fortnite lore

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

1) Under Jeffersonian Republicanism, A) many Americans believed opportunities were available to them. B) few Americans were able to advance in society. C) the social structure of society was well defined. D) blacks were provided opportunities in society. E) servants "knew their place."


12) The first great federal transportation project was the A) building of the National Road. B) Lancaster Turnpike. C) Erie Canal. D) transcontinental railroad. E) Union and Pacific Railroad.


14) Which of the following factors contributed to Thomas Jefferson's decision to make the Louisiana Purchase? A) Spain closing the port of New Orleans to American commerce B) Great Britain invading Cuba C) the citizens of New Orleans petitioning him to do so D) Napoleon sending troops to the Dominican Republic E) Jefferson's realization that it would include Florida


16) Who was credited with the introduction of the steamboat? A) Robert Fulton B) Eli Whitney C) DeWitt Clinton D) Robert Lowell E) Jerry Mahoney


17) The Barbary States were located in A) North Africa. B) South America. C) the Caribbean. D) South Africa. E) southern Europe.


19) Which of the following groups would most likely be the source of this poster produced in Philadelphia in 1839? A) canal promoters B) steel manufacturers C) southern plantation owners D) New England seaborne shippers E) western farmer groups


2) After 1815, the United States A) grew rapidly in size and population. B) was threatened by foreign invasion. C) revised its form of government. D) was unable to expand its economy. E) invaded and occupied Canada.


21) The great canal building boom of the 1820s and 1830s ended A) when canals proved to be an unprofitable means for transportation. B) because of the limited useful lifespan of canals. C) as a result of natural barriers to canals. D) because of the lack of popular support for canals. E) when environmentalists won legislation to stop canal projects.


25) The development of profitable commercial farming resulted from A) the availability of good land and the revolution in marketing. B) an available supply of cheap labor. C) dramatic advances in agricultural technology. D) major increases in the prices paid for staple crops. E) the population boom on the East Coast, which created increased demand for farm products.


27) Aaron Burr was charged with treason for trying to A) separate the West from the rest of the United States. B) create a military rebellion. C) force Jefferson to acknowledge his political power. D) secure control over Cuba. E) encouraging New Orleans to secede.


27) Crucial to the development of an agricultural marketing system was A) the development of an effective means for the extension of credit. B) the establishment of urban populations in the West. C) a change in constitutional limitations in financing. D) the establishment of methods for advertising the availability of agricultural products. E) the development of cold storage.


28) For John Marshall, charges of treason A) had to be clearly defined to protect civil rights. B) could be supported with circumstantial evidence. C) allowed future presidents the opportunity to silence their opposition. D) were not applicable to a republican society. E) required the testimony of at least three witnesses to the treasonous act.


28) The postwar demand for money and credit led to A) more state banks. B) tighter money policies. C) farm subsidies. D) the charter of new federal mints. E) the creation of new jobs.


3) In 1800, which of the following states was not part of the United States? A) Florida B) Tennessee C) Kentucky D) Georgia E) Maryland


30) The term specie refers to A) gold and silver. B) paper money. C) government bonds. D) bank notes. E) mortgages.


32) Which acts created a "paper blockade" of the Continent? A) Orders in Council B) Rule of 1756 C) Berlin/Milan Decrees D) Intolerable Acts E) Defensive Acts


32) Which of the following groups was initially a primary source of labor for the textile mills? A) young single women B) young single men C) children D) immigrants E) African Americans


34) In response to the European war, Jefferson A) tried to avoid American involvement. B) prepared the country for war. C) declared the United States to be officially neutral. D) believed the Europeans would behave rationally. E) demanded revenge for the deaths of sailors on the Chesapeake.


36) After 1815, the Republican Party A) adopted the programs of the Federalist Party. B) sought to renounce Federalist accomplishments. C) maintained its philosophy of states' rights and limited government. D) promoted the continued existence of a two-party system. E) changed its name to the Whig Party.


37) The Chesapeake Affair of 1807 A) violated American sovereignty. B) forced the French to rescind the Berlin Decree. C) damaged the British navy. D) had little effect on Anglo-American relations. E) influenced the Americans to support the French.


39) The second Bank of the United States, established in 1816, was A) a mixed public-private institution. B) controlled by private interests. C) radically different from the first national bank. D) supported by state and local banking interests. E) a public institution.


41) The president most closely identified with the "Era of Good Feelings" was A) James Monroe. B) James Madison. C) John Quincy Adams. D) Thomas Jefferson. E) Bill Clinton.


43) The effect of Macon's Bill Number Two was that A) Napoleon promised to rescind the Berlin and Milan decrees. B) Great Britain promised to rescind the Orders in Council. C) Napoleon declared war on the United States. D) Madison received strong public support. E) even diplomatic contact with Britain and France was severed.


45) These congressmen believed it was imperative that the United States acquire Canada. A) War Hawks B) Status Quos C) Quids D) Federalists E) Expansionists


47) McCulloch v. Maryland involved questions regarding A) the national bank. B) internal improvements. C) the role of the U.S. Congress. D) the chartering of private corporations. E) timber rights.


7) Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa A) worked to persuade the Indians of the Indiana Territory to hold onto their tribal cultures and their land. B) represented themselves as tribal leaders and sold off huge tracts of land for whiskey and trinkets. C) led an Indian rebellion which was crushed by Andrew Jackson at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. D) accepted President Jefferson's promise of a vast Indian reservation west of the Mississippi River. E) developed a written language for the Shawnees and worked for gradual assimilation into white culture.


9) The term preemption referred to the right of A) squatters to secure title to land they had improved. B) Native Americans to refuse to move to reservations. C) land speculators to have first rights to purchase public domain land. D) the government to seize land from farmers. E) squatters to occupy Native American camps while they were away hunting.


1) The first goal of postwar expansionists in the United States after 1815 was A) to obtain the Pacific Northwest from Great Britain. B) to obtain Florida from Spain. C) to acquire the former French colony of Louisiana. D) to develop the trans-Appalachian West. E) to eradicate the Native Americans.


10) The characteristic unit of western agriculture was a A) small frontier settlement. B) family farm or owner-operated plantation. C) ranch devoted to raising beef cattle. D) communally owned and operated farm. E) large plantation farmed by sharecroppers.


10) Under his direction, the United States took its first steps into the factory system. A) Eli Whitney B) Samuel Slater C) Benjamin Reed D) Robert Lowell E) James Stubblefield


11) Frontier pioneers A) created new ways of living in the West. B) attempted to recreate the life they had left behind in the East. C) relied on local government for the necessities of living. D) failed to establish a self-sufficient lifestyle. E) quickly established a network of mercantilism.


16) Who first explored the Far West all the way to the Pacific? A) Burk and Wills B) Lewis and Clark C) Pike and Johnson D) DeSoto and Grant E) Mason and Dixon


18) The United States' success in dealing with the Barbary States during the war from 1801 to 1805 A) was the result of the American invasion of those nations. B) was the result of the American naval blockade of those nations. C) was the result of Thomas Jefferson's decision to give in to the Barbary demands. D) was the result of several political revolutions in the Barbary States. E) was the result of payments for safe passage.


20) The most spectacular engineering achievement of the young United States was the A) Cumberland Trail. B) Erie Canal. C) Intercoastal Waterway. D) Baltimore Turnpike. E) the Washington Monument.


23) Most of the credit for getting the Erie Canal built belongs to A) Alexander Hamilton. B) DeWitt Clinton. C) Henry Clay. D) Robert Fulton. E) James Madison.


24) The so-called Yazoo controversy involved A) illegal bond sales by Federalist politicians. B) the fraudulent sale of public lands by the Georgia legislature to private investors. C) repeal of the Alien and Sedition Acts. D) repeal of the national bank. E) illegal removal of Cherokee Indians from their tribal lands.


25) In Fletcher v. Peck, A) the court supported the arguments of the state. B) the court upheld the sanctity of contracts. C) the court voided contracts impaired by legislative fraud. D) the court decided that it could not rule on the constitutionality of state laws. E) the justices were divided in their opinion.


29) On the issue of slavery, Jefferson A) supported the institution. B) wanted the slave trade outlawed. C) believed states should regulate it. D) wanted to repeal the "three-fifths rule." E) wanted the practice abolished in the United States.


31) The Orders in Council A) allowed broken voyages to occur. B) forbade neutral commerce with continental Europe. C) had little effect on American shipping. D) gave Great Britain control of the seas. E) allowed the British navy to monitor every Continental port.


33) Industrialization after 1815 altered the manufacturing system in the United States by A) immediately creating a need for large factories with many workers. B) removing production from the home to the factory. C) increasing the need for female labor. D) eliminating the need for foreign equipment and technology. E) becoming more efficient, therefore using fewer raw materials.


35) Many Americans believed high tariffs would A) enhance America's image abroad. B) prevent competition from foreign goods. C) meet the demands of American farmers. D) prevent political differences from arising. E) take money out of their own pockets.


37) The major advocate of the "American System" was A) James Madison. B) Henry Clay. C) James Monroe. D) John Quincy Adams. E) Thomas Jefferson.


39) Which of the following authorized American trade with all nations except Britain and France? A) Orders in Council B) Non-Intercourse Act C) Berlin Decrees D) Embargo Act E) Peaceable Coercion


40) In the election of 1808, the Federalist Party A) seemed unable to adapt to the changes of society. B) made impressive gains in Congress. C) had won new support in the West. D) was dominated by innovative new political leaders. E) nominated George Clinton for president.


40) Legislation supporting internal improvements encountered difficulty because A) western states' interests opposed it. B) Presidents Madison and Monroe believed it did not meet the requirements of the Constitution. C) there were limited amounts of available federal funding. D) there was strong opposition from state governments. E) no one could agree on where to begin.


42) The Missouri Compromise of 1820 involved each of the following EXCEPT A) an agreement that no more slave states could be created north of the southern boundary of Missouri. B) Missouri was admitted as a slave state on condition that slavery be phased out over a period of time. C) Maine was split off from Massachusetts and admitted as a free state. D) northern and southern congressmen splitting along sectional rather than partisan lines on this issue. E) adroit political maneuvering by Henry Clay to get the compromise through the House of Representatives.


48) According to the decision of Gibbons v. Ogden, which branch of government would regulate interstate commerce? A) the executive branch B) Congress C) the Supreme Court D) the individual states E) the judicial branch


49) ________ led the Americans to victory over the British at the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813. A) John Paul Jones B) Oliver Perry C) Daniel Boone D) William Henry Harrison E) Thomas Macdonough


5) The founder of the American Fur Company was A) Jedediah Smith. B) John Jacob Astor. C) Kit Carson. D) Andrew Jackson. E) George Vanderbilt.


52) The Treaty of Ghent A) awarded part of Canada to the U.S. B) did little more than end hostilities and postpone other issues for future negotiations. C) gave the British navigation rights on the Mississippi River. D) restored Quebec to France. E) was negotiated quickly and quietly, since there were no real debates.


6) The largest of the Five Civilized Tribes was the A) Choctaw. B) Cherokee. C) Chickasaw. D) Seminole. E) Creek.


9) The chief function of American cities during the Jeffersonian era was as A) cultural centers. B) depots for international trade. C) agricultural marketplaces. D) financial centers. E) places to exchange ideas and keep up with news.


The large increase in the national population reflected in the 1810 census resulted mainly from A) the assimilation of whole tribes of Native Americans into the general population. B) natural biological increase. C) a huge increase in the importation of slaves from Africa. D) the immigration of many thousands of Europeans fleeing the Napoleonic wars. E) fabrication of census records by corrupt state officials who hoped to increase their congressional representation.


The rise of regional identities in the early nineteenth century resulted from each of the following EXCEPT A) people of each region found common cause in defending their shared economic interests. B) New England's aggressive devotion to radical democracy made the other regions uneasy. C) transportation improvements made it easier to get around within, but not necessarily between, the major areas. D) southerners increasingly felt defensive about possible attacks on slavery. E) distinct regional subcultures promoted sectional identities.


13) When President James Madison talked about the need for "internal improvements," he was referring to A) improved reservations for Native American tribes. B) reconstruction of the Capitol building in Washington, D.C. C) construction of a reliable transportation system for the United States. D) a more efficient method of moving proposed legislation through Congress. E) a pay raise for Congress.


15) What difficulty did Jefferson face in purchasing the Louisiana Territory? A) possible confrontation with Great Britain B) lack of support from the American people C) the constitutionality of his actions D) whether to accept foreign citizens on the land E) finding $15 million in the federal budget


17) A significant reason for America's rapid economic development was A) the high level of federal support. B) the rapid establishment of a strong manufacturing base. C) the great national transportation system created by the nation's river network. D) the absence of international economic competition. E) the development of web presses for printing money.


19) In the election of 1804, Thomas Jefferson defeated A) John Quincy Adams. B) Aaron Burr. C) Charles Pinckney. D) John Randolph. E) Alexander Hamilton.


2) By 1810, one-fifth of the American population was made up of A) Indians. B) immigrants. C) blacks. D) women. E) Catholics.


20) Chief Justice John Marshall believed in A) states' rights. B) a weak central government. C) judicial review. D) overturning the Articles of Confederation. E) a broad interpretation of what constituted treason.


22) After 1800, Federalists retained control of A) the presidency. B) Congress. C) the judiciary. D) the military. E) the Supreme Court.


23) Samuel Chase's impeachment trial A) destroyed the authority of the courts. B) forced Marshall to resign. C) maintained the independence of the judiciary. D) showed Jefferson to be a conciliatory leader. E) was a rather dull affair.


26) In the famous duel of July 11, 1804, Aaron Burr killed A) Thomas Jefferson. B) John Adams. C) Alexander Hamilton. D) George Randolph. E) Charles Pinckney.


30) As the Napoleonic wars broke out in Europe, the United States A) was forced to take sides. B) isolated itself from the war. C) took advantage of the situation. D) feared for the safety of its citizens. E) threw its support behind France, in recognition of their support during the Revolutionary War.


33) The action occurring in the 19th-century drawing shown above contributed significantly to which of the following events? A) Ostend Manifesto B) Amistad trial C) War of 1812 D) Convention of 1800 E) Wilmot Proviso


34) The great showplace for early American industrialization was A) New York, New York. B) Boston, Massachusetts. C) Lowell, Massachusetts. D) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. E) Burlington, Vermont.


42) James Madison A) proved to be an effective president. B) had strong support from his party. C) had difficulty implementing his presidential powers. D) understood the importance of strong leadership. E) was known for his intellect and his arrogance.


44) As chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall A) promoted the growth of state sovereignty. B) supported the attainment of political and social equality. C) emphasized the primacy of property and property rights. D) abandoned his Federalist sympathies. E) began the tradition of wearing four gold stripes on the sleeves of his robes.


44) The key to Madison's strategy against Great Britain was A) the West Indies. B) France. C) Canada. D) Mexico. E) Cuba.


46) Which of the following was not a decision of the Marshall Court? A) Gibbons v. Ogden B) Dartmouth College v. Woodward C) Dred Scott v. Sandford D) McCulloch v. Maryland E) Marbury v. Madison


50) At the Battle of New Orleans, A) British forces retreated when they saw how strong American defenses were. B) British forces won and forced the surrender of the city. C) British forces were defeated by Andrew Jackson and his troops. D) Andrew Jackson proved to be an ineffective political leader. E) Andrew Jackson was briefly held as a prisoner.


11) How did Jefferson and Gallatin deal with the national debt? A) They continued Hamilton's programs. B) They increased excise taxes and tariff taxes. C) They demanded greater cooperation from the states. D) They decreased the functions of the national government. E) They reallocated funds that had supported European embassies to fund the army.


13) As the chief negotiator with France, he engineered the Louisiana Purchase. A) James Madison B) John Quincy Adams C) John Marshall D) James Monroe E) Thomas Jefferson


14) Which of the following forms of transportation predominated before the 1820s and 1830s? A) national road systems B) canal systems C) steam boats D) flatboats E) railroads


15) Fulton's Clermont, first tested on the Hudson River, would have which of the following impacts on the Mississippi, the Hudson, the Great Lakes, and other major inland waterways in the United States? A) It created easy and comfortable transportation systems in the Trans-Mississippi West for settlers desiring to settle the Great Plains. B) It introduced slavery into the territories of the Ohio River Valley. C) It turned the costly and debt-ridden cotton industry into a profitable agricultural enterprise in the south. D) It made inexpensive two-way shipment of goods on inland waterways a practical reality. E) It destroyed the myth of the Great American Desert and made farming in the far west a practical reality.


24) In the early nineteenth century, financing for canal projects came mainly from A) privately held corporations. B) the federal government. C) tolls and user fees. D) state and local government. E) European investors.


26) Which one of the following was NOT a factor in making the South the world's greatest producer of cotton? A) demand created by the growing textile industry B) the availability of good land in the Southwest C) the existence of slavery in the South D) the discovery of new, more productive species of cotton E) the effect of the cotton gin on production


31) Under the ________, manufacturers provided raw materials to people in their own homes and then picked up the finished products for distribution. A) finishing off system B) mass production system C) piece work system D) putting-out system E) cottage industry system


35) According to the policy of peaceable coercion, A) a nation declares its neutrality. B) a nation avoids all military confrontation. C) peaceful relations should be sought through negotiations. D) economics are used as a diplomatic weapon. E) neutral nations can have limited trade with belligerents.


36) The effect of the Embargo Act was A) strong public support in the Northeast. B) England agreed to respect American rights. C) severe depression in France. D) economic mayhem in the United States. E) a severe shortage of food supplies for both the French and British armies.


38) In the election of 1808, A) John Randolph and the Quids made sure that the Republicans nominated Madison and not Monroe. B) Madison defeated Charles Pinckney by a wider margin than had Jefferson in 1804. C) the Federalists lost seats in the House of Representatives. D) James Madison became the first presidential candidate nominated by a congressional party caucus. E) with the electoral college deadlocked, the House of Representatives chose James Madison as president.


41) Jefferson's foreign policy A) allowed Madison to return to domestic concerns. B) had seriously damaged the British economy. C) brought an alliance with France. D) created more harm than good for the United States. E) strengthened relations with Europe, despite the war


43) The question of admitting Missouri to the Union in 1819 A) found little opposition from northerners. B) involved primarily economic issues. C) had relatively little significance for the future of national expansion. D) stirred southern fears regarding the balance of power between North and South. E) quelled southern fears regarding the balance of power between North and South.


45) Which of the following decisions strengthened the validity of a contract or charter? A) Gibbons v. Ogden B) McCulloch v. Maryland C) Marbury v. Madison D) Dartmouth College v. Woodward E) Hemmings v. Jones


48) Which of the following was NOT a major British strategic objective in the War of 1812? A) protection of the Canadian frontier B) assault on the Chesapeake regions C) occupation of New Orleans D) occupation of New York City E) blockage the U.S. navy


51) At the Hartford Convention, A) a resolution threatening New England's secession was adopted. B) Federalists demanded a unanimous vote in the Senate before war could be declared. C) New Englanders gave strong support for the war effort. D) the principles of the "three-fifths rule" concerning slavery were opposed. E) Federalists continued to show their support of the embargo.


6) Thomas Jefferson's attitude toward Native Americans showed that he A) considered them to be expendable. B) believed their way of life to be worth protecting and preserving. C) found them to be savages unworthy of serious concern. D) respected them as people, but was not impressed by their culture. E) wanted to try to assimilate them into the nascent culture of the United States.


7) By the mid 1820s, the Cherokee had each of the following EXCEPT A) a written language. B) a written constitution providing a republican form of government. C) a system of slavery regulated by law. D) a military force capable of defending their lands against white encroachment. E) a salaried government bureaucracy.


8) American prosperity in the early 1800s was based on A) an industrial economy. B) manufacturing. C) monetary supplies. D) agriculture and commerce. E) the slave system.


8) The last resistance of Indians to white settlement in the Old Northwest came in 1831- 1832 under Chief A) Tecumseh. B) Sitting Bull. C) Osceola. D) Black Hawk. E) Rain-in-Face.


12) Which of the following statements is NOT true of President Thomas Jefferson? A) He was a man of great intellectual ability. B) He created the military academy at West Point. C) He hated the national debt. D) He wanted to cut government spending. E) He loved the military and saw it as America's greatest asset.


18) The Erie Canal connected what two cities? A) New York City and Philadelphia B) Philadelphia and Pittsburgh C) Cleveland and Cincinnati D) Wheeling and Vandalia E) Albany and Buffalo


21) The decision in Marbury v. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court A) ruled on the constitutionality of federal laws. B) compelled federal officials. C) discussed the powers of the judiciary. D) had a unanimous ruling. E) asserted its right to judge the constitutionality of congressional acts.


22) The economic revolution in the United States between 1810 and 1840 was one of ________ rather than production. A) design B) technology C) hand work D) domestic work E) distribution


29) Between 1815 and 1820, the state banking systems A) represented an effective source of reliable currency. B) were the most important factor in expanding the market economy. C) were unreliable and often failed. D) supported the reestablishment of the national bank. E) were frequently the cause of currency depreciations.


38) The "American System" A) represented the triumph of Jefferson's economic vision for America. B) involved Federalists promoting Jeffersonian principles and programs. C) featured a major military and naval buildup aimed at gaining the respect of European powers. D) called for revoking the charter of the Bank of the United States. E) was a master plan for national economic self-sufficiency


4) The Adams-Onis Treaty A) excluded Spain from the North American continent. B) reduced British influence in Florida. C) granted the Northwest Territory to the United States. D) weakened the Spanish position in Latin America. E) made Florida a U.S. territory.


47) Which of the following groups opposed war with Great Britain? A) Southerners B) Republicans C) Anglicans D) Westerners E) New Englanders


5) Upon arriving in the West, many settlers A) tried to transplant their eastern customs. B) had to adapt to a new environment. C) were able to generate distinctive folkways. D) depended on water transportation. E) all of the above


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