freshman science A midterm review

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a running refrigerator motor


at which point does the ball have the maximum potential energy


a certain ocean wave has a frequency of 0.07 Hz and a wavelength of 10 meters. what is the wave's speed

0.7 (10x.07)

A skier at the top of the mountain


which of the stars (a-d) will eventually explode and become a supernova

a and d

what is the final stage of a sun like star

black dwarf

a hairdryer converts ______ energy into ___ thermal energy

electric, thermal

all stars, regardless of their mass, start their lives inside a "stellar nursery" which is known as a cloud of dust and gas known as


what is meant by luminosity

stars brightness

what is the frequency of a wave that has the speed of 10 m/s and a wavelength of 100 m?

.1 (10/100)

how long ago did our universe form

13.8 billion years ago

all objects with mass exert a gravitational pull, right? well, then why is it that people do not become trapped in each other's gravitational pull?

Gravity depends on the mass of 2 objects as well as the distance between them. the mass of the earth is greater than the mass of a person, which makes makes the force between 2 people

A race-car traveling at its maximum speed


a spring in a paintball machine before it is released


gasoline in a storage tank


the main difference between a low mass star's main sequence stage and high mass stars main sequence stage is

The temperatures on the surface of the star and therefore the color emitted

out of the following which example would have more kinetic every?

a 25 kg mass or a 30 kg mass going 5 m/s ; 30 kg mass going 5 m/s

out of the following which example would have more kinetic every?

a car at rest or a car rolling down a hill ; a car rolling down a hill

What is cosmic microwave background radiation?

a form of electromagnetic radiation which fills the whole universe and is thought to be remnant of the early stages of the universes life

what is a star

a large sphere of gas that makes its own light through nuclear fusion reactions

what kind of energy transformation occurs when your body consumes food

a) chemical—-> thermal b) chemical —-> mechanical (both a & b)

which of the following best explains how we know dark matter exists

all matter has mass, so it has to exert a gravitational pull

which of the following statements best describes the relationship between wavelength and frequency

as a wavelength increases, frequency decreases; as a wavelength decreases, frequency increases

which one of the following particles was NOT present in the first second of the big bang


which types of the stars (a-d) will eventually become a planetary nebula

b and c

list the color of the stars from HOTTEST to COLDEST

blue, white, yellow , red

water flowing from a waterfall before it hits the pond below

both - KE & PE

if the main sequence star was cooler and dimmer than our sun, where would it appear on the graph

bottom right

what effect does the expansion of the universe have on the temperature of the universe

caused it to cool down

a battery uses this form of energy to create electrical energy


What kind of energy transformation occurs in a natural gas stove

chemical—> thermal

identify the type and color of each star

color- orange/ red ; type- giant

identify the type and color of each star

color- red ;type - supergiant

identify the type and color of each star

color- white ; type dwarf

identify the type and color of each star

color- yellow ; type main sequence

The amount of light that was present after the big bang eventually stretched and cooled as the universe expanded and become a different form of electromagnetic energy known as...

cosmic waves

at which point does the ball have the maximum kinetic energy


this is a repulsive force, resulting in the expansion of our universe.

dark energy

why does an ambulance sound differently as it is approaching you compared to as it is driving away?

doppler effect: as it is approaching, the wavelength becomes smaller creating a high pitch. as it is driving away, the wavelength becomes larger, creating a low pitch

energy cannot be converted into any other form


our sun will die in a massive explosion known as supper-nova


there is more normal matter in the universe than dark matter


gravitational potential energy depends on the _____ of an object


Which two elements were formed in the early universe?

hydrogen & helium

in really massive stars, once a core of _____ is reached in the red supergiant stage, there is no more fuel left to sustain a star and in less than one second, the entire star will collapse in on itself creating a supernova


what is the standard unit of measurement we use for energy


an 8kg cat is running 4 m/s. how much kinetic energy does it have

ke= 4^2x8/2=16x8/2=128/2= 64J

the life cycle of a star is entirely dependent upon the _______ of the star


the gears of a clock uses what form of energy


the muscular (chemical) energy used by your muscles is turned into what form of energy to move a bike


which star is denser: a white dwarf or a neutron star?

neutron star

the reason for your answer to the question above is...

neutron stars are produced at the end of the life's cycle of a low mass star and mass isn't important when comparing density

this process fuels a star and occurs during the main sequence stage of a stars life cycle

nuclear fusion

what kind of energy transformation occurs with a solar panel in the roof of a house

radiant —-> electrical

the further away a galaxy is, the faster it is moving away from us which causes the wavelength of light we see from the galaxy to stretch. what color light would we see the most distant galaxies


what is the name for a large star with low temperature but high luminosity

red giant

planetary nebulas are formed when the outermost layers of a _______ are expelled out into space

red giants

Which of the following statements is true?

scientists concluded dark matter existed based on the observed speed of stars on the edges of galaxies

a tuning fork uses vibration mechanical energy to create what form of energy


stars are made up of hydrogen and helium

the first 2 elements created were hydrogen and helium, which come together to form stars

a planet will always rotate in a certain direction unless acted upon by a force great enough. this is due to...

the planets inertia

the answer to the question above is true because

the universe was too hot and dense for atoms to form

A thermometer is used to measure this form of energy


Where are the hottest and brightest stars on the HR diagram?

top left

dark energy is belived to be causing the expansion of the universe


if two stars are the same color and the same distance from earth, but their size is different, the larger star will be brighter


nuclear fission from the sun releases nuclear energy


supernova are responsible for scattering elements out into space, which were then directly, everything else on those planets


out of the following which example would have more kinetic every?

two 10 kg masses, one going 75 m/s, one going 45 m/s ; one going 75 m/s

explain how the following phenomenon provide evidence for the big bang. a) cosmic microwave background radiation

we observe background radiation which was created at the beginning of the universe

red shift

we see that the universe is expanding by observing the red shift of stars and galaxies

Why does an object appear a certain color? for example why is an apple red

when light hits a red object, all colors except for red get absorbed. the wavelength of red light will reflect into our eyes

what is the large star with a high temperature, but low brightness

white dwarf

which of the following stars is no longer undergoing nuclear fusion

white dwarf

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