Fundamentals of Nursing: Ch. 28 - Infection Prevention and Control

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Endogenous Infection

occurs when part of the patient's flora becomes altered and an overgrowth results (e.g., staphylococci, enterococci, yeasts, and streptococci). This often happens when a patient receives broad-spectrum antibiotics that alter the normal floras.

Which major reservoir hosts the microbe that causes gas gangrene? Water oxygen organic matter undigested food in the bowel

organic matter Clostridium perfringens causes gas gangrene; it throves mostly on organic matter.

What equipment is required for surgical asepsis? Select all that apply -sterile gloves -paper face mask -protective eyewear -clean countertop surface -surgical scrub (with sponge)

paper face mask, protective eyewear, surgical scrub (with sponge)


place where microorganisms survive, multiply, and await transfer to a susceptible host


prevent growth and reproduction of bacteria


shows no symptoms of illness but has pathogens on or in their body that can be transferred to others

What equipment is required for the preparation of a sterile field. Select all that apply: sterile drape paper face mask countertop surface protective eyewear surgical scrub (with sponge)

sterile drape and countertop surface

Surgical asepsis

sterile technique prevents contamination of an open wound, serves to isolate the operative area from the unsterile environment, and maintains a sterile field for surgery. Includes procedures used to eliminate all microorganisms, including pathogens and spores, from an object or area

Noncritical items requiring disinfection of surfaces include: (select all that apply) -stethoscopes -urinary catheter - anesthesia equipment -blood pressure cuffs

stethoscope and blood pressure cuffs


the complete elimination or destruction of all microorganisms, including spores.


the invasion of a susceptible host by pathogens or microorganisms, resulting in disease.

Symptomatic infections

the pathogens multiply and cause clinical signs and symptoms


the presence and growth of microorganisms within a host but without tissue invasion or damage


the removal of all soil (e.g., organic and inorganic material) from objects and surfaces


the separation and restriction of movement of ill persons with contagious diseases

Iatrogenic infection

type of HAI from a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.

Which statement regarding inflammation as a response to cellular injury is true? -vasodilation occurs at the site of injury -chronic inflammation is an immediate response to cellular injury -increased blood flow leads to coolness at the site of inflammation -the cellular response involves red blood cells at the site of infection

vasodilation occurs at the site of injury

Infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the presence of all elements of the chain of infection. What are they?

• An infectious agent or pathogen • A reservoir or source for pathogen growth • A port of exit from the reservoir • A mode of transmission • A port of entry to a host • A susceptible host

To reduce transmission of disease, which step would the nurse take when administering medication to a patient with Clostridium difficile infection? Select all that apply -Give oral medication using a disposable cup -wash hands with antimocrobial soap and water -wear a respirator mask while in the room -discard safety needles into the sharps container -wear gloves when administering an injection

-give oral medication using a disposable cup -wash hands with antimocrobial soap and water -discard safety needles into the sharps container -wear gloves when administering an injection

What is the normal range for Basophils?


What is the normal range for Eosinophils?


What is the normal range for Monocytes?


How much more expensive are biohazzard bags compared to regular trash bags?

20 times

Ideal temperature for most human pathogens to thrive?

20 to 43 degrees C (or 68 to 109 degrees F)

What is the normal range for Lymphocytes?


What is the normal range of serum WBC count in adults?

5,000 to 10,000/mm3.

Most microorganisms prefer an environment within a pH range of?

5.0 to 7.0.

Normal WBC count

5000-10,000/mm3 (Increased in acute infection, decreased in certain viral or overwhelming infections)

What is the normal range for Neutrophils?


Iron Level

60-90 g/100 mL Decreased in chronic infection

What does inflammation establish?

A means of repairing body cells and tissues.

While preparing to do a sterile dressing change, a nurse accidentally sneezes over the sterile field that is on the over-the-bed table. Which of the following principles of surgical asepsis, if any, has the nurse violated? A) When a sterile field comes in contact with a wet surface, the sterile field is contaminated by capillary action. B) Fluid flows in the direction of gravity. C) A sterile field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air. D) None of the principles were violated.

A sterile field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air.

7 Principles of Surgical Aspesis

A sterile object remains sterile only when touched by another sterile object. Only sterile objects may be placed on a sterile field. A sterile object or field out of the range of vision or an object held below a person's waist is contaminated. A sterile object or field becomes contaminated by prolonged exposure to air. When a sterile surface comes in contact with a wet, contaminated surface, the sterile object or field becomes contaminated by capillary action.Fluid flows in the direction of gravity. The edges of a sterile field or container are considered to be contaminated.


A temperature or chemical that destroys bacteria

When a nurse is performing surgical hand asepsis, the nurse must keep hands: A) Below elbows. B) Above elbows. C) At a 45-degree angle. D) In a comfortable position.

Above elbows.

What is inflammatory exudate?

Accumulation of fluid, dead tissue cells, and WBCs at the site of inflammation.

Which cellular component makes up purulent exudate? Select all that apply: Bacteria, neutrophils, monocytes, WBCs, RBCs

Accumulation of fluid, dead tissue cells, and WBCs form purulent exudate at the site of inflammation.

What is immune senescence?

Age-related functional deterioration in immune system function.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is spread through which method of transmission? Select all that apply indirect vectors direct contact vehicles airborne


Organisms are carried in droplet nuclei or residue or evaporated droplets suspended in air during coughing or sneezing. Germs are aerosolized by medical equipment or by dust from a construction zone (e.g., nontuberculous mycobacteria or Aspergillus). Mode of transmission?


Air mode of transmission

Airborne (Droplet nuclei or residue or evaporated droplets suspended in air during coughing or sneezing or carried on dust particles ) Droplet (Large particles that travel up to 3 feet during coughing, sneezing, or talking and come in contact with susceptible host)

Who do you use Tier One Standard Precautions with?

All patients!

A positive airflow with 12 or more exchanges per hour would be implemented as a barrier protection for which type of infection or condition? Shigella Mycoplasma pneumoniae Disseminated varicella zoster Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants

Immune Senescence

An age-related decline in immune system function

Chain of infection

An infectious agent or pathogen A reservoir or source for pathogen growth A port of exit from the reservoir A mode of transmission A port of entry to a host A susceptible host

The nurse expects which assessment finding in a patient with an abcess on the arm and a suspected systemic infection? Select all that apply Anorexia Malaise Enlarged lymph nodes Decreased white blood cells Elevated body temperature

Anorexia Malaise Enlarged lymph nodes Elevated body temperature

Which microorganism can cause an exogenous infection? Select all that apply. Yeast Aspergillus Streptococci Staphylococci Clostridium tetani

Aspergillus and Clostridium tetani

Which organism is normal flora of the human colon that can cause an infection when it is displaced into the bloodstream?

Bacteroides fragilis

The nurse wears a gown when: A) The patient's hygiene is poor. B) The nurse is assisting with medication administration. C) The patient has acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or hepatitis. D) Blood or body fluids may get on the nurse's clothing from a task that he or she plans to perform.

Blood or body fluids may get on the nurse's clothing from a task that he or she plans to perform.

Give an example of a procedure that increases the risk for iatrogenic infections.


How can the risk for infections be reduced in older adults?

By using proper hand hygiene practices.

If an infectious disease can be transmitted directly from one person to another, it is a: A) Susceptible host. B) Communicable disease. C) Port of entry to a host. D) Port of exit from the reservoir.

Communicable disease.

Which infection control practice would the nurse implement for a patient who is hospitalized for treatment of an infection with a multi-drug resistant organism? -Use of N95 respirators -Contact precautions -High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration -Droplet Precautions

Contact precautions

Vector mode of transmission

Flies, mosquitoes, louse, fleas, ticks

What vaccinations are recommended for older adults?

Flu and pneumonia vaccinations.

Droplet precautions

Focus on diseases that are transmitted by large droplets expelled into the air and travel 3 to 6 feet from the patient. Droplet precautions require the wearing of a surgical mask when within 3 feet of the patient, proper hand hygiene, and some dedicated-care equipment. An example is a patient with influenza.

Airborne precautions

Focus on diseases that are transmitted by smaller droplets, which remain in the air for longer periods of time. This requires a specially equipped room with a negative air flow referred to as an airborne infection isolation room. Air is not returned to the inside ventilation system but is filtered through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter and exhausted directly to the outside. All health care personnel wear an N95 respirator every time they enter the room.

Protective Environment

Focuses on a very limited patient population. This form of isolation requires a specialized room with positive airflow. The airflow rate is set at greater than 12 air exchanges per hour, and all air is filtered through a HEPA filter. Patients are not allowed to have dried or fresh flowers or potted plants in these rooms.

Which disease requires the nurse to implement Droplet precautions? Measles, Respiratory syncytial virus, Varicella zoster (disseminated), or Group A streptococcus

Group A stretpococcus

Standard Precautions

Guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce risk of transmission of bloodborne and other pathogens in hospitals.

Which of the following is the most effective way to break the chain of infection? A) Hand hygiene B) Wearing gloves C) Placing patients in isolation D) Providing private rooms for patients

Hand hygiene

Which statement made by the nursing student regarding handwashing with antiseptic indicates the need for further learning? -Microorganisms travel and grow in moisture -Hands are the most contaminated body part -Hot water removes fewer protective oils than warm water -Using a faucet's knee controls can reduce the risk of hand contamination

Hot water removes fewer protective oils than warm water

What is the term for age-related functional deterioration in immune system function?

Immune senescence.

What is leukocytosis?

Increase in the number of circulating WBCs.

What happens to Lymphocytes in chronic bacterial and viral infection?


What happens to Neutrophils in acute suppurative infection?


What happens to Eosinophils in parasitic infection?

Increased (above 4%)

What happens to Monocytes in protozoan, rickettsial, and tuberculosis infections?

Increased (above 8%)

How does immune senescence affect older adults?

Increases susceptibility to infection and slows overall immune response.

Personal contact of susceptible host with contaminated inanimate object (e.g., needles or sharp objects, soiled linen, dressings, environment). What mode of transmission is this?


Healthcare Associated Infections

Infection that was not present or incubating at the time of admission to a health care setting.

What are endogenous infections?

Infections caused by an overgrowth of altered patient's flora.

What are iatrogenic infections?

Infections caused by invasive diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.

What are exogenous infections?

Infections caused by microorganisms from outside the individual.

Incubation period

Interval between entrance of pathogen into body and appearance of first symptoms (e.g., chickenpox, 10 to 21 days after exposure; common cold, 1 to 2 days; influenza, 1 to 5 days; mumps, 12 to 26 days).

What is the incubation period of infection?

Interval between entrance of pathogen into body and appearance of first symptoms. common cold, 1 to 2 days; influenza, 1 to 4 days; measles, 10 to 12 days; mumps, 16 to 18 days;

Prodromal stage

Interval from onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms (malaise, low-grade fever, fatigue) to more specific symptoms. (During this time microorganisms grow and multiply, and patient may be capable of spreading disease to others.) For example, herpes simplex begins with itching and tingling at the site before the lesion appears.

What is the prodromal stage of infection?

Interval from onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms to more specific symptoms. During this time microorganisms grown and multiply

What is convalescence (course of infection stage)?

Interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear.

Convalescence stage

Interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear. (Length of recovery depends on severity of infection and patient's host resistance; recovery may take several days to months.)

Illness stage

Interval when patient manifests signs and symptoms specific to type of infection. For example, strep throat is manifested by sore throat, pain, and swelling; mumps is manifested by high fever, parotid and salivary gland swelling.

What is the illness stage (course of infection stages)?

Interval when the patient manifests signs and symptoms specific to the type of infection.

A patient has an indwelling urinary catheter. Why does an indwelling urinary catheter present a risk for urinary tract infection? A) It keeps an incontinent patient's skin dry. B) It can get caught in the linens or equipment. C) It obstructs the normal flushing action of urine flow. D) It allows the patient to remain hydrated without having to urinate.

It obstructs the normal flushing action of urine flow.

What happens to the WBC count during inflammation?

It typically rises to 15,000 to 20,000/mm3 and higher.

What are some examples of nonspecific signs and symptoms during the prodromal stage?

Malaise, low-grade fever, fatigue.

What is the significance of the prodromal stage?

Microorganisms grow and multiply, and the patient may be capable of spreading the disease to others.

Which PPE is the most important for the nurse to wear when entering the room of a patient with Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection? -Gloves -surgical mask -N95 respirator -Gown, gloves, and mask

N95 respirators because Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires airborne precautions

Which U.S. city has the highest rate of patient's with HIV?


Which laboratory parameter is indicative of an acute suppurative infection (purulent exudate is formed and discharged)? Eosinophil count: 3% Monocyte count: 6% Neutrophil count: 80% Lymphocyte count: 30%

Neutrophil count: 80% Normal is 55%- 70%- count increases in acute suppurative infection

What are the specialized WBCs involved in phagocytosis?

Neutrophils and monocytes.

Culture of gram stain of wound, sputum, and throat

No WBCs on Gram stain, possible normal flora

Can blood spill be cleaned with a paper towel and water?

No, must use bleach solution of 1 part bleach and 9 parts water.

What happens to Basophils during infection?

Normal during infection

Cultures of urine and blood

Normally sterile, without microorganism growth

A patient's surgical wound has become swollen, red, and tender. You note that the patient has a new fever and leukocytosis. What is the best immediate intervention? A) Notify the health care provider and use surgical technique to change the dressing. B) Reassure the patient and recheck the wound later. C) Notify the health care provider and support the patient's fluid and nutritional needs. D) Alert the patient and caregivers to the presence of an infection to ensure care after discharge.

Notify the health care provider and support the patient's fluid and nutritional needs.

When an older patient's assessment findings include a fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and a neutrophil count of 20%, the nurse suspects which type of infection?

Overwhelming bacterial infection

The nurse expects which additional assessment finding in a patient who is 10 days post-hysterectomy who reports purulent drainage at the incision site? Select all that apply. - pain -redness -paleness -tenderness -coolness

Pain, redness, tenderness

What does inflammation neutralize and eliminate?

Pathogens or dead (necrotic) tissues.

What is Differential Count?

Percentage of Each Type of White Blood Cell

To reduce the transmission of infection, arrange the steps of applying PPE in the correct order: Apply mask Put on gloves Put on Protective eyewear Perform hand hygiene Apply gown

Perform Hand hygiene, then Put on: Gown Mask Eyewear Gloves

List steps of PPE application when entering a patients room

Perform hand hygiene Don gown surgical mask eyewear then gloves

A family member is providing care to a loved one who has an infected leg wound. What would you instruct the family member to do after providing care and handling contaminated equipment or organic material? A) Wear gloves before eating or handling food. B) Place any soiled materials into a bag and double bag it. C) Have the family member check with the doctor about need for immunization. D) Perform hand hygiene after care and/or handling contaminated equipment or material.

Perform hand hygiene after care and/or handling contaminated equipment or material.

What causes fever during inflammation?

Phagocytic release of pyrogens from bacterial cells.

Chain of Infection: Reservoir

Place where causative agent lives=you

What are some factors that increase the susceptibility of older adults to infections?

Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, poor social support, low serum albumin levels.

What are some risks associated with infections in older adults?

Poor nutrition, unintentional weight loss, lack of exercise, poor social support, low serum albumin levels.

What is phagocytosis?

Process where WBCs ingest and destroy microorganisms.

Identify the interval when a patient progresses from nonspecific signs to manifesting signs and symptoms specific to a type of infection. A) Illness stage B) Convalescence C) Prodromal stage D) Incubation period

Prodromal stage

What can cause an alteration in the patient's flora?

Receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Which step would the nurse take first when removing PPE in an isolation room?

Remove gloves Gloves first, then eyewear or face shield, followed by gown. Dispose in designated bag, then perform hand hygiene

The nurse has redressed a patient's wound and now plans to administer a medication to the patient. Which is the correct infection control procedure? A) Leave the gloves on to administer the medication. B) Remove gloves and administer the medication. C) Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene before administering the medication. D) Leave the medication on the bedside table to avoid having to remove gloves before leaving the patient's room.

Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene before administering the medication.

Put the following steps for removal of protective barriers after leaving an isolation room in order: A) Untie top, then bottom mask strings and remove from face. B) Untie waist and neck strings of gown. Allow gown to fall from shoulders and discard. Remove gown, rolling it onto itself without touching the contaminated side. C) Remove gloves. D) Remove eyewear or goggles. E) Perform hand hygiene.

Remove gloves. Remove eyewear or goggles. Untie waist and neck strings of gown. Allow gown to fall from shoulders and discard. Remove gown, rolling it onto itself without touching the contaminated side. Untie top, then bottom mask strings and remove from face. Perform hand hygiene.

When the nurse leaves an isolation room, arrange the steps of PPE removal in order. Remove mask Remove gown Remove gloves Remove eyewear Perform hand hygiene

Remove: Gloves Eyewear Gown Mask Then perform hand hygiene

Blood is normally a sterile body fluid, however, in the case of communicable diseases such as HBV, HBC, or HIV, it becomes a _______ for pathogens.


Give examples of microorganisms that cause exogenous infections.

Salmonella, Clostridium tetani, Aspergillus.

Which of te following diseases require contact precautions? Scabies, measles, diptheria, pertussis



Secondary infection usually caused by an opportunistic pathogen. Develops when broad-spectrum antibiotics eliminate a wide range of normal flora organisms, not just those causing infection. When normal bacterial floras are eliminated, body defenses are reduced, which allows for disease-producing microorganisms to multiply, causing illness.

What are the types of exudate?

Serous (clear), sanguineous (containing RBCs), purulent (containing WBCs and bacteria).

How long can recovery during convalescence take?

Several days to months.

What factors affect the length of convalescence?

Severity of infection and patient's host resistance.

Give examples of microorganisms that cause endogenous infections.

Staphylococci, enterococci, yeasts, streptococci.

Give an example of a disease with specific symptoms during the illness stage.

Strep throat (sore throat, pain, swelling), mumps (high fever, parotid gland swelling).

What are the signs of localized inflammation?

Swelling, redness, heat, pain or tenderness, and loss of function.

What is inflammation?

The cellular response of the body to injury, infection, or irritation.

What is the role of pyrogens in fever?

They cause a rise in the hypothalamic set point.

What is the importance of flu and pneumonia vaccinations for older adults?

To reduce their risk for infectious diseases.

What else can increase the risk for iatrogenic infections?

Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

Up to 15 mm/hr for men and 20 mm/hr for women Elevated in presence of inflammatory process

What is the best method to sterilize a straight urinary catheter and suction tube in the home setting? A) Use an autoclave. B) Use boiling water. C) Use ethylene oxide gas. D) Use chemicals for disinfection.

Use boiling water.

Contact precautions

Used for direct and indirect contact with patients and their environment. Direct contact refers to the care and handling of contaminated body fluids. An example includes blood or other body fluids from an infected patient that enter the health care worker's body through direct contact with compromised skin or mucous membranes. Indirect contact involves the transfer of an infectious agent through a contaminated intermediate object such as contaminated instruments or hands of health care workers. The health care worker may transmit microorganisms from one patient site to another if hand hygiene is not performed between patients

External mechanical transfer (flies) • Internal transmission such as parasitic conditions between vector and host such as: • Mosquito • Louse • Flea • Tick Mode of transmission?


Contaminated items. For example, sharps injuries can lead to infections (e.g., HIV, HBV, HCV) when bloodborne pathogens enter a person through a skin puncture by a used needle or sharp instrument. • Water • Drugs, solutions • Blood • Food (improperly handled, stored, or cooked; fresh or thawed meats) Mode of transmission?


What factors determine the number of microorganisms needed to cause an HAI?

Virulence of the organism, susceptibility of the host, and body site affected.

Your ungloved hands come in contact with the drainage from your patient's wound. What is the correct method to clean your hands? A) Wash them with soap and water. B) Use an alcohol-based hand cleaner. C) Rinse them and use the alcohol-based hand cleaner. D) Wipe them with a paper towel.

Wash them with soap and water.

How does an endogenous infection develop?

When microorganisms from one body site move to another.


ability to produce disease

Communicable disease

an infectious disease that is transmitted directly from one person to another

Which part of a sterile gown is actually considered sterile? -back of gown -area below the waist -underside of the sleeves -anterior surface of the sleeves

anterior surface of the sleeves

What are some examples of port of entry/exit?

blood, skin, respiratory tract, GI tract, feces, draining wounds, transplacental, and reproductive tract

Medical asepsis

clean technique, includes procedures for reducing the number of organisms present and preventing the transfer of organisms. Hand hygiene, barrier techniques, and routine environmental cleaning are examples

Serous exudate

clear, like plasma

Asymptomatic infections

clinical signs and symptoms are not present

presence and growth of microorganisms within a host without tissue invasion or damage


Exogenous Infection

comes from microorganisms found outside the individual such as Salmonella, Clostridium tetani, and Aspergillus. They do not exist as normal floras

Which type of transmission- based precaution requires a gown and gloves? droplet, contact, airborne, or protective environment


Sanguineous exudate

containing red blood cells

Purulent exudate

containing white blood cells and bacteria


describes a process that eliminates many or all microorganisms, with the exception of bacterial spores, from inanimate objects

Semicritical items that require high-level disinfection include? (Select all that apply) -stethoscope -endotracheal tube -surgical equipment -anesthesia equipment

endotracheal tube (and endoscopes), and anesthesia equipment

A 51 year old patient is admitted to a medical-surgical unit with a systemic infection. The nurse would expect to see which of the following signs and symptoms in this patient? A) redness, fever, edema B) drainage, nausea, fever C) edema, malaise, and fever D) fever, fatigue, nausea

fever, fatigue, nausea

When creating an education module about closed-glovng, which information would the nurse include? -With closed-glovng, the cuffs of the surgical gown are pulled over the cuffs of the gloves -close-gloving is performed before applying a sterile gown -in the closed-glovng technique, the nurse's hands remain inside the sleeves of the surgical gown and do not touch the cuffs.

in the closed-glovng technique, the nurse's hands remain inside the sleeves of the surgical gown and do not touch the cuffs.

Course of infection stages

incubation period, prodromal stage, illness state, convalescence stage

What results when a pathogen invades tissues and begins growing within a host



is the absence of pathogenic (disease-producing) microorganisms.

The nurse recognizes the importance of preventing which specific type of infection when assisting with a brochoscopy? -localized -latrogenic -endogenous -suprainfection


Susceptible Host

most likely to acquire an infection

What happens to Lymphocytes in sepsis?


What happens to Neutrophils in overwhelming bacterial infection (older adult)?


Why are older adults less capable of producing lymphocytes?

Decreased production and shorter duration of antibody response.

What does inflammation do?

Delivers fluid, blood products, and nutrients to an area of injury.

A health care provider's hands become contaminated by touching germs present on a patient, medical equipment, or high-touch surfaces, and the health care worker then carries the germs on the hands and spreads to a susceptible person. What mode of transmission is this?


Contact mode of transmission

Direct (person to person) & indirect (person to inanimate objects)

Boiling water is a common method of disinfection used in the home setting for which type of equipment? Endoscope, Drainage collection device, respiratory therapy equipment, or heat-tolerated surgical intrument

Drainage collection tube

An infected person coughs or sneezes, creating droplets that carry germs short distances (within approximately 6 feet). These germs can land on a susceptible person's eyes, nose, or mouth and can cause infection (e.g., pertussis or meningitis). Mode of transmission?


Which specific type of isolation precaustion is appropriate for a patient with influenza?

Droplet Precaution

A patient is isolated for pulmonary tuberculosis. The nurse notes that the patient seems to be angry, but he knows that this is a normal response to isolation. Which is the best intervention? A) Provide a dark, quiet room to calm the patient. B) Reduce the level of precautions to keep the patient from becoming angry. C) Explain the reasons for isolation procedures and provide meaningful stimulation. D) Limit family and other caregiver visits to reduce the risk of spreading the infection.

Explain the reasons for isolation procedures and provide meaningful stimulation.

A systemic infection causes which system? Select all that apply. Fatigue, redness, swelling, warmth, malaise

Fatigue and malaise

What are the signs and symptoms of systemic inflammation?

Fever, increased white blood cells (WBCs), malaise, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lymph node enlargement, or organ failure.

Which is the most likely means of transmitting infection between patients? A) Exposure to another patient's cough B) Sharing equipment among patients C) Disposing of soiled linen in a shared linen bag D) Contact with a health care worker's hands

Contact with a health care worker's hands

Modes of transmission

Contact, air, vehicles, vectors

Vehicle mode of transmission

Contaminated items, water, drugs, blood, food

When discussing cough etiquette during an education session, which information would the nurse include? Select all that apply. Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing Dispose of any contaminated tissue promptly Perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions Maintain a distance of greater than 2 feet from persons with resp infections Place surgical mask on the patient if it does not compromise respiratory function

Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing Dispose of any contaminated tissue promptly Perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions Place surgical mask on the patient if it does not compromise respiratory function

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