyed. Subjects must actually use, control, and possess the property over a period of time.


When an artery providing blood to the brain is blocked or ruptured and creates excess pressure in the brain. The person experiences a_____.

Transferred intent

When an unlawful act affects another person other than, or in addition to the person it was intended to it becomes this type of intent


When arresting or pursuing a felon who does not present a threat to life, use of deadly force is reasonable. True or False?

Once the suspect has dominion or control of the vehicle.

When has the crime of carjacking been completed?

If you have the appropriate protective gear

When is it okay to provide first aid to a person with radiation sickness?

shoulder drag

When moving a victim, the ____ ___ technique can be used to move them regardless if the victim is supine (face up) or prone (face down)

Premeditated, Explosives, Torture, Poison, Lying in wait

When murder is perpetuated under any of these conditions, its would be classified as first degree murder [PET PoLy]

A woman is being strangled by her husband who has come home drunk and angry. As she is being choked against the wall she grabs a knife and plunges it into his chest. Is the woman entitled to use this type of force to protect herself?

Yes, [PC 692, 693] Reasonable force to protect self is not a crime.

Two drivers stopped at an intersection. First driver remained at a standstill, looking away from the route of travel. Is it reasonable for the second driver to believe that the first driver was relinquishing his right of way?

Yes, first driver gave the appearance of the intent to waive it by not paying attention to the route or people at the intersection.

A pedestrian steps into the crosswalk, but hesitates or stops for a second, must the driver still yield the right of way to the pedestrian?

Yes, the driver can only continue of the pedestrian conveys to the driver to reasonably assume he has waived the right of way.

Three additional hazards to be aware of after a WMD has been deployed...

[1]Secondary devices, [2]secondary contamination, like being touched by someone who is contaminated, and [3]suspects

What are the four exceptions to seat belt law?

[1]Taxis/Limos for hire, unless driving alone, [2]Emergency vehicles unless agency policy exists, [3]Persons with Disabilities that prevent them from using seat belts, Delivery Person's during their routes [Mail, newspaper, UPS, FedEx]

What are the resources available to victim's of DV

[1]The report ID number, [2]Resource / Advocacy / Shelter Literature [Marsy's Card],[3] Protective Orders

____ provide immediate, limited protection to the victim, children and family, are obtained by Superior Court, from the Officer and are valid for 5 court days or 7 calendar days.

[EPO] Emergency Protective Order

____ are obtained by the victim for protection and issued without prior notice or hearing, are obtained from Civil Court and are valid 21-25 days until the OSC hearing [Order to Show Cause]

[TRO] - Ex Parte Restraining Order


_____ requires officers to make an effort to verify information and match the accuracy of a license plate, DOB, physical description


______ , however slight, completes the act of Rape.

Reasonable suspicion

______ ______ is only one type of exigent circumstance that would allow an officer to enter a house without consent or warrant.


______ neurological disorders are caused by injury to the brain or spinal cord due to military combat, a vehicle accident, sports injury, fall, or an act of violence.


______ pose one of the greatest risks for collisions Defensive drivers even if they have to right of way, visually clear these by looking for cross traffic and pedestrians.

Centrifugal skid

______ skid is the loss of action of all four tires traveling away from the axis of rotation, which can be corrected by easing off the throttle

Acceleration skid

______ skid occurs when torque to the drive wheel exceeds the traction limits of the tires and they lose adhesion to the roadway surface.

W&I 625

_______ authorizes a peace officer to take a minor into temporary custody, without a warrant, for the protection of the public when a juvenile violates a court order or escapes a court ordered commitment.


_______ occurs when a layer of water builds between the tires and the road, leading to a loss of traction that prevents the vehicle from responding to steering input.

W&I 305

________ authorizes a peace officer to take a minor into temporary custody, without a warrant, who needs protection from physical or sexual abuse, child neglect, or needs medical care

search everyone else in the car

a car full of people are pulled over, a lawful search of one of the people revealed a weapon or potential weapon, what do you do next?

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

a method of artificially restoring and maintaining a person's breathing and circulation

motor vehicle

a motor home parked on a public street is considered what? A motor vehicle or residence?


a person being legally detained appears overly nervous, can a cursory pat search be done on him?


a person carried a concealed firearm into an airport. Is that grounds for a warrantless arrest?


a person violates a domestic protective or restraining order, and the officer was responding to a call alleging the same. Can that person be arrested without a warrant?

Includes pedestrians, ridden animals, vehicles, streetcars, other conveyances using any highway for purposes of travel.



Training and practice in physical and emotional skills is the key to confidence in abilities, correct responses, mental alertness, and control over body and emotions. True or False


Training and practice of physical and emotional skills will increase a lack of confidence, incorrect reactions, panic, and loss of control over body and emotions. True or false


Traumatic neurological disorders should not be confused with _____ disorders.


True or False, It is not necessary that an actual injury result from the Assault with a Deadly Weapon


True or False. A merchant has the authority to detain a person suspected of shoplifting, theft or burglary.


True or False. A repossessor can enter the garage of a house in order to gain control of a vehicle.


True or False. Battery requires actual physical contact with the victim or with items closely related with the victim's person


True or False. Public area for repossessions include public property and private property open to the public, like off-street parking.


True or False. The crime of Burglary is complete if the suspect had intent to commit theft or any Felony, enters the building, but for some reason cannot complete the theft or Felony.


True or False? Providing care outside of the scope of one's training, or being grossly negligent which causes injury can result in a lawsuit.


Two men in a bar were talking and dancing. One man offered to pay the other for sex. Then money exchanged hands. Both men are now guilty of what crime?


Two men were arguing during a baseball game. One man picked up a bat and swung at the other man. The second man ducked, so no contact was made. Is the crime of A.D.W. complete?

Yes, Drawing a firearm. Misdemeanor.

Two men were fighting, one pulled out a firearm and yelled, "Get out of here!". Officer found the gun to be unloaded. Has the man committed a weapons violation? If so what is it? Classification?

Unlawful Assembly

Two or more people gathering to do an unlawful act; or a lawful act in a violent, boisterous, or tumultuous manner

Unlawful Assembly, Misdemeanor.

Two people who gathered to protest in front of a store turned into several people with bullhorns and boisterous actions. Neighbors began complaining and called the police. The crowd is guilty of what crime now? Classification?

Attempted Escape by use of Force or Violence, Felony

Two state corrections officers were transporting a prisoner, became involved in an accident. The driving officer was injured, while the passenger officer helped the driver, the prisoner kicked the officer on the back and fled, but was caught later. What is the crime and classification?

handcuffs, patrol vehicle

Two ways of physically restraining an uncooperative person during a detention are _______ and/or placed in a ______ ______

This must be used by a driver preparing to turn left onto a highway, making a left or a U-turn from a highway, and shall not be driven in for more than 200 feet while preparing to make those moves.

Two-way left-turn lanes

___ are allowed at Intersections, or openings on a divided highway where one has been provided. When multiple lanes exist, this movement must be made from the extreme left hand edge of the lane.


What are the five steps of the detection process for successful DUI arrest and prosecution?

Vehicle observation, Vehicle pullover, Initial contact, FST's, Arrest

Annoying or Molesting a child

Verbal annoying or making sexual advances with a child deals with this crime

Physical injuries, low self esteem, emotional trauma, fears further violence, damaged ego, using alcohol to cope, lack of hope, are all characteristics of a ____ of domestic violence.


In a domestic violence incident, the immediate safety of the ____ and _____ is our primary concern.

Victim and children

County Jail, up to a $5000 fine, or both

Violating a prisoner's CIVIL rights is punishable by...

Mild to moderate

Violent shivering, numbness, fatigue, loss of motor coordination, rapid breathing, rapid pulse are indicators of___ to___ hypothermia

Parole LEADS

information includes full names, aliases, monikers, physical descriptors, addresses, tattoos, vehicles, commitment offenses, registration status and special conditions of parole.

Possession of less than an ounce of Marijuana while driving a vehicle is a ____.


Matches, lighter, spoon, bottle cap, soda can bottom, needle, small amount of cotton, tourniquet, a pouch, eye drops are all equipment used for ________ heroin.


The common element of the driving while suspended for reckless driving, DUI, or for refusing chemical/alcohol test is not only that the person cannot drive when suspended but must also have ____ that his license was suspended. They are all what classification?

knowledge, misdemeanor

If the owner of property damaged in a property collision cannot be located, they should ____ a ____ in a conspicuous place on the property damaged the driver must leave the name, address of driver and registered owner. They also must notify...

leave a note, police department of CHP

weapons and passenger compartment

limited protective searches of a car are for _____ in what part of the car?

Low explosives have a _____ duration time than high explosives.


Any person who unlawfully and maliciously removes, injures, destroys, damages, or obstructs any wireless communication device with intent to prevent the use of the device to summon assistance or notify law enforcement has committed a _____.


If a person under 21 possesses alcohol in a vehicle that person may be guilty of a _____.


Knowing and willful violation of a restraining order is a _____.


Unlawful display of registration to avoid registration fees is a _____.


manufacturing or selling false license plates is a _____.


Failure to comply with the communication requirements involved in VC 2000[a] after a collision is a _____.

misdemeanor hit and run.

Speed contests and exhibitions are both considered _____.


Speeding through parking area forcing pedestrians to move out of the way quickly is an example of ____ ____.

reckless driving

Any delay in providing a sample, failure to complete the chosen test or its alternative, any statement, act or conduct making compliance reasonably difficult is a considered a _____. And an admonition should be read to him.


Penal Coe 502 (c)(5-8)

any person who causes the disruption of computer services, denies other users, assists in the using of a system, introduces any contaminant to any computer or system is guilty of

Penal Code 502 (c)(2)

any person who knowingly accesses and without permission takes, copies, makes use of any data from a computer, computer system or network

Penal Code 502 (c)(1)

any person without permission who alters, damages, deletes, destroys or otherwise uses any data, computer, computer system or computer network for personal gain in order to defraud, deceive, extort, etc is in violation of

Every person riding a _____ upon the highway has all the rights and is subject to all the provisions pertaining to the operation of a vehicle.


Nerve agents are some of the most dangerous chemical substances ever developed. Hazardous in liquid or gas form, they can cause ____ in a matter of minutes. Exposure typically is through the air or contact with a liquid.


Most blister agents will cause a _____ reaction, except for Lewisite which was designed to be immediate and painful. However, exposure is rarely fatal unless the respiratory system is exposed.


bloodshot eyes, odor of alcohol, loss of coordination, and slurred speech are all indicators of the use of this class of drugs.


The most significant batterer, rather than the first batterer, of the the incident is the ___ ___, and is the party that will be arrested.

dominant aggressor

Drivers must have a license when driving in an off-street parking facility, like a shopping mall parking lot. Any off street facility held open for use by the public for parking when no ____ is charged, or which is held open open for the common public use of retail customers.


Possession or purchase of any controlled substance for sale or for the purposes of sale has committed a ______.


Throwing concrete rocks at vehicles from a freeway overpass and knowing that they could cause injury to the driver's on the highway be what classification?


Transporting, selling, furnishing, offering a controlled substance is a _____.


Willful violation of an RO order with a prior RO conviction within one year and resulting in physical injury to the victim is a ___.


Willful violation of an RO with a prior RO conviction within the last seven years and involving an act of violence or a credible threat of violence is a ____.


A ____ red light has the same stopping requirements as a stop sign.

flashing red light


flight of a plane or helicopter over a given area that is normal for it to be in like a runway path.

The possibility of polluted water, swift currents/being swept away, and unidentifiable objects in the water, are all hazards when responding to a _____.


When double yellow solid lines exist, no person shall drive left of the double lines except when turning at an ____, entering a ____ or private road, making a legal ____, or if one of the lines are broken.

intersection, driveway, U-turn

Victim's need outside _____ if they are to get out of a relationship and end the abuse.


reasonable area to search a vehicle

the passenger compartment, glove compartment, the hood, the trunk, any closed personal containers (including locked containers)

vehicle inventory

used to account for personal property in a vehicle that is about to be impounded or stored

reasonable expectation of privacy

when individuals have indicated that they personally subjectively expect privacy in the object or area, and their expectation would be considered legitimate by the public


when a person has a legitimate possessory interest or relationship over an object or area

False evidence of document devices or license plates is a _____.


search warrant

written order signed by a magistrate to search for a person or person, thing or personal property and to bring that item before the magistrate

Does a bicycle have to have a seat in order to be ridden upon a highway?

yes, unless it was designed by the manufacturer to be ridden without a seat.


"I understand how you feel" and "I promise we will catch this guy" are examples of what not to say to a victim. True or False

"Incidental" contact

"______" ______ with adult inmates are the only times juveniles are allowed visual, verbal or physical contact. Such instances are during booking, medical screening, inmate worker presence, and movement of people in custody.



The average combined perception/reaction time of a driver is ____ seconds.


The PCs that will help in determining whether this is a domestic violence call that determines relationship and abuse


The two PCs that involve corporal injury or battery that officers will use to remove the dominant aggressor from the house. What are the classifications of those crimes?

273.5 Felony and 243[e][1] Misdemeanor

Possession of Child Pornography, Felony

" An adult female was in possession of a videotape showing her 12 year old daughter engaging in sexual intercourse. What crime has shecommitted? Classification?

Full or partial dentures

"Normally, these should be left in when opening a victim's airway, but if they have become dislodged during the accident or endanger the victim's airway, go ahead and remove them

False. Good in all jurisdictions in California

A CCW license issued in one jurisdiction does not mean it is good in all California jurisdictions. True or False


A Repo man was hooked up and taking a vehicle off the property when the buyer came out to object. Does the Repo man already have the necessary control to continue?


A detainee does not have to answer questions from an officer. Does this provide probable cause then to escalate the detention to an arrest?

Loitering about a Public toilet

A man stands outside a women's public restroom and offers to engage them in oral sex as they enter. What crime is the man committing?

Attempting to Deter an Executive Officer from the performance of his duties. Felony

A man threatened the district attorney in charge of his case that he would harm the DA's family. Even though the DA was not influenced by this, what crime has the man committed?


A peace officer can make an arrest without warrant when the person has violated 25850[a] even of the misdemeanor was not committed n his presence. True or False?

No - it was a lawful detention

A peace officer detains a person based on descriptions given and the area of the robbery. When field I.D.'d the store owner said the man was not the robber. Was this detention a violation of that person rights?


A peace officer has reason to believe that the person to be arrested is carrying a loaded weapon. Whether it has been committed or not the officer can make the arrest. True or False

Status offender

A perpetrator of Non-Criminal conduct unique to the status of being a minor.


A person is not responsive, has an open airway, is not breathing, and has no pulse. What procedure should be started?


A previously convicted felon or an active gang member in possession of a concealable firearm is guilty of a ______.

Infants or pregnant women

Abdominal thrusts should not be used on

treat for shock, monitor closely, place in recovery position if appropriate

After performing CPR, the victim begins breathing and has a pulse. What should be done now?


All current statutes or ordinances enacted by a legislative body

Lewd Act

An act which is committed with a disregard of social constraints.

30, Felony

Any juvenile convicted of a violent offense is prohibited from owning, possessing, or having control of any firearm until he is how old? If found with a gun, what classification is the crime?


Anyone just knowing that a firearm has had its identification altered or obliterated to buy, receive, dispose of, sell or offer to sell, or possess that weapon has committed a _______.


Arresting people who have disabilities is less of a threat to the safety of an officer than those who do not have a disability. True or False

Information pertaining to the personal information of the child, the death scene, the circumstances, other individuals around.

As part of the on-scene investigation, officers must gather and document information related to the incident. Information pertaining to these four categories

A man came home and found his wife on the phone. He told her to hang up. When she didn't, he got mad and grabbed her arm, but did not leave a mark. The husband admitted to grabbing her because he wanted to use the phone. What crime and classification?

Battery as related to domestic violence, Misdemeanor.


Be informed of the accusations against them

(PPE) Personal Protective Equipment like gloves, mask, eye protection, ventilation devices

By using these, EMS personnel can break the chain of transmission of pathogens and prevent possible exposure and infection.

A white to light brown plastic demolition that is highly stable.


Clients, Aquiring Information, Partnership,Response, and Assessment

CAPRA stands for

California Restraining and Protective Order System

CARPOS stands for...

A tool used to assess the threat of a piece of infrastructure within a city that rates Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effect, Recognizability and Shock values.

CARVER+Shock Method


CPTED is an example of ______ police work


Can a police chief of a city issue a CCW License?


Cell phone, texting, computers, food and drink, radio, other occupants, GPS, code 3 equipment, and unsecured objects are _______ that should be recognized and coped with accordingly to prevent accidents


Checking wih the originating agency to establish if the person or property is still wanted and is probably the same person or property being inquired about.

A woman wants to pack her clothes and leave but her husband is yelling at her not to go. She calls for help. Both parties are entitled to be there, no evidence of threats are being made. What should the officer do here?

Civil Stand-by to let the woman get her clothes and leave


County or city codes or statutes

Criminal Law

Criminal statutes that descibe crime and punishment

reasonable and legal warrantless searches

Cursory frisk pat search, consent searches, search incident to exigent circs, search incident to custodial arrest, probation/parole searches

Reasonable officer

Defined as an officer with similar training, experience and background in a similar set of circumstances who would react in a similar manner.


Defrauding an Innkeeper over $950 is what crime classification

Requires huge amounts of substance to create a mass effect, production and deployment potentially hazardous to makers, safety agencies are better equipped to handle these are all _____ of the use of Chemical/Toxic Weapons



Discharging a firearm at a dwelling, vehicle, or aircraft, whether it is occupied or not, willfully and maliciously is guilty of a ______.


Drawing or exhibiting an imitation firearm is a _____.


Drawing, exhibiting, or using a loaded firearm at a day care center during school hours is a _____.


Driving through 1/16th of an inch of water can cause _____, in which you should reduce speed and minimize steering to get through.

After 5 cycles or 2 minutes

During CPR, chest compression are given as well as rescue breathing. After how many cycles of 30 to 2 or how many minutes of performing CPR should you stop and re-check pulse

______ appears in a crystallized powder or tablet form in numerous colors and are packaged as tablets stamped with popular logos like Nike, etc.


Reasonable Suspicion

Enough facts to make it reasonable to suspect that criminal activity is occurring

Imminent danger to a person's life or safety, serious damage to property, imminent escape of a suspect, or evidence is about to be destroyed or removed.

Exigent circs means an emergency requiring swift action to prevent these four circs.


Failure to keep the identity of a child abuse reporter is a ______.

The basic speed law based on prevailing conditions is only in effect at night. True or False

False, even though the speed limit might be 55, conditions day or night may be such that the speed limit is less than posted.

Officers are called to a domestic dispute. Loud arguing is taking place, but no threats are made, no violence has occurred, neither party wished to leave. A potentially volatile situation, the officers do not need to take any action though. T/F

False, officers should talk to both parties and attempt to resolve the conflict.

The decision to evacuate the premises of a bomb threat is generally made by law enforcement. T/F

False, the decision to evacuate is up to the person in charge of the location being threatened. Officers will assist in the evacuation.

A person with a clean spoon or smoking pipe with no drugs in it can still be charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. True or False?



Falsely reporting a bomb or other explosive is a...


Falsely reporting an emergency or a crime to a public official is a...


Fear alone is enough to justify deadly force. True or False


Fear is unpleasant, but normal and often necessary. Too much fear, however, can interfere with the ability to perform effectively. True or False.


Guiding people who are deaf or blind, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person when to take their medications, calming a person with PTSD during an anxiety attack, are all examples of work ____ animals do for people to disabilities.

This class of drugs impairs the user's ability to perceive reality, often producing a dazed appearance, inducing intense emotional feelings characterized by a magnification of sensory and auditory perceptions; all at relatively low doses. LSD, MDMA [Ecstasy], Peyote


can be in liquid form and, if organic, in the original form of fresh or dried caps or stems, buttons, or seeds.


Negra, black, tar, boy, la blanca,


The appearance of this Narcotic Analgesic varies in color from white/tan, to brown, to tar or black.


This drug has an acetic odor, like vinegar.


5 to 10 seconds

How long should you check the pulse of a victim on the initial survey?

10 days

How many days is a search warrant valid for?


How many local phone calls is the prisoner allowed to make within the first three hours of the arrest?


If a person uses force on another in self defense, it is still considered battery. True or False

Begin CPR

If the victim is not breathing and has no pulse, what should be done?


If there are closed gates at the entrance of a driveway is that considered a high or low expectation of privacy?


In supervising minors in custody or detention, audio, video, and other electronic devices are allowed to replace personal visual supervision. True or False

Foreign object

In the context of penetration crime PC 289, this is could be any instrument, substance, device, or part of the body except a sexual organ

The first officer on scene takes the role of preliminary _____ ____ and continues in that role until he is relieved by a supervisor or specialized authority.

Incident Command

Two key leadership components of any unusual occurrence are ______ command and _____.

Incident Command and Teamwork

Sworn and Non-sworn LE personnel, and IT and maintenance personnel

Individuals authorized access to CLETS may be


Individuals may not be tried for the same offense twice

Very close to PC 11550, Being under the influence of a controlled substance, ____ PC 381 covers any person who possesses or willfully ingests, inhales or breathes fumes of glue, cement, paint thinner, paint and other poisonous substances. Classification.

Intent to inhale volatile, poisonous substances, misdemeanor


Is a repossessed vehicle that was lawfully taken actually vehicle theft?


It has been established that officers, when faced with dangerous situations, will resort to the responses they learned in ____.


It need not be bare skin that is touched for the crime of Lewd or Lascivious Acts to be complete. Touching through the clothing can complete the crime. True or False


Juveniles, minors, children according to the State of California are people under the age of ____.

Types of drug chemically similar to PCP is an anesthetic commonly used in pediatric surgery is called _____.


Revolutionary socialist, protesters against capitalism, protestor against imperialism. Puerto Rican Separatists, Weather Underground are this type of domestic terrorist group

Left Wing

When walking on a roadway outside of a business or residential district a pedestrian shall walk on the ___ hand side of the roadway.

Left, or against traffic.

Acting as a lookout, use of hand signals or walkie talkies to summon purchasers, transfer of small objects or packages in a furtive fashion, impedes traffic, are all indicators of this crime H & S 11532...

Loitering with intent

Ted Kaczynski, Eric Rudolph are examples of ____ ____ terrorists.

Lone Wolf

Every person who manufactures, compounds, converts, produces, derives, processes or prepares, either directly or indirectly any controlled substance has committed what crime? Classification?

Manufacturing a controlled substance, Felony.

Grass, weed, buds, purple, pot, dope, ganja, Mota, Kush.


Developmental Disabilities

Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, autism, Down's Syndrome , Tourrette's Syndrome are all examples of what type of disability?


Minimum information needed to make an inquiry into CARPOS

Driving without having been issued a license is a ____.



Murder is a _____

A restraining order issued at the OSC hearing in a civil proceeding and is enforceable up to 5 years.

OAH - Order After Hearing

A hearing which is held to determine if the Ex Parte Restraining Order is justified and should be extended.

OSC - Order to Show Cause

Corrections Objectives

Objectives include confining prisoners, rehabilitating prisoners, supervising parolees and probationers, assuring victims rights

Judicial System Objectives

Objectives include, guaranteeing due process, render fair judgement, dispense just punishment, assure victims rights

plain view

Objects in the line of sight of an officer who has that right to be in that position are subject to seizure because they are in _____ _____

No. The officer could not demonstrate the suspect had knowledge of the altered marks

On inspection of a weapon, the man had a license to carry his handgun, but the identification numbers on the gun had been removed. Suspect stated he purchased the firearm and was unaware of the altered marks on the gun. Crime?

Problem Oriented Policing



Possession of Burglary Tools is what crime classification?


Possession of Child Pornography is a ____ intent crime


Possession, purchase or sale of aerosol paint containers to a minor is a ______

This should be located outside the perimeter of the involved area, have adequate parking, and be near necessary facilities and communications.

Preliminary command post


Protection from cruel and unusual punishment while in custody

Offensive Intervention Tactics

Ramming, Pit Maneuver, boxing in, heading off, driving alongside, tire deflation devices and road blocks are examples of ______ ______ ______. The LDs term for stopping pursuits.

Assault with tempt to commit rape

Rape, without penetration, should be evaluated as what crime?


Refusal to disperse is classified as a...

Community partnerships

Relationships comprised of two or more individuals, groups, or organizations working together to address an issue


Relatively small and usually well defined area area immediately around a residence to which the private activities of the home extend, and in which the owner has an expectation of privacy

Administrative messages via the CLETS network

Requests for records validation, requests for prisoner pickup and transportation are expamples of

Portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.


Besides powder, what is the other form of cocaine?


Facial expressions

Rolling the eyes, sneering, frowning, poor eye contact, are all examples of his type of nonverbal signals

A field sobriety test that uses an individual's estimate of elapsed time to determine whether the body clock is normal, slow or fast.

Romberg test

Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment

SARA stands for

Types of problem solving techniques


SLUDGEM is an acronym for symptoms of nerve agent exposure. The letters stand for...

Salivation, Lacrimation [tearing], Urination, Defecation, Gastrointestinal distress, Emesis [vomitting], Myosis[pin point pupils]

Community partnership

Schools and businesses are working together to address the issue child safety in the area of the business. This is an example of ____ _____

Knowing your Beat Areas / Critical Sites

Schools, Hospitals, Airports, Bridges, Power Plants, Chemical or Industrial Plants

consent search

Search where the person being searched gives permission voluntarily and that person has the authority to give permission


Securing the crime scene, surveying it with the owner/occupant to determine what was stolen, conducting victim/witness interviews, and collecting possible evidence is all part of the preliminary investigative process. True or False?

Upon entry to the house of a DV call, you locate the parties in the residence, what should you be looking for or perform if warranted next?

Should be looking for and take control of any weapons, or perform a protective sweep of the house


Should you rub a frostbitten body part?

Animal rights, environmental protection, abortion rights against public health, laboratories, and abortion clinics are motivations for this type of domestic terrorist group.

Special interest


Stale misdemeanors,, foreign diplomats, and statutes of limitations are all _____ to the powers to arrest

hearing, visual

Supervision requirements for minors in secure detention include direct supervision by correctional staff, within ___ distance and documented, _____ safety checks no less than every 60 minutes.

Focused Survey

Systematic examination to determine whether serious conditions exist. example, Checking vital signs, gathering info about the subject, conducting head to toe check for injuries

Removing Identification Marks on a Firearm. Felony

The I.D. numbers on a gun had been removed. The man's drivers license was placed in that spot instead. He did not have permission to do this from the DOJ. What crime and classification has the man committed?


The ability of the possessor to exercise a restraining or directing influence over an item.

Crime prevention

The anticipation, recognition, and appraisal of a crime risk, coupled with specific actions which can be taken to rove or reduce that risk.


The availability of weapons to the person, violent or dangerous statements, personal history, men's made by credible third parties reporting danger are all ______ officers may use to help determine if a person with mental illness is a danger to others.


(T or F) Community policing is an all encompassing philosophy which includes POP and engages the community in the process.

Vehicle Theft

(VC 10851) , When a person rives or takes a vehicle of another person, without the consent of the owner, with intent to permanently or temporarily deprive the owner of title or possession of the vehicle


The crime classification for Invasion of Privacy is


The crime classification for Lewd Conduct is


The crime classification for Obstructing a Public Way is

Ask, Set context, Present options, Act

The four communication techniques for gaining voluntary compliance are


The good news about mental illness is that ______ is possible.

Siren syndrome

The increased stress caused by the sound of the siren and the nature of the call can cause an increase in adrenaline flow which can result in both psychological and physiological response. This is called ____ ____.

A woman has fingerprints on her neck, the man has a bite mark on his forearm. Who is the dominant aggressor?

The man was strangling the woman who bit him in defense. He is the dominant aggressor.


The right to a legal counsel


The right to any physician, surgeon, or psychologist who is employed by the prisoner or his attorney, to visit for the purpose of assisting the prisoner's defense


The right to due process before legal actions


The right to subpoena witnesses in their defense

1st, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments

The rights afforded to persons who are in lawful custody of a peace officer are covered in the

When arriving at the house and standing at the door for a DV call, where should you stand and listen from?

The side of the door

Cough it out with no patting or pounding on the back

The treatment for mild airway obstructions are allow the victim to

Abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver) or Chest Compressions.

The two primary maneuvers for dealing with a severe airway obstruction are

Searches and seizures

The use of unreliable information when establishing probable cause could lead to unlawful ______ & well as incidents of false arrest

Violation of a Court Order

The willful disobedience of any order that has been issued by a court is called...


There is such a thing as controlled anger. It even helps some officers to be assertive. It can play a small role in command presence. True or False

Direct pressure

This bleeding control method is the most common and effective. It should be used first before other options.


This means to harass, disturb, or irritate, especially by repeated acts

trained medical personnel

To obtain a blood sample, officers must show probable cause and removal will be conducted by _____ _____ ______.


To petition the gov't if they feel they've been wronged

increases, decreases

Turning radius ____ as speed increases and _____ as speed decreases if steering input remains constant.

Conduct elevating consensual encounter to Detention

Using emergency lights, positioning self so as to prevent the person from leaving freely, Issuing orders or commands, keeping a person's ID, pat-down without permission

Mental Retardation

Using simple language, being patient, speaking slowly and clearly but not louder than normal, using concrete terms rather than abstract, giving one command at a time, allowing plenty of time for the person to respond, rephrasing questions, and asking open ended questions are all field contact points to remember for persons with this developmental disability.


Using warning lights and sirens fulfills the requirements of the law, but it does not guarantee the right-of-way. True or False

835a PC

What Penal Code gives a peace officer the right to use reasonable force to affect an arrest, to prevent escape, or to overcome resistance?

Any person who willfully and lewdly, exposes their private parts where there are other people present to be offended

What are the crime elements for Indecent Exposure?

The driving or taking, of a vehicle not the person's own, without consent, with intent to deprive temporarily or permanently, of title or possession of such vehicle.

What are the necessary crime elements to complete the crime of vehicle Theft?


What is the crime classification for forgery?


When a child is required to go to compulsory or full-time school and is absent without a valid excuse, and is found away from his home, a peace officer has the authority to take the child into temporary custody. True or False

If a fracture to that limb or spinal cord injury is suspected

When should you not use the elevation method for bleeding control?


When the threat to public safety outweighs the need to apprehend the subject, clear and unreasonable danger to the officer or public, no compelling need for immediate apprehension, supervisor terminates, lost communication capability are all reasons to ______ pursuits.

False. Must read them the Admission Advisement instead.

When transporting a person for 5150, you must read them their Miranda Rights. True or False


When two or more people act together and use force to take a legally arrested prisoner, all have committed the crime of...

Criminal and civil

When unreasonable force is set by the officer, they can face _____ and _____ liability, and agency disciplinary action.

six hours

While investigating the case, facilitating the release of the minor to a parent, or arranging the transfer of a child to an appropriate juvenile facility are the only reasons a child can be detained in a facility that also contains a lockup for adults. How many hours max can they stay there?

Carrying a loaded firearm, misdemeanor

While making a stop for a traffic violation, an officer, in plain view saw a handgun next to the driver, upon inspection it was found to be loaded. What is the crime and classification?

Anybody in the US

Who is protected by the 14th amendment promise of due process and equal protection

The arresting officer

Who is responsible for informing custodial personnel and documenting any observable, known or recognized signs of injury, illness, or other observations?

To protect the officers and the department from civil and criminal liability.

Why are limitations set by agency policy regarding the use of force?

A man slapped his wife, causing bruises, and yelled at her to clean the house. What crime has he committed? Classification?

Willful Infliction of Corporal Injury, Felony

Three or more moving violations while Evading a peace officer is considered _____ and _____ disregard.

Willful and wanton disregard.

Statutory law

Written laws enacted by a legislative body

cardiac arrest

You come upon a person who is unresponsive, not breathing, and has no carotid pulse. This person is in a state of _____ _____ and will die without immediate care


____ means to seek to induce or try to obtain.

Understeer skid, or front wheel skid.

______ skid is the loss of traction to the front tires while attempting a turn, caused by entering at too high of speed or aggressive steering input, resulting in the vehicle continuing in a straighter line than intended.

Oversteer skid, or rear wheel skid

______ skid is the loss of traction to the rear tires, from accelerating too much during the turn excessive weight transfer, causing the tires to slide to the outside of the turn.


_______ are ultimately responsible for the conduct of the pursuit. They need accurate and timely information form the involved units

If both parties are equally assaultive or threatening, and neither acted in self defense, arrest both as mutual [or dual] _____.



commission of all the elements of a crime.

When a traffic signal goes out, the intersection essentially becomes a ___-___ stop.

four way, or all way stop

At the scene of an explosion or bomb present, it is important to request backup personnel like fire, EMS, and EOD. Securing the scene and isolating the _____ is the next thing to be done.


High explosives generate ____ temperatures than low explosives.


____ ____ pressure moves away from the explosion center exerting thousands of pounds of pressure. This massive change in air pressure can do great harm to the body.

positive blast pressure

In a _____ form, PCP may also be sprinkled on tobacco, parsley, or marijuana and smoked.


Common principles of the initial responding officers to all unusual occurrences include Attempt to____ life if feasible, conduct an initial assessment, ensure safety, secure the area, assume command.


Although some bomb/explosive threats are hoaxes, all should be treated as ____.


In all cases, when responding to a call, officers should proceed to the scene in a ____ and _____ manner

safe and expeditious

In a gas leak, direct responding units so they will arrive _____ of the danger if possible.



while starting a cursory pat search, the officer finds a weapon. Does he need to continue with the search?

A driver may enter a lane if it is free and open. If a vehicle is already in the lane, the driver who wishes to change lanes must ____ to the traffic in the other lanes if there is a potential hazard.


The detonation of a nuclear fusion device causes a blast radius from ____ to ____ miles from ground zero causing extensive damage to infrastructure and causes many casualties.

10 to 30

A turn signal shall be given continuously during the last ___ feet traveled before turning.


A driver of any vehicle or pedestrian approaching a railroad crossing shall stop not less than ____ feet from the nearest rail when a signal device or flag man warns or the train or car, or is plainly visible or emitting an audible signal.


After the batterer is convicted of a felony domestic violence offense, victims are notified ___ days prior to the release of the batterer.

15 days


17001 VC, when officer are not acting within the scope of their duties, committing a negligent act or omission and their actions are the cause of death, injury, or property damage, the officer is held ____.

Motor vehicles are not permitted in the bicycle lane to leave or enter a roadway, to legally Park, and to prepare for a turn within ___ feet of an intersection, and it does not interfere with the bicyclist.

200 feet

U-turn are legal as long as no sign prohibits it, and the view is unobstructed for ____ feet, including whether, embankments, hill crests, curves, and parked vehicles.

200 feet


21052 VC, Peace officers must obey all rules of the road when not engaged in Code 3 driving. True or False.

Fire, Emergency, Rescue, Pursuit

21055 VC, Officer may violate rules of the road in a safe manner with due regard for the safety of others when responding to the types of emergencies [FERP]

Bicycles during darkness must have a white lamp illuminated to the front visible from _____ feet. That light can be either mounted to the bike or the operator.

300 feet

VC granting authority to arrest for D.U.I. If the person is involved in a collision, in or about a vehicle obstructing the roadway, may cause injury to himself, others or property unless immediately arrested, may destroy or conceal evidence


If individuals are found in public under the influence of an intoxicating substance including marijuana and are in a condition that they are unable to care for themselves or others they can be arrested for this penal code violation.

647[f], misdemeanor

Any child under age __ and under 4 feet 9 inches must be in an appropriate child passenger restraint system.

8 years old

Status Offender

A 14 year old girl who continually breaks curfew would be considered what type of juvenile offender?


A child is stopped for general questioning. It is not required at this point to advise them of their rights. True or false


A child's physical environment or lack of supervision is apparent, and you are taking them into temporary custody. Must you Mirandize them at this point?

black ice

A coating of ice frequently unseen on roadways surfaces, especially on bridges and shaded areas.

Threatening Public Officers, Employees or School Officials. Felony

A college instructor found a note on his windshield stating he would be sorry if he didn't pass the football players on the next test. An officer questioned and obtained an admission for responsibility of the note. What crime did he commit? Classification?

Back blows and chest compressions

A combination of____ blows and____ compressions may be used to dislodge a foreign object from an infants airway

CJIS - Criminal Justice Info System

A computerized system containing records that are of interest to the criminal justice community maintained by the California DOJ in Sacramento

Antilock Braking System

A computerized system that maintain rolling friction during hard braking by preventing wheel lockup, while still allowing for steering at the same time.

gravely disabled

A condition in which a person, as a result of a mental disorder, is unable to provide for his basic needs like food, clothing, and shelter.

gravely disabled

A condition in which a person, as a result of a mental disorder, is unable to provide for his basic personal needs for food, clothing, or shelter.


A crime punishable by fine and /or imprisonment in a county jail


A crime punishable by fine and /or imprisonment in a state prison, death, or removal from office


A crime that can be considered either a felony or misdemeanor

SVS - Stolen Vehicle System

A database of containing records related to vehicles, vehicle plates, and vehicle parts that are under investigation


A device by which any person or property may be propelled, moved or drawn upon a highway, except a device moved only by human power, or upon rails or tracks


A driver of a car is honking because he is being impatient and wants other cars to get out of his way. Is this reasonable noise?


A fence with a closed gate surrounds the backyard of a residence this would be considered a higher or lower expectation of privacy

Good cause

A good faith belief that the taking, detaining, concealing or enticing away of the child is necessary to protect the child from immediate bodily injury or emotional harm

Obstructing a Public Way

A group of teenagers gathered at a corner of a busy downtown intersection with a lot of pedestrian traffic. They refused to move out of the way so that people had to step into the street to get around them. What crime has been committed?


A high speed message computer network of local, state, and federal databases and systems.

Yes, because the barrel is less than 16 inches

A hunter sawed down the barrel a hunting rifle to a length of 15 inches the overall length of the file was still over 26 inches. Is the rifle still prohibited?

protective search of vehicle

A limited warrantless search of the passenger compartment of a vehicle for weapons

PC 243, Sexual Battery, Felony

A male high school student who pushed a female high school student up against a locker, reached into her blouse and fondled her bare breasts has committed the crime of what? Classification?

Resisting a Peace Officer. Misdemeanor

A man being handcuffed for theft broke away and ran away. The officer eventually subdued the man. Along with the original crime, what else will the man be charged with? Classification?

Defrauding an Innkeeper

A man spent the night at a hotel. He knew that he only had enough gas to get home, so he left without paying. What crime has he committed?


A man walked by a group of women. One woman called out and offered to take him to a room and perform multiple sex acts for $100. What crime has she committed?

Consent, warrant, exigent circs

A peace officer is not permitted inside a residence without one of these three things?

a fine and termination of employment

A peace officer who is found guilty of Inhumane or Oppressive Treatment is subject to...

Protection, guidance, and rehabilitation

A peace officer's role in the handling of juveniles is to provide ____, _____, and _____.

No. Individuals can possess an unloaded weapon in their vehicle if its in a secure container or the locked trunk of his car

A person drives onto school property to pick up his son, His unloaded weapon is secure in the trunk of his car. Is this a crime?

Continue with rescue breathing

A person has a pulse but is not breathing, what do you do?

Begin CPR

A person has no pulse after giving two initial survey breaths, what happens next?


A person intending to steal an overcoat off of a dummy in store, removed the coat but was unable to carry it away because it was fastened by chain, so he did not have control of the item. Is this still theft?


A private person is not held to the same standards as a government peace officer when it com to this amendment regarding search and seizure


A result of an surge of energy through the brain


A revolver lying in plain view on a table or on a seat in a car is not considered a concealable firearm. True or False

16 inches, 26 inches

A rifle with a barrel less than ____ inches or an overall length of less than ___ inches is a prohibited weapon and is considered to be a felony.

CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

A scientific approach to problem solving that seeks to change environmental conditions to make them more crime resistant.


A scraping away of only the outer portion of the skin


A security deposited with a competent court or magistrate to ensure that the accused person will appear for trial when summoned

Invasion of privacy

A security guard at a health club drilled holes into the bathroom walls. Anytime a person went in to use the restroom he peered into the holes to watch them. What crime has he committed?

Probable Cause

A set of facts that would make an ordinary person believe the person being arrested committed a crime.


A severe developmental disability which affects all areas of functioning and interacting with others; usually evident before the person reaches the age of three years, and more common in males than females.


A store clerk was shot and pointing at the robber who was trying to escape on foot. If necessary could the officer use deadly force to apprehend and affect an arrest.


A store clerk who had just been robbed was not injured. The officers did not know if the fleeing subject had a weapon. Do they have the authority to use deadly force in this situation?

Possession of a firearm on school property. Felony

A student carried an unloaded revolver in his backpack to class. He was planning on going to a private firing range class after school. He is guilty of what crime. Classification?

Lynching, Felony

A student protest had turned into a riot, the officers ended up arresting the leader of the group. As one of the officers escorted the man back to the patrol car, a group of four students forcibly took the man from the officer. Those four students are now guilty of _____. which is a _____.

Less than deadly.

A subject's fighting attack was haphazard, indicating that he was not experienced in any form of fighting and was reacting in fear, not rage. Should the officer use deadly force, or less than deadly force?


A subject, using only his fists, attacked an officer with great force and violence causing the officer to reasonably believe there was danger to his life. Can he use deadly force here?

PC 647.6 Annoying or Molesting Children, Misdemeanor

A teacher wrote nine sexually explicit love letters to a 13 year old student saying she loved him and dreamed about him. What crime has she committed? She has no prior criminal history. What is the classification?


A teenage boy, armed with a gun, met a man to buy some crack. When he arrived, the seller said he didn't have it. The boy was so outraged, he shot the man, killing him. What crime has he committed?

Vehicular Manslaughter, Misdemeanor

A teenager was driving 30 miles per hour in 25 zone. His speed prevented him from stopping when a kid ran into the street without looking. The kid died at the hospital. For ordinary negligence without intoxication the teen is guilty of what crime. What is the classification?

Possession of a Deadly Weapon with intent [to commit a Felony].

A woman called and threatened her ex boyfriend that she was going to get even with him. When intercepted by the police she was found with a knife and admitted that she was going to use the knife on the boyfriend. What crime has she committed?

Gross Vehicular Manslaughter

A woman driving 75 miles per hour through a school zone hits a car causing the driver to go to the hospital where she died later that night. For gross negligence while not intoxicated the woman driver is guilty of what crime?

Unauthorized entry of a dwelling

A woman entered her ex-boyfriend's house through an open window. When he got home, she began professing her love for him. When she refused to leave, he called the police. What crime has the woman committed?

Public Intoxication

A woman sitting on a bench drank out of a bottle in a brown paper bag. Soon after, she passed out. When the officer went to help out, she smelled heavily of alcohol. What is the woman guilty of?

Indecent Exposure. Felony

A woman sneaked into a home and exposed herself to the occupants. What crime has she committed? What classification is it?

Arrest Warrant

A written order signed by a magistrate, directed to and commanding a peace officer to arrest the person named for said offense.


After a day of hunting, two men began cleaning their firearms and drinking a number of beers at the same time. One accidentally discharged the rifle and shot his partner. He is guilty of a ____ for discharging a firearm in a grossly negligent manner.


Airbags are a good replacement for seat belts, which is why officer don't need to wear them. True or False


Airbags do not prevent occupants from being ejected from the vehicle. True or false


All pursuits must be reported to _____ for statistical tracking purposes.


Amendment declares people cannot be compelled to testify against themselves, cant be tried twice for same crime, due process


Amendment that provides protection from illegal search and seizure and defines procedures officers must follow when obtaining a warrant


An act commited or ommitted in violation of a law forbidding it or commanding it


An act of identifying with another person's feelings to offer support.

PC 261, Rape

An act of penile/vaginal intercourse which is committed with a person, not the spouse of the perpetrator, and without consent.

Criminal Negligence

An act that is aggravated or reckless and constitutes indeifference to the law

Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child, Felony

An adult female talked a 13 year old boy into kissing her and then placed his hand on her breast. What crime has been committed? Classification?

Probable cause arrest

An arrest based on a set of facts that would cause an ordinary person to entertain the belief that the person to be arrested committed a crime.

An intent to commit that crime AND a direct, but ineffectual, act done toward its commission

An attempt to commit a crime consists of two elements


An officer can use deadly force when he has PC to believe that it is reasonably necessary [to prevent escape] True or False


Are you required to obtain confirmation before an arrest or seizure of property in response to a computer match.

No. This was a non-violent misdemeanor,

At a riot, officers witnessed two men shoplifting. Once spotted, the men fled on foot. Officers gave chase, warned them that they would shoot if they didn't get down on the ground, then shot one of the men. Justifiable?

Threats of Retaliation, Felony

At a trial for embezzlement Bill testified against the defendant, his partner. Two days later Bill received a note from the defendant saying, "You'll be sorry for what you did. I am am going to torch the business." What crime has the defendant committed. Classification?

Case Law

Based on previous appellate court decisions that are binding on lower court decisions

"free text", administrative messages, and All Points Bulletins (APB's)

CLETS allows access to CJIS, DMV, NCIC, NLETS and LEDS but it also allows for the transmission of "____ ____", ______ ________ and _____ _____ _____

Class B or Fuel fires can be put out by removing the source of oxygen, a dry chemical extinguisher, an all purpose extinguisher or a _____ extinguisher.

CO2, Carbon dioxide extinguisher

Criminal Offender Record Information


Victim begins to breath again, officer is relieved, too exhausted to continue, environmental hazards continued CPR efforts would endanger the lives of others

CPR should be continued until

Felony. Minimum age is 16 with a note from parent.

Can a 15 year old lawfully possess a box of live ammunition walking down the street to his friends house if he has a note from his parent? Felony or Misdemeanor


Can a person bring a Firearm, Tear Gas, Tasers, BB Guns, or paint guns into a State Building or Local Public Meeting required to be open to the public?

Opium is smoke through an opium pipe. Heroin is smoked by using tinfoil, referred to as "______ the _____."

Chasing the dragon

The Internet, flyers, meetings, email alerts, events, the media.

Community mobilization methods include, but are not limited to:

The primary elements of the driver's admonition are

Consequences [fine, prison, lose license for 1 to 3 years], Choice, Evidence [refusal will be used against him in court], No right to counsel, Must submit to alternate test.

An order requested by the prosecutor, issued by the criminal court , as part of a case, to prevent violence or intimidation by the defendant towards the victim or witnesses. The length of validity is up to the Judge.

Criminal Stay Away Orders or Criminal Protective Orders

An abuser has beaten his wife many times before. Last time, he strangled her to unconsciousness and broke three of her ribs. During an argument today, he told his wife, "Remember last time? I think it's time to finish what I began." What crime has the man committed today? Classification?

Criminal Threats, Felony

PC 422, threat to commit a crime resulting in death or GBI to a person or his immediate family which also causes that person to be placed in sustained fear for their safety, even if there is no intent to actually carry the threat out. Classification?

Criminal Threats, Felony

A driver in a collision resulting in property damage only shall immediately stop at the scene, locate the owner of the property damaged, provide name and address of driver and registered owner and upon request, show ____ and ____.

DL and Registration

The most frequent Ex Parte Restraining Order obtained which is requested by the victim in a civil action lasting 21-25 days.

DVTRO - Domestic Violence Temporary Restraining Order

Any time from one half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, or when visibility is not sufficient to see a person at a distance of 1000 feet.


What are the 4 main sections of the Vehicle Code [Not including Table of Contents, Index, or Appendices].

Definitive, Procedural, Authoritative, and Punitive Sections


Degree of burn where the skin appears dry, leathery, discolored Nerve endings are destroyed


Degree of burn where the skin appears red an spotted, with blisters. Known also as partial thickness burns

Stimulants will make a subject's pupils ____. [but they my be constricted with chronic use]


Extremely heavy material, difficult to transport, deployment is dangerous, possibility of contamination, complicated to make, expensive, are all ______ of using nulear/radiological WMD's.



Drawings, figurines, statues, live or recorded telephone messages, and any movie rated by the Motion Picture Association are examples of materials not considered to be child Pornography. True or False

Assault with a Deadly Weapon

During a bar fight, a man stabbed another man in the arm with a knife. What crime has been committed?

False imprisonment

During a break in proceedings, two attorneys entered an elevator. One shut down the elevator and began to harass the other. When the other prosecutor demanded to get off the elevator, the other would not reactivate the elevator. He has committed the crime of

cursory pat search

During a detention, searches are not normally permitted, however, if the officer has a factual basis that the suspect could be carrying a weapon, officers can conduct a _____/_____ search

witness, suspect, suspect

During a field showup, the _____ must be brought to the _____ unless the _____ gives permission

It is okay to move a vehicle that has a downed power line on it. True or False?



Failure to return a leased vehicle within five days of expiration of agreement is what crime classification of vehicle theft?

Callous Disregard

Failure to uphold the expected level of care under the provisions of state and federal laws is known as...

Mental illness

Fearfulness, extreme expression of emotions, nudity, extreme rigidity, unable to compromise, reduced capacity to take care of basic needs, hallucinating, clinical depression, mania, Schizophrenia, postpartum depression or psychosis, and PTSD are all examples of behavioral indicators of _____ ______.

Any person operating a vehicle, Evading a peace officer, driven in a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of a _____.


The crime of Malicious destruction of Telephone or Electric lines, or Cable TV lines is a _____.


Whenever willful flight to evade of peace officer causes death or GBI, the person is guilty of a ____.


unlawfully restrained, bare skin

For FELONY sexual battery, the victim must be ____ ____ AND the ____ ____ of the intimate part must be touched.


Force should never be used as a form of ____ for subjects. That is for the courts to decide.

When officers entered the living room to talk to the battered victim, they noticed a handgun on the mantle. What must be done at this point?

Gun should be taken into temporary custody for safety reasons.

a drug rich resinous secretion from the flowers of the cannabis plant processed by extraction to produce a more potent form of marijuana.


reasonable force

If a person attempts to leave during a legal detention, the officer may use _____ force to compel him to stay.


If a person commits an assault or battery on school property during school hours, can police officers make an arrest of that person without a warrant?

road flares, gasoline and motor oil, ight bulbs, matches annd fireworks, swithces timers and batteries, plastic pipes, bottles, cans are all common ______ device construction materials.


These were present in over 20% of domestic bombing incidents, are extremely easy to make out of cheap, available materials, ignite about 75% of the time. Instructions for making these are available on the Internet and many books.

Incendiary devices

Crossing a roadway at point between adjacent intersections that are controlled by signal devices or a peace officer is called what? Classification?

Jaywalking, infraction

502, felony

LE personnel who access CLETS or other info system that is outside that person's normal scope of duties is in violation of Penal Code _____ and has committed a _____.


LEDS is an information system on the _____ level (state, nat'l, or Oregon)

Peace officers have a wide variety of guides available to aid them in responding to WMD incidents. The two most common are the ____ Response Guidebook and the ______ Response Guidebook.

LSU, Emergency

This level of PPE suit consists of the SCBA being worn inside a fully encapsulated and vapor tight suit. Known as the moon suit.

Level A

This level of PPE includes the use of SCBA, provides the highest level of respiratory protection, uses a higher grade suit, and is often characterized by the SCBA being worn on the outside of the suit.

Level B

This level of PPE provides no real protection from WMD, just nuisance protection only.

Level D, like a standard law enforcement uniform, tac clothing, or a dust mask

Youth/Adult Correctional Agency, CHP, ABC, Fish and Game, DOF, DOJ, DMV, University Police

List Five State Agencies

Homeland Security, FBI, DEA, Secret Service, Military Police, ATF, USPS

List Four Federal Agencies


Loitering about a Public toilet falls under what crime classification?


Means agreeing to an action freely and voluntarily, and with knowledge of the nature of the act or transaction involved.


Minors found to be at the risk of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or in need of Immediate medical care or shelter are referred to as ______.


Must a field sobriety test or chemical test be performed on a person in order to charge them with public intoxication?


Must a person be confined in a jail, prison, or other building for it to be False Imprisonment?

When managing the scene of a crash of a civilian or commercial aircraft, the proper investigating authority to notify is the ___ and ___. For a military aircraft, the branch it belongs to is the authority to notify.

NTSB and the FAA

Heroin and opiates are some of the most commonly abused of these. Its appearance varies in color from tan, to brown, to black

Narcotic Analgesics

A driver at an intersection is in the left turn lane only that is signalling a green arrow pointing left. Can the driver choose to go straight instead?


Is there a requirement for a chemical test for a person under the influence while riding a bike?

No, but if the person requests a chemical test, it must be given.


Observing from a distance so as not to startle, not getting too close, speaking in a normal tone of voice, not rushing the person, attempting to determine pre-established signals for yes, no, and I don't know, giving the person choices between two alternatives, and knowing that the person may refuse to answer or ignore questions are field contact points to remember for those with....


Occurs when the body's internal temperature drops to the point where the body's systems are affected


Officers are expected to be able to diagnose a person's disability on the scene True or False

SAR - Sex and Arson Registration

One increment of the VCIN that maintains a statewide filr on convcted persons required to register as sex offenders or arson offenders.


Over extending a child or infants neck can cause the trachea to....

"Tombstone Courage"

Overly anxious or trying to handle dangerous situations beyond officer's ability or experience

Odorless white crystalline solid, powerful high explosive, more unstable than T. N. T.

P. E. T. N. [Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate]


PC 242, Willful and unlawful, use of force or violence, on the person of another

Assault with a Deadly Weapon.

PC 245, An attempt upon the person of another with a deadly weapon or instrument or by any means of force likely to cause great bodily injury

Child Abduction without Custodial Right

PC 278, This occurs when a person, not having a right of custody, restrains or withholds the child from the person having lawful custody.

lives, school, works

PC 290 requires a person convicted of a sex-related offense to register with local LE where he/she _____, goes to _____, or _____.

Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse

PC 368, The infliction of unjustifiable physical pain or mental suffering upon an elder or dependent adult or theft or embezzlement from said persons.

PC 17

Penal Code for Felonies

False, blind people compensate for their limited sight by relying on hearing, touch, and other senses.

People who are blind can not give credible witness accounts of criminal activity because they can't see the crime occur. True or False


Perfusion is the continued flow of blood through the capillaries, supplying oxygen an removing waste products. Inadequate Perfusion leads to ______.

In order to protect an incident location or isolate hazardous material, a set boundary or ______ should be established to surround the area.



Persons are principal parties to a crime only if there is proof that they had the required criminal intent


Physical abuse of a child is a _____. (classification)

Community Policing

Policing type combines traditional and professional with emphasis on community partnerships, prevention, problem solving

Peace officers called to the scene of a domestic dispute discovered two lines of cocaine and a straw in plain sight on a coffee table. The cohabitants were both in the room. One or both of the parties has committed the crime of ____. Classification?

Possession of a Controlled Substance, Felony

Cocaine HCL is in what form?


Warning, Understanding, Waiving or Invoking

Proper administration of the Miranda warnings means

Domestic terrorism groups usually include these four types...

Right Wing, Leftwing, Special Interest, Lone Wolf


Some warning should be given prior to the use of deadly force, when feasible. True or False.


Someone is caught stealing $1000 worth of property over a 12 month period from their boss. This is considered _____ Theft

A husband who had penile/vaginal intercourse with his wife against her will, by means of force, committed the crime of ____. Classification?

Spousal Rape. Felony

An estranged husband who had penile/vaginal intercourse with his wife who consented only because he threatened to injure their children, committed the crime of ____. Classification?

Spousal Rape. Felony

Caster effect

Spring loading in a suspension system needs to be corrected by smooth steering input and recovery, _____ effect can be used to dissipate the energy added to each turn by the springs.

appear as a powder or crystal, various colored pills or tablets or a cocaine base [rock] or cocaine HCL [powder]


When directing traffic with a whistle, an officer will emit one long blast with a _____ hand signal.



Striking weapons like nunchuks, brass knuckles, composite knuckles, a leaded cane, blackjack, Billy clubs, sandbags, saps, or a slungshot are illegal. It is a ____ to possess these prohibited weapons.


T / F A valid arrest warrant or abstract of the arrest warrant must be in possession of the arresting officer. at the time of booking


T or F - While in their care, an officer must take inmates with diabetic shock, head injury, severe bleeding, drug overdose and chest pain to a medical facility first.


T or F. It is not necessary that the thief's intent be for personal gain, only that he intended to permanently deprive the owner of the property.

Explosive is a white crystalline powder, Normally refrigerated, sensitive to heat shock or friction, highly sensitive and powerful, highly explosive, very unstable.

T. A. T. P. [Triacetone triperoixide]


T. R. U. S. T. Is vital in building long lasting, innovative_____ partnerships capable of solving problems and improving the community's quality of life


T/F A crime of attempt is possible whenever the circumstances make accomplishment of the objective apparently possible, even if it was not accomplished


T/F All person within the US regardles of citizenship are protected by the US Constitutional rights.


T/F Any attempt to commit a crime, is a crime.


T/F CLETS is a a "pointer system", the system provides information but does not guarantee that it is current or absolutely correct.


T/F Court hierarchy in CA starts at the lower Trial Courts, then higher Appellate Courts then Superior Court

False - Must let them go

T/F If people refuse to cooperate during a consensual encounter, the peace officer may detain them for further investigation.


T/F Just thinking about committing a crime is sufficient to consider it an attempt


The ___, or gas pedal regulates the speed of the vehicle, which affects weight transfer. Smooth operation of this is critical for maximum vehicle control.


The arrestee must be told that he is being arrested, the reason for being arrested, and by what authority. True or False


The crime classification for Peeping is


The crime classification for Prowling is


The crime classification for Public Intoxication is


The crime classification for Vehicle Theft is


The crime classification for a public officer who is guilty of Cruel and Unusual Punishment


The crime of intimidating witnesses or victims from testifying is classified as a...


The crime of possession of a firearm by a convicted felon or narcotics addict, or restricted persons is a _____

Aids in crime prevention, investigations apprehension, influencing public opinion, aiding recruitment efforts, ommunication between community and department.

The news media is a community partner and a valuable resource to law enforcement. What are the benefits to a good relationship with the media?

Constitutional law

The rules and provisions found in the federal and state constitutions.


The six hour time period that a child can remain in a law enforcement facility, that also houses adults, begins when the juvenile _____ the facility.


The suspension of the imposition or execution of a sentence and the order of conditional and revocable release into the community


The terms and conditions of restraining and protective orders can be found on these inquiries.

victim, offender, location

The three elements to constitute a crime

PC 834a

This PC States that any person having knowledge, or should have knowledge that he is being arrested by a peace officer, shall refrain from using force or weapons to resist such arrest.

Brake fade

This happens to brakes that are used improperly and/or excessively causing them to build up heat.

Child Abuse

This is defined as a physical injury which is inflicted by other than accidental means on a child by another person, which also includes sexual abuse, neglect, willful cruelty or unjustifiable punishment, and unlawful corporal punishment


This means to make annoying sexual advances

Jaw thrust

This method of opening the airway allows the airway to be opened without moving the victim's neck or head

Unreasonable force

This occurs when the type, degree, and duration of force employed was not necessary or appropriate.


This party to a crime Is a principal to the crime, and testifies for the prosecution


This party to a crime commited the crime, aided, abetted, advised, or encouraged another person in the commission of a crime


This party to a crimes testimony must be corroborated by evidence

Nonsecure Custody

This term is used when a minor's freedom of movement within an LE facility is controlled by the staff, not locked in a room, and not physically locked to a stationary object, but does remain in constant visual supervision by the staff.

Mental disabilities

Thought disorders and mood disorders are what type of disability?


Threatening future harm of an executive officer or deterring/preventing an officer from doing his job is a...


To worship or not worship as they choose

Universal precautions

Treating all bodily fluids as if they are contaminated, washing hands before and after contact, and using proper cleaning procedures to equipment that may have been exposed are examples of universal ____ peace officer should take.

Use of devices, personal self-defense weapons to secure compliance from the subject.

Use of force options available for the Assaultive subject who is being combative, or threatening to assault an officer or another civilian.

Utilize Firearms or any other available weapon in defense of self or others

Use of force options for Life Threatening situations likely to cause GBI or possible death to an officer or another civilian.


Voluntary Manslaughter is a _____

the consentor asks the officer to stop

Voluntary consent searches of a vehicle are lawful, but should be stopped if....

Physical harm

W&I 300[a] states a peace officer may take a child into protective custody when the child is at risk of suffering, non-accidental, serious _____ ____ from the child's parent or guardian, like repeated inflictions of unreasonable corporal discipline.

SRF - Supervised Release File

Was developed by the DOJ to improve the supervision of convicted persons, enhance officer safety and assist in investigations

Class A or Common Combustible fires can be put out by removing the fuel source [like clearing the brush], smothering with a non-flammable material, an all purpose extinguisher or _____.

Water [pressurized or non-pressurized]


When a person in custody is about to be _______ by an officer, that person should be advised of their Miranda Rights

Quickly and safely

When conducting a preliminary investigation, officers should approach____ and____

Letter of the law

When the law is applied in accordance with the literal meaning of the statute, leaving no room for interpretation


When worn properly, _______ are the single most effective way of protecting vehicle occupants from serious injury or death in a collision.


With knowledge that a felony was committed, this party to a crime harbors, aids, or conceals a fugitive, with the intent to avoid arrest or prosecution

Using two fingers only

With what part of your hand should you perform the chest compressions of an infant


Words, shouting, and cheering that are intended to express ideas are considered communication and are protected rights under the___ Amendment

A vehicle was used in a crime and is evidence or contains evidence that can't be readily removed. Can it be towed?


A vehicle's registration has been expired for more than 6 months, or has false registration. Can you tow the vehicle?


Do drivers have to yield vehicles and pedestrians lawfully in the intersection even if the driver's traffic signal is green?



Zip guns, pen guns, belt buckle guns, cane guns, and wallet guns are considered to be unrecognizable and it's a _____ to have one.

Force Options

____ ____ are choices available to officers to overcome resistance, effect arrest, prevent escape, or gain control of the situation

reasonable suspicion

_____ _____ must exist to make a lawful detention


_____ involves both professional demeanor and words resulting in improved safety and professionalism.


a garbage can is next to a side door to their house, do the owners expect privacy of their garbage more so than if it were out on the street?


a man buys 400 pounds of iodine chips and takes it to a remote location. Is there a fair probability that a meth lab may exist at that location?


a submicroscopic agent that is capable of infecting living cells. Once inside they can reproduce and cause illness or disease.

reasonable inference

act of drawing a conclusion from a fact; it is similar to make a presumption (example seeing smoke and thinking there is a fire)

POP Problem Oriented Policing

an approach to policing in which the focus is on a thorough analysis of problems within the police mandate, developing aprevention response


an intent to vex, annoy, harm, or injure another person

Mental incapacitation

are presumed to lack the ability to form intent because of low mentality

A sample of a driver's ____, ____, or ____ taken soon after the act of driving is the best scientific evidence of being under the influence.

breath, blood, or urine

protective sweep

brief search of a house or building to look for individuals only

passenger compartment

can be considered to include all areas accessible to occupants within the vehicle

Unconscious Act

cannot be held criminally liable because they were asleep, delirious with fever, or involuntary under the influence of alchol or drugs


certain facts that tend to incriminate the individual, but falls short of a confession

Dead plants, dead or dying animals, numerous sick or dead victims, a visible vapor cloud, reports of strange odors are all indicators and effects of a ____ agent attack

chemical agent attack

An industrial chemical like chlorine is considered to a lower level of chemical ____ than that of VX nerve agent

chemical persistency, how long it lingers in the air. VX gas is thicker and more viscous, and stays around longer.

Chemical ____ ____are incidental to arrest The can be administered when the arresting officer has probable cause to believe the person was DUI.

chemical sobriety tests

Two unrelated adults living together, intimately, for a substantial period of time, resulting in some permanency of relationship are considered to be ____.


Making _____ with the person who received the threat, assisting in evacuation if requested, assisting in searching if requested and documenting all actions is the officer's requirements when responding to a bomb threat.


Officers should always consider that the scene of a fire may also be the scene a ____ and should protect the integrity of the scene accordingly.


The site of an explosion should be treated as a ____ ____ until it is determined otherwise.

crime scene

Officers should remember that ____ court orders take precedence over ____ court orders.

criminal, civil

Scratch marks, bite marks, to the face, chest, arms, as well as injuries to the groin are all common injuries to the aggressor because the victim was ____ him or herself.


roofies, zannie bars, soma, beer, wine, liquor


If both parties appear to be assaultive or threatening, neither acted in self defense, assess for the ___ ____ and only arrest that person.

dominant aggressor

the item be searched for could be in that container.

during a search for an item, containers can be opened as long as...

SEMS is the command system used by the state of California to manage any ____.


this misdemeanor involves showing another person [including peace officers] an overt act, showing off, involving speed on a highway. There must be another person around to see this.

exhibition of speed

The Rate of Action is the time between ______ and lethality. It is faster with some agents than others



extension of a felon's sentence which a person must serve on the outside after having served the actual sentence in prison

Every person who possesses any controlled substance including hash/hashish oil, but besides marijuana, without a written prescription is guilty of a...


Every person who unlawfully possesses any amount of cocaine, heroin, meth, or PCP and is also armed with a gun has committed a _____.


Planting, cultivating, harvesting, drying, or processing any Marijuana or part thereof has committed a ______.


Possession of precursor chemicals for manufacturing purposes is a _____.


A man outside a local high school was passing out small paper tabs to students. He said he wasn't selling anything; it was free. The tabs contained LSD. The man has committed the crime of _____ a controlled substance. Classification?

furnishing, felony

Mustard agents are chemical blister agents with an odor that resembles ___ or ___ smells, or _____ for Lewisite.

garlic or onion, geraniums

All downed power lines should be considered "___" no matter what there appearance.



if a wall in the front yard is only three feet tall, does that mean the owners wish to block the public from viewing their yard?

Threat or Menace

if some is held at gunpoint or hostage and made to do something criminal (beside capital crimes) they are not considered capable of committing a crime by

Misfortune or Accident

if someone were to dart out in front of a car and they were driving carefully this would be considered not capable of committing a crime by

obtain or revalidate the existing one

if the 10 day period of a search warrant has expired officers must ______ a new warrant or get the existing one ________


if there are window shades on house but they are made of materials that can be seen through easily, is that a high or low expectation of privacy

when a vehicle is ____, the law enforcement agency that authorized the impound can decide when and to whom the car is released.



in the front yard there are no physical barriers preventing someone from coming up to the door. high or low expectation of privacy?

A person who is _____ and in control of the vehicle upon a highway or public lands is unable because of illness or injury to provide for its custody or removal, the vehicle may be towed by law enforcement.


It is a ____ to have an open container in the vehicle even if the person is not drinking it.


Agriculture, food, water, Government, Defense Industrial Bases, Info and communications hubs, Energy plants, Banking and finance buildings are all considered critical _____ that terrorists may target.



infringement or intrusion upon an expectation of privacy that society is prepared to consider reasonable.

Historically, DV calls result in more ___ and ___ to peace officers that any other calls for service

injuries and death


is Driving under the influence a good warrantless arrest?

knock and notice

knock or otherwise announce presence, identify themselves, state their purpose, demand entry, wait a reasonable amount of time, if necessary force entry. this is called the ___ ___ ___ procedure.

Active Listening

listening type that involves deliberate and conscious concentration on what is being said.


looking for medical bracelets, not restraining them, moving objects out of the way, cushioning their head, turning the person on their side, monitoring ABC's and calling for medical assistance are all field contact points to remember for this disability.

Because of the sensitivity of items on a military aircraft, the _____ can be prohibited from entering a military aircraft scene, and restrict over flights of news media helicopters and private aircraft.


It's important to manage bystanders and the ____ to prevent contamination and destruction of potential evidence at the scene of a plane crash, because it's a crime scene until otherwise determined.


Riding a bike under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a ____.


Officers need to be able to distinguish between ____ and ___ injuries when determining the dominant aggressor.

offensive and defensive injuries


officer were searching a hotel for illegal drugs with a warrant, knocked and noticed then heard mumblings and a flushing toilet, can they lawfully break the down and enter

Two license plates are required on all vehicles, one in front one in back. How many are required on truck tractors?


Possession of any device, contrivance, instrument or _______ used for unlawfully injecting or smoking specific controlled substances is a _______.

paraphernalia, misdemeanor


patrolling the community in a highly visible manner, maintain public peace, managing civil disturbances are actions officers can take to maintain _____ within their community

Temporary custody of firearms or other deadly weapons is required in DV cases when the items are discovered in ___ view, during a _____ search, or other lawful means for the protection of the officer and others present.

plain view, consensual search

Prior to attempting to enter a burning structure or perform a rescue, the officer must consider their agency's ____ and other factors like the structural integrity of the building, likelihood of reaching the people inside, the nature of the fire, and how soon Fire will respond.


A ___ ___ speed is the speed limit in a specific area unless otherwise posted. Examples are 25 in a senior, school, business, or residential area, or 15 in alleys.

prima facie

Short intermittent blasts of the whistle while directing raffia means the officer is trying to keep the traffic _____ forward


An emergency vehicle having its siren sounding and one forward facing red light visible from 1000 feet has the right of way. Other drivers on the road shall...

pull over to the right, remain stopped until clear to go.

the invisible energy which is emitted by certain types, or radioactive atoms.


Any person who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard the safety of persons or property is guilty of ____ ____.

reckless driving

Driving at a high speed and changing lanes without regard for safety is an example of ____ ____.

reckless driving

The owner of a business asked the officer for help in searching for the bomb that was called in to his business. After not finding it the officer wrote a ____ documenting the details of the event


When two vehicles enter an intersection at approximately the same time from different highways, the driver on the left yield the right of way to the vehicle on that drivers immediate ____.


In a post blast situation, officers may think there are no further hazards, but ____ ____ devices and numerous other hazards could always be present, booby traps, structural weaknesses, and broken gas mains.

secondary explosive devices

If both parties appear to be assaultive or threatening, assess for ___ ___ and arrest the aggressor.



sentencing alternative for a person convicted of a crime at the discretion of the judge


spring-blade knives, snap-back knives, and gravity knives are examples of a ______ knife

Drivers of specified vehicles including busses with people, farm labor vehicles, trucks carrying explosives, gasoline, chlorine, liquid petroleum, gas, or other hazmat transport at a rail crossing shall ____,____, and____ before crossing.

stop, look, and listen


tall shrubbery is planted in the front yard limiting the view and access to the public. Is this a high or low expectation of privacy?

The atractiveness of a target,the potential for success, and in some cases, the ability to avoid capture are all selection criteria for selecting a _____.



these are spread through the air or by contact with another person's blood or bodily fluids


this can be the result of any of a number of illnesses. Two of the most common of these ______ neurological disorders are Stroke and Alzheimer's.

Under color of law

this means an action carried out as if under the authority of law, but is actually done in violation of the law.

A person was stopped as she tried to board a plane. Officers found more than 25 rocks of crack cocaine. As well as Possession with Intent to Sell, the person committed the crime of ____ a Controlled Substance. Classification?

transporting, felony

It is unlawful to drive over, upon, or across intermittent barriers or a dividing section of a highway that is at least ___ feet wide. This includes unpaved sections of the road, sections delineated by curbs, double parallel lines, or other markings on the roadway.

two feet wide

PC 11550, Being ____ ___ ____ of a controlled substance means knowing of and willingly taking into ones body, a controlled substance with specific intent to inhale, inject, ingest, etc., a controlled substance. Classification?

under the influence, misdemeanor


unlawful attempt, coupled with the present ability to commit a violent injury on another person

hazardous gasses, exploding fuels, airbags, pressurized shock absorbers and bumpers are all hazards to be conscious of when approaching a _____ fire.


economic dependency, receiving threats of retaliation, believing the CJS doesn't work, believing the family should stay together at all cost, religious and cultural beliefs are all reasons ____ remain in the house after DV has occurred.


Because of PC 836[c][1], officers may make a _____ arrest on the person who violates a restraining order whether or not the misdemeanor occurred in the presence of the officer.


Vehicles must have s headlamps 1 on each side which must be between 22 and 54 inches in height from the ground. Headlights shall be on when _____ are on too.

windshield wipers


with some exceptions, a person arrested without a warrant for a misdemeanor must be cited and _____ in lieu of custody. Once signed and promised to appear or post a bail, they are released.

Officers should interview both parties and all ____ before deciding who the dominant aggressor is.


recovery position

Íf the victim resumes adequate breathing and there are no indications of major bleeding or spinal injuries, then the victims can be placed in the _____ position

Deadly Weapon

Any object that is capable of causing death or great bodily injury from the manner it was used

Possession of a specified weapon in a prohibited location, Felony

An off duty security guard, on his way home after work, decided to stop by the county courthouse to renew his dog license. He forgot he was still wearing his work revolver when he entered the building. What is the crime, if any was committed.

Forgery. Felony

An office worker changed the amount due on a bill from$150 to $1500. When the bill was paid, she kept the extra money. What crime was committed. Misdemeanor or Felony?

Casual encounter

An officer approached a man, known for selling drugs, in an alley and asked if they could talk. The officer obtains general info and fills out a field identification card and ran a records check. Casual encounter or Detention?

Drivers of vehicles with windshield that are defective can be required to fix it within ___ hours.

48 hours


A battery upon a police officer can only occur during the lawful_____ of his or her duties, and cannot occur in the course of an illegal arrest.

PC 220, Assault with intent to commit sodomy

A man restrained a male victim and pulled his pants off while stating his intent to Sodomize him. The victim was stronger than the suspect and was able to fight him off and escape. What crime has the suspect committed?

Yes, because he is performing within the duties of his job.

A uniformed bank guard carried a handgun on his person and another one concealed within the driver's area of the armored truck. Does he lawfully possess both guns?


Accelerating to match the speed of the flow of traffic and signaling your intention to come on to the freeway are appropriate actions to prevent collisions when ______ onto a highway.

liberty or freedom

Because invoking 5150 on someone is a serious deprivation of their personal ______ an officer cannot detain for vague, ambiguous, unspecified, or potentially dangerous behavior.


The crime of escaping from the custody of a peace officer is a...


The crime of threats of retaliation is a...


The right of a prisoner's attorney to visit the prisoner

4th Amendment

The right of people to be secure in their possessions against unreasonable search and seizure


The right to a speedy trial, to confront witnesses, obtain witnesses in their favor, right to council


A person under the age of __ is not considered capable of giving consent under the law.


An anonymous tip is a sufficient basis to detain someone. True or False?


The presence of a pulse on a child or adult is taken at the ______ artery


The sending and receiving of verbal and nonverbal messages between two or more people.


Unreasonable search and seizure are not allowed


Which amendment covers the right of a prisoner to exercise his religious freedoms

General Intent

Battery, Arson, Transportation of Drugs, ex-felon in possession of a firearm is this type of intent

If the person's Blood Alcohol is ____ the officer may presume the person is not under the influence of Alcohol.

0.05% or less

PC 286 Sodomy, Felony

A man who contacted, with slight penetration, another person's anus with his penis, against the person's will has committed what crime? Classification?

A violation of a Criminal Protective Order with no qualifying prior convictions is a ____.


If the person's Blood Alcohol is between _____ the officer can neither presume the person is or isn't under the influence of alcohol. Anything higher, the officer may presume the person is under the influence

0.05% to 0.079%

Penal Code that says it is unlawful for a person who is under the influence to drive a vehicle


Penal Code that says it's unlawful to drive a vehicle if your blood alcohol is above 0.08%.



A 12 year old child went to an emergency room with severe welts on his back. The parents denied any responsibility even though child said his father whipped him with an electrical cord. Can the officer place the child into temporary custody without a warrant?

Status offender

A 16 year old boy was caught absent from school 10 times in the last six months. The boy's single parent was unable to convince him to go to school. He is arrestable and would be considered a _____ _____.

Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, Felony

A 25 year old male had consensual sexual intercourse with his family's 16 year old babysitter. What crime has he committed? Classification?


A 290 registrant from Sacramento who is taking a two week vacation in Fresno must register within five working days with ____ [what city] law enforcement authorities.


A 290 registrant who has moved from Sacramento to Fresno must register within five working days with _____ [what city] law enforcement authorities.

Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child, Felony

A 35 year old woman began to rub the penis of her daughter's 15 year old boyfriend through his pants. What crime has she committed? Classification


A boy walks onto school property with his new jacket. Two boys stepped in his way and demanded the jacket, the boys knocked him down and took the jacket. What crime has been committed by the 2 boys?

Yes. The subject posed an immediate threat to the officer and innocent bystanders.

A dealer on the street flees after being spotted making a sale as he ran he pulled a gun and started shooting at the officer. The officer shot and killed the fleeing felon. Is this justifiable?

Community mobilization

A continual process of identifying, bring together, and involving community members for crime prevention and problem solving.


A blade two or more inches long which can be released automatically by a flick of a button, pressure on the handle, flip of the wrist like butterfly knives, or the weight of the blade are considered to be _____ knives. They are a misdemeanor to carry.


A boy entered a store to purchase a snack after school. He realized he had no money on him, but took two candy bars in his back back and left the store. Can the officer arrest him without a warrant?

Child abduction without custodial right, Felony

A boy lived with his father who had legal custody, at the end of a weekend of visitation with the mother, she refused to let the boy go home to the father. What crime has she committed? Crime classification?


A brain disorder that causes clusters of nerve cells in the brain send out the wrong signals and have a seizure.

BOLO - Be on the Lookout

A bulletin that must be broadcast if the missing person is under age 16 or person is a risk


A burglar was surprised by an officer entering the room, he shot at the officer, can the officer shoot back in this case?

No, not in immediate danger anymore

A burglar who shot at an officer, missed, then threw the gun down and surrendered. Can the officer shoot the burglar now?

Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Section 504

A civil rights law that requires school districts that receive any federal funding make programs and activities accessible to individuals with Disabilities.


A conditional release from a state prison which allows an individual to serve the rest of his sentence


A consensus building process which brings together diverse priorities and perspectives toward a desired outcome


A feeling of displeasure from perceived injury, mistreatment, or opposition, to one's self or to another person. When out of control, this becomes a liability.

WPS - Wanted Persons Systems

A file of records pertaining to wanted fugitives and arrest warrants

secure detention

A juvenile 14 and over can be placed in _____ _____ when they are being detained for committing a crime. [Wards]. AND the officer believes the minor poses a serious security risk of harm to self or others.

supervision of the officer while in an adult facility

A juvenile being detained for being under the influence may be escorted into an adult facility for the purpose of administering a test, but at no time can the juvenile come into contact with in-custody adults, held in excess of two hours, locked in a cell or room within the adult facility or out of direct ____

medical treatment or observation

A juvenile can only be confined to a hospital for the purposes of _____ treatment or _______


A juvenile has a history of being abused or neglected and they are in immediate risk of physical or emotional harm, or sexual abuse. Is it still required to Mirandize this person right now?


A juvenile that is destitute, from an unfit home, victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, OR lacks parental supervision.

an emergency

A landlord is required to respect the privacy of the tenant not enter the property unless he is given permission or there is __ _______ like a broken water pipe that could cause damage to the property.

Cerebral Palsy

A large group of chronic conditions that affect the body's movements and coordination; because of the lack of muscle control, speech, hearing, or vision can also be affected.

Reasonable force

A legal term for how much and what kind of force a peace officer may use in a given circumstance.


A man picks up a hitchhiker who asked to be dropped off a specific location, when the driver drove past the drop off spot and continued to drive to a different location against the hiker's consent, the driver is now guilty of what crime?


A man protested his Public Intoxication arrest from the previous day, claiming that no tests were administered. Did peace officers, in this instance fail to collect the required evidence?

Carjacking, Felony

A man put the groceries in the back of his car, as he attempted to get the car another man pushed him aside, jumped into the driver's seat and drove off. He forcibly took the car. What is the crime and the classification?

Indecent Exposure, Misdemeanor

A man who approached a woman in a shopping mall, exposed himself and masturbated has committed ____ ____ . He has no prior convictions for 314 or 228(a). What is the classification?

Oral Copulation, Felony

A man blindfolds his girlfriend and lets his friend perform oral sex without her knowing who did it. What crime has been committed? Classification?

Invasion of Privacy

A man climbs a tree and looked around using his binoculars. He focused in on a bathroom window and watched a woman taking a shower. What crime has he committed?


A man convicted of misdemeanor sexual battery must _____ annually within five days of his birthday.


A man drank a bottle of beer while sitting at a bar. At one point he got so intoxicated he fell out of his chair and could not get back up. He was in a public place and obstructing aisle way to the door. Is he guilty of Public Intoxication?

Yes. He entered with intent to commit a felony.

A man entered an apartment with the intent to rape the woman there. When the doorbell rang, she left with the person who rang the doorbell. The suspect left the house but was caught by the security guard Was the crime of Burglary complete even though he didn't steal anything. Why?

Possession of a Tear Gas or a Tear Gas Weapon, Misdemeanor

A man had an 8 oz. aerosol can of tear gas in his truck. He claimed to use it for self defense. What crime, if any, has the man committed. Classification?

Vandalism, Felony

A man had an argument with his neighbor. Later he threw turpentine on the hood of his neighbor's car, causing $900 in damages. The man committed what crime, What crime classification is it?

Involuntary Manslaughter

A man is shooting his rifle in his backyard, the bullet goes through the target and into his neighbor's home killing the person in there. Not taking the safety of others into account while performing an otherwise lawful activity is what crime?


A man is walking through a shopping center at 0120 hrs. all the stores were closed,, the officer shine a spotlight and ask him to,"come over here, I wanna talk to you." Consensual or Detention?

Yes Burglary

A man just barely breaks the plane of the doorway to to commit a theft? Can this be considered Burglary, or does the man's person need to be all the way in the building?

No. Misdemeanor, the vehicle is still accessible to the general public.

A man kept a switchblade knife in the glove compartment. He parked the truck on the street and locked the doors. Is the storage of this knife legal.


A persistent belief or thoughts and actions that are not based on reality such as grandeur, self importance, being persecuted or conspired against.


A person arrested for a misdemeanor may be cited and released or transported to _____.


A person arrested for an infraction is normally ___ and released with a signed promise to appear.


A person arrested for an infraction may be taken into custody if he fails to present satisfactory identification, or refuses to _____ the promise to appear

Permanent or Temporary

A person being arrested for vehicle theft must have driven or taken the vehicle on a_____ or ____ basis

Grand theft

A stolen motor vehicle is considered what category of theft? Petty or Grand Theft?

What are the three ways ways officers can prevent or deter terrorist action in their communities?

Adopting a new mindset, patrol mindset, Community Oriented Policing

Relatively easy to make, precursors in their final form are easily available, immediate reaction upon exposure, spreads easily, manpower intensive to respond to, psychological impact are alll ___ of using chemical WMD's and Toxic Industrial Chemicals



After removal of the grips, stocks, and magazines, a gun is not capable of being picked up by a metal detector or x-ray machine commonly used at airports. These are considered undetectable firearms. Is it a crime to have one?


Agency _____ differ from agency to agency, peace officers must know and follow their specific agency's regarding emergency response driving.

[1]Safety and welfare of a juvenile is threatened. [2] truancy. [3] has committed a crime.

An officer has the authority to arrest or place into temporary custody a juvenile when any of these three situations exist.


An officer is becoming agitated and is losing professional objectivity during a contact. Fellow officers offer to assist by saying, "Let me take care of this one, okay?" What type of Immediate intervention is this?

return the weapon or potential weapon to the person

An officer finds a legal weapon or potential weapon on a person but has no probable cause to make an arrest and he is now finished detaining him. What must the officer do with the weapon?

PC 647.6 Annoying or Molesting Children, Felony, because he entered the house unlawfully

An adult male unlawfully entered a home and began to masturbate in front of a 4 year old child. What crime has been committed. Classification?

Anaphylactic Shock

An allergic reaction to poisons or food that can affect different parts of the body at the same time

Possession of Burglary tools

An employer asked his employee to make a copy of the office key for the new vice president. The employee changed the number of keys on the form and kept one for himself with intent to enter and steal office equipment. When the boss noticed the changed order form, he confronted the employee who admitted the deceit. What crime has the employee committed


An honorably discharged sheriff was found carrying a holstered handgun underneath his sports jacket. Can the officer arrest him for unlawful possession of a concealable firearm?

Insulin shock or diabetic coma

An improper level of insulin in the body can lead to two dangerous conditions what are they?

Yes. Officer has probable cause to arrest the person for carrying a loaded firearm.

An officer encounters a Firearm on a person or in a vehicle in a public place. Is he authorized to examine the weapon to see if it loaded? What if the person says no?


An officer sees a nervous looking woman and a man exchange a baggy for money; he then walks away. Is the officer justified in detaining the man and the woman on resonable suspicion of drug dealing?

consent, exigent circs, right to parole probation search

An officer sees contraband or evidence in plain from a lawful location. What must the officer have to lawfully access the dwelling in this case


An officer uses a carotid restraint hold unreasonably, and has not been trained in this type of hold. Can the liability also fall on the department for inadequate training?

Under color of authority

An officer using his power to commit acts that are not authorized is acting...

reasonable suspicion

An officer was driving when a car passed him. The car swerved and almost hit another car. The officer had _____ _____ to stop the driver for vehicle code violations.


Annoying or Molesting Children is generally a _____ (classification)


Any act or pose that gives the appearance of being sexual conduct stills falls under Possession of Child Pornography if the subject posing is under 18. True or False

An easy way to remember the ABC classification of fire is to remember the words ___, ____, and ____.

Ash, Barrel, and Current


At the scene, peace officers should evaluate the nature of the accident and communicate critical information to ______ .

MNI - Master Name Index

Automated online file containing personal descriptor records of all subjects with criminal and/or applicant records on file with the DOJ

Using violence to feel powerful, as a child witnessed violence, avoids responsibility for violent behavior, desperation, electing to admit the extent of violence are all characteristics of a _____.


PC 243 [e] [1], warrantless arrestable crime in which a person commits force or violence on a current or former spouse, dating partner, fiancé, or current cohabitants, or a person with whom they have a child in common. Classification?

Battery as related to domestic violence, Misdemeanor

Of the two major categories of speed laws, this type involves speed laws that involve operation with regard to prevailing conditions.

Basic speed laws


Because of the lack of reasonable expectation of privacy in open fields, the protections of the fourth amendment do not apply. true or false?


Because the woman knew the man who was physically threatening her, she agreed to have Sex with him to avoid injury, providing he used a condom. In this case, Rape was committed. True or False

knock and notice

Before entering dwelling to serve a warrant, officer must do this before entering

Anthrax, Botulium Toxins, Brucellosis, Cholera, Hemorrhage Fevers, Plague, Q-Fever, Ricin, Rift Valley Fever, Saxitoxins, Staph, Tricothecene Myotoxins, etc are this type of WMD agent.

Biological WMD agents

BNICE is an acronym which stands for _____. It is used to describe WMD's materials being used in them. The LD follows BNICE because for the average responder, radiological and nuclear emergencies are functional the same.

Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, Explosive

What are the three effects an IED causes to damage the human body

Blast pressure, Fragmentation, and Thermal Effects

These agents are designed to cause red skin [erythema], eye damage, respiratory damage, gastrointestinal damage, and are also known as "Vesicants"

Blister agents

A driver says he cannot perform the breath test because he has asthma. He must now submit to a ___ test.

Blood test

Class C or Electrical fires can be put out with an all purpose extinguisher, a dry chemical extinguisher, or a _____ extinguisher.

CO2, Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher


By law, a service animal must be allowed to accompany the individual anywhere the individual goes, with the exception of some parks and zoos. True or false

implied consent

By obtaining a drivers license a person has given implied consent to chemical testing without a warrant


Circs NOT likely to produce GBI or death to a child when committing PC 273a Child hharm, Injury, Endangerment is classified as a _____.


Circs likely to produce GBI or death to a child when committing PC 273a Child harm, Injury, Endangerment is classified as a _____.

A circular ____ ____ requires a driver to stop at a marked limit line, if there is no limit line, stop before entering the crosswalk, if there is no crosswalk, stop before entering the intersection. Driver must remain stopped until the got has changed and it's safe to proceed.

Circular red light

Anyone driving a two-axle vehicle weighing 26,000 pounds or less, A house car of 40 feet or less, a motorized scooter or a three wheeled motorcycle must have at least a Class ___ Driver's License on them

Class C

_____ ____ are mostly small-time operations which process an unsophisticated product; the operator usually doesn't have a chemistry background and is often a user himself.

Clandestine labs

Anyone driving any combination of vehicles if the vehicle being towed weighs over 10,000 pounds, vehicles towing more than one vehicle, trailer buses must have at least a Class ____ license

Class A

Anyone driving a single vehicle that weighs over 26,000 pounds, single vehicles with three or more axles, except those weighing less than 6000 pounds or less, buses, farm labor vehicles, must have at least a Class ___ Driver's license.

Class B

Of the 5 functions within ICS, this function is responsible for overall policy and guidance for the incident.


What are the basic components of the ICS. There are five.

Command, Operations, Planning and Intel, Logistics, Finance


Considered public wrongs against the people of the state of California


Deep wound through the skin and other tissue caused by arrows, knives, Nails, Bullets, Impaled objects


Degree of burn where the skin appears red, like a mild sunburn

Angel dust, sherms, KJ, kool joint, Robo, Triple C, Dex

Dissociative Anesthetics


Dogs whose sole purpose is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA. True or False

Disagreements between family or household members that do not involve violence, threats, or court order violations, that only require officers to assists in conflict resolution.

Domestic Dispute

A man and a woman were engaged for six months and had frequent arguments, but they didn't hit or threaten each other. Is this domestic violence or dispute?

Domestic dispute

Brake fade

Downhill driving has the potential for overheating brakes resulting in ______ _____ and or brake failure

Emergency Vehicle

Drivers encountering any _____ _____ displaying red lights and sirens must Yield the right-of-way, Pull to the right side of the road, and Stop

Move on to the next victim

During a multiple victim assessment, you notice a person is unconscious and not breathing. You clear his airway then measure again and he is still not breathing. What do you do next?

15 to 2

During two person CPR, infants and children should receive chest compression to breath ratio of

After the 2 minutes of officer performing ventilation, gives one more breath, as chest is falling, rescuers switch positions

During two person CPR, when is a good time to switch positions?

Explosive type is wrapped in white or colored wax paper, in stick or cylindrical form, varying in size, and is highly stable.


The peace officer's role in traffic enforcement can be summed up in the three E's of traffic...

Education, Enforcement, and Engineering

There are two types of decontamination should it be required in the event of deployment of a WMD. What are they?

Emergency decontamination requires brushing off contaminants, removal of outer garments, flushing with large amounts of water and the other is Technical decontamination which can only be done by trained professionals.

A valid domestic violence related order, issued by a court of another state, commonwealth, territory, or tribe which must be honored and enforced in this state.

Foreign Order

First responder's

Evaluating the emergency - Ensuring the officer's, the injured persons' and the public's safety - taking necessary enforcement actions related to the incident - and initiating actions regarding care of the injured persons should be assumed as who's responsibility.


Every Burglary of an inhabited dwelling, house, vessel, floating home, trailer coach, or inhabited portion of any building is Burglary of the____ degree?


Every battery contains the lesser crime of_____, which means attempted battery

Assault by a public officer

Every public officer-who under color of authority-without lawful necessity-assaults or beats a person is guilty of the crime of...

Who has to wear helmets while riding a bicycle, in a trailer attached to the bicycle.

Everyone under 18.

In front of a Tavern, in front of a person's house, in an area of racial strife, in an area close to passing traffic are all areas not to perform this test.



For the victim of a sex crime it should be explained the importance of a medical/legal exam should be completed with __ hours or longer depending on the circs.


For victims and witnesses of a criminal act, officers should be considerate of the person's disability and special needs. True or False

Control holds, personal self-defense weapons, devices to secure compliance

Force options available for an Actively Resistant subject who braces, tenses, runs away or verbally intends not to be taken into custody.


Frequently the most difficult step in the active listening step is the____ of the speaker's message

Penal Codes 11141 and 13302

Furnishing CORI to any unauthorized person is a misdemeanor and violates PC's...

Reckless driving is a misdemeanor, it could be enhanced however if...

GBI occurs to anyone other than the driver of the car. Previous reckless driving will also weigh in on the decision to upgrade it to a felony

The difference between 20002 and 20001, Misdemeanor and felony Hit and Run is the collision resulting in...

GBI or death

Vandalism, Misdemeanor

Gang members wandering a neighborhood, spray painted their gang symbol on sidewalks and walls of buildings causing $300 in damage. What crime is committed? What crime classification is it?

Drivers 16 and older must wear seat belts while driving on any ______.



If a person has been ______ , they they do not have the right to refuse a fingerprint examination.

malice aforethought

If a reasonable person had time to "cool off" between the provocation of heat of passion with someone and the act of killing that person, then ____ ____ is implied, and murder is the crime.


If a reporter files a report in good faith for suspected child abuse, and it turns out wrong, the reporter can now face criminal and/or civil liability. True or false


If a subject demonstrates superior physical skills over a smaller, weaker officer, that officer may consider that as an important factor for using deadly force. True or false


If a subject threatens an officer with a weapon, or there is PC to believe that he committed a crime involving the infliction of GBI or death, an officer may use deadly force. True or False.


If a vehicle is in a place with a reasonable expectation of privacy, like a garage, a _______ should be obtained.

it is reasonable to believe it could be used as a weapon or have a weapon in it.

If an officer comes across a container on the person during a cursory frisk, he can open it only if...


If during a cursory pat search, an item is discovered that is immediately recognized as contraband (based on plain sight, smell or touch) the officer may seize it. true or false


If the age difference between the perpetrator and victim of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse is more than three years, the crime is a ______.


If the age difference between the perpetrator and victim of Unlawful Sexual Intercourse is three years or less, the crime is a ______.


If the arrest is made pursuant to a warrant, felony or misdemeanor, the arresting officer must proceed with the arrestee as commanded in the _____.


If the suspect intent for vehicle theft was to permanently deprive the owner, the suspect may be arrested for_____ Theft.

initiated or continued

If the threat to public safety is greater than the need to apprehend the suspect, then the pursuit should not be _______ or _______.

Check for major bleeding, treat for shock, place victim in the recovery position

If the victim has a pulse, is breathing, but is unconscious and you do not suspect spinal injuries or major bleeding

Mild airway obstruction

If the victim indicates an airway problem, like choking, but is able to speak or cough, the victim is experiencing a

Severe airway obstruction

If the victim is choking and the obstruction cannot be removed, has labored breathing, or is turning blue or Grey they should be treated as though they have a

rescue breathing

If the victim is not breathing but has a pulse, what should be done next?

Turn victim's body to the side, wipe the victims mouth, recheck airway, return to supine position, return to rescue breathing

If the victim vomits during rescue breathing, what should you do?

What makes a D.U.I. a felony?

If while driving impaired the driver causes GBI to any person other than the driver himself. 23153[a]

2.5 ounces or less

It is lawful to purchase, possess or use tear gas in the form of an aerosol spray with a net weight of ____ ounces or less, solely for self defense


In regards to PC 452, Unlawfully Causing a Fire, this means that a reasonable person is aware of and consciously disregards a substantial and unjustifiable risk that his act will set fire to burn or cause to burn a structure, forestland, or property

Precursory acts

In report writing, what are the events that led up to your encounter with the subject, how the officer arrived on the scene, and what observations helped the officer assess the situation?


In searching a commercial establishment, peace officers may not detain everyone who is present, but rather only those that appear ___ to the suspected criminal activity


In securing areas to obtain a warrant, probable cause and certain _______ must exist that the evidence may be destroyed before a search warrant is obtained.


In self defense, an officer shoots at an armed suspect and kills a bystander. It happened in the course of duty. Is this justifiable?

violent injury

In the context of assault, means any act of trying to strike, kick, or otherwise harm someone; it does not require violence or actual injury (spitting, throwing water, verbal abuse)


In the course of questioning a woman who was a companion of a man arrested for armed robbery, a woman reaches for her purse. Is it reasonable to believe a weapon might be in the bag?

Disarming an Officer

In the course of resisting a peace officer, a person also attempts to remove or removes the officer's firearm or any other weapon his is guilty of the crime of.

Chemical agents can be broken down into two categories...

Incapacitating agents, like, OC spray, CS gas, not usually lethal; and toxic agents, like Nerve, Blister, Choking, and Blood agents.

Molotov cocktails are common _____ devices.

Incendiary devices

Continually gathering information and maintaining communications with all those involved ongoing responsibility of the _____ _____.

Incident commander

Terrorists threat warnings, unusual occurrences, presence of hazardous materials in unusual locations, abandoned vehicles, luggage, packages, suspicious activity, Info received from the community.

Indicators that may precede deployment of a WMD


Individuals who are blind are required to carry a cane or have a guide dog to identify them as being disabled. True or False


Individuals with____ may exhibit characteristics similar to the effects of drug use or intoxication.

Probable Cause

Info obtained from CLETS because it is unreliable is not sufficient alone for establishing _____ _____ necessary for conducting a search or placing a person under arrest.

The department's Terrorism Liaison Officer, State Terrorism Threat Assessment Center, Cal Sate Warning Centers, Federal Terrorism Screening Centers are all sources of ______ available to officers to aid in identifying potential terrorists.


This "Cycle" involves an ongoing and never ending process of knowing what needs to be collected, collecting, processing, analyzing, production through writing, converstaion, or presentation, and finally, evaluation and feedback.

Information cycle

A driver who is operating a vehicle without the proper classification of license has committed a _____.


It is a ____ for any person under 21 to even register any on a Preliminary Alcohol Screening test


Exceeding the posted 65 maximum speed limit on a highway is a _____. Driving in excess of 100 miles per hour is a ____.

Infraction, Infraction

Can be found in solvents, aerosols, and anesthetic gasses


This class of drugs impairs performance by blocking the passage of oxygen to the brain, producing disorientation and slurred speech. Usually produces feeling of excitement and confusion. Solvents, aerosols, nitrates, nitrous oxide, ether, chloroform.


Whippits, poppers, toluene, butane, hydrocarbons, nitrous oxide


double vision, slurred speech, poor coordination, headache and nausea, possible unconsciousness, hallucinations, nasal secretion, watering eyes are indicators of the use of this class of drugs


What are the common routes of exposure for WMD materials?

Inhalation, Ingestion, Injection, and Absorption

What are the common methods for taking heroin?

Injection, intranasal or snorted, smoked, orally, and as eye drops.

When children see a perpetrator of DV suffer no consequences, they begin to see violence as an acceptable mode of behavior. This shapes the next generation of adults and how they handle domestic situations. This is called ______.

Intergenerational chain of violence

usually include state sponsored terrorists, formalized terrorist groups, and loosely affiliated radical extremists.

International terrorism groups

Spirit of the law

Interpreting law in accordance with the intent of the legislative body rather than the literal meaning of the statute


It is a _______ to furnish or possess a switchblade knife on one's person OR within the passenger compartment of a vehicle.


It is considered lawful for parents to reasonably discipline their children, including reasonable use of corporal punishment. True or False


It is essential that officers properly _____ their vehicle before and after each tour of duty.

"Police jargon"

It is unrealistic for the public to understand all of the language associated with with the officer's knowledge. Using___ ____ should be avoided when speaking in public

Method of Entry, Method of Starting Engine, Method of Removal

Just as in other cases, a Modus Operandi may be associated with vehicle thefts. What are three possible considerations for establishing M. O. For a vehicle theft?


Just because two people are or were in a marital or dating relationship, consent is not assumed. True or False

PC 288a Oral Copulation

Just touching the mouth to the sexual organ or anus of another complete the crime of _____ _____.

When the eyes do not cross in order to focus on an object as it moves towards the subject's face they are said to have a lack of ______.

Lack of convergence


Lack of shivering, rigid muscles/joints, slow shallow breathing, slow pulse, blue/Grey skin color are indicators of_____ hypothermia

Penal Codes 11142 and 13303

Lawfully receiving CORI and then furnishing that info to an unauthorized person is a misdemeanor and violates PC's...

This level of PPE includes the use of a gas mask with canister filers coupled with a Chem suit, boots, gloves, and a hood which provides only limited splash protection. Is similar to military' which allows them to work in a nerve agent incident.

Level C

The three main public safety priorities are...

Life versus Property, Crime scene protection, preservation of evidence

Knowing your Beat Areas / Hot Spots

Liquor stores, pawn shops, problem neighborhoods) Low traffic areas, Traffic choke points (congested roadways)

Municipal Police, County Sheriff, County Marshal, Airport Police, Housing Authority, Transportation Police, Port Authority, School Police

List Four Local Agencies

Knowing your Beat Areas / Potentially Dangerous Areas

Local Hazards (Potholes, roads that freeze, easily flooded areas, mudslides potential areas, dry areas that can catch fire.

What does L.I.N.E.R. Stand for when responding to unusual occurrences?

Locate, Identify, Notify, Evacuate, Respond

Cerebral Palsy

Loss of motor skills, awkward gait, grimacing or drooling, limited range of motion, involuntary, jerky movements, slow and slurred speech, and a limited sensation of touch or pain are all behavioral indicators of this developmental disability.

A man tried to call the police using his cell phone when his girlfriend grabbed it from his hand and threw it against the wall making it inoperable. What crime as she committed. Classification?

Malicious destruction of wireless services. Misdemeanor

The three main street drugs that come from the cannabis plant are...

Marijuana, hashish, hash oil

REG #, ENG #, Boat Hull #, OAN

Minimum information needed for inquiry into ABS


Minimum information required to access SVS


Minimum requirements for an inquiriy into MUPS for MISSING PERSONS

Physical Descriptors such as SEX, RACE, AGE, HEIGHT

Minimum requirements for an inquiriy into MUPS for UNIDENTIFIED PERSONS

Status offenders

Minors found to be habitually truant, or habitually refusing to obey reasonable rules of school authorities or parents are referred to as _____ _____.


Minors held in an unlocked room and handcuffed are not considered to be in ______ detention.


Minors in each category must be ______ from minors in each other category within a law enforcement facility.

A person has a syringe without a prescription. Is this a crime? Felony or Misdemeanor


Any person operating a motor vehicle who willfully flees a pursuing officer is guilty of a _____.


Failing to comply with a lawful order of any officer who is in uniform and performing under any provision of the Vehicle Code is a _____.


Heroin is made from _____, which is made directly from opium.



NCIC and NLETS are information systems on the _______ level (state, nat'l, or Oregon)

Droopy eyelids, nodding off, slow breathing, slow speech, low raspy voice, injection sites, puncture wounds, dry skin and mouth, itching, scratching, euphoria, cold extremities are all indicators of the use of this class of drugs.

Narcotic Analgesics

This class of drugs is used to relieve pain, is very addictive, can produce withdrawal symptoms when chronically used. Opiates like Demerol, Methadone and Opioids like morphine, codeine, heroin. Also Vicodin and Percodan.

Narcotic Analgesics


The crime classification for using offensive words in public which are likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction


No state may limit privelages or immunities of US citizens

Adults may use a wireless communications device in the car while driving only if they use voice activated or Bluetooth devices. Is it the same for drivers under 18?

No, a violation of this offense is an infraction with a base fine of $20 and $50 for each subsequent offense.

A driver must Yield the right of way to a pedestrian who is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk. Does the driver have to wait until the pedestrian has completely cleared the crosswalk before proceeding?

No, if the pedestrian has moved far enough out of the way that the possibility of conflict longer exists, the vehicle can continue.

Civil Law

Non-criminal violations of the law

good cause

Normally a search warrant can only be served between the hours of 7am and 10pm, but if officers can show ____ ____, the magistrate may allow them to conduct it at other hours

Possessing or Receiving Personal Property with Altered Serial Numbers or Identification Marks.

Officer walks into a pawn shop. She noticed that a TV had its serial numbers scratched off When questioned about it, the owner of the pawn shop admitted that he knew the serial numbers were Altered. The owner is guilty of what crime, since he knowingly was selling the item with Altered Serial Numbers?

probable cause

Officers can obtain fingerprint samples if they have that person's consent or _____ _____ to believe the person was involved in criminal activity

passenger compartment & arrest

Officers may search the _____ _____ of a vehicle if they have made a valid custodial _____ of any occupant in the vehicle.


Officers must continually________ the subject's action and must be prepared to transition as needed to the appropriate force option at that moment.

probable cause

Officers must have ______ ______ to search a vehicle warrantless.

Criminal liability, Civil liability, Departmental discipline.

Officers who fail to abide the American Disabilities Act and Civil Code 54.1 may be subject to any of these three actions against him.

Any sign, signal or marking placed by public authority for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic.

Official Traffic Control Device


Penal Code 266i addresses Pandering, which is like Pimping only without collecting money for the arranging of a prostitute. What is the crime classification for Pandering?

Tampering with a vehicle, reckless driving, failure to perform duties at a collision, speed contests or exhibitions of speed, driving while license is suspended or revoked, riding a bicycle or motorized scooter under the influence, and disobeying an officer are conditions where it is ____ to bring the person before a magistrate.

Optional, the other option is to give the person a notice to appear.


Oral Copulation is a _____ intent crime.

Time, distance and cover is a good way to protect against expoure to chemical agents. Various levels of ____ can be worn according to which agent was released.


The role of a peace officer is to respond to the event, prevent harm, and return the community to _____ and _____.

Peace and tranquility

seizure of a person

Peace officer's physical application of force or a person's voluntary submission to a peace officer's authority.

preservation of life, escorting supplies during emergency or time of war.

Peace officers may conduct a Code 3 escort under the following circumstances. [There are 2]

Any person who is afoot, or is using a means of conveyance other than a bicycle, such as electric personal mobility devices including segway, and electric wheelchairs.



Penal Code 266h addresses Pimping. What is the crime classification for Pimping?


The crime classification for willfully and maliciously disturbing another person by loud and unreasonable noises.


Per PC 263.2[a] the peace officer is required to provide the victim with a "Victims of Domestic Violence" brochure. It contains info about victim services. True or False


Per PC 293[a], the officer is responsible for informing the victim their name will become a matter of public record unless they request ________.

Of the 5 functions within ICS, this one Collects, disseminates, and evaluates information, prepares an operational plan, Maintains documentation of the response effort, reports demobilization plans, and situational reporting,

Planning and Intel


Physical abuse of a child is a _____ intent crime.


Problem solving, addressing quality of life issues, partnerships with the community, partnerships with other agencies, and internal and external resources are all essential components of ____ policing

jurisdiction. No

Prompt notification is necessary when it appears a pursuit is about to enter another agency's ______. Does that mean they are requesting them to join in the pursuit?

Grand Theft

Property taken from the person of another regardless of the value is considered Petty or Grand Theft?

When responding to a dangerous or injured animal, sighting of wild animals, or exotic animal sightings, officers should not destroy the animal unless it becomes a threat to ____ safety


Incubation is the time it takes the exposed person to show signs of the onset of the disease. Those taking immune suppressing substances, like transplant patients, or those who have weak immune systems will be affected _____ than healthier people.



Reasonable force is determined by the totality of the circumstances evaluated by the officer at the scene at the time of the incident. Not 20/20 hindsight. True or False


Reasonable suspicion cannot be based on a hunch or instincts. True or False


Reasonable suspicion of criminal activity must exist to make a lawful _____

What does the acronym RAIN stand for? It is used to outline protective measures for LE to take while responding to WMD threats.

Recognize, Avoid, Isolate, Notify

Vehicle / Vessel Registration database

Records in this DMV database are intended to prevent the registration of stolen vehicles and boats

Crime scene

Recovered stolen vehicles are a form of physical evidence and should be preserved as a ____ _____.

What other reflectors are required on a bike besides the white lamp when riding during the hours of darkness?

Red reflector visible to the rear, White or yellow pedal reflectors visible to the front and rear, side reflectors or reflectorized tires

All modern vehicles must have two operating stop lamps and be visible up to 300 feet ring sunlight or nighttime. Made after 1979, those stop lamps must be what color?

Red. Before 1979 they must be yellow or red

A device by which any person or property may be drawn upon a highway, except a device moved by human power [bicycle] or upon Stationary rails or tracks.


Prevent Crime, Assure Victims Rights, Protect Life and Property, Apprehend Offenders, Enforce the Law, Dispense Equal Justice, Guarantee Due Process

Seven primary goals of Criminal Justice sytem (PAPA ED G)


Sex crimes can be overwhelming to an officer. It's important to maintain emotional control and ______ .

Unlawful Sexual Intercourse

Sexual Intercourse with a child deals with this crime.

PC 286 Sodomy

Sexual conduct consisting of contact between the penis of one person and the anus of another person...

Unlawful Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse with a minor who is not married to the perpetrator.

Lewd or Lascivious Acts with a Child

Sexual touching of a child deals with this crime.

PC 646.9, When a person willfully, maliciously and repeatedly follows or harassed another person and makes a credible threat, with intent of placing that person in reasonable fear for his or his family's safety. Classification?

Stalking, Felony

A woman received another letter from her ex-husband, threatening to follow her home from work and give her, "what is coming." Crime and classification?

Stalking, felony


Staring spells, disorientation, lethargy, slurred speech, staggering, tic-like movements, rhythmic movements of the head, purposeless sounds and body movements, dropping of the head, and a lack of response are all behavioral indicators of this developmental disability.

temporary custody

Status offenders and Wards must be advised of their legal rights when they have taken into ______ _____ without a warrant.

A driver facing a steady ____ ____ shall stop at a marked limit line, etc. and remain stopped until an indication remitting movement is shown.

Steady red arrow

Paranoia, increased alertness, insomnia, body tremors, increased respiration, loss of appetite, rapid speech, agitation, sweating, are all indicators of the use of this class of drugs.


This class of drugs excite the brain, accelerate the heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. They tend to increase activity and promote a sense of well being. Examples are cocaine, and methamphetamine.


A man and a woman who bought their condo and began living together in the spring, even though they didn't plan on getting married until fall, would be considered cohabitants. True or False?


A person who last drove a runaway vehicle which became involved in a collision resulting in property damage is required to fulfill all of the same communication requirements as any other collision. True or False


A third brake light may be added to the car but must be mounted in the center of the rear window and cannot be visible to the driver. T or F


A vehicle with its alarm activated and is causing a disturbance can be towed. True or False


A light yellow to brown or light grey explosive that comes in three forms, cast, pressed or flake. Used in demo charges and grenades. Standard military explosive.

T. N. T. [Trinitrotoluene]


T/F A principal does not have to be present during the actual commission of the crime


T/F Police have the obligation to investigate any potential criminal violations, even in cilvil matters.


T/F Reasonable suspicion is required to justify a detention.


T/F The person who aids and abets does not have to have knowledge of the unlawful purpose (intent) of the actual perpetrator of the crime


The crime classification for any person who commits elder or dependent adult abuse which could produce, less, than great bodily harm or death or places them in a situation that the person or health is endangered.


The ____ __ ____ Vehicle Code 21963, says that a pedestrian totally or partially blind person, who is carrying a predominantly white cane or using a guide dog shall have this; and it is a misdemeanor for failing to yield to that that person.


The ability to exercise a restraining or directing influence over something.


The crime classification for kidnapping is

PC 288a Oral Copulation

The act of copulating the mouth of one person with the sex organ or anus of another without consent.


The admissibility of statements made by a mentally retarded person, placed under arrest, may be brought into question if the person did not clearly understand those rights. True or False

securely detained

The allowance of two phone calls within an hour, the purpose of the detention, the length of time the secure detention is expected to last, and the six hour maximum time limit, is information that must be conveyed to a minor upon being

0.75 seconds, 1.5 seconds

The amount of time it takes to detect and identify a hazard is ____ seconds. To make a decision and initiate an action is the same amount of time. So the typical perception/reaction time is ____ seconds.


The crime classification for any person who commits elder or dependent adult abuse which could cause the elder great bodily harm or be placed in a situation such that the person or health is endangered


The badge is a symbol of____ ____.. Forming community partnerships is impossible without it.

(CAPPE) Court commitment document, arrest warrant, parole or probation commitment, probable cause arrest, en route prisoner commitment

The circumstances that ensure a legal basis for commitment to custody include these five... (CAPPE)


The crime classification for unlawful fighting

Space cushion

The clear area surrounding a vehicle that includes the front, sides, and rear of the vehicle is called the _____ cushion.

And on the sternum at the imaginary nipple line. Place second hand over the first one.

The compression point for adults and children 1-8 is the same. What is it?

One finger width below an imaginary line between the nipples

The compression point for an infant is

Unlawful fighting or challenging to fight, in a public place, or place open to public view or access.

What are the crime elements for 415[1] Disturbing the Peace for Unlawful Fighting


The driver or owner of a vehicle who knowingly permits any person to discharge any firearm from the vehicle is guilty of a ______.

Criminal Negligence

The failure to exercise ordinary care

Hands on, physical control, control holds to move or immobilize subject

The force options available for a Passive Resistant subject who does not respond to verbal commands but also offers no physical form of resistance

The infant [1], was under the age of one year, [2], appeared to have been healthy prior to death, [3], died during sleep, and [4], had no visible signs of trauma or injury at time of death.

The four primary indicators of a SIDS related death are:

Preliminary Hearing

The judicial step that determines if there is enough evidence to hold a defendant for trial


The judicial step that permits a defendant an unhampered preparation of a defense before trial


The judicial step where the court informs the defendants of the charges, eligibilty for bail, right to counsel, trial by court or jury


The judicial step where the person is taken into custody


The most efficient route through a corner may include multiple lanes, but should not include the ____ lanes of traffic.

quickly and safely

The objective of emergency code 3 driving is to get to the scene _____ and _____.

least restrictive

The officer should take the _____ _______ alternative for the juvenile while providing for the safety of the community and the juvenile

in a private residence, but not carried on a person, or in a vehicle that is not in a public place or place open to the public

The possession of a switchblade knife is not a crime if the knife is located...

juvenile court judge

The only time a juvenile can be placed in an adult jail or lockup is upon orders by a ____ ____ judge. Even then, the minor must be segregated from all adult prisoners.

As soon as practical

The parents of a juvenile taken into temporary custody must be advised [when] ________ of the custody and where the minor is being held.

Peripheral vision

The part of a driver's view that lies outside central vision, and extends to about 160-180 degrees horizontally and 100 degrees vertically is especially helpful in detecting moving hazards outside central vision.

Release, Cite, take person to nearest magistrate

The peace officer's duty in response to a private person arrest

PC 243 Sexual Battery

The person's intimate parts are touched without consent and with specific intent to achieve sexual arousal, sexual gratification or sexual abuse

Judicial Review

The power held by the judicial branch that permits review of the legislative/executive and declare void acts that violate the constitution


The practice of influencing people while using ethical values and goals to produce an intended change


The practice of influencing people while using ethical values and goals to produce an intended change.

Quickly and safely

The primary objective of all peace officers responding to an emergency call should be to get to the call as ____ and ___ as possible.


The reason it is so imperative that each use of force documentation be thorough and comprehensive is an officer's memory may fade, evidence may be destroyed, a witness may be unavailable or can't be located. True or False

No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself.

The purpose of Miranda warnings


The purpose of a _____/____ exam is to collect, preserve, and document evidence of a sex crime.

Initial Survey

The rapid 30-45 second systematic assessment of a victim to determine if life threatening conditions exist is called

Murder rule

The state of mind of malice aforethought may be implied when any killing happens during an arson, robbery, burglary, mayhem, train wrecking, rape, carjacking, kidnapping or drive by shooting. This is known as the felony ___ ___.


The taking of a person into custody in a case and manner authorized by law.


The victim must consent to the medical/legal exam. It is mandatory. The victim can't withdraw their consent at any time during the examination either. True or False.

Constitutional law, Statutory Law and case law

The three origins of law found in today's legal system are:

PC 289 Penetration with a Foreign Object

The use of a foreign or unknown object for the purposes of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse, to penetrate, however slight, the genital or anal openings against the person's will or causes another person to do so.

probable cause

There is ______ ____ to arrest when a set of facts exist that would cause a person of ordinary care to entertain a strong belief that the person to be arrested is guilty of committing a crime

The taking and carrying away of, personal property of another, without consent, with intent to permanently deprive the owner

To arrest a subject for theft, the necessary crime elements include:

Paraphrasing, Asking questions/Clarify, Summarizing, Empathizing

These four techniques can help project to others that you are actively listening and interested in what they are saying. (PASE)

look listen and feel for breathing

To assess if the subject is breathing, position yourself with ear near the mouth, eyes looking at the chest, and for five to ten seconds _____,______ and ______ for breathing

5150 W and I

This Welfare and Institutions Code States that any person who as a result of a mental disorder is a danger to others, himself, or gravely disabled may, upon probable cause be taken by a peace officer or designated person to a designated facility for 72 hour treatment and evaluation.

Lantern, Petris, Short Developmental Disabilities Act

This act was written to establish the State of California's responsibility for, and the coordination of, services for people with developmental disabilities, like mental retardation, cerebral Palsy, epilepsy, autism, Down's Syndrome, Tourrette's Syndrome.


This bleeding control method uses a device to close off all blood flow to and from a limb, should only be used for life threatening conditions as a last resort when all other methods have failed

Obstruction of a Public Way

This crime occurs when a person willfully and maliciously obstructs the free movement of any person, on any public way

Willfully and maliciously, disturbing another person, by loud and unreasonable noises

What are the crime elements for 415[2] Disturbing the Peace by Loud and Unreasonable Noises

Unknown object

This includes any foreign object, substance, instrument, device, or any part of the body, including the penis [if it is not known what object penetrated the body]


This multiple victim assessment category defines these people as breathing, and with circulation but unable to follow commands like "open your eyes"


This multiple victim assessment category defines these people as dead or not breathing

Front end swing

This occurs when the driver turns the steering wheel while driving in reverse. The more the steering wheel is turned, the more exaggerated it is.


This occurs when the seller, an employee, or licensed person, recovers or takes back with complete control, goods that were sold under a conditional sales contract when the buyer fails to pay for them

A vehicle is left standing or is abandoned on the highway and is obstructing traffic. What should be done with this vehicle?

Tow the vehicle


This refers to the rhythm in the voice and can change the meaning of a sentence.


This term includes money, labor, animals, crops, or real or personal items

Secure Detention

This term is used when a minor in temporary custody, in an LE facility, is locked in a room and/or is physically secured to a cuffing rail or other stationary object.

Real property

This term means land and immovable property, affixed to or growing from that land. Also referred to as real estate.

Proactive approach

This type of approach to policing means anticipating problems and acting in advance to mitigate future incidents

Reactive approach

This type of approach to policing means responding to activity and problems after they have taken place.

Unreasonable fear

This type of fear includes overreacting to true potential threats as well as to unreal threats based on prejudice or poor application of a past experience.

Specific Intent

This type of intent is an element of the crime that must be proven

General Intent

This type of intent is presumed and does not have to be proven.

Specific Intent

This type of intent is recognized by the language of the statutes, such as, with intent to, or , for the purpose of

Vicarious liability

This type of liability holds an agency responsible for the conduct of it's officers, which can make them civilly liable and sued for inadequate training or failure to supervise adequately.

Personal property

This type of property includes any movable objects owned by an individual; all property other than real estate

shuffle steering

This type of steering allows for greater control, weight transfer control, and minimizes the potential for air bag injury in the event of a collision.

Lanterman-Petris-Short Act

This was established in 1968 with the intent of reforming commitment laws pertaining to mental health treatment in an effort to balance the communities' rights with the rights of individuals to freedom and due process under the law.

civilly liable

Title 42 states individuals acting under color of law who deprive someone of legal rights can be held ____ ____

Judicial, Executive, Legislative

Three branches of government

Expressed, Implied, Conditional

Three ways a person can waive Miranda warnings

Self protection concept from nuclear/radioloical WMD's include applying these three things...

Time, distance, shielding

federal crime

Title 18 Section 241 makes it a _____ _____ for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate someone for something they have a legal right to do.

federal crime

Title 18 Section 242 makes it a ______ ____ to deprive a person, under color of law, of any legal right, or to punish a person differently because of race, color, or citizenship

Why is it important to pull a suspected drunk driver over as soon as practical?

To allow a driver to proceed could result in a collision. A defense point could be raised as the officer was "not sure" and had to make a prolonged observation


To charge a person with Assault with Intent to Commit... crimes, the officer must establish the subject had _____ intent to commit a sex crime.


To delay or linger without a lawful purpose for being on the property AND for the purpose of committing a crime as opportunity may be discovered

FALSE- You may search either without cause or a warrant

To search a parolee or probationer you must have reasonable suspicion or a warrant


To use or threaten to use force or violence upon witnesses, victims or informants for providing assistance regarding a crime

Penal Codes 11143 and 13303

Unauthorized purchase, receipt or possession of CORI is a misdemeanor and violates PC's...


Uncooperative individuals during a detention may be handcuffed or placed in the back of the car. This does not necessarily escalate it to an arrest though. True or False

Heat of passion

Under manslaughter, this implies a blinding rage which clouds judgement and common sense and prompts a person to act rashly, without deliberation.


Unlawful Sexual Intercourse relates only to _____ - ______ intercourse.


Unlawful assembly is classified as a...


Unless both ____ and interrogation exist, there are no Miranda rights to invoke.

An unscheduled event involving potential injury or property damage which requires a law enforcement response

Unusual Occurrence

Refusal to Disperse, Misdemeanor

Upon being told to break up their unlawful assembly, protestors blocked the street in an act of disobedience. Now they are guilty of ____ __ _____. Which is a _______.

Deaf or hard of hearing

Use of signing, wearing hearing aids, use of a signal dog, speaking with difficulty, pointing to their ear, reaching for a pad and pencil, failing to respond to an officer's questions, are all behavioral indicators of a person who may be _____.

Pressure points

Used when bleeding is not controlled through direct pressure or elevation

probable cause exception

Warrantless vehicle search based on probable cause that the vehicle contains contraband or evidence of a crime. Also called automobile or vehicle exception

Threat to life, imminent threat, Type of crime, Type of weapon, Subject's capabilities, Officer's capabilities, Location of innocent bystanders.

What are some factors to consider before using deadly force?

Action (commission or omission) and Intent

What are the basic elements common to all crimes

Objective reasonableness

Whether society is prepared to recognize an individual's expectation of privacy as reasonable


a solid wall is so tall that the normal person can't see over it, does that mean the owners wish to block the view and access to the yard?

Materials readily available, renders emergency services virtually ineffective, devastates infrastructure, psychological fear/impact, difficult to countermeasure, and mass casualties are the _____ of using nuclear/radiological WMD's.



an officer has detained a person and has a general, non-specific concern for officer safety. Is that good cause for a cursory pat search?

If only one person in a DV call is assaultive or threatening, ____ that person if there is probable cause.


What is the most effective deterrent in preventing domestic violence when it occurs?

arresting the dominant aggressor

When directing traffic, several short blasts with the whistle means the officer is trying to get the ____ of a driver who does not respond.



canes, crutches, walkers, braces, prosthesis, motorized scooters or wheelchairs, service dogs, and personal attendants are all examples of mobility assistance equipment and devices people with disabilities will use. True or False

chlorine and phosgene are examples of ____ agents, and cause eye and airway irritation, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and delayed pulminary edema [water filling the lungs], usually causing permanent lung damage and loss of lung capacity.


If an officer is trapped in house on fire, he should ___ the door to the room he is in to separate himself from the fire and escape through a window on the first floor or call for help and wait on higher floors.


Every vehicle must have a muffler that is properly maintained and contains no ____ or bypass devices. It also cannot not emit excessive smoke or flame.


A driver involved in an accident resulting in injury or death must render reasonable assistance to any injured person including transportation to medical facility. He also must provide this information to peace officers at the scene. [3 things]

driver's/injured person's name and address, vehicle registration number, name and address of the vehicle's owner

Yes. probable cause based off knowledge and experience

during a cursory search, the officer could easily feel that an object was small and resilient like a heroin filled balloon. With that could an arrest be made. why?

yes, because it is illegal

during a search warrant for narcotics officers found a sawed off shot gun in the trunk. It's not listed on the warrant. Can they seize it?

Criminal Threats and Stalking are very similar, Stalking just adds the component of willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly ___ or ____ another person.

follows or harasses

imminent danger

means a significant threat that officers reasonably believe will result in death or GBI to themselves or to others.

Upon request, the driver involved in an accident shall provide driver's license info to: [3 people]

person struck, driver or occupants of the vehicle struck, peace officer at the scene

Current month and year of registration tabs shall be placed on the front or rear license plate?

rear, except tractor trailers

Accident or Mistake

someone who picks up a coat when she left quickly from a meeting because of ________ or ________


the compelling need to obtain CORI in order execute official responsibilities.


to maintain order, enforce the law, prevent crime, deliver service, educate and learn from the community, and work with the community to solve problems are all _____ of a police officer

A written report in all domestic violence calls is required. The report shall include whether the batterer was ____, whether there have been ____ calls at the same location, and whether _____ or deadly weapons were seized for safety reasons.

under the influence, previous calls, firearms seized

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