Final Quiz Practice-HIST 1302

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Of the over 110000 Japanese-descended Americans who were detained in internment camps approximately how many were American citizens?


How did federal housing programs discriminate against Americans of color?

All of the above

Why was Emmett Till murdered?

Allegedly whistling at a white woman

Why was Douglas MacArthur removed from command?

He was publicly insubordinate to the Commander in Chief

According to the essay, "US Isolationism and WWII," what was one major consequence of American isolationism?

It forced the British to adopt a policy of appeasement toward German aggression

What initially sparked the 1973 energy crisis?

OPEC's embargo of oil exports to the United States in retaliation for American intervention in the Middle East

Before turning to military expansionism Japanese leaders were also considering which of the following strategies?

Pan-Asian anti-colonialism

Which of the following actions was part of President Roosevelt's three-pronged strategy during his first hundred days in office?

Paying farmers "subsidies" to raise commodity prices

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 focused on what primary issue

Desegregating schools

Why does MLK say he has come to Birmingham?

because injustice is there

Why did Nixon authorize air strikes on neutral Cambodia?

the North Vietnamese were using the country to stage attacks into South Vietnam

What was the "Nixon Doctrine?"

A military policy of détente

Who first advocated the policy of containment?

George Kennan

What happened at My Lai?

U.S. troops massacred hundreds of civilians

President Johnson proposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 partially in response to what event in Selma, Alabama?

"Bloody Sunday" the beating of peaceful marchers by police officers

According to the essay, "US Isolationism and WWII," the fundamental postulate of isolationism was


All of the following events related to the Korean War are true EXCEPT


Hitler and Mussolini helped to topple which government in Spain?


In the essay, "US Isolationism and WWII, Grant Weller's argument is that Ameican isolationism after WWI


Information about the My Lai massacre came from this whistle blower:


The United States responded to Japanese aggression in the Pacific with the 1940 American Neutrality Act. What did this Act attempt to do?


What did the Civil Rights Act of 1957 accomplish?


Which of the following contributed to the isolationist mood of the U.S. during WWI and WWII?


Who first challenged segregation on buses?


What was the Bonus Army?

A group of World War I veterans who petitioned the government to make an early payment on bonuses scheduled to be released in 1945

What was the result of Brown v. Board of Education?

All of the above

Which of the following advantages did the Soviet Union achieve during the Cold War?

All of the above

Which of the following most accurately describes religious commitment during the early Cold War years?

All of the above

What was FDR's "court-packing scheme"

An attempt to appoint up to six new justices who would be friendly to his interests

How does MLK define an unjust law?

An unjust law is a law that does not apply or affect everyone equally

How did President Eisenhower attempt to prevent a Soviet Attack on the United States

By promising "massive retaliation" and appealing to the logic of "mutually-assured destruction"

Upon assuming office how did Roosevelt respond to the collapsing bank system?

Declared a bank holiday and then pushed through the Emergency Banking Act

The environmental catastrophe of the Great Depression was partly the result of agricultural mismanagement. Which of the following was the most consequential example of this mismanagement?

Farmers plowed up natural ground cover to grow more crops cover that had taken ages to form in the relatively dry sates of the Plains

Why was MLK arrested in Birmingham?

For participating in a non-violent demonstration against segregation

What was the consequence of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff of 1930?

International trade collapsed

Britain and France declared war on Germany after which invasion?

Invasion of Poland

Joseph McCarthy first achieved national prominence in February 1950 by waving a piece of paper that he claimed included 205 communists currently working in what capacity?

Members of the Department of State

What did the Works Progress Administration do?

Put unemployed men and women to work on projects designed and proposed by local governments

What was the intention of the War Powers Resolution?

Reduce the president's ability to wage war without congressional consent

All of the following are true about the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the ensuing resolution EXCEPT

Served as justification for the assassination of Ngo Diem

Which group of Americans benefited the least from the economic changes of the 1920s?

Southern farmers

Which Allied nation was the first to reach Berlin?

Soviet Union

Which of the following best characterized German military tactics

Speed and maneuverability

Who organized the first sit-ins?


Which of the following nations were not a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?


What was the most dramatic result of the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act?

The creation of a national minimum wage

After the attack on Pearl Harbor the United States suffered a setback in the Pacific. What was that setback?

The surrender of American forces in the Philippines

The scandal that eventually led to President Nixon's resignation was called:


What do the white leaders of Bimingham call MLK, according to his letter?

an outside agitator

For Hebert Hoover, rugged individualism meant that people should be:


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