FS 201 FINAL 2020 (fall)

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Please match the following compounds with its corresponding food.

capsaicin (peppers), isothiocyanate compounds (horseradish, wasabi, radish), pipeline (black pepper)

Match the correct term to the picture or definition. ____ are more reactive. _____________ can increase risk of disease. __________ of double bonds in fatty acids makes them bendable.

double bonds trans fatty acids cis conformation

After having a few mozzarella sticks, we need to wash our oily hands with hand soap. The reason that soap and water can rinse away oil is because soap is a _____________


Calorie is amount of ______ needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.


During photosynthesis, plants utilize carbon dioxide, water and energy from the sun to create the carbohydrate _________________


______________ is the consumption of insects as food. There are numerous benefits to consumption of insects including __________

entomophagy livelihood, environmental and healthy

__________ dramatically speed up chemical reactions by lowering activation energy. These molecules are generally ________

enzymes proteins

Freezing foods kills microorganisms.


Homogenization requires low pressure when mixing added ingredients such as cream.


It was not important to Rini's mission to have simple ingredients.


Lipids with a lower degree of unsaturation are less susceptible to oxidation and lower in price.


Louis Pasteur first tried out pasteurization on milk.


Maltose is often referred to as table sugar.


S-Groups give amino acids unique functional properties.


The dates found on food packages are indicators of food safety.


You should not wash your fruits or vegetables before eating them.


When freezing a food, it is critical to ensure freezing happens _______. Quick freezing ensures that ______ ice crystals will form. The ideal temperature range to form appropriate ice crystals in frozen foods is ______ deg F.

fast small 25-31

Cellulose, pectin, and lignin are all examples of this category of indigestible carbohydrates called _________ (one word)


Meat proteins are _______ . These proteins provide _________ to biological systems. This type of shape is formed because of repeating amino acid sequences.

fibrous structure

Match these fortified foods with the mineral or vitamin with which they are fortified. enriched floer fluid milk salt

folic acid Vitamin D Iodine

Recently, George's prepared foods recalled many of its products due to possible contamination with Salmonella. What type of food born illness would be caused by Salmonella?

food infection

________has many different disciplines. Microbiology deals with food safety. ___________ can be applied to control lipid oxidation, ice crystal size, and flavor of foods. Engineering is needed for ____________ and package development. Feedback

food science chemistry processing

As a tomato turns red and ripens, the umami taste increases because of an increase in ______________.

free glutamate

Glucose + _______= sucrose _______ + ________= maltose Glucose + _________= lactose

fructose glucose +glucose galactose

Low acid canned foods are _____________________ in order to reach ______ degrees Celsius for ______ minutes. This process inactivates _________.

high pressure processed; 121; 2; c. bot. spores

Match each statement with its corresponding answer B-Glucan Pectin Amylose Cellulose

lower cholesterol gelation α(1-4) glycosidic bonds β(1-4) glycosidic bonds

Which of the following is NOT a monosaccharide?


________ is a fiber found in plant cell walls and is responsible for giving jams and jellies their solid, spreadable texture.


______________ is a way to persevere foods by either immersion in vinegar or fermentation in brine. ________ use this type of food preservation. While ____________ use _______ , a food preservation method that adds salt to foods to draw out moisture by the process of osmosis.

pickling pickles meats curing

What Act passed in 1906 required foods to include ingredients on labels and prevented the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated foods, drugs, and liquor?

pure food and drug act

Play Posit is used for recorded lectures for section 601. The purpose of Play Posit questions in recorded lectures is

quantitative online student participation in FS 201.

Which of the following is not included in the nutritional goals for food aids?

20 g carbohydrates per serving

There are 3 classifications of pigments used by the government. Match the pigment classification with the definition. nature identical certified natural

- Same structure as a compound from living organism - Not identical to a compound that occurs naturally - From a living organism

Match each substance to the product is can be used to adulterate. sulfuric acid- copper sulfate- formaldehyde-

- apple cider - green beans - milk

Please match the following aromatic compounds with its corresponding odor. Methanethiol- Trimethylamine- Hexanal- Dimethyl sulfide- Diacetyl- Acetic acid-

- garlic - fish - fruity - cabbage - butter - vinegar

Match the appropriate word to its definition. - provides package stiffness - provides package liquid seal and moisture barrier - provides a light and oxygen barrier

- paper - polyethylene - aluminum

Match the packaging process with the type of packaging. beer with transport packaging like palletized boxes- a bottle of beer- 6 pack of beer-

- tertiary packing - primary packing - secondary packing

Proteins have an incredible number of functions from creating foams to helping your body build other proteins through enzymatic action. These functions are made possible because of the protein structure. Match these items with the level of protein structure. primary- secondary- tertiary- Quaternary -

-Sequence of amino acids - hydrogen bonds between carboxylic acids and amine groups - held together by r-group interactions - association of 2 proteins

Match the following polysacharides with their respective structure glycogen - amylose - amylopectin - cellulose -

-highly branched chain of glucose containing both a-1,4 glycosidic bonds and a-1,6 glycosidic bonds that can be referred to as animal starch - linear chains of glucose bonded by a-1,4 glycosidic bonds - branched chains of glucose bonded by a-1,4 glycosidic bonds and a-1,6 glycosidic bonds - chain of glucose molecules bonded by B-1,4 glycosidic bonds

Water activity is measured on a scale of ________ to ______.

0 to 1

Lipid oxidation increases when water activity is less than about _______ and greater than _____________ . To get an optimal browning reaction, you should target a water activity between __________. In general, enzymatic activity and microbial growth increases when the water activity is above ________.

0.2 0.7 0.55-0.65 0.6

Order the FSMA approaches for preventing food-borne illness in the order they are used.

1 → Identify Hazard 2 → Understand Cause 3 → Implement Preventative Controls 4 → Monitor Effectiveness 5 → Review and Adjust as needed

Alex loves to bake so she decided to make homemade sweets. Match the following sweets that she is going to make with the proper temperature. 1. caramel sauce 2. pb fudge 3. dum dums 4. saltwater taffy 5. sour patch kids

1. 352º F; caramel 2. 239º; soft ball 3. 307º; hard crack 4. 282º; soft crack 5. 250º; firm ball

Quaternary structure is the association of _______ or more proteins.


Match the description to the correct pathogen. 1. This pathogen is responsible for the highest amount of death related to foodborne illness per year in the US 2. This pathogen is responsible for the most hospitalizations related to foodborne illness per year in the US 3. This pathogen is the leading cause of foodborne illness in the US

1. Salmonella, nontyphoidal 2. Salmonella, nontyphoidal 3. Norovirus

Match the symptoms with the major types of foodborne illness. 1. Rapid-onset illness resulting from the presence of a microbial poison. 2. Slow onset illness resulting from the growth of microorganisms. 3. Slow onset illness resulting from the growth of microorganisms and the resulting formation of a poison.

1. intoxication 2. infection 3. toxico-infection

match chocolate-related ingredients to the processes used to produce them: 1.Composite of several ingredients with high levels both sugar and cocoa solids. 2.Sucrose. Produced from sugar cane or from sugar beets. 3.The waxy fat produced by pressing roasted cocoa nibs (you get more of this if the chocolate has been dutched). 4.Popular flavor produced from an orchid native to modern day Mexico and Central America 5.Emulsifier created as a by-product of soybean oil processing. 6.The liquified material that results from grinding roasted cocoa beans. 7.Dairy-based ingredient produced by the centrifugation of whole milk.

1. semi-sweet chocolate 2. sugar 3. cocoa butter 4 vanilla 5. soy lectin 6. chocolate liquor 7. milk fat

Different fatty acids have different melting points. In order for the fatty acid to form a solid at room temperature, it must contain ________ or more carbons. (use the numeric form of the answer not the word


Lucy has made some granola bars, and she needs your help to estimate the total calories in one serving. One serving has 15 g of carbs, 3 g of fat, and 3 g of protein. What are the total calories in one serving? Her bars do not contain any saturated fats.

102 cal

In order to make milk safe to drink, it must be pasteurized at ______ degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds.


What pasteurization temperature and time is used for making ice cream at NCSU? Please select the correct pasteurization temperature and time

161 degrees F and 15 seconds

CDC recommends cooking ground meats to ___________ º F to prevent food borne illness.


CDC recommends cooking ground meats to _______º F to prevent food borne illness.


According to the CDC, perishable food left out for over ______ hours is unsafe to consume.


Food aid products usually have shelf life of at least ____ years. (answer should be numeric, not words)


Packback is utilized to develop writing and critical thinking skills within the context of a community. Packback is what portion of the total grade in FS 201? How is the Packback grade determined?

20% of total grade; 1 question and 2 responses each week with curiosity points greater than or equal to 60 curiosity points for the semester

Microwaves convert electricity to radio waves in the ________ megahertz range. This wavelength range causes molecules like water to move, thus heating the food.


Place the following food items into their appropriate ranking based on water activity. Rankings will be 1-4 (1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest water activity) dry past fresh fruit processed cheese raisins

4 1 2 3

The pH value that differentiates low and high acid food is __________, which is also a critical pH value that defines the effectiveness of inactivating Clostridium botulinum spores.


Rank the following steps in the retort canning process in the correct order. - Process the containers until the cold spot reaches the target time and temperature, usually at least 121 degrees celsius for 3 min. - The containers should be sealed after the food products are filled. - Place these containers into a pressure-resistant container. - Heat up the containers under pressure, usually up to 30 psi - Fill the containers that are going to be used with food products

5, 2, 3 ,4 ,1

Bacteria multiply very quickly. The time it takes them to double their population is call (wait for it) DOUBLING TIME. If a type of bacteria has a doubling time of 18 minutes, how many will be present after 2 hours if you start with 10?


Which of these polysaccharides can gel our food?

Amylose, Pectin

Which of the following is true about this course, based on the syllabus?

Attendance is mandatory for the face-to-face class. , Quizzams open on Fridays and close the following Wednesday. One question and 2 responses on Packback are due every Friday., Late assignments will not be accepted.

Which of the following is least important when designing an RUTF product.

Attractive package graphics.

Enzymatic browning can be observed in which of the following foods?

Banana, Grape, Tea, Shrimp, Potato

Why is botulinum toxin hard to be detected in food?

Because it is colorless, Because it is odorless, Because it is tasteless

What factor(s) degrade(s) beta-carotene?

Beta-carotene degrades when stored in oxygen rich conditions.

What does the word "organic" mean in terms of chemical classification of ingredients?

Organic means carbon-based compounds

Is enzymatic browning desirable?

Can be desirable or undesirable.

Which of the following are foods that would be considered low acid?

Canned corn, Canned beets

Browning reactions occur through two main mechanisms: non-enzymatic and enzymatic browning. Match the following foods with the most prominent type of browning they undergo. peanut brittle- grilled chicken- raisins- banana ripening- grilled onions- coffee-

Caramelization Maillard Browning Enzymatic Browning Enzymatic Browning Caramelization Maillard Browning

From glue to you, proteins are amazingly versatile in what they can do (said Dr. Seuss). This versatility is based on the "chemistry set" found on amino acid R-groups. These R-groups have a wide range of chemical characteristics, including:

Charged, Lack of Charge, Polar, Non-Polar

What are the disciplines of food science

Chemistry, Microbiology, Engineering, Business/marketing

Which of the following microorganisms are we MOST concerned with when canning foods?

Clostridium botulinum

Color additives, as seen Heinz's failed green ketchup are regulated under what amendment in the food law timeline? (three words)

Color Additive Amendment

There is a lot of reporting about polyphenols and their health benefits. This article offers a a review of scientific literature up to 2010 concerning just that! After cooking, according to the article, which vegetables offer increased polyphenol bioavailability?

Cooked tomatoes, Steamed artichokes

Synthetic pigments, like FD&C Red 40, are often used in foods. Why would a manufacturer choose to use a synthetic pigment over a natural one?

Cost, Very concentrated, Stability

Avocado is one of the fruits prone to quick browning when cut or mashed. The picture below shows a salsa that contains pineapple and avocado. How is browning prevented or slowed down in this salad?

Decreased pH, Antioxidant addition, like vitamin C, Enzymatic hydrolysis of PPO via pineapple addition

Which of the following does food preservation accomplish?

Decreases Microbial (spoilage and pathogenic) Growth, Decreases Chemical Reactions that alter food quality, Decreases Sensory Changes

To _________ the botulinum toxin, you have to heat it to _______ for a few seconds.

Denature, 80°C

What type of carbohydrate is lactose?


__________________ was the first person to investigate the effects of food ingredients on human health and use those results to create laws controlling food adulteration.

Dr. Harvey W. Wiley

How can you feel more satiated?

Drink more water prior to eating, Consume more fiber, Eat more slowly

Select all the illnesses associated with drinking raw unpasteurized milk.

E. Coli O157:H7, Scarlet Fever, Tuberculosis

These proteins are biological catalysts!


Which of the following statements is correct about Halo Top ingredients? Here is a list of ingredients in their strawberry ice cream: Skim milk, eggs, erythritol, prebiotic fiber, milk protein concentrate, cream, organic cane sugar, organic strawberries, vegetable glycerin, natural flavors, beet juice (color), sea salt, organic carob gum, organic guar gum, organic stevia leaf extract.

Erythritol adds sweetness to the ice cream, but without the calories associated with cane sugar.

A dairy farmer wants to produce organic milk. Which of the following must the farmer do in order for their milk to be labeled as "organic"? Select all that apply.

Feed cows with non-bioengineered (non-GMO) crops, Be inspected by a government-approved certifier

The type of papillae without taste buds on the tongue is ____


Aseptically processed foods are required to file with the _______. This filing includes the time and temperature of the process, details regarding _______, and validation of the filling and packaging machines. The final step is validation of the product through microbiological and physicochemical analysis. Although the product has been thoroughly validated, samples should still be tested under harsh conditions to ensure proper _________ before product is released for consumption.

Food and Drug Administration, equipment sterilization, processing

Calories are estimations because of several reasons, such as....

Food structure impacts the amount of energy that food stores, Our bodies are not 100% efficient in metabolizing foods.

Which of the following characteristics do fibrous proteins have?

Generally insoluble, Example: collagen, myosin, and keratin. , Provide structure

Xanthan gum = Mannose + Glucose + ________-

Glucuronic Acid

Match the fermented food to it's source material.

Grasses, stalks, roots, other vegetable material (silage), Malted barely (beer), cabbage (sauerkraut), chili peppers (tobacco sauce)

Rini's sweet potato noodles over come specific religious law challenges related to_______. food laws. She used local food products to make the noodles. Sweet potatoes were used to be sure there was enough____________ in the food. Soy and mung beans were utilized to meet the_________requirements for her product.

Halal Vitamin A Protein

Hurdle technology is used to increase the safety of food products. What aspects of this product keep it safe from causing a food borne illness? Grape Jelly in glass jar...

High acid food, Low water activity, Heat processed

What hurdles help to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in summer sausage?

High salt content, pH < 5.3, Water activity < 0.96

Recently, research has shown a possible sixth basic taste, oleogustus. A group of scientist published research(opens in new window) to support the existence of oleogustus. In order to prove that there is a new basic taste, what aspects of sensory science are used?

Human sensory panels, Instrumental analysis, Neurological analysis

Being a super tasters means you have which of the following?


Ice cream does not have a very strong aroma until you eat it because:

Ice cream is too cold to allow many chemical compounds to volatilize.

According to the "Ice Cream Makers" video we watched in class, the dairy downstairs in Schaub Hall can produce how many different types of products?

Ice cream, skim milk, low fat milk, whole milk, and chocolate milk

Which of the following are aspects of omega-3 fatty acids?

Increases good HDL cholesterol, Improves heart health, Good food sources are salmon and flaxseeds

Which of the following is true about fatty acid?

It is an Omega-3 fatty acid

At what company and location does Taylor Kern currently work?

Kraft Heinz in Chicago

Match the following pigment with the food in which it is the predominant pigment. impossible burger cherry cool aid kale red cabbage beets

Leghemoglobin FD&C red #40 chlorophyll anthocyanin betalins

Which of the top 5 microorganisms that cause food born illness related deaths causes miscarriages?

Listeria monocytogenes

Lucy is at it again and decided to make creme brulee. She didn't know what sugar she bought online. She sprinkled this unknown sugar over the creme and fired up her blow torch to caramelize it. However, she wasn't noticing any immediate browning. In fact, it wasn't caramelizing at all after exposing this sugar to high temperatures for several minutes. What sugar might she have used to have caused it not to caramelize?

Lucy used xylitol., Lucy used Splenda.

How is MSG (sodium salt of glutamic acid) made industrially and where is it naturally found in foods?

MSG is produced through extraction from fermented molasses made from sugar cane or beets, or the fermentation of starch hydrolysates from cassava, corn, and rice, MSG is naturally found in Parmesan cheese and tomatoes., MSG is produced by extracting and crystallizing MSG from seaweed broth.

What reaction requires carbohydrates and proteins and contributes to the taste, color, and aroma in many of our roasted, baked, fried, grilled, and cooked foods?

Maillard reaction Correct! This reaction occurs when a sugar (carb) and an amino acid react together typically in the presence of heat. Maillard reactions make many of our cooked, baked, roasted, fried, and grilled foods so tasty! (source https://www.scienceofcooking.com/enzymatic-non-enzymatic-browning-of-foods.html).

When was the FDA's final compliance day for restaurants to add calories and nutritional facts to their menu?

May 7th, 2018

There are numerous food products that have pigments in them. Some pigments are naturally present, like apples, and others that are added, like Starburst. Match the pigments below with their source. Myoglobin → Conchineal extract → Anthocyanins → Chlorophyll → The world's most widely consumed food colorant →

Meat Insects Red cabbage Kale Caramelization reactions

Allie decided to put beef in the freezer in order for it to stay at good quality. However, when she takes it out of the freezer to thaw, which of the following will occur as a result of this? (select all that apply)

Microbial growth will resume. , Lipid oxidation will occur depending on the water activity of the beef.

_____________ is a nutrient supplement that contains many vitamins and minerals to support optimal growth and development in young children.

Micronutrient Powder

Match the following food processing technologies to the products that frequently use the technology. microwave radiation drying nitrate-based curing pasteurization retort processing hot fill

Microwave Radiation → Buttered popcorn Drying → Beef Jerky Nitrite-Based Curing → Bacon Pasteurization → Milk Retort Processing → Starbucks Frappucinos (in glass jars). Hot Fill → Strawberry Jam

Which form of monosachharide structure is most reactive?

Open, acyclic structure

Choose which products and foods have undergone Maillard browning reactions.

Pancakes, Maple syrup, Grilled cheese sandwich

Which of the following foods is not shelf stable?

Pasteurized eggs

Which foods contain resistant starch?

Plaintains, Day old refrigerated cooked pasta, Cooked beans

What are the U.S. PepsiCo locations that Dr. Mary Carunchia mentioned and what does each site specialize in making?

Plano, TX, snack foods

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires extensive record keeping for thermally processed food products. For aseptically processed food, what are the records should be kept?

Product's name and identification, The types of quality assurance checks and their results., Whether the product was released for consumption, incubated, or held back

Which of the following methods uses highly trained individuals to rate the intensity of sensory attributes in a product?

Quantitative Descriptive Analysis

Proteins have many functions in food systems. The function of the protein is determined by how it folds or it's structure. The part of proteins that determines how it is folded is _____________?

R- groups

Which are examples of oligosaccharides?

Raffinose, Stachyose

Which of these are complex carbohydrates?

Raffinose, Stachyose, Starch, Glycogen, Dietary fiber

What factors are needed for Maillard browning?

Reducing sugar, Protein, Dry environment

Where and what year were the first NCSU dairy farms built?

Reynolds Coliseum 1892

Lucy made potato salad for her lunch. She forgot to put the leftovers in the refrigerator and decided to take a risk and still eat it for dinner. Sadly she got sick from eating the potato salad. Her symptoms began about 30 minuts after consuming the potato salad, and she suffered from diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. Luckily she recovered in 2 days without needing to see the doctor. Which microbe caused her to get sick and what kind of food borne illness did she have?

S. auerus and intoxication

the _______ (one word) Heat Scale is a scale that was developed in 1912 to measure the level of heat in various chili peppers. This scale measures the amount of capsaicin in the chilies and ranges from 0 to about 1,500,000 units.


Which of the following tastes could be detected by ion channels? (Select all that apply)

Salty, Sour

The Dairy Farm at NCSU is currently located on Lake Wheeler Rd. The milk is transported to and processed at _______ Hall.


_______ acute malnutrition is defined by an extremely low weight to height ratio. Symptoms can include ________ which is categorized as a severe wasting of muscle and fat tissue. __________ have been used to help properly care for malnourished children above the age of six without medical complications.

Severe Marasmus Ready to use therapeutic foods

Freezing ice cream mix very quickly creates a very ________ texture because it creates very small ice crystals.


Why are stabilizers helpful in ice cream?

Stabilizers keep ice crystals from getting bigger over time. , Stabilizers keep fat droplets emulsified by preventing them from separating from the ice cream.

Which of the following organic compounds do not belong to the big umbrella group of hydrophobic (water hating) lipids?

Starch, Polypeptides, Sugars

Taylor Kern did which of the following during her undergraduate degree at NCSU?

Study abroad, Co-op program, Worked in a research lab on campus, Loved FS 201!, Discovered food science

A reducing sugar and an amino group are required for a Maillard browning reaction to occur. A reducing sugar is one that can open up from a ring form to a linear form. Which of the following sugars is NOT a reducing sugar?


Emulsions and foams have one critical type of compound that increases the stability of the structure. Without this type of compound, the 2 immiscible phases would separate very quickly. What type of compound is this critical compound?

Surface active compound

Which of the following are basic tastes?

Sweet, Umami, Sour

Which of the following are major functions of carbohydrates in food?

Sweetness, Browning, Gelling Agent, Water Holding, Thickening/Viscosity

One reason that foods are so appealing to us is their color. Match the pigment to a food that contains large quantities of it. swiss chard and beets grapes, rasberries, purple cabbage squash, pumpkins, and tomatoes

betalains anthocyanin carotenoids

What are the 2 things that influence shelf-life of milk?

The heat treatment of the milk and The packaging

Which of the following are advantages to aseptic processing?

There are no size limits with this type of processing. , It is a more efficient use of energy resources. , Continuous processing means less heat energy being put into the product; increased quality. , It can achieve higher temperatures in less time; >135 degrees celsius for 1-2 seconds.

In her noodles, Rini used soybeans because:

They are grown locally in Aceh., They are a good source of protein.

Which statements below are similarities between proteins and lipids?

They can have hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts to their structure., Both can form solid substances.

A pH of < 4.6 is necessary to be regarded as a high acid food and it is a critical pH in food preservation. But why is this pH the cut off?

This is the pH that inhibits the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores.

For canned foods, why is the size of the can limited?

To achieve acceptable product quality. , To make sure the center of the can reaches the sterilization temperature.

What is the purpose of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) in food manufacturing/processing?

To address personal hygiene practices, To address pest control, To address proper use and storage of cleaning compounds, sanitizers, and pesticides, To address plant design

What are some important reasons to conduct shelf-life studies for food products?

To determine how long the product will last with regards to quality (flavor, texture, nutritional quality and appearance)., To find the limiting factor in the shelf-life of a product., To determine the microbiological safety of the product.

Why is it beneficial to blend different foods when preparing food aid for disaster relief?

To ensure people receive the correct nutrients.

What is true about trans fats?

Trans fats are rarely found naturally., Artificial trans fats are made by partially hydrogenating unsaturated fatty acids to make them more solid., Trans fats are now required to be listed on nutritional labels.

When using a hot fill process to process and package a product, why is it important to invert the jar or bottle?

Turning over the container sterilizes the lid.

What is the leading cause for food recalls?

Undeclared allergens

Match the following vitamins with their proper function. It can help with depression- It is an antioxidant that helps protect cell walls- Based on the lecture, it could potentially help with fighting off coronavirus- It helps with proper blood clotting- It can be toxic to the body-

Vit. D Vit. E Vit. C Vit. K Vit. A

Which ingredient is not found in the dry compressed food often used by relief agencies, BP-5?

Xanthan gum

_________ is one of several chemicals that can form in some foods during high-temperature cooking processes, such as frying, roasting, and baking. Novozymes makes an enzyme that reacts to prevent asparagine to prevent the formation of this substance.


CRISPR is the _____ of bacteria. It has been used extensively in fermented dairy products to prevent ______ infections of starter cultures. There are many exciting things in the future for CRISPR technology; however, there are still many _____ concerns that remain unclear.

adaptive immune system bacteriophage ethical

Adding chalk powder to flour is a form of illegal ________________.


The inability to taste sweetness would be classified as a selective ___________


a foam is a(n) __________ system that is stabilized by surface active compounds, such as _____________

air in liquid protein

The carboxylic acid end of a fatty acid is also known as the ______ end. (one word, spelled out)


_____________ (one word, spelled out) 1,4 glycosidic bonds are found in both amylose and amylopectin. These types of bonds are highly digestible by enzymes found in our bodies.


Glass transition temperature only applies to ____________ molecular structure of sucrose.


What carbohydrate is a good gelling agent?


Starch has different morphological forms of crystals that effect our digestion of the starch polymers. In its native form, starch granules possess crystalline regions of _______. When the granules are heated and cooled crystals form creating _______ starch, a different form of crystal, that we are not able to digest as well.

amylose resistant

________ processing, which involves combining sterilized packaging material with processed food, is a means to create shelf stable foods with less harsh conditions than with canning and eliminates package size limitations. (This type of processing can be adapted to producing single-serving juice boxes or 300 gallon containers.)


Soil contains a great variety of microbes, the majority of which are what and what?

bacteria and fungi

In Rini's Sweet Potato Noodles, she fortified her noodles with_______ from sweet potatoes. This is a precursor of ________ and considered a _________.

beta carotene Vitamin A Micronutrient

In Rini's Sweet Potato Noodles, she fortified her noodles with ________ from sweet potatoes. This is a precursor of ________ and considered a _________

beta carotene Vitamin A Micronutrients

Vitamin A amounts are recommended by the World Food Program. What compound is a precursor of vitamin A in Rini's sweet potato noodles?


The first stage in the Maillard reaction involves the _____ of an amino acid and a reducing sugar. After the N-substituted glycosyl-amine is formed, this compound undergoes an _______ arrangement. From there an enol is formed and can go through three different paths depending on the pH and temperature. For example, under ________ conditions, the enol goes through a Schiff base reaction to form ______ in the second stage. Regardless of which path the enol enters, _______ are formed which are responsible for the color, flavor, and aroma of many baked, roasted, fried, grilled, and sautéed foods.

condensation Amadori acidic hydroxymethylfurfural melanoidins

Yamco is a company that uses technology developed in conjunction with NC State Department of Food, Bioprocessing and Nutrition Sciences. Watch this video and answer the question: What type of processing is utilized in making sweet potato puree at Yamco?

continuous microwave

The majority of the economic burden of food borne illness results from ________________.


In what field of study did Dr. Harris begin his college career?


A molecule that __________ , like sodium chloride, will have a greater effect on the water activity. A large polymer, like starch, will have little effect on water activity because water activity is controlled mainly by the ________ of molecules in solution.

dissociates number

_____ is made by breaking down or hydrolyzing collagen, a protein. Collagen is a _____ protein that is found in connective tissue and skin. The breakdown of collagen can be done industrially or using a cooking technique called _____ The gel formed using this polymer is _____ meaning it liquifies when heated.

gelatin fibrous braising reversible

Anybody watch those Super Bowl commercials? How about this one: Chunky milk Another name for chunky milk is cheese! What is the process of making a liquid into a solid via a network of polymers called? (one word)


Food-based _________ (one plural word) are found in foods like hard candy. This molecular structure traps and preserves flavors. Interestingly, this structure of sucrose shatters into irregular pieces when it breaks, making it ideal for use as windows in old Western movies!


A triglyceride is made of 3 fatty acids esterified to a _____ backbone. (one word)


What kind of bond is formed between the -OH on a carbohydrate and another group?

glycosidic bond

plants store starch in _______ within their cells. Starch is made up of 2 different types of _______, amylose and amylopectin. The monomer for these compounds is glucose. _____________ can form strong gels. while _________ makes thick solution

granules polymers amylose amylopectin

With water and _______, carbohydrates can hold ______ their weight in water!

heat, 4x

Proteins change shape when ______ or the external conditions, like pH and salt concentration are altered. This shape change is an alteration of tertiary or quaternary structure and called __________. The shape change can effect the _______ of the protein for those whose immune systems make antibodies for that particular food protein.

heated denaturation allergenicity

Proteins change shape when _____________ or the external conditions, like pH and salt concentration are altered. This shape change is an alteration of tertiary or quaternary structure and called _____________. The shape change can effect the __________ of the protein for those whose immune systems make antibodies for that particular food protein.

heated denaturation allergenicity

Generally speaking, which of these factors can prevent microbial growth?

high acid, water activity below 0.6, heat treatment

Which are not properties of an amorphous structure?

highly order, higher water activity

Phospholipids like lecithin are emulsifiers. Match each part of the phospholipid structure and tell whether it is hydrophobic or hydrophilic. glycerol- fatty acids- phosphate-

hydrophilic hydrophobic hydrophilic

Freezing is a terrific way to preserve foods. Freezing affects numerous chemical reactions that take place in foods. Match the following reaction with why that reaction is happening. mushy texture upon thawing - lipid oxidation increased - pectin breakdown during storage is slowed -

ice crystal formation lower water activity enzymatic activity is decreased

If there is a problem with processing, a deviation from what should be happening in the processing, the company should ______________.

implement its deviation plan

Which type of foodborne illness is Salmonella?


Salty and sour are perceived by ______ where _____ number of compounds are stimuli. Sweet, bitter and umami are perceived by _________, where ______ compounds are stimulants.

ion channel receptors limited G-coupled protein receptors numerous

Spray drying begins with a _____. Then this is fed/pumped into the spray dryer. ________ creates small droplets of the liquid. These small droplets are exposed to ________ air, which removes the _______. Then the spray dried product is collected.

liquid atomization hot moisture

Match the cooking temperature (level of supersaturation of sucrose) to the type of candy that can be made. 300 def F 275. " 245 " 255 "

lollipops taffy chewy caramel marshmallow

To prevent your new A2Z product from spoiling and to prevent the growth of pathogenic microbes, which of the following method(s) could be consider?

low pH, thermal processing

In 2008-2009, an outbreak of Salmonella occurred. Peanut butter was the food implicated in this outbreak. Peanut butter is typically a product not commonly associated with foodborne illness due to its ________ ; however, Salmonella was able to contaminate the product after entering the facility due to _________ .

low water activity a leaky roof

match the correct answer: -A vitamin is an example of a __________. -Protein is an example of a ________. -Macronutrients are needed/found in ________ quantities. -Micronutrients are needed/found in ______ quantities.

micronutrient macronutrient high low

NaCl is _____ which is considered ______ and its categorized as ______.

mineral inorganic micronutrient

This week we learned about raspberries (opens in new window)from China that were repackaged in Chile and labeled as organic when in fact they were conventionally grown. These raspberries were then shipped to Canada where they caused an outbreak of norovirus. The act of labeling these berries as organic and the outbreak of norovirus broke 2 different laws. What do these laws deal with?

mislabeling and adulteration

Packaging has numerous purposes. One is to preserve the food. This package of Old Fashioned Oats prevents _______ from degrading the food. By _________ the product, transport is made easier. The packaging also conveys the identity of the product in brand and contents. The contents of the package must be labeled clearly according to food labeling laws. The ________ specified font sizes and design of the product label. While the _______ regulates information (Nutrition or Supplement Facts) and health claims.

moisture and light containing federal trade commission Food and drug administration

There was a recall issued for numerous brands of dog food due to aflatoxin contamination. What type of organism produces aflatoxin?


Howling Cow Vanilla ice cream contains stabilizers. Included in this ingredient list is __________, which help the fat to mix with the water. Other stabilizers are used to control the movement of water, including ________

mono- and di-glycerides cellulose gum

________, made up of glycerol and one fatty acid chain, are found naturally in almost all foods. They are a type of _______ meaning that they are hydrophobic or water-hating. They are _______ meaning that they prevent and oil from separating.

monoglycerides lipid emulsifiers

Most spoilage bacteria grow at

neutral pH

Match the amino acid R-group into the correct category leucine serine lysine aspartic acid valine glutamine

nonpolar polar basic acidic nonpolar polar

____ is the detection of an odor through the nostrils by sniffing or inhalation.

orthonasal olfaction

Select all of the factors that affect bacterial growth in food below:

pH, water activity , temperature

Both ______ and _______ are primary factors that affect enzyme function.

pH; temperature

________ is an example of a nutrient dense food that has been distributed in West Africa to treat severe acute malnutrition, this formulation is a mixture of peanut butter, fluid milk and powder sugar enriched with vitamins and minerals.

plumpy nut

Appearance and consumer acceptance has been a major hurdle for commercializing insects as food in the United States. To get around this barrier to commercialization, many companies producing insects for food are making insect __________ , that can then be used as a dry ingredient in many food items. (one word)


High _________ (one word) processing is a processing method used to pasteurize liquids and "squishy" foods, like juice, guacamole, and salsa. It works by denaturing microbial enzymes without heat.


Proper retorting (or canning) combines heat and ________ (one word) to produce a commercially sterile product.


In Tetra- pack Milk or juice packages, the aluminum layer is used for _________.

preventing oxidation

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, otherwise known as mad cow disease, is caused by a misfolded protein called a _________.


While Maillard browning affects color and flavor of foods, it also effects their nutritional values. It can decrease _______ digestibility due to cross linking, bind to vitamin ______ , and decrease the availability of ________ in the body.

protein C lysine

Human brains are large and energy hungry! 20% of the energy humans consume is needed to fuel 2% of their body weight. One theory as to why this evolutionary development happened is that cooking food increased digestibility of food. Why does cooking increase digestibility of foods?

protein denaturation, Starch gelatinizaiton, Inactivates anti-nutrients

Maillard browning is one of the tastiest reactions going on in foods! This reaction was named after Loius Camille Maillard, a French chemist. He found that when _______ and reducing sugars were present brown pigments could be formed. An example of a reducing sugar is ______. This reaction works best when the food's water activity is ______ . To stop this reaction, ______ compounds could be added.

proteins glucose intermediate sulfite

What does RUTF stand for?

ready to use therapeutic food

Foods used to sustain a population after a natural disaster are called _________. This type of product should be shelf stable and have a shelf life of_______. Protein sources are often blended because all ________ must be present to ensure proper nutrition.

ready to use therapeutic foods 2 years essential amino acids

Bacteriophages are prevelant in the environment. It is possible that we can harness this environmental contaminate in order to provide benefits to the food system. This article(opens in new window) is a review of ways bacteriophages and proteins they produce to protect parts of the food system. How could re-purposing bacteriaphages and their proteins be beneficial to food systems, particularly dairy products?

reduce economic losses and food waste, increasing food safety, reduce the environmental impact of food production

Pasteurization of milk makes it _________ and extends __________.

safe ; shelf life

For the following foods, match them with the process or ingredient that is responsible for a lower water activity. soy sauce strawberry jam crackers cliff bars salami milk powder

salt sugar heating sugar salt heating

_____________ is dissolving a substance into a liquid until no more solute can be dissolved at room temperature. For sucrose, this concentration is approximately 60%.


__________ (two words) is defined as "A scientific discipline used to evoke, measure, analyze, and interpret those responses to products that are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.

sensory evaluation (sensory sci?)

____________ (two words) is defined as "use of human senses (taste, touch, sight, sound, smell), scientific instruments, and statistical approaches to understand consumer re

sensory science

Although there are benefits of industrializing insects into our markets, there are many downsides. Cross allergenicity could occur between _________ and insects due to their similarly structured proteins. On the microbiological level, insects work as _______ that carry harmful pathogens. ___________ are a chemical hazard factor to consider when insects are harvested from the environment.

shellfish vectors pesticides

To produce our Howling Cow ice cream or any other brand of ice cream for that matter, cows are fed fermented grass product called ________. (one word) So, you could make the case that ice cream itself, in a rather round-about way, is a fermented product.


Complex carbohydrates, such as starch and fiber, contain much longer carbon chains than their shorter, simpler counterparts. These long chains are made up of the same basic material, _________ carbohydrates. This means that the long carbohydrate chains are really just polymers of simple ones.


Freezing foods greatly extends their shelf life but can compromise their quality. To minimize textural changes in products like frozen meat and create creamy texture in ice cream, freezing rate must be fast to create _______ ice crystals. Freezing is a way to extend shelf life because it slows down enzymatic reactions and temporarily ________ microorganism growth. Birdseye Foods was the first to develop a technique of freezing foods called _____ that allows products to freeze very fast and be portioned out directly from the freezer without thawing.

small halts individual quick freezing

Freezing foods greatly extends their shelf life but can compromise their quality. To minimize textural changes in products like frozen meat and create creamy texture in ice cream, freezing rate must be fast to create _________ ice crystals. Freezing is a way to extend shelf life because it slows down enzymatic reactions and temporarily ___________________ microorganism growth.

small; halts

Earth receives most of it's energy from _______ power and plants then use photosynthesis to produce ______ also known as glucose. The human body uses _______ as it's cells main source of energy.

solar C6H12O6 glucose

___________is low cost, highly concentrated, and very stable as a substance.

synthetic pigment

Which of the following items can be done with enzymes?

tenderize meat, soften cheese texture with aging, create a pungent garlic aroma

The caloric value of a fatty acid is related to...

the length of the carbon chain.

Insects as a protein source are highly sustainable because they have short ________, about 3-4 weeks. Insects are cold blooded meaning they do not have to expend energy regulating their body temperature; therefore their _________ is among the lowest of animal protein sources. Insect bodies are mostly ________ meaning that most of the resources utilized for raising insects are being converted to food for people

time to maturity feed conversion ratio edible

All of these answers are changes made from the old food label to the new food label except for

trans fat percentage being included

Capsaicin and isothiocyanate (active ingredient in wasabi) both produce a "burning" sensation, while mints produce a "cooling" sensation. Amazingly, these two opposite sensations are both produced by stimulating the ________ nerve.


The cooling effects of menthol are due to ________ nerve stimulation.


Glucose is a simple carbohydrate.


Limits for insect fragments and rodent hair are 1 rodent hair and 60 insect fragments in 100g of chocolate.


Top Hat is utilized for the in-class section (001) to monitor attendance. The online section (601) does not need to be registered for Top Hat.


True or False: Salmonella is spread through contaminated food and water sources.


he Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) is recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) because it takes into account anti-nutrient factors.


The "fifth" taste, produced by the presence of free glutamate in foods, is known as __________


Dr. Mary Carunchia found food science at a _________ . She has worked for Pepsico for ______. . Her current position is being a __________ for the business/marketing side of snacks.

university open house her entire career food science liaison

A bacteriophage is ______ a (one word) that attacks bacteria, not animals or plants.


The mole fraction of ________ in a food product can be used to estimate water activity. There is one catch to this estimation though. The state of the food cannot change; meaning that if the food is ________ it cannot change to crystalline.

water amorphous

Casein and _______ are the two types of protein present in milk. Cheese is made through _______ , which acidifies the milk. Then ________ is added, which causes cleaves K-casein 'hairs' from the surface of the casein micelle. The resulting hydrophobic, neutral surface causes the casein micelles to aggregate and form curd.

whey fermentation rennet

__________is used to help sweet potato noodles stick together because they do not contain__________, a wheat protein

xanthan gum gluten

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