Final Exam

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The first signal during helper T-lymphocyte activation involves

CD4 of the helper T-cell binding with MHC class II of the antigen-presenting cell

When viewing a centrifuged blood sample, the erythrocytes will be on the top. T/F?


Which statement is accurate?

Filtration dominates at the arterial end of a capillary bed, and is driven by hydrostatic pressure.

Which statement accurately compares filtration and reabsorption?

Filtration involves bulk flow of fluid out of the blood, whereas reabsorption is bulk flow back into the blood.

Which is an accurate description of glucose and sucrose?

Glucose is a monosaccharide, sucrose is a disaccharide, both molecules are carbohydrates.

Which reaction involving CO 2 predominates within erythrocytes in the pulmonary capillaries of the lung?

HCO-3 combines with H+ to form H2CO3, which dissociates into CO2 and H2O.

Which type of antibody is formed in response to parasitic infections and allergies, and has the effect of activating mast cells and basophils?


The most prevalent antibody in blood and lymph is


What are the five main classes of immunoglobulins found in humans?

IgG, IgA, IgM, IgE, IgD

Which statement accurately describes alveolar exchange of oxygen?

In alveolar gas exchange, oxygen diffuses into the blood, but in systemic gas exchange, it diffuses out of the blood.

Which statement accurately describes alveolar and systemic gas exchanges?

In both alveolar and systemic gas exchange, oxygen diffuses out of the blood.

Which segment of the ECG reflects the plateau phase of ventricular muscle cells' action potentials?

S-T segment

Rita has finally decided to visit a Medical Provider because she is experiencing chronic headache and nausea. She is in her late 40's and approximately 60 pounds overweight. After participating in several medical tests, the following data can be considered. End Diastolic Volume: 130 mL (Slightly Elevated) End Systolic Volume: 90 mL (Elevated) Heart Rate: 90 beats/minute (Elevated) Blood Pressure: 178/115 (Elevated) What is the correct formula to calculate Rita's Cardiac Output and determine if she has a healthy cardiovascular system?

SV x HR = CO

What is the primary function of the large intestine?

Water and electrolyte absorption

Which are characteristics of type O blood? a: Has anti-A antibodies b: Has anti-B antibodies c: Has surface antigen O on its erythrocytes d: Has surface antigen A on its erythrocytes e: Has neither surface antigen A nor B on its erythrocytes

a, b, e

Sympathetic innervation of the heart a: increases the heart rate b: decreases the heart rate c: increases the force of contractions d: decreases the force of contractions e: has no effect on contraction force

a, c

Aldosterone release can be triggered by the presence of the blood-borne messenger angiotensin II or by low levels of sodium, and so its secretion regulation is said to be

both hormonal and humoral

The hemoglobin found in erythrocytes is able to chemically attach to

both oxygen and carbon dioxide.

The involuntary, rhythmic activities that deliver and remove respiratory gases are regulated in the


Beta oxidation is a step in the synthesis of cholesterol that involves

breakdown of fatty acid into two-carbon units to form acetyl CoA

Cardiac output is the amount of blood that is pumped

by a single ventricle in one minute

What is the sequence of events in the transmission of an impulse through the heart muscle? a: AV node b: AV bundle c: SA node d: Through the atria e: Through the ventricles f: Bundle branches g: Purkinje fibers

c, d, a, b, f, g, e

For the repolarization phase of an SA nodal cell action potential:

calcium channels close and potassium channels open

Once an SA nodal cell reaches threshold, the depolarization phase occurs during which

calcium comes in through fast voltage-gated channels

The membrane of a contractile cardiac muscle cell contains

calcium pumps that move calcium out of the cell

A nonessential amino acid is one that

can be made within the body

Cellulose is a type of ________ from plants that remains in the GI tract as fiber and aids in the movement of material through the tract.


Disaccharides are one type of


Milk is a source of lactose, which is a


Which type of muscle cell exhibits a longer refractory period?

cardiac muscle cell

The cardiac center of the brainstem includes the

cardioacceleratory center from which sympathetic pathways extend

Which phase of digestion involves the thought, smell, and sight of food?

cephalic phase

If a fatty meal has been ingested, the liver and gallbladder need to be alerted about the need for bile. The receptors that are responsible for sensing the fat in the ingested food are referred to as


Of the five types of secretory cells in the gastric glands, which ones secrete pepsinogen?

chief cells

Steroid hormones are lipids, derived from


An amine group that is removed from an amino acid within a hepatocyte is then

converted to urea and eliminated as part of urine

The hypothalamic hormone that triggers the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is

corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH).

MHC class I molecules on a cell allow it to interact with

cytotoxic T-lymphocytes

Oxygen-poor blood is ________ in color.

dark red

If a patient becomes dehydrated, the percentage of plasma in a centrifuged sample of his or her blood would likely


Low blood pressure may cause the net hydrostatic pressure of a capillary to be less than normal. This will result in a(n) ___________ net filtration pressure.


According to Boyle's law, the pressure of a gas ________ if the volume of its container increases.


A malnourished person might have abnormally low levels of plasma proteins. As a result, colloid osmotic pressure

decreases, and there is fluid retention in the interstitial space.

As blood moves from the arterial end to the venous end of a capillary, net filtration pressure

decreases, as blood hydrostatic pressure decreases.

Vagal tone refers to the

decreasing of the heart rate below its inherent rhythm by parasympathetic stimulation

The main function of leukocytes is to

defend against pathogens

During the plateau phase of a cardiac muscle cell's action potential, the membrane stays

depolarized as potassium exits and calcium enters

Fibrinolysis involves ________ of the fibrin framework, and it involves the protein ________.

destruction; plasmin

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported between the blood and interstitial fluid by way of

diffusion from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration

Active immunity requires

direct encounter with the antigen.

Peripheral resistance is

directly related to vessel length and inversely related to vessel radius.

Airflow is ________ related to the pressure gradient and ________ related to resistance.

directly; inversely

Lactose intolerant individuals cannot digest the ________ lactose because they lack the enzyme ________.

disaccharide; lactase

Which of the following is the correct sequence of regions of the small intestine, from beginning to end? Ileum - duodenum - jejunum Jejunum - duodenum - ileum Duodenum - jejunum - ileum Duodenum - ileum - jejunum Ileum - jejunum - duodenum

duodenum - jejunem - ileum

When fatty acids are metabolized for cellular respiration, the first step involves breaking two carbons off the chain at a time to form acetyl CoA molecules. Acetyl CoA then

enters the citric acid cycle

Which type of cell is the most effective to attack multicellular parasites such as tapeworms?


The most numerous of the formed elements are the


When blood is centrifuged and its components separate, the bottom of the tube holds the


As with action potentials in other types of cells, the repolarization of cardiac muscle cells involves the

exit of potassium through voltage-gated channels

If someone had a cut in their skin through which a bacterium entered, but that bacterium was then destroyed by a neutrophil, this would be an example of

failed external innate immunity, but successful internal innate immunity

A vasodilator causes a decrease in local blood flow at a capillary bed. T/F?


Although hormones influence activity in the neural and reproductive systems, they do not influence the digestive system. T/F?


Arteries carry blood toward the heart, while veins carry blood away from the heart. T/F?


Citrus fruit is a good source of fat-soluble vitamins. T/F?


During ventricular contraction, the semilunar valves close in order to permit the blood to enter the large arterial trunks that carry blood away from the heart. T/F?


Filtration and reabsorption are processes that involve water (a solvent) but not solutes. T/F?


Glucagon stimulates the liver to form glycogen from glucose. T/F?


Helper T-lymphocyte activation involves MHC class I, whereas cytotoxic T-lymphocyte activation involves MHC class II. T/F?


Helper T-lymphocytes primarily contain the CD8 coreceptor. T/F?


Hyperventilation leads to hypercapnia. T/F?


Increases in angiotensin II levels cause decreases in blood pressure. T/F?


Like PTH, calcitonin increases blood calcium levels. T/F?


Platelets are roughly the same size as erythrocytes, and like erythrocytes, they eject their nucleus just before entering circulation. T/F?


The atrial reflex relies upon chemoreceptors to detect stretch in the atrial wall. T/F?


The blood type of a person missing the surface antigen D is Rh-positive. T/F?


The majority of the bile salts synthesized from cholesterol are removed from the body as a component of the feces. T/F?


The pharyngeal phase of swallowing is a voluntary process that is controlled by the cerebral cortex. T/F?


The term "motility" refers only to involuntary contractions (not voluntary contractions) that mix and move materials through the GI tract. T/F?


When a partial pressure gradient exists for a gas, it will move from the area of its lower partial pressure to the area of higher partial pressure. T/F?


The membrane of a contractile cardiac muscle cell contains:

fast voltage-gated sodium channels and slow voltage-gated calcium channels.

Vitamins A, D, E, and K are

fat soluble

About 70% of the CO 2 that diffuses into systemic capillaries

forms carbonic anhydrase, which combines carbonic acid and water to solubilize the CO2.

Passive immunity lasts

from days to weeks, and does not involve development of memory cells.

Which of the following is considered to be one of the primary digestive system hormones?


The presence of food in the stomach triggers the release of a hormone that stimulates contraction of the pyloric sphincter. Specifically, these events involve release of

gastrin in the gastric phase of digestion.

The hormone that increases the rate of glycogen breakdown and glucose release into the bloodstream by the liver is


As growth hormone levels in the blood increase,

glycogenolysis increases.

Cardiac output equals the

heart rate multiplied by stroke volume

Platelets play a key role in ________, but if they are not used they are broken down after about ________ days.

hemostasis; 9

Cholecystokinin is a(n) ________ released by the ________.

hormone; small intestine

Parathyroid hormone release depends on blood levels of calcium. Such an endocrine reflex is said to be initiated by

humoral stimulation

Within the infundibulum, the axons from neurons extending into the posterior pituitary are known as the

hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract.

The part of the brain that functions as a "master control center" of the endocrine system is the


Thyrotropin-releasing hormone is secreted by the

hypothalamus and it increases release of thyroid-stimulating hormone from the anterior pituitary.

Airway obstruction can lead to hypoventilation, which can cause

hypoxia and respiratory acidosis

IgA is primarily found

in external secretions such as tears, saliva, and mucus.

Pepsinogen is an

inactive precursor to the enzyme pepsin that digests proteins in the stomach.

When someone begins to hyperventilate, the increased movements of their respiratory muscles ________ venous return of blood to the heart.


Thyroid hormone's effects are to

increase metabolic rate and body temperature by increasing protein synthesis in target cells.

One of the unhealthy effects of blood doping is to

increase the viscosity of the blood

Exercise causes a(n) ________ in growth hormone (GH) levels; aging past the teen years causes a(n) ________ in GH levels.

increase; decrease

Inflamed tissue feels warm due to

increased blood flow and increased metabolic activity

Excitation of the vasomotor center results in

increased sympathetic activity and predominantly more vasoconstriction than vasodilation.

Increased cardiac output ______ the blood pressure.


During expiration, relaxation of the diaphragm and external intercostals

increases the pressure in the thoracic cavity

Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes destroy infected cells by releasing

increasing the permeability of infected cells and inducing apoptosis.

Bacteria within the large intestine are called

indigenous microbiota

Lysozyme within saliva primarily functions to

inhibit bacterial growth

Insulin causes adipose tissue to

inhibit lipolysis and stimulate lipogenesis

The function of helper T-lymphocytes is to

initiate and oversee the immune response.

Which hormone is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas?


What are the cell-to-cell contacts of the cardiac muscle fibers called?

intercalated discs

Aldosterone and atrial natriuretic peptide have ________ effects on blood pressure.


Where are the target cells for follicle-stimulating hormone?

ovaries and testes.

The two hormones released from the posterior pituitary are

oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone

In addition to secreting hormones, the pancreas also produces

pancreatic juice.

On each side of the chest, the ________ pleura lines the internal thoracic wall, and the ________ pleura tightly covers the lung.

parietal; visceral

As blood travels through a systemic capillary and exchanges gases with systemic cells,

partial pressure of oxygen in blood decreases as it goes from arterioles to venules

Digestion of proteins is initiated by the enzyme


Carboxypeptidase is an enzyme that helps digest

peptides within the small intestine.

The carotid bodies contain ________ chemoreceptors that respond to changes in ________.

peripheral; blood concentrations of O2

Most activated B-lymphocytes differentiate into

plasma cells

Which type of cell produces and secretes antibodies?

plasma cells

"Complement" refers to a group of

plasma proteins

The "buffy coat" in a centrifuged blood sample is composed of

platelets and leukocytes.

The opening and closing of the heart valves is caused by

pressure changes of alternating contraction and relaxation during the cardiac cycle

Upon activation, a T-lymphocyte

proliferates to form clones and memory cells.

In terms of their chemical structure, cytokines are ________; their function is to serve as ________.

proteins; chemical messengers

The primary function of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is to

stimulate glucocorticoid release from the adrenal glands.

Tissue damage can trigger local release of histamine, which can:

stimulate release of nitric oxide, a vasodilator.

During the absorptive state, insulin release is



stimulates osteoblast activity.

Gram for gram, the largest amount of energy can be stored in the body in the form of


Age, sex, hormone levels, and stress all influence basal metabolic rate. T/F?


Both active and passive immunity can be acquired though natural or artificial means. T/F?


Cardiac muscle is able to use a variety of fuel types for cellular respiration. T/F?


Cardiac reserve is greater in a nonathletic individual than in a highly trained athlete. T/F?


Chief cells store and release an inactive precursor of a proteolytic enzyme (rather than the active form) to avoid destroying proteins within themselves. T/F?


Cholecystokinin decreases stomach motility and inhibits release of gastrin. T/F?


Cholesterol is a required component of cell membranes. T/F?


During hemopoiesis, the lymphoid line forms lymphocytes only. T/F?


During swallowing, elevation of the uvula and soft palate prevents food or fluid from entering the nasopharynx. T/F?


Erythrocytes exhibit a limited lifespan due to their inability to synthesize the proteins necessary to repair themselves. T/F?


Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) is one of the regulatory hormones released by the hypothalamus that acts on the pituitary. T/F?


In addition to creating a physical barrier to pathogen entry, mucus contains antimicrobial substances such as IgA. T/F?


Individuals who consume excess carbohydrates can deposit additional triglycerides into their adipose tissue. T/F?


It is the contraction of the atria during atrial systole that completes the filling of the ventricles while the ventricles are in diastole. T/F?


Low dietary intake of cholesterol triggers cholesterol synthesis within the liver to increase. T/F?


Monocytes phagocytize bacteria, cell fragments, dead cells, and debris. T/F?


Most carbon dioxide is transported through the blood as bicarbonate dissolved in plasma. T/F?


Myofibrils within cardiac muscle cells are aligned in sarcomeres. T/F?


Normally, the left and right ventricles eject the same amount of blood. T/F?


One function of helper T-lymphocytes is to enhance the activity of cells of the innate immune system. T/F?


One of the products of triglyceride breakdown is glycerol; glycerol enters the cellular respiration pathway by being converted to glucose (in the liver) and then undergoing glycolysis. T/F?


Pancreatic juice is secreted by the exocrine pancreatic acini. T/F?


SA nodal cells are autorhythmic. T/F?


Simple sugars are carbohydrates. T/F?


Simply put, antibodies are molecules on the lookout for antigens. T/F?


Some amino acids can be synthesized by the body. Such an amino acid would be classified as a nonessential nutrient. T/F?


Some antibodies cross the placenta. T/F?


Some large molecules, such as fatty acids, are transported between capillaries and tissues by vesicular transport. T/F?


Systolic pressure is greater than diastolic pressure due to the force generated by ventricular contraction. T/F?


The anterior pituitary is also called the adenohypophysis. T/F?


The contraction of skeletal muscles plays an important role in the movement of blood in the veins. T/F?


The esophagus is part of the gastrointestinal tract. T/F?


The function of the muscularis of the GI tract wall is to both propel and mix the contents of the tract. T/F?


The liver and gallbladder are accessory digestive organs. T/F?


The posterior pituitary does not produce its own hormones but stores hormones produced by the hypothalamus. T/F?


To be a target cell for a particular hormone, the cell must have a specific receptor for that hormone. T/F?


Vegetable oils and fish oils are dietary sources of triglycerides. T/F?


Vitamin K and B vitamins produced by bacteria of the large intestine are absorbed into the blood. T/F?


mastication is one component of the mechanical digestion of food. T/F?


Which of the following does not have an endocrine function?

urinary bladder

Which part of an antibody attaches to an antigen?

variable region

Which is not one of the cardinal signs of inflammation?


To compensate for significant blood loss, the autonomic nervous system triggers

vasoconstriction and an increase in heart rate

Angiotensin II causes

vasoconstriction, decreased urine formation, and increased thirst

When physical exertion has ended and the body is at rest, veins demonstrate

vasodilation so that they function as blood reservoirs

Blood pressure is lowest in


Protein hormones are

water soluble

Proteolytic enzymes secreted from the pancreas are activated

within the lumen of the small intestine

Which region of the adrenal cortex synthesizes glucocorticoids?

zona fasciculata

Steroids, peptides, and nucleic acids are the three classes of hormones. T/F?


Trigylcerides and steroids are both examples of


Cardiac output is usually expressed in

liters per minute

Old erythrocytes are phagocytized in the

liver and spleen

The enzyme pepsin becomes active when pH is


Imagine someone who drank too much water before running a race. Their very watery blood would have

low viscosity and therefore have low resistance

When blood oxygen is ________, erythropoietin is released, which ________ production of erythrocytes.

low; stimulates

The main function of serous fluid is to

lubricate and reduce friction between pleural membranes around the lung

Which cells resemble basophils and are found in connective tissue, close to small blood vessels?

mast cells

The mastication center is located in the ________ of the brain.

medulla and pons

Which hormone is secreted by the pineal gland?


Which is not a function of the digestive system?


Inorganic ions such as sodium and potassium are


Concerning the exchange between blood and interstitial fluid at systemic capillaries,

more fluid is filtered than reabsorbed

Compared to the nervous system, the endocrine system has

more widespread and long-lasting effects

Compared to other types of lipoproteins, very-low-density lipoproteins contain the ________ lipid.


In hemopoiesis, granulocytes such as neutrophils are formed from the ________ line.


As T-lymphocytes leave the thymus, they are

naive and immunocompetent

Which type of cell attacks a variety of unwanted cells and causes those cells to undergo apoptosis?

natural killer cells

A drug that decreased calcium levels in a muscle cell and thereby lowered the number of crossbridges formed during the heart's contractions would be a

negative inotropic agent

Net filtration pressure (NFP) is equal to the

net hydrostatic pressure minus the net colloid osmotic pressure.

Which are the most numerous of the leukocytes?


Antigen presentation involves the display of an antigen

on the surface of a cell so that a T-lymphocyte can be exposed to it.

Cardiac reserve is

the increase in cardiac output an individual is capable of demonstrating during vigorous exercise

Blood colloid osmotic pressure is largely due to

the proteins in the blood, and it promotes reabsorption

MHC class I molecules present peptide fragments that are either "self" or "nonself"; in either case, the fragment becomes bound to the molecule while in

the rough endoplasmic reticulum

During ventricular contraction

the semilunar valves open and the AV valves close

The release of hormones from the adrenal medulla is stimulated by

the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.

If agglutination occurs after a blood transfusion, it may indicate

the wrong blood type was used.

A sphincter is a

thickening of the circular layer of the muscularis that controls movement of materials through the GI tract.

Immunity can be transferred from mother to child. When the child's immunity is acquired

through the placenta or through breastmilk, it is active immunity

At rest, a normal person breathes about ________ times per minute.


During a cardiac cycle, how many of the four chambers contract at any one time?


Rita has finally decided to visit a Medical Provider because she is experiencing chronic headache and nausea. She is in her late 40's and approximately 60 pounds overweight. After participating in several medical tests, the following data can be considered. End Diastolic Volume: 130 mL (Slightly Elevated) End Systolic Volume: 90 mL (Elevated) Heart Rate: 90 beats/minute (Elevated) Blood Pressure: 178/115 (Elevated) Calculate her cardiac output.

3.6 L/min

How many globins (protein building blocks) are found in a single hemoglobin molecule?


If someone's blood pressure were listed as 125/75 mmHg, then their pulse pressure would be

50 mmHg

Which most closely approximates the percentage of water in plasma by weight?


Approximately what percent of the oxygen in blood is transported by the hemoglobin of erythrocytes?


Which hormone group is not secreted by the adrenal cortex? Mineralocorticoids Glucocorticoids Gonadocorticoids Corticosteroids All choices are secreted by the adrenal cortex

All choices are secreted by the adrenal cortex

An individual's hematocrit would vary with: age. altitude. sex. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Imagine a patient who loses lots of blood and therefore has less stretch of their aorta with each heartbeat. What reflex will result?

Baroreceptors decrease firing, the cardioacceleratory center increases firing, and cardiac output will exhibit a compensatory increase.

Why are functions of T-lymphocytes referred to as "cell-mediated" immunity?

Because T-lymphocytes work against antigens associated with cells

During exercise, blood flow to skeletal muscles increases. What other blood flow changes occur?

Blood flow to coronary vessels increases, and flow to abdominal organs decreases.

Imagine yourself sitting in an awkward position in an uncomfortable chair that is depriving part of your leg from normal blood flow. This deprivation of adequate perfusion will result in what sort of local changes in your leg?

Buildup of carbon dioxide and hydrogen ions will cause vasodilation.

Which of the following lists the body's first, second, and third lines of defense in order?

External innate immunity, internal innate immunity, adaptive immunity.

Which is not true about the thyroid gland? It requires iodine to synthesize thyroid hormone. An enlargement of the thyroid gland is called a goiter. It has two lobes connected by a central portion called the commissure. It is located on the anterior surface of the trachea, inferior to the thyroid cartilage. It secretes thyroid hormone in response to stimulation by TSH.

It has two lobes connected by a central portion called the commissure.

Which is not an action of interferon?

It signals the immune system that the secreting cell is part of the body and so should not be attacked.

Rita has finally decided to visit a Medical Provider because she is experiencing chronic headache and nausea. She is in her late 40's and approximately 60 pounds overweight. After participating in several medical tests, the following data can be considered. End Diastolic Volume: 130 mL (Slightly Elevated) End Systolic Volume: 90 mL (Elevated) Heart Rate: 90 beats/minute (Elevated) Blood Pressure: 178/115 (Elevated) All of the following statements correctly relate to Rita's Cardiac Output except one. Which statement is INCORRECT? Being overweight can elevate Resistance factors and Systemic Blood Pressure. High Systemic Blood Pressure can result in a low Stroke Volume. Cardiac Output is negatively affected by a low stroke volume. Low stroke volumes generally lead to low Heart Rates.

Low stroke volumes generally lead to low Heart Rates.

Manufacturers of some medications used to treat heartburn advertise that their products shut down the acid-producing pumps in the stomach. Where are these "acid-producing pumps"? In other words, which type of gastric gland cell secretes acid?

Parietal cells

Which organ is not considered an accessory digestive organ?


Which is not characteristic of the endocrine system?

Recovery time: rapid, immediate return to prestimulation level

What is the function of the mineralocorticoids secreted by the adrenal gland?

Regulate electrolyte concentration in body fluids

Blood helps regulate the pH and the temperature of the body. T/F?


In which order would blood flow through these structures as it travels from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland? a: Primary plexus b: Secondary plexus c: Hypophyseal portal veins

a - c - b

Gastric mixing changes

a bolus into chyme

If someone suffered from hypertension, such that the blood pressure in their capillaries was elevated, then net filtration pressure would be

above normal


absorb the products of fat digestion

An organ that helps break down food but is not part of the tube through which the foodstuffs pass is referred to as a(n)

accessory digestive organ

Excessive secretion of growth hormone in adults can cause


The immunity that occurs as a result of a vaccination is ________ immunity.


A delayed response to a specific antigen is provided by

adaptive immunity

The release of hormones from the adrenal cortex is stimulated by

adrenocorticotropic hormone

Metabolically, cardiac muscle relies on

aerobic metabolism using many mitochondria and a rich supply of myoglobin.

The clumping of foreign cells that occurs when antibodies cross-link their antigens is known as


Just prior to atrial contraction,

all four chambers are at rest and AV valves are open

MHC class I molecules are expressed on

all nucleated cells

The plateau phase of an action potential

allows cardiac muscle cells to contract and then relax without locking up


allows for an increase in the perfusion of a local tissue

The alveolar cell that secretes pulmonary surfactant is the

alveolar type II cell

An enzyme found within saliva is salivary


All of the following are associated with a deficiency in calcium, except depressed nerve activity. muscle weakness. loss of bone mass. anemia.


Renin converts

angiotensinogen to angiotensin I

Glucagon and insulin work ________ on blood glucose levels.


Which lobe of the pituitary is larger and secretes more hormones?

anterior pituitary

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is secreted by the

anterior pituitary, and it targets follicular cells of the thyroid gland.

An immunoglobulin is a(n)


The hormones that come from the posterior pituitary

are synthesized in the hypothalamus and are released from the posterior pituitary when nerve signals arrive.

According to the Frank-Starling law

as the volume of blood entering the heart increases, ventricular contractions become more forceful.

In an EKG, the P wave is generated when the

atria depolarize

Organize the items listed into the proper sequence of events for gas exchange. a: O 2 is transported to cells by circulatory system. b: O 2 is drawn into the lungs during inhalation. c: Cells use O 2 and generate CO 2. d: CO 2 is exhaled. e: The circulatory system transports CO 2 to the lungs.

b, a, c, d, e

Which are characteristic of type A blood? a: Has anti-A antibodies b: Has anti-B antibodies c: Has surface antigen A on its erythrocytes d: Has surface antigen B on its erythrocytes e: Has neither surface antigen A nor B on its erythrocytes f: Will agglutinate with blood type B

b, c, f

"Segmentation" within the small intestine refers to the

back-and-forth motion that mixes chyme with glandular secretions.

Which type of leukocyte releases histamine?


If someone were to have abnormally low levels of protein in their blood, then net filtration pressure would

be higher than normal

Rita has finally decided to visit a Medical Provider because she is experiencing chronic headache and nausea. She is in her late 40's and approximately 60 pounds overweight. After participating in several medical tests, the following data can be considered. End Diastolic Volume: 130 mL (Slightly Elevated) End Systolic Volume: 90 mL (Elevated) Heart Rate: 90 beats/minute (Elevated) Blood Pressure: 178/115 (Elevated) Efficient heart performance is between 4000-5000 mL/min. Rita's CO is...

below that range

Since Cortisol is a lipid-soluble hormone, it binds to ________ receptors of its target cells and has the effect of ________ blood glucose levels.

intracellular; raising

The lungs remain inflated because

intrapleural pressure is less than intrapulmonary pressure

Air flows out of the body during expiration because

intrapulmonary pressure is greater than atmospheric pressure

The force per unit area that blood places on the inside wall of a blood vessel

is called the blood pressure

When glucose enters glycolysis, it

is oxidized to two pyruvate molecules.


is the alternating contraction of muscle layers in the GI tract wall that propels materials through the tract

Because oxygen has a low solubility coefficient in water,

it is not easily dissolved in water and requires a steep partial pressure gradient to enter the water

Which region of the digestive tract moves material by peristalsis, haustral churning, and mass movement?

large intestine

If someone were to decrease their food intake and increase aerobic exercise, they might lose adipose tissue and condition their muscles. These changes would also influence their blood vessels, as there would be

regression of blood vessels in adipose tissue and angiogenesis in skeletal muscle.

In an ECG, what does the T wave represent?

repolarization of ventricles

When compared to a primary response, the antibody levels in a secondary response

rise more rapidly and with a greater proportion of IgG antibodies

Activation of lymphocytes occurs in

secondary lymphatic structures

A secondary response to an infectious agent has a ________ latent phase than a primary response has.


The velocity of blood flow through capillaries is

slow, which allows sufficient time for exchange of gases and nutrients between blood and tissues

Nucleic acid are digested within the

small intestine

Secretin is a hormone that is secreted by the

small intestine

Which is not a function of the respiratory system?

sound reception

Amylase from saliva digests


Protein digestion begins in the


Most saliva is produced by the ________ gland.


Which layer(s) of the wall of the GI tract contain a nerve plexus?

submucosa and muscularis

Fruits, maple syrup, and sugar are all sources of


Atherosclerosis involves a

sustained increase in resistance that leads to increases in arterial pressure to maintain adequate blood flow

Mastication is a process that facilitates

swallowing of food, and it increases the surface area of the food for exposure to enzymes

When over 10% of the body's blood has been lost, a survival response occurs involving activation of the ________ nervous system.


When the effects of one hormone reinforce the activity of another hormone on the same target cell, the interaction is said to be


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