Final Exam Review

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Which of the following can be used to treat thoracic outlet syndrome?

(Strengthening of the serratus anterior, Strengthening of the trapezius, Surgical release of the scalenes) All of the above

Which of the following is a prevalent cause of exercise induced death:

-Anomalous origin of the coronary artery -Marfan's syndrome -Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

To protect an athlete from injury to the upper arm or high shoulder, some athletic trainers use:

A combination of hockey and football shoulder pads

Hematuria in an athlete participating in contact or collision sports is a sign or symptom of:

A kidney contusion

Which sling should be used to help support the forearm and prevent further injury in someone that has sustained a shoulder girdle injury?

A shoulder arm sling

A "separated" shoulder is a common name for which injury?

AC sprain

The danger associated with a ruptured spleen is its:

Ability to splint itself, producing delayed hemorrhage

Which of the following is NOT a test for glenohumeral instability?

Allen test

Which of the following tests may be used to determine the function of the radial and ulnar arteries supplying the hand?

Allen's Test

Which of the following tests may be used to determine the function of the radial and ulnar arteries supplying the hand?

Allen's test

Abdominal rigidity and pain at McBurney's point may indicate:


Describe the various tests that may be used to evaluate a shoulder for glenohumeral instability.

Apprehension Test Surprise Test Glide Test Sulcus Test Obriens Empty Can Yergasons

Which of the following is a complication of a ruptured appendix?

Bacterial Infection

What is a fracture of the base of the first metacarpal that extends into the articular surface called?

Bennett's fracture

Any athlete who receives a severe blow to the abdomen or back region should be instructed to check for:

Blood in the urine

Getting the "wind knocked out" of you is characteristic of a:

Blow to the Solar Plexus

A deformity caused by a rupture of the extensor tendon over the middle phalanx is called:

Boutonniere deformity

Which of the following is a rupture of the central extensor tendon that causes the lateral bands to slip palmarly on each side of the PIP, changing its line of pull on this joint from an extensor to a flexor?

Boutonniere deformity

Injury or trauma to what nerve roots may be indicated by atrophy of the deltoid muscle group?


A positive talar tilt test with the calcaneous inverted, indicates damage to which ligament?


In which phase of the throwing motion is maximum external rotation achieved?


A wrist fracture resulting from the radius and ulna being forced backward and upward (hyperextension), is called a:

Colles fracture

Which of the following is a nonarticular fracture of the radius occurring approximately 1.5 inches proximal to the radiocarpal joint, causing the distal radius to be displaced dorsally?

Colles fracture

Which of the following results in cardiac arrest due to blunt traumatic impact to the chest?

Commotio Cordis

A direct blow to the anterolateral aspect of the thorax, or a sudden twist, or falling on the ball, can compress the rib cage and can result most often in a:

Costochondral separation

What is it medically called when the alignment of the forearm and humerus fully extends beyond 0°?

Cubital recurvatum

Stenosing tenosynovitis of the first tunnel of the wrist through which the extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus move is characteristic of:

De Quervain's disease

Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff?


What are the actions of the muscles originating from the lateral epicondyle?

Extension and supination

A "stitch in the side" is often caused by a blow to the sympathetic celiac plexus producing a cramplike pain over the diaphragm.


A Colles' fracture is a fracture of the proximal end of the radius.


A decreased carrying angle is known as cubitus valgus.


A positive O'Brien's Test is indicative of a full thickness tear of the supraspinatus muscle.


A tear or detachment of the fibrocartilage labrum on the posterior lateral aspect of the humeral head is called a "Bankhart lesion."


An injury to the ulnar nerve usually results in parasthesia in the second and third digits.


Auscultation involves using one or two fingers to strike the other hand resulting in a sound indicating the status of the organ underneath.


Constant uncontrolled movement of the breast over a period of time can stretch Poupart's ligament, which supports the breast at the chest wall.


In a rib contusion, pain is felt only on inspiration.


In sports injuries of the abdomen the hollow organs are most often affected.


Morton's toe is a deformity in which the second metatarsal is abnormally longer than the rest of the metatarsals in the foot.


Pronator teres syndrome involves entrapment of the ulnar nerve.


Ten to 25 percent of young pitchers develop little league elbow as a result of the repetitive stress caused by throwing curve balls.


The appendix can be palpated in the lower left quadrant of the abdomen.


The frozen shoulder is a condition typically seen in younger athletes.


The rotator cuff muscle most commonly injured is the infraspinatus.


To test for bicipital tendinitis and subluxation, have the athlete flex the elbow at 90 degrees and internally rotate against resistance from the athletic trainer, as the humerus is also pulled downward.


Valgus stress testing of the elbow stresses the lateral collateral ligament of the elbow.


When one is taping a contused hand, the fingers are held side by side so the anchor can be securely fastened.


When treating an Achilles tendon strain, one should apply tape and put a heel lift in the shoe of the injured side to reduce the stress placed on the injured tendon.


Which bone in the hand is involved in a boxer's fracture?

Fifth metacarpal

Which of the following tests is used to detect De Quervain's syndrome?

Finkelstein's test

Which of the following conditions involves a fracture of three or more consecutive ribs on the same side?

Flail chest

The motions of the elbow joint are:

Flexion and Extension

Which of the following is NOT an elbow flexor?

Flexor carpi ulnaris

Which of the following is the most common cause of wrist sprains?

Forced hyperextension

Which represents the starting position for the empty can test?

GH abducted 90 degrees in the scapular plane with the humerus internally rotated

A sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament of the MCP joint of the thumb caused by forceful abduction of the proximal phalanx is called:

Gamekeeper's thumb

The condition in which an athlete takes a violent blow or compression to the chest, without any accompanying rib fracture, and presents with severe pain during breathing, coughing up of blood, and shock is known as:


A protrusion of the abdominal viscera through a portion of the abdominal wall is called a(n):


What is the shoulder spica predominately used for?

Holding protective padding in place

A blow to the rib cage can contuse the:

Intercostal muscles

Which two tests can be used to evaluate posterior GH instability?

Jerk test and posterior apprehension test

What is the most common site for fractures of the clavicle

Junction of the convex and​ concave curvature of the clavical; the distal 1/3

Pain that radiates to the left shoulder and one-third of the way down the left arm is displaying:

Kehr's sign for a ruptured spleen

The solid organs, which are contained in the abdominal viscera, consist of the:

Kidneys, spleen, liver, adrenal glands, and pancreas

Which bone in the wrist is most commonly dislocated?


Which of the following conditions predisposes an athlete to injuries of the spleen?


The adolescent athlete who complains of sudden pain and locking of the elbow joint should be suspected of having:

Osteochondritis dissecans

Which of the following is a muscle of the wrist flexor group?

Palmaris longus

What is an infection around the periphery of the fingernail that results in redness and swelling?


Another name for an abnormally high arch is:

Pes Cavus

A condition in which the pleural cavity becomes filled with air that has entered through an opening in the chest is called:


Which of the following traumatic injuries to the shoulder complex would constitute a medical emergency?

Posterior SC joint dislocation

Most elbow dislocations result from falling on an outstretched hand and result in the ulna and radius dislocating:


Describe the steps that can be taken to protect the health of the young athlete's elbow.

Prevent overuse, limit amount of throws young athlete's are allowed to make. Allow them to rest.

The motion(s) that occur at the radioulnar joint?

Pronation and Supination

Describe the proper management of a posterior dislocation of the elbow.

Reduce the elbow as soon as possible, then stabilize the elbow and arm in a comfortable neutral position (about 70 degrees of flexion) to the body using a wrap or sling.

Lateral epicondylitis results from:

Repetitive extension of the wrist

Severe point tenderness in the anatomical "snuffbox" may indicate a fracture of which bone?


What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone in the hand?


Which carpal bone is palpable as the floor of the anatomical snuffbox?


What signs and symptoms would be present that would indicate severe injury to the ureters, bladder, and urethra?

Severe pain located over those areas, inability to urinate, referred pain in the anterior, inferior abdomen

What are contusions to the distal end of the clavicle called?

Shoulder pointers

With an anterior glenohumeral dislocation, the athlete's the arm will be in:

Slight abduction and external rotation

Which of the following is a radial fracture that displaces palmarly?

Smith's fracture

The organ that serves as a reservoir of red blood cells and a destroyer of ineffective red cells is the:


The upper extremity's only attachment to the axial skeleton occurs at which of the following?

Sternoclavicular (SC) Joint

An effective bra holds the breasts to the chest to prevent:

Stretching of Cooper's ligaments

A positive Hawkins test is more indicative of pathology in which rotator cuff muscle?


The drop arm test is used to determine injury to what muscle?


Which represents correct information regarding Speed's test?

The GH joint begins in a neutral position

An extremity being taped should be placed in what position?

The position in which it is to be stabilized

When fitting shoulder pads, the inside shoulder pad should cover the:

Tip of the shoulder in direct line with the lateral aspect of the shoulder

The treatment preferred by most physicians for an athlete with a hernia is:

To undergo surgical repair

An excess of fluid accumulation caused by a severe blow to the testicular region is characteristic of:

Traumatic hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis

Which wrist pathology is commonly associated with clicking on the ulnar side of the wrist?

Triangular fibrocartilage tear

A blow to the end of the finger that avulses the extensor tendon from its insertion is called a mallet finger.


A conservative method of treating subluxations and recurrent dislocations consists of strengthening muscles that act on the scapula.


A ganglion is a herniation of the joint capsule or of the synovial sheath of a tendon; it is often thought of as a cyst structure.


A sign of a ruptured bladder is the athlete's desire but inability to urinate.


A strangulated hernia occurs when the inguinal ring constricts the protruding sac and occludes normal blood circulation.


A wrist sprain is the most common wrist injury.


An abnormal periodic sound that occurs in the auscultation of the heart is called a murmur.


An acromioclavicular sprain is most often induced by a direct blow to the tip of the shoulder, pushing the acromion process downward.


Anterior instabilities account for 95% of all chronic instabilities of the glenohumeral joint.


Cantilevered shoulder pads are bulkier, giving better protection in blocking and tackling.


Dislocations of the phalanges have a high rate of occurrence in sports.


If a Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex injury is not properly managed it can result in a permanent loss of wrist motion.


Men are more susceptible to injury of their reproductive organs than females because of the lack of protection.


Most direct causes of anterior glenohumeral dislocations are situations in which the arm is forced into abduction and externally rotated.


Most elbow injuries are the result of low-load repetitive stresses.


One way to prevent injury to hollow organs is to empty them prior to competition.


Percussion over a hollow organ will produce a tympanic sound.


Physicians generally agree that a first-time dislocation may be associated with a fracture, and therefore its treatment is beyond the scope of a coach's or athletic trainer's duties.


Postural malalignment such as forward head, rounded shoulders, and an increased kyphotic curve causes a decrease in the space under the coracoacromial arch and therefore can lead to the development of impingement.


Protective bras for women should hold the breasts to the chest and prevent stretching of Cooper's ligaments, which causes premature sagging.


Racquetball elbow, golfer's elbow, and javelin throwers elbow refer to a medial epicondylitis.


The continual use of the arms above the horizontal plane in an athletic endeavor has been known to lead to impingement syndrome.


The heart is about the size of a clenched fist and lies between the lungs and the vertebral column to the left of the sternum.


The point at which the clavicle changes shape and contour presents a structural weakness, and the largest number of fractures to the bone occurs at this point.


The probability of fracturing the hook of the hamate is increased when someone is gripping an object such as a bat or racquet.


The radial collateral ligament does not attach to the radius, which is free to rotate.


The sling and swathe combination is designed to stabilize the arm following shoulder dislocation or fracture.


The sternoclavicular joint is the only bone-to-bone joint that holds the shoulder complex onto the thorax.


When wrapping the extremities, circulation should be checked after the elastic wrap is in place.


A valgus stress performed on the elbow is assessing the integrity of which ligament?


Which nerve can become irritated secondary to cubitus valgus present at the elbow?


Which elbow ligament is divisible into three unique sections?

Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)

Which of the following is responsible for checking radial deviation and becomes taut at the end-ranges of flexion and extension?

Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)

If an athlete complains of burning and tingling or paresthesia to the fourth and fifth fingers, what structure may be damaged?

Ulnar nerve

Possible complications of a supracondylar humeral fracture are muscle spasm, swelling, or bone pressure on the brachial artery which inhibit blood circulation to the forearm, wrist, and hand. This is a:

Volkmann's contracture

Which of the following conditions results from an injury to the brachial artery, usually associated with a supracondylar fracture of the humerus?

Volkmann's contracture

When taping the elbow to prevent hyperextension, how should it be positioned?

With the elbow at 90 degrees of flexion with the palm up

The most common shoulder direction for the shoulder to displace is in the ________ direction.


Tapping over the transverse carpal ligament tests for:

carpal tunnel syndrome

In which phase of the throwing motion are the external rotators of the rotator cuff contracting eccentrically?


Which of the following muscles is not a part of the rotator cuff?


If an athlete comes off the field supporting his/her injured arm, with their head tilted towards the injured shoulder and their chin turned towards the opposite side. Which injury have they likely sustained?

fractured clavicle

What is a benign collection of thick fluid within a tendinous sheath or joint capsule found on the wrist and hand called?

ganglion cyst

The scapula fossa that articulates with the humerus is deepened by an additional structure called the:

glenoid labrum

Which of the following results from a rupture of the flexor digitorum profundus tendon?

jersey finger

Palpation of the anterior shoulder should begin by palpating which of the following?

jugular notch

Which nerve travels through the carpal tunnel in the wrist?

median nerve

Which muscle is a primary mover when performing a manual muscle test for horizontal adduction of the GH joint?

pectoralis major

What is the pain during the follow-through phase of the pitching motion commonly associated with?

rotator cuff pathology

Weakness of which of the following muscles causes scapular winging?

serratus anterior

The most important and most commonly injured bursa around the shoulder joint is the:

subacromial bursa

What is the only member of the rotator cuff group that internally rotates the humerus?


Which side of the arm receives the most frequent impact and therefore is where the majority of bruising occurs?


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