Final Quizzes

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Research designed to solve a pressing practical problem ________ (as opposed to basic) research


The Institute of Medicine Report supports the relationship of improved quality of care to: -Increased levels of continued education -More nursing experience -Increased levels of nursing education -Obtaining speciality certifications

Increased levels of nursing education

Evidence-based nursing primarily includes which of the following to answer the clinical questions? -Using intuition -Relying on expert experience -Obtaining the highest level research -Consulting an authority

Obtaining the highest level research

The _________ definition indicates how a variable will be measured or observed


When asking a clinical question the "O" component refers to the ______


A __________ is a worldview, a way of looking at natural phenomena


Which of the following data would indicate that the restyle would be statistically significant in a quantitative research study? -p= .60 -p= 1.0 -p=.80 -p= .001

p= .001

Systematic reviews are always in the form of a meta-analysis -True -False


The evidence-based practice movement originated in the United States -True -False


Which statement by a nurse manager during a staff meeting best demonstrates the use of an assertive style of communication? -"You have made some good points, but I have another suggestion" -"I am the manager and we will do it my way" -"I really don't care; do it they way you think is best" -"I'm sorry, but your suggestion was useless to solving the problem"

"You have made some good points, but I have another suggestion"

During a discussion between the nurse manager and a staff registered nurse (RN) about the RN's recent erratic performance on the unit, the RN states, "After my husband announced that he was leaving me, I thought I was dying." Identify the best response by the nurse manager: -"Your personal life should not affect the way you perform your job" -"Tell me how you were feeling" -"That was a pretty unrealistic way to feel. There are a lot of fish in the sea" -"You didn't die, did you? You seem okay now"

-"Tell me how you were feeling"

According to Healthy People 2020, identify the purpose of providing services to maintain healthy for the general public: -Services including pregnancy counseling for teen pregnancies only -Promotes the detection of illness and caring for injuries -Offers insurance with extremely high prices for persons who can afford premiums -Services are provided primarily for the elderly

-Promotes the detection of illness and caring for injuries

Which behavior indicates that a nurse who is forced to confront a conflict situation is using a submissive approach to communication? -Sets up a one-on-one meeting at a specific time -Referes he problem to a supervisor -Uses the incident as a threat -Confronts the other person loudly and in front of an audience

-Refers the problem to a supervisor

In the Institute of Medicine's 2000 report, what was the estimated number of clients who die every year due to hospital-related mistakes? -98,000 -75,000 -2,500 -135,000


Which of the following is an example of a systemic review? -A meta-analysis from the Cochrane database -A clinical practice guideline from the National Guideline Clearing House -A synopsis published in Evidence Based Nursing -A randomized controlled trial published in the Journal of Nursing Research

A meta-analysis from the Cochrane database

Identify a communication style that involves interpersonal behaviors that permit people to defend and maintain their legitimate rights in a respectful manner that does not violate the rights of others -Aggressive -Assertive -Submissive -Dishonest


A principle that is believed to be true without proof or verification is a(n) _________


What effect does altitude change have on circadian physiology? -Foreground question -Background question


What is the risk of bronchopulmonary aspiration during enteral feeding? -Foreground question -Background question


When do compilations of pneumonia usually occur? -Foreground question -Background question


What is the pathophysiology of Lyme disease? -Foreground question -Background question

Background question

Many studies seek to understand determinants of phenomena and are referred to as _______ probing


Research designed to inform nursing practice is referred to as _________ nursing research


A study that tests the effect of an intervention is a ________

Clinical trial

The ________ collaboration is a cornerstone of EBP


Which of the following is a cornerstone of evidence based practice? -Uses basic research -Scientific method -Cochrane collaboration -Institute of Medicine

Cochrane collaboration

The world view that holds that there are multiple interpretations of a reality is ________


Information gathered in a study is called


Agnes has a temporal core temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. She feels warm, sweaty, and tired. Use your knowledge from nursing informatics for the following question: "104" is which of the following choices below? -Datum -Knowledge -Wisdom -Information


Another name for an outcome variable


Another name for an outcome variable is: -Dependent variable -Sample variable -Independent variable -Reliable variable

Dependent variable

The positivist assumption that phenomena are not random but rather have antecedent causes is called _________


Research utilization is essential synonymous with evidence based practice -True -False


If the independent variable is the cause, the dependent variable is the _________


________ evidence refers to evidence that is rooted in objective reality and gathered through the senses


A type of qualitative research tradition that focuses on the study of culture is ________


The broad class of research that involves an intervention is ______ experimental research


An evidence hierarchy for a "meaning" question ranks RCTs as level II evidence -True -False


In the PICO acronym, the "O" component of clinical questions stands for observation -True -False


Problem focused triggers in the Iowa Model are more akin to research utilization -True -False


Ethnographic research is based on the following: -Focus on the study of culture -Focus on the study of empirical evidence -Focus on social psychological processes within a social setting -Focus on the manipulation of variables

Focus on the study of culture

Do patients receiving an intradermal injection experience greater discomfort with bevel-up or bevel-down needle injection? -Foreground question -Background question


Does depression contribute to morality among patients with heart failure? -Foreground question -Background question


What bed rest elevation for mechanically ventilated patients is maximally effective in reducing the risk of ventilator-assoicated pneumonia? -Foreground question -Background question


What is it like for patients with HIV or AIDS to adapt to changes in body weight and ensuing body image changes? -Foreground question -Background question


What is it like for people with a history of severe phobias to overcome their phobia? -Foreground question -Background question


Which large-volume enema solution - tap water, soap suds, or polyethylene glycol - electrolyte solution -results in the least mucosal irritation in patients with constipation? -Foreground question -Background question


The degree to which research findings can be applied to people who did not participate in a study concerns it ________


A qualitative tradition that focuses on social psychological process within a social setting is called ________ theory


A clinical practice ______ based on rigorous systematic evidence is an important tool for evidence based care


Function in nursing informatics focuses on which of the following? -The levels of special interest, including technology and concepts of nursing theory -Areas of research that lead to new knowledge -A well-articulated theoretical basis to guide the gathering of data -How the management and processing of information helps nurses enter, organize, or retrieve information

How the management and processing of information helps nurses enter, organize, or retrieve information

The nurse is preparing to do a research study. Which base of the research would be part of the conceptual phase of conducting research? -Distributing a questionnaire to a group of mothers -Presenting a paper at a conference -Coding data for entry information onto a computer file -Identifying a suitable theoretical framework

Identifying a suitable theoretical framework

There is a rapid aging of the baby boomer generation. Identify the most significant element in the continued rise in health-care costs in the United States related to this aging population -Expensive new technology -Expensive new medications -Lack of motivation for consumers to comparison shop -Increasing need for chronic long-term healthcare

Increasing need for chronic long-term healthcare

Agnes has a temporal core temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. She feels warm, sweaty, and tired. Use your knowledge from nursing informatics for the following question: "104 degrees Fahrenheit" is which of the following choices below? -Information -Wisdom -Knowledge -Datum


When asking a clinical therapy question the "I" component refers to the ______


Identify the most appropriate political activities for nurses at the state level -Vote in the legislature for or against a bill -Introduce legislation and seek sponsors -Make a large monetary contribution to candidates who support healthcare reform -Keep quiet and let the system work without interference

Introduce legislation and seek sponsors

What role does anger play in communication? -It should be held in a controlled rage -It need to be expressed immediately -It is always negative and destructive -It can be used positively to produce change

It can be used positively to produce change

Nurses have discussions in practice settings to read and evaluate studies in the context of _________

Journal clubs

Agnes has a temporal core temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. She feels warm, sweaty, and tired. Use your knowledge from nursing informatics for the following question: "104 degrees is febrile" is which of the following choices below? -Knowledge -Wisdom -Datum -Information


Some qualitative researches do not undertake an up front _________

Literature review

Which of the following is part of qualitative research? -Predicting risks of serious complications of abdominal surgery -Trends in hospitalizations of patients admitted with antibiotic resistant tuberculosis -Lived experience of nursing students dealing with chronic illness -Weekend and night outcomes of patients admitted to the emergency room

Lived experience of nursing students dealing with chronic illness

The nurse is reading a research article based on observational research. The nurse is aware that another name for this is: -Quantitative research -Quasi-experimental research -Non-experimental research -Experimental research

Non-experimental research

The profession of nursing collectively through its professional organization must: -Maintain integrity of the profession, articulate nursing values, and maintain the integrity of the profession -Advocate social injustice of various cultures -Offer to reach out to persons who are vulnerable -Refuse to change health policy

Maintain integrity of the profession, articulate nursing values, and maintain the integrity of the profession

The Joint Commission sets mandatory National Client Safety Goals so that hospitals can improve quality & safety by: -Comparing actually performance to performance standards -Tracking and reporting errors -Improving reimbursement -Making these goals a priority in patient care

Making these goals a priority in patient care

When conducting an in-service on serious medical errors, the nurse teaches that nearly 70% of sentinel events are related to: -Inadequate resources -Lack of education -Minimal rest periods -Miscommunication


The qualitative research tradition that focuses on lived experience is _______


When a new protocol or guideline is developed in an evidence based practice project, it should be ________ to evaluate utility


A ______ is the entire aggregate in which a researcher is interested in


The "P" in PICO refers to ______


What are the four components of asking a well-worded clinical question? -People, intervention, confer, outcome -Population, inspection, confer, outcome -People, inspection, comparison, outcome -Population, intervention, comparison, outcome

Population, intervention, comparison, outcome

___________ is the world view that assumes there is an orderly reality that can be studied objectively


What are sources of daily stress among nursing home residents, and what do these stressors mean to the resident? -Qualitative -Quantitative


What are the healthcare needs of the homeless, and what barriers do they face in having those needs met? -Qualitative -Quantitative


What is the decision making process of AIDS patients seeking treatment? -Qualitative -Quantitative


What is the meaning of hope among stage IV cancer patients? -Qualitative -Quantitative


Does therapeutic tough affect the vital signs of hospitalized patients? -Qualitative -Quantitative


What are the effects of a formal exercise program on high blood pressure and cholesterol levels of middle-aged men? -Qualitative -Quantitative


What effect does room temperature have on the colonization rate of bacteria in urinary catheters? -Qualitative -Quantitative


Which demographic factor has the most significant effect on the health-care delivery system of the future? -Increasing use of alcohol and tobacco among teenagers -Large numbers of babies being born to minority women -Oversupply of nurses -Rapidly increasing average age of the population

Rapidly increasing average age of the population

Which of the following defines the concept of emancipatory knowing: -Reflection on empirical, ethical, and nursing injustice -Reflection on social, self, and cultural injustice -Reflection social, cultural, and political injustice -Reflection on empirical, aesthetic, and cultural injustice

Reflection on social, cultural, and political injustice

________ is the repeating of a study to determine if findings can be upheld with a new group of people


A ______ is a subset of a population from whom data are gathered


Data ______ is a principle used to decide when to stop sampling in a qualitative study


A particularly vocal staff nurse on a busy obstetric unit has been complaining to the other nurses about the unit manager's preferential treatment of the night-shift nurses. Select the action that the unit manager should take to resolve this problem, which best demonstrates the use of the assertive approach to conflict resolution. -Notes that the vocal staff nurse is not intelligent enough to understand the situation, and disregards her comments as worthless -Waits until there is an opportunity to use the incident to confront the staff nurse in front of his or her colleagues -Sets up a time and place for a one-on-one meeting with the staff nurse -Arranges for the transfer of the staff nurse to the night shift

Sets up a time and place for a one-on-one meeting with the staff nurse

Which one of the following is NOT one of the sciences included in the ANA nursing informatics definition? -Social work science -Computer science -Information science -Nursing science

Social work science

Quantitative researches perform ________ analysis of their data sets


_______ reviews of randomized controlled trials are at the pinnacle of most evidence hierarchies


The nurse is doing discharge teaching for the following patient. Which factor contributes most to an 82-year-old client's understanding of the discharge teaching given by a nurse? -The client asks so many questions that the nurse loses their train of thought -The client believes he knows all of the information already and is not really paying attention -The nurse attempts to communicate at the client's knowledge level -The client believes that asking questions may be perceived as a threat to the nurses authority

The client believes that asking questions may be perceived as a threat to the nurses authority

Why is the input of nurses vital to legislators? -Legislators need to be aware of the important part nurses play in the health-care systems -The majority of the legislators do not have healthcare backgrounds -Most of the bills legislators pass are not related to health care -Voters can be misled easily to special interest groups

The majority of the legislators do not have healthcare backgrounds

When does the encoding process of communication take place? -The message is sent in a way that causes confusion to the receiver -The receiver thinks about the information, understands it, and forms and idea based on the message -The receiver responds to the message and gives feedback -The sender sends the message

The receiver thinks about the information, understands it, and forms an idea based on the message

Which of the following is a fundamental belief of those who adhere to a positivist paradigm? -The researcher has a focus on themes of lived experience -The researcher assumes there is an orderly reality that is studied objectively -The researcher has a view that there are multiple interpretations of a reality -The researcher has a priority on subjective realities

The researcher assumes there is an orderly reality that is studied objectively

A systematic abstract explanation of a phenomenon is a(n) ________


A single randomized control trial would be level II on an evidence hierarchy for ______ questions


A key step in an individual EBP effort is to integrate appraised research evidence with expertise and local contextual information -True -False


A meta-synthesis integrates knowledge from multiple qualitative studies -True -False


A well-known early nursing research utilization project is the CURN project -True -False


In asking clinical foreground questions, there is always a "P" component, regardless of question type -True -False


In meta-analysis, the unit of analysis is an individual study rather than an individual study participant -True -False


In organizational EBP projects, an important activity is pilot testing and evaluating an evidence-based innovation -True -False


The nurse is teaching the student nurse about how to use SBAR when calling a physician. The student nurse verbalizes understanding of SBAR when stating that SBAR is: -Used as a situational briefing -Never recorded within the client's chart -Not used in emails due to HIPAA rules -Utilized strictly within the hospital setting

Used in a situational briefing

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