For the Unit Test

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the Prohibition party is a

Single-issue party

The populist party is a party formed chiefly to help a

Specific group of people

What is the official publican for the Republican party?

The Republican

A challenger is a person who does not hold an office but who is trying to unseat an incumbent


Though the caucus has disappeared from the national scene, it is still used on the ? level


A candidate who makes a public announcement must then file papers with the proper ? and pays a ? and then his name is then placed on the ballot.

officers, filing fee

The national convention meets every four years to nominate candidates for president and vice president


nearly all states allow those who are absent on ? to vote

voting day

The democrats won all the elections from 1828-1860 except in

1840, 1848

How much was spent by candidate Phil Gramm on his presidential bid?

9.6 million dollars

Left-wing protest part that formed in 1919

American Communist party

What are four duties of the national chairman>?

Campaign manager and fundraiser, campaign fund spending and fund management, public relations, assisting the president in awarding loyal party workers

What is closed primary?

Can only vote for party you declare allegiance to

What is an open primary?

Can vote for either party

In most of the 150,000 election precincts around the United States, either one or both major parties have a precinct ? or ?

Captain, committeeman

Six Democratic Presidents

Carter, Obama, Clinton, Jackson, Tyler, Polk

In 1800 the candidates for president and vice president were chosen by ?


Five methods of nomination used today

Caucus, convention, direct primary, petition, announcement

The county convention nominated ?

County officers, county chairmen, and delegates to state convention

A person can get his name put on the primary ballot of his party by ?

Declaration and fee

Which political party controlled the South from 1861 to the early 1960s?


In the 1860 presidential election the Democratic Party ran two candidates,

Douglass and Beckinridge

A provision is arrangement or groundwork laid to create worker unrest


John C Fremont was the first Republican presidential candidate to win the office in 1856


THe Republicans have never controlled both the HOuse of Representatives and the Senate at the same time


The Democrats won the presidency in 1976, 1980, and 1996


The caucus assures absolute secrecy


Under Dwight D Eisenhower, the Republican Party would be in office from 1952 through 1972


Where have dictatorships been most common?

Fascist and communist countries

What were three negative characteristics of political conventions?

Fraud, bribery, corruption

Why do party leaders prefer the convention system?

Gives them the opportunity to take care of other party business besides nominating candidates

Name three countries with two-parties systems

Great Britain, Canada, US

Three countries with two-party systems

Great Britain, Canada, USA

Five Third Parties

Green, Libertarian, Natural Law, New, Progressive

The only Democrats to serve as president from 1860 to 1916

Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson

"Watchdog" groups see to an election's ?


How can a Republican state chairman become a member of his party's national committee?

If most members in the Congress from his states are Republican, if his state has a Republican governor, his state cast electoral votes in the last election for the Republican candidate

Political parties are ? to express the wishes of the people


THe two major parties in great britain

Labor, Conservative

Three republican presidents

Lincoln, Trump, Reagan

How can the average taxpayer be involved in campaign financing?

Marking a box on his income tax return stating that one dollar of his tax go to a presidential campaign fund to be shared by the parties

The basic units of each party at each level are

Mass meeting, committee

Which committee sends political leaders to certain states to campaign for their party's candidate?

National committee

What is a wide open primary?

One ballot contains the candidates for both parties

How are committee members chosen in most states?

Party Primaries/Conventions

George Bush was praised for his efforts in the ? war, but criticized for his poor efforts in strengthening the nation's ?

Persian Gulf, Economy

Two methods of nominating a candidate are by ?

Petition, self announcement

What is the function of political parties?

Selecting the candidate, designing the platform, conducting the campaign, campaign financing

THe alternative to voting a straight ticket

Split ticket

The state conventions nominated all candidates for

State offices, members of congress, delegates to national convention

The nomination of public officers has been left almost entirely to the ?

States convention

Official publication for the Democratic Party?

The Democrat Digest

What are planks in relation to the party platform?

The parts of the platform are represented in the form of planks

The chairman of the National Committee Is usually chosen by ?

The party candidate for president

What is NOT true about the alien and sedition act?

The president could give asylum to any immigrant he wished

The word caucus comes from the Algonquin Indian language and means

To talk

A group that may not be in agreement with the general direction of the larger population is called a faction


A presidential candidate does not need private financing. He can actually run a campaign using his own money.


Abraham Lincoln was the Republican president during the Civil War


Both the Democratic and Republican parties have a state committee in each state


During the election of 1824, Andrew Jackson won the most electoral votes, but not the majority needed to be elected president


In some states, both a convention and a direct primary are held


In state elections, only the governor, lieutenant governor, and members of the state legislature would be elected under the short-ballot system


Mussolini, hitler, and stalin all held election


The Bull Moosse Party was formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912


The Democratic party is the oldest political party in the United States


The Democrats Blamed the REpublicans for the Stock Market crash of 1929


The Democrats won the Presidency in the 90s but lost control of congress


The republican party began as a series of anti-slavery political meetings held in the midwest in 1854


The republicans won fourteen of the eighteen presidential elections help between 1860 through 1928


Ross Perot formed the

United We stand party

The headquarters for both major parties are located in ?

Washington, D.C.

The headquarters for both major parties are located in

Washington, DC

What three states still have the open primary?

Wisconsin, Michigan, Idaho

The two types of conventions that came into being after 1830 were the ? and ? conventions

county, state

The party convention is a meeting of ?


Most states prohibit candidates who were defeated in the primary from filing as ? candidates after the primary election


By using the caucus the people took no part in the ? process


IN absentee voting, a person marks the ballot and then swears before a ? that he is a registered and qualified voter. He then sends his ballot to the county ?

notary public, clerk

"The libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-"


The delegates may be chosen by the ? in a district or chosen by the ?

people, party leaders

The parties have to depend largely on ? for their campaign funding

private donations

A ? is the submitting of a propoesd public measure for voting by the general public


In an Australian ballot, the names of all candidates appear on a ? ballot


Ronald Reagan was praised for ?, and criticized for ?

strengthening the economy, Iran-Contra affair

Bill Clinton was praised for ?, while criticized for ?

strengthening the economy, personal morals

One way to cut down on the number of elections is to not have an election when all the persons running are ?, which happens frequently


the average number of voters per precinct


Three democratic presidents

Carter, Obama, Clinton

During the first three presidential elections the ? chose the president and the vice president

Electoral college

During the first three presidential elections the ? chose the president and the vice presidetn

Electoral college

How often is the party platform written?

Every four years

An independent candidate may file a petition of nomination after the ? election


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