Final Theory Test

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car A is about to make a U-turn, Car A should A) Give way to Car B B) Not give way to Car B C) Turn along with car B


head on collisions can actually happen at A) Any place B) Straight road only C) Junctions and on bends only


A qualified driver with more than 1 year driving experience will be suspended from deriving If he has accumulated A) 12 demerit points in 12 months B) 24 demerit points in 24 months C) 36 demerit points in 36 months


After going round a gradual bend, you should increase your acceleration A) Before the steering wheel returns to its straight ahead position B) As the steering wheel is returning to its straight head position C) After


After parking your car on the downward slope, you should A) Engage the first gear B) Engage the reverse gear C) Shift the gear to neutral


Aquaplaning is a condition where the tyres lose contact with the road surface, which results in a loss of A) Clutch control B) Steering control and braking efficiency C) Gear control and accelerating efficiency


As you steer (reverse) your vehicle into the parking space, the front of the car will A) Swing in B) Swing out C) remain the same


At a roundabout, you notice a cyclist is signaling to turn right ahead, you should A) Overtake on the road B) Give the cyclist plenty of room C) Horn


Before making a left turn in a narrow course, you should position your car A) More to the left B) More to the right C) Center


Before overtaking a large vehicle you should keep a longer distance. the reason is A) Offer others a gap if they want to overtake you B) To get the best view of the road ahead C) to leave a gap in case the vehicle stops abruptly and rolls back


Before turning, you need to signal and A) Check your side mirrors only B) Check your mirrors as well as blind spots C) Use your brake lights to warn other road users


Before you should check A) Behind B) All around C) Ahead and behind


Driving with under inflated tires can affect A) Engine temperature B) Braking C) Oil pressure


How should you deal with floods? A) Drive through as fast as possible and avoid stopping B) Drive through slowly in first gear C) drive through in the highest gear


How should you overtake cyclists? A) Use your horn just once to warn them B) Drive slowly and leave plenty of room C) Overtake them as quickly as possible


If a cyclist is traveling in an unsteady manner ahead, you should A) Refrain from overtaking the cyclist B) Give yourself more time in overtaking the cyclist C) Overtake the cyclist quickly and quietly


If the foot brake pedals moves all the way to the fall, it is a sign that the foot brake A) Is working B) May be faulty C) Is normal


If the medicines prescribe by the doctor are likely to affect your driving, you should A) Drive only if someone is with you B) not drive yourself C) avoid driving on the expressway


If the motorcyclist is trying to overtake you, you should A) Drive faster B) Slow down C) Signal the driver to overtake on the left


If you are involved in an accident and someone is injured, you should A) Move vehicle to the side B) Not move the vehicle involved until police arrive C) First inform your insurance company


In slow moving traffic, you should always A) Sound the horn so that vehicles in front will move faster B) Stay in your lane C) move quickly to another lane with a shorter queue


Incorrect tyre pressure will affect A) Oil pressure B) Steering and braking C) Changing gear


On a sharp bend at night, to avoid dazzling oncoming traffic, you should A) Switch off your lights B) Dip your headlights C) Switch on the high beam


On an expressway with more than two lanes, the extreme right lane is for A) Fast moving vehicles only B) Overtaking C) Vehicles traveling at the maximum speed limit of the road


Some of the common vehicle defects that can cause accidents are A) Faulty seatbelts, seats, child restraint, and alarm system B) Faulty tyres, breaks, shock absorbers, windscreen wipers C) Dull paint, dented bumpers, old seats


The engine is often cooled by A) Oil only B) Water, oil, and air C) Air only


The two second rule is a simple check to ensure A) A safe distance for you to move off from a junction B) A safe distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front C) A safe length of time to signal before you manuver


To cool an over-heated engine, you should switch off the engine and A) Open the radiator tank cap immediately B) Wait for the engine to cool by itself C) Pour water on the engine


Under inflated tyres will make steering feel A) light B) Heavy C) Normal


When a long vehicle makes a left turn, it usually moves to the A) Left before turning B) Right before turning C) Left then right before turning


When an emergency vehicle from behind you sounds its siren, you should A) Slow down quickly B) Pull to the side and stop if necessary C) Increase your speed


When approaching a pedestrian with the back facing you, you should keep a gap of at least A) 2 meters from him B) 1.5 meters from him C) 1 meter from him


When driving through puddles of water on the road, you should A) Drive faster B) Drive slower C) Not change speed


When following a car driven by an elderly driver, you should A) Flash your lights and overtake B) Be aware that the driver's reactions may not be as fast as yours C) Expected the driver to drive badly


When the traffic light turns green at a junction, you should A) Depress the accelerator hard and move off quickly B) Check traffic from right and left before moving off C) Only move off when other vehicles move


When the vehicle in front slows down before a pedestrian crossing, you should A) Sound the horn and overtake it B) Slow down and be prepared to stop C) Follow closely behind it


When two vehicles moving in opposite directions meet on a slope where the road is narrow, which vehicle should give way? A) The vehicle going up slope B) The vehicle going down slope C) The smaller vehicle


When you are following another vehicle on a wet road, you should keep A) 2 seconds behind B) More than 2 seconds behind C) less than 2 seconds behind


You should give way to emergency vehicles approaching from behind by A) Slowing down B) moving to the side C) Driving faster


A driver will have to sit and pass the driving test again if he is suspended for A) 6 months B) 8 months C) 12 months


A driver with more than a year experience will be suspended from deriving if within a period of 24 months he has accumulated A) 12 demerit points B) 16 demerit points C) 24 demerit points


Accident with vehicle from the side can happen at A) Straight Road and bends only B) Car park and round about only C) Intersection, roundabout, where two roads merge and car park exists


After your vehicle passed through a flood, you should A) Stop on a slope to drain water out of the brakes B) drive faster to allow brakes to drive quicly C) Apply intermittent braking to dry brake drums at low speed


At night, you should switch your headlights from A) 6pm to 7am B) 7pm to 6am C) 7pm to 7am


Automatic cars have a device called a kickdown. Its function is to A) Select a higher gear B) Select a lower gear manually C) provide quick accelerations when needed


Before moving off from a stationary position, you should A) Signal your intention B) Lookout for other road users especially those in front and behind C) Both A and B


Before you reverse, you must make sure that there are no A) Other vehicles behind you B) Children, pedestrian, and obstruction in the blind area, C) Both answers above


During weekdays in the morning, vehicles other than omnibuses are not allowed to enter the bus lane from A) 7 - 9am B) 7-930am C) 730-930am


If you cannot steer straight because the road surface is not even, you should A) Loosen your grip of the steering wheel B) Increase speed C) reduce speed


If you see an oily patch, you should A) Slow down B) Speed up C) Avoid it


In a car equipped with rear seat belt, a child under 8 year old in the rear seat should A) sit between adult passengers B) Have a soft cushion behind him or her C) Use a child restraint


In an accident where there is no injury, you should A) Not move your vehicle B) Wait for the police to arrive C) Move your vehicle to the side of the road


In which situation should you switch on the high beam A) When driving on a bumpy road B) When there are oncoming vehicles C) When the road is poorly lighted and there is no traffic ahead


On the expressway, what kind of drivers pose a serious hazard? A) Drivers who maintain a constant speed of 90km/hr B) Pick up and van driver C) Drivers who hog the center lane at 40km/hr and slower


The penalty for driving on the road shoulder of an expressway is A) A fine B) To be charged in court C) A fine with demerit points


The purpose of using dipped headlights whilst driving is to A) Save the battery's electrical energy B) Light up the road immediately in front of you C) Avoid dazzling drivers of incoming vehicles


The stopping distance on a wet road is _____ longer than on a dry road A) 4 times B) 3 times C) 2 times


There is a slow-moving motorcyclist ahead of you. You are unsure what the rider is going to do. What should you do? A) Pass to the left B) Pass to the right C) Stay behind


To prevent skidding when stopping on a slippery road, you should A) Press hard on the foot brake B) Apply the foot brake and the handbrake together C) Step on your foot brake in an on/off manner


To reduce centrifugal force while going round a sharp bend, you should A) Not change the speed B) Drive faster C) Slow down


When pedestrians are facing traffic o na road without pavement, vehicle should keep a gap of at least A) 0.5 meters B) 0.75m C) 1m


When you see a vehicle slowing down at a pedestrian crossing, you should A) Overtake the slow moving vehicle B) Maintain your normal speed C) Slow down and be ready to stop


When you use engine brake with the 3rd gear, its effectiveness will be A) Greater than 2nd gear B) Same C) Less


Which of the following actions can cause the engine to stall A) A sudden release of the brake pedal B) A sudden release of the handbrake C) A sudden release of the clutch


You may drive along the right most lane when A) You are traveling at the speed limits B) The traffic is not heavy C) You are overtaking another vehicle


A driver does something that upsets you, you should A) Try not to react B) Flash your headlights several times C) Sound your horn


A lower gear has A) more power and less speed than a higher gear B) More speed and less power than a higher gear C) Less power and less speed than a higher gear


A person will be disqualified from deriving if he is caught A) Driving with a blood alcohol concentration over 80mg of alochol/100ml of blood B) Failing to obey a 'stop' traffic sign C) failing to give way to an ambulanece with its siren on


After consuming alcohol, you should A) Not drive B) Drive slowly C) Drive at normal speed


After engaging the first gear and the clutch pedal is released to the 'biting point', there is A) A slight drop in the engine revolution B) A slight increase in the engine revolution C) No change in the engine revolution


After parking your car on an upward slope, you should A) Engage the first gear B) Engage the reverse gear C) Shift gear to neutral


As you approach a bend, an automatic car will sometimes change up because there is less pressure on the accelerator. TO prevent this, you should A) Slow down before the bend and accelerate gently as you turn B) Brake as you go round the bend C) Brake and accelerate at the same time


At a sharp bend, you should A) Not overtake other vehicles B) Overtake, if speed of the vehicle in front is slow C) Follow closely behind the front car


At road junctions, which of the following are the most vulnerable? A) Cyclists, pedestrians, motorcyclists B) Car drivers C) Lorry drivers


Before overtaking another vehicle, you should signal for at least A) Three seconds B) Five seconds C) Seven seconds


Before turning right at an intersection, you should A) Stop to ensure safety B) Wait for the green traffic signal light C) Not stop or wait for the green signal light


Both cars are turning right at an intersection, what path should they take? A) Both cars pass in front of each other B) Pass behind each other C) Choose either depending on traffic flow


Braking is more effective when you depress the brake pedal A) With the gear engaged B_ With the clutch depressed C) With the gear level in neutral


Car A intents to pass lorry B. Car A should A) Pass lorry B after the junction B) Speed up and pass lorry B on the left C) Pass lorry B on the right


How does a school warden signal you to stop A) By displaying a stop sign B) By giving you a hand signal C) By pointing to children on the opposition pavement


If you are feeling very tired and sleepy whilst driving on an expressway you should A) Make an exist and stop at a safe place to rest B) Stop at the road shoulder to rest C) Switch on hazard lights and drive slowly along the road shoulder


If you have a downshift for a turn, you should do it A) before you start the turn B) Just as you begin the turn C) While you are in the turn


If you increase your speed when going round a bend, it will be A) Difficult for you to keep your intended path B) Safer C) Easier to control the car


If your driving license is revoked, you may apply again or a license after a period of A) 1 year B) 2 years C) 3 years


In an emergency stop, you should A) Apply only the brakes B) Apply the brakes and clutch together C) Apply clutch first then the brakes


In order to have a better view while entering a sharp right hand bend as shown in the scenario, you should position you car A) Close to the left of the road B) In the middle of your lane C) Close to the center lane


It is better to use engine brake rather than foot brake when driving down a long steep slope because A) The brake linings will not overheat B) You will save petrol C) Your battery will last longer


On a three lane expressway, which lane should you normally use? A) Left B)right C) center


On a two lane carriageway, you should A) Keep to the left lane B) Keep to the outer lane C) not overtake another vehicle


On rainy days, less tread on your tires will A) Increase your breaking distance B) Decrease your braking distance C) Not affect your braking distance


The main cause of brake fade is A) The brake is over heating B) Air in the brake fluid C) The brakes out of adjustment


The road should of the expressway is meant for A) Breakdown vehicles B) Overtaking C) Waiting


The side mirrors should be adjusted so that A) Part of the car body can be seen in the mirror B) No part of the car body can be seen in the mirror C) The mirror forms an angle of 45 degrees with the car body


Using intermittent braking to stop a car will A) Give repeated signals to vehicles behind B) Confuse other drivers C) Reduce the braking effect


When applying an emergency stop, you should A) Avoid braking too hard to prevent the wheels from locking B) Brake hard to lock the wheels so that it can stop faster C) Apply clutch before the engine stall


When approaching a traffic light junction with the amber light flashing, you should A) Slow down and proceed across the junction only when it is safe to do so B) Speed up in order to pass the junction before the light changes C) Stop at the stop line and wait for the light to change


When you are reversing into the parking lot, the front part of your car swings out, you should A) Look out for other traffic including cyclists and pedestrians B) Look behind only C) Looks at side mirrors


When you want to make a left turn, you should slow down and change to 3rd of 2nd gear A) Before you begin the turn B) While you are turning C) After turning


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