final study guide

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What four main realities did Adam and Eve experience before sin?

-Intimacy with God -good relationship with each other -internal harmony and peace -partnership.

What four main realties did Adam and Eve experience after sin?

-Separation from God -separation from each other -internal separation -separation from nature.

spiritual dryness, such as what mother teres experienced, may be an experience as what?

A feeling that may be experienced as separation from God.

Jesus died to sacrifice, what does sacrifice mean?

A ritual offering made to God by priest on behalf of the people.

Name some of the biblical figures with whom God made covenants as discussed in class?

Noah, Abraham, Moses, David

What is free will? What would it be like if God did not give free will?

The freedom to choose God or refuse God, to do what we ought, to love.

What is the Parousia event?

The second coming of Jesus Christ at the end of time

What was God's promise about regarding the serpent and the woman?

The women would be the one to step on its head with her heel.

In simple terms, what is the dogma of the incarnation?

The words of god became human in the person of Jesus Christ

What is the meaning of Jesus' title "Christ, messiah"?

anointed one

When we suffer, how can out suffering be made redemptive like Christ's?

by uniting our suffering to those of Christ

Who were Luke's main audience?

gentiles (non-jews)

how did Jesus support his teaching about the kingdom of God?

he performed miracles

if Jesus' mission was not to abolish all human suffering on earth, what was it?

his mission was to bear human infirmities in order to free people from the worst slavery

For acceptors of Jesus, what happened the more they follow him with open heart?

more clarity and right understanding

For the rejecters of Jesus, what happens the more they oppose him with closed-off hearts?

more misconception and false claims

Are catholic Christian exempt from experiencing struggle in prayer?


1. Jesus' miracles were signs of his divine _________ and ____________

power and compassion

Does prayer take practice? Can a Christian live life without prayer?

prayer takes exercise. Takes practice. it's essential! no substitute!

What was the real mission of the Christ, messiah as revealed by Jesus?

redemptive suffering and death

What were two main outcomes when Jesus began his ministry to the Jews?

rejecters/opposition and acceptors/disciples

Where did Jesus begin his ministry?

synagogues Galilee

how did John begin his gospel?

the word of God became flesh and dwelt among us

To whom did Jesus begin his ministry?

to the jews

what are miracles?

works and signs that could not be explained naturally.

According to Jesus's prayer the "our father", what is God's will on earth that we are called to live out?

It is for us to join our will to Jesus' will

What was the ultimate meaning of the title "Son of God" as revealed by Jesus?

Jesus' divinity

the paschal mystery consists of which events Jesus' life?

Jesus' passion death, resurrection, and ascension.

Who were Matthew's main audience?


What is the blessing of the struggle of spiritual darkness?

Let you share in the suffering and spiritual darkness of Jesus

What is the meaning of Jesus' name?

"God saves"

If one of Jesus' titles is "son of Mary", what is Mary's greatest title?

"Mother of God"

What is the first line of the Mary's Magnificat prayer?

"My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior"

what does compassion mean?

"to suffer with"

Who is responsible for Jesus' death?

All sinners in the OT, NT, and now, all of us.

Jesus died to redeem. What does redemption mean?

Buying back or freeing a person by paying a ransom or removing the person's obligation by payment.

Where is God's love on the outline of salvation history?

From God's good creation to Parousia to Jesus's second coming.

What is true about the angles?

Fully spiritual creatures

How do we know God loves us?

God passes His love story through the holy spirit and church. God is love he continues loving in story of humanity salvation history

What are the two true meanings of the title "Lord" as revealed to Jesus?

God the father and Jesus

What about salvation did Jesus reveal to the Jews that may not have been expected?

God will extend salvation through the Jesus to all people

what is the kingdom of God all about?

God's reign of peace, justice, truth, and goodness.

What about salvation did Jesus reveal to the gentiles that may not have been expected?

God's salvation extends even to the gentiles poor, lonely, and outcast

What transformed the meaning of suffering?

His embrace of the cross/ Jesus' suffering

If God is always seeking us , then how can we describe prayer?

Prayer is our response to God, who seeks to you.

In the triangle and never-ending relationship of love of the holy trinity, what does prayer do for us?

Prayer takes us to the union with triune of God

What does "protoevangelium" mean?

Proto= "first" and evangelium = "gospel"/"good news"

By his suffering, into what did Christ transforms suffering?


For those responsible what is the constant opportunity given by Jesus that follows?

Repentance/choose God/ reconcile with God.

What are parables?

Simple images or comparisons that confront the hearer or reader with a radical choice about Jesus's invitation.

What is the meaning of the title "Son of Mary"?

Son of the spiritual Mother of humanity

Jesus died to justify. What does justification mean?

To be made holy, just, and acceptable before God, which includes remission of sin, our sanification, and our renewal.

how is that blessing a blessing?(spiritual struggle)

To experience that blessing It unites us with Jesus Christ

What is the significance of the paschal mystery in light of Passover in the OT?

We get our salvation and deliverance from innocent Jesus, like Israel got salvation from the innocent lamb

How does Jesus' baptism foreshadow Jesus' death and resurrection?

When he gets under the water = Death. When he rises from the water = resurrection.

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