GCD 3022 - Exam 4 Practice

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27) ___________ are voracious predators and easily adapt to many habitats. For this reason, they can easily become a harmful invasive species. They have been shown to devastate native populations of related species and other creatures by eating their young.

African Clawed Frog (Xenopus)

4) ____________ is a way to look for chromosomal abnormalities in unborn babies by drawing fluid from near the baby when it is 14-16 weeks old.


11) Which of the following statements about microarrays are not correct ... ...or are they all correct? A. In DNA microarrays, DNA sequences representing tens of thousands of genes are laid out in a miniature grid. B. DNA purified from the cells-of-interest is reverse transcribed along with a fluorescent nucleotide and then hybridized to microarray chip. C. cDNA microarrays produce inferior data compared to oligonucleotide microarrays due to cross-hybridization between genes. D. In exon microarrays, the exons of genes only different spots have different exons can thus look at alternative splicing E. All of the other statements are correct

B. DNA purified from the cells-of-interest is reverse transcribed along with a fluorescent nucleotide and then hybridized to microarray chip.

6) For the method of RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq), which of the following is the correct order of steps? A. Isolate RNAs, synthesize cDNAs, break RNAs into smaller fragments, sequence cDNAs, align cDNA sequences B. Synthesize cDNAs, sequence cDNAs, isolate RNAs, break RNAs into smaller fragments, align cDNA sequences C. Isolate RNAs, break RNAs into smaller fragments, synthesize cDNAs, sequence cDNAs, align cDNA sequences D. Synthesize cDNAs, isolate RNAs, break RNAs into smaller fragments, sequence cDNAs, align cDNA sequences

C. Isolate RNAs, break RNAs into smaller fragments, synthesize cDNAs, sequence cDNAs, align cDNA sequences

8) Which of the following statements concerning chromatin immunoprecipitation is false? A. Proteins are crosslinked to DNA while the cells are intact. B. Antibodies are used that recognize specific cellular proteins. C. Proteins that are not recognized by an antibody precipitate and end up in the pellet. D. This technique is used to determine where in the genome a particular protein binds.

C. Proteins that are not recognized by an antibody precipitate and end up in the pellet.

5) A DNA microarray is a slide that is dotted with A. mRNA from a sample of cells. B. fluorescently labeled cDNA. C. known sequences of DNA. D. known cellular proteins.

C. known sequences of DNA.

3) ___________ refers to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation followed by microarray.


26) The cells are too small to be injected, so DNA or morphilinos are electroporated into the cells of __________ embryos.


38) Early in embryonic development, muscle development is inhibited by Id protein forming heterodimers with the Myogenic bHLH proteins that cannot bind muscle-specific enhancers. Later in embryonic development, levels of Id protein fall and Myogenic bHLH proteins can now bind ____________ protein and these heterodimers bind muscle-specific enhancers.


10) Which of the following statements about chromatin immunoprecipitation is not correct.....or are they all correct? A. Starting with living cells, proteins are cross-linked to the DNA they are bound to using formaldehyde. B. Chromatin is sheared into small pieces using an intensely vibrating metal rod C. Antibody is used to precipitate the protein of interest. The antibody is either attached to a magnetic bead or an agarose bead. D. DNA is chemically freed from the cross-links E. All of the other statements are correct

E. All of the other statements are correct

46) _____________ is a branch of biology that compares the developmental processes of different organisms to infer the ancestral relationships between them and how developmental processes evolved.


9) Which of the following statements regarding Pyrosequencing is not correct ...or are they all correct? A. Genomic DNA is fragmented and oligonucleotides are attached to the 5' and 3' ends of the DNA fragments. B. The DNA fragments are denatured into single-stranded fragments and annealed to beads containing oligos with sequence complementary to the oligos. One DNA strand anneals to each bead. C. Beads are emulsified so that there is only one bead per droplet D. The droplets contain PCR agents and PCR is performed within each droplet. E. After PCR the beads are deposited into picotiter plates. Only one bead can fit in one well. F. Dideoxy DNA sequencing is performed in each picotiter well containing a bead. G. All of the other statements are correct

F. Dideoxy DNA sequencing is performed in each picotiter well containing a bead.

32) ______________ is a method used in developmental biology to study the embryonic origin of various adult tissues and structures. For example, early in development, the human embryo is a disk but the cells in different parts of the disk have already been specified.

Fate mapping

19) The __________ gene functions in DNA mismatch repair and loss of the gene predisposes people to many cancers but most severely predisposes them to colon cancer.


41) If the allele and genotype frequencies do not change over the course of many generations, a population can be said to be in ____________.

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

36) ___________ gene silencing correlates with the number of neck vertebrae. The mouse has a short neck and expression begins at the level of the 8th vertebra. The goose a longer neck and expression in the goose begins at the level of the 18th.


22) _____________ of a protein the embryo is exposed to primary antibodies recognizing a protein and then to secondary antibodies that recognize the primary antibodies and are also linked to a fluorescent molecule.


34) ______________ are like antisense RNA but chemically more stable that can be introduced into embryos.


37) Researchers found 4 genes that initiate muscle development: MyoD, Myogenin, Myf5, and _____________.


45) The fossil record supports the idea that speciation may occur by: (1) gradualism where each new species slowly evolves continuously over long spans of time or by (2) ________________, where long periods of times of little change are interrupted by short periods rapid evolution.

Punctuated Equilibrium

16) Phosphorylation of ______________ causes it to dissociate from E2F.


24) A mutation in the ____________ gene results in fruit flies with a second segment with wings


28) The transparency of ___________ embryos allows real-time imaging of all developmental stages.


14) For ______________ cell migration, cancer cells with rounded shape penetrate through tight narrow spaces.


2) I the ChIP procedure, chromosomes with DNA crosslinked to chromatin proteins are fragmented either by a nuclease or by intense vibrations. Chromatin fragments containing the protein of interest then be recovered using _____________ attached to magnetic beads.


18) Extensive DNA damage leads to cells undergoing ____________.


29) The ____________ mRNA is asymmetrically distributed in the fruit fly oocyte because it was produced by neighboring nurse cells and then entered to anterior of the oocyte.


21) Development in bilaterians (animals with left-right symmetry) generally proceeds in four overlapping stages - Formation of ____________ - Segmentation of the body - Determination of structures within segments - Cell differentiation

body axis

35) Limbs develop from clumps of cells called limb ____________.


44) During _________________, a single species gets divided into two or more species over time.


43) The _____________ describes how an organism or population responds to and interact with its environment.

ecological niche

33) Recent advances in lineage tracing have led to random combinations of one-to-three differently colored __________ being expressed by a tissue-specific promotor.

fluorescent proteins

1) Living cells are exposed to _____________ to crosslink proteins to DNA and crosslink proteins to other proteins.


30) 19 ______________ in the larva give rise to structures in the adult.

imaginal discs

20) The process by which a cell or group of cells governs the developmental fate of neighboring cells Is known as __________.


47) Back in the 1950s, Conrad Waddington stressed fruit fly embryos but did not kill them. He found that the stress caused the flies to display a high diversity of altered morphologies. If he bred flies with similar abnormal morphologies enough generations, the abnormal morphologies became ______________, even in the absence of ether or heat shock.


39) A large population is usually composed of smaller groups called _______________.

local populations

13) A tumor suppressor gene is a gene whose _______________ promotes cancer.

loss of function

15) There are two types of individual cell movement: _____________ and amoeboid.


12) A ______________ consists of cancer cells that can migrate to other parts of the body and establish secondary tumors.

metastatic tumor

40) Changes in a population's gene pool from generation to generation. It is driven by: mutation random genetic drift migration natural selection ______________

non-random mating

17) If DNA damage is very extensive _____________ instructs cells to commit suicide.


42) Most quantitative traits are ______________ and exhibit a continuity of phenotypic variation.


31) During the beginning of fruit fly development, the nucleus divides in the absence of cell division resulting in a ________________.

syncytial blastoderm

25) Homeotic/Hox genes encode _______________ that activate sets of genes.

transcription factors

23) The _____________ promote the expression of homeotic genes in regions of the embryo where they should act. This is done by remodeling chromatin into euchromatin/open chromatin.

trithorax genes

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