Fractions and Decimals
common multiple
common multiple ... An integer is a common multiple of two other integers if it is a multiple of both.
denominator ... The denominator of a fraction is the number below the line. It represents the number of equal parts into which the whole has been divided.
equivalent ... Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value.
irrational numbers
irrational numbers ... Any real number that is not a rational number. Examples of irrational numbers are pi and the square root of five.
least common multiple
least common multiple ... The least common multiple of two numbers, abbreviated LCM, is the smallest positive common multiple of those numbers.
numerator ... The numerator of a fraction is the number that appears above the line. It represents the number of parts of the whole that are being considered.
prime factorization
prime factorization ... The prime factorization of a number is that number written as a product of prime numbers. Every composite number has a prime factorization.
prime number
prime number ... A prime number is a whole number whose only positive factors are 1 and itself. By convention, 1 is not a prime number. The first few prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23. Any integer that is not a prime number is called a composite number.
rational numbers
rational numbers ... A rational number is a number that can be written as a fraction, where the numerator and denominator are integers, and the denominator does not equal zero. Integers, terminating and repeating decimals, mixed numbers, and fractions with an integer numerator and non-zero integer denominator are all rational numbers.
real numbers
real numbers ... The set of real numbers is made up of all the numbers on the number line. Any real number is either a rational or irrational number.
reciprocals ... Two numbers are reciprocals if their product is 1. In general, the reciprocal of any non-zero number n is the fraction one over n, and vice versa.
repeating decimal
repeating decimal ... A repeating decimal is a decimal number with a pattern that endlessly repeats itself.
terminating decimal
terminating decimal ... A terminating decimal is a decimal number with a digit that is farthest to the right; i.e., the decimal eventually ends.