Fundamentals Exam 1 (chapter 38 oxygenation & perfusion)

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A client returns to the telemetry unit after an operative procedure. Which diagnostic test will the nurse perform to monitor the effectiveness of the oxygen therapy ordered for the client?

Pulse oximetry

When reviewing data collection on a client with a cardiac output of 2.5 L/minute, the nurse inspects the client for which symptom?

Rapid respirations

When inspecting a client's chest to assess respiratory status, the nurse should be aware of which normal finding?

The chest should be slightly convex with no sternal depression.

The nurse educator is presenting a lecture on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Which response given by the nursing staff would indicate to the educator that they have an understanding of cardiac output?

"If the client's stroke volume is 50 mL and heart rate is 50 beats per minute, then the cardiac output is 2.5 L/minute."

The nurse is demonstrating oxygen administration to a client. Which teaching will the nurse include the humidifier?

"Small water droplets come from this, thus preventing dry mucous membranes."

The nurse is caring for a client receiving oxygen therapy via nasal cannula who suddenly becomes cyanotic with a pulse oximetry reading of 91%. Which is the next most appropriate action the nurse should take?

Assess oxygen tubing connection

Upon auscultation of the client's lungs, the nurse hears loud, high-pitched sounds over the larynx. What term will the nurse use in documentation to describe this breath sound?


A 24-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for an exacerbation of symptoms related to her cystic fibrosis. During a nurse's assessment of the client, the nurse notices a bluish color around her lips. What is the client exhibiting in this scenario?


Which skin disorder is associated with asthma?


A client has been put on oxygen therapy because of low oxygen saturation levels in the blood. What should the nurse use to regulate the amount of oxygen delivered to the client?

Flow meter

The home care nurse visits a client with compromised lung function. She has greenish-yellow sputum with a musty odor. This is indicative of:


What is the action of codeine when used to treat a cough?


The nurse is caring for a client who has a percutaneous tracheostomy (PCT) following a skydiving accident. Which oxygen delivery device will the nurse select?

tracheostomy collar

A nurse suctioning a client through a tracheostomy tube should be careful not to occlude the Y-port when inserting the suction catheter because it would cause what condition to occur?

trauma to the tracheal mucosa

The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a client who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which teaching about deep breathing will the nurse include?

"Inhale slowly over three seconds, purse your lips, contract abdominal muscles, and exhale slowly."

A client receiving home oxygen calls the telehealth nurse to report that her caretaker removed her oxygen tank from the wheeled carrier. What is the appropriate telehealth nurse response?

"The caregiver will need to place the oxygen tank back into the secure carrier."

A nurse is delivering 3 L/min oxygen to a patient via nasal cannula. What percentage of delivered oxygen is the patient receiving?


A nurse assessing a patient's respiratory effort notes that the client's breaths are shallow and 8 per minute. Shortly after, the client's respirations cease. Which of the following should the nurse use for this patient?

Ambu bag

The home care nurse visits a client who has dyspnea. The nurse notes the client has pitting edema in his feet and ankles. Which additional assessment would the nurse expect to observe?

Crackles in the lower lobes

Which dietary guideline would be appropriate for the older adult homebound client with advanced respiratory disease who informs the nurse that she has no energy to eat?

Eat smaller meals that are high in protein.

Which teaching about the oxygen analyzer is important for the nurse to provide to a client using oxygen?

It determines whether the client is getting enough oxygen.

Which teaching about a flowmeter is important for the nurse to provide to a client using oxygen?

It regulates the amount of oxygen received.

A nurse is caring for older adults in a nursing home. Which age-related changes may affect the respiratory functioning of the clients living there? Select all that apply.

Less air exchange, more secretions in lungs. Greater risk for aspiration due to slower gastric motility.

To determine the quality of oxygenation, the nurse performs the physical assessment, the arterial blood gas test, and pulse oximetry. What is the purpose of the pulse oximetry test?

Monitor the amount of oxygen saturation in the blood.

A client with Type II diabetes has come for an annual wellness check-up with the healthcare provider. Which vaccine will the nurse discuss with the client?

Prevnar 13 ®

Which diagnostic procedure measures lung size and airway patency, producing graphic representations of lung volumes and flows?

Pulmonary function tests

A client 57 years of age is recovering in a hospital following a bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction 2 days earlier. Since her surgery, the client has been unwilling to mobilize despite the nurse's education on the benefits of early mobilization following surgery. The nurse would recognize that the client's prolonged immobility creates a risk for:


A client with no prior history of respiratory illness has been admitted to a postoperative unit following foot surgery. What intervention should the nurse prioritize in an effort to prevent postoperative pneumonia and atelectasis during this time of reduced mobility following surgery?

educating the client on the use of incentive spirometry

The nurse is implementing an order for oxygen for a client with facial burns. Which delivery device will the nurse gather?

face tent

To drain the apical sections of the upper lobes of the lungs, the nurse should place the client in which position?

high-Fowler's position

While examining a client, the nurse palpates the client's chest and back. What would the nurse expect to identify with this technique?

pattern of thoracic expansion

The nurse is instructing the client with a pulmonary disorder on deep breathing. The client asks, "Why is it important to start by breathing through my nose, then exhaling through my mouth?" Which appropriate response would the nurse give this client?

"Breathing through your nose first will warm, filter, and humidify the air you are breathing."

A client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) reports severe shortness of breath when it is raining. The nurse says to the client:

"The air is thicker or more viscous with humidity, thus it is harder for you to breathe."

The nurse is caring for a client with a nonhealing wound who has been prescribed hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). When the client asks, "How will this help me?" what is the appropriate nursing response?

"Wounds heal because HBOT helps to regenerate new tissue quickly."

A client is reporting slight shortness of breath and lung auscultation reveals the presence of bilateral coarse crackles. The nurse has applied supplementary oxygen by nasal cannula, recognizing that the flow rate by this method should not exceed:

6 L/minute

The nurse is palpating the suprapubic region of the abdomen on a hospitalized patient. The nurse notes bladder fullness. This is may be assessed by palpation when there is what quantity of urine in the bladder?

600 mL

Erin is a 35-year-old woman being cared for in the emergency department for a cough and hemoptysis for 3 days. Erin states that she has smoked one-and-a-half packs of cigarettes per day for the last 5 years. In trying to identify risk factors for Erin, the nurse calculates her pack-year history to write on the intake form. What is Erin's pack-year of smoking?


The nurse is caring for an older adult client on home oxygen who has dentures, but has quit wearing them stating that the dentures irritate the gums. What nursing action is appropriate?

Check fit of oxygen mask.

The nurse is assessing a client with lung cancer. What manifestations may suggest that the client has chronic hypoxia?


Which medication is administered in the home or the hospital to relieve inflammation in the lung tissue?


The nurse assesses a client and detects the following findings: difficulty breathing, increased respiratory and pulse rates, and pale skin with regions of cyanosis. What condition would the nurse suspect as causing these respiratory alterations?


The client has an increased anteroposterior chest diameter, dyspnea, and nasal flaring. The most appropriate nursing diagnosis is:

Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to hyperventilation related to increased anteroposterior diameter.

The nurse is preparing a patient for a complete blood count test. Which actions would the nurse perform? (Select all that apply.)

Inform the patient that this test can assist in evaluating the body's response to illness. Inform the patient that specimen collection takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Explain that, based on results, additional testing may be performed.

A patient's primary care provider has informed the nurse that the patient will require thoracentesis. The nurse should suspect that the patient has developed which of the following disorders of lung function?

Pleural effusion

The nurse schedules a pulmonary function test to measure the amount of air left in a client's lungs at maximal expiration. What test does the nurse order?

Residual Volume (RV)

A 55-year-old obese man reports excessive daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, and sore throat. His wife states that he snores a lot. Which disease is this client most likely suffering from?

Sleep apnea

The nurse is caring for a client with shortness of breath who is receiving oxygen at 4 L/minute. Which assessment finding will demonstrate that oxygen therapy is effective?

SpO2 92%

After insertion of a chest tube, fluctuations in the water-seal chamber that correspond with inspiration and expiration are an expected and normal finding.


During data collection, the nurse auscultates low-pitched, soft sounds over the lungs' peripheral fields. Which appropriate terminology would the nurse use to describe these lung sounds when documenting?


A client has edema of the feet and ankles, along with crackles in the lower lobes and a frothy, productive cough. The client is suffering from:

congestive heart failure.

The nurse is caring for a client who has been prescribed humidified oxygen at 6 L/minute. Which type of liquid will the nurse gather to set up the humidifier?

distilled water

An older adult client is visibly pale with a respiratory rate of 30 breaths per minute. Upon questioning, the client states to the the nurse, "I can't seem to catch my breath." The nurse has responded by repositioning the client and measuring the client's oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry, yielding a reading of 90%. The nurse should interpret this oxygen saturation reading in light of the client's:

hemoglobin level.

The nurse is caring for a client with metabolic acidosis whose breathing rate is 28 breaths per minute. Which arterial blood gas data does the nurse anticipate finding?

pH less than 7.35; HCO3 low; PaCO2 low

A healthcare provider has ordered oxygen to be delivered at 8 L/minute for a client who does not have a tracheostomy. Which oxygen delivery device will the nurse consider using? Select all that apply.

partial rebreather mask non-rebreather mask

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