FLBC Minor Prophets Final Exam

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What clause in Micah 1:11 tips us off (indicates) that this is an example of the motif in question 26? (Motif in Q. 26 was the motif of the New Exodus)

"Up from the land"

What are three questions we ask about a passage of Scripture?

1. What does the passage say about God, especially His gracious saving nature 2. What does the passage say about creation, especially human sinfulness and fallenness 3. So what?

Date of the exile


Among the Minor Prophets (aka [the Book of] the Twelve), ______ 9:11 reads: "In that day I will raise up/the booth of David that is fallen/ and repair its branches,/and raise up its ruins/ and rebuild it as in the days of old." We interpret this verse e__________________________, believing that it describes the resurrection of the kingdom of David through the rise of the _____________ and ______________ _________________ whom we know by the name _________________ _________________.

AMOS 9:11 We interpret this verse ESCHATOLOGICALLY, believing that it describes the resurrection of the kingdom of David through the rise of the NEW AND GREATER DAVID, whom we know by the name JESUS CHRIST.

The following verse, __________________ 9:12 reads: "that they may possess the remnant of Edom/ and all the nations who are called by my name," declares the LORD who does this." The Church has interpreted this verse to be referring to the incorporation of the ___________________ into the _______________________ at the coming of the Messiah because ___________________ interprets it that way in Acts 15.

AMOS 9:12 The Church has interpreted this verse to be referring to the incorporation of the GENTILES into the CHURCH at the coming of the Messiah because JAMES interprets it that way in Acts 15.

______________________ 9:13-15 go on to say: "Behold, the days are coming," declares the LORD,/ when the plowman shall overtake the reaper/ and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed;/ the mountains shall drip sweet wine,/ and all the hills shall flow with it.... I will plant them on their land,/ and they shall never again be uprooted/ out of the land that I have given them," says the LORD. Though at first glance the passage seems to be describing the reestablishment in Israel following the Babylonian Captivity, we should interpret this passage e____________________________, for at least three reasons:

AMOS 9:13-15 Though at first glance the passage seems to be describing the reestablishment in Israel following the Babylonian Captivity, we should interpret this passage ESCHATOLOGICALLY, for at least three reasons: 1. One, because it appears to be describing the effects Messiah's coming 2. Two, because Jesus Christ made a lot of wine as His first sign that He was the Messiah 3. Three, because the LORD's promise that "They shall never again be uprooted out of the land" conflicts with the events of A.D. 70

AMOS 9:13-15 is a good example of how God uses _______________ ________________ _____________________ to describe _______________ __________________ _________________.

AMOS 9:13-15 is a good example of how God uses OLD TESTAMENT LANGUAGE to describe NEW TESTAMENT REALITIES.

In Hosea 2:14-15, the reference to the "Valley of Achor" is an allusion to the story of ____________________________, meaning that this new future version of the motif in question 26 is going to be a new and improved version (new and greater).


Reed Lessing says that the theme of his book is "restore the roar"—the LORD restores His rightful roar over His people.


Which Minor Prophet warns Israel that they SHOULD NOT be looking forward to the Day of the LORD?


A possible theme verse of Amos and the verse quoted very appropriately by Martin Luther King, Jr. in his "I Have a Dream Speech" is:

Amos 5:24 - But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream

Another passage that should be read with the same principle in mind is _______________ chapter 4:1-5. It is almost word-for-word the same as the beginning of __________________ chapter 2. "It shall come to pass in the latter days/ that the mountain of the house of the LORD/ shall be established as the highest of the mountains,/ and it shall be lifted up above the hills;/ and peoples shall flow to it." Though at first glance the passage seems to be describing the flow of people to Mount Zion perhaps following the return of Israel from Babylonian Captivity, the NT book ________________ chapter __________ teaches us to read the passage e _________________________. Therefore, the passage is likely referring to the flow of ________________________ into the ________________________.

Another passage that should be read with the same principle in mind is MICAH chapter 4:1-5. It is almost word-for-word the same as the beginning of ISAIAH chapter 2. Though at first glance the passage seems to be describing the flow of people to Mount Zion perhaps following the return of Israel from Babylonian Captivity, the NT book HEBREWS chapter 12 teaches us to read the passage ESCHATOLOGICALLY. Therefore, the passage is likely referring to the flow of GENTILES into the CHURCH.

What is the name of the main Canaanite god, and what are the names of his two consorts?

Baal, Astarte and Asherah

In other words, Israel's calling was to ___________________________________________________.

Be God's missionary people; (His royal priesthood)

The Minor Prophet Malachi describes a future Day of the LORD when "the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to the temple; and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight, behold he is coming, says the LORD of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming, and who can stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like fuller's soap. He will sit as a refiner of and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver, and they will bring offerings in righteousness to the LORD "(3:1b-4). What Day of the LORD does Malachi seem to be referring to?

Christ's First Advent, especially Good Friday

The LORD of the Bible is the Lord of __________________ and the Lord of ___________________.

Creation and History

Why did the LORD place the people where he did?

Crossroads of ancient civilization

The second group of oracles include Messianic prophecies which often present the Messiah as a new and greater ______________________.


Instead, Israel was continually _________________________________________________________.

Desiring to be like other nations

We learn throughout the OT that Israel's calling was (one word) _____________________________.

Election is missional

Eschatological is a big word, but it's simply the adjectival form of the word eschatology which means words about/the study of the ___________________________________________________________.

End/last things

The word we've used to describe the fulfillment of predictive prophecies in events with and following Christ's First Coming is _______________________________.


The Prophets can be divided into two sections called the:

Former and latter prophets

What is the story of the Bible in a nutshell?

God has come down to rescue, renew, and reign over His Creation in and through the work of Jesus Christ.

In Hosea 2:14-15, By what means will the LORD fulfill His prophecy to "speak tenderly to" His people and reestablish an intimate relationship with them ("And I will betroth you to me forever. I will betroth you to me in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will betroth you to me in faithfulness. And you shall know the LORD")?

Good Friday/Easter Sunday/The Cross of Jesus Christ

Zechariah has three intriguing predictive prophecies likely referring to the same future event. They can be found in 3:9 and 12:10 and 13:1. Zechariah 3:9b: (8b:"I will bring my servant the THE BRANCH...) I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day." Zechariah 12:10: And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, ... Zechariah 13:1: "On that day there shall be a fountain opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and uncleanness. The event these passages are referring to is ____________________ _____________________.

Good Friday/The Cross

Announcements of the Day of the LORD for the enemies of God's people is _____________________ for God's people.


His book is structured around three complaints, as he questions what God is doing, and a beautiful prayer in which he asks the LORD to save His people like He did in days past.


Besides Genesis 15:6 and Psalm 32, the verse in the Old Testament which most explicitly teaches the doctrine of justification by faith is found in a Minor Prophet:

Habakkuk 2:4b, "The righteous shall live by faith"

He exhorts and encourages the returned exiles to rebuild the Temple.


The character quality of the LORD which is featured in several Minor Prophets and is perhaps the most important character quality of the LORD throughout the OT is _____________________________.

Hesed, steadfast love

The word we've used to describe the fulfillment of predictive prophecies in events prior to Christ's First Coming is _______________________________.

Historical (fulfillment)

When studying a book of the OT, I have attempted to teach you to approach it according to what five categories?

History, literature, theology, Christology, and application

His book is built around one of the most difficult sign-acts in history, i.e., just like the LORD with Israel, he has to marry a prostitute and then take her back when she is unfaithful to him.


In class, we learned that the prophetic perspective is like a person viewing _____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________. In other words, the prophet sees the _________________ _______________ and the _________________ ________________ as though it is one event.

In class, we learned that the prophetic perspective is like a person viewing MOUNTAIN RANGES FROM THE DISTANCE. In other words, the prophet sees the FIRST COMING/ADVENT, and the SECOND COMING/ADVENT as though it is one event.

In the same book, __________________ _______:_______ , the prophet tells us that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem. It reads: "But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,/ from you shall come forth for me/ one who is to be ruler in Israel,/ whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days...."

In the same book, MICAH 5:2, the prophet tells us that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem.

The latter prophets contain the books:

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the Twelve (minor prophets)

In the OT, the LORD will often use a certain motif (thematic image) to describe His conquest of His enemies. We see this motif in places like Micah 1 and Habakkuk 3 and Isaiah 63:1-6. Micah 1:3-4: For behold, the LORD is coming out of his place, and will come down to tread upon the high places of the earth./ And the mountains will melt under him, and the valleys will split open,/ like wax before the fire,/ like waters poured down a steep place. Habakkuk 3:12-13: You marched through the earth in fury; you threshed the nations in anger./ You went out for the salvation of your people, for the salvation of your anointed./ You crushed the head of the house of the wicked, laying him bare from thigh to neck." It is called the motif of the _________________________________ _____________________________. The NT, most clearly in the book of Revelation, teaches us that the ultimate exemplar of this motif is ___________________ ____________________.

It is called the motif of the DIVINE WARRIOR. The NT, most clearly in the book of Revelation, teaches us that the ultimate exemplar of this motif is JESUS CHRIST.

Another prevalent motif throughout the prophets is a motif that describes the LORD's mighty acts of salvation of His people in terms of a paradigmatic past mighty act of salvation. This motif is evident all over in Isaiah and in Minor Prophet passages like Habakkuk 3:15, Hosea 3:14-15, and Micah 1:11 and 2:12-13. Habakkuk 3:15: You trampled the sea with your horses,/ the surging of mighty waters. Hosea 3:14-15: ... Micah 1:11: ... Micah 2:12-13: ... It is called the motif of the ___________________ _____________________________.

It is called the motif of the NEW EXODUS.

In Micah 5:2, when it says, "When the Assyrian comes into our land and treads in our palaces, then we will raise against him seven shepherds and eight princes of men," it is referring symbolically to the LORD's perfect protection against the future ______________________________ of God's _________________________ in the wake of the ______________________'s coming. Here again demonstrates the principle that the LORD uses OT ____________________ to describe NT ____________________.

It is referring symbolically to the LORD's perfect protection against the future PERSECUTION of God's PEOPLE in the wake of the MESSIAH'S coming. Here again demonstrates the principle that the LORD uses OT LANGUAGE to describe NT REALITIES.

He describes the coming Day(s) of the LORD in terms of a past locust plague.


Who is "my messenger" in Malachi 3:1: "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me." _________________________________. Malachi 4:5-6, the last verses written in the OT prophets, refers to the same person as a new version of the OT prophet ______________________.

John the Baptist, Elijah

He wishes he could have written the book of Nahum, but his book exposes him as a man who looks down on unbelievers and thinks of his own comfort above people's eternal souls.


The theme verse of Jonah and perhaps the theme verse of the whole Bible is found is:

Jonah 2:9b, "Salvation belongs to the LORD!"

The former prophets contain the books:

Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings

What two terms does the OT use frequently in tandem to describe the kind of behavior which respects everyone's God-given rights (because they are made in God's image) and looks out for the most vulnerable people in society? doing __________________________________ and ____________________________________.

Justice and righteousness

The OT, as Jesus knew it, was divided into three categories—the __________________________, the __________________________, and the _________________________.

Law, Prophets, Writings

With a beautiful simile, Malachi compares the joy of the saved remnant in the Day of the LORD to

Like calves newly released from the stall

His name means "my messenger;" his book is structured around admonitions of the sins of post-exilic Israel


His name is the theme of his book


He vividly describes the Day of the LORD for one of the great cities of the ancient world.


Which Minor Prophet prophesies the Day of the LORD for Nineveh?


He describes the Day of the LORD for Esau's descendants who gloated over Judah's destruction at the hands of the Babylonians


Which Minor Prophet prophesies the Day of the LORD for Edom?


The sermons of the OT Latter Prophets often alternated between:

Oracles of salvation and oracle of judgment

According to the OT Latter Prophets, the Messiah will be like David by being both a:

Suffering Servant and Conquering King

In Micah 5:2ff, when it says, "he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labor has given birth," who is the "them" the LORD will give up, and who likely is the "she" who will give birth? The "them" is ______________________________________ The "she" is _______________________________________


The prophets are categorized in relation to which event in Israel's history?

The Babylonian exile

In Zechariah, the Messiah is referred to by the same title as in Jeremiah? He is called the ________.

The Branch

What are the three principal characters of the OT narrative? (the triangle thing)

The LORD, Israel, Other nations

When Hosea 2:14-15 mentions "the wilderness," the wilderness he is referring to is not the literal wilderness of the Sinai Desert but ______________________________________________________.

The spiritual wilderness

The word used for a person, place, thing, or event in the OT by which God intends to picture something greater in the life of Christ and His Church is called a ________________________________.


His book is the prophet quoted second most often in the NT; he prophesies the coming of the Messiah on a donkey.


He prophesies the Day of the LORD for several national enemies of God's people and ends with sweet, sweet Gospel promises, including, "The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save;/ he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love;/ he will exult over you with loud singing."


Pre-exilic prophets

o Amos o Hosea o Isaiah o Micah o Jeremiah o Nahum o Habakkuk o Zephaniah

Post-exilic prophets

o Haggai o Zechariah (520-518BC) o Malachi (430BC)

Exilic prophets

o Obadiah o Ezekiel o Daniel

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