French Revolution

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(Mountain) very violent, has people beheaded want King to die

Woman's March to Versailles

1789 5th to 6th October The women of Paris march to Versailles to protest to the National Assembly about the high prices charged for food. There are about 7,000 women on this march. The King and his family are brought back from Versailles to the Palace at the Tuileries, in Paris. The National Assembly moves permanently from Versailles to Paris and it tells the people that the King is still head of France.

Cahiers (notebooks)

3 estates listing grievances 3rd estate wanted fair voting rights and everyone pay taxes


3rd estate, in countryside, start the war

Background Causes to the Revolution

Absolutism Unjust sociol-political system (Old Regime) Poor harvests which left peasant farmers with little money for taxes Influence of Enlightenment philosophes System of mercantilism which restricted trade Influence of other successful revolutions England's Glorious Revolution (1688-1689) American Revolution (1775-1783) Caused by deficit spending Financial ministers (Turgot, Necker, Calonne) proposed changes But these were rejected Assembly of Notables voted down taxation for the nobility in 1787 Worst famine in memory Hungry, impoverished peasants feared that nobles at Estates-General were seeking greater privileges Attacks on nobles occurred throughout the country in 1789 Louis XVI had no choice but to call for a meeting of the Estates-General to find a solution to the bankruptcy problem All three estates Had not met since 1614-Louis XIV had made it so nobles do not pay taxes. Set in motion a series of events which resulted in the abolition of the monarchy and a completely new socio-political system for France

Storming of the Bastille

Beginning of the french revolution. A mob of sans culottes attacks and destroys the Bastille Prison in Paris. Although at the time it held only 7 prisoners, it is a symbol what the people hate about the old regime.

National Assembly

Created for the 3rd estate representation, capitalists — the sources of the credit needed to fund the national debt — and to the common people

Legislative Assembly

Democratic features. France became a limited monarchy. King became merely the head of state. All laws were created by the Legislative Assembly Feudalism was abolished. Undemocratic features. Voting was limited to taxpayers (Sans Culottes unhappy). Offices were reserved for property owners. This new government became known as the Legislative Assembly

Great Fear

Despite military successes, the Convention continued to face problems domestically Danton and his Jacobin political party came to dominate French politics Committee of Public Safety Headed by Danton (and later Robespierre) Those accused of treason were tried by the Committee's Revolutionary Tribunal Approximately 15,000 people died on the guillotine Guillotine became known as the "National Razor" started to execute people

Committee Of Public Safety

Headed by Danton (and later Robespierre) Those accused of treason were tried by the Committee's Revolutionary Tribunal Approximately 15,000 people died on the guillotine committee of public safety guard french from any threats


In Paris working class men and woman, pushed the rev into a more radical action. Without breeches, wore long trousers instead of fancy breeches, demanded a republic ( gov ruled by elected representatives instead of monarch.) Symbol of being normal, controlled Paris government

Louis XVI

King of France, very indecisive, promoted deficit spending

Marie Antoinette

Let them eat cake. People got mad because she had so much accessories, didnt care about the people, later killed by the guillotine.

Estates General

Meeting of the Estates General Voting was conducted by estate Each estate had one vote First and Second Estates could operate as a bloc to stop the Third Estate from having its way ◊ First Estate + ◊ Second Estate - vs. - ◊ Third Estate Representatives from the Third Estate demanded that voting be by population This would give the Third Estate a great advantage Deadlock resulted


Movement that was modern to radical. try to kill marie but has escaped already. The Palace at the Tuileries is invaded by a mob. The King's private guards, the Swiss Guard, are massacred. Radicals want change and will promote violence to get that change

Jacques Necker

Necker was very popular and Enlightened. Financial expert urged king Louis XVI to reduce spending, reform government and abolish tariffs on trade. Wanted meeting of the Estates General first time to meet in 175 Years (assembly of nobles.) Only had 1/3 of votes, wanted more. Got dismissed when proposed upper estate pay taxes.

National Convention

On September 22, 1792, the Convention met for the first time Established the First French Republic Faced domestic opposition and strife Girondists were moderates who represented the rich middle class of the provinces (No Kill King) Jacobins (led by Marat, Danton, and Robespierre) represented workers (Kill King) Faced opposition from abroad Austria, England, Holland, Prussia, Sardinia, and Spain formed a Coalition invading France convention creates the first national republic jacobins start to kill off girondists radical- group of people use violence for change don't want revolution to start

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Required that church officials be elected by the people, with salaries paid by the government. People started to question there revolution 2/3 church officials fled, feudal and tithes eradicated. Special privileges of 1/2nd estates abolished

Reign of Terror

Robespierre architects, rev courts conducted hastily trials. Spectatos greeted death sentences. Many arrested and executed. Falsely accused and usually died from disease in prison. Guillotine was introduced. robespierre was executed later

Republic of Virtue

Robespierre believed France could achieve a republic of virtue through the use of terror, defined as prompt severe inflexible justices. Liberty can not be secured unless criminals loose heads

Georges Danton

Said the revolution is against all monarchies. Responsible for many deaths, member on the committee of public safety but was put on trial for treason, found guilty. Turned to terror to save the rev. Threats from within and foreign threats. Need to take care of inner threat. Martial Law plus killing. But wanted to end terror thought it was getting out of hand

August Decrees

The August Decrees were 19 decrees issued by the National Assembly government of France in early August 1789 during the French Revolution The decrees abolished feudalism and removed most clerical and aristocratic rights and privileges. The main impact was to equalize the status of all French citizens under the law, and thus create the conditions for the Declaration of the Rights of Man later that month.

The Directory

The Directors chose government ministers, ambassadors, army generals, tax collectors, and other officials. The French Revolutionary government consisted of 500 delegates

Tennis Court Oath

They were locked out and move to the tennis court. Will keep meeting until they have an constitution


Top of the 3rd estate, middle class- prosperous bankers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, journalists in cities. They had extra clothing. bourgeoisie ended/began revolution. Caused all the problems by rivaling lower class up

Jean Paul Marat

a writer who was huge in firing up the revolution, called for heads to roll. Peoples friend newspaper. Wrote about rev and published newspapers was bitter malcontent. wanted to kill the royal family. Made a saint when died


church tax

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen

class distinctions erased, all men created equal. seizing power from the king. Constitutional monarchy

Pope Pius VI (Civil Constitution Anger...)

condemns civil constitution, links between pope in more and France are broken

Constitution of 1791

constitution that set up limited monarchy in France. Power make laws, collect taxes, decide on issues of war and peace. The government was more efficient, constitution reformed laws. Ensured Equality, ended church interference. King became merely the head of state. All laws were created by the Legislative Assembly. Feudalism was abolished. Undemocratic features. Voting was limited to taxpayers (Sans Culottes unhappy). Offices were reserved for property owners This new government became known as the Legislative Assembly

Olympe de Gouges

demanded equal rights in declaration of rights of women and female citizenship. Wanted men and woman to be equal.

Thermidorian Reaction

ended the Reign of Terror Convention sent Robespierre and other members of the Committee of Public Safety to the guillotine Robespierre was guillotined convention turns on robespierre- executed (thermoridodrean reaction, and most members of committee of public safety


everything that dealed with the catholic church changed, renamed and sometimes destroyed. Herbert comes up with the idea

Marquis de Lafayette

hero of two worlds, fought along side George Washington in the American rev. Headed the national guard, response to the arrival of royal troops in Paris, first group to don the tricolor, that would adopt the national flag of France

Charlotte Corday

killed Marat. called for an end of loss off life but made Marat a martyr when he died

Maximilien Robespierre

lawyer/politician leader of committee of public safety, called incorruptible, embraced Rousseau idea of general will is legitimate law. Popular with sans culottes, believed France was the republic of virtues. "liberty cannot be secured without criminals loosing heads." Wanted a fair voice for the people and the nobility and clergy to pay taxes. When he moved into power, he called for liberty, equality, fraternity, against the death penality, freedom for slaves. Wanted to rally the country so turned to terror to save the revolution. thinks he is a new god like the figure the supreme being goddess of reason. Says he has a list of people and they fear for their lives, so they kill him. Said there was no room for the king

Levee en Masse

mass call up. Calls for ever able bodied man to be a soldier in order to fight for France, 300,000 men. Mass levy tax that required a;; citizens to contribute to war effort

Rights of 2nd Estate

nobles, paid no taxes, collected taxes in the form of feudal dues. Monopolized military and state appointments. Owned 20% of the land


person who flees country for political reasons, nobles and clergy told attacks most left France because they didn't want to live in a country that does not recognize status

Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyes

publishes a document called what is the third estate? asks 3 questions, third estate has nothing they want something, wants France to have a equal society


resented violence, fear lead to revolution, didnt want the king to die

Paris Commune

storming of the Bastille, the Paris Commune was the government of Paris, refusing to take orders from the central French government, as it was dominated by those Jacobins who were not in the Legislative Assembly, insurgents assailed the Tuileries, in which Louis XVI and his family resided. As a result, Legislative Assembly of France collapsed.

Assembly of Notables

summoned by the king, directory for him, used during great crisis, the Estates General should use the same procedures employed at its previous sitting in 1614. Each of the Three Estates should meet separately and each of the Estates should vote together, by order, rather than allowing deputies to vote individually. Necker convinced him to call him

Brunswick Manifesto

the Imperial and Prussian armies threatened retaliation on the French people if they harmed the French royal family and if they were to resist their advance or the reinstatement of the monarchy. The Duke of Brunswick, warned the people of Paris that he would distroy the city and execute all the revolutionary leaders if the French did not comply with his proclamation. The Manifesto not only created fear, but also stirred anger in the French population, since this written statement signed by a foreign General made Louis appear to be conspiring with the enemies of the Revolution. Led to the attack of the tuleries

Flight to Varennes

the king and his family, wife son and daughter try to escape, brought back to Paris. Varennes is the place where they are stopped

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