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Which medication is an antidote to heparin?

Protamine sulfate

The nurse is taking a health history for a 9-year-old child with conjunctivitis. Which finding would suggest that this is allergic conjunctivitis?

Recently helped clean the basement

The parents of a 4-year-old boy tell the nurse, "We're really worried that our child doesn't have 20/20 vision. It seems that he doesn't always see clearly at a distance." What is the best response by the nurse?

"20/20 vision isn't usually achieved until the age of 6 or 7 years but I will let the physician know your concerns."

A 13-year-old reports she recently saw a television program showing surgery to correct vision problems. She states she hates wearing glasses and wants to have this procedure done. What is the best response by the nurse?

"Although there are surgeries for vision, they are not normally recommended for someone your age."

The nurse is discussing skin disorders with a group of caregivers. Which caregiver statement indicates an understanding of tinea capitis?

"I always tell my daughter to use her own hairbrush."

The nurse is providing education to the parents of a 5-year-old with a fever. Which statements indicate the need for further instruction? Select all that apply.

"I can administer two baby aspirin tablets to my child every 4 to 6 hours for the fever." "Sponging my child with cold water can be a soothing way to manage the fever." "I should use a cooling fan in my child's room to keep the fever down."

A child has been diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis. Which statement(s) by the child's parent indicates the need for further education? Select all that apply.

"Our child can go back to school in 4 hours, after that thick yellow drainage is gone." "I will continue to use eye drops until the redness is gone."

A nurse is caring for a 12-year-old girl recently diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. The nurse is discussing dietary restrictions with the girl's mother. Which response indicates a need for further teaching?

"She can eat whatever she wants on dialysis days."

A parent asks the nurse about immunizing her 7-month-old daughter against the flu. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"Since your daughter is older than 6 months, she should get the vaccine every year."

Seven-year-old Isabelle has been complaining of headache, coughing, and an aching chest. The care provider makes a diagnosis of a viral infection. The child's mother tells the nurse that when Isabelle first said she had a headache, the child's father gave her half of an adult aspirin. The mother has heard of Reye syndrome and asks the nurse if her child could get this. Which statement would be best for the nurse to say to this mother?

"This might or might not be a problem. Watch Isabelle for signs of lethargy, unusual irritability, confusion, or vomiting. If you notice any of these, bring her to the emergency room immediately so she can be checked for Reye syndrome."

A child is brought to the emergency department after sustaining a concussion. The child is to be discharged home with his parents. What would the nurse include in the child's discharge instructions?

"Wake him every 2 hours to check his movement and responses."

The nurse is providing home care instructions for the parents of an infant with cradle cap. Which response by the parents indicates a need for further teaching?

"We can scrape off the crusts on his scalp with a cotton swab."

A 9-year-old boy who is blind is admitted to the hospital. When serving him a meal in bed, which statement would be most appropriate to increase his self-esteem?

"You have a sandwich on your plate, a glass of milk to your right, and an apple to your left."

The nurse is caring for a 1-week-old child with a feeding intolerance. The mother expresses a concern with white scales that have began to flake off the infant's scalp and she asks the nurse what she can do to prevent this. What is the best nursing response?

"Your child most likely has infantile seborrheic dermatitis, or cradle cap. You can care for it by cleansing the hair and scalp daily with baby shampoo. You can also apply baby oil to the area for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse away the flakes."

The nurse is monitoring a patient who is on heparin anticoagulant therapy. What should the nurse determine the therapeutic range of the international normalized ratio (INR) should be?


The nurse is caring for a 7-month-old female infant diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI). The parents are upset as this is the infant's second UTI with a fever. Which instruction is most helpful? Select all that apply.

A fever is commonly noted with a UTI. Change diapers promptly, especially after bowel movements. Female urethras are shorter and straighter than males.

During physical assessment of a 2-year-old child, the nurse becomes concerned that the child may have a cataract in one eye. Which sign or symptom suggests the child has a cataract?

Absence of the red reflex

The parent of a child with mumps calls the clinic to find out how long the child needs to stay home from school. The nurse would instruct the parent to allow the child to return to school at which time?

After 9 days from the onset of swelling

Which child has the highest risk of urinary tract infection?

An 18-year-old female who is sexually active

Immediately after birth, the nurse is caring for a newborn with a myelomeningocele. What intervention should the nurse provide to prevent drying out of the sac to avoid damage?

Apply a sterile dressing moistened in a warm, sterile saline solution.

A nurse is applying a cast to a 12-year-old boy with a simple fracture of the radius in the arm. What is most important for the nurse to do when she has finished applying the cast?

Assess the fingers for warmth, pain, and function

The nurse is teaching a group of parents about eyes and eye concerns. The nurse tells these caregivers about a condition that occurs when unequal curvatures in the cornea bend the light rays in different directions and this causes images to be blurred. The condition the nurse is referring to is:


A 4-year-old child diagnosed with Wilms tumor is admitted for surgery. What information would be most important for the nurse to include in the child's preoperative plan of care?

Avoiding further abdominal palpation

When teaching a client with iron deficiency anemia about appropriate food choices, the nurse encourages the client to increase the dietary intake of which foods?

Beans, dried fruits, and leafy, green vegetables

What finding is consistent with increased ICP in the child?

Bulging fontanel

A group of nursing students are reviewing the six links in the chain of infection and the nursing implications for each. The students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify which precaution as helping to break the chain of infection to the susceptible host?

Maintaining skin integrity

The condition in which one or both of the testes does not descend in the male infant is referred to as:


The parents of a newborn are struggling with the news that their infant has spina bifida. Which technique should the nurse prioritize teaching to the parents that will help increase the infant's comfort and development?

Cuddle the baby in a chest-to-chest position.

The nurse determines that it is necessary to implement airborne precautions for children with which infection?


The nurse is caring for an 8-year-old child hospitalized with nephrotic syndrome. Which nursing intervention would be appropriate for this child?

Measure the abdominal girth daily.

A 4-month-old infant is seen at the ambulatory care clinic and diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction. The mother asks what can be done. What information should be included in the information provided to the parent?

Most of these conditions will spontaneously resolve.

Parents have just given birth to a child diagnosed with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). The couple are parents of 3 other children under the age of 8 years old with no genetic disorders. What would be a priority nursing diagnosis at this time?

Deficient knowledge regarding trisomy 21

A nurse is preparing a presentation for a local parent group about urinary tract infections (UTIs) in children. Which organism would the nurse incorporate into the presentation as the most common cause?

E coli

The nurse is caring for a child with a partial-thickness burn. What assessment findings would the nurse expect to observe?

Edema with wet blistering skin

Which of the following test results is associated with a diagnosis of cystic fibrosis?

Elevated sweat chloride concentration

A baby is born with spina bifida with meningocele. The parents are visibly upset. The father states, "What did we do wrong? How will I ever love this child?" What is the priority action by the nurse?

Encourage the parents to express their feelings and emotions openly.

Which of the following eye disorders is caused by an elevated intraocular pressure (IOP)?


The nurse knows that the heads of infants and toddlers are large in proportion to their bodies, placing them at risk for what problem?

Head trauma

A 6-month-old infant is admitted with suspected bacterial meningitis. She is crying, irritable, and lying in the opisthotonic position. Which intervention should the nurse take initially?

Institute droplet precautions in addition to standard precautions.

A child returns to the clinic after an episode of external otitis (acute otitis externa or swimmer's ear) that has resolved. What would the nurse emphasize as the priority for preventing future episodes?

Keeping ear canals dry

A child is brought to the clinic with fever, cough, and coryza. The nurse inspects the child's mouth and observes what look like tiny grains of white sand with red rings. How would the nurse document these findings?

Koplik spots

The nurse is caring for a 14-year-old boy with an osteosarcoma. Which communication technique would be least effective for him?

Letting him choose juice or soda to take pills

Nursing students are reviewing information about childhood cancers. They demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify what as the most frequent type?


The nurse is caring for an infant with a myelomeningocele prior to surgical repair. Which nursing consideration is the highest priority?

Maintaining a clean environment

A 15-year-old boy visits his primary care physician's office with fever, headache, and malaise, along with complaints of pain on chewing and pain in the jawline just in front of the ear lobe. The boy asks his mother to leave the exam room for a minute and then tells the nurse that he is also experiencing testicular pain and swelling. The nurse recognizes that this client most likely has which condition?


The nurse is conducting a pain assessment of a 10-year-old boy who has been taking acetaminophen for chronic knee pain. The assessment indicates that the recommended dose is no longer providing adequate relief. What is the appropriate nursing action?

Obtain an order for a different medication.

A nurse is caring for a newborn client who is diagnosed with myelomeningocele. Which nursing intervention would protect the newborn from injury?

Place the newborn in a prone or lateral position.

A nurse is providing care to an infant who develops roseola during hospitalization. The nurse would institute which infection control precaution?


A 10-month-old infant is brought to the emergency department by the parents after they found the infant face down in the bathtub. The parent states, "I just left the bathroom to answer the phone. When I came back, I found my infant." Which nursing action is priority?

Start cardiopulmonary resuscitative measures.

What would the nurse highlight as the most common cause of meningitis in newborns?

Streptococcus group B

To prevent further urinary tract infections in a preschooler, what measures would you teach her mother?

Teach her to wipe her perineum front to back after voiding.

The nurse is developing a nursing care plan for a hospitalized 6-year-old. Which behavior would warrant nursing intervention?

The child does not want to play games with other children on the hospital ward.

A caregiver brings her 7-year-old son to the pediatrician's office, concerned about the child's bedwetting after being completely toilet trained even at night for over 2 years. The caregiver further reports that the child has wet the bed every night since returning home from a 1-week fishing trip. The child refuses to talk about the bedwetting. The nurse notes the child is shy, skittish, and will not make eye contact. Further evaluation needs to be done to rule out what possible explanation for the bedwetting?

The child has been sexually abused, maybe on the fishing trip.

The nurse has assessed a 6-year-old child as having respiratory distress due to swelling of the epiglottis and surrounding structures. Which signs and symptoms would support this assessment?

The child is in tripod position.

The nurse is collecting data for a child diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. What would the nurse likely find in this child's history?

The child recently had an ear infection.

The nurse is assessing a 5-month-old infant. What would cause the nurse to be concerned about a possible visual impairment?

The infant does not imitate facial expressions.

While assessing the patient, the nurse observes constant bubbling in the water-seal chamber of a closed chest drainage system. What should the nurse conclude?

The system has an air leak

A parent asks if their newborn's undescended testicles will need surgery to repair. What is the best response by the nurse?

There is a chance the testicles will descend on their own.

The nurse is reinforcing teaching with the caregivers of a child being discharged from the urgent care setting following a mild head injury that occurred in an in-line skating accident. What should the caregivers be instructed to do? Select all that apply.

Wake the child every one to two hours to check level of consciousness. Observe and report any vomiting that occurs within six hours. Observe for and report to provider any double or blurred vision.

The most important assessment of neurovascular status to make after spinal surgical instrumentation would be to

assess the legs for warmth.

The nurse is teaching the family of a 6-year-old boy with allergic conjunctivitis how to minimize his exposure to allergens. What action would the nurse anticipate as being most difficult for the family to implement?

encouraging the child to keep his hands away from his eyes

A young client arrives at the clinic with a rash on the trunk and flexor surfaces of the extremities. The mother informs the nurse that the rash started a day before on the exterior surfaces of the extremities; 2 days before, the child had a really bad rash on the face. The physician diagnoses the child with erythema infectiosum. The nurse tells the mother that this is also known as:

fifth disease.

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a 9-month-old infant with a suspected neuromuscular disorder. Which finding would warrant further evaluation?

presence of Moro reflex

A nurse is performing a newborn assessment and notices a small dimple on the sacral area. The infant has a normal neurological assessment and moves all extremities well. What does the nurse suspect that the dimple indicates?

spina bifida occulta

A nurse is providing teaching to the mother of an adolescent girl about how to manage menstrual pain by nonpharmacologic methods. Which statement by the mother indicates a need for further teaching?

"I need to follow these instructions exactly for them to work properly."

The nurse has finished teaching the mother of a 5-year-old male diagnosed with bacterial conjunctivitis how to manage her son's infection at home. Which statement by the mother would indicate a need for further education?

"I will use Visine drops in his infected eye to help reduce redness."

The nurse has completed client teaching with a 16-year-old female who has been prescribed Accutane (isotretinoin) for cystic acne. Which statements indicate learning has occurred? Select all that apply.

"If I am sexually active I need to let my doctor know." "This is not a drug to be used for all forms of acne. My sister has minor acne so I told her this wasn't for her." "It's important I get my CBC blood test when my doctor orders it."

The nurse is preparing to administer digoxin to a client with heart failure. The nurse obtains an apical pulse rate for 1 minute and determines a rate of 52 beats/minute. What is the first action by the nurse?

Withhold the medication and notify the physician of the heart rate

The nurse is providing care to several children who have been brought to the clinic by the parents reporting cold-like symptoms. The nurse would most likely suspect sinusitis in which child?

a 7-year-old with halitosis and thick, yellow nasal discharge

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