France under Nazi Occupation ~ HIST 299

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Right wing groups in France

- Anti-semetic - Anti-secularism - anti-democracy - pro-authoritarianism - parti Populaire Fraincais - Croix de Feu, quasi fascist

3rd Republic, authoritarian metamorphosis

- Changes in citizenship, 1934, immigration Eastern Europe, police surveillance, revocation of citizenship. - Internment camps detain migrants in 1938 - Daladier's premiership in 1938 rule by emergency decree (dictatorship) - Information Commissariat spreads xenophobic, anti-semetic propaganda.

Surveillance in occupied France

- Checking mail - listening in (bbc broadcasts) - home searches - Millice are paid informants, brutal - whistle blowing by neighbors, many times motivated by personal vendettas. - denunciations, grudges, conflicts with people. Communists, Spanish Republicans other resisters targeted

The German Problem

- France has weak alliances (Franco-British alliance is shaky) - Fears of communism spreading from Russia - Desire to avoid war with rising Germany - Germany treated harshly under the Versailles Treaty, taxed with high reparations, military reductions, and requisitioning of natural resources and territories.

Motivations for French Resistance

- Though initially courteous, German soldiers become harsher as attacks against them increase and the war turns against the nazis. - Penalties for subversive activities (listening to BBC) increase - Quality of life decreases, food shortages, lining up for rations, prices shoot up. Forced labor is also a major motivation (1943) - Surveillance state. - Demarcation line between north and south cuts towns in two, causes massive disruption.

Economic problems in France during Hollow Years

- Wages don't keep up with inflation - Growing deficit, continuing unemployment - big businesses move to other countries for cheaper operating costs - violence in streets due to unrest and unemployment caused by laissez-faire economics.

Effectivity of Nazi and Vichy propaganda in occupied France

- lack of authenticity (german people speaking french, transparently pro-german pro-nazi agenda - Constant disruptions in movie theaters coughing, sneezing, bellowing etc. - Influence of BBC broadcasts, ANglophobia unsuccessful - Limited success with anti-semetic, anti-communist propaganda.


220,000 people work for Millice in France 10% of population read resistance newspapers 2% of adult males in resistance Politicians work with Nazis Intellectuals and Artists collaborate and/or are used by Nazis.

Administrative Collaboration vs. Political Collaboration

Administrative = Belgium - Work to fulfill German wishes under German Gauleiter Political = France - Work to carve out place in new order via 'independent' government

The Popular Front 1936

Alliance of all Left-wing parties in France (Communists, Socialists etc.). - First Jewish Premier, Leon Blum, leads coalition - Coalition supports 40 hour work week - Paid vacations, collective bargaining for workers - Nationalization of banks and industry.

Etymology of Fascism

Based on Fasces, Roman symbol consisting of ax wrapped in sticks symbolizing unity

Special Operations Executive

British WWII organization that aided resistance movements. Activities include: - coordinating espionage, sabotage in France


Comes to power in 1922, founding the worlds first Fascist regime. Is not originally anti-semetic, is nationalist, anti-capitalist, against labor unions and strikes. Communism = enemy.


Emphasizes French accommodation rather than collaboration. Passive sounding, from 1940-42 1/6 of french people favor accommodation or toleration, as it is an expedient measure.

Charles de Gaulle

French general and statesman who became very popular during World War II as the leader of the Free French forces in exile (1890-1970). Made the appeal of June on BBC, calling fellow Frenchmen to fight with him to repel the Nazis, equating Armistice to slavery.

Jean Moullin

June 1940, link between France and Free France. Was a French prefect politician before invasion, did not flee when Nazis arrived. Refused to go along with German plot to blame Senegalese soldiers for German killings of French civilians, is tortured almost to death. Initially collaborates, even writing document saying "Why you should collaborate with Nazis". But eventually begins coordination and communication between French Resistance and the Free French gov. (CNR). Is eventually caught by Nazis and executed towards end of war.

The Strange Defeat

March 1938: Anschluss, the first act of Nazi aggression, September 1938: Munich conference gives Germany Sudetenland in CZ. March 1939: Nazis invade all of CZ August 1939: Pact of Steel September 1939: Invasion of Poland, war declared April 1940: Denmark, Norway invaded May 1940: Holland, Belgium defeated June 1940: Fall of France

Maginot Line

Massive fortifications build in France along the Eastern border of France with Germany. Highly advanced, sophisticated and expensive. Did not cover Belgium, as Belgium did not want the wall on their border, an French commanders believed the Ardennes forest would hold off invaders.

Free French gov. in exile, eventually gains worldwide recognition. No real resistance networks before 1942 except communists. Little is known of them outside France at first, and they are quite divided (communists, gaullists, etc.) Jean Moullin changes this by acting as a messenger between Charles de Gaulle and resistance, allowing resistance to coordinate with outside. UK reluctant to send arms to resistance initially, finally sends in 1942. Resistance picks up in 1942-44 period as situation in France worsens and German defeat becomes more certain. Multiple forms of resistance such as drawing "v" symbols, printing resistance newspapers, sabotage, terrorist attacks, disrupting newsreels. Some are passive, others active.

National Resistance Council (CNR)

The Fall of France

Nazi Germany broke through Ardennes forest, circumventing Maginot line, the British at Dunkerque barely escape encirclement, 300,000. Commander Weygand assumes control to try and salvage situation, but the French surrender in June 1940. 1.85 million POWs, 92,000 casualties in campaign.

North vs. South Occupied France

North has bigger German presence, thus more resistance. South has Petainists reluctant to resist. North employs hostage and ransom tactics to terrorize French into submission. Execution lists are posted in public areas.

Violette Morris

Notorious French collaborationist spy and famous athlete who joined the SS who shared French Maginot line and tank plans, and foiled SOE plots. Was eventually assassinated by Resistance in 1944. Was very resentful of being barred from 1928 Olympics on account of her 'immoral behavior'.


Over 6 million French flee or are displaced in the aftermath of the German offensive, as French people flee the advancing German line. There is a full expectation bolstered by previous wars that the Germans will be brutal victors.

Problems with French Military

Pacifism in 1930: Germany prepares for war while France does not. - Air force outdated. - Still using WW1 tactics - Not using tanks appropriately, not using Blitzkrieg, even though some like Charles de Gaulle advocated it.

Head of the Milice in Lyon, Milice founded 1943. He was put on trial and charged with fighting resistance. Was guilty of war crimes, and economic collaboration with Germans. Became the only Frenchman convicted of Crimes Against Humanity because of his actions as commander.

Paul Touvier

Marechal Philippe Petain, the rise of Vichy

Petain takes power legally when PM Reynaud resigns. WWI hero who saved France in 1917, was 83 years old. French assembly votes overwhelmingly for armistice 250-80. 25 voting members flee to Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia. Are branded traitors. Britain is also blamed for abandoning France to defeat. Vichy runs Southern France which is invaded in 1942 by Germans, but the Vichy gov. continues to exist.

Serge Stavisky

Small-time French gangster who appears to have had good political connections. His acquittal for con crimes sparked riots in 1934, when people thought foreigners were taking advantage of France. Communists and Right-wingers clashed on the streets.

The Hollow Years

Term given for the interwar period in France, characterized by: - disabled people everywhere - Political divisions, lack of stability, unrest - Authoritarianism, Anti-Democratic sentiment,

Radio speech of Phillipe Petain

The armistice and surrender of France is announce by Phillipe Petain over the radio. He said "France fought well, but the German offensive was too much", and that reconstruction and damage control should now be the main focus.

Collaboration vs. Collaborationism

The concept of involuntary collaboration, whereby one obeys orders in their capacity as a government worker in accordance with pre-agreed terms such as armistice, versus voluntary collaboration, where one goes beyond the pre-agreed terms to collaborate intentionally with enemy.

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