FS 201 Final Exam

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Here is a brief quote: "We're the red and white from State and we know we are the best! Hands behind our back, we can take on all the rest!" Which of the following would not be considered plagiarism of the above quote?

"We're the red and white from State and we know we are the best! Hands behind our back, we can take on all the rest!" The Red and White Song, lyrics by J. Perry Watson

Scoville units, whether determined by sensory panel or by modern machinery, measures what?

"heat" in chili peppers

During Friday's zoom session, we had a discussion that ranged from current events, local food favorites, podcasts to grilling and more. Based on our discussion select the correct statements. (choose all that apply)

1. "Wolfing Down Food Science" is a podcast that aims to communicate food science. 2. To make liquid smoke for use in culinary creations, commercial companies use a method involving incomplete combustion, high pressure, water and filtration.

FSMA is a systematic approach for preventing food-borne illness. Put the steps in the order in which they are used. 1. monitor effectiveness 2. review and adjust as needed 3. identify hazard 4. implement preventative controls 5. understand cause

1. 4 2. 5 3. 1 4. 3 5. 2

Aspirin is a well known medicine that relives both pain and inflammation. Thinking of aspirin, review the following statements and select all that are true.

1. Willow bark is a naturally occurring source of the active component in aspirin and was used in herbal medicine of ancient times. 2. Commonly consumed fruits and vegetable such as blackberries and cherries contain some of the active compound found in aspirin. 3. Bayer was the company that invented the common name of "aspirin" and was the first to widely distribute the medicine.

When Food Scientist refer to Line Extensions, they are talking about which of the following? (select all that apply)

1. a logical variation on an existing product line 2. the relationship between the new pumpkin flavored doughnut and the regular glazed doughnut

At the end of each Quizzam 2 through 5, there is an essay that is graded separately from the rest of the Quizzam. All together these essay questions are worth ____ of my final grade. This is why I need to take plenty of time to work on these essay's.


Hot foods should be kept hot and cold foods should be kept cold. When foods enter the temperature range from Answer°F, they are considered to be in what Kenny Loggins would refer to as the "Danger Zone(opens in new window)." (Format you answer like this: numerical answer - numerical answer)


Where did CRIPSR begin?

As a bacteria's adaptive immunity

Choose the type(s) of heat transfer involved in the baking of a fruitcake.

Convection and Conduction. (Convection due to the movement of hot air across the exposed surface of the fruitcake mix on top of the pan and conduction in terms of the direct contact of the mix with the hot metal pan.)

What does FSMA stand for?

Food Safety Modernization Act

Select the group that all contain caffeine.

Guarana, Grapefruit, Yerba Mate, Excedrin

Caffeine falls under which category of stimulatnts?


Foods that have a pH less than 4.6 are regarded as high acid foods. This pH of <4.6 is a critical factor in food preservation. But why is having a pH value below 4.6 so important? (choose the answer that applies)

This is the pH that inhibits the growth of Clostridium botulinum spores.

Which pathogen can play "mind games" with its host?

Toxoplasma gondii

Whether it is pancakes, pizza, tortillas, or pitas, people all over the world enjoy this type of bread: (one word).


pH is a representation of the concentration of _____ ______(two words) in a liquid.

hydrogen ions

Consider the following scenario: You are totally starving. You have only bread, cheese and butter at your disposal. You do not have access to a stove or microwave. You do have an iron in the back of your closet that has been collecting dust since you switched over to a 100% "wrinkle-free" wardrobe. You use said iron to make a grill-cheese sandwich. The fact that the irons may be capable of reaching temperatures of 445 degrees Farenheit and that the bread actually toasted means you supplied enough heat to cause the _____ ______ reaction to occur.

maillard browning

One of New Zealand's most famous exports is Answer honey. This particular type of honey contains relatively high levels of protein, which makes it very viscous and cloudy in appearance. It also contains a natural antimicrobial, methylglyoxal. This type of honey is incorporated into bandages for burns.


In order to disperse a hydrophobic liquid (like oil) into an aqueous (water) system, molecules that are good emulsifiers are used. These molecules self-assemble into ________ to help carry and hold the hydrophobic material into the aqueous phase. (select the correct term to fill in the blank)


Also called "Stomach Flu" or "The 24-Hour Flu", this bad bug (which is not actually a flu) causes vomiting and diarrhea, usually in the winter months and it is a food borne disease. (one word)


According to the Pathogens video, the most deadly foodborne pathogen in the USA is?


Dr. Harris' uncle shot ketchup all over a restaurant after shaking the bottle because ketchup is a _______ _______product (two words).

shear thinning

At room temperature, saturated fats are ___________, and unsaturated fats are ___________.

solid; liquid

__________ was a freeze dried orange-flavored drink made popular in the '60s from its use by NASA in the manned spacecraft programs.


_______ is the process in which the melted chocolate is held at the right temperature to get the appropriate fat crystals for desirable properties.


Which of the following is not an example of US Food Law?

the jungle

Chili peppers, wasabi, alcohol, mints, and carbonated beverages all stimulate the ______ nerve (one word).


The tingle of carbonated beverages, the cooling sensation of mint and the burn of chili peppers are all a result of stimulation of the _____.


Yuck! I just drank chunky two week old milk. Thankfully I didn't get sick, but the terrible flavors produced by microorganisms in the product made for an unpleasant experience. In other words, the milk was spoiled. In order to spoil this milk (and other food products), microbes need a high (more than .85) ______ in order to grow and thrive. (two words)

water activity

All foods contain macronutrients. From the list below, select all that are considered to be macronutrients:

water, protein, fats, carbohydrates

As discussed in class, we may choose to be carnivores, omnivores, or vegetarians, but we are all insectovores (meaning we eat insects) intentionally or unintentionally. Name one key micro or macronutrients that insects can supply (there are multiple correct answers).


Derived from a Greek phrase meaning of prime importance, ______ is the only nitrogen containing macronutrient. (one word)


Enzymes are molecules that dramatically speed up chemical reactions bylowering activation energy, generally are _____.


The bond between two amino acids is called a _____ bond.


Place the following food items into their appropriate ranking based on water activity. Rankings will be 1 - 4 (1 being the highest and 4 being the lowest water activity). While you should be able to answer this question without it you can really nerd out on Water Activity by checking out this link: Appendix E: Water Activity values of Selected Food Ingredients and Products.(opens in new window) (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9780470376454.app5) 1. fresh fruit 2. dry pasta 3. raisins 4. processed cheese

1. 1 2. 4 3. 3 4. 2

Which of the following are (food/nonfood) examples of the heat transfer principle of convection.

1. A hair dryer (on cool or hot settings). 2. the jets in a whirlpool 3. boil-bag rice

You have green coffee beans and you would like to drink a good cup of coffee at home; therefore, you need to roast them. You have a coffee roaster but you are not sure about the best temperature for the roasting process. However, you have knowledge in food chemistry and know the coffee bean will change colors from green to brown. Additionally, you know that the coffee bean contains carbohydrates (monosaccharides, polysaccharides), proteins, and water. What will happens if you decide to roast coffee at temperatures of 90 ºF? or 320 ºF? or 410 ºF.? Please, select all of the correct answers.

1. At 410 ºF, you will have a dark roast coffee - the product of Maillard reaction and some caramelization of sugars. 2. At 310 ºF, the Maillard reaction will begin to produce brown color (without caramelization of sugars). 3. At 90 ºF, you will have a slow drying process but without appreciable non-enzymatic browning reactions.

Select all of the following that are true of amylose.

1. Forms a stronger gel than amylopectin. 2. Contains glycosidic bonds that our digestive enzymes can break down easily. 3. The secondary chemical structure is coiled like a phone cord.

Pasteurization is a way of making foods safe by eliminating pathogens, usually by mild heating. There are multiple types of pasteurization. Two of the most frequently used pasteurization techniques are HTST pasteurization and UHT pasteurization. What are the differences between these processes? From the following paired comparison statements, select those that are true characteristics of these two milk pasteurization methods.

1. HTST uses lower temperature at 71.7 °C; UHT pasteurization uses higher temperature at 140° 2. HTST pasteurization provides a shorter shelf life period (between 2-3 weeks); UHT pasteurization provides a longer shelf life period (between 2-3 months) 3. HTST pasteurization kills many pathogenic bacteria, but still some non-pathogenic bacteria can remain and can cause milk spoilage; UHT pasteurization kills bacteria in the milk allowing it to be shelf stable.

Select all of the following that are true about acetic acid.

1. Is water soluble because the carboxylic acid end is hydrophilic. 2. Is water soluble because of its short chain length. 3. Is found in vinegar.

What are the two essential fatty acids that the body must obtain from food?

1. Linoleic Acid (omega 6) 2. Linolenic Acid (omega-3)

Emulsifiers are used in many food systems to help prevent separation of phases. There are a number of commonly used emulsifiers. From the choices below, select the substances that are not good emulsifiers?(Select all that apply)

1. Monosacchrides 2. Disaccharides 3. sucrose 4. water

Rheology is the science that studies the deformation of a material subjected to stresses and it causes the flow of liquids and the deformation of solids. Therefore, the application of rheology allows us to: Select what are the sentences true

1. Predict the behavior of the material against different forces (heat, cut, flow 2. Design new materials with specific and well-defined mechanical responses 3. Characterize a material and to define parameters such as viscosity, consistency, elastic properties 4. Design industrial processing equipment

Choose the statement(s) that is(are) correct from the following: (select all that apply)

1. The probiotics reside primarily in the small and large intestines. 2. Probiotics are mainly gram positive bacteria.

Oxidation and reduction reactions are not just important parts of chemistry exams. They are very important to the safety, shelf-life, nutritional content, and flavor of foods. What are the positive effects of oxidation relating to foods?

1. The use of cold plasma to surface sterilize raw leafy greens. 2. The use of hypochlorite (aka bleach) to sanitize food contact surfaces. 3. The addition of baking soda to raise pH and speed up Maillard or Caramelization reactions. 4. Controlled oxidation in foods like country ham or aged cheese or milk chocolate.

You have just bought a dish of Howling Cow ice cream from the Dairy Education Center and Creamery. As you enjoy this wonderful treat, you reflect on creaminess of this delectable treat. Which of the following statements are reasons why this ice cream is truly creamy. (Select all that apply.)

1. Using high butter fat content is part of what makes a premium ice cream creamy. 2. Faster freezing leads to smaller the ice crystal formation. The smaller the ice crystals, the smoother the texture.

You have 2 cups of water (cups A and B). Someone added a relatively weak acid (eg. citric acid) to one of the cups. Choose all of the ways in which you could determine which cup contains the weak acid.

1. Your determine that Cup A contains 10,000 times as many hydrogen ions (H+) as Cup B using a hydrogen ion analyzer. 2. Using a pH meter, you observe that Cup A has a lower pH than Cup B. 3. You taste the liquid and find that cup A tastes sour while cup B has a neutral taste 4. You add a bit of purple grape juice to both cups. In Cup A, the mixture turns pinkish-red. In Cup B, the mixture remains purple.

Why do plants make caffeine? Select one or more:

1. as a natural pesticide 2. as a deterrent to herbivores

In the past, the time and temperature needed to inactivate harmful microbes in canned foods was not known. Frequently, there were cases of deterioration (spoilage) and serious intoxications, such as botulism, caused by the toxin from Clostridium botulinum (an anaerobic, rod-shaped spore forming bacterium). After much scientific research, standard time and temperature processes were developed to help food processors know how to safely process foods. During retort processing (commercial canning), the packaged food is heated a to high temperature, ensuring that pathogenic bacteria will not grow while also decreasing the number of spoilage organism present in the food. But this increase in temperature can contribute to decreases in food quality and nutrient retention. Thus, we should consider additional methods for controlling pathogenic bacterial (as well as other spoilage organism's) growth. What are some of the alternative methods to traditional retort heat treatment (canning) that can be used to prevent dangerous pathogenic contamination in canned food such as canned fruit puree, palm heart, green beans, mushrooms, beets, canned tuna, meat products (ham and sausages)? (Select all that apply.)

1. aseptic processing 2. high pressure processing 3. Decreasing the pH to acidic (below pH 4.6)

Match the following food processing technologies to the products that frequently use the technology. 1. nitrite-based curing 2. drying 3. hot fill 4. pasteurization 5. microwave radiation 6. retort processing

1. bacon 2. beef jerky 3. strawberry jam 4. milk 5. buttered popcorn 6. Starbucks Frappucinos (in glass jars)

Foods that seem very different can have similar chemistries. Chocolate is chemically similar to which of the following foods?

1. black tea 2. coffee 3. herbal tea 4. olive oil 5. peanuts 6. palm kernel oil

Match the coffee quality attribute to its description. 1. Perk, Drip, French Press, Espresso, Pour Over 2. Cold, Room Temperature, Hot, Boiling, Steam 3. wet and dry 4. Whole Bean, Coarse Grind, Fine, Ultra-Fine (Turkish and Espresso) 5. general types of coffee beans 6. blond, medium, french, expresso 7. high vs low mineral content

1. brewing method 2. water temperature 3. coffee cherry processing types 4. particle size 5. robusta and arabica 6. degree of roasting 7. water quality

Match the following types of food product with their associated browning reaction. 1. flan 2. raisins 3. caramel (with milk added) 4. black tea leaves 5. a toasted slice of bread 6. roasted garlic

1. caramelization 2. enzymatic 3. maillard browning 4. enzymatic 5. maillard browning 6. caramelization

Match the food item with the correct mode of heat transfer based on the story below: You come home to cook dinner and you want to make chicken parmesan. You froze your chicken earlier in the week and forgot to take it out to thaw, so you defrost it in the microwave. The chicken is breaded and fried in a pan in oil. Meanwhile, you realize your water is boiling, so you toss in your pasta. You then put your tomato sauce in a small pot and place it on the stovetop at a low temperature. All the while you have your garlic bread baking in the oven. Bon apetite! 1. pasta 2. chicken 3. pot with tomato sauce 4. garlic bread 5. pot with water

1. convection 2. radiation and conduction 3. conduction 4. convection 5. conduction

Which of the following foods would be best to take with you for a week long hiking trip in the Grand Canyon? (choose all that apply)

1. corn flakes 2. honey 3. crackers

Story Line: Perdue Foods of Salisbury, MD, recalled approximately 720 pounds of raw, fresh chicken products because they may have experienced a processing deviation in temperature during production, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced. The company discovered the problem when a plant employee checking whole bird temperatures noticed variations in the product. Upon further investigation, it was found that a plant worker turned the wrong water valve, using warm water instead of cold water in the system's chiller. The company notified FSIS of the incident. Product found in the firm's warehouse was destroyed. However, nine cases inadvertently shipped into commerce. FSIS and the company have received no reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about a reaction should contact a healthcare provider. FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify that recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers. Here is a link to the story(opens in new window). FSMA was signed into law by President Obama on January 4th, 2011 was made to ensure US Food supply is safe by shifting the focus of Federal regulators from responding to contamination to preventing it. This law has four main themes of activities: Prevention, Enhanced partnership, Import safety, and Inspections, compliance, and response. Which of these above FSMA themes were implemented in the story line?

1. enhanced partnership 2. inspections, compliance, and response

You're reading the label on your peanut butter and see mono- and diglycerides. What is their function(s) in the peanut butter?

1. improves mouthfeel 2. emulsifier

Match the general ways in which pathogens may cause harm to their descriptions. 1. Microbes grow and cause damage as a result. 2. Microbes produce a harmful substance that causes illness. Does not require live microbes to be present. 3. Microbes produce toxins as they grow

1. infection 2. intoxication 3. toxico-infection

Select the following symptoms that are associated with acute over consumption of caffeine. (Select all that apply)

1. insomnia 2. anxiety 3. blurred vision 4. cold sweats 5. ketones in urine

Why are Rini Basyamfar's sweet potato noodles an efficient emergency relief food? (check all that apply)

1. it provides a source of many nutrients 2. it is a familiar food to the Indonesian people

Match the probiotic with the location in which it can be found in the human body. 1. Bifidobacteria 2. Lactobacilli

1. large intestine 2. small intestine

The Harris lab investigates the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of plants and plant extracts, including berries. Match the following terms to their proper definitions. 1. An inflammation-promoting molecule composed of lipids and sugars found in the cell membranes of gram-negative bacteria 2. Lipid-derived molecules that control pain, inflammation and many other biological processes (originally identified in the prostate gland). 3. pH-sensitive pigments responsible for the red of strawberries, the blue of blueberries, and the purple of grapes and blackberries. 4. A very important signalling molecule produced in our bodies from the amino acid L-arginnine. It is produced in nature as a result of lightning strikes and by burning gasoline in internal combustion engines. This small molecule helps control inflammation and blood pressure, and is the active ingredient in the pharmaceutical Viagra. Strangely enough, this is the same molecule that "cures" meat (converting pork into ham and bacon). Wow! Now that's a busy molecule! 5. An enzyme that converts fatty acids into prostaglandins by folding them in half and oxidizing them. Pharmaceuticals that inhibit or inactivate this enzyme (ibuprofen, aspirin, celebrex) are collectively referred to as NSAIDs or Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatories. 6. The primary anthocyanin in blackberries.

1. lipopolysaccharide 2. prostaglandins 3. anthocyanins 4. nitric oxide 5. cyclooxygenase-2 6. cyanidin-3-glucoside

Match the term with the right word. _____ is a common component in the cell walls of gram positive bacteria. Its structure is comprised of a glycerol backbone with two fatty acid tails, which is known as a __________.

1. lipoteichoic acid 2. diglyceride

Now you've learned different kinds of browning processes. Please match the following browning application with the specific browning category. 1. grill lines on a t-bone steak 2. heated sugar turns brown 3. banana kept in refrigerator turns brown 4. our ultimate pancake! 5. "fake-bake" tanning products 6. age spots

1. maillard reaction 2. caramelization 3. enzymatic browning 4. maillard reaction 5. non-enzymatic browning 6. enzymatic browning

Product development involves the creation of new food products via which of the following?

1. modifying texture 2. changing food packaging 3. Adding Protein, Vitamins, or Other Nutrition-Boosting Components 4. increasing shelf-life 5. modifying color 6. adding new flavors

There's a fungus among us (and that's not always a bad thing). Fungi are responsible for a number of important foods and medicines, including:

1. mushrooms 2. bread 3. kefir 4. beer 5. truffles 6. roquefort cheese 7. soy sauce 8. lovastatin 9. brie cheese

Please choose all of the items that are correct about the FS201 syllabus.

1. no extensions are granted on any assignments 2. the quizzams and final exam are all cumulative 3. you get 3 (three) attempts on Quizzams 2,3,4,5

Match the following definitions with the correct terms. 1. Contains a high amount of calories and/or vitamins and minerals 2. A nutrient needed in relatively large quantities 3. The amount of water chemically available in a food 4. Food is available and sufficient to support the needs of a population 5. Total amount of water in a food product

1. nutrient dense 2. macronutrient 3. water activity 4. food security 5. moisture

Considering the history of ketchup development, which of the following should not be included? (Select all that apply) Select one or more:

1. nuts were excluded 2. Was not invited until around the turn of the century (1900) 3. includes tomatoes

From the following items, select those concepts which are not important to space missions. (Select all that apply)

1. package graphics 2. excellent name brand

Which of the following products are produced by extrusion?

1. plastics 2. steel 3. cheerios 4. The toothpaste you squeeze onto your toothbrush two or more times per day.

Match the parts of the grain kernel to their primary characteristics. 1. germ 2. bran 3. endosperm

1. rich in vitamins and minerals 2. mostly fiber 3. mostly starch

Select the attributes of a good post work-out energy supplement. (Select all that apply)

1. simple carbohydrates 2. Carbohydrate to Protein ratio of 3:1

Your tongue is pretty amazing. It is able to detect a wide array of taste-producing molecules, or "tastants", based on their chemistry. __________ tastants act directly on ion channels, while other tastants (sweet, bitter and umami) bind to surface receptors triggering a series of signals to the cells' interiors, indirectly opening and closing ion channels. (Select all that apply.)

1. sour 2. salty 3. acidic

Along with having a high nutrient density, RUTFs must also be shelf stable. Which of the following are not characteristics of shelf stable foods?

1. sturdy shelves 2. packaging that is clearly labeled by the manufacturer

Which following organic compounds do not belong to the big umbrella group of hydrophobic (water hating) lipids?

1. sugars 2. polypeptides 3. starch

Food-based irritants stimulate the trigeminal nerve to produce the following sensations: 1. carbon dioxide-containing beverages 2. chili peppers 3. horseradish or mustard 4. menthol

1. tingling sensation 2. burning sensation 3. stinging sensation 4. cooling sensation

Measuring water activity in food is important : (Select all that apply)

1. to evaluate chemical reactions and shelf life 2. to evaluate physical stability 3. to predict microbial spoilage 4. To help ensure proper packaging - protection against ambient humidity

Some fluids exhibit ideal or Newtonian flow properties. Shear rate and shear stress increase proportionally (equally). Select the materials below that are typically considered Newtonian. (Select all that apply)

1. water 2. gasoline 3. motor oil

Which of the following are fermented products?

1. yeast and sourdough bread 2. wine 3. salami 4. tabasco 5. kimchi 6. yogurt 7. chocolate 8. kefir

What is the Aw of water itself?


According to food law, FDA defect action level (opens in new window)for peanut butter is ____ or more insect fragments per 100 grams. Yes, you're going to have to click on the link to look it up If the link above does not launch then try pasting this into your browser:


Which of the following best describes amylopectin?

A polymer of glucose containing alpha 1-4 bonds and having branch points as alpha 1-6 bonds.

The Chicago-based professional organization for food scientists is _____.

Institute of Food Technologists

The Calories contained in 100 grams of cooked hamburger are higher than for a raw hamburger. This is because:

Water contains no calories. When a food loses water (and not other macronutrients) due to cooking, it will contain more calories per ounce or gram or other unit weight.

"Hey (said a very dishonest person) I bet we could make more money if we just added a little dirt to this whole wheat bread flour.... no one's going to notice and we can make more bread for less money." We could also mix dried papaya seeds with black pepper, since they look so similar.


According to the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act, the term ______ (One word) refers to the act of making a food that contains any poisonous or unsafe substances (physically harmful), or if the food is produced with cheap and inferior materials (economically harmful).


CRISPR is a gene -technology that can be applied to which of the following fields below?

all of the above

Some people cannot smell particular types of aroma compounds, but can smell others. This is called specific _____.


Oils and fats bring "a lot to the table" so to speak in terms of food systems. They are great at carrying flavors, as well as at providing satisfyingly soft, smooth, or crunchy texture. There's a problem, though. Fats can break down and form aromas that smell stale, card-boardy, or downright rancid. This breakdown is caused by the reaction of fats with oxygen. Fats and oils often naturally contain Answer, (one word) like Vitamin E that protect them from oxidation. When these are not naturally present, they are typically added in very small quantities. These ingredients would include BHT, BHA, or TBHQ. In our bodies, these types of molecules (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, flavonoids) may help prevent disease by preventing or inhibiting a variety of oxidation reactions


Oils and fats bring "a lot to the table" so to speak in terms of food systems. They are great at carrying flavors, as well as at providing satisfyingly soft, smooth, or crunchy texture. There's a problem, though. Fats can break down and form aromas that smell stale, card-boardy, or downright rancid. This breakdown is caused by the reaction of fats with oxygen. Fats and oils often naturally contain Answer, (one word) like Vitamin E that protect them from oxidation. When these are not naturally present, they are typically added in very small quantities. These ingredients would include BHT, BHA, or TBHQ. In our bodies, these types of molecules (Vitamin C, Vitamin E, flavonoids) may help prevent disease by preventing or inhibiting a variety of oxidation reactions. Feedback


Which of the following is least important when designing an RUTF product.

attractive package graphics

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), which continues to be one of the most popular medications worldwide, was patented by Bayer corporation in 1900. The raw material for aspirin, known as salicylic acid, was originally sourced from the Answer (one word) of the white willow tree. Many other plants, including raspberries, contain these aspirin-like salicylates.


The non-enzymatic browning reaction that involves heating sugar and water to high temperature to produce a brown color is known as _____.


Omega 3 fatty acids have a bend (or double bond) on _______ counting from the omega (methyl) end.

carbon 3

What kind of pigments are in chili peppers that give them their red color?


________ is a polyphenol which is a key component in chocolate. This component is associated with antioxidant, antiinflamatory and antibacterial properties of not only chocolate, but of green tea as well. These types of compounds can serve as a type of sun block for plants and (potentially) for humans.


Color additives, as seen in Heinz's failed green ketchup line extension are regulated under what amendment in the food law timeline?

color additive amendment

In order to increase efficiency and speed production, many large scale facilities use ______ processing rather than batch processing. This type of processing is generally more time-efficient and economical because the flow of production is not interrupted periodically, as it is in batch production. (one word)


Different animals require different amounts of food to produce the same amount of usable protein. Obviously, those that require less feed would be considered more "feed efficient". Please select the MOST feed efficient animal.


Because having a verified safe food supply was essential to the success of the space program, a Pillsbury Scientist developed a quality assurance program that we usually refer as HACCP. HACCP is an acronym that stands for Hazard Analysis Answer Control Points. (Write the missing word.)


Oil and water don't mix.... or do they? Well, if you have a high enough concentration of surfactant molecules to spread across a liquid surface, they will self-assemble to form micelles. Micelles are spheres that can carry oils and other lipids into watery systems, so that they "mix". When this happens (a dispersion of micelles in a watery system) we call this a stable ______.


The voluntarily consumption of insects for food (such as these deliciously crunchy roasted grasshoppers, known as chapulines, shown above) is referred to as


Which of the following is not a function of carbohydrates in food?


Your car stalls out and you have to push it. What is blatantly obvious is that it's easier to push a car on flat ground or up a slight incline than it is to push it up a steep hill. In a similar way, _____ (one plural word) work as protein-based catalysts to "drive" reactions more quickly and efficiently than un-catalyzed reactions. Are you ready for a "brake"?


Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you are most likely to get a foodborne illness from?

fresh produce

Saccharides use a _____________ linkage, whereas proteins use a ___________ linkage to form larger structures. Select the answer with the correct terms, in order (answer 1, answer 2).

glycosidic, peptide

As we learned in class, many ingredients in food are highly viscous. Suppose you work for a snack food manufacturer and need to pump corn syrup into a product. Knowing that corn syrup is highly viscous, what simple change might you do to the syrup to make it easier to pump? Select one:

heat the syrup

In lecture, we discussed the idea that different foods have different levels of water activity. Foods such as milk, cheese, and ground beef would have a relatively _______ water activity.(one word)


Think about making food in your kitchen at home versus in a food production facility. (For example a store bought hot sauce versus the hot sauce made by the Harris family.) There are similarities and differences between these two versions of making food to eat. Which method of making food is more likely to use batch versus continuous production?


Of all the things that we put on hamburgers, hot dogs, and other grillicious foods, which is the fasted growing segment of the market?

hot sauce

Phospholipids have _____________ heads and ______________ tails.

hydrophilic; hydrophobic

Soap works by turning fatty acids into amphipathic molecules. This means that the polar, ________ , side will orient toward _______ , and the non-polar, _________ side will orient toward _______.

hydrophilic; water; hydrophobic; fat

Spices are often made safe for use in our food by ______. (one word) How does it work? By creating oxidation reactions in food


The tastes bitter and sweet work _____ on ion channels (one word).


Cultured buttermilk is probably the easiest and most foolproof fermented milk product to make. All you need is active cultured buttermilk for the starter, and fresh milk for it to act on (store bought is fine). The formation of buttermilk is based on the fermentation by the starter bacteria which turns milk sugar (lactose) into Answer (hint: two words). As this product is formed, the pH of the milk drops and it develops the distinctively tart taste associated with yogurt, kefir, and other fermented milk products. Milk proteins, most notably casein, are no longer as soluble under acid conditions and they precipitate out, causing what we recognize as clabbering. For this reason, buttermilk is thicker or more viscous that regular milk. Despite the name (and the buttery flavor), buttermilk is generally lower in fat than regular milk, because the fat has been removed to make (you guessed it) butter. It is also high in potassium, vitamin B12, calcium, and riboflavin as well as a good source of phosphorus. Those with digestive problems are often advised to drink buttermilk rather than milk, as it is more quickly digested and, as mentioned earlier, is low in lactose. Where would pancakes be without buttermilk, I ask you?

lactic acid

The advertisement reads" We are excited to announce our newest cereal bar, a wonderful combination of all natural oats, honey and lavender." Since it's a logical variation on an existing theme, this new A2Z product would be referred to as a _____.

line extension

A tiny amount of _____ can have a huge impact on aroma. Think cucumber and melons!


About 4 months ago you bought a gallon of ice cream and put it in your freezer. Every now and then you go to your freezer and make yourself a bowl of ice cream. This time when you go to scoop the ice cream you notice there are huge ice crystals in it and it doesn't taste as good anymore. Thankfully since you just took FS 201 you know this has probably occurred because your freezer is the automatic defrost variety which regulates the temperature in the freezer to prevent ice build-up on the walls. Since the temperature of the freezer slowly increases and decreases over time any moisture in the ice cream will slowly form larger and larger crystals. We call this phenomena _____________.

moisture migration and re-freezing

It is known that the processing of food directly in its packaging helps to preserve food, especially if high temperatures and high pressures are used, however, there are other extrinsic factors that can help to preserve foods. List one of these extrinsic factors that aid in food preservation _______ (one word). Remember that not all foods can be processed with high pressures or high temperatures.


A variety of time and temperature combinations can be applied to milk (including banana flavor!) to make it safe to drink. Collectively, all of these heat-based approaches are referred to as ____.


Low-Carbohydrate diets, like Atkins, cause rapid weight loss, at least initially. This rapid weight loss is primarily due to the loss of what? (Select the correct option.)

primarily water

Poptarts are an amazing product. Now that you are thinking about Poptarts, let's talk about the different types of packaging. The shiny aluminum foil packaging is the

primary packaging

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, otherwise known as mad cow disease, is caused by a misfolded protein called a _____.


In the zoom meeting on 5/28, Dr. Harris showed a photo of the above pink beverage. What was used to produce this rosé color?

purple sweet potato

Foods with high water activity, like milk, tuna fish and soup are not _______ _______when exposed to the environment. This is one reason we package them in cartons and cans.

shelf stable

From which continent did chocolate originate? (Two words)

south america

Amino acids make up a peptide or protein chain. Amino acids are linked together in proteins by peptide bonds. The breakdown of these bonds is refered to as hydrolysis. Many commercial food products use hydrolyzed vegetable proteins to create a specific taste. Soy sauce is an example of a food product produced by hydrolyzing soybean and wheat proteins using fungal fermentation or by boiling with acidic solutions. What is this taste?


Milk contains two types of proteins, one sensitive to heat and the other sensitive to acid. When milk is heated a film forms on the bottom and sides of the container. This film is composed of the heat sensitive milk protein (one word). Hint: this protein is also a popular supplement for muscle building.


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