FL BOSR True or false test SF

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True or False It is not necessary to identify and document indicators that you observe.


True or False Screening is an ongoing process in which child care professionals use specialized observation and documentation tools to identify, document, and monitor typical development or possible developmental delay.


True or False skilled child care professionals never use information to help them confirm a suspicion of delay, disability, abuse, or neglect.


True or False the three "A"s of health: appetite, appearance, and absent.


True or False Observation sessions should not be performed by a familiar person in the child's natural environment at a time when he or she is not at his or her best.


True or False A checklist is a list of spells and abilities to be observed.


True or False A developmental delay occurs when a child does not display the skills and abilities typically seen in peers in the same age range


True or False A developmental disability is a chronic condition that is diagnosed in childhood and substantially limits major life activities in adulthood, and impacts a child's abilities to perform activities in one or more developmental domain


True or False A frequency count records how often a behavior happens.


True or False A qualified professional can not determine if child abuse or neglect is occurring.


True or False A rating scale is used to measure abuse or neglect based on a series of quality points or a continuum.


True or False A running record is an account of how often a child dose something as it is happening.


True or False A time sample records what activities a child chooses to do during a given time period, which is usually half an hour.


True or False A work sample is a documentation proof that a child is eligible to work in the U.S.


True or False Abuse falls into three categories: physical, sexual, and emotional.


True or False Abuse, neglect, a parent's mental illness, and violence in the home are very stressful to children.


True or False An anecdotal record is a narrative account of an event written as it is happening.


True or False An anecdotal record tells what a child did, when he did it, how he did it, and what happened afterward. It does not contain references to emotions, feelings, or other details that cannot be measured.


True or False As a child care professional, you must be able to find up-to-date information and resources on your own. One of the best ways to do this is on the Internet, using a search engine.


True or False Assessment can not lead to an evaluation, which may qualify the child for benefits under IDEA.


True or False Assessment is a process whereby an agency or organization gathers and reviews multiple sources of information about a child's suspected or confirmed developmental delay or disability, and uses that information to improve a child's outcomes.


True or False Be honest and fair.


True or False Chapter 39 of the Florida Statutes, to report any suspected case of child abuse or neglect.


True or False Chapter 59 of the Florida Statutes, to report any suspected case of child abuse or neglect.


True or False Child care professionals assess and/or evaluate children.


True or False Child care professionals can also make a substantial contribution toward the progress of children who receive benefits under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a federal law, which guarantees a free and public education to every child.


True or False Child care professionals choose their methods of observation based upon the types of information they need to collect.


True or False Child care professionals use terms related to their profession and at-risk children expertly, and when creating documentation, they construct concisely-written sentences with care.


True or False Child neglect is the Success to provide things necessary to sustain life, and children may display physical and behavioral indicators of such maltreatment.


True or False Children who are at the highest risk for developmental disabilities tend to be male and living in poverty.


True or False Children who are at the highest risk tend to share certain characteristics.


True or False Children's Medical Services performs assessment and evaluation processes to determine eligibility for programs and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


True or False Cognitive or intellectual disabilities will not be diagnosed in children based on the way they process and use information and perform self-help skills.


True or False Conversations are word-for-word accounts of what children said while being interviewed by a provider.


True or False Delays can occur in any developmental domain, but the most common ones occur in the Language and Communication and Social and Emotional Development domains.


True or False Developmental delays and disabilities can never mimic the signs of abuse and neglect.


True or False Do not pay attention to small differences.


True or False Document all relevant information, and make sure documentation is correct and complete.


True or False Don't report neglect as required by law.


True or False Down syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by distinct physical traits and intellectual impairments.


True or False During an observation session, a trained adult monitors a child as he or she demonstrates identified skills or abilities within a developmental domain.


True or False Effective child care professionals dedicate themselves to the observation or screening session, and give each child their full attention.


True or False Effective child care professionals do not need to know the typical and atypical patterns of child growth and development. They don't need to be familiar with the child and understand the program's observation and screening policies and tools.


True or False Effective child care professionals make sure documentation includes all relevant information, unless it does not seem to support earlier documentation.


True or False Genetics and physical environments play a role in putting children at risk for developmental delays or disabilities.


True or False H.A.L.T. stands for Hungry Angry/Anxious Lonesome Tired


True or False If information causes you to suspect child abuse or neglect, you must NOT report it.


True or False In a quality program, results are carefully documented following set guidelines and written procedures.


True or False It is not necessary to be objective and accurate.


True or False Knowing who is at risk helps when observing and screening children, because it allows you to watch for and identify the earliest signs of developmental delay, disability, abuse, or neglect.


True or False Licensed doctors are the only professionals who can diagnose the signs of delay and disability.


True or False Like observation, screening should take place in the child's natural environment with familiar people, and be performed when he or she is at his or her best. Again, the goal is to document the child's skills and abilities fairly and objectively.


True or False Make reasonable modifications in policies, procedures, and practices


True or False Non-verbal communication, or body language, is also recorded in time sample records.


True or False Observation and screening can be the first step in helping children who may be at risk.


True or False Observation is an one time process in which child care professionals recognize and document identifiable developmental milestones as they appear, using tools such as checklists, anecdotal records, and running records.


True or False Observation is not an ongoing process in which child care professionals recognize and document identifiable developmental milestones as they appear, using tools such as checklists, anecdotal records, and running records.


True or False Observe or screen more than one child at a time.


True or False Observe or screen when children are at their worst.


True or False People-first language is a method of sentence construction that places people before any condition they have. They say, "Sarah is an autistic child," instead of saying "Sarah has autism".


True or False Report abuse as required by law.


True or False Running records are also used to document how children are responding to their environment.


True or False Screening dose not determine if children are developing typically, identifies early signs of delay or disability, and provides a basis for referral.


True or False Screening is an ongoing process conducted by child care providers and others to verify that a child is developing typically or to identify early signs of delay or disability.


True or False Set aside facts and consider only personal beliefs.


True or False Standardized tests are used to document a child's ability to compare and contrast, solve a problem, classify objects, put things in sequential order, arrive at conclusions, and perform other skills.


True or False Standardized tests can be used in almost any aspect of the program that involves human behavior, whether it occurs in a child, a staff member, an entire classroom, a group of staff members, or any of these combined. Use this method to identify behaviors that should be encouraged and those that may need to be addressed or accommodated.


True or False Standardized tests have specific procedures for administering, scoring, and interpreting the results.


True or False The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children be observed for developmental delays and disabilities during regular well-child doctor visits at 9 months, 18 months, and 24 or 30 months.


True or False The Halo Effect is a judgment error we make when we allow an overall impression of a person to influence the way we interpret his or her actions.


True or False The risk factors for child abuse and neglect fall into seven categories.


True or False The term "alcoholic spectrum disorders" (ASD) refers to a group of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by social impairments, communication difficulties, and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior.


True or False The three main reasons child care programs observe and screen children are to foster growth and development in every child, detect early signs of developmental delay or disability, and identify signs of child abuse and neglect.


True or False The work sample can be two-dimensional, such as a drawing or writing sample; or three-dimensional, such as a sculpture.


True or False Use developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) for each child, follow the law, and honor a professional code of ethics.


True or False When an observer sees the child demonstrate a skill or ability from the checklist, he or she places a mark next to the item.


True or False When the results of screening and observation sessions suggest a referral for assessment or evaluation might benefit a child, the program's role is to supply appropriate information, resources, and support to the child's family while continuing to provide individualized care.


True or False When you are documenting a possible delay or disability, gather documentation through a variety of methods, such as incident reports; notes from meetings, staff members, and parents; and observation tools


True or False child care personnel should attempt to diagnose delay or disability.


True or False child care professionals in Florida do not refer families to the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resource System's Child Find.


True or False evaluation is a process that determines a child's eligibility for federal, state, and local programs and services.


True or False people-first language is a method of sentence construction that places people before any condition they have. They say, "Timothy is in foster care," instead of saying, "Timothy's a foster child." Timothy is a child first, and all communication about him should recognize that.

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