FOE study guide 1-3

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1)________ refers to differences among students in regard to gender, race, ethnicity, culture, and socioeconomic status. A)Student diversity B)Gender fairness C)Student variability D)Cultural diversity


2)According to the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, 82 percent of teachers who responded strongly agreed that they ________. A)wish they had chosen another profession B)would pursue certification in school administration C)supported mentoring programs for new teachers D)would be leaving the profession within the next two years


11)Jon is disturbed by the problems of contemporary America-the erosion of the family, the increasing violence in our cities, and the hardships of poverty. To make a difference, John has chosen to pursue teaching as a profession. His primary reason for this choice is the ________. A)desire to serve others B)community support and admiration of others C)availability of jobs in the inner city D)competitive salary


18) In 2010, the Obama administration released A Blueprint for Reform, calling for the reauthorization of ESEA and significant changes to NCLB; one of these changes was the provision that all students would ________. A)leave high school "college or career ready." B)demonstrate math proficiency. C)make annual yearly progress. D)become technologically savvy.


19)The ________ teacher has a bachelor's degree, full state certification, and subject matter knowledge. A)highly qualified B)student C)private school D)substitute


20)________, which is based on 10 principles of teaching, consists of a consortium of more than 30 states; it has developed standards and an assessment process for initial teacher certification. A)InTASC B)NCATE C)NCLB D)The Beginning Teacher Support Assessment Council


24)Compared to the 1970's, today's teachers are ________. A)better educated B)less educated C)more diverse D)compensated for supplemental activities


26)The majority of middle school teachers ________. A)specialize in a specific subject and teach it several times a day B)teach a wide variety of subjects to different students throughout the day C)teach a wide variety of subjects throughout the day to one group of students D)started out as high school teachers


28)________ schools are independent public schools, often founded by teachers that are given permission to operate by a school district or by state or national governments; they are accountable for meeting predetermined outcomes. A)Charter B)Magnet C)Private D)Alternative


32)________ teachers train students to work in fields such as healthcare, business, auto repair, communications, and technology. A)Multiple subject B)Mentor C)Vocational education D)Special education


38)________ is a professional organization interested in school improvement at all levels of education. A)ASCD B)American Federation of Teachers C)National Education Association D)Phi Delta Kappa


41)All of the following are influences on the culture of school except________. A)tax-based programs B)formal practices of schools C)traditions D)the physical environment


43)Research has documented that the characteristics of successful schools include all of the following except________. A)school boards with representation from the student body B)high expectations for all students C)teachers, administrators, and staff work well together D)strong leadership at the administrative level


5) During an interview with Mr. Fanning, he states that he is attracted to teaching because of a love of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, he enjoys the ________. A)ability to apply the theoretical aspects of learning to teach B)live, spontaneous aspects of teaching C)opportunity to pursue independent study in a discipline D)opportunity for teachers to have control over the lives of students


7)With the exception of parents or guardians, the adults who have the greatest influence on children are often their ________. A)teachers B)grandparents C)politicians D)religious leaders


8)Each state has mandated ________ to assess students' mastery of academic standards. A)High- stakes tests B)college and career readiness C)NCLB D)AYP


9)Additions to teacher salaries such as medical insurance and retirement plans are called ________. A)fringe benefits B)AYP C)passion for the teaching life D)union dues


22)A ________ is actually a license to teach. A)Master's degree B)teaching certificate C)Certificate of Clearance D)Basic Skills Test


23)For a person to receive a license to teach, all states require successful completion of ________. A)a Master's Degree in Education B)a teacher education program with a bachelor's degree C)a teacher education program D)a bachelor's degree


3)Mr. Norton loves English literature, has a strong desire to learn more about this discipline and wants the opportunity to share that knowledge with students. He is drawn to teaching because of a passion for ________. A)the teaching life B)the teaching-learning process C)students D)the subject


31)When schools face budget cutbacks or increased pressure to prepare students for high-stakes tests, often ________ teaching positions are eliminated. A)physical education B)art and music C)social science D)substitute


36)In the 1980s, the report A Nation at Risk linked the strength of our country to ________. A)the physical fitness of students B)the quality of its schools C)the number of students in school D)the advanced degrees held by administrators


37)The membership of the National Education Association is open to all of the following groups except________. A)teachers B)school board members C)guidance counselors D)administrators


45)Stress within the family can have a significant negative effect on students and their ability to focus on learning while at school. All of the following are associated with stress except________. A)health problems B)vocational choices C)financial problems D)substance abuse


47)According to a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) survey, middle and high school students reported that it was "very easy" or "fairly easy" to obtain ________. A)alcohol B)any illegal drug C)prescription pills D)marijuana


12)All of the following are practical benefits of teaching except ________. A)rising salaries and stipends B)teachers' daily and vacation hours C)frequent promotions to administrative positions D)job security


21)A teaching certificate usually includes ________. A)competencies completed B)ratings of potential as a teacher C)the level and content areas one may teach D)college grade point average


27)Most high school teachers ________. A)substitute during their conference periods B)teach in at least two different content areas C)teach four or five courses within a single content area D)team teach with a teacher in a different content area


33)________ teachers work with children and youth who have a variety of disabilities including learning disabilities, autism, and brain injuries. A)Vocational education B)Specialist C)Special education D)Single subject


4)Ms. Bradham has always enjoyed school and embraced the environment that encourages a high regard for education and the life of the mind. She probably chose to teach as a profession because of a passion for the ________. A)salary and associated benefits B)student variability C)teaching life D)desire to serve


40)An organization established by society to maintain and improve its way of life is ________. A)a government agency B)the supreme court C)an institution D)the national welfare system


42)In a classroom, the physical characteristics of the setting and the social dimensions of the group interact to shape ________. A)a social/emotional context B)classroom traditions C)the classroom culture D)the environmental press


46)Between ________ is the most likely time for youth to engage in risk-taking or delinquent behaviors or to be victims of a crime. A)5-9 a.m. B)9 a.m.-2 p.m. C)3 p.m.-8 p.m. D)8 p.m.-4 a.m.


48)The most common discipline problem reported among all grade levels during the 2009-2010 school year was ________. A)sexual harassment B)gang activities C)student bullying D)verbal abuse of teachers


50)A federally funded program established in 1965 to improve the basic skills of low-ability students from low-income families are called ________. A)the Perkins Loan Program B)Head Start C)Title I D)special education


10)________ recruits graduates from some of the best colleges and universities in the United States to teach a minimum of two years in urban and rural school districts with severe shortages of science, math, and language arts teachers. A)The NEA B)The Holmes Institute C)The Teacher Center for Excellence D)Teach for America


13)It is a general perception that ________. A)teachers' salaries are too low to attract persons to teaching B)teachers are overpaid C)teachers' salaries are losing ground to competitive occupations D)teachers are underpaid


14)The National Education Association (2014) reported that the average teacher's salary was approximately ________. A)$36,000 B)$48,000 C)$68,000 D)$56,000


15)________ refers to job security granted to teachers after a satisfactory performance for a specified period of time. A)Lifetime licensure B)Recertification C)Promotion D)Tenure


16)________ is one of the teacher's most time-consuming non-teaching tasks. A)Supervising students on the playground, at extracurricular events, and inside school hallways and other non-classroom areas B)Attending faculty meetings, parent conferences, open houses, and other required school functions C)Taking or selling tickets and other products at school concession stands for school-sponsored events (e.g., sports and plays) D)Keeping paperwork including detailed records of students' academic progress, attendance, and other required documentation


17)Each state has mandated ________ to assess students' mastery of academic standards. A)authentic assessments B)psychological testing C)qualitative assessments D)standardized tests


25)Elementary school teachers usually teach one class, of about 25, from ________, A)first grade through fourth grade B)kindergarten through third grade C)third grade through eighth grade D)kindergarten through sixth grade


29)________ schools are designed to meet the needs of students at risk of failure and dropping out. A)Magnet B)Private C)Charter D)Alternative


30)________ schools offer a curriculum that focuses on a specific area such as the performing arts, mathematics, science, international studies, or technology; they often draw students from a larger attendance area than regular schools and promote voluntary desegregation. A)Alternative B)Charter C)Private D)Magnet


34)One major cause of teacher isolation is ________. A)teachers who are unsocial with other adults B)no available teacher lounge C)teachers who are pursuing scholarly endeavors D)teaching children all day without adult interactions


35)________ is the joint product of wisdom about teaching, learning, students, and content. A)Teacher training B)Subject matter knowledge C)Teaching disposition D)Pedagogical content knowledge


39)Without a doubt, your relationships with ________ will be the most important and complex relationship you will have as a teacher. A)your principal B)parents of students C)fellow teachers D)students


44)All of the following are characteristics of students at risk for dropping out of school except________. A)low grades B)being in the lowest socioeconomic status C)students who are older than average because of the previous retention D)performance at or above grade level


49)All of the following are reasons youths give for joining gangs except________. A)a sense of belonging or identity B)ability to make money through illegal activity C)protection from other gangs D)release from school discipline


6)Educational research supports the fact that those who become teachers are more influenced by their teachers as ________. A)subject-matter experts B)coaches C)disciplinarians D)people


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