Final Review

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For many years, Saturday Night Live ran a series of skits about a character named Pat. The premise of each skit was that no one could tell if pat was male or female, and ingenious plots to determine his or her gender all failed. The humor in these skits is based on the fact that: a) men have historically had access to most of society's material resources and privileges; consequently, they generally seek to maintain their dominant status. b) gender identity is so important to our social selves that we can barely interact with anyone without first determining that person's gender. c) pat was trying to avoid being classified as a woman, because expressive and instrumental roles may be complementary but the social rewards for filling them are far from equal. d) A &C


How is institutional discrimination different from individual discrimination? a) institutional discrimination involves attitudes or opinions b) institutional discrimination can be either positive or negative. c) institutional discrimination was most common in the past d) institutional discrimination is more systematic and widespread e) institutional discrimination is less harmful


In 2006 New York City announced that it was moving forward with a plan to allow transgender residents to change the sex listed on their birth certificates if they had lived in their adopted gender for at least two years; no physiological change or medical authorization would be required. How is New York City defining gender? a) New York is separating gender form sex b) New York is treating gender as something immutable, or something you are born with c) New York is accepting the principle of human sexual dimorphism d) New York is taking an essentialist approach e) Ne York is assuming that gender is stable over time


Liu, King, and Bearman (2010) find that independent of other factors, children living near other children diagnosed with autism are more likely to also be diagnosed with autism are more likely to also be diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This demonstrates that Autism Spectrum Disorder is at least in part... a) contagious b) more common in certain geographic regions c) a social phenomenon d) something that can be learned and "performed" e) not a real disorder


The "Jim Crow" laws in the American South, which mandates separate facilities for whites and blacks, were an examples of: a) "real" racism b) racialization c) conflict theory d) individual discrimination e) institutional discrimination


What system of stratification is commonly used in capitalist societies? a) gender b) social class c) social caste d) slavery e) wage slavery


Which of the following is not one of the basic principles of social stratification? a) low-level groups often have basic access to the rewards and privileges of higher-level groups. b) it persists over time. c) different societies base their stratification on different criteria d) it is maintained through beliefs that are widely shared in a society. e) it is a general trend but, pithing a society, can have exceptions.


a neighborhood where there is not grocery store but there are more liquor stores, convenience and drug stores, and fast food outlets than most other locations is referred to as a: a) total institution b) locavore problem c) chain food center d) food desert e) fast food-dominated area


a popular television program called The Swan aimed to turn less visually appealing people into mare socially acceptable ones by radially changing their appearance through plastic surgery, as well as through clothing, style, and makeup artistry. This is an example of: a) the rise of the new naturalists b) acute care transformations c) medicalization and the social construction of health and illness d) a way to finally address the failure of willpower e) genetic improvement


according to Beaver's article, credentialism functions in all of the following ways except: a) to exclude certain individuals or populations from the work force b) to maintain conformity of values in the work force based on the hidden curriculum of higher education c) to uphold the status quo in companies, and in society d) to allow for less bias in hiring selection


according to Granfield's "Making It By Faking It, all of the following were challenges for working class students in the elite law school, except: a) lacking cultural capital with regards to dress and attire b) being academically incompetent c) having their initial motives related to social justice challenged and skewed d) being self-conscious of their style of speech


according to Pawluch's "Medicalizing Childhood," the field of pediatrics had changed in what way? a) it has transformed to serve the interest of elite youth, thus upholding the class divide b) it now focus on the mental and emotional aspects of childhood rather than merely the physical c) it involves much more symbolic interaction between doctors and patients d) it is partially responsible for the undermining of parental authority characteristic the contemporary American family


according to Randall Collins, our educational system is much like a "tribal initiation rite," a "secret society," or a "closed occupational caste," not a rational system that produces more efficient production but a mechanism for: a) creating gender inequality in the workforce b) reproducing the existing class structure c) punishing those who deviate from mainstream American values d) teaching the values and ideals we need to function in society today e) making inner-city schools extraordinarily unhappy places


according to conflict theory, how does the nuclear family facilitate exploitation? a) by employing members of other social groups to do its dirty work b) through the use of nannies and domestic workers c) by making geographic mobility possible d) through a sexual division of labor within the home e) by exploiting the working class


according to conflict theory, why are women's contributions to family life devalued? a) the resources provided by men are ultimately more valuable b) juvenile delinquency and crime decline when both parents work c) when no one plays the expressive role, family life remains the same d) as a social group, men attempt to maintain their dominant status e) women are entering the workforce in greater numbers


all of the following is true about the Affordable Care Act of 2010 EXCEPT a) it is a form of Alternative Medicine b) it seeks to extend health insurance coverage to the millions of uninsured Americans c) it is also (sometimes derisively) known as "ObamaCare" d) it bands insurance companies from denying coverage based on a pre-existing condition e) it is a controversial bill, which continues to face many serious legal and political challenges


good health is: a) historically and socially contingent b) biologically determined c) consistent around the world d) unrelated to culture e) explained only by biomedical models


how do sociologists define ethnicity? a) people who share a common physical characteristic b) people with the same skin color c) a group with a shared ancestry or shared cultural heritage d) the same way they define race e) a genetic predisposition toward certain behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs


how do sociologists define race? a) an inherited set of predispositions b) a social category created to justify inequality c) a group with a shared cultural heritage d) a scientific term for ethnicity e) the difference between Mongoloid, Negroid, and Caucasoid people f) a quality of mind


how does Karl Marx differentiate between members of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie? a) the proletariat own the means of production, while the bourgeoisie possess only their own labor. b) the proletariat benefit directly from their own labor, while the bourgeoisie do not. c) the proletariat have a greater sense of solidarity than do those of the bourgeoisie. d) the proletariat have vast amounts of investment wealth. e) the bourgeoisie own the means of production, while the proletariat possess only their own labor.


how is prejudice different from discrimination? a) prejudice can only be negative; discrimination can be either negative or positive b) prejudice only occurs within minority groups, but discrimination can happen anywhere c) prejudice requires the negatively affected group to be a minority group; discrimination does not e) prejudice is an attitude; discrimination is a set of acts or practices


in the 1940s and 1950s, Alfred Kinsey surveyed Americans to find out about their sexual behavior. His findings were important because they: a) challenged the view that Americans were either exclusively heterosexual or homosexual b) concluded that most Americans were asexual. c) challenged the belief that Americans were heterosexual. d) challenged the belief that sexuality can change over the course of a person's life


in the early 1900's, native-born Americans, usually Protestants, did non consider Irish, Italians, or Jewish immigrants to be white, but now they are considered white. What does this illustrate? a) the sociological imagination b) institutional discrimination c) the social construction of race d) historical reverse discrimination e) racial pluralism


in what way is the family responsible for the reproduction of society? a) it produces and socializes children b) it is the fundamental planning mechanism for society c) it is the most important unit of consumption d) it is the basic unit of the household, the smallest building block of a society e) it relies on the nuclear model


most sociologists see gender as a social construction and acknowledge the possibility that male-female categories are not the only way of classifying individuals. this is called: a) a social constructionist perspective b) an essentialist perspective c) a macro perspective d) biological determinism e) a gender role socialization perspective


patriarchy can be defined as: a) a society in which wealthy men have access to prestige and power, and working-class men control the means of production b) a society that is male-dominated and male-dominant c) a society that privileges women's experiences over those of men d) a society that seeks to equalize men's and women's opportunities in the workplace


sociologists like R.S. Erickson have noted that "the informal and decidedly antidemocratic set of teaching practices and power relationships by which the school operates" produces a "disjuncture between the democratic creed and what actually goes on in school," so students often learn that it's important to take orders and to not make waves. What concept is Erickson talking about? a) teacher expectations b) the hidden curriculum c) simulacra d) forward thinking e) pluralism


sociologists who examine the ways gender is constructed, "performed," and maintained in our everyday lives tend to come from which school of social theory? a) essentialism b) symbolic interactionism c) structural functionalism d) conflict theory e) feminism


the discovery, by white physicians, of such conditions as "Drapetomania" (desire of slaves to run away from plantations) and "Dysaethesia Aethiopis" (desire of slaves to avoid work and cause mischief) is an example of: a) Medicalization b) Scientific advancement c) The social construction of disability d) the social construction of race e) A, C, and D f) A, B, and C


the following quote comes from which reading? "what is now encompassed by the one word (school) are two very different kinds of institutions that, in function, finance and intention, serve entirely different roles... children in one set of schools are educated to be governors, children in the other set of schools are trained to be governed." a) Jonathan Kozol, Savage Inequalities b) Michael Moore, SICKO c) Karl Marx, The Exploitation of the Worker d) Peter Dreier, How Will You Spend the 21st Century e) Robert Granfield, Making It by Faking It


what do functionalists generally believe to be true about gender? a) there are at least three complimentary gender roles b) men maintain control of the most valuable roles c) some social roles are better suited to one gender than the other d) the current system of gender stratification is based on conflict e) gender is constructed and maintained through everyday actions


what does Annette Lareau identify as the most important indicator in how parents define their own roles in their children's lives? a) race b) social class c) gender d) sexuality


what does a sociological perspective tell us about education in the United States? a) boys tend to be smarter than girls b) education is the pathway to material success and, as such, rewards the best and brightest individuals c) anyone who works hard can get good grades d) educational success often has as much to do with social stratification as it does with individual ability e) teaching helps students from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve material success


what has modern science determined about racial categories? a) there is greater diversity between racial populations that pithing them. b) biologically there is no such thing as "race" c) some racial groups are genetically predisposed to be more intelligent others d) some racial groups are genetically predisposed to be more athletically inclined than others e) there has been relatively little mixing of races in American history


what historical change led to a gendered division of labor between workforce and the home? a) World War I b) the birth of the Internet c) the Great Depression d) the Civil Rights Movement e) the Industrial Revolution


what is the name for the tastes, habits, and expectations that children "inherit" from their parents and others, that help or hinder their success in life? a) cultural capital b) success- oriented ideologies c) class consciousness d) social reproduction e) education


what is the sociological definition of family provided in lecture? a) almost any social group that shares the responsibility for raising children b) a group of related people who share a household and live under the same roof c) a social group whose members are bound by legal, biological, or emotional ties, or a combination of all three


what is true about Native American education in the U.S. before WWII? a) the broad goals were "civilization," Christianization, and assimilation of Native American people b) sought to gain access to Indian lands, end tribal sovereignty c) tens of thousands of children were removed from their families and taken to boarding schools such as the Carlisle Indian School d) all of the above e) only b & c


what social class do "white collar" workers (workers employed in technical and lower level management positions) belong to? a) the working class b) the lower class c) the middle class d) the upper-class e) the upper-middle class


what would a symbolic interactionist studying the family be most interested in? a) the inequalities associated with men's negligible role in raising and caring for infants b) how rituals such as weddings and family dinners create and sustain family bonds c) the diminished role of the family, relative to the educational system, peers, and the media, in socializing children in the modern age


when does gender role socialization begin? a) at birth b) around puberty c) when children begin attending school d) before birth


which family trend is staying FAIRLY CONSTANT in the 21st century U.S. compared to decades past? a) the number of children born per woman b) age at first union (defined as cohabitation or marriage) d) social/legal recognition of same-sex unions e) interracial marriages


who is most likely to b mocked by their peers for violating gender norms? a) girls b) boys c) "model minorities" d) overachievers e) bullies

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