Final exam geo 142

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Why are there differences in agricultural workforce?

Advances in mechanized farm equipment, improved transportation, pesticides and fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs)


American-owned assembly factories along the US-Mexican border

How did Chicago quickly become a major industrial city?

Chicago Board of Trade founded in 1845; Railroad arrives in 1848; Union Stockyards (meat packing) open in 1865

According to the article, "A Great Wall of Waste," recent development in which country has led to big environmental challenges?


According to the video in the module, which country is currently creating artificial islands in the South China Sea in order to expand the territory under its sovereignty?


Which country has had the greatest overall growth in GDP in the past 10 years?


Concentric Zone Model

City grows outward in a series of rings. CBD in the center, then transition zone, then various rings of residential areas (3-blue collar residential, 4- middle income residential, 5-commuter residential)

Sector Model

City grows outward in sectors or wedges from the CBD

Central Business District (CBD)

Commercial heart of the city. Often includes financial centers, transportation centers, largest buildings in the city.

Transnational corporations:

Company with headquarters in one country (MDC) and operations in another country (LDC)


Control of territory already occupied by an indigenous group (ex: europeans claiming control of territory and conquering groups of people)


Movement of higher income residents back into the city center.

What influences where different types of agriculture are found?

Physical geography factors, economic factors, cultural factors

Geometric Boundaries

Regular straight-line boundaries drawn without influence by cultural or physical features. Often based on a parallel or meridian.

Debate over GMO crops and food products in global trade:

Strong opposition to GMOs outside the U.S. (Africa, Europe). GMOs have caused issues between trade between U.S. and other countries that oppose GMO agricultural products.

Transition zone

Surrounds the CBD. Varied types of land uses such as warehouses, factories, housing projects, older residential neighborhoods.

Farming methods that preserve the long-term productivity of the land is known as _________.

Sustainable Agriculture


Territory legally tied to a sovereign state and not independent

Which of the following states has the most electoral votes for the presidency?


Where is there a decline of production in the U.S.?

The "Rust Belt"(around Great Lakes/ midwest)

Development through self-sufficiency in countries:

The "inward looking" approach; focuses on poverty reduction.

Development through international investment and trade in countries:

The "outward looking" approach; loans from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund; Fair trade agreements with other countries

The loss of the grasslands in the Sahel region in Africa is due to a process known as ____________.


Examples of Unitary States

France, China, Kenya, Rwanda

Urbanization in MDCs

Higher percentages of urbanized populations (>75%) in MDCs (e.g., North America, Europe, Latin America). Many have already gone through rapid urbanization during industrialization, so urban growth is at a slower rate today.


Highly mechanized, large-scale farming usually operated by a corporation, specializing in a particular crop(in MDCs)

Federal forms of government are ideal for multinational states with many different ethnic groups. (T/F)


The Human Development Index uses economic, social, and demographic indicators to measure overall development of a country. (T/F)


How much impact do MDCs have in agriculture?(United States)

lLow % of population working in agriculture United states (2% of the U.S. workforce employed in agriculture today) but 44% in 1880.

The Green Revolution was an environmental movement in California in the 1990s to promote the use of organic agriculture. (T/F)


Which of the following are true about food deserts?

(B and C) B: They are areas where access to healthy, fresh food is limited. C: They are often found in low-income neighborhoods in cities.

Situation(of Chicago)

(Location Relative to other places). The need for a "Midwest Metropolis" in the mid - 1800s to link the East with the West. Chicago becomes a transportation center for grain/wheat, meat, and lumber.

Site(of Chicago)

(Physical Geography and Location) Chicago connects the Gulf of Mexico with the Great Lakes via rivers

What is the result of poor housing & sanitation?

10 million people die every year in urban areas due to this.

In what year did the famous Great Fire burn much of Chicago?


Reasons for the increase in organic farming:

1: concerns over health effects of GMOs, pesticides, etc. 2: more disposable income by consumers 3: increased environmental awareness by consumers 4: farmers switching to organic as a result of competition from agribusiness

How many people are expected to live in urban areas in 2050?

70% of the world's population

Satellite States

A buffer state that is controlled by a powerful neighboring state.


A country or territory completely surrounded by another country (ex: Lesotho)


A part of a country separates from the main part of the country (Alaska)

Buffer States

A small independent state lying between large powerful countries (ex: Nepal b/n china and india, Mongolia b/n russia and china)

Which of the following are true about Chicago?

A. Rapid population growth occurred in the late 1800s and early 1900s as it industrialized. B. the city became a key location for transportation of grain, wheat and lumber. C. The "plan of Chicago" by Daniel Burnham created many parks and protected green spaces in the city. E. All of the above.

Which of the following are true about the geography of hunger today?

A: Recent food riots demonstrate that food shortages are happening in some parts of the world. B: Hunger is more common in LDCs than MDCs. C: Although the Green Revolution prevented famine in recent decades, today we need a second Green Revolution to prevent future famines. (All of the Above)

When did humans switch from hunting and gathering to agriculture?(first great revolution)

Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolution (10000 B.C.)

How many people worldwide work in agriculture?

Agriculture employs about 40% of the global workforce

Which of the following can be challenges to the development of a country?

All of the Above: A. Limited natural resources B. High number of natural disasters such as floods or hurricanes C. Corrupt government or instability in the government D. Ethnic conflict

Examples of Geometric Boundaries:

Canada and U.S. from Minnesota to Washington (49 degree N), Alaska and Yukon territory (141 degee W)

Multi-Nuclei Model

CBD is not focus, but city can develop around several points or nuclei

Which 5 states make 40% of U.S. GDP

California, Texas, New York, Florida, Illinois

Unitary States

Central concentration of power. Most laws come from the central government that are passed to the rest of the state. Ideal form of government for smaller, nation states.

Examples of physical geography factors in relation to agriculture:

Climate, soils, topography, etc

Resistance to GMOs

Concerns over impacts on human health and the environment

Ecological impacts of agriculture:

Conversion of forest or grasslands to farmland. Change in illinois land cover patterns(1800-2000).

Examples of economic factors in relation to agriculture:

Cost of transportation, cost of farmland, etc.

Daniel Burnham's "Plan of Chicago" (1909) was proposed as a blueprint for the rebuilt city and did the following:

Created Lakeshore Drive connecting north and south city; Created Grant Park, Soldier Field, and museums for recreation; Protected parks and green space along Lake Michigan; Created Union Station passenger train station

According to Von Thunen's model, which type of agriculture is located closest to the market center?

Dairying and market gardening


Decline of primary and secondary industry and rise in service-based economy

What is happening as the world urbanizes?

Designing and planning "green" or sustainable cities is becoming very important.

3 primary indicators of development:

Economic (e.g., income, country's GDP); Social (e.g., education, literacy, gender equality, health); Demographic (e.g., life expectancy, infant mortality rate)

(S/O) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Economic supranational organization formed in 1994 to promote free trade; Canada, Mexico, United States

Following World War I, what type of political boundary has been most commonly used to create the current map of European countries?


Supranational Organizations

Exist when countries give up some portion of their sovereignty for political, economic, or military advantage

Centrifugal Forces

Factors that disrupt the internal order of a country

Centripetal Forces

Factors that promote national unity of a country

100 years ago, the U.S. economy had the most number of jobs in the tertiary sector of the economy (compared to primary and secondary jobs). Today, the U.S. economy has the most number of jobs in the primary sector of the economy. (T/F)


Access to services (drinking water, sewer, education) is easy to access in flavelas. (T/F)


According to the article "South and North Korean Families, Separated by War 65 Years Ago, Reunited" North Korea has recently lifted all restrictions on visits from South Korean citizens to visit family members in North Korea.(T/F)


Sustainable agriculture

Farming methods that preserve long-term productivity of land and minimizes degradation

Decentralizing forces:

Forces that result in the development of residential areas and economic activities outside the central city.

Centralizing forces:

Forces that result in the development of residential neighborhoods and economic activities inside the central city.

Natural Boundaries

Formed by some natural features (e.g., river, mountain range, desert, lake, ocean etc)

Ethnographic Boundaries

Formed from some cultural trait (e.g., language, religion, ethnicity etc)

(S/O) United Nations (UN)

Formed in 1945 after WWII; Goal is to prevent another world war; Previous efforts in the League of Nations after WWI; Today, 193 member states

(S/O) Arab League

Formed in 1945 to promote the interests of Arab countries in Middle East and North Africa

Which of the following are true about agriculture around the world?

GMOs are much more common in the United States compared to other parts of the world


Gender empowerment measure(close to 1 is good)

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Genetic modification and mixing of two or more organisms that may not mix naturally.

Food Deserts

Geographic areas where access to fresh, healthy foods is limited(commonly in poor urban neighborhoods)

The northern border between U.S. and Canada from Minnesota westward is an example of a(n) ____ border. The southern border b/n Texas and Mexico is an example of a(n) ___ border.

Geometric, natural

How do we measure economic production?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


Heavily fortified boundaries often between rival countries or ethnic groups (difficult to cross boundary)

Where is agriculture most common? (LDCs or MDCs)

High population in agriculture. 75% of population employed in agriculture in parts of Asia and Africa.


Human development index(measures progression of life expectancy, wealth, & education)

What is the impact of agriculture?

Human settle down in the same place; Agriculture --> food surplus--> cities

Squatter settlement:

Illegal housing settlement in the outskirts of an urban area.


In june 2016, a majority of voters in the UK voted in favor of leaving the EU

What is the cause of slums, poverty, and squatter settlements(especially in LDCs)?

In many LDCs, cities are growing so fast that housing and infrastructure cannot keep up with the growth.

Impacts of mechanization in agriculture

Increased production. Smaller percentage of the population in the farm labor force. Larger farm size

Benefits of GMOs

Increased yields, more resistant to pests, drought, etc

Kyoto Protocol, 1997 & Rais Accord, 2015 are examples of what?

International agreements (e.g., climate change)

What is a sign of Gerrymandering?

Irregular shaped districts

Von Thunen's model that describes the location of types of agriculture (ranching, dairying, etc.) is based on which two factors?

Land costs and transportation costs

In which regions of the world are export processing zones found most commonly?

Latin America and East Asia

Examples of LDCs that experience uneven development:

Latin America, Southeast Asia, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa

Grain farming and ranching farther from market center; Why?

Less intensive land use-->more land is needed, so farmers move away from the center of the city to less expensive land in the periphery. Transportation costs are lower for these products since there are not as perishable and can be moved to market over a longer period of time.

Uneven development

Level of development differs from place to place LDCs

Geographic factors that challenge development:

Limited natural resources; Physical geography (poor soils, low or high rainfall, etc); Vulnerability to natural disasters

Urbanization in LDCs

Lower percentages of urbanized populations (<40%) in LDCs (e.g., Central Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia); But, many LDCs are urbanizing at the fastest rates currently as they industrialize.

Who is in charge of favelas?

Many favelas are controlled by gangs and drug dealers, but Rio pacified some favelas before the 2016 summer olympics.

Common causes of desertification:

May be caused by overgrazing, excessive planting, tree cutting.(Africa)

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Measure of the overall economic production (in $$) for a city, state or country

(S/O) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Military supranational organization formed after WWII; Original goal to prevent spread of Communism during Cold War; European countries, Canada, and United States

Market gardening/truck farming (fruits and vegetables) and dairying are found closer to the market center; Why?

More intensive land use-->less land is needed, so farmers can afford the more expensive land near the center of the city. Transportation costs are higher for these products since these are perishable, so the goal is minimize travel distance and get goods to market center quicker.

Which supranational organization was created at the end of WW II as a military alliance to contain the spread of communism in Europe?


Top 5 cities in GDP:

NYC, LA, Chicago, Houston, Dallas

(S/O) European Union (EU)

Originally an economic supranational organization, but also political today; Euro common currency, borders between member countries opened up; Today, 28 member states

How does employment change over time by sector?

Over time, a country will industrialize. This changes the focus of the economy from the primary to the secondary and eventually to the tertiary.

Examples of Ethnographic Boundaries:

Pakistan (Muslim) and India (Hindu); former Yugoslavia; former Czechoslovakia

Institutional/Political factors that challenge development:

Political instability or government corruption; Ethnic conflict or discrimination

Federal States

Political power is shared between central government and the provinces. Ideal form of government for larger, multinational states.

Sustainable development

Practices that ensure the development has minimal impact on the natural environment.

Commercial Agriculture

Production of food primarily for sale. Common in more developed countries (MDCs)

Subsistence Agriculture

Production of food primarily for the farmer's family. Common in less developed countries (LDCs)

Examples of cultural factors in relation to agriculture:

Proximity to population centers; cultural preferences for food


Same as a country, a political functional region governed by a central authority within its boundaries.


Redrawing legislative districts or boundaries for the gain of one political party


Right of states to control political and economic affairs within their boundaries.

Examples of Natural Boundaries:

Rio Grande (Mexico and U.S.), Pyrenees Mountains (Spain and France), Lake Victoria (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda)

When the Soviet Union existed, Mongolia was independent but essentially controlled by the Soviet government. At that time, Mongolia was an example of a(n) ___.

Satellite State


Slum neighborhoods in Brazil's cities such as Rio de Janiero. 1.8 million people (35% of Rio's population) live in favelas.

Impacts of factory farms and agribusiness on agriculture:

Small independent farmers pushed out of business or switching to other types of niche farming (e.g., organic agriculture). Globalization of agriculture and the rise of transnational corporations. Environmental concerns.

Examples of decentralizing forces:

Suburbanization(1940s after WWII), office buildings, retail space, entertainment, and residential areas, typically more jobs than housing.


Sustainable development goals(monitors improvement)


The cultivation of domesticated crops and raising of domesticated animals

Which of the following are true about manufacturing in the United States?

The term "Rust Belt" is used to describe the decline in the manufacturing regions in the U.S. in recent decades

The Green Revolution:

The use of more productive agriculture techniques to improve yields(results) 1950-MDCs 1970/80-LDCs

Which of the following are true about the Global Goals for Sustainable Development?

They are developed and promoted by the United Nations

The purpose of gerrymandering is _____________.

To create oddly shaped voting districts that favor one candidate or party over another

Chiquita Bananas is a company with its headquarters in North Carolina but much of the bananas that it sells are grown in Mexico and Central America. This is an example of a _____________.

Transnational corporation

Von Thunen's model; core-periphery model based on two important factors:

Transportation costs and Land costs

A country experiencing civil war and ethnic unrest likely has more centrifugal forces than centripetal forces.(T/F)


According to the article "USDA Takes Accounting of Organic Farms," the number of organic farms in the United States is increasing. (T/F)


As a country develops it typically requires more natural resources, which can have a negative impact on the environment. (T/F)


What is a UXO?

Unexploded ordnance; used at heavily fortified zones (in more than 80 countries, 40-50 mil still in ground today)


Unintentional degradation of productive, semi-arid land into desert through human agricultural processes.

Examples of Federal States

United States, Canada, Russia, India, Switzerland

Examples of fortified zones:

West Bank Wall, Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

Examples of centralizing forces:

Young people, new restaurants, construction of apartments, coffee houses, art studios


Work transferred to lower paid workers in LDCs

Which of the following is an example of outsourcing?

Workers in Mexico hired by a company in the United States to produce clothing in a factory in Mexico.

Is globalization evident through the global food trade?

Yes, 50% of the U.S. food supply comes from outside the country, including 85% of seafood supply.

Is the United States a major contributor to GMOs worldwide?

Yes, widespread in U.S. over 60% of world's GM crops come from U.S.

Positive impacts of gentrification in urban areas:

lower crime, higher property values = more taxes for city

Negative impacts of gentrification in urban areas:

lower income residents are forced to move, neighborhood "identity" might change

How can we design cities that are environmentally friendly and ensure a good quality of life?

rooftop gardens/green spaces

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