Final Exam U.S. History II UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR

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UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Emancipation Proclamation

** Review Emancipation Analysis **

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - blockade

A war of measure that isolates dome area of importance to the enemy

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Appomattox

Appomattox Court House was were Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Fredericksburg

Background Information: General Ambrose E. Burnside was ordered by Lincoln to replace McClellan as the Commander of Union forces in Virginia. Lincoln wanted Burnside to capture Richmond before winter arrived. Corse of Battle: Dec. 11-12, 1862 ➡️Burnside sent 114,000 troops across the Rappahannock River near Fredericksburg, Virginia. General Lee and 75,000 troops controlled Marye's Heights above the town. Burnside ordered 14 assaults on the hills in an attempt to surprise Lee. Lee took advantage of his high position and fired down on Union troops in the open field. Results: Confederate victory Union suffered 12,000 casualties. Confederacy suffered about 5,000 casualties. Outcomes: Lincoln replaced Burnside with General Joseph Hooker ("Fighting Joe"). Led to strong criticism in the North of Lincoln's leadership and the abilities of the Union army

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Antietam

Battle of Antietam/Sharpsburg When: September 17, 1862 Where: Who: Union (General Joseph Hooker and General George ....), Confederate (General Robert E. Lee) Reason for Attack: if confederacy won they got European aid, Lee wanted to stick supplies and new recruits Significance: Bloodiest in American history Outcomes: No European aid because they lost

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Chancellorsville

Battle of Chancellorsville When: April 30 - May 6, 1863 Where: Virginia Who: Robert E. Lee "Stonewall" Jackson "Fighting" Hooker Reason for Attack: Hooker surprised Lee with an attack Significance: "Stonewall" Jackson Outcome: Confederate Victory Hooker replaced with Meade

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Petersburg

Battle of Petersburg When: June 1864 -April 1865 Where: Petersburg, Virginia Who: Union General Ulysses S. Grant Confederate General Robert E. Lee Reason for Attack: Cut supply lines to Richmond Significance: 9-month siege Last real engagement General Lee was forced to retreat to the west, leaving Petersburg and Richmond Outcome: Union Victory


Battle of Shiloh When: April 6 - 7, 1862 Where: South West Tennessee Who: Union Won Reason for Attack: Surprise attack, attacked General Grants Camp. Significance: Bloodiest battle at the time, General Johnson (First General to die), Grant starts his rise (big hero.) Outcomes: Union won, but had more deaths

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Robert E. Lee

Confederate General from the Civil War, surrendered at Appomattox Court House

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Jefferson Davis

Confederate President

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - First Bull Run

First Battle of Bull Run/Manassas When: July 21 - 22, 1861 Where: Virginia Who: General Irvin McDowell Reason for Attack: Union forces wanted to show the south that it wasn't worth the fight, this occurred after Fort Sumter Significance: Gave the south more confidence, this is where General Jackson gets his nickname, " Stonewall Jackson Outcomes: the South Won

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Fort Sumter

First battle of the Civil War, cause of the Civil War

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - John Brown

John Brown Raid's (1859) Brown tried to start a slave rebellion in the South. Seized the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Planned to use arsenal to arm slaves. Brown was arrested two days later by Colonel Robert E. Lee. Convicted of "treason against the Common Wealth of Virginia". Hanged on December 2, 1859. Legacy of John Brown Hero in North. Traitor and Fanatic in the South.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Gettysburg

Lead-Up to Battle General Robert E. Lee's victory at the Battle of Chancellorsville gave him the courage to try another invasion of the North. His plan was to move as far North as Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and even march toward Philadelphia. Early June 1863➡️ Lee crossed about 75,000 troops into Pennsylvania. General George C. Meade followed Lee's army North. End of June➡️ The Confederate Army massed itself near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Confederate scouts reported that there was a supply of scouts in the town. Day 1 of Battle - July 1,1863 The Union had approached Gettysburg from the south. The Confederates had approached the town from the north. 2 Union brigades positioned on the high ground see and fire on the Confederate raiding party. Began as a skirmish but quickly grew into a larger conflict and reinforcements were called in. By mid-day, the Confederates had taken the town of Gettysburg. The Union army retreated to strong positions at Culp's Hill, Round Tops, and Cemetery Hill. Significance: By the end of this first day, the Union held the high ground. Day 2 of Battle - July 2, 1863 Throughout the night, troops for both sides moved in on Gettysburg. Confederate troops = 72,000 Union troops = 94,000 Total = 166,000 Lee's plan was to take the high points of Culp's Hill and Round Tops. Lee announced the day to be a Confederate victory, but Longstreet didn't believe they should fight another day. (Confederates were not interested in fighting anymore.) The Union was still able to hold the high points. Day 3 of Battle - July 3, 1863 Lee believed his Army of Northern Virginia to be invincible. Lee knew that in order to win, he would have to break the Union center line at cemetery ridge. Pickett's Charge: General George Pickett led the charge with 13,000 troops. They marched 3/4 of a mile to Cemetery Ridge. 10 men fell with each fire of the Union artillery. All those who reached the Union line were killed, wounded, or captured. This position was known as the "Angle" The charge failed with 6,500 casualties. Aftermath July 4, 1863 ➡️ Lee's army retreats followed by a 17-mile wagon train with wounded. Meade did not pursue Lee's army to Lincoln's horror. Could have ended the war. Casualties: Union = 23,000 men Confederates = 20,000 men *1/3 of all men engaged in the battle Significance: Lee's army will never march this far north again. With their army in shambles, Lee is forced to fight a defensive war. Bloodiest battle in American history. Considered to be a turning point in the war - combined with the Union victory at Vicksburg. Lee will have other victories, but this is the beginning of the Confederacy's downfall.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - North vs. South (resources)

North Good - Greater amount of people - Better weapons - Better communications Bad - Unexperienced Generals South Good - Better leadership (more experienced Generals) Bad - less people - bad access to weapons - worse access to communications

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Copperheads

Northern Democrat who opposed the Civil War, advocating peace and restoration of the Union even if slavery continued.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - "Stonewall " Jackson

One of the Confederate Generals, died at the battle of Chancellorsville.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - abolitionists

People who wanted to put an end to slavery

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Abraham Lincoln

President durning the Civil War.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Gettysburg Address

The Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago our four fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a Great Civil War, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate - we can not consecrate - we can not hallow - this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from the honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God,mahal have a new birth of freedom - and the government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ** Review Gettysburg Address Worksheet **


This city was destroyed by Sherman and his army on their march to the sea. "Sherman Bow Ties"

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Secession

To withdraw from a government and form an alternative government. Seven states of the Deep South seceded after Lincoln's election. South Carolina was the first followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Joseph Hooker

Union General

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Ulysses S. Grant

Union General after his victory at Vicksburg

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - George G. Meade

Union General that followed Lee's army to Gettysburg, and did not follow orders to defend the hill which caused what could have turned this battle into a Confederate victory instead of a Union victory.

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - William T. Sherman

Union General that led the march to the sea. "Sherman Bow Ties" Destroyed Atlanta on his way to Savannah left the city in ruins

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - George B. McClellan

Union at the Seven Days Battle and was replaced by Ambrose E. Burnside

UNIT 1: THE CIVIL WAR - Vicksburg

When: May 18 - July 4, 1863 Where: Mississippi Who: General Ulysses S. Grant Reason for Attack: Investigating Vicksburg It sits on the Mississippi River Significance: Split the Confederate army in half Captured the Mississippi River Outcome: Union Victory Grants success led him to gain General and Chief of the Army

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