Flying Cars
A teardrop
What was the Aero Mobile shaped like?
The Aero Mobile
Which flying car took 3 minutes to change from flight to land?
A petal opening
The Automobile's wings were like a(n)
an Ultralight Aircraft
The Kitty Hawk Flyer was considered...?
A drone
The Kitty Hawk looked like a(n)...
Curtiss Autoplane
Who started the whole flying car business?
Robert Fulton
Who was the one who tried making a plane have properties of a car?
The Kitty Hawk Flyer
Which flying car did not have its final design and is still a prototype?
The Terrafugia Transition
Which flying car needed 2500 feet of runway?
The Skycar
The_________was able to land vertically
The Skycar was a(n)a helicopter car
a helicopter car