Forensic Science

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provide detailed information on the skeletal features you would expect to see for each of following

6 months of African descent 16 years of old of Asian descent 25 years of Caucasian descent 50 years old of African descent.

how can you determine determine the age of a skeleton?

the age of a skeleton can be see which naked eye appearance is unreliable: tags of soft tissue, periosteum, ligaments, indicated less that 5 years old. Soapy texture of surface indicates age less than few decades.

describe the characteristics of each

African descents- face projects forward, nasal opening is wider, rectangular orbit, wide interorbital area, guttered nasal border, s- shaped zygomatico maxillary suture. Asian descent- shovel- shaped concabe upper incisor teeth, cheekbones: are wider and more prominent, greater width between eyes, tented nasal, round orbits, projection zygomatics, angle zygomaticomaxillary suture, flared nasal base, blurred nasal sill. Caucasian --> nasal opening and narrow, face is flatter.

who devised the first system of determining personal identification by using a series of body measurements


what are congenital anomalies? how can they be identified through forensic analysis?

Congenital anomalies are defects or malformations to the spine. it can be identified by bone density measurements and bone scans

how many bones are there is an adult human skeleton?

age is determined by examining biological changes that took place during that person's life. the investigator can estimate most accurately when teeth are erupting, bones are growing and growth plates are forming and uniting. closure of cranial sutures in the skull is also an age indicator.

if a skull is recovered from a crime scene, what information can the anthropologist provide about the skull? what can be constructed?

anthropologist can provide the age of person, personally characteristics. a facial reconstruction can be constructed.

what is the name for the system of personal identification that uses a series of body measurements?


term for the movement of joints at a particular point


how do the ribs change over time to indicate age

as a person gets older, the front part of the ribs begin to change and form bony spikes.

Describe bone damage antemortem, perimortem, and postmortem

bone damage before death bone damage minutes after death bone damage with no signs of healing which apparently occurred when the bone was still fresh and for which a taphonomic cause can be ruled out is described as permortem trauma.

how does bone density change over time?

decreases with age.

term for skeleton that has been disconnected into separate parts


how can environmental conditions impact that time it takes for a body to decompose?

environmental conditions can cause the body to decomposed faster or slower.

describe the concept of equifinality. provide an example.

equifinality makes it possible for different agents of bone modification to produce similar types of damage. an example is if an injury was made by a gold club and a baseball bat, it will be hard to tell what the weapon was.

what type of physical evidence does the forensic anthropologist analyze?

forensic anthropology analyzes skeletal remains to determine the identity of a victim as well has his/ her history, cause of death, or other clues about a crime within a legal investigation.

describe forensic anthropology

forensic anthropology is the study of human remains when applied to legal context

at age what does the fusing of cranial sutures generally begin? finish>

fusing of cranial sutures generally begins no earlier than 18 years of age, and finishes around age 30

how is individuality determined by examining skeletal remains?

individuality is determined by examining surgical procedures, broken bones, and congenital anomaly; defect of pathology that has been present since birth.

describe the characteristics you would expect to see in an individual at each of the following ages:

newborn --> larger gaps which close slowly over time. 5 years old --> centrum and arch fuse 18 years --> tips fuse 30 years old --> epiphyseal ring 50 years old --> bone density drops

describe osteology and osteometry

osteology is the study of the human skeleton and ostemoetry is the measurement of bones.

Describe each category of force and given example

sharp force trauma is when the bone is cut by a knife or saw. blunt force trauma is when a bone is broke by a impact hit.

chart the stages of epiphyseal fusion

the elbow at age 14 the upper legs stops growing at the hip approximately age 17 and the knee at approximately age 18 head of femur 19- 20 years the upper arm stops growing at the shoulder at approximately age 20 part of hip 24 years.

what information should the final report include?

the final report should include: taphonomy, biological profile, individual characteristics, evidence of possible cause of death.

what can be indicated by analyzing the fourth rib?

the gender can be indicated by analyzing the fourth ribs because men bones are usually much larger.

which bone is most useful when determining race/ ancestry?

the maxilla, nasal cavity, and eye socket are the most important bones to determine race/ ancestry

what information can a forensic anthropologist determine by analyzing bones

the sex, age, race, and stature

describe how bones are formed.

the skeleton is formed by the development and growth of ossification centers which gradually replace the cartilage.

what is the most reliable indicator of adult age?

the skull and pubic symphsis

Describe taphonomy

this means time of death.

what is the importance of the epiphyses?

to indicate the stage of bone fusion

describe plastic deformity and how it occurs

whether bone damage was caused by forenced delivered at great speed or slow speed is often differentiated by the amount of warping of the bone fragment is known as plastic deformity.

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