Fire fighter 2

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B. director.

A branch level supervisor is known as a branch: A. chief. B. director. C. manager. D. officer.

C. an incident action plan.

A component of National Incident Management System (NIMS) that should be used on every incident, which is either written or unwritten, is: A. the use of an Incident Commander. B. the Public Information Officer. C. an incident action plan. D. a safety officer.

B. detailed guide to action.

A procedure is a(n): A. guide to thinking. B. detailed guide to action. C. guide to decision making. D. interpretation.

C. transfer of command.

A situation/status progress report is provided upon: A. termination of the incident. B. arrival. C. transfer of command. D. setup of the staging area.

B. TDD/TTY text phone

A special communications device which allows the hearing or speech impaired to communicate via telephone is known as a _________ system. A. commercial phone B. TDD/TTY text phone C. direct line D. wireless

A. National Fire Incident Reporting System.

A uniform data collection system used by most departments to track incident information is known as the: A. National Fire Incident Reporting System. B. National Fire Incident Recording System. C. First National Incident Reporting System. D. First National Incident Response System.

D. legal documents and must be completed thoroughly.

All records and reports generated by the fire department are: A. notations and, therefore, do not require accurate narrative information. B. exempt from legal challenges. C. private and protected under the Freedom of Information Act. D. legal documents and must be completed thoroughly.

D. unity of command.

An employee becomes frustrated because they cannot comply with conflicting orders from different bosses. This situation was most likely caused by a violation of: A. chain of command. B. division of labor. C. span of control. D. unity of command.

B. lack of appropriate action by the department.

An incomplete incident report may be used to prove: A. compliance with national standards. B. lack of appropriate action by the department. C. that the department is busy and needs additional staffing. D. additional supervisors are required.

C. a geographic location or designation.

As it relates to the Incident Management System, a division refers to: A. firefighters assigned to a single task. B. a part of a strike team. C. a geographic location or designation. D. a supporting branch for the logistics team.

B. maintain span of control.

As more companies arrive at an escalating incident, one reason the command structure must expand is to: A. employ the arriving officers. B. maintain span of control. C. allow unity of command. D. counter the formation of sectors.

A. broadcast several times.

Audible warning devices for emergency evacuation should be: A. broadcast several times. B. heard for at least 500 feet. C. used to announce the need for multiple alarms. D. used to give an "all clear" on scene.

C. select the proper foam concentrate for the burning fuel involved.

Before placing a foam line in service using an in-line proportioner: A. check the rated capacity of the pump and nozzle. B. check to see that the foam concentrate listed on the foam container matches the eductor percentage rating. C. select the proper foam concentrate for the burning fuel involved. D. attach the eductor to a portable pump capable of efficiently flowing the rated capacity of the eductor and the nozzle.

B. maintaining span of control over subordinate organization units.

Branch, used as an Incident Management System term, is best described as: A. working on the same task or objective. B. maintaining span of control over subordinate organization units. C. responsible for operations within an assigned geographical area. D. working an assigned task, but without apparatus.

B. Chief

By what title or rank are the heads of the four major functional components of the Incident Management System known? A. Director B. Chief C. Manager D. Officer

A. a computer-based, automated system that assists the telecommunicator in assessing dispatch information and recommends responses.

Computer-aided dispatch is: A. a computer-based, automated system that assists the telecommunicator in assessing dispatch information and recommends responses. B. an organized collection of similar facts. C. typically used by operations chief officers in the fire service. D. an emergency alerting device primarily used by volunteer department personnel to receive reports of emergency incidents.

C. assigns a task to an individual to make that person responsible for completing the task.

Division of labor: A. outlines how things are to be done, and usually how far a person can go without requesting further guidance. B. relates to the number of people one person can supervise effectively. C. assigns a task to an individual to make that person responsible for completing the task. D. is the idea that each firefighter answers to only one supervisor.

A. responsible for operations within an assigned geographical area.

Division, when used as an Incident Management System term, is best described as: A. responsible for operations within an assigned geographical area. B. one of a set number of resources of the same type and kind. C. work on the same task or objective. D. maintains span of control over subordinate organization units

C. Federal Communications Commission.

Fire departments that operate radio equipment must hold radio licenses from the: A. Federal Central Communications. B. National Emergency Broadcasting. C. Federal Communications Commission. D. National Radio Communications.

D. if inaccurate or incomplete, can have short-term negative consequences for the organization.

Fire reports: A. are considered public records under the Buckley Act. B. must be written in common fire service terminology. C. must be complete, clear, and concise. D. if inaccurate or incomplete, can have short-term negative consequences for the organization.

B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Firefighter duties and responsibilities are influenced by many organizations. The organization that establishes and ensures workplace safety is the: A. Insurance Service Association. B. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. C. National Workplace Administration. D. Homeland Security Association.

C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

Firefighters perform duties and responsibilities in accordance with the __________ who establishes the minimum standard for firefighters. A. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) B. Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) C. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) D. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Heath (NIOSH)

D. All types and sizes

For what types and sizes of incident is the Incident Management System (IMS) designed? A. Multi-agency only, medium or large size B. Multi-agency only, any size C. Single agency only, large size D. All types and sizes

C. working on the same task or objective.

Group, when used as an Incident Management System term, is best described as: A. being responsible for operations within an assigned geographical area. B. maintaining span of control over subordinate organization units. C. working on the same task or objective. D. one of a set number of resources of the same type and kind.

D. Fifteen ambulances and three strike team leaders

If an Incident Commander requested three emergency medical services (EMS) strike teams, what would be dispatched? A. One engine and one rescue B. Three first alarm assignments and one ladder company C. Three high-angle rescue teams and two ambulances D. Fifteen ambulances and three strike team leaders

C. The firefighter with the greatest seniority

If there is no officer on the first-arriving unit, who assumes command? A. No one, until an officer arrives B. The person those present select C. The firefighter with the greatest seniority D. Whomever the nearest responding chief officer designates over the radio

C. assigned a separate channel dedicated for use on that scene only.

In fire departments that have access to multiple radio channels, emergency operations should be: A. continued on primary frequency only. B. run by cell phone so the radio is not tied up. C. assigned a separate channel dedicated for use on that scene only. D. transferred to another agency.

D. Incident Action Plans

In order for the Incident Management System to function properly, it must contain which component? A. Unique terminology B. Mutual aid agreements C. All personnel from a single agency D. Incident Action Plans

B. groups

In the Incident Management System, _________ are functional crews assigned to perform a specific task such as ventilation or rescue. A. divisions B. groups C. single resources D. branches

A. Incident Commander

In the Incident Management System, the _________ has authority over the ordering, releasing, and controlling of resources. A. Incident Commander B. Logistics Officer C. Operations Officer D. Staging Officer

C. the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex.

In the Incident Management System, the term modular organization is best described as: A. when multiple agencies or multiple jurisdictions have responsibility for control of an incident. B. each person has only one direct supervisor. C. the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex. D. the number of subordinates who report to one supervisor at any level within the organization.

C. The Incident Commander

In the Incident Management System, who is the one person ultimately responsible for managing an incident? A. A Chief Officer B. The Planning Chief C. The Incident Commander D. The Operations Chief

B. prevent duplication of effort.

In the fire service, division of labor is necessary to: A. assign discipline. B. prevent duplication of effort. C. reduce span of control. D. establish chain of command.

A. U. S. Fire Administration.

National Fire Incident Reporting System information is transmitted to the: A. U. S. Fire Administration. B. Emergency Management. C. Department of Homeland Security. D. National Fire Protection Association.

A. used to help reduce the loss of life and property by fire.

National Fire Incident Reporting System information is: A. used to help reduce the loss of life and property by fire. B. confidential. C. limited to fire incidents only. D. only to be shared internally.

A. minimum knowledge, skills and abilities.

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001 addresses firefighter: A. minimum knowledge, skills and abilities. B. certification. C. pay and benefits. D. annual training requirements

D. 1500

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) _________ is the standard that contains minimum requirements and procedures for a safety and health program. A. 1901 B. 1932 C. 1001 D. 1500

A. wear hearing protection when noise levels exceed 90 decibels.

Passengers and drivers/operators of responding emergency vehicles should: A. wear hearing protection when noise levels exceed 90 decibels. B. ride on the tailboard. C. don safety gear while enroute to the call to reduce response times. D. wear eye protection while in cabs to prevent injury from flying debris.

B. guidance for decision making.

Policies are examples of standing plans designed to provide: A. staffing requirement guidelines. B. guidance for decision making. C. problem-solving. D. communications.

D. All the statements are true.

Read the following statements regarding how to obtain necessary information for reports and select the correct answer from choices A through D. Statement 1: The property owner and/or occupant is the primary source of information. Statement 2: Bystanders or eyewitnesses should be questioned. Statement 3: The model number and serial number of any equipment involved in the fire should be recorded. A. Statement 1 is true; statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statements 1 and 2 are true; statement 3 is false. C. Statement 1 is false; statements 2 and 3 are true. D. All the statements are true.

D. All three statements are true.

Read the following statements regarding reports and select your answer from choices A through D. Statement 1: Information in reports must be complete, clear and concise. Statement 2: Improper or inadequate documentation can have long term negative consequences for the fire department. Statement 3: Fire reports are considered public records. A. Statement 1 is true; statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statements 1 and 2 are true; statement 3 is false. C. Statement 1 is false; statements 2 and 3 are true. D. All three statements are true.

D. All three statements are true.

Read the following statements regarding the Incident Management System (IMS) select your answer from choices A through D. Statement 1: The Incident Management System assumes that the first arriving unit at an incident establishes command. Statement 2: The individual who is in charge of the first arriving unit is the incident commander. Statement 3: If a chief officer arrives after command has been established, he may assume command. A. Statement 1 is true; statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statements 1 and 2 are true; statement 3 is false. C. Statements 1 and 2 are false; statement 3 is true. D. All three statements are true.

B. Statements 1 and 2 are true; statement 3 is false.

Read the following statements regarding the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) and select the correct answer from choices A through D. Statement 1: NFIRS is used to compile and analyze incident reports. Statement 2: NFIRS reports include call type, actions taken, and property use. Statement 3: Use of NFIRS by U.S. fire departments is mandatory. A. Statement 1 is true; statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statements 1 and 2 are true; statement 3 is false. C. Statement 1 is false; statements 2 and 3 are true. D. All three statements are true.

D. All three statements are true.

Read the following statements regarding transfer of command and select your answer from choices A through D. Statement 1: The first arriving fire department member must be prepared to transfer command to the next arriving individual with a higher authority. Statement 2: Transfer of command must include a situation status progress report. Statement 3: The chief officer may elect to assume another role in the command structure. A. Statement 1 is true, statements 2 and 3 are false. B. Statements 1 and 2 are true, statement 3 is false. C. Statements 1 and 2 are false, statement 3 is true. D. All three statements are true.

C. 10 - 20

Situation status/progress reports should be made ten minutes into the incident and at _________ minute intervals thereafter until the incident is under control. A. 5 - 10 B. 25 - 30 C. 10 - 20 D. exactly 30

B. transfer of command.

Situation status/progress reports should include the: A. number of units in staging. B. transfer of command. C. change of Finance/Administration section command. D. number of personnel in rehabilitation.

B. an organized, systematic method for the command, control, and management of an emergency incident.

The Incident Command System is best defined as: A. the overall plan developed and used to control an incident. B. an organized, systematic method for the command, control, and management of an emergency incident. C. the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex. D. one designated leader or officer to command an incident.

C. Liaison Officer.

The Incident Commander's point of contact for representatives from outside agencies is the: A. Planning Director. B. Communications Center. C. Liaison Officer. D. Staging Chief.

C. the number of subordinates who report to one supervisor.

The Incident Management System defines span of control as: A. organizing an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into smaller tasks. B. having the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex. C. the number of subordinates who report to one supervisor. D. each person having only one direct supervisor.

B. be initiated by the first fire unit on the scene.

The Incident Management System should: A. be fully implemented for all situations. B. be initiated by the first fire unit on the scene. C. provide procedures that perfectly fit all departments. D. eliminate the need for mutual aid assistance.

D. computer-aided dispatch

The _________ system can significantly shorten response time or enable a dispatcher to handle a greater volume of calls. A. voice recording B. radio logging C. wireless fax D. computer-aided dispatch

A. a situation evaluation.

The arrival report should contain: A. a situation evaluation. B. the staging location. C. the location of the cold zone. D. the type of nozzle to be deployed.

C. should establish who is in command.

The arrival report: A. should be lengthy and thorough. B. can be delayed until the fire has been contained. C. should establish who is in command. D. should be provided after water supply has been established.

B. verify the instruction received by restating the information during your response.

The best way to respond to a radio communication is to: A. transmit immediately because time is of the essence. B. verify the instruction received by restating the information during your response. C. use a 10-code to keep the message short and not waste important air time. D. use a rapid rate of speaking to allow for easy understanding by the Incident Commander (IC).

A. enhanced systems have the capability to provide the caller's telephone number and address.

The important difference between Basic 911 and Enhanced 911 is that: A. enhanced systems have the capability to provide the caller's telephone number and address. B. enhanced systems are used only in rural areas. C. basic systems are more reliable than enhanced. D. basic systems have the capability to provide the caller's telephone number and address.

B. direct the incident operation.

The purpose of the command post is to: A. identify the Rehab area. B. direct the incident operation. C. meet with the media. D. track all units in staging.

B. progress report.

The report given to the incident commander from an interior crew which tells the incident commander that the fire is controlled would be a(n): A. size-up report. B. progress report. C. all clear notification. D. staging report.

B. used when multiple agencies or multiple jurisdictions have responsibility

The term Unified Command in the Incident Command System is: A. the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex. B. used when multiple agencies or multiple jurisdictions have responsibility for control of an incident. C. used to organize an incident by breaking down the overall strategy into smaller tasks. D. used if each person has only one direct supervisor.

A. accountability.

The tracking of personnel working at an incident requires a system that is standardized for every incident to establish: A. accountability. B. chain of command. C. unity of command. D. span of control.

D. sound an audible warning.

The two most common ways the incident commander orders firefighters to evacuate a structure are to broadcast a radio message and: A. page all firefighters to respond. B. implement an accountability system. C. contact dispatch to activate PASS device. D. sound an audible warning.

D. National Fire Incident Reporting System

The type of call, action taken, number of injuries or fatalities, and the property usage information are all entries to be included on a(n) __________ report. A. United States Fire Administration B. Incident Management System C. Advanced Cardiac Life Support D. National Fire Incident Reporting System

B. exposures present.

To keep the communication center advised of the actions taken at emergency scenes, situation status/progress reports should include: A. name of patients. B. exposures present. C. length of hose lines used. D. number of units in staging.

B. face to face.

Transfer of command is best accomplished: A. by radio. B. face to face. C. by cell phone. D. early on in the incident.

D. must include a situation status report to the relieving fire officer.

Transfer of command: A. must always occur when an individual with a higher authority arrives on scene. B. is not necessary on mutual aid incidents. C. requires that the chief officer assumes command upon arrival. D. must include a situation status report to the relieving fire officer.

A. clear text

Under National Incident Management System (NIMS), radio procedures require the use of __________ when speaking on the radio. A. clear text B. 10-code C. NIMS issued terms D. straight text

D. incident commander

Under normal conditions, only a(n) _________ may order multiple alarms or additional resources for large-scale incidents. A. logistics officer B. planning officer C. safety operations officer D. incident commander

A. Incident Commander

Under the Incident Command System, the _________ is responsible for determining the strategic goals for control of an incident. A. Incident Commander B. Operations Officer C. Planning Officer D. Administration Officer

A. a chief officer arriving after command has been established may assume command.

Under the Incident Command structure: A. a chief officer arriving after command has been established may assume command. B. the individual in charge of the first arriving unit must be an officer because they assumed command. C. a chief officer arriving after command has been established must assume command. D. the individual in charge of the first arriving unit may decline to assume command and delegate the duty to another new member.

D. Public Information

Under the Incident Management System, the _________ Officer is responsible for providing factual and accurate information to the media. A. Safety B. Liaison C. Staffing D. Public Information

B. Operations Chief

Under the Incident Management System, the _________ is responsible for implementing the tactical assignments to meet the strategic goal. A. Incident Commander B. Operations Chief C. Planning Chief D. Safety Officer

A. Division

What Incident Management System term can refer to companies or crews that have been assigned on the basis of either geography or function? A. Division B. Strike force C. Recon D. Branch

C. Three to seven

What is the optimal number of individuals that one person should be supervising at an emergency incident? A. Up to two B. Eight to ten C. Three to seven D. Eight or more

B. Group

What term usually refers to companies or crews working on the same task or objective, although not necessarily in the same location. A. Task B. Group C. Regiment D. Project Team

B. A chief officer with an extensive experience in operations

What type of fire service personnel would normally be assigned the role of Operations Section Chief? A. Usually the company officer of the second-due engine company. B. A chief officer with an extensive experience in operations C. An instructor or inspector who does not usually respond to routine calls D. The last-arriving truck company officer

C. Division 7

What would be the incident command designation for the 7th floor on a high-rise? A. Sector 7 B. Seventh floor C. Division 7 D. Level 7

B. a chief officer arrives and may choose to assume command.

When a company officer arrives first on a fire scene, the officer is in command until: A. the fire is declared under control. B. a chief officer arrives and may choose to assume command. C. the chief of the department arrives. D. arrival of the senior shift officer.

D. Some departments require this, while others leave it to the higher ranking officer's discretion.

When a higher ranking officer arrives on the scene, is that higher ranking officer obligated to assume command from an existing Incident Commander who is of lower rank? A. Yes, this must always take place. B. No, this is expressly forbidden; lower ranking officers are to be left in position. C. Yes, in Class II or III hazardous materials situations; not otherwise. D. Some departments require this, while others leave it to the higher ranking officer's discretion.

A. the property owner and/or occupant is the primary source of information.

When obtaining necessary information for reports, you should remember: A. the property owner and/or occupant is the primary source of information. B. bystanders or eye witnesses are usually unreliable, and need not be questioned. C. time of day is not relevant in dwelling. D. the model number and serial number of any equipment involved can be optionally recorded.

A. Logistics

Which Incident Management System section is responsible for keeping vehicles fueled and providing food for firefighters? A. Logistics B. Liaison C. Operations D. Safety

B. Finance/Administration

Which Incident Management System section is responsible for the cost accounting of an incident? A. Legal B. Finance/Administration C. Operations D. Safety

B. Operations

Which Incident Management System section is responsible for the management of all actions that are directly related to controlling the incident? A. Logistics B. Operations C. Tactics D. Planning

C. There is a change in strategy

Which are times or events when the Incident Commander may call for a Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)? A. Initial size-up is completed B. The incident commander leaves the scene C. There is a change in strategy D. There is a request for additional resources

A. An incomplete fire incident report

Which can be used to prove a lack of appropriate action by the fire department? A. An incomplete fire incident report B. Hearsay by the crew C. Comments by firefighters from another shift D. A thorough fire incident report

A. number of personnel who responded.

Which information would be contained on a National Fire Incident Reporting System report? A. number of personnel who responded. B. make/year of responding apparatus. C. patient medical information. D. address of hydrant used.

A. Common terminology

Which is a characteristic of the Incident Command System? A. Common terminology B. Segregated communications C. Prefire planning D. Secular command

B. Designated facilities

Which is a characteristic of the Incident Management System? A. Employee Assistance Program B. Designated facilities C. Common dispatch centers D. Independent action plans

B. Casualties

Which is a content requirement for fire incident reports? A. Number of firefighters that were on duty B. Casualties C. Make/model of apparatus responding to call D. Name of the fire chief

B. Nature and location of the incident

Which is a content requirement for fire incident reports? A. Number of firefighters that were on duty B. Nature and location of the incident C. Make/model of apparatus responding to call D. Name of the fire chief

C. Logistics

Which is a major functional component of the Incident Management System? A. Groups B. Employee Assistance Programs C. Logistics D. Post Incident Analysis

B. Unity of command

Which is one of the characteristics of an Incident Management System? A. Unique terminology B. Unity of command C. Common radio channels D. Prefire plans

A. Public Information Officer

Which is one of the major staff functions/components of the Incident Management System? A. Public Information Officer B. Planning C. Liaison D. Safety Officer

B. Type of call

Which is required on the National Fire Incident Reporting System report? A. Make/year of apparatus B. Type of call C. Estimated cost of service delivery D. Length of hose lines used

C. They can obtain it, as the report is considered a public record.

Which is true regarding the method by which homeowners receive copies of their fire incident report? A. They need to have a subpoena to receive a copy. B. They can get a copy from the state reporting agency. C. They can obtain it, as the report is considered a public record. D. They have to get a copy at the time of the incident.

B. Most fire departments use clear speech/plain English for radio communications.

Which statement concerning fire department radio communications is correct? A. Most fire departments use ten-codes for radio communications. B. Most fire departments use clear speech/plain English for radio communications. C. Radio communications are not automatically recorded. D. Ten-codes are never problematic during multi-jurisdictional operations.

C. They can become admissible evidence in a court case.

Which statement regarding National Fire Incident Reporting System incident reports is correct? A. The reports are used only for statistical information. B. Local fire information does not become part of the national database. C. They can become admissible evidence in a court case. D. Incomplete reports are inadmissible as evidence in a court case.

D. Local fire information becomes part of the national database.

Which statement regarding fire incident reports is correct? A. Reports are used only for statistical information. B. Reports are collected nationally and then reported to each state. C. Paper reports are preferred over computer reports since they are signed. D. Local fire information becomes part of the national database.

C. Fire reports may be viewed by the public.

Which statement regarding fire reports is correct? A. From a legal standpoint, fire reports are a minor part of the emergency process. B. Fire reports are not considered to be public records. C. Fire reports may be viewed by the public. D. Fire reports may not be viewed by an attorney.

C. Fire reports are public records.

Which statement regarding fire reports is correct? A. Information found in fire reports cannot be used by insurance investigators. B. Comparing National Fire Incident Report System (NFIRS) data locally is time consuming and is not as effective as comparing national data. C. Fire reports are public records. D. National Fire Incident Reporting System Reports do not need to be completed for Emergency Medical Services runs.

C. each person having only one direct supervisor

Within the Incident Management System, Unity of Command is best described as: A. the ability to start small and expand if an incident becomes more complex. B. the number of subordinates who report to one supervisor at any level within the organization C. each person having only one direct supervisor D. being used when multiple agencies or multiple jurisdictions have responsibility for control of an incident

D. command staff positions.

Within the Incident Management System, the positions of Safety, Liaison, and Information are: A. divisions. B. groups. C. functional areas. D. command staff positions.

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