Final MGT 300

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

According to your text, when teachers handle classes loosely, with no homework, class sessions that seem to driftwithout structure, purpose or discipline, we characterize them as


Jones Appliance Manufacturing makes two different types of washing machines which required different hoses. Theengineers were able to design the washing machines so that both washing machines can use the same hose. This is anexample of eliminating which type of waste?

reducing or eliminating inventories

Michael is a member of a team where he works, Robbins Manufacturing. His group is given the responsibility to improve the manufacturing process by eliminating or reducing waste. In addition, Michael's team gets to make hiring and firing decisions. His team is a(n) _____________ .

self-managed work team

According to expectancy theory, when Dennis, a department manager, finds that an employee values the goal ofpromotion, he/she should

state what must be done in order to get promoted.

Which of the following is not one of the three major factors in expectancy theory as presented by an example in yourtext?

the value that Fred places on his supervisor's referrent power

Which of the section of the managerial grid can be described as an abdicator or an extreme of the laissez-faire style?

1, 1

Johnson Company believes in being aggressive with the use of debt to finance its growth. Which of the following debt to equity ratios would be more consistent with their aggressive philosophy?


In a study cited in your text, fewer than __% of of U.S. employees felt they were working at full potential.


Deming's 85-15 rule is best explained by which of the following:

85% of the time problems are controlled by management

Regarding the managerial grid, the stern task master is likely to be operating in which section of the grid?

9, 1

Regarding the Manergerial Grid, the manager with a high concern for people and a high concern for productivity is likely operating in which section of the grid?


AAA Manufacturing Company has a set time during the workweek when 6 to 12 employees meet to identify problems and try to find solutions.. They can also collect data and take surveys. This is referred to as______________.

A quality circle

A good example of ___________________ with all of the necessary steps for control is a thermostatically controlled air conditioning or heating system.

A total control system

The students have taken the final exam and completed the rest of the requirements of the course so that the professor could submit a grade for the students. This would be consistent with the class being in which of the stages of group development?


Each of the following are factors preventing group cohesion except:


The lean approach is built on each of the following except:


The balanced scorecard approach includes each of the following areas of focus except:

Benchmarking results

The _________________ is the value where total revenue exactly covers both fixed and variable costs.

Break even point

Which of the following is not true concerning budgets?

Budgets are statements showing the firm's financial position.

_______________________ are questioning, open, and candid team members who are willing to disagree, banter, contestassumptions and encourage the team to take calculated risks.


Regina is a reliable and hard working employee. Her co-worker, Sam, is constantly calling in at the last minute and requesting time off. When the schedule is made Sam is given the same amount of hours as Regina in addition to all of the changes he requested. Regina feels that this is unfair, so she expresses to her manager that she feels she should be given more hours than Sam because of her reliability. What method for reducing inequity is Regina using?

Change outcomes

Which of the following is not one of the stages of group development?


Each of the following is a way to apply reinforcement theory except

Concentrate on social needs

Which two concepts are associated with which axis of the managerial grid?

Concern for People-horizontal and Concern for Production-vertical

While walking around the production floor, Jill, a production supervisor, notices a small backlog in the production process. She immediately makes a small change which reduces the backlog. Jill is involved in which type of control?


_________________________ occurs while an activity is taking place as in driving a car. You must adjust your steeringcontinuously.

Concurrent control

Keith is a dependable group member. He has researched the issue and has pushed the group to better performance?He reminds the group of the task at hand. Keith is which type of follower?


____________________ are task-oriented, dependable team members who provide good technical data, do their homework when requested, and help keep the group or team focused on the task.


Examples of quantitative standards include each of the following except:

Cooperative attitudes

Which of the following is not a function of budget reports?

Create reports for key departments in the organization that controls company profits and margins

One of the more popular liquidity ratios is the ______________.

Current ratio

Which of the following statements does not accurately describe trait theories of leadership?

Current research suggests that leaders are born, not made.

Which of the following is a financial leverage ratio?

Debt to equity ratio

Related to social loafing,_________________________ is the idea that because each person may be expected to do only apart of a task or project, no single individual may feel totally responsible.

Diffuse responsibility

Which of the following set of components are part of expectancy theory?

Effort, performance and reward

The probability that increased effort will lead to increased performance is consistent with which two factors of expectancy theory?


When Johnson Manufacturing realizes that their employees are spending far too much time walking form one area to another and decides that redesign their work layout, that is consistent with which of the following:

Eliminating waste

_____________________________________ refers to a person's ability to perceive, process, understand, and manage emotions and behaviors in one's self and others.

Emotional intelligence

Sally is the CEO for Sally's Simple Suits. She is interested in delegating the authority of scheduling of her subordinates directly below her in the organization. What type of motivation is this?


The advantages of groups, especially when they become teams include all of the following except:

Encourage Social Loafing

When Amy, a distribution supervisor, sees that her emoloyees are trained to do their job, she is concenred with whichof Maslow's needs?


When Linda, a department manager, congratulates her employees in group meetings about the work accomplishments,educational accomplishments, and technoloigcal training they have earned or completed, she is dealing with which levelof Maslow's hierarchy?


Which two of Maslow's levels can seldom be fully satisfied?

Esteem and self-actualization

A quality circle is a small group of workers and a supervisor or team leader who usually belong to the same unit ordivision and meet regularly to improve motivation.


An important element of Fiedler's contingency theory is the assumption that a leader's style is not stable.


Committees and task forces are examples of formal groups.


Control refers just to setting standards and measuring performance.


Leadership and management are the same thiing.


Men represent a larger proportion of the workforce at all organizational levels today.


Money is always a maintenance factor.


Recognition and achievement are always motivators.


Transactional leaders are visionary and try to instill pride, respect, and esprit de corps.


_________________________ is hierarchical in that measured activity has already occurred, and it is not possible to goback and correct performance to bring it up to standard.

Feedback Control

When Louisville Slugger inspects the quality of wood delivered before use in the production of baseball bats, they areinvolved with which type of control?


Which of the following statements is not true regarding Fiedler's contingency theory?

Fiedler's theory is effective during emergencies.

__________________________ groups are deliberately formed by management and are often shown on the organizationalchart.


When you registered for this class and came to the class for the first time, this would be consistent with which stage ofgroup development?


The proper order for the development of groups is:

Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

Groups comprised of people with common interests like playing poker, softball or bowling are referred to as_____________

Friendship groups

The mutual liking and team feeling in the group are called _________________.

Group cohesiveness

How much group members need to rely on each other is referred to as _________________.

Group interdependence

The Abilene paradox is also known as _________


Timothy is a high sales performer at a local car dealership and has worked every weekend for six months. He requests a day off and is denied. He discovers that Sarah also requested a day off and was approved. Under equity theory, Timothy can do all of the following except:

He can use behavior modification for positive reinforcement

Each of the following is a reason why management might use break even analysis in their decision making except:

Identify cost inefficiencies

There is a need for leadership

In all levels of our society.

Maslow's theory can be used to predict which behavior(s)?

Individual and group

At a local firm, several employees started meeting on Tuesday nights to learn English. This is an example of what typeof group/team?

Informal groups

Each of the following is one of Maslow's needs except


When you are motivated to learn because it will make you a more well rounded person, you are motivated by________________.

Intrinsic rewards

What is the name of the motivational technique for job design that relies on workers with low skill levels to performtheir stripped down jobs interchangeably, allowing the organization to achieve high levels of efficiency?

Job rotation

Of the financial equations discussed in chapter 11, which of the following categories best describes the ratio: DebtRatio=Total Debt/Total Assets?


In _____________________, the style of the leader should change as the maturity of the followers increases.

Life cycle or situational theory

Maturity, task behavior, and relationship behavior are concepts associated with which leadership theory?

Life cycle theory

Stabilizing, analytical, tough minded and deliberate are some of the qualities listed in the chapter that describe a


Each of the following are process theories except:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Theories X and Y were developed by whom?


According to your text, control refers to each of the following except:

Measuring satisfaction

Each of the following is a characteristic of effective control systems except:

Minimizes short term costs

According to chapter 8, __________________ is/are the essense of management.


Each of the following statements is true about motivation except:

Motivation and leadership are not linked.

Which of the following is not one of the needs in acquired needs theory?

Need for existence

Boeing has employees all over the world; many of these have specialized knowledge. It's not always possible for these people to be at the same location. In this situation a manager would want to consider which of the following type of teams:


A growing trend is the use of __________________ because many groups are formed and disbanded so quickly that thereis not enough time for normal groups to emerge.

Network teams

The _____________ stage of group development is characterized by group cohesion and open communication. Membersfeel good about one another


ABC Company, every employee has the ability to see the financial position the company is in. This is an example of which philosophy of control?

Open book management

________________________ is a variation of team building and strategic planning designed to improve efficiency and effectiveness in large projects.


The _____________ stage of group development is characterized by efficiently and effectively accomplishing group goals.


The disadvantages of groups include all of the following except:

Provide opportunities for need satisfaction

When John, a department manager, pays an attendance bonus to Bill and praises Bill for his perfect attendance, this would be consistent with which of the following theories?

Reinforcement theory

Each of the following is a reason for the growth of network teams except:

Reward systems have kept up with the use of teams and are consistent with increased productivity.

Bob, a production supervisor at Production Machine Company, has been told by a few of his employees that there are a couple of dangerous areas in the plant where employees and machines come too close together. He searches for a solution before an accident occurs. Bob's employees are operating in which level of Maslow's hierarchy?


When Bob, a production supervisor, is working to reduce accidents on the factory floor, he is concerned with whichlevel of Maslow's hierarchy?


When Bob, the plant manager, recognizes that Laura would make a great plant manager, he is concerned with which of Maslow's needs?


When Don, a partner in his law firm, encourages a paralegal to go to law school because he thinks the paralegal would make a great attorney, Bob is concerned with which of Maslow's needs?


Two quality approaches that have evolved from TQM are:

Six Sigma and the lean approach

When Jane, the plant manager, chooses to support a company softball team in the local town league, she is concernedwith which of Maslow's needs?


Which of the 5S practices is consistent with the supervisor working with the employees to keep only what is neededand to get rid of unneeded materials?


Which of the 5S Practices is consistent with writing down the procedures for cleaning and having checklists to makesure nothing is forgotten.


Keith and Charles are members of a group. At the most recent group meeting, they disagreed with each other and wentas far as to yell at each other. They are in the ___________ stage of group development.


The 5S Practices include each of the following except:


Ken, the plant manager, has implemented the 5S Practices. He is currently evaluating his plant's 5S Practicesperformance for the last month. By doing this, Ken is invlolved with which of the 5S Practices?


Which of the 5S practices is consistent with the supervisor periodically reviewing the team's performance and choosing to reward with incentives to encourage good housekeeping.


When Jeff, a production supervisor, finds that the production of his employees did not meet the organization's goals,Jeff must then deal with which of the following

Taking corrective action

__________________________ is characterized by organizations that frequently take actions in contradiction to the data they have for dealing with a problem and as a result compound their problems rather than solving them.

The Abilene paradox

_____________________ is the most used control device in business.

The Budget

In practice,_____________________ should be used in conjunction with the organization's strategic planning efforts so that goals and strategies are clearly defined in each area for each level within the organization-strategic, tactical, and operational.

The balanced scorecard approach

Bob, a dock supervisor, for a distribution company states "My employees are lazy and don't want to work." His attitudesare consistent with which management theory?

Theory X

Joe has been working as a production manager for 20 years. He believes that his emloyees are lazy and don't want towork. Furthermore, if he wasn't watching them, his employees would not work. Joe could best be described as a_____________ leader.

Theory X

Joe has been working as a production manager for 20 years. He believes that his employees are lazy and don't want to work. Furthermore, if he wasn't watching them, his employees would not work. Joe could best be described as a_____________ leader.

Theory X

A manager's assumptions about his/her employees and their attitudes about work are consistent with which of thefollowing?

Theory X and Y

Tommy, a department manager, believes that his employees like work, seek responsibility and are creative. Tommycould best be described as a _________________ leader.

Theory Y

Each of the following is true about leadership except:

There is one best leadership style

Which of the following statements is associated with Level 5 leaders?

They have a fierce resolve to act in the best interest of the organization and have a sense of humility.

Of the determinants of team cohesiveness which characteristic describes a personal attraction to the team

They have similar attitudes and enjoy being together.

Which of the following is not true about self managed work teams?

They stay on task better than managed work teams.

A supervisor at Bill's Sign Company argues that successful leadership comes from personality characteristics of the supervisor. This supervisor's arguments are consistent with _____________________.

Trait theories

Which leadership theory is associated with of the leaders identifying performance standards, recognizing what types of rewards employees want, taking action to make those rewards happen if the standards are met?

Transactional Leadership

__________________________________ leadership is a more visionary and empowering leadership style. It is related closely to charasmatic and developmental leadership.


Common themes associated with _______________________ are that they are visionary, attempt to instill pride and espritde corps, and have a true sense of mission.

Transformational leaders

Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration are associated with which leadership theory?

Transformational leadership

A group is two or more people who communicate and work together regularly in pursuit of one or more common objectives.


A major distinction between groups and teams is that teams have mutual accountability.


A major takeaway from expectancy theory, is that although a supervisor is not likely to calculate probabilities of each portion of the model, the supervisor should know what motivates his/her employees.


According to research, women are better at employing social and emotional skills that men.


Groups can be both supportive of and in opposition to overall organizational goals.


McClelland's research found that all people has some need for affliation, achievement, and power.


Most modern process theories rely on some form of expectancy theory.


Motivation is the process of inducing a person or group of people to achieve the organization's objectives while alsoworking to achieve personal objectives.


The central theme running through most definitions of leadership is that it is a process of influencing individual andgroup activities toward goal setting and goal achievement.


The president of the National Association of Insurance Committee changed the way the education planning committeemeets this year. They now have an online board meeting which allows worldwide members to participate andcontribute. What team method is the president utilizing?

Virtual team

___________________ face added challenges of different time zones, less frequent communications, lack of a physicalpresence and a lack of any informal interactions.

Virtual teams

XYZ Computer Systems has some of the most talented employees in the industry. Jane works with several of these high performers in her work team. Although they are highly talented, they also don't work well with others. Jane is likely to be in what type of group?


Which type of team is only comprised of top performers?

Virtuoso teams

Which of the following was not stated in your text about men and women leaders?

Women are more assertive

Each of the following is a way to measure performance except:

Word of mouth

Which of the following statements is not consistent with Theory X?

Work is as natural as play

Each of the following is one of the ways your text described as waste except:

Workers talking about the latest policies

Henry had a disagreement with his manager regarding how much his manager his criticizing him. He's always been anoutstanding employee but this is affecting his work. Which of Herzberg's factors would this issue be categorized?

a maintenance factor

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