Final study guide

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What is the impact of human behavior on sustainability?

Natural resources and systems Jevons Paradox Tragedy of commons Precautionary Principle Market based instruments Product Semantics Community based social marketing

green product percurment

all materials and products procured for ongoing facility operations purchase green power from outside sources reduce environmental and air quality impacts on materials


alternative to the traditional demolition process. It is the "process of taking a building apart piece by piece to recover materials in a usable state for use in other buildings." Such a process can help the owner to save some costs of disposal and also provide some raw materials.

What is embodied carbon?

amount of greenhouse gas emitted greenhouse gas emissions arising from the manufacturing, transportation, installation, maintenance, and disposal of building materials

How to use life cycle costing for decision making?

compare and contrast the process and life cycle lighting hours needed/ bulb life x number of bulbs needed in the fixture = number of bulbs you need to buy save money overall, but cost more in the beginning

Sustainability project delivery

comprehensive process to transfer an idea to a real project by assigning the contractual responsibilities for the design and construction of the project defining scope and requirements of project process by which a project is designed

telecommunication systems

dependent on energy large part of planet is disconnected must connect them

equipment technology inovation

dieself to biodiesel hyprid heavy machinery for better air quality

Resourse Recovery

efforts to minimize the quantity of solid construction waste and maximize the recovery of valuable materials instead of disposing of them.

Processes to improve sustainability

lean and green design for adaptability DFX design for X dematerialization sustainable infrastructure system water and wastewater systems energy generation storage and distribution system

Where is LEED applied

new commercial construction and major renovations, existing buildings, commercial interiors, building cores and shells, residential construction, and neighborhood development

what are the sources of renewable energy

not finite or exhaustible energy derived from the earth's natural resources, such as wind and sunlight alternative to traditional fossil fuel energy, and it tends to be much less harmful to the environment.

Pollution Prevention

pollution can be defined as any harmful substance or effect resulting from construction activities Proactive measures- aim to prevent the pollutant from being released (e.g., using low- or no-VOC products) Reactive measures- aim to mitigate the negative impact of the pollutant (e.g., using perimeter fencing for a noise barrier) heiarchy Avoid reduce reuse recycle dispose

Green renovations and indoor air quaility

practices in order to enhance indoor air quality. install materials that release VOC's or moisture while they cure(paint, selant protect all HVAC isolate entryways proper ventilation

Sustainable site management/minimizing site distribution

prevent or minimize ecological damage of construction activities to ecosystems

What is a net zero energy building

produces as much energy as it uses over the course of a year for every unit of energy the building consumes over a year, it must generate a unit of energy.

prefabrication and modulation

producing standardized components of a structure in an off-site factory, then assembling them on-site. off site construction

design for adaptability

product's life-cycle ends due to project being unable to adapt to change


reduction of amount o raw materials and energy needed to produce a produc or outcome

What is a carbon footprint?

total amount of greenhouse gas emissions that come from the production, use, and end-of-life of a product or service. It includes carbon dioxide

sustainable infrastructure system

transportation and mobility systems recycled materiasl habitat preservation vegetatvie noise barriers green drainage green lanes for high density vechles vehicle based senros self healing materials

construction material life cycle phases

upstream: side effects before product is used use of material downstream

Earthwork Improvement

Groundwork improvement methods can be used to improve soil's structural properties on a site to reduce the requirements for structural foundations Underground construction can be employed to rehabilitate existing infrastructure or place new infrastructure with minimal disruption to site ecosystems

Jevon's Paradox

Increase in efficiency generates an increase in resource consumption Efficiency in fuel, energy, water, energy Rebound effect

Sustainability practices in preconstruction

Integrated project design Contributing to project sustainability goal setting Tracking project team decisions Preparing variance reports Preparing bid lists Providing bidders with scopes of work Pre-qualifying bidders Holding pre-bid conferences

upstream side effects

harvesting raw materials transporting raw maerials processing raw materials transpoirting components assembling components packaging finished prduct for transport transporting finished product

How to design, develop and manage a sustainability program in an organization?

Consider elements of social, economic, and environmental Implement it Choose the type of policy option(formal policy option or programee option) have a plan to evaluate it

What are the sustainable practices to be used in the end of servie life phase?

Deconstruction Ecosystem restoration

Prevention through design hiearchy

Elimination involves changing the design to remove the hazard Substitution replaces the hazard with something less hazardous Engineering Controls creates barriers between the hazard and the people at risk Administrative Controls involves changing the way people work to reduce risk and exposure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) provides protection for people exposed to the hazard

Main features of sustainable design and construction

Eneegy use Indoor environment Materials and waste Land use

Benifits of sustainable construction

Environmental benifits Economic benifits Social benifits

Tragedy of commons

Every individual has incentive to consume a resource but at the expense of every other individual with no way to exclude anyone from consuming

What are the technologies and processes to enhance sustainability?

Green materials research nanotechnology equipment technology innovations

How do come up with sustainability plan

1. Inspiration 2. Motivation 3. Implementation 4. Evaluation

How is a carbon footprint measured?

Calculator based on the amount of carbon you use in a year rember when we calculated our carbon footprint

Community based social marketing

Change human behavior toward sustainability by involving people directly Example: Recycling

Product semantics

Consequences of designs Improve health choices by redesigning stuff.

What does LEED stand for

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

What are sustainable and green practices to be used in the building operation and maintenance?

Optimizing energy and water performance Green product procurement Green waste management Green housekeeping, comfort, and environmental quality Green renovations and indoor air quality Material and equipment refurbishment and reuse

What are the construction phases

Preconstruction Minimizing site distribution Erosion adn sedimentation control pollution prevention sustainable site oppperations commissioning

Precautionary Principle

Prevent implementation of innovations with potential for causing harm when extensive scientific knowledge on the matter is lacking

What are the green trends of sustainability in the built environment?

Renewable fuel Water management Carbon regulation Green is good business Greening of transportation Increased availability of green products Systems approach to environmental analysis Increased resource needs of growing urban population Information and communication technologies used instead of travel Green building

Market based instruments(MBI)

Tools to control undesirable consequences for sustainability Use makers price and other economic variables to provide incentives for polluters to reduce negative environmental externalities Address market failure Include: environmental taxes on negative or undesirable behaviors

What is a life cycle assessment of a material or a project

a way to access the environmental aspects associated with a project evaluate potential impacts associated with a product during its life (craddle to grave)

How to achieve LEED

achieve and aim for credit in specific areas of the design certified, silver, gold, platimum rating levels Categories include: Building Design and Construction Interior Design and Construction Building Operations and Maintenance Neighborhood Development Homes

green materials

aerogel suspended film daylighing: orrentation of building improvements in concrete

What are the global impacts of sustainability

availability of basic necessities like fresh water, food security, and energy, while efforts to redress climate change, both through adaptation and mitigation, will similarly inform and shape the global development agenda reduce greenhouse gas effect

material and equipment referbishment

avoid consuming new raw materials by refurbishing or reusing existing materials in the project.

erosion and sedimentation control

avoid disturbing site vegetation and ecosystem in the construction phase.


broader set of ideas where DFAD is specific X is a variable

What are sustainability practices in the design phase

integrated design process is the integration of sustainability in design resources analysis and modeling, materials analysis, and ecological site planning prevention philosophy and approach to projects that involve identifying potential hazards during the earliest stages of a project and changing the design itself to avoid those hazards during the building's construction or occupancy phase life-cycle

How is embodied carbon measured?

look at supply chain and look at companies life cycle analyses (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

green building materials

low emmitting materials green concrete durable materials environmental preferable( bio based)

optimizing energy and water performance

lower operating costs, translating to lower electricity and water bills, and a higher level of satisfaction such as better thermal comfort and better lighting. building commisioning energy audit retrofitting most important operational adjustments, retrofit of energy and water consuming equipment and working with users to adjust behaviour

green housekeeping

maintain the occupant's comfort and healthy indoor environment. The green housekeeping instructions are usually provided by the manufacturers. Therefore, it is essential to read the labels of materials and products keep the indoor environmental condition at a standard level, such as the humidity of 30-50% or the temperature variance between 68-72 °F

main types of renewable energy

major renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, ocean, hydrogen, and biomass.

lean and green

max efficiency eliminate unneeded steps just in time delievery facility and delivery process are designed together wrok is structured throughout the integrated process effort to manage and improve performance to improve total project performance control=making things happen

building commisioning

professional practice that ensures buildings are delivered according to the Owner's Project Requirements (OPR). Buildings that are properly commissioned typically have fewer change orders, tend to be more energy-efficient, and have lower operation and maintenance costs. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system Lighting system Hot water system On-site renewable energy system

green waste management

properly dispose of or recover products at the end of their service lives. In this regard, green waste management strategies are designed for the proper disposal /recovery of wastes in order to divert waste from landfills. recyle

What is LEED?

rating system for green buildings recognizes best sustainable building strategies promotes better green building

ecosystem restoration

restore the natural ecosystem that was located on the site before it was developed.

wastewater and water systems

self healing pipes smartwater grid models of water on an urban system

energy generation storage and distribution system

smart grid technologies use information to maximize electrical energy

What are sustainable practices in the pre-design phase

sustainable decisions determine the course of action for the remainder of the project's life cycle types of Facility options identification Portfolio management and resource allocation Sustainability goals and requirements establishment Project delivery planning

temporary construction

various activities/materials to be used during construction to facilitate the construction process, but they will be removed before occupancy example: using the covering for finished floors and membranes to block air intakes on mechanical equipment


working with organic or inorganic materials on nanometre scale nano-molecular structure coating materials glueing nano lubricant automatic decontaminators

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