Fitness and Wellness Assess your Knowledge

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During an eccentric muscle contraction, a. the muscle shortens as it overcomes the resistance. b. there is little or no movement during the contraction. c. a joint has to move through the entire range of motion. d. the muscle lengthens as it contracts. e. the speed is kept constant throughout the range of motion.


Essential fat in women is a. 3 percent. b. 5 percent. c. 10 percent. d. 12 percent. e. 17 percent.


From a functional point of view, typical sedentary people in the United States are about years older than their chronological age indicates. a. 2 b. 8 c. 15 d. 25 e. 50


The daily amount of physical activity recommended for weight loss maintenance is a. 15 to 20 minutes. b. 20 to 30 minutes. c. 30 to 60 minutes. d. 60 to 90 minutes. e. Any amount is sufficient as long as it is done daily.


The leading cause of death in the United States is a. cancer. b. accidents. c. chronic lower respiratory disease. d. diseases of the cardiovascular system. e. drug-related illness.


The vigorous-intensity cardiorespiratory training zone for a 22-year-old individual with a resting heart rate of 68 bpm is a. 120 to 148. b. 132 to 156. c. 138 to 164. d. 142 to 179. e. 154 to 188.


The yearly estimated number of deaths attributed to excessive body weight and physical inactivity in the United States is a. 28,000. b. 55,000. c. 93,000. d. 112,000. e. 350,000.


To help elevate the exercise heart rate during low-impact aerobics, a person should a. accentuate arm movements. b. sustain movement throughout the program. c. accentuate weight-bearing actions. d. All of the above are correct choices. e. None of the above choices is correct.


Treatment of chemical dependency is a. primarily accomplished by the individual alone. b. most successful when there is peer pressure to stop. c. best achieved with the help of family members. d. seldom accomplished without professional guidance. e. usually done with the help of friends.


Unhealthy fats include a. unsaturated fatty acids. b. monounsaturated fats. c. polyunsaturated fatty acids. d. saturated fats. e. alpha-linolenic acid.


Using a combination of aerobic activities to develop overall fitness is known as a. health-related fitness. b. circuit training. c. plyometric exercises. d. cross-training. e. skill-related fitness.


Which of the following is a stage in the behavioral modification model? a. recognition b. motivation c. relapse d. preparation e. goal setting


For general fitness, during strength training each set should be performed between a. 1 and 6 reps maximum. b. 4 and 8 reps maximum. c. 8 and 12 reps maximum. d. 8 and 20 reps maximum. e. 15 and 25 reps maximum.


Obesity is defined as a body mass index equal to or above a. 10. b. 25. c. 30. d. 45. e. 50.


One pound of fat represents a. 1,200 calories. b. 1,500 calories. c. 3,500 calories. d. 5,000 calories. e. None of the above choices is correct.


The ability of a muscle to exert submaximal force repeatedly over time is known as a. muscular strength. b. plyometric training. c. muscular endurance. d. isokinetic training. e. isometric training.


The approximate jogging mileage to reach the excellent cardiorespiratory fitness classification is a. 5 miles. b. 10 miles. c. 15 miles. d. 25 miles. e. 50 miles.


4. The daily recommended amount of fiber intake for adults 50 years and younger is a. 10 grams per day for women and 12 grams for men. b. 21 grams per day for women and 30 grams for men. c. 28 grams per day for women and 35 grams for men. d. 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams for men. e. 45 grams per day for women and 50 grams for men.


An MET represents a. the symbol used to indicate that the exercise goal has been met. b. a unit of measure that is used to express the value achieved during the Metabolic Exercise Test. c. the Maximal Exercise Time achieved. d. the rate of energy expenditure at rest. e. All choices are incorrect.


A precontemplator is a person who a. has no desire to change a behavior. b. is looking to make a change in the next six months. c. is preparing for change in the next 30 days. d. willingly adopts healthy behaviors. e. is talking to a therapist to overcome a problem behavior.


Bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles is called a. physical activity. b. kinesiology. c. exercise. d. aerobic exercise. e. muscle strength.


Cardiorespiratory endurance is determined by a. the amount of oxygen the body is able to utilize per minute of physical activity. b. the length of time it takes the heart rate to return to 120 bpm following the 1.5-Mile Run Test. c. the difference between the maximal heart rate and the resting heart rate. d. the product of the heart rate and blood pressure at rest versus exercise. e. the time it takes a person to reach a heart rate between 120 and 170 bpm during the 1.0-Mile Walk Test.


During the starting position of the Modified Sit-andReach Test a. the hips, back, and head are placed against a wall. b. you measure the distance from the hips to the feet. c. you make a fist with the hands. d. you stretch forward as far as possible over the reach indicator.


Fitness boot camp is primarily a _____________ activity? a. body weight strength-training b. interval training c. running d. competitive games e. All of the above are exercise movements in spinning.


Improvements in maximal oxygen uptake in older adults (compared with younger adults) as a result of cardiorespiratory endurance training are a. similar. b. higher. c. lower. d. difficult to determine. e. nonexistent.


Positive stress is also referred to as a. eustress. b. poststress. c. functional stress. d. distress. e. physiostress.


The amount of a nutrient that is estimated to meet the nutrient requirement of half the healthy people in specific age and gender groups is known as the a. Estimated Average Requirement. b. Recommended Dietary Allowance. c. Daily Value. d. Adequate Intake. e. Dietary Reference Intake.


The best aerobic activity choice for individuals with leg or back injuries is a. walking in chest-deep water. b. jogging. c. step aerobics. d. rope skipping. e. cross-country skiing.


The daily recommended carbohydrate intake is a. 45 to 65 percent of the total calories. b. 10 to 35 percent of the total calories. c. 20 to 35 percent of the total calories. d. 60 to 75 percent of the total calories. e. 35 to 50 percent of the total calories.


The mechanism that seems to regulate how much a person weighs is known as a. setpoint. b. weight factor. c. basal metabolic rate. d. metabolism. e. energy-balancing equation.


The risk of heart disease increases with a. high LDL-cholesterol. b. high HDL-cholesterol. c. lack of homocysteine. d. low levels of hs-CRP e. All are correct choices.


The technique in which a person breathes in through the nose to a specific count and then exhales through pursed lips to double the intake count is known as a. sighing. b. deep breathing. c. meditation. d. autonomic ventilation. e. release management.


The training concept that states that the demands placed on a system must be increased systematically and progressively over time to cause physiological adaptation is referred to as a. the overload principle. b. positive resistance training. c. specificity of training. d. variable-resistance training. e. progressive resistance.


Tolerable weight is a body weight a. that is not ideal but one that you can live with. b. that will tolerate the increased risk of chronic diseases. c. with a BMI range between 25 and 30. d. that meets both ideal values for percent body fat and BMI. e. All are correct choices.


Treatment of anorexia nervosa a. almost always requires professional help. b. is often accomplished in the home. c. is most successful when friends take the initiative to help. d. requires that the individual be placed in the environment where the disorder started. e. is best done under the supervision of a physician.


Which of the following is not a component of skillrelated fitness? a. mobility b. coordination c. reaction time d. agility e. All are skill-related components.


A regular aerobic exercise program a. makes a person immune to heart disease. b. significantly decreases the risk for cardiovascular disease. c. decreases HDL-cholesterol. d. increases triglycerides. e. All are correct choices.


Cancer can be defined as a. a process whereby some cells invade and destroy the immune system. b. an uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. c. the spread of benign tumors throughout the body. d. the interference of normal body functions through blood flow disruption caused by angiogenesis. e. All are correct choices.


Drinking about a cup of cool water every ____ minutes seems to be ideal to prevent dehydration during exercise in the heat. a. 5 b. 15 to 20 c. 30 d. 30 to 45 e. 60


Hormonal changes that occur during a stress response a. decrease heart rate. b. increase blood pressure. c. diminish blood flow to the muscles. d. induce relaxation. e. sap the body's strength.


Indicate which of the following exercises is not used to assess muscular endurance in men. a. Bench jump b. Modified push-up c. Bent-leg curl-up d. All of the above are used by men. e. None of the above are used by men.


Muscular flexibility is defined as a. the capacity of joints and muscles to work in a synchronized manner. b. the achievable range of motion at a joint or group of joints without causing injury. c. the capability of muscles to stretch beyond their normal resting length without injury to the muscles. d. the capacity of muscles to return to their proper length following the application of a stretching force. e. the limitations placed on muscles as the joints move through their normal planes.


Research on the effects of fitness on mortality indicates that the largest drop in premature mortality is seen between a. the average and excellent fitness groups. b. the least fit and moderately fit groups. c. the good and high fitness groups. d. the moderately fit and good fitness groups. e. The drop is similar between all fitness groups.


The biggest carcinogenic exposure in the workplace is a. asbestos fibers. b. cigarette smoke. c. biological agents. d. nitrosamines. e. pesticides.


The science of nutrition studies the relationship of a. vitamins and minerals to health. b. foods to optimal health and performance. c. carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to the development and maintenance of good health. d. the macronutrients and micronutrients to physical performance. e. kilocalories to calories in food items.


Type 2 diabetes is related closely to a. low BMI. b. obesity and lack of physical activity. c. genetically low homocysteine. d. increased insulin sensitivity. e. All are correct choices.


What is the greatest benefit of being physically fit? a. absence of disease b. a higher quality of life c. improved sports performance d. better personal appearance e. maintenance of ideal body weight


When checking exercise heart rate, one should a. continue to exercise at the prescribed rate while checking the heart rate. b. stop exercising and take the pulse for no longer than 15 seconds. c. exercise at a low-to-moderate intensity. d. stop exercise and take the heart rate for a full minute. e. All choices are valid ways to check exercise heart rate.


When the body uses protein instead of a combination of fats and carbohydrates as a source of energy, a. weight loss is very slow. b. a large amount of weight loss is in the form of water. c. muscle turns into fat. d. fat is lost very rapidly. e. fat cannot be lost.


Which of the following is not a mode of stretching? a. proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation b. elastic elongation c. ballistic stretching d. slow-sustained stretching e. All are modes of stretching.


According to MyPlate, daily vegetable consumption is measured in a. servings. b. ounces. c. cups. d. calories. e. All of the above are correct.


Achieved maximal heart rates during swimming are approximately beats per minute (bpm) lower than during running. a. 2-4 b. 5-9 c. 10-13 d. 14-20 e. 20-25


The best way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted infections is a. through the use of condoms with a spermicide. b. by knowing about the people who have previously had sex with your partner. c. through a mutually monogamous sexual relationship. d. by having sex only with an individual who has no symptoms of STIs. e. All of the above choices provide equal protection against STIs.


The constant and deliberate effort to stay healthy and achieve the highest potential for well-being is defined as a. health. b. physical fitness. c. wellness. d. health-related fitness. e. metabolic fitness.


The key to successful weight management is a. frequent dieting. b. very low calorie diets when "normal" dieting doesn't work. c. a lifetime physical activity program. d. regular low-carbohydrate/high-protein meals. e. All are correct choices.


The percent fat intake for an individual who on a given day consumes 2,385 calories with 106 grams of fat is a. 44 percent of total calories. b. 17.7 percent of total calories. c. 40 percent of total calories. d. 31 percent of total calories. e. 22.5 percent of total calories.


The recommended duration for each cardiorespiratory training session is a. 10 to 20 minutes. b. 15 to 30 minutes. c. 20 to 60 minutes. d. 45 to 70 minutes. e. 60 to 120 minutes.


To protect yourself from consumer fraud when buying a new product, a. get as much information as you can from the salesperson. b. obtain details about the product from another salesperson. c. ask someone who understands the product but does not stand to profit from the transaction. d. obtain all the research information from the manufacturer. e. All choices are correct.


When you perform stretching exercises, the degree of stretch should be a. through the entire arc of movement. b. to about 80 percent of capacity. c. to the point of mild tension. d. applied until the muscle(s) start shaking. e. progressively increased until the desired stretch is attained.


Which of the following activities does not contribute to the development of cardiorespiratory endurance? a. low-impact aerobics b. jogging c. 400-yard dash d. racquetball e. All of the activities contribute to its development.


Which of the following behaviors seems to have the greatest impact in increasing the risk for illness among Type A individuals? a. hard-driven b. overambitious c. chronic hostility d. overly competitive e. All increase the risk equally.


Which of the following is not a component of healthrelated fitness? a. cardiorespiratory endurance b. body composition c. agility d. muscular strength and endurance e. muscular flexibility


Which of the following is not a stage of the general adaptation syndrome? a. alarm reaction b. resistance c. compliance d. exhaustion/recovery e. All are stages of the general adaptation syndrome.


Which of the following is not a technique used in the assessment of body fat? a. Hydrostatic weighing b. Skinfold thickness c. Body mass index d. Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry


Yoga exercises have been used successfully to a. stimulate ventilation. b. increase metabolism during stress. c. slow down atherosclerosis. d. decrease body awareness. e. accomplish all of the above.


Which of the following recommendations is false regarding exercise during pregnancy? a. Women who are accustomed to strenuous exercise may continue to do so in the early stages of pregnancy. b. After the first trimester, women should avoid exercises that require lying on the back. c. Exercise above 6,000 feet of altitude is not recommended. d. Women are encouraged to exercise above a "somewhat hard" exertion level. e. Women may accumulate 30 minutes of moderateintensity physical activities on most days of the week.


A SMART goal is effective when it is a. realistic. b. measurable. c. specific. d. acceptable. e. All are correct choices.


A cancer prevention diet should include a. ample amounts of fruit and vegetables. b. cruciferous vegetables. c. phytonutrients. d. soy products. e. All are correct choices.


A daily energy expenditure of 300 calories through physical activity is the equivalent of approximately pounds of fat per year. a. 12 b. 15 c. 22 d. 27 e. 31


A goal is effective when it is a. written. b. measurable. c. time-specific. d. monitored. e. All are correct choices.


A person suffering from heatstroke a. requires immediate medical attention. b. should be placed in a cool, humidity-controlled environment. c. should be sprayed with cool water and rubbed with cool towels. d. should not be given fluids if unconscious. e. All are correct choices.


An "excellent" cardiorespiratory fitness rating in mL/kg/ min for young male adults is about a. 10. b. 20. c. 30. d. 40. e. 50.


Cancer a. is primarily a preventable disease. b. is often related to tobacco use. c. has been linked to dietary habits. d. risk increases with obesity. e. All are correct choices.


Change a. is difficult for most people to accomplish. b. takes place when core values are addressed. c. happens when people are uncomfortable with how they feel. d. is most likely to happen when you associate with people who practice healthy habits. e. All of the above are correct.


Coronary heart disease a. is the single leading cause of death in the United States. b. is the leading cause of sudden cardiac deaths. c. is a condition in which the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients are narrowed by fatty deposits. d. accounts for approximately 20 percent of all deaths. e. All are correct choices.


Effective time managers a. delegate. b. learn to say"no." c. protect against boredom. d. set aside "overtimes." e. do all of the above.


Exercise decreases stress levels by a. deliberately diverting stress to various body systems. b. metabolizing excess catecholamines. c. diminishing muscular tension. d. stimulating alpha-wave activity in the brain. e. doing all of the above.


Faulty nutrition often plays a crucial role in the development and progression of which disease? a. cardiovascular disease b. cancer c. osteoporosis d. diabetes e. All are correct choices.


HIIT programs a. include high to very high-intensity intervals. b. require an all-out effort during the entire training program. c. were developed primarily for body-building athletes. d. are low-intensity activity programs. e. All are incorrect choices.


Low back pain is associated with a. physical inactivity. b. faulty posture. c. excessive body weight. d. improper body mechanics. e. All are correct choices.


Meditation a. induces relaxation. b. alleviates the harmful physiological effects of stress. c. can be performed just about anywhere. d. incorporates breathing exercises. e. includes all of the above statements.


Metabolic syndrome is related to a. low HDL-cholesterol. b. high triglycerides. c. increased blood-clotting mechanism. d. an abnormal insulin response to carbohydrates. e. All are correct choices.


Obesity increases the risk for a. hypertension. b. congestive heart failure. c. atherosclerosis. d. type 2 diabetes. e. All are correct choices.


Osteoporosis is a. a crippling disease. b. more prevalent in women. c. higher in people who were calcium-deficient at a young age. d. linked to heavy drinking and smoking. e. All are correct choices.


The 2008 Federal Guidelines for Physical Activity state that adults between 18 and 64 years of age should a. do 2 hours and 30 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity. b. do 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. c. do an equivalent combination of moderate- and vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity listed under choices a and b above. d. do muscle-strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups on two or more days per week. e. All of the above choices are correct.


The metabolic profile is used in reference to a. insulin sensitivity. b. glucose tolerance. c. cholesterol levels. d. cardiovascular disease. e. All of the above are correct choices.


The standard treatment for an acute injury is a. rest. b. cold application. c. compression. d. elevation. e. All choices apply.


Which of the following exercises is included in the progressive muscle relaxation technique? a. pointing the feet b. wrinkling the forehead c. contracting the abdominal muscles d. pressing the teeth together e. All of the above exercises are used.


Which of the following is not a goal of the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans? a. Increase daily intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat milk and milk products. b. Reduce the intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars. c. Increase vegetable and fruit intake. d. Increase the amount and variety of seafood consumed by choosing seafood in place of some meat and poultry. e. All are correct choices.


Which of the following parameters is used to estimate maximal oxygen uptake according to the 1.0-Mile Walk Test? a. body weight b. gender c. total 1.0-mile walk time d. exercise heart rate e. All of the above are used to estimate VO2max


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