First Aid

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What are the 5 types of wounds?

Bruises Abrasions Lacerations Avulsions Punctures

What not to do when someone is having a seizure?

Try to stop it Hold or restrain the person Put anything into the person's mouth

What is a burn?

o Damaged layers of skin o Classified by source & depth o Deeper means more severe

How deep should chest compressions be administered?

2 inches

What are three reasons air would not go into an unconscious victim?

1. Blockage in the airway 2. Damage to the lungs 3. Human error (first one to assume)

How to care for a major wound

1. Call 9-1-1 2. Put on disposable gloves 3. Control bleeding a. Use sterile dressing b. Apply direct pressure Do NOT: Remove blood-soaked bandages, keep them on and add more dressing 4. Monitor A-B-C

What are the steps to a conscious choking victim?

1. Check the scene 2. Ask the victim, "Are you choking?'' 3. Encourage coughing 4. If the victim seems to be in distress meaning they stop coughing and can't breathe, ask, "Can I help?'' 5. Go behind the victim and administer 5 back blows with the heel of the hand in the center of the shoulder blades 6. Administer 5 Abdominal Thrusts ( 1. Go behind victim, find his or her belly button and go about a fist distance above 2. With your hands together administer 5 abdominal thrusts upward and inward to try to dislodge item that is blocking airway) 7. Lower victim down gently on his or her side 8. Support the head 9. Call 911

What are three important things to do when giving someone breaths?

1. Create a good seal 2. Tilt the head enough 3. Breath deeply

How to care for a minor wound

1. Ensure there is a barrier between you and the wound. 2. Apply direct pressure. 3. Wash with soap & water. 4. Apply triple-antibiotic cream 5. Cover with a sterile dressing

What are the six steps to checking an unconscious victim?

1. Survey the scene 2. Tap and shout 3. Call 9-1-1 4. Look, Listen Feel 5. Give 2 breaths 6. Check pulse/bleeding

What are the steps to save someone who needs CPR?

1. Survey the scene 2. Tap and shout 3. Call 9-1-1 4. Look, Listen, Feel 5. Give two breaths If the air dose go in: 6. Check pulse/bleeding If there is no pulse and no breathing 7. Apply 30 Compressions and then give 2 breaths repeating the cycle for 2 minutes (about 4 cycles in 2 minutes) 8. After 2 minutes, LLF and recheck the pulse. If nothing happens, repeat steps.

What are the steps to save someone who needs rescue breathing?

1. Survey the scene 2. Tap and shout 3. Call 9-1-1 4. Look, Listen, Feel 5. Give two breaths If the air dose go in: 6. Check pulse/bleeding If these is a pulse but no breathing: 7. Administer 1 breath every 5 seconds for 2 minutes a. Tilt the head back b. Pinch the nose c. Completely cover mouth (seal the airway) d. Breaths should be about 1 second long and have some strength to them. 8. After 2 minutes LLF and recheck pulse. If nothing changes, repeat steps

What are the steps to an unconscious choking victim?

1. Survey the scene 2. Tap and shout 3. Call 9-1-1 4. Look, Listen, Feel 5. Give two breaths If the air dose not go in: 6. Re-tilt the head 7. Give two more breaths (making sure we did not make a mistake here) 8. Apply 30 chest compressions (hand on hand, arms straight and locked, should over elbows, elbows over wrists) right into the victim's sternum 9. Finger sweep 10. Doesn't work? Repeat steps.

What are four reasons to stop performing first-aid?

1. You get too tired to continue 2. Scene becomes unsafe 3. Trained rescuer arrives and takes over 4. Condition of the victim improved

How many rescue breaths should be given in one minute?

12 breaths

What is a fracture?

A chip, break, crack in a bone that could be opened or closed

What is a stroke?

A sudden interruption in the blood supply of the brain

What is a seizure?

A symptom of an electrical disturbance in the brain

what is wound evisceration?

A wound is an injury to soft tissue that can be classified as closed-skin or open-skin

What are the ABC's of first aid?

Airway Breathing Circulation

What to do to care for a minor burn?

Check scene for safety Remove source of burn Cool burn with cold, running water Cover loosely with sterile dressing Prevent infection

What is the most important thing you can do to help a victim?

Call 9-1-1

What dose CPR stand for?

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

What are the 3 Cs?

Check (scene and person) Call (911) Care (for the person or victim)

What does FACE mean?

F = Face (weakness on one side of the face) A = Arm (weakness/numbness in one arm) S = Speech (slurred speech or trouble speaking) T = Time (time to call 9-1-1)

What are the sources of burns?

Heat Chemical Electrical Radiation

What is a dislocation?

Movement of a bone at a joint away from a normal postion

What dose RICE mean?

R = Rest (do not move or straighten the area) I = Ice (fill a plastic bag/wrap with cloth and apply for 20 minutes) C = Compression (wrap the area tightly with ace bandage) E = Elevate (do not elevate if it causes pain)

What to do when someone is having a seizure?

Removed objects nearby the person that could cause injury Protect the person's head Roll the person to one side if fluid is in their mouth

What is a strain?

Stretching and tearing of muscles or tendons

What is a sprain?

Tearing of ligaments at a joint

First Aid

The immediate care given to a victim of sudden injury or illness

What not to do with a burn?

Touch a burn with something that is not sterile Apply ice or ice water Break/pop blisters Clean a sever burn or use ointment on it

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