Final Exam- LAMPP Old Testament

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What does the name "Zechariah" mean?

"God has remembered"

How many major books/sections does Jeremiah contain?


The book of Daniel clearly divides between chapters ____ and ___

6 and 7?

How long did it take to build the first temple?

7 years

What century did prophet Isaiah live in?

8th century BC

What NT books quotes Joel?


Which two kings of Judah feature prominently in the book of Isaiah?

Ahaz and Hezekiah

Most of the poems in Lamentations are composed as _____.

Alphabetic Acrostic Poems

What two languages is the book of Daniel written in?

Aramaic and Hebrew

The book of Jonah concerns the judgement of the city of Ninevah, the capital of ______.


What is the major theme of Nahum?

Assyria and the old testament

What crisis did Micah minister during?

Assyrian crisis, deportation/destruction

Daniel was trained in diplomatic service and served in the government of which nation?


What pagan nation was threatening Judah during the time of Zephaniah's ministry?


Where was Ezekiel propheysing?


In the book of Habakkuk, what is/who are the man instrument of God's judgement?


Who was Jeremiah's scribe?


What does the name Nahum mean?


What are the major themes of Jonah?

Compassion, theodicy, anger

At the end of the book of Jonah, God is _____ toward the Ninevites


For what two things did Zephaniah indict Judah?

Corruption of its officials and continuing rebellion against the Lord

What do Hill and Walton postulate as a possible central theme of the Old Testament?

Covenant, plan, or promise

What are the attributes of God's character revealed in the Old Testament?

Creator, wise, holy, transcendence, righteousness & just, compassionate & gracious, covenant-making God, loyal and redeemer

Who was welcomed into Babylon as a deliverer?


What does the book of Lamentations mourn?

Destruction of Jerusalem by Babylon

The book of Obadiah pronounces divine judgement on which kingdom?


What is the major theme of Malachi?

Elijah and the prophet, marriage and divorce

Prior to becoming a shepherd what was Amos' occupation?


The Canaanite god Baal was a god of _____


What are three of the five poems in Lamentations described as?

Funeral Dirges

What is the major theme of Habakkuk?

God's policy for handling the nations

What are the major themes in the book of Jeremiah?

God's policy with the nations, the new covenant, false prophets

What are the major themes of Hosea?

Hosea's Marriage and Baalism

What is the main question of the book Habakkuk asks?

How are those who are wicked go unpunished

The book of Habakkuk is organized around several ____ by the prophet


Which prophet was his contemporary?


What is apocalyptic literature?

It is the subgenre of classical literature. Can be identified with rich symbolisms, visions, conversations with spiritual beings, and cosmic catastrophe leading to the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth

Who was the king when Jeremiah functions as a prophet?


Where were Amos' prophecies delivered to Israel?


According to Hill and Walton, what are two false dichotomies that people apply to the OT and the NT?

Judge vs. Savior, Law vs. Grace

Obadiah's oracle is _______


Which Babylonian king invaded Judah in the eighth century?

King Merodach- Baladan

Which Assyrian king invaded Israel in the eighth century ?

King Sennacherib

In general, what was the progression of the role of the prophet within Israel?

Leader, adviser, and social/spiritual commentator

What is Jonah's theodicy concerned with?

Leniency toward wickedness

What are the "major prophets"?

Longer books/ the content is general: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel

Who was the wicked, apostate king who ruled Judah from 697-642 BC, whose sanctioning of Baalism and other Canaanite practices took a spiritual toll from which Judah never totally recovered?


Who are the examples of pre-monarchic prophets who held the reins of leadership?

Moses and Deborah

Who are examples of pre-classical prophets?

Nathan, Elijah, Elisha, Micah

Nahum deals with which ancient near eastern empire?

Ninevah of Assyria

Hosea was a prophet to which kingdom?

Northern kingdom of Israel

What is the major themes Zechariah?

Old Testament eschatology and messiah

What image does Joel use to speak of impending invasion and devastion?

Plague of Locusts

What literary feature is prominent in Lamentations?


What are the major themes of Obadiah?

Pride, Lex Tailonis, Universal Judgement, Restoration

What was Ezekiels' occupation?


What is the purpose of the book of Nahum?

Pronounce the doom of Ninevah

God commanded Hosea to marry a ______ named Gomer


What are the major themes in the book of Isaiah?

Redeemer, the servant, the holy one of Israel, son's names as signs, and eschatology

What is the backdrop of Haggai's prophecy?

Reign of Darius I and the return of he exiles to Jerusalem

The returned exiles had difficulties with the _______


Obadiah is the ______ in the Old Testament


What is the major theme in the book of Amos?

Social justice

What is a prophet?

Someone who speaks on behalf of someone else; on behalf of God

Who are the examples of classical prophets?

The 17 Writing prophets- Jeremiah being the best example

What are the major themes of Zephaniah?

The Day of the Lord

What are the major themes in the book of Daniel?

The Kingdom of God, Pride and Rebellion

What are the major themes of Micah?

The deliverer, what does the Lord require?

During which crisis in Israel's history did Jeremiah function as a prophet?

The fall of Jerusalem

Why was the canonical value of Ezekiel called into question?

The prophets understanding of temple ritual

What is the major theme of Haggai?

The temple

What are the tips for reading prophetic literature?

The vision and message are different, just as the message and fulfillment are different. Identify the categories of indictment, judgement, instruction, and aftermath.

What did the ministry of biblical prophets tend to cluster around?

Time of crisis

What is the purpose of the book Joel?

To address the "day of the Lord"

What are the key ideas of the Book of Isaiah?

Trustworthiness in the Lord, Incomparability of Israel's God, and Divine sovereignty in judgement and deliverance

What is one of the biggest controversies surrounding the book of Isaiah?


What did God appoint Ezekiel to be?


The marriage of Hosea and Gomer serves as a metaphor for ________ and _____

Yahweh and Israel

Haggai was a contemporary of which other post-exilic prophet?


What type of literature is Zechariah classified as?


What does the name "Malachi" mean?

my messenger

What are the "minor prophets"?

shorter books/ the content is more narrowly focused: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk

The people ask Malachi- "How have we _____ God?"


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