Formation Of The Government

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In the United States Constitution, the power to impeach a federal government official is given to the 1 House of Representatives 2 president 3 state legislatures 4 Supreme Court

Correct Answer Number: 1 House of Representatives

The principles of government that Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration of Independence were most influenced by 1 John Locke's social contract theory 2 Adam Smith's ideas of free enterprise 3 Louis XIV's belief in divine right 4 William Penn's views on religious toleration

Correct Answer Number: 1 John Locke's social contract theory

"New Congress to Have Two Houses" "Slaves to Count as Three-Fifths of a Person" "President to be Chosen by Electoral Vote" Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by these headlines? 1 The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues. 2 States that were small in area would lose power in the new Constitution. 3 States with large populations controlled the outcome of the convention. 4 The president and Congress would have equal power under the new constitution.

Correct Answer Number: 1 The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues.

In order to win ratification of the United States Constitution, supporters agreed to 1 add a bill of rights 2 admit new states to the Union 3 establish an electoral college 4 give the Senate the power to ratify treaties

Correct Answer Number: 1 add a bill of rights

The United States Constitution corrected a weakness of the Articles of Confederation by 1 creating three branches of government 2 giving greater power to state governments 3 providing a clear definition of states' rights 4 granting the right to vote to all white males

Correct Answer Number: 1 creating three branches of government

"The Congress shall have Power . . . To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested [granted] by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. . . ." This section of the United States Constitution was frequently used during the 20th century to 1 expand federal control of interstate commerce 2 reduce the number of federal courts 3 overturn decisions of the electoral college 4 impeach the president

Correct Answer Number: 1 expand federal control of interstate commerce

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in Congress Assembled, We the undersigned, citizens of the United States, but deprived of some of the privileges and immunities of citizens among which, is the right to vote, beg leave to submit the following resolution: Resolved; that we the officers and members of the National Woman Suffrage Association, in convention assembled, respectfully ask Congress to enact appropriate legislation during its present session to protect women citizens in the several states of this Union, in their right to vote. — Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1873) Source: National Archives and Records Administration This resolution illustrates the constitutional right to 1 petition for redress of grievances 2 protection against unreasonable search and seizure 3 a speedy and public trial 4 freedom of religion

Correct Answer Number: 1 petition for redress of grievances

The implied powers suggested by the United States Constitution show that the writers recognized the 1 powers of government needed to be able to adapt to change 2 rights of the states had to be protected 3 powers of the Supreme Court needed to be checked 4 rights of the citizens were the first concern of government

Correct Answer Number: 1 powers of government needed to be able to adapt to change

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the Great Compromise resolved the issue of 1 representation 2 taxation 3 slavery 4 control of trade

Correct Answer Number: 1 representation

French Enlightenment philosopher Baron De Montesquieu praised the British political system because it divided the power of government between the monarch and the two houses of Parliament. Which principle included in the United States Constitution shows that the framers agreed with Montesquieu? 1 separation of powers 2 federal supremacy 3 implied powers 4 due process

Correct Answer Number: 1 separation of powers

Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks and balances? 1 "Senate Rejects President's Choice of Supreme Court Justice" 2 "Florida To Gain Two Seats in the United States House of Representatives" 3 "Albany County Receives $4 Million from Congress for Transportation Development" 4 "New York State Rejects Federal Regulations on Drug Testing"

Correct Answer Number: 1"Senate Rejects President's Choice of Supreme Court Justice"

The Constitution assigns the power to ratify treaties exclusively to the 1 Supreme Court 2 United States Senate 3 House of Representatives 4 president

Correct Answer Number: 2 United States Senate

One accomplishment of the national government under the Articles of Confederation was the passage of legislation establishing 1 a central banking system 2 a process for admitting new states to the Union 3 the president's right to put down rebellions 4 the ability of Congress to tax the states effectively

Correct Answer Number: 2 a process for admitting new states to the Union

Congress proposes an amendment legalizing an income tax. • The Supreme Court rules that the income tax is unconstitutional. These events illustrate the use of 1 delegated powers 2 checks and balances 3 judicial legislation 4 the unwritten constitution

Correct Answer Number: 2 checks and balances

The data in the table illustrate the operation of 1 executive privilege 2 checks and balances 3 congressional immunity 4 federal supremacy

Correct Answer Number: 2 checks and balances

Which feature must a nation have to be considered a democracy? 1 a strong president 2 citizen participation in government 3 elected judges to conduct trials 4 a set of laws

Correct Answer Number: 2 citizen participation in government

". . . Congress shall have power . . . to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States. . . ." This statement from the United States Constitution is the source of 1 veto power 2 implied powers 3 judicial review 4 states' rights

Correct Answer Number: 2 implied powers

Which power is shared by the federal government and the New York State government? 1 enacting immigration laws 2 levying taxes 3 granting patents and copyrights 4 issuing passports

Correct Answer Number: 2 levying taxes

Under the United States Constitution, state governments have the power to 1 coin money 2 license teachers 3 regulate interstate commerce 4 establish term limits for members of Congress

Correct Answer Number: 2 license teachers

In writing the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was influenced most by John Locke's idea of 1 due process of law 2 natural rights 3 the rights of the accused 4 the right to privacy

Correct Answer Number: 2 natural rights

"Presidential Candidates Skip Campaigning in Low- Population States"; "Winner Of Popular Vote Loses Election" These headlines refer to controversial issues most directly related to 1 judicial review 2 the electoral college 3 impeachment 4 checks and balances

Correct Answer Number: 2 the electoral college

The Federalist Papers were published in 1787 and 1788 to help gain support for 1 a bill of rights 2 the ratification of the Constitution 3 a weaker central government 4 the abolition of slavery and the slave trade

Correct Answer Number: 2 the ratification of the Constitution

Which statement describes a characteristic of democracy that is provided for in the United States Constitution? 1 Political power in Congress is held by the ranking political party. 2 All bills passed by Congress are reviewed by the Supreme Court. 3 Citizens choose their congressional representatives. 4 The president can require Congress to submit legislation for the cabinet's approval.

Correct Answer Number: 3 Citizens choose their congressional representatives.

Speaker A: A leader is not ultimately responsible to the people but to God, from whom the leader derives the right to govern. Speaker B: Each citizen is entitled to a voice in government. Therefore, government should be run by those representatives elected directly by the citizens so that the will of the citizens is expressed. Speaker C: History has taught us that the concentration of political power leads to the abuse of that power. Therefore, power should be divided among national, state, and local governments. Speaker D: Life is a struggle. Those who seize and maintain political power represent the strongest and most competent of that society and earn the right to govern. The principle of federalism contained in the Constitution of the United States is most consistent with the ideas of Speaker 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D

Correct Answer Number: 3 Speaker C: History has taught us that the concentration of political power leads to the abuse of that power. Therefore, power should be divided among national, state, and local governments.

Delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to create a bicameral legislature as a way to 1 insure speedy passage of legislation 2 assure the right to vote to all adult males 3 address the issue of population differences among the states 4 satisfy the different interests of the rich and poor citizens

Correct Answer Number: 3 address the issue of population differences among the states

Congress established a minimum wage for workers and regulations on radio broadcasts by combining its delegated power to regulate interstate commerce with the 1 sanctity of contract clause 2 due process clause 3 elastic clause 4 write of habeas corpus clause

Correct Answer Number: 3 elastic clause

The due process clause in the 5th Amendment and the right to an attorney in the 6th Amendment were designed to 1 protect freedom of expression 2 assure that laws are properly enacted 3 ensure fair treatment for those accused of crimes 4 provide for judicial review of laws

Correct Answer Number: 3 ensure fair treatment for those accused of crimes

During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the plans for Congress proposed by delegates from New Jersey and Virginia differed mainly over the issue of 1 life terms of office or short terms of office 2 appointed legislators or elected legislators 3 equal state representation or proportionate state representation 4 power to check other branches or power limited to lawmaking

Correct Answer Number: 3 equal state representation or proportionate state representation

A significant compromise reached at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was the agreement to 1 exclude slaves from census counts 2 forbid tariffs on imports 3 establish a bicameral legislature 4 limit the number of terms a president could serve

Correct Answer Number: 3 establish a bicameral legislature

New York State and the United States have republican forms of government because both have 1 a bill of rights 2 a written constitution 3 expand federal control of interstate commerce 4 three branches of government

Correct Answer Number: 3 expand federal control of interstate commerce

The necessary and proper clause, the amendment process, and the unwritten constitution are evidence that our constitutional system of government provides for 1 popular sovereignty 2 equal representation 3 flexibility 4 ratification

Correct Answer Number: 3 flexibility

The basic purpose of the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution is to 1 describe the powers of the three branches of government 2 limit the powers of state governments 3 guarantee the rights of individuals 4 establish a system of checks and balances

Correct Answer Number: 3 guarantee the rights of individuals

The main criticism of the Articles of Confederation was that they failed to 1 allow for the admission of new states 2 limit the powers of the president 3 provide adequate powers for the central government 4 prevent the development of military rule

Correct Answer Number: 3 provide adequate powers for the central government

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was important because it 1 ensured universal suffrage for all males 2 extended slavery north of the Ohio River 3 provided a process for admission of new states to the Union 4 established reservations for Native American Indians

Correct Answer Number: 3 provided a process for admission of new states to the Union

One similarity between the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights is that both documents 1provide for a government with three separate branches 2 discuss colonial grievances against the monarchy 3 stress the importance of individual liberty 4 criticize the practice of slavery

Correct Answer Number: 3 stress the importance of individual liberty

Which governmental action illustrates the system of checks and balances? 1 a senator helping a governor solve a state problem 2 the president negotiating a trade agreement with foreign diplomats 3 the Senate ratifying a peace treaty 4 Congress raising taxes to pay for federal programs

Correct Answer Number: 3 the Senate ratifying a peace treaty

What is the main idea of this cartoon? 1 Americans fail to adequately support the expenses of political candidates. 2 Campaign advertising has no influence on voter turnout. 3 Campaign costs are a major cause of the national debt. 4 High campaign costs negatively affect the political process.

Correct Answer Number: 4 High campaign costs negatively affect the political process.

Which feature of the federal government is specifically described in the United States Constitution? 1 president's cabinet 2 two-party political system 3 congressional committee system 4 Senate approval of nominations to the Supreme Court

Correct Answer Number: 4 Senate approval of nominations to the Supreme Court

Which statement best describes governmental power under the Articles of Confederation? 1 Power was shared equally by the central government and the states. 2 A balance of power existed between the three branches of the central government. 3 A strong chief executive headed a unified central government. 4 The states had much greater power than the central government.

Correct Answer Number: 4 The states had much greater power than the central government.

A major criticism of the electoral college system has been that 1 party loyalty is weakened after a presidential election 2 electors frequently fail to vote for a candidate 3 members of the electoral college are appointed for life terms 4 a president may be elected without receiving the majority of the popular vote

Correct Answer Number: 4 a president may be elected without receiving the majority of the popular vote

Disagreement at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 over the Virginia and New Jersey plans was resolved by a compromise that 1 guaranteed continuation of the slave trade for at least twenty more years 2 limited the power of the federal government to wage war 3 provided for construction of a new national capital in the south 4 created a Congress made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives

Correct Answer Number: 4 created a Congress made up of a Senate and a House of Representatives

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, which problem was solved by the Great Compromise? 1 developing the method of electing a president 2 designating control of interstate commerce 3 outlining the structure of the federal court system 4 establishing the formula for representation in Congress

Correct Answer Number: 4 establishing the formula for representation in Congress

One reason the United States Constitution is considered 1 a flexible document is that it 2 can be rewritten every ten years 3 allows for the creation of a multiparty political system 4 gives the states the power to change federal laws includes the elastic clause

Correct Answer Number: 4 gives the states the power to change federal laws includes the elastic clause

The Supreme Court has the power to 1 control the federal budget 2 vote to end a tie in the Senate 3 approve presidential appointments 4 interpret the Constitution

Correct Answer Number: 4 interpret the Constitution

The lack of a national executive and judiciary under the Articles of Confederation suggests that the founders of the American republic 1 risked tyranny for the sake of effective national government 2 copied the British constitution 3 prized national unity above the sovereignty of the states 4 limits on governmental power

Correct Answer Number: 4 limits on governmental power

Which group had the most influence on the ideas stated in the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution? 1 political leaders of Spain and Portugal 2 religious leaders of the medieval period 3 writers of the Renaissance 4 philosophers of the Enlightenment

Correct Answer Number: 4 philosophers of the Enlightenment

The first amendment of the Constitution deals primarily with 1 states' rights 2 property rights 3 rights of the accused 4 rights of self-expression

Correct Answer Number: 4 rights of self-expression

Which concept found in the United States Constitution was a belief held by the social contract philosophers of the Enlightenment period? 1 presidential cabinet 2 judicial review 3 limited monarchy 4 sovereignty of the people

Correct Answer Number: 4 sovereignty of the people

The Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are similar in that both 1 support a federal system of government 2 maintain the importance of a strong chief executive 3 provide for a system of checks and balances 4 support limitations on governmental power

Correct Answer Number: 4 support limitations on governmental power

The change to the direct election of senators, the lowering of the voting age to eighteen, and the establishment of a two-term limit for presidents are all examples of the use of 1 judicial review 2 checks and balances 3 executive privilege 4 the amendment process

Correct Answer Number: 4 the amendment process

To avoid having too much power concentrated in one branch of government, the framers of the Constitution established 1 a bicameral national legislature 2 division of power among different levels of government 3 the system of two political parties 4 the system of checks and balances

Correct Answer Number: 4 the system of checks and balances

I.____________________________________ A. Representation B. Slave trade C. Taxation D. Election of the president Which heading best completes the partial outline below? 1 Causes of the Revolutionary War 2 Provisions of the Treaty of Paris, 1783 3 Protections under the 10th Amendment 4 Compromises at the Constitutional Convention

correct answer number 4 Compromises at the Constitutional Convention

In the 1780's, mqany Americans distrusted a strong central government. This distrust is best shown by the lack of debate over the ratification of the United States Constitution 1 plan of government set up by the Articles of 2 Confederation 3 development of a Federal court system 4 constitutional provision for a strong President

Correct Answer Number : 2 Confederation Explanation: Colonists had fought a bitter war in order to achieve their independence from an oppressive British government. Therefore, the Articles of Confederation were drafted in order to ensure that a strong central government would not be a problem.

The authors of the United States Constitution believed that the voice of the people should be heard frequently. Which part of the Government was instituted to respond most directly to the will of the people? 1 Senate 2 House of Representatives 3 Supreme Court 4 Presidency

Correct Answer Number : 2 House of representetives Explanation: Prior to the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913, which provided for direct election of U.S. Senators, members of the House of Representatives were the only Federal officials that were voted into office by a popular vote of the people. Before 1913, U.S. Senators were elected by state legislatures. The President has been elected to office through the Electoral College since 1789.

In the United States, the use of implied powers, the amending process, and Supreme Court interpretations have resulted in 1 a general loss of individual rights 2 a strengthening of the principle of separation of powers 3 the Constitution being adapted to fit changing times 4 the limiting of Presidential power in domestic affairs

Correct Answer Number : 3 the Constitution being adapted to fit changing times Explanation: Implied powers are roles and abilities allowed the federal government, but that are not actually addressed in the Constitution (an example would be the regulation of monopolies). Amending the Constitution involves adding to or changing what is in the document. The Supreme Court looks at the "spirit" of the law and decides if an action or law is allowable under the Constitution. All of these have created a "living document" that is capable of changing over time to better fit the needs of the US people.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; . . ." This quotation is evidence that some of the basic ideas in the Declaration of Independence were 1 limitations of the principles underlying most European governments of the 1700's. 2 adaptations of the laws of Spanish colonial governments in North America. 3 adoptions of rules used by the Holy Roman Empire. 4 reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment.

Correct Answer Number4 reflections of the philosophies of the European Enlightenment. Explanation: Enlightenment thinker John Locke stated in his Two Treatises, that people had natural right including life, liberty, and property. This philosophy was adopted by Jefferson and incorporated into his writing of the Declaration of Independence.

Which statement best explains why critics have called for a change in the electoral college system? 1 A person who did not receive the largest percentage of popular votes can be elected President. 2 The system is a threat to the two-party system. 3 Electors often vote for candidates not listed on the ballot. 4 States with small populations have greater influence on Presidential elections than more populated states do.

Correct Answer Number: 1 A person who did not receive the largest percentage of popular votes can be elected President. Explanation: The Electoral College system is specifically created in the Constitution. Any revision or elimination would require and amendment to the Constitution specifically addressing this issue. Many attempts at eliminating the Electoral College have been attempted and failed, generally following a presidential election that calls into question the system's efficacy and fairness (see the election of 1876 and the election of 2000).

Which idea had a major influence on the authors of the Articles of Confederation? 1 A strong central government threatens the rights of the people and the states. 2 All of the people must be granted the right to vote. 3 Three branches of government are needed to protect liberty. 4 The central government must have the power to levy taxes and to control trade.

Correct Answer Number: 1 A strong central government threatens the rights of the people and the states. Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Articles of Confederation, they felt a need to weaken the power of the Federal Government, in order to keep it from dominating the states and the individual citizen. The resulting system was however too weak to govern effectively and was replaced with a stronger more enduring system under the Constitution.

When the United States Constitution was written, which compromise was reached by the authors to gain the support of the states with small populations? 1 Congress would consist of both a House of Representatives and a Senate. 2 Five enslaved persons would be counted as three free persons for the purpose of taxation 3 The President would be selected by the direct vote of the people. 4 Exported goods could not be taxed, but imported goods could be taxed.

Correct Answer Number: 1 Congress would consist of both a House of Representatives and a Senate. Explanation: Smaller states such as New Jersey feared domination of the national government by larger, more populous states. At the convention, smaller states argued for equal representation in government as to ensure their power. Larger states, such as Virginia, argued for representation based on population owing to their greater numbers and larger economies. "The Great Compromise" created a bicameral (or two-house) legislature (Congress) in which the upper house (the Senate) is based on equal representation (2 Senators from each state) and the lower house (The House of Representatives) is based on proportional representation related to population.

The Declaration of Independence was based on the ideas of the 1 Enlightenment 2 Romantic Era 3 Renaissance 4 Age of Exploration

Correct Answer Number: 1 Enlightenment

Which argument did the authors of the United States Constitution use when they insisted that revenue bills originate in the House of Representatives? 1 Frequent elections would make members of the House more responsive to the wishes of the voters. 2 Members of the House would have a superior understanding of economics. 3 The national budget should be determined solely by the House of Representatives. 4 Political parties would have less influence on Members of the House than on Senators.

Correct Answer Number: 1 Frequent elections would make members of the House more responsive to the wishes of the voters. Explanation: Smaller states such as New Jersey feared domination of the national government by larger, more populous states. At the convention, smaller states argued for equal representation in government as to ensure their power. Larger states, such as Virginia, argued for representation based on population owing to their greater numbers and larger economies. "The Great Compromise" created a bicameral (or two-house) legislature (Congress) in which the upper house (the Senate) is based on equal representation (2 Senators from each state) and the lower house (The House of Representatives) is based on proportional representation related to population. Revenue bills originate in the House as to be a better indication of the wants and needs of the majority of citizens, who's tax monies are being spent

One similarity between the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution is that both documents provide for 1 a national legislature to make laws 2 federal control of commerce between the states 3 federal power to impose and collect taxes 4 the abolition of slavery

Correct Answer Number: 1 a national legislature to make laws

In stating the principle of a "clear and present danger" in Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court established that 1 constitutional rights are not absolute 2 the Constitution guarantees the right to privacy 3 Congress can pass a law to eliminate any part of the Bill of Rights 4 all individual rights are eliminated during wartime

Correct Answer Number: 1 constitutional rights are not absolute Explanation: The civil liberties granted by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and other amendments are not absolute. This means that they may be limited or suspended depending on circumstance or situation, usually in cases of national emergency (examples include: suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln during the Civil War, limiting of freedom of speech and press during World War I and the internment of Japanese-Americans without dues process during World War II).

One way in which the United States Constitution differed from the Articles of Confederation was that the Constitution 1created a national government having three branches 2provided for the direct election of the President by the voters 3made the amendment process more difficult 4increased the powers of the states

Correct Answer Number: 1 created a national government having three branches Explanation: The US Constitution attempted to address the failing of the Articles of Confederation by creating a 3 branched government with checks and balances. This replaced the one branch federal government of the Articles of Confederation, and also increased the power of the federal government and its superiority over the governments of the individual states.

Which action was necessary to change from the indirect to the direct election of United States Senators? 1 ratification of a constitutional amendment 2 passage of a Federal law 3 a Supreme Court decision 4 a national referendum

Correct Answer Number: 1 ratification of a constitutional amendment Explanation: The original text of the Constitution called for the election of a state's senators to be dome by the state's legislature. This was changed in the 17th amendment that called for Senators to be elected directly by the people of the states. This was a key expansion of democracy and citizen participation, as well as a way of reducing the power and influence of political machines.

Speaker A: We favor the Virginia Plan, in which representation is based on population. States with more people should have more representation. Speaker B: Slaves should be counted because they are an important part of our state populations, and Congress should not be able to stop us from importing slaves to work on our plantations. Speaker C: We delegates from the small states insist upon a legislature in which each state receives equal representation. Speaker D: Congress should tax imports so that foreign goods will not be cheaper than our manufactured products.] The conflict between the statements of Speakers A and C was resolved by 1creating a two-house legislature 2 delegating most governing power to the states 3 maintaining a balance in Congress between the slave states and the free states 4 passing a group of constitutional amendments to protect individual rights

Correct Answer Number: 1 creating a two-house legislature

Which method resulted in both "separate but equal" public facilities (1896) and Miranda warnings against self-incrimination (1966)? 1 decisions of the United States Supreme Court 2 proclamations of state governors 3 executive orders of the President 4 congressional actions

Correct Answer Number: 1 decisions of the United States Supreme Court Explanation: The ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) established that "separate but equal" facilities were legal (thereby upholding the Jim Crow laws of Southern states) and was later overturned in the Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka Kansas ruling. The "Miranda warning" issued to suspects upon arrest was established in the 1966 Miranda v. Arizona decision.

The two major political parties make their final selection of a Presidential candidate through 1 delegates' votes at a national party convention 2 decisions of the electoral college 3 actions of the State legislatures 4 citizens' choices in public opinion polls

Correct Answer Number: 1 delegates' votes at a national party convention Explanation: In order to make the selection of party candidates more fair and open, a primary system was established. This allows for voters and party members to aid in the party's candidate selection by participating in a primary vote. The results of the party's primaries are tallied at a national convention, at which time the party's candidate is selected.

During the debates over the ratification of the United States Constitution, Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed most strongly over the 1 division of powers between the national and state governments 2 provision for admitting new states to the Union 3 distribution of power between the Senate and the House of Representatives 4 method of amending the Constitution

Correct Answer Number: 1 division of powers between the national and state governments Explanation: Federalists supported the Constitution and supported the creation of strong Federal Government, headed by a strong President. The Anti-Federalists feared the power of a strong central government and preferred a system that granted greater control to the State Governments.

The main purpose of lobbying is to 1 influence legislation on behalf of special interest groups 2 strengthen the power of political parties 3 increase the speed and efficiency of the law-making process 4 reduce the number of candidates in political elections

Correct Answer Number: 1 influence legislation on behalf of special interest groups Explanation: Companies, unions, organizations and groups of like-minded citizens use the lobby system to express their views to elected officials. The concept of lobbying is to gain access to elected officials and present them with suggestions, proposed legislative actions or public policies that are agreeable to the lobbying group.

The flexibility of the original United States Constitution is due mainly to 1 its provision for the amending process and judicial interpretation 2 its guarantees of freedom and justice for all people 3 the ability to create new branches of government as needed 4 the willingness of the states to accept Federal control

Correct Answer Number: 1 its provision for the amending process and judicial interpretation Explanation: The Constitution is referred to as a "living document". This is due to the ability to add, remove and amend sections of the document in order to adapt to changing times and conditions. The amending process allows the addition or removal of Constitutional provisions (ex. The 19th amendment extends women the right to vote) and judicial review allows the Supreme Court the power to determine the Constitutionality of laws, treaties and actions (ex. Marbury v. Madison).

Adherence to a strict interpretation of the Constitution would have prevented President Thomas Jefferson from 1 making the Louisiana Purchase 2 writing "State of the Union" messages 3 receiving ambassadors 4 commissioning military officers

Correct Answer Number: 1 making the Louisiana Purchase Explanation: It is not within the power of the president to spend monies without the approval of the House (in which all spending bills arise). It also not within the president's powers to negotiate the expansion of the US (that would fall to the Congress). When Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase (1803), he was "stretching" the boundaries of the Constitution (a concept he personally opposed). The ability to "stretch" the Constitution implies a "loose interpretation" of the Constitution's intent. A "strict interpretation" allows for only what is actually in the Constitution with no interpretations.

The United States Constitution requires that a census be taken every ten years to reapportion 1 membership in the House of Representatives 2 the number of delegates to national nominating coventions 3 Federal aid to localities 4 agricultural subsidies

Correct Answer Number: 1 membership in the House of Representatives Explanation: Representation to the House of Representatives is based upon population of a state. The census serves every decade to determine the states' populations and assign representatives based upon that count. The number of representatives has been "fixed" at 435 since the early 1900's and as such any gain in a state's number of representatives must be offset by the loss of representatives by other state(s).

A system of checks and balances was included in the United States Constitution because the authors were concerned about 1 one branch of government becoming too strong 2 the states having too much power 3 the people having a voice in government 4 the military gaining control of the United States

Correct Answer Number: 1 one branch of government becoming too strong

Which action illustrates the president's power as commander in chief ? 1 ordering American troops into a foreign country 2 appointing the secretary of state 3 entertaining a foreign leader at the White House 4 delivering the State of the Union address

Correct Answer Number: 1 ordering American troops into a foreign country

Once an amendment has been added to the United States Constitution, which process must be used to change that amendment? 1 ratifying a new amendment 2 convincing the states to ignore the amendment 3 having Congress pass a law repealing the amendment 4 having the President issue an executive order canceling the amendment

Correct Answer Number: 1 ratifying a new amendment Explanation: The Constitution is referred to as a "living document". This is due to the ability to add, remove and amend sections of the document in order to adapt to changing times and conditions. Changing a provision contained within the Constitution or a Constitutional Amendment requires a further amendment to the Constitution that specifically removes or adjusts the provision in question.

The system of checks and balances is best illustrated by the power of 1 the President to veto a bill passed by Congress 2 Congress to censure one of its members 3 a governor to send the National Guard to stop a riot 4 state and Federal gov-ernments to levy and collect taxes

Correct Answer Number: 1 the President to veto a bill passed by Congress Explanation: Checking and balancing involves the ability of each of the three branches of government to regulate and monitor the power of the others. In this case the ability to veto a law ensures that the legislative branch is not passing laws the go beyond their duties or powers. The president can "check" their actions by rejecting the legislation.

John Locke's theory of the social contract, as developed in the United States Declaration of Independence, stated that 1 the people should revolt against a government that did not protect their rights 2 monarchs could rule autocratically, but they had to grant certain rights to their subjects 3 legislatures should have more power than kings 4 government should guarantee equal economic conditions to all people

Correct Answer Number: 1 the people should revolt against a government that did not protect their rights Explanation: The writings of John Locke and other authors of the Enlightenment expressed the idea of "The Consent of the Governed" and "Natural Rights". Natural Rights are those rights all men are born with and that should be protected by a fair and just government. Locke called for "Life Liberty and Property" as natural rights. Jefferson borrowed this idea for incorporation into the Declaration of Independence. Rousseau also maintained that a "Social Contract" existed between government and the governed and when government failed to protect rights, a revolution was in order

The equal protection clause of the 14th amendment has been used to challenge the death penalty on the grounds that 1 tremendous differences exist from state to state in the application of capital punishment laws 2 media coverage severely limits a defendant's ability to receive a fair trial 3 judges lack the necessary experience to hear capital cases 4 trials are often delayed for trivial reasons

Correct Answer Number: 1 tremendous differences exist from state to state in the application of capital punishment laws Explanation: The 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the law" demands that application of law be the same regardless of the citizen it is being applied to. In the case of the death penalty, protestors have claimed that system is biased by race, sex and socioeconomic status and as a result fails to be applied in an equal manner.

Which feature of the Presidency is a result of a constitutional amendment? 1 two-term limit in office 2 power to appoint ambassadors 3 duty to act as Commander in Chief 4 responsibility to nominate Justices to the Supreme Court

Correct Answer Number: 1 two-term limit in office Explanation: George Washington set the informal presidential precedent of serving only two terms. Subsequent presidents followed this, up until FDR war elected to four terms in the 1930's - 40's. As a result of FDR's administration the 22nd amendment was ratified in 1951 and formally limited the President to 2 terms of service.

When President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent Federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, during the 1957 school integration crisis, he was exercising his constitutional power as 1 Chief Legislator 2 Commander-in-Chief 3 Chief Diplomat 4 Head of State

Correct Answer Number: 2 Commander-in-Chief Explanation: The roles and powers of the President are specifically addressed in Article II of the Constitution. The President is specifically granted powers as Chief Diplomat in which he serves the United States representative to foreign nations and negotiates treaties and agreements, as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, as Chief Executive of federal agencies, as Chief Legislator to recommend legislation, as well as a variety of other roles.

"The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic." -Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Which interpretation of the Bill of Rights does this statement illustrate? 1 The needs of the government are more important than civil liberties. 2 Constitutional protections of liberty are not absolute. 3 The Supreme Court can eliminate freedoms listed in the Bill of Rights. 4 The Bill of Rights does not safeguard individual liberties.

Correct Answer Number: 2 Constitutional protections of liberty are not absolute Explanation: The civil liberties granted by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and other amendments are not absolute. This means that they may be limited or suspended depending on circumstance or situation, usually in cases of national emergency (examples include: suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln during the Civil War, limiting of freedom of speech and press during World War I and the internment of Japanese-Americans without dues process during World War II).

A major objection to many lobbying groups is that they 1 are illegal under the federal Constitution 2 have too much influence on government 3 are free from all government regulations 4 have been controlled by the media

Correct Answer Number: 2 have too much influence on government

Which feature of the unwritten constitution is part of the system of checks and balances? 1 the cabinet 2 judicial review 3 political parties 4 legislative lobbies

Correct Answer Number: 2 judicial review

The Articles of Confederation are best described as a 1 statement of principles justifying the Revolutionary War 2 plan of union for the original thirteen states 3 set of arguments supporting ratification of the Constitution 4 list of reasons for the secession of the Southern States

Correct Answer Number: 2 plan of union for the original thirteen states Explanation: The US Constitution attempted to address the failing of the Articles of Confederation by creating a 3 branched government with checks and balances. This replaced the one branch federal government of the Articles of Confederation, and also increased the power of the federal government and its superiority over the governments of the individual states.

Speaker A:"States must be represented in the national government solely on the basis of population. It is indeed the only fair situation." Speaker B:"The national legislature must be based on equal representation of the states to protect the interests of the small states." Speaker C:"States must accept the supremacy of the national government on all issues; otherwise, the system will fail." Speaker D:"The national Congress should consist of two houses: one in which representation is based on population, and one in which states are equally represented." Which document was being written when this discussion most likely occurred? 1 Declaration of Independence 2 United States Constitution 3 Covenant of the League of Nations 4 Charter of the United Nations

Correct Answer Number: 2 United States Constitution Explanation: Smaller states such as New Jersey feared domination of the national government by larger, more populous states. At the convention, smaller states argued for equal representation in government as to ensure their power. Larger states, such as Virginia, argued for representation based on population owing to their greater numbers and larger economies. "The Great Compromise" created a bicameral (or two-house) legislature (Congress) in which the upper house (the Senate) is based on equal representation (2 Senators from each state) and the lower house (The House of Representatives) is based on proportional representation related to population. The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Constitution they felt a need to balance power between three branches of government, each with specific, exclusive duties and powers. In order to keep any one branch from dominating the national government, a system of "checks and balances" insured that each branch had the ability to oversee the powers and actions of the others. This also includes the provision referred to in the question. By keeping the people, powers and actions of the three branches clearly separated, no one branch or one individual is able to dominate or control the federal system.

One way in which the authors of the Constitution tried to create "limited government" was by providing for 1 a loyal opposition through a two-party system 2 a division of power between the national and state governments 3 the establishment of naturalization laws 4 the popular election of Federal judges

Correct Answer Number: 2 a division of power between the national and state governments Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Constitution they felt a need to balance power between a national government and those of the states. Delegating some specific powers to the national government, as well as reserving some powers for the state governments placed limits on the power of each.

"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this, you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." This passage from the Federalist Papers refers to the need for 1 a strong executive 2 a system of checks and balances 3 an independent military 4 national education system

Correct Answer Number: 2 a system of checks and balances Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Constitution they felt a need to balance power between three branched of government, each with specific, exclusive duties and powers. In order to keep any one branch from dominating the national government, a system of "checks and balances" insured that each branch had the ability to oversee the powers and actions of the others.

In United States history, the phrase "a government of laws, not of men" has been used to express the idea that 1 sexism should legally be ended 2 all laws should apply equally to all persons 3 government should interfere as little as possible in people's lives 4 newly elected government Leaders should not be allowed to initiate changes in the law

Correct Answer Number: 2 all laws should apply equally to all persons Explanation: The 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the law" demands that application of law be the same regardless of the citizen it is being applied to. This idea is intended to remove any potential bias and descrimination from the application of law. The quote above refers to this ideal in modern American democracy.

The United States Government is considered a federal system because 1 the people elect national officials 2 both national and state governments exist within the nation 3 foreign policy is handled by state governments 4 each state has equal represen-tation in the United States Senate

Correct Answer Number: 2 both national and state governments exist within the nation Explanation: A federal system divides governmental power and control into varies levels. In the US example the Federal Government, State Governments and Local Governments all divide an share power. One other component of this is the superiority of the Federal Government's power, as seen in the superiority clause of the Constitution.

The writers of the United States Constitution included the requirement for a census every ten years primarily to 1 regulate numbers of immigrants 2 determine representation in Congress 3 decide when new states were needed 4 set goals for population growth

Correct Answer Number: 2 determine representation in Congress

An example of the unwritten constitution is the 1 establishment of a postal system 2 development of political parties 3 direct election of Senators i4 mpeachment process

Correct Answer Number: 2 development of political parties Explanation: The Constitution makes no references to political parties or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference to political parties, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution".

An example of the unwritten constitution in the United States is the 1 sharing of power by the national and state governments 2 development of the political party system 3 separation of powers among the three branches of government 4 guarantees of due process of law

Correct Answer Number: 2 development of the political party system Explanation: The Constitution makes no references to political parties or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference to political parties, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution".

A lasting impact of the United States Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall is that the Court's decisions 1 extended the Bill of Rights to enslaved persons 2 expanded the power of the Federal Government 3 restricted the authority of Congress 4 promoted the views of the President governments.

Correct Answer Number: 2 expanded the power of the Federal Government Explanation: The Marshall Court made decisions that served to expand federal power. The ruling in Marbury v. Madison (1803) established the court's power to strike down laws as unconstitutional (judicial review). The ruling in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) established federal supremacy in economic matters. Both of these worked to expand the scope and reach of the US federal government and ensure its supremacy over state

The United States Government is considered a federal system because 1 national laws must be passed by both houses of Congress 2 powers are divided between the State and National Governments 3 the States are guaranteed a republican form of government 4 the President is selected by the electoral col-lege

Correct Answer Number: 2 powers are divided between the State and National Governments Explanation: A federal system divides governmental power and control into varies levels. In the US example the Federal Government, State Governments and Local Governments all divide and share power. One other component of this is the superiority of the Federal Government's power, as seen in the superiority clause of the Constitution.

The major reason the Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution was to 1 limit the power of state governments 2 protect individual liberties against abuse by the Federal Government 3 provide for equal treatment of all people 4 separate powers between the three branches of government

Correct Answer Number: 2 protect individual liberties against abuse by the Federal Government Explanation: During the debates over ratification (acceptance) of the US Constitution, the Anti-Federalist forces (those opposed to the Constitution) feared the strong national government outlined in the document. They criticized the Constitution for creating a national government that they feared would dominate and control not only the state and local governments, but the lives and freedoms of its citizens. This fear was not unfounded, as many Anti-Federalists pointed to the domination and control exercised by the powerful English government during the colonial era. Many Anti-Federalists argued for the inclusion of a "Bill of Rights", not unlike the existing English Bill of Rights or the Virginia Declaration of Rights, to guarantee citizens protection from the power of a strong national government. A Bill of Rights was promised during the ratification debates and was the deciding factor in swaying many Anti-Federalists into supporting the proposed Constitution. The first 10 amendments were added soon after ratification and became the US Bill of Rights.

The Bill of Rights was added to the United States Constitution to 1 provide the president with the power to enforce the laws 2 protect individuals' civil liberties 3 establish a presidential cabinet 4 guarantee voting privileges to all citizens

Correct Answer Number: 2 protect individuals' civil liberties

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 adopted the Great Compromise to settle differences over 1 slavery 2 representation in Congress 3 interstate trade 4 taxation

Correct Answer Number: 2 representation in Congress

A republican form of government is described as one in which 1 there is a two-party system 2 representatives are elected by the people 3 elected officials have limited terms 4 government power is limited by checks and balances

Correct Answer Number: 2 representatives are elected by the people

An example of the unwritten constitution in the United States is the 1 right of citizens to vote if they are 18 years old or older 2 rise of the two-party political system 3 right to freedom of speech 4 use of the electoral college system

Correct Answer Number: 2 rise of the two-party political system Explanation: The Constitution makes no references to political parties or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference to political parties, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution".

Which aspect of lawmaking is a result of the unwritten constitution? 1 Congress overriding the President's veto 2 special-interest groups lobbying to try to influence legislation 3 bills passing both houses of Congress by majority vote 4 revenue bills originating in the House of Representatives

Correct Answer Number: 2 special-interest groups lobbying to try to influence legislation Explanation: Companies, unions, organizations and groups of like-minded citizens use the "lobby" system to express their views to elected officials. The concept of "lobbying" is to gain access to elected officials and present them with suggestions, proposed legislative actions or public policies that are agreeable to the lobbying group. The Constitution makes no references to lobbying, special-interest groups or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution"

The Supreme Court's power of judicial review is a result of 1 an order by the President 2 the Court's own interpretation of the Constitution 3 a provision in the Bill of Rights 4 the Court's decision to hear appeals regarding taxation

Correct Answer Number: 2 the Court's own interpretation of the Constitution Explanation: The specific power of Judicial Review is not addressed in article 3 of the Constitution, however many Constitutional scholars agree the founding fathers meant the Supreme Court to have this power. The court's decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) effectively cemented the Supreme Court's claim to judicial review, in which the court first stated the right to declare laws unconstitutional.

The 14th Amendment provides that no "state [shall] deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." A direct result of this amendment was that 1 the process of amending the Constitution became slower and more complex 2 the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions 3 every citizen gained an absolute right to freedom of speech and assembly 4 the power of the Federal Government was sharply reduced

Correct Answer Number: 2 the guarantees in the Bill of Rights were applied to state actions Explanation: The 14th Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the law" demands that application of law be the same regardless of the citizen it is being applied to. For example, in the case of a state's administration of the death penalty, protestors have claimed that system is biased by race, sex and socioeconomic status and as a result fails to be applied in an equal manner

Which Presidential action is an example of the unwritten constitution? 1 appointing Justices to the Supreme Court 2 granting pardons for Federal crimes 3 submitting a treaty to the Senate for ratification 4 consulting with the Cabinet

Correct Answer Number: 4 consulting with the Cabinet Explanation: The unwritten Constitution has come about through custom and usage over the past 200+ years. It implies that there are ideas; actions and concepts that are not actually in the Constitution itself, but that have arisen as a natural extension of its use. The cabinet is not directly addressed in the document, but has arisen over time as a means of advising the president.

"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it." This provision is evidence that the writers of the United States Constitution 1 wanted the President to have unlimited power during wartime 2 wanted to balance individual liberty with the needs of the nation 3 did not trust the common people to obey the laws 4 expected the American people to oppose most government policies

Correct Answer Number: 2 wanted to balance individual liberty with the needs of the nation Explanation: The civil liberties granted by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and other amendments are not absolute. This means that they may be limited or suspended depending on circumstance or situation, usually in cases of national emergency (examples include: suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln during the Civil War, limiting of freedom of speech and press during World War I and the internment of Japanese-Americans without dues process during World War II).

Which phrase from the Declaration of Independence most clearly reflects the idea that the people are the source of government? 1 ". . . that all men are created equal,..." 2 ". .. all men are . . . endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights 3 ". . . deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . ." 4 ". . . governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes . . .

Correct Answer Number: 3 ". . . deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . ." Explanation: The consent of the governed is an idea born of the enlightenment and the writings of John Locke. This is the idea that a government gains its power via the willingness of the people to support it. The US system expresses this notion by holding elections in which the people (the governed) select their representatives to govern (there by giving consent).

Which quotation from the United States Constitution provides for a Federal system of government? 1"He shall have power . . . with the advice and consent of the Senate, . . . and . . . shall appoint . . ." 2"Every bill . . . shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President of the United States; . . ." 3"The powers not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the states . . ." 4 "Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state."

Correct Answer Number: 3 "The powers not delegated to the United States . . . are reserved to the states . . ." Explanation: Federalism is the division of power various levels of government. In this case the division is between the federal and state levels. The Constitution provides specific powers to each level, creating a federal system

Which statement best explains why the Articles of Confederation established a weak rather than a strong central government? 1 Americans were following the plan of government set up in the Declaration of Independence 2 The absence of national problems made a strong government unnecessary. 3 Colonial experiences under Great Britain had created a fear of unlimited government. 4 Revenues were not adequate to support a strong central government. .

Correct Answer Number: 3 Colonial experiences under Great Britain had created a fear of unlimited government. Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Articles of Confederation, they felt a need to weaken the power of the Federal Government, in order to keep it from dominating the states and the individual citizen. The resulting system was however too weak to govern effectively and was replaced with a stronger more enduring system under the Constitution

Which document is best described as a statement of democratic principles rather than a framework for government? 1 Albany Plan of Union 2 Articles of Confederation 3 Declaration of Independence 4 United States Constitution

Correct Answer Number: 3 Declaration of Independence Explanation: The Declaration of Independence is not a framework for government, but simply is a formal declaration of the colonies' break with England and an accompanying articulation of the basis for such a break and the specific reasons why.

Which fundamental political idea is expressed in the Declaration of Independence? 1 The government should guarantee every citizen economic security. 2 The central government and state governments should have equal power. 3 If the government denies its people certain basic rights, that government can be overthrown. 4 Rulers derive their right to govern from God and are therefore bound to govern in the nation's best interest.

Correct Answer Number: 3 If the government denies its people certain basic rights, that government can be overthrown. Explanation: The writings of John Locke and other authors of the Enlightenment expressed the idea of "The Consent of the Governed" and "Natural Rights". Natural Rights are those rights all men are born with and that should be protected by a fair and just government. Locke called for "Life Liberty and Property" as natural rights. Jefferson borrowed this idea for incorporation into the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." 1 This quotation reflects beliefs mainly derived from the Magna Carta 2 the divine right monarchs of Europe 3 John Locke's theory of natural rights 4 Marxist philosophy

Correct Answer Number: 3 John Locke's theory of natural rights Explanation: The writings of John Locke and other authors of the Enlightenment expressed the idea of "The Consent of the Governed" and "Natural Rights". Natural Rights are those rights all men are born with and that should be protected by a fair and just government. Locke called for "Life, Liberty and Property" as natural rights. Jefferson borrowed this idea for incorporation into the Declaration of Independence.

Which statement is accurate about congressional bills vetoed between 1961 and 1993? 1 Congress was usually able to override a presidential veto. 2 Pocket vetoes were used more often than regular vetoes. 3 The majority of presidential vetoes were upheld. 4 The use of the veto increased steadily between 1961 and 1993.

Correct Answer Number: 3 The majority of presidential vetoes were upheld.

Which statement is an example of the system of federalism? 1 Cabinet members are appointed by the president. 2 Revenue bills must begin in the House of Representatives. 3 The national government coins money, but states cannot. 4 The president can negotiate treaties, but the Senate has the power to ratify them.

Correct Answer Number: 3 The national government coins money, but states cannot

The writers of the United States Constitution created a federal form of government primarily to 1 limit the powers of the Senate 2 develop a criminal justice system 3 provide for civilian control over the military 4 divide power between levels of government

Correct Answer Number: 4 divide power between levels of government

Speaker A: We favor the Virginia Plan, in which representation is based on population. States with more people should have more representation. Speaker B: Slaves should be counted because they are an important part of our state populations, and Congress should not be able to stop us from importing slaves to work on our plantations. Speaker C: We delegates from the small states insist upon a legislature in which each state receives equal representation. Speaker D: Congress should tax imports so that foreign goods will not be cheaper than our manufactured products. Which document addressed the concerns of all of these speakers? 1 Declaration of Independence 2 Articles of Confederation 3 United States Constitution 4 Missouri Compromise

Correct Answer Number: 3 United States Constitution

The amendment process was included in the United States Constitution in order to 1 remove government officials from political office 2 check the power of the Supreme Court 3 allow government to meet the changing needs of society 4 preserve the federal system of government

Correct Answer Number: 3 allow government to meet the changing needs of society

The clash between President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the United States Supreme Court over New Deal laws best illustrates the operation of 1 federalism 2 due process 3 checks and balances 4 the two-party system

Correct Answer Number: 3 checks and balances Explanation: When the Supreme Court struck down several provisions of FDR's New Deal in the 1935 Schecter Poultry v. US case and the 1936 US v. Butler decision, they were exercising a check upon the Legislature and the Executive branches by declaring laws of the Congress and actions of the President unconstitutional.

"President Nixon Plans Trip to China To Meet with Chairman Mao" "President Carter Signs New Panama Canal Treaty" "President Clinton Concludes Trade Agreement with Japan" Each headline illustrates an action of a President fulfilling his role as 1 head of his political party 2 Commander in Chief 3 chief diplomat 4 chief legislator

Correct Answer Number: 3 chief diplomat Explanation: The roles and powers of the President are specifically addressed in Article II of the Constitution. The President is specifically granted powers as Chief Diplomat in which he serves the United States representative to foreign nations and negotiates treaties and agreements, as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, as Chief Executive of federal agencies, as Chief Legislator to recommend legislation, as well as a variety of other roles.

The United States Constitution grants certain powers only to the Federal Government. For example, only Congress can declare war. These powers are called 1 police powers 2 reserved powers 3 delegated powers 4 concurrent powers

Correct Answer Number: 3 delegated powers Explanation: Delegated powers are those powers specifically delegated to the Federal Government (ex. The coin money, declare war, run the post office). Reserved powers are the powers not specifically given the Federal Government and thereby reserved for the State governments or the individual (ex. Setting up school systems, licensing drivers). Concurrent powers are those that both the Federal and State Governments both have at the same time (ex. Taxes are collected by the Federal and State Governments).

Which constitutional provision was intended to give the people the most influence over the Federal Government? 1 President's duty to give Congress information about the state of the Union 2 electoral college system for choosing the President 3 direct election of members of the House of Representatives for two-year terms 4 process for proposing and ratifying amendments to the Constitution

Correct Answer Number: 3 direct election of members of the House of Representatives for two-year terms Explanation: Under the original provisions of the Constitution, this was the only direct election of any Federal representative that the people participated in. The Presidential system was in direct via the Electoral College and Senators were selected by a state's legislature.

"President Delivers State of the Union Address to Congress." "President Mobilizes the National Guard To Quell Riots." "President's Appointee Will Enforce Federal Guidelines." 1 These headlines are evidence that the President of the United States 2 has new added duties not specified in the original Constitution 3 exercises nearly unlimited power under the United States governmental system 4 has specific executive, legislative, and military powers must obtain congressional approval of most executive decisions

Correct Answer Number: 3 exercises nearly unlimited power under the United States governmental system Explanation: The roles and powers of the President are specifically addressed in Article II of the Constitution. The President is specifically granted powers as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, as Chief Executive of federal agencies, as Chief Legislator to recommend legislation, as well as a variety of other roles.

Under Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme Court was considered "activist" because of its 1 reluctance to overturn state laws 2 insistence on restricting freedom of speech to spoken words 3 expansion of individual rights in criminal cases 4 refusal to reconsider the issues of the Plessy v. Ferguson case

Correct Answer Number: 3 expansion of individual rights in criminal cases Explanation: In numerous decisions the Warren Court was active in expanding the rights of the accused. The most famous of these was the 1966 Miranda v. Arizona decision that established a suspect's right to be informed of his or her rights. Many cases such as Mapp v. Ohio (right against illegal search and seizure) Gideon v. Wainwright (right to counsel) and others further helped establish Earl Warren's legacy as an activist Chief Justice.

In the United States, activities such as Cabinet meetings and political party conventions are best described as 1 examples of direct democracy 2 responsibilities of the executive branch 3 features of the unwritten constitution 4 requirements of the system of checks and balances

Correct Answer Number: 3 features of the unwritten constitution Explanation: The Constitution makes no references to Cabinet activities, political parties, political conventions or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution".

What was an important accomplishment of the central government under the Articles of Confederation? 1 elimination of debts from the Revolutionary War 2 removal of all British troops from North America 3 formation of a national policy relating to Native American Indians 4 development of guidelines for the admission of new states into the Union

Correct Answer Number: 4 development of guidelines for the admission of new states into the Union

Which United States governmental principle includes the concepts of reserved powers, delegated powers, and concurrent powers? 1 the amending process 2 judicial review 3 federalism 4 the unwritten constitution

Correct Answer Number: 3 federalism Explanation: Delegated powers are those powers specifically delegated to the Federal Government (ex. The coin money, declare war, run the post office). Reserved powers are the powers not specifically given the Federal Government and thereby reserved for the State governments or the individual (ex. Setting up school systems, licensing drivers). Concurrent powers are those that both the Federal and State Governments both have at the same time (ex. Taxes are collected by the Federal and State Governments). This is the concept of Federalism (dividing power among a strong federal and lesser governments, with the federal government being superior).

Senate ratification of treaties negotiated by the President is required by the United States Constitution as a way of 1 maintaining United States prestige in international affairs 2 preventing Federal abuse of State power 3 implementing the principle of checks and balances 4 expanding the authority of the executive branch

Correct Answer Number: 3 implementing the principle of checks and balances Explanation: In order to divide and balance power on the federal level, each branch has a variety of ways to "check" the others. While the President is specifically granted the power to make treaties, the Senate is granted the check of approval and the Supreme Court is granted the further check of judicial review over ratified treaties (to evaluate their constitutionality).

The major role of political parties in the United States is to 1 protect the American public from corrupt public officials 2 insure that free and honest elections are held 3 nominate candidates for public office and conduct campaigns 4 meet constitutional requirements for choosing the President

Correct Answer Number: 3 nominate candidates for public office and conduct campaigns Explanation: Political parties serve as the mechanisms for selecting and promoting candidates for public office. Modern political parties have evolved over time and were not originally seen or addressed in the drafting of the Constitution. As such, all laws and rules regulating their actions have grown from the "unwritten" Constitution.

The Federalist Papers were a series of newspaper articles published in 1787 and 1788 to win support for the 1 right of the colonies to rebel against Great Britain 2 right of a state to secede from the Union 3 ratification of the United States Constitution 4 construction of an interstate canal system

Correct Answer Number: 3 ratification of the United States Constitution

Which action is an example of the unwritten constitution? 1 the Senate ratifying a peace treaty 2 Congress passing a law regulating interstate commerce 3 selection of a Presidential candidate by a nominating convention 4 the President removing an Army officer from command for insubordination

Correct Answer Number: 3 selection of a Presidential candidate by a nominating convention Explanation: The Constitution makes no references to political parties or the manner in which they are to be set-up, run or governed. As a result they fall under the "unwritten constitution", which comes about through custom and usage. Even though there is no specific reference to political parties, the need for regulation of them is clear and allowable under the concept of the "unwritten constitution".

A member of the United States Congress must resign from Congress if elected or appointed to a position in the executive or judicial branch. This requirement is an example of 1 limited terms for Federal officials 2 judicial review 3 separation of powers 4 States' rights

Correct Answer Number: 3 separation od power Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Constitution they felt a need to balance power between three branched of government, each with specific, exclusive duties and powers. In order to keep any one branch from dominating the national government, a system of "checks and balances" insured that each branch had the ability to oversee the powers and actions of the others. This also includes the provision referred to in the question. By keeping the people, powers and actions of the three branches clearly separated, no one branch or one individual is able to dominate or control the federal system

Constitutional amendments have been proposed to ban forced busing, forbid abortion, and prohibit burning the United States flag. These proposals indicate that 1 the Constitution is an inflexible document 2 amending the Constitution is a simple process 3 some people disagree with certain Supreme Court decisions 4 American society has been unwilling to deal with complex social issues

Correct Answer Number: 3 some people disagree with certain Supreme Court decisions Explanation: All three of the examples stated are clearly linked with decisions of the Supreme Court on desegregation of public school, a women's right to choice/privacy and freedom of speech/expression. The reason for this reaction would be the fact that only by changing (amending) the Constitution can it be assured that the Supreme Court will reconsider its decision on the legality of a law or action.

Which action in the process of electing a President of the United States is provided for in the Federal Constitution? 1 the opening of a national nominating convention 2 the President making an inaugural address 3 the electoral college casting ballots 4 a political party adopting a platform

Correct Answer Number: 3 the electoral college casting ballots Explanation: The Electoral College system is specifically created in the Constitution. It calls for the in-direct election of the President by electors to the Electoral College who mostly are bound to cast votes for the candidate winning the majority of popular votes in the state they represent. As in the election of 2000 and others, it is possible for the candidate elected president to receive less popular votes that his opponent and still gather the majority of electoral votes needed to win the election. Many attempts at eliminating the Electoral College have been attempted and failed, generally following a presidential election that calls into question the system's efficacy and fairness (see the election of 1876 and the election of 2000).

Which statement from the United States Constitution is referred to as the elastic clause? 1"All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States. . . . " 2 "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. . . . " 3 "All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives. . . . " 4 "Congress shall have power . . . to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. . . . "

Correct Answer Number: 4 "Congress shall have power . . . to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers. . . . "

Which factor has made the strongest contribution to the development of religious freedom in the United States? Most citizens have shared the same religious beliefs. 1Religious groups have remained politically unified. 2 School prayer has been ruled constitutional by the 3 Supreme Court. 4 Guarantees in the Constitution have encouraged religious expression and toleration.

Correct Answer Number: 4 Guarantees in the Constitution have encouraged religious expression and toleration. Explanation: The separation of Church and State is clearly delineated in the US Constitution. The government is expressly barred from state sponsored religions requirements or creating an "official" religion of the nation. This safeguard has served to preserve religious expression and tolerance in the nation.

After the President has proposed the Federal budget, the next step in the process of adopting the budget is to submit it to the 1 Internal Revenue Service 2 Treasury Department 3 Cabinet 4 House of Representatives

Correct Answer Number: 4 House of Representatives Explanation: The House must originate all spending bills, as to better represent the will of the majority of Americans and their monies.

Antifederalists criticized the United States Constitution primarily because governing power was concentrated in the 1 State legislatures 2 President's Cabinet 3 delegates to the Constitutional Convention 4 National Government

Correct Answer Number: 4 National Government Explanation: During the debates over ratification (acceptance) of the US Constitution, the Anti-Federalist forces (those opposed to the Constitution) feared the strong national government outlined in the document. They criticized the Constitution for creating a national government that they feared would dominate and control not only the state and local governments, but the lives and freedoms of its citizens. This fear was not unfounded, as many Anti-Federalists pointed to the domination and control exercised by the powerful English government during the colonial era.

Speaker A:"States must be represented in the national government solely on the basis of population. It is indeed the only fair situation." Speaker B:"The national legislature must be based on equal representation of the states to protect the interests of the small states." Speaker C:"States must accept the supremacy of the national government on all issues; otherwise, the system will fail." Speaker D:"The national Congress should consist of two houses: one in which representation is based on population, and one in which states are equally represented." Which speaker's idea about representation was actually included in the U.S. Constitution? 1 Speaker A 2 Speaker B 3 Speaker C 4 Speaker D

Correct Answer Number: 4 Speaker D Explanation: Smaller states such as New Jersey feared domination of the national government by larger, more populous states. At the convention, smaller states argued for equal representation in government as to ensure their power. Larger states, such as Virginia, argued for representation based on population owing to their greater numbers and larger economies. "The Great Compromise" created a bicameral (or two-house) legislature (Congress) in which the upper house (the Senate) is based on equal representation (2 Senators from each state) and the lower house (The House of Representatives) is based on proportional representation related to population.

Which historical event best demonstrates the operation of checks and balances? 1 President George Washington used the Army to suppress a tax rebellion by Pennsylvania farmers 2 South Carolina seceded from the Union over the issues of slavery and States rights. 3 President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent Federal troops to enforce the integration of public schools in Little Rock, Arkansas. 4 The Senate approved the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court.

Correct Answer Number: 4 The Senate approved the appointment of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court. Explanation: One "check" the Legislative Branch has upon the Judicial Branch (and over the Executive as well) is the approval of judges nominated by the President.

The majority of cases heard by the United States Supreme Court come to the Court because of its constitutional power to 1 exercise jurisdiction in legal situations involving foreign governments 2 advise Congress on the legality of bills 3 mediate disagreements between states 4 act on decisions appealed from lower courts

Correct Answer Number: 4 act on decisions appealed from lower courts Explanation: The Supreme Court serves mostly as an appellate court and hears the vast majority of its cases as appeals from lower Federal or State courts. The Supreme Court does not determine guilt or innocence (point-of-fact) as a lower court may, instead the Supreme Court rules on the law itself or how the law was carried out (point-of-law). The Supreme Court does have original jurisdiction in cases of a state versus state matter or in a case of one branch of federal government versus another (ex. US vs. Nixon), but this is a very limited number of cases the court rules upon.

In the United States Congress, differences between Senate and House of Representatives versions of a bill are usually resolved by accepting the version that is 1preferred by a majority of the State legislatures 2 supported by the Supreme Court 3 preferred by the House in which the bill originated 4 agreed to by a joint conference committee of both Houses

Correct Answer Number: 4 agreed to by a joint conference committee of both Houses Explanation: A bill cannot pass out of the Congress until both houses (House and Senate) have passed identical pieces of legislation. When differences in House and Senate versions arise, a reconciliation committee is convened with representation from both houses and an attempt is made at compromise between the competing versions which are then sent back for re-approval by the House and Senate separately.

Which concept from the European Enlightenment was included in the United States Constitution? 1 absolutism 2 despotism 3 limited monarchy 4 consent of the governed

Correct Answer Number: 4 consent of the governed

The "clear and present danger" ruling in the Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States (1919) confirmed the idea that 1 prayer in public schools is unconstitutional 2 racism in the United States is illegal 3 interstate commerce can be regulated by state governments 4 constitutional rights are not absolute

Correct Answer Number: 4 constitutional rights are not absolute Explanation: The civil liberties granted by the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and other amendments are not absolute. This means that they may be limited or suspended depending on circumstance or situation, usually in cases of national emergency (examples include: suspension of habeas corpus by Lincoln during the Civil War, limiting of freedom of speech and press during World War I and the internment of Japanese-Americans without dues process during World War II).

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from the small states most strongly supported the idea of 1 establishing a strong national executive 2 levying taxes on exports 3 popular election of Senators 4 equal representation for the states in the national legislature

Correct Answer Number: 4 equal representation for the states in the national legislature Explanation: Smaller states such as New Jersey feared domination of the national government by larger, more populous states. At the convention, smaller states argued for equal representation in government as to ensure their power. Larger states, such as Virginia, argued for representation based on population owing to their greater numbers and larger economies. "The Great Compromise" created a bicameral (or two-house) legislature (Congress) in which the upper house (the Senate) is based on equal representation (2 Senators from each state) and the lower house (The House of Representatives) is based on proportional representation related to population.

The significance of the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison is that the decision 1 advanced civil rights for minorities 2 upheld the constitutionality of a national bank 3 imited Presidential control of foreign policy 4 established the power of judicial review

Correct Answer Number: 4 established the power of judicial review Explanation: Judicial review allows the Supreme Court the power to determine the Constitutionality of laws, treaties and actions as first expressed in Marbury v. Madison (1803).

Which governmental practice established under the unwritten constitution was later included in the written Constitution by an amendment? 1 appointing members of the Cabinet 2 exercising judicial review 3 holding political party conventions 4 limiting the President's time in office to two terms

Correct Answer Number: 4 limiting the President's time in office to two terms Explanation: George Washington set the informal presidential precedent of serving only two terms. Subsequent presidents followed this, up until FDR war elected to four terms in the 1930's - 40's. As a result of FDR's administration the 22nd Amendment was ratified in 1951 and formally limited the President to 2 terms of service.

". . . no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, . . . and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." This section of the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution addresses the issue of 1 states' rights 2 separation of powers 3 implied powers 4 limits on governmental power

Correct Answer Number: 4 limits on governmental power

Which information on the writing of the Constitution is considered a primary source? 1 a newspaper editorial written in 1887 2 an encyclopedia article on the Constitution 3 the book, An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution, by Charles Beard 4 notes from the Constitutional Convention taken by James Madison

Correct Answer Number: 4 notes from the Constitutional Convention taken by James Madison

The unwritten constitution is best defined as the 1 amendments to the United States Constitution 2 powers that the Constitution reserves for the states 3 powers that the Constitution denies to Congress and to the states 4 practices of the government that are based on custom and tradition

Correct Answer Number: 4 practices of the government that are based on custom

In the United States Government, members of the Cabinet are directly responsible to the 1 Congress 2 Senate 3 Supreme Court 4 President

Correct Answer Number: 4 president Explanation: The Cabinet is composed of all the heads of the 14 "cabinet level" departments within the executive branch (ex. Dept. of Justice, Dept. of State, Dept. of Defense). The Cabinet members serve as advisors and answer to the President, as head of the executive branch.

The authors of the Articles of Confederation established a decentralized political system mainly to 1 cancel state debts incurred during the Revolutionary War 2 assist the southern states in their efforts to gain a manufacturing base 3 promote the common goal of national sovereignty 4 prevent the abuses of power that had existed under British rule

Correct Answer Number: 4 prevent the abuses of power that had existed under Explanation: The founding fathers feared an all-powerful national government (as England had been). So in creating the Articles of Confederation, they felt a need to weaken the power of the Federal Government, in order to keep it from dominating the states and the individual citizen. The resulting system was however too weak to govern effectively and was replaced with a stronger more enduring system under the Constitution.

Soon after the Constitution of the United States was ratified, the first ten amendments were added because many citizens felt the need for 1 strengthening the power of the federal courts 2 ensuring the division of powers between the state and federal governments 3 establishing a national bank 4 protecting their liberties from abuses by the federal government

Correct Answer Number: 4 protecting their liberties from abuses by the federal government

"Illegally obtained evidence cannot be used in a court of law." This statement is based on a person's constitutional right to 1 face an accuser in open court 2 protection against double jeopardy 3 a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury 4 protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

Correct Answer Number: 4 protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

Which action would be necessary before the government could deny a person a public trial by an impartial jury? 1 a national referendum 2 passage of a law by Congress 3 a unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court 4 ratification of a constitutional amendment

Correct Answer Number: 4 ratification of a constitutional amendment Explanation: A speedy and public trial by an impartial jury is guaranteed by the 6th amendment. Denying a right contained within the Constitution or a Constitutional Amendment requires a further amendment to the Constitution that specifically removes or adjusts the right in question.

Which action could eliminate the electoral college? 1 a Supreme Court ruling 2 a Presidential order 3 passage of legislation by Congress 4 ratification of a constitutional amendment

Correct Answer Number: 4 ratification of a constitutional amendment Explanation: The Electoral College system is specifically created in the Constitution. Any revision or elimination would require and amendment to the Constitution specifically addressing this issue. Many attempts at eliminating the Electoral College have been attempted and failed, generally following a presidential election that calls into question the system's efficacy and fairness (see the election of 1876 and the election of 2000).

One similarity between the United States Constitution and the New York State Constitution is that both 1 provide methods for dealing with foreign powers 2 authorize the coinage of money 3 establish rules for public education 4 separate the branches of government

Correct Answer Number: 4 separate the branches of government Explanation: United States Government is divided into a three-branch system, a Legislative Branch (Congress), an Executive Branch (President and Federal Agencies) and a Judicial Branch (Supreme and Federal Courts). The State Government of New York is similarly divided into three branches, a Legislative Branch (NY State Legislature), an Executive Branch (Governor and State Agencies) and a Judicial Branch (Supreme, Appellate and District Courts).

The elastic clause, the amending process, and judicial review are all methods by which 1 Congress may check the power of the executive branch 2 the wording of the original Constitution may be altered 3 state governments may limit the power of the Federal Government 4 the Constitution may be adapted to meet changing conditions

Correct Answer Number: 4 the Constitution may be adapted to meet changing conditions Explanation: The Constitution is referred to as a "living document". This is due to the ability to add, remove and amend sections of the document in order to adapt to changing times and conditions. The elastic clause allows Congress to "stretch" the powers of the Constitution to cover situations not foreseeable in 1789 (ex. Regulation of assault weapons), the amending process allows the addition or removal of Constitutional provisions (ex. The 19th amendment extends women the right to vote) and judicial review allows the Supreme Court the power to determine the Constitutionality of laws, treaties and actions (ex. Marbury v. Madison).

The major political parties in the United States obtain most of their national campaign funds from 1 the personal fortunes of the candidates 2 state and local taxes 3 funds appropriated by Congress 4 the contributions of individuals and special-interest groups

Correct Answer Number: 4 the contributions of individuals and special-interest groups Explanation: Companies, unions, organizations and groups of like-minded citizens use the "lobby" system to express their views to elected officials. The concept of "lobbying" is to gain access to elected officials and present them with suggestions, proposed legislative actions or public policies that are agreeable to the lobbying group. More often than not, the majority of lobby efforts are expressed via the donation of money to political campaigns and political parties. The donations to parties are not little regulated and referred to as "soft-money", as opposed to the "hard-money" limits that regulated the amounts that can be donated directly to a candidate.

Speaker A: A leader is not ultimately responsible to the people but to God, from whom the leader derives the right to govern. Speaker B: Each citizen is entitled to a voice in government. Therefore, government should be run by those representatives elected directly by the citizens so that the will of the citizens is expressed. Speaker C: History has taught us that the concentration of political power leads to the abuse of that power. Therefore, power should be divided among national, state, and local governments. Speaker D: Life is a struggle. Those who seize and maintain political power represent the strongest and most competent of that society and earn the right to govern. Over the course of its history, the United States has advanced the goal of Speaker B by 1 upholding the separation of church and state 2 adding constitutional amendments to expand voting rights 3 expanding the role of the Supreme Court in government 4 providing for the direct election of the president

correct answe number : 2 adding constitutional amendments to expand voting rights

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to the Three-Fifths Compromise as a solution to the problem of how to determine the 1 number of representatives in the House from each state 2 qualifications of Supreme Court justices 3 tariff rates on exports 4 vlength of the president's term

correct answer number : 1 number of representatives in the House from each state

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this Union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened), against domestic violence." — United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4 According to this excerpt, a goal of the framers of the Constitution was to ensure that the United States 1 remained neutral during domestic conflicts involving the states 2 supported the right of each state to resist presidential decisions 3 provided for the common defense of every state 4 approved a bill of rights to protect citizens from government tyranny

correct answer number: 3 provided for the common defense of every state

An example of the use of the unwritten constitution is the creation of the 1 presidential veto 2 United States Navy 3 federal postal system 4 president's cabinet

correct answernumber : 4 president's cabinet

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