Final Exam in World History

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An interest in abstract reasoning or interest in knowledge for its own sake.

Romes cultural legacy includes this.

Social unrest and the ambitions of a few powerful men destroyed the republic.

The Roman Republic came to an end because of this.


The Shang dynasty begins in China.

Brought China into a global trade network.

The Silk Roads played an important role during the Han dynasty because they did this.

It linked China with other civilizations and enabled trade.

The Silk road was important because of this.

reforming bureaucracy.

The Tang and the Sui dynasties strengthened the power of the central government by doing this.


The Zhou dynasty ends.

Population Growth

The agricultural revolution led to this.


The chief religion in early Japan was this.


The city of Rome is established.

the creation of the civil service system.

The compass and paper money were Chinese innovations that resulted from this.

Division of labor.

The division of society into merchants, artisans, and priests is an example of this characteristic of civilization.

Zhou Dynasty

Took power from Shang, claiming authority under the Mandate of Heaven. Learned to work iron, strengthened army. Confucianism and Daoism helped shape patterns of Chinese thought.

Major cities in the early river valley civilizations.

Ur, Uruk located near the tigris and the euphrates rivers. Memphis on the Nile river. Mohenjo Daro on the Indus river. Anyang near the Huang He river.

Indus Valley

Urban civilization characterized by large cities, such as Harappa and Mohenjo Daro. Uniformity of city planning and cultural elements suggests presence of a central authority. Traded manufactured goods with people of Central Asia, Arabia, and Mesopotamia. Writing system never translated.

The first known city and its location.

Uruk is located between the tigris and the euphrates rivers.

The things that scientists learned while studying the Neolithic farming societies by studying Catal Huyuk.

Villagers used channels to move water from the river to their fields. Villagers grew barley, peas, wheat, and grazed livestock in fields and pastures around the village. Inside homes, families cooked food, stored grain, used pottery, wooden bowls, and cups.


Civilization develops in the Indus Valley.

He was a tyrant.

Cleisthenes is important to the history of Athenian democracy because of this.


Confucius is born in China.

AD 1453

Constantinople becomes part of the Ottoman Empire.


Hammurabi becomes king of Babylon.

It dealt with everyone in the empire equally.

Hammurabis code is important because of this.

He expanded the empire and eventually worked to improve the lives of the people he ruled.

Mauryan emperor Ashoka is significant because of this.


Menes unifies Upper and Lower Egypt.


A city-state in Greek is called this.


Alexander the Great dies.

Catal Huyuk

An old neolithic village where people domesticated things.


Athens developed the worlds first democracy.


Buddha dies.

The worlds first empire.

By conquering many people, Sargon I created this in 2330BC.


By the 1500s Muslim empires controlled all of the following regions except this.


Characteristics of this include developed cities, record keeping and writing, and the specialization of labor.

written language.

China influenced this development of Japan.

moved the chinese capital to beijing

Chinas Zheng He is significant because he did this.


Christians in this country defeated the Muslims and drove them from power in the Reconquista.


Cyrus the Great founds the Persian Empire.

Shang Dynasty

Developed in the valley of the Huang He with capital at Anyang. Ruled by emperors. Religion centered on ancestor worship. Skilled at working with bronze. Developed Chinas first writing system and lunar calendar.

Through his policy of taxation.

During his rule, Ashoka contributed to Indian society through all of the following ways except this.

Pericles rebuilt the city with glorious monuments, patronized great artists, and encouraged democracy.

During the Golden age of Athens this happened.

More and more rights.

During the Roman Republic, Plebeians gradually gained this.

Geographic contributions to the development and spread of agriculture.

Each year, people saved and planted the seeds from only the hardiest plants. This led to the gradual growth of wild plants in more areas.

"Gift of the Nile."

Egypt is called this.

AD 1096

European Christians begin the Crusades for control of the Holy Land.

Neolithic Era

Farming and the domestication of plants and animals. Polishing of stone tools. Settlement of farming villages. Increases types of activities, trade, and differences in wealth. Pottery, weaving, and the plow.

Civilization develops in the Fertile Crescent

Flat land and river floods allow farming. Complex society with government and religion develops in Sumer. Military empires conquer and rule parts of the Fertile Crescent. Societies develop new laws, patterns of trade, and religions.


Hatshepsut becomes Egypts pharaoh and the Aryans gain power in India.

No single founder.

Hinduism is one of the worlds oldest religions and had this.

northern europe.

Historians believe that the Black death originated in this.

Vedic Period

Historians unsure where Aryan people came from. Communities led by rajas. Society divided into four varnas and hundreds of smaller castes. Religious beliefs outlined in the Vedas.

the ottoman empire

In the 1300s this Muslim empire expanded into Europe.


Indias Mauryan Empire begins.

The first cities and civilizations.

Irrigation leads to food surpluses. Development of division of labor. Rise of the first cities and civilizations. Development of government and religious institutions. Emergence of social classes. Invention of record keeping/writing.


Japanese feudalism differed from European feudalism in that it featured this.

AD 30

Jesus of Nazareth is crucified.

Nile civilizations

Kush and Egypt are under this civilization.

AD 1000

Lady Murasaki Shikibu writes the tale of genji, the worlds first novel.


Minoan civilization develops in Crete.

Main teachings of Judaism

Monotheism- the belief in one god. Justice and Righteousness- treating others well and always doing what is right. Ethics- living according to a set standard of behavior. Obedience- following Gods laws as set forth in the Torah.

Western Europe.

Over time, the culture of the Byzantine Empire was increasingly influenced by this.


People settle in the area of Sumer.


Sargon I creates the worlds first empire which happens to be in Mesopotamia.


Saul becomes king of Israel.

Renouncing the philosophy of legalism.

Shi Huangdi and the Qin strengthened China by this.


Shi Huangdi becomes emperor of China.

The eastern portion of the roman empire.

The Byzantine empire emerged from this.

it ended the feudal system in europe.

The Crusades effected the economy of Europe by this.

AD 320

The Gupta Dynasty takes over India.

It promoted Buddhism.

The Gupta empire had a lasting influence on India because of this.

It provided a model for all later Chinese dynasties and had a lasting influence on Chinese civilization.

The Han Dynasty in China is significant because of this.


The Han dynasty begins its rule of China.

Using the mita to keep track of taxes due so that everyone paid their share.

The Incas promoted stability in their empire by this.

AD 250

The Maya Classic period begins.

250 AD

The Maya classical age begins in Mexico.

A complex but accurate calendar system and impressive temples.

The Maya created this.

During Gupta period Indian trade helped link this.

The Mediterranean world and China.


The Muslim empire didn't expand to this area.


The Phoenicians build the city of Carthage.

They invented the alphabet.

The Phoenicians were important because of this.


The Roman Empire begins in this time period.

AD 476

The Roman Empire falls.

An empire that united most of the known world.

The lasting influence of Alexander the great was this.

Not everyone had to produce food so there could be a division of labor.

The practice of agriculture meant this.

This is an example of Byzantine influence on Russia.

The rise of the golden horde


The silk roads connect China and Southwest Asia.

Qin invented paper.

This correctly defines an empire or dynasty with its achievement.

Popes controlled the religious lives of almost everyone in asia.

This explains the great power of the medieval popes.

The christian message appealed to the poor, and Paul of Tarsus's missionary work was extensive.

This helped Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire.

Each is a monotheistic religion.

This is a similarity between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.


This is the greatest of all Athenan politicians.


This is the religion that the Hebrews practiced.

Cyrus the Great.

This is the ruler who founded the Persian Empire in 559BC.

Cultural Diffusion.

This is the spreading of cultural traits from one society to another.


This is the system of writing that the Egyptians invented.


This is the wedge-shaped system of writing that the Sumerians developed.

The worlds first democracy.

This is what Athens developed.

It collected roman laws into a simple and clear system of law.

This is why Justinians law code was significant.

The split between the catholic church and the orthodox church.

This led to the spread of Orthodox Christianity into Eastern Europe and Russia.

The introduction of horses to china.

This was an effect of Mongol rule in China.

This is the role that the Muslims played in global trade.

they connected traders in the east and the west.

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