Final Exam Microbiology

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Diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginitis is made by the appearance of

"clue" cells

What about those drugs Jack has heard about on TV, like Valtrex? Can his girlfriend take those and cure herself? Or at least avoid infecting him?

. No, there is no cure, but drugs decrease the number of virions to shorten the duration of lesions or prevent lesions, but transmission is still possible.

Which of the following patients would be most at risk for acquiring hepatitis B virus?

36-year-old female using multiple IV drugs

(Case 6.3 attached) The patient in the attached case reports a fever of 101.5 and a nearly constant urge to urinate, though she often voids little or no urine. What is your preliminary diagnosis?

A. UTI--urinary tract infection

The mother of an infected 18-month-old patient expresses concern that she may acquire rotavirus infection. Which of the following responses is most appropriate by the RN?

Adults may acquire rotavirus infection, but symptoms are generally mild.

Group B Streptococcal disease is characterized by early onset neonatal sepsis and meningitis late onset neonatal meningitis etiology is Streptococcus agalactiae all of the above

All of the above

Which hypothesis could explain the recent outbreaks of pertussis in various areas of the United States? Antigenic variation of the pathogen Failure of individuals to receive vaccination in adulthood Noncompliance with vaccine schedule All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following is a sign of meningitis? A. Headache B. Stiff neck C. White blood cells in cerebrospinal fluid D. Fever E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

The RN provides education for patients regarding the potential complications caused by the hepatitis B virus. Which of the following are life-threatening complications of hepatitis B infection? Liver cancer Chronic liver disease Glomerulonephritis All of these choices are correct

All of these choices are correct

possible symptoms of gonorrhea in females? No symptoms Painful urination and bloody vaginal discharge Painful urination and mucopurulent vaginal discharge All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct

A telephone advice RN receives a phone call from a 75-year-old male who sustained a raccoon bite two hours ago. The patient reports pain at the site of injury but no other symptoms. If the patient is diagnosed with this infectious disease, the RN anticipates that treatment of the patient will include which of the following? Wound care with immune globulin Intramuscular injection of immune globulin Human diploid cell vaccine course All of these would be treatments.

All of these would be treatments.

Which is incorrect about rabies? A. Is a zoonotic disease (transmitted from animal to human) B. Wild populations of bats, skunks, raccoons, cats, and canines are primary reservoirs C. Transmission can involve bites, scratches D. Average incubation in human is 1 week E. Symptoms include anxiety, agitation, muscle spasms, convulsions, and paralysis

Average incubation in human is 1 week

(6.1) What diagnostic tests are called for? (What may be causing the belly pain?)

B. Neisseria gonorrheae and Chlamydia trachomatis

(6.1 )You look further down on the questionnaire and see there is a questions about the client's sex partners. She answered that she has had relations only with her boyfriend during the past 12 months. Does the boyfriend need information or treatment?

B. Yes, he may need antibiotic treatment

(6.1) Is the belly pain a serious sign?

B. Yes, it is caused by inflammation in the upper reproductive tract, which can lead to infertility or ectopic pregnancy

What group does Botulism belong to?


Streptococcus pyogenes infection that results in a sore throat with reddened mucosa, swollen tonsils, and pus nodules

Bacterial Pharyngitis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a(n) ______.


Why steaks instead of hamburgers?

Because hamburger meat is ground up mix the bacteria throughout if present. Steak would have bacteria only on the outside surface where the meat is cooked.

The doctor's eyes widen and she asks you how you came to that conclusion. What is your reply?

Because she has clear diarrhea with white flecks

The next day you ask the doctor about the patient's status. She says that currently the patient is receiving a course of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin, though it won't help her. Why won't it help her and why was it prescribed it it won't?

Because the damage is done to the intestines and fluid loss has already occured, but antibiotics will keep her from shedding live bacteria and help protect the community

Why does the reaction take 36-48 hours to show up?

Because the skin test relies on the principle of delayed hypersensitivity

The causative organism of whooping cough is ________.

Bordetella Pertussis

A 73-year-old farmer gashed his hand on a barbed wire fence one week ago and is now experiencing uncontrollable muscle spasms in his jaw.


An intoxication, associated with eating poorly preserved foods, which results in flaccid paralysis


(6.3) What is the most likely causative organism for this condition?

C. Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Is penicillin the best treatment for Becky's gonorrhea?

C. No, N. gonorrheae is resistent to penicillin, so even though it is safe for pregnant women, Becky will need a different antibiotic

Case 6.1--As part of a community service requirement in your second-year nursing program, your are volunteering at the local clinic for sexually transmitted diseases/ infections (STDs/STIs). At the clinic, you are responsible for conducting intake interviews. When patients arrive, they fill out a questionnaire and then you take them to an office to go over their answers with them. Your first patient is a 22-year-old woman. On the questionnaire, she lists her chief complaint as "pain in her belly." You wonder why she has come to the STD/ STI clinic for belly pain and speculate it is because this clinic is free. You excuse yourself and ask the head nurse if it's OK to continue. "Why wouldn't it be?" is his answer. You say you don't think belly pain points to a sexually transmitted disease/ infection. The nurse chuckles and says it is one of the most frequent complaints they have in this clinic. What is the association between belly pain and STDs/STIs?

C. Some STDs/ STIs cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Which disease is caused by an infectious agent that carries no nucleic acid?


The most common bacterial cause of diarrhea in the United States is ________.


Which of these microorganisms is associated with Guillain-Barre syndrome?


Most frequent cause of diarrhea resulting in watery stools, fever, vomiting, headaches, and severe abdominal pain

Campylobacter jejuni

What is the causative organism of vaginal yeast infections?

Candida albicans--fungi

What age group is the most susceptible to serious RSV infection?

Children under 6 months

Which of the following STIs is curable with antimicrobials? Chlamydia Genital herpes HPV


Which of the following organisms is anaerobic? Multiple Choice Clostridium Poliovirus Coccidioides Cryptococcus


The normal gut microbiome in adults, but not infants, inhibit the growth of which pathogen?

Clostridium botulinum

Now that you've found the right category of infections, can you identify what "see dif" is?

Clostridium difficile

Which of the following is not a normal causative agent of food poisoning?

Clostridium difficile

The endospore-forming bacterium, _________, contaminates meat and vegetables, and in other situations causes gas gangrene.

Clostridium perfringens

Caused by hundreds of viruses and results in sneezing, scratchy throat, and runny nose

Common cold

Syphilis spirochete passes through placenta to infect fetus

Congenital syphilis

What conditions would predispose a woman to such frequent infections of this sort? A.factors that alter the acidic pH of the vagina such as diabetes, birth control pills, pregnancy, chemicals in douching, etc. B. using broad-spectrum antibiotics especially for extended time periods (acne treatment, etc.) C. HIV infections due to T-cell counts dropping D. all of the above could lead to frequent infections of this sort

D. all of the above could lead to frequent infections of this sort

Caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae which eventually results in pseudomembrane formation on the tonsils or pharynx


The most common causative agent of urinary tract infections is ________.

Escherichia coli

_____ is the causative age in 80% of UTIs

Escherichia coli

Bloody diarrhea with development of hemolytic uremic syndrome in 10% of patients

Escherichia coli O157:H7

The HPV vaccine prevents infection by all types of human papillomaviruses. True or False


The antivirals used for herpes simplex infections have the ability to completely destroy the virus and permanently cure the latent infection. True or False


True or False: The upper and lower respiratory tract, due to constant contact with the external environment, possesses a large amount of normal microbiota.


True or False: A patient must present the "whooping" sound during coughing to be positively diagnosed with pertussis.


True or False: The diagnosis of tuberculosis was confirmed by the clinical findings consistent with this disease in the patient's chest X ray.


True or False: The infant patient in the case should have been adequately protected from infection with Bordetella pertussis from the vaccinations she had already received.


True or False: The roughly 350,000 cases of gonorrhea reported in the United States each year is an accurate representation of disease incidence in this country.


A telephone advice RN receives a phone call from a 75-year-old male who sustained a raccoon bite two hours ago. The patient reports pain at the site of injury but no other symptoms. The RN advises the patient that without treatment, he is at risk of which of the following?

Fatal encephalitis

Which of the following structures is involved in the increased pathogenicity of N. gonorrhoeae?


Which is a major sign of botulism

Flaccid paralyis

What treatment would the RN anticipate to be ordered for an infected 18-month-old patient?

Fluid and electrolyte replacement

Conversely, mixed bacterial infections of the vaginal tract typically include______ sp. and can lead to the development of _______, a condition characterized by vaginal discharge but lacking inflammation. A

Gardnerella; vaginosis

Results from streptococcal proteins forming immune complexes which are deposited on the basement membranes of the kidney


In comparison to the above examples, ______ Streptococcus colonizes the female reproductive tract of up to _____% of all women in the United States asymptomatically, and only becomes problematic during pregnancy and delivery.

Group B; 40

A pelvic examination of a 23-year old woman showed vesicles and ulcerated lesions on her labia. Cultures were negative for Neisseria and Chlamydia. What is most likely the cause?


binds to the host cell receptors allowing entry into the cell


Three days later, the patient is started on dialysis. Which of the following is a serious complication of the patient's infection with the potential to cause kidney injury and renal failure?

Hemolytic uremic syndrome

Which hepatitis virus would be most likely to be transmitted due to contaminated water?

Hepatitis A

The doctor asks you to tell Leslie to call 911. The sick woman should be transported to an emergency room right away and the doctor will call ahead and meet her there. What is the first intervention likely to be performed when the patient arrives?

IV fluids and electrolyte replacement

Which of the following statements by a student demonstrates a proper understanding of gonorrhea transmission?

If I am infected with gonorrhea and have no symptoms, I can still pass the disease to others

Viral infection causing chills, body aches, headache, and fever


What other disease(s) affect both upper and lower respiratory tracts? ​

Influenza and Pertussis

The RN collects the patient's history from the parents. Which of the following statements would raise concern for the potential that the patient has been infected with shiga-toxin-producing E. coli? Infrequent hand-washing Ingestion of undercooked hot dog at county fair Family history of gastroenteritis Swimming in a lake the previous weekend

Ingestion of undercooked hot dog at county fair

In this case, the affected nurse is in his mid-30s. Is it his age or something else that predisposes him to the infection? Discuss.

It is something besides his age; he has been on long-term antibiotic therapy

A 67-year old male patient presents with diarrhea and a fever that has progressed into a persistent headache and stiff neck. He reports eating some unpasteurized soft cheese 24 hours ago. Which of the following organisms is most likely the etiological agent?

Listeria monocytogenes

What organ is primarily affected by hepatitis B infection?


our patient is a 4-year-old male. His mother reports that two days ago, he developed a runny nose, was very lethargic, and ran a fever. She assumed he was getting a cold or the flu but that morning she was alarmed at the swollen glands in his neck. He attends a community-run preschool, and on taking a history, she tells you that she usually takes him to a naturopathic practitioner. She tells you that he has not had any vaccines because she read that they cause autism. What disease is the child likely to have given the history and manifestations?


Which group is at greatest risk for group B Streptococcus infection?


What should your answer to Heather's question be? (Is is true that the vaccine can give you the flu.)


Whether Jack's girlfriend has lesions or not, if he uses a condom he will be protect, right?

No --he may not be protected, because lesions can occur in areas not covered by a condom.

One of your friends acts disgusted and says she'll order a salad instead. Will this guarantee her safety and why?

No, E. coli can be on fruits and vegetables contaminated with cow manure.

One of your friends says that her sister gives her baby apple juice every day. Should she stop? Explain

No, juice is pasteurized unlike apple cider

Susan wants to know why your don't have to get other vaccines annually.

Other microbes don't change their surface antigens through mutation

Most common cause is Streptococcus pneumoniae and results in a sensation of fullness or pain in the ear

Otitis media

possible symptoms of gonorrhea in males?

Painful urination and yellowish discharge or no symptoms

Caused by Bordetella; called "whooping cough"


How is pertussis different from RSV infection?

Pertussis is caused by a bacterium.

Acute enteroviral infection of the spinal cord that can cause neuromuscular paralysis


A 21-year-old college student presents to the university campus clinic. The nurse collects the patient's medical history and performs an initial assessment. The patient states, "I'm having a herpes flair, and I need a prescription for acyclovir." The nurse examines the lesion on the shaft of his penis. The ulcer is 2 cm in size and seems painless and hard upon palpation. Based upon the assessment of the lesion, what is the most likely diagnosis?

Primary syphilis

Hard, painless chancre at site of spirochete entry

Primary syphilis

______ is an inflammation of the prostate gland, typically due to endogenous transfer of GI microbes, and can be observed in either an acute or _____ form, which often is caused by an antibiotic-resistant biofilm.

Prostatitis; chronic

Streptococcal toxins that act as superantigens and cause skin issues


of each is segmented, comprising seven or eight strands of


Viral infection characterized by giant multinucleated cells

RSV Infection

A hunter in NC was bitten by a raccoon caught in his trap eight weeks ago, now displays agitation, disorientation and seizures.


A telephone advice RN receives a phone call from a 75-year-old male who sustained a raccoon bite two hours ago. The patient reports pain at the site of injury but no other symptoms. 1. Which of the following diseases is the greatest risk to the patient, considering the mechanism of injury?


All of the following are caused by prions EXCEPT sheep scrapie Creutzfeld Jakob disease rabies bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow)


Prions are known to cause all of the following EXCEPT: A. Rabies. B. mad cow disease. C. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). D. scrapie.


Slow, progressive zoonotic viral disease characterized by fatal encephalitis and with hydrophobia as a symptom


What kind of pneumonia is it?

Respiratory syncyctal virus (RSV)

Due to an immunological cross reaction between the streptococcal M protein and heart muscle

Rheumatic fever

A third example of a common vaginal infection is an _____ caused by the protozoan ______, which produces a _______ from the vagina.

STI; Trichomonas vaginalis; greenish discharge

Typhoid fever characterized by progressive, invasive infection that leads to septicemia

Salmonella tyhpi

Results from a Streptococcus pyogenes strain that is infected with a toxin-coding bacteriophage and is characterized by a sandpaper-like rash

Scarlet fever

During which stage of syphilis does fever, lymphadenopathy, and a red to brown rash occur?


Fever, headache, and sore throat, followed by lymphadenopathy and a peculiar red or brown rash on all skin surfaces, including the palms and the soles

Secondary syphilis

The incubation period for this disease is one to four days. Can you think of any way that the young mother could have been infected so recently even though she has been in this country for six weeks?

She got it from a convelescent or asymptomatic carrier in her family

How can the doctor be sure what's causing the pneumonia if she doesn't yet have test results?

She has seen a dozen cases in the past week and a half, so can make an educated guess based on the age of the child and the symptoms

The patient's symptoms are most concerning for which of the following infectious organisms as the cause of acute diarrhea? A. Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli B. Clostridium difficile C. Vibrio cholerae D. Campylobacter ​

Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli

Diarrhea containing blood and mucus from the GI tract

Shigella dysenteriae

Caused by a number of bacteria and results in nasal congestion, pressure above the nose or in the forehead, and headache


The predominant causative organism of dental caries seem to be ________.

Streptococcus mutans

_____ forms dextran, a cement-like substance that enables bacteria to adhere to the tooth

Streptococcus mutans

Choose the microorganism that is the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in adults to test your understanding of this disease.

Streptococcus pneumoniae

The bacteria that can cause the sequelae glomerulonephritis is ________.

Streptococcus pyogenes

Certain types of virus can infect both humans and


A 35-year-old man who will become a father in the next 6 months visits your clinic. Which vaccine would you recommend to him?


Permanent cardiovascular and neurological damage is seen in which stage of syphilis?


Neurosyphilis can be present as well as gummas

Tertiary or latent syphilis

A 73-year-old farmer gashed his hand on a barbed wire fence one week ago and is now experiencing uncontrollable muscle spasms in his jaw.


A neuromuscular disease caused by a spore-forming bacterium that produces a powerful neurotoxin that leads to spastic paralysis


-In deciding whether to prescribe antibiotics, should the physician be extra careful not to prescribe an unnecessary antibiotic, or be extra careful not to let a bacterial infection go untreated?

The doctor should treat this infection with antibiotics because it can lead to serious sequelae, like heart and kidney damage.

A 21-year-old college student presents to the university campus clinic. The nurse collects the patient's medical history and performs an initial assessment. The patient states, "I'm having a herpes flair, and I need a prescription for acyclovir." The nurse examines the lesion on the shaft of his penis. The ulcer is 2 cm in size and seems painless and hard upon palpation. The student states, "My friend had syphilis, but the lesion healed without antibiotics. Do I really need to take medications?" What is the best response by the nurse?

The lesion will heal on its own, but latent syphilis will cause serious disease later on and must be treated.

What about your other child, who is 3 years old? Has she been exposed to the infection by being around the baby? Should the baby remain isolated when he comes home? Can the 3-year-old be vaccinated?

The older child has probably already had this illness but developed more mild symptoms

-Another friend, Dru, says that even though she had the flu shot last year she got terribly sick with the stomach flu over Thanksgiving break and missed most of her vacation. What is your explanation for this?

The stomach flu (a digestive illness) is caused by a different virus than influenza (a respiratory illness).

Heather says that because she had a flu shot last year she's going to skip it this year. How would you respond?

The strains change each year, so a new vaccine is made annually.

How severe is HBV for young children?

There is a lower chance of infection in infants, but infected infants have a 90% chance of developing chronic infections leading to liver failure later in life

Which of the following drugs is commonly used for the treatment of gonorrhea today? Acyclovir Clindamycin Azithromycin There is no common treatment due to the development of resistance.

There is no common treatment due to the development of resistance.

What would you say is the safest way for Jack and his girlfriend to have intercourse?

There is no such thing as safe sex

Pam says she'll also remind him that in the last year the newspapers have reported at least three hepatitis outbreaks traced back to restaurants. Respond to her statement.

These restaurant outbreaks are related to Hepatitis A, not Hepatitis B

-Why aren't they giving him antibacterial drugs?

This is a viral illness, so antibacterial drugs won't be effective.

Why was the doctor initially dubious about your diagnosis and why does the patient's recent immigrant status convince her that your diagnosis was correct?

This is rare in the U.S, but is endemic to some other countries

Which pathogen has evolved to make its rodent host less avoidant of cats?

Toxoplasma gondii

True or False Bacterial meningitis is far more serious than viral meningitis, which is mostly self-limiting


True or False Evidence suggests that people with high numbers of the bacteria associated with periodontitis may also have increased rates of cardiovascular disease.


Which of the following organism(s) can cross the placenta causing defects in the fetus? Listeria monocytogenes Toxoplasma gondii Rhinovirus Two of these are correct

Two of these are correct

an effective form of gonorrhea prevention?

Use of condoms and abstinence

The RN educates her patient population that the primary method of prevention for hepatitis B infection is _______.


________, however, occurs in the female genital tract and is an inflammation of the vagina with a _______ caused most commonly by_____

Vaginitis; white curdlike discharge;Candida albicans

Diarrhea described as rice water stools

Vibrio cholerae

Rice-water stools" are associated with disease caused by which organism?

Vibrio cholerae

RSV is a _______.


Initial serological testing for a patient with recent exposure to hepatitis B may detect which of the following?

Virus antigen

Your practice has recently been overrun by sore throats and now, late in the evening, there are no supplies for performing the proper test. Should the physician prescribe antibiotics or not?


Mosquito eradication could change the epidemiology of ______. Check all that apply. Check All That Apply polio Zika infection West Nile encephalitis botulism

Zika infection West Nile encephalitis

Tertiary syphilis presents as

a chancre on the penis

In males, primary syphilis presents as

a chancre on the penis.

All of the following pertain to gonorrhea except ________.

a chancre-type lesion develops at the portal of entry

the etiology of the common cold is parainfluenza virus rhinovirus adenovirus

all of the above

typhoid fever can be prevented by good hygiene proper sewage disposal vaccination

all of the above

what treatments is used for diphtheria? antibiotics vaccination antitoxin

all of the above

A hospital is experiencing an outbreak of rotavirus. An RN on a pediatric surgical unit takes precautions to protect her patients from acquiring the disease. 2. The occurrence of which of the following symptoms in an 18-month-old patient would cause concern for infection with rotavirus? watery diarrhea Vomiting Fever All of these choices are correct

all of these choices are correct

muscociliary escalator

allows materials in the bronchi to be lifted to the pharynx

the mucocillary escalator

allows materials in the bronchi to be lifted to the pharynx

The RN expects all of the following to be ordered as treatment for this patient, except ________. plasma transfusions electrolyte replacement fluid resuscitation antibiotics


RSV infection is prevented with ________ immunity in high-risk groups like premature infants.

artificial, passive

The leading cause of pelvic inflammatory disease is ________.


The most common reported STD in the United States is ________.


in the US, the most prevalent std/sti is caused by

chlamydia trachomatis

A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a 23-year-old female who is on vacation for her honeymoon. Two days ago, she began experiencing burning while voiding and a tactile fever. The patient reports she has been treating the symptoms with cranberry tablets and increased fluid intake. Her symptoms have not improved and now she is experiencing a frequent urge to void and lower abdominal pain. Upon assessment, the nurse finds the patient has a low-grade fever. Based on the patient's clinical presentation, which of the following diagnoses is most likely?


Infection of the urinary bladder is called ________.


In this case, Michael likely contracted RSV from his ________.

day care or siblings

A hospital is experiencing an outbreak of rotavirus. An RN on a pediatric surgical unit takes precautions to protect her patients from acquiring the disease. 1. When assisting with care activities for a patient with rotavirus, the RN should observe all of the following standard precautions, except________.

donning a mask

A 68-year-old woman was bitten several times by mosquitoes while gardening and now has a fever, neck stiffness, and a severe headache.


_____ is the causative agents in 80% of UTI's

eschericha coli

true or false norovirus and rotovirus both can be prevented with a vaccine


Influenza is caused by one of three types of virus; A, B, or C, and the


what infection is due to protozoan


Syphilitic lesions called _______ develop in the liver, skin, bone, and cartilage during the tertiary stage of syphilis.


which hepatitis virus would be most likely transmitted due to contaminated water?

hepatitis A

Genital warts are caused by

human papillomavirus

Genital warts are caused by

human papillomavirus.

A telephone advice RN receives a phone call from a 75-year-old male who sustained a raccoon bite two hours ago. The patient reports pain at the site of injury but no other symptoms. 2. The RN advises the patient to seek medical attention ______.


_____ are at the highest risk for developing RSV pneumonia


Pyelonephritis is inflammation of the


Clostridium tetani can be characterized by all of the following EXCEPT endospore forming killed by drying, heat, or disinfection common to soil obligate anaerobe

killed by drying, heat, or disinfection

a food borne pathogen that can cause meningitis is

listeria monocytogenes

Infection with _______________ causes swollen parotid glands.

mumps virus

breaks down mucus and contributes to budding and release from the host.


Your book has only a small paragraph on this infection. But now you know what to search for on the internet to find more information. Your instructor wants you to report on the epidemiology of the infection. You find that it is referred to as an opportunist and this accounts for its epidemiological patterns. First of all, what is a opportunist?

organisms that cause disease only in a compromised host

the etiology of a common cold is

parainfluenza adenovirus rhinovirus

The following statements are all true about tuberculosis except: tubercles form and can be seen on chest X-ray the pathogens have long generation times (slow growing) Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the most common cause pathogens are very sensitive to drying and die quickly

pathogens are very sensitive to drying and die quickly

Trichomonas vaginalis is a ________.


trichomoniasis is caused by


An infection in the kidney would be considered what kind of infection?


Hydrophobia is a diagnostic symptom of which disease?


all of the following are caused by prions except: sheep scrapie Creutzfeldt Jakob disease rabies bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow)


-What are the possible sequelae of untreated sore throats?

rheumatic fever glomerulonephritis

The influenza virus is able to evade the immune response by two mechanisms: antigenic _______, which is the swapping out of one of the gene strands with a gene strand from a different influenza virus, and antigenic ________, in which the antigens gradually change their amino acid composition.


____ resists the stomach acid and attaches to the large intestines. It creates special filaments to infect other cells within 1-4 days the patient has diffuse diarrhea, with blood and mucus, which could lead to kwashiorkor and vitamin deficienties.

shigella dysenteriae

All of the following are potential complications of gonorrhea, except________. infertility ectopic pregnancy pelvic inflammatory disease spontaneous abortion

spontaneous abortion

____ form dextran, a cement like substance that enables bacteria to adhere to the tooth surface

streptococcus mutans

What is the difference about the vaccine from year to year? Who decides what form it will take every year?

surface antigens of the envelope, the CDC decides

secondary syphilis is characterized by

the appearance of a pustular copper-colored rash

Secondary syphilis is characterized by

the appearance of a pustular, copper-color rash

The urinary tract defenses in both males and females consists of mechanical factors such as ________, and chemicals like ________, to prevent the growth of pathogens in the system.

the flushing action of urine; lysozyme

To cause disease, the spores of Clostridium tetani must be deposited deep in the tissue, why?

the organism is an obligate anaerobe

helicobacter pylori survives in the stomach due to

the production of ammonia to neutralize the pH in stomach

What feature of the symptoms suggests that the causative organism is not likely to be Staphylococcus aureus?

this can't be food poisoning because it lasted too long

A woman gives birth to an infant with severe liver damage and hydrocephalus. She owns several cats.


Avoiding contact with contaminated cat feces during a pregnancy is important in preventing ________.


All of the following are true of poliovirus EXCEPT vaccine is available partial or complete paralysis may occur spread via fecal/oral route transmitted via respiratory route

transmitted via respiratory route

What gastrointestinal bacterial disease causes systemic symptoms with NO diarrhea

typhoid fever

RSV is an infection of the _______ respiratory tract.

upper and lower

the paroxysmal stage of whooping cough is characterized by

violent coughing

The paroxysmal stage of whooping cough is characterized by

violet coughing

Candida causes which of the following nonsexually transmitted infections?

yeast infections

Part of an epidemiological description of an infection involves knowing who is most often affected by it. Let's consider opportunistic infections as a group. People in which age groups are most likely to suffer symptoms from an opportunistic infection? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY)

young children elderly

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