GEN 3000 EXAM practice questions

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The study of the structure, function, and evolution of genes and genomes is referred to as ________. proteomics bioinformatics cell theory genomics


What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree below? X-Linked Recessive Y-Linked X-Linked Dominant Cytoplasmic/Maternal


Women do not generally grow facial hair but have genes related to facial hair growth they can pass to their offspring. Beards are a ___________ trait in humans. Sex-Linked Sex-Limited Sex-influenced Epistatic


If an allele is recessive for one sex but dominant in the other sex, the gene is __________. Sex-Limited Sex-Linked Sex-influenced Epistatic


What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree below? Cytoplasmic/Maternal Y-Linked X-Linked Recessive X-Linked Dominant


Due to the production of polar bodies, 1 round of oogenesis produces how many eggs? 4 2 3 1


What is the central dogma of genetics? -DNA is a template for RNA, which in turn is used to synthesize proteins. -Protein is a template for RNA, which in turn is used to synthesize DNA. -DNA is a template for protein, which in turn is used to synthesize RNA. -RNA is a template for DNA, which in turn is used to synthesize proteins.

-DNA is a template for RNA, which in turn is used to synthesize proteins.

What is independent assortment? -Genes lie on chromosomes. -During gamete formation, a pair of unit factors segregates randomly from another pair of unit factors. -During gamete formation, allele pairs are separated to form haploid gametes. -Fertilization is random.

-During gamete formation, a pair of unit factors segregates randomly from another pair of unit factors.

The most accurate depiction of the chronological order of genetic discoveries would be ________. -determination of DNA structure, chromosome theory of inheritance, Mendelian genetics, recombinant DNA technology -Mendelian genetics, chromosome theory of inheritance, determination of DNA structure, recombinant DNA technology -Mendelian genetics, determination of DNA structure, chromosome theory of inheritance, recombinant DNA technology -chromosome theory of inheritance, Mendelian genetics, recombinant DNA technology, determination of DNA structure

-Mendelian genetics, chromosome theory of inheritance, determination of DNA structure, recombinant DNA technology

The Chi-square test involves a statistical comparison between measured (observed) and predicted (expected) values. One generally determines degrees of freedom as ________. -one less than the number of categories being compared -the number of categories being compared -the sum of the two categories -ten minus the sum of the two categories

-one less than the number of categories being compared

The white-eye gene in Drosophila is recessive and sex-linked. Assume that a white-eyed female is mated to a wild-type male. What would be the phenotypes of the offspring? 1/2 wild-type females, 1/2 white-eyed males 1/4 wild-type females, 1/4 white-eyed females, 1/4 wild-type males, 1/4 white-eyed males 1/2 wild-type females, 1/4 wild-type males, 1/4 white-eyed males 1/2 wild-type males, 1/4 wild-type females, 1/4 white-eyed females

1/2 wild-type females, 1/2 white-eyed males

What is the probability of rolling a 2 or a 3 on a six-sided die? 1/3 1/36 1/6 1/12


The autosomal (not X-linked) gene for brachydactyly, short fingers, is dominant to normal finger length. Assume that a female with brachydactyly in the heterozygous condition is married to a man with normal fingers. What is the probability that their first child will be a brachydactylous girl? 1/2 3/4 1/4 1/8


Many of the color varieties of summer squash are determined by several interacting loci: AA or Aa gives white, aaBB or aaBb gives yellow, and aabb produces green. Assume that two fully heterozygous plants are crossed. Give the phenotype ratio of the offspring. 12 (white):3 (yellow):1 (green) 12 (yellow):3 (green): 1 (white) 9 (white): 3 (yellow): 4 (green) 1 (green): 1 (yellow): 1 (white)

12 (white):3 (yellow):1 (green)

What are expected ratios for monohybrid and dihybrid testcrosses, respectively in which the parent with the dominant phenotype is heterozygous for all traits? 1:1 and 9:3:3:1 3:1 and 9:3:3:1 1:1 and 1:1:1:1 3:1 and 1:1:1:1

1:1 and 1:1:1:1

With incomplete dominance, a likely ratio resulting from a monohybrid cross (Aa x Aa) would be ________. 1:1:1:1 1:2:1 3:1 2:1


Assume that a cross is made between two organisms that are both heterozygous for a gene that shows incomplete dominance. What phenotypic and genotypic ratios are expected in the offspring? 3:1 and 3:1 1:1 and 1:1 3:1 and 1:2:1 1:2:1 and 1:2:1

1:2:1 and 1:2:1

Oogenesis produces ____ egg(s), Spermatogenesis produces ____ sperm. 1; 4 4; 4 2; 4 4; 1

1; 4

What is the ratio expected for offspring of a cross between two yellow mice if the yellow allele is recessive lethal? 2 yellow: 1 agouti 1 yellow: 1 agouti all yellow 3 yellow: 1 agouti

2 yellow: 1 agouti

The diploid chromosome number of an organism is usually represented as 2n. Humans have a diploid chromosome number of 46. What would be the expected haploid chromosome number in a human? 15 18 92 23


Which of the following represents the trihybrid ratio for AaBbCc x AaBbCc? 16:9:9:6:6:3:3:1 18:12:15:9:9:3:3:1 27:9:9:9:3:3:3:1 1:1:1:1:1:1:1:1


If a species has a haploid number of 10, how many chromosomes would an individual of this species have if it were 3n - 2? 28 30 23 32


Match the description with the correct notation. Diploid Trisomy Triploid Hexaploid Monosomy

2n 2n +1 3n 6n 2n-1

Tetrasomy Nullisomy Pentaploid Monosomy Haploid

2n+2 2n-2 5n 2n-1 n

If one is testing a goodness of fit to a 9:3:3:1 ratio, how many degrees of freedom would be associated with the Chi-square analysis? 1 2 4 3


If a typical somatic cell has 64 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are expected in each gamete of that organism? 32 8 64 16


Meiosis produces what type of daughter cells? 4 identical haploid cells 2 identical diploid cells 2 unique diploid cells 4 unique haploid cells

4 unique haploid cells

Tightly curled or wooly hair is caused by a dominant gene in humans. If a heterozygous curly-haired person marries a person with straight hair, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to have straight hair? 100% 75% 50% 25%


Which phenotypic ratio is likely to occur in crosses of two completely dominant, independently segregating gene pairs when both parents are fully heterozygous? 1:1:1:1 3:1 9:3:3:1 3:2:3:1


Which of the following is a true statement? a bacterial colony found on minimal media consists of various prototroph cells a bacterial colony found on minimal media consists of cells derived from a single auxotroph cell a bacterial colony found on minimal media consists of various auxotroph and prototroph cells A bacterial colony found on minimal media consists of cells derived from a single prototroph cell

A bacterial colony found on minimal media consists of cells derived from a single prototroph cell

Sickle-cell anemia, which is associated with blockage of blood flow in capillaries and small blood vessels, causing severe pain and damage to the heart, brain, muscles, and kidneys is the result of ________. a small chromosome duplication a large chromosome deletion an environmental pathogen A change in a single nucleotide

A change in a single nucleotide

Although the most frequent forms of Down syndrome are caused by a random error, the nondisjunction of chromosome 21, Down syndrome occasionally runs in families. The cause of this form of familial Down syndrome is ________. Too many Y chromosomes A pericentric inversion on chromosome 21 A translocation between chromosome 21 and chromosome 14 A deletion on chromosome 21

A translocation between chromosome 21 and chromosome 14

If an F2 generation from a F1 self-cross always yields offspring in a 3:1 phenotypic ratio, which of the following P crosses could have occurred? AA x AA Aa x Aa AA x aa Aa x aa

AA x aa

When crossover occurs within a paracentric inversion the chromatids will be ________. Pericentric and Paracentric Acentric and Dicentric Paracentric Acentric

Acentric and Dicentric

What term most specifically describes when a polyploid organism contains an equivalent of four haploid genomes derived from two separate species? Autopentaploidy Aneuploidy Autopolyploid Allotetraploidy (Amphidiploid)

Allotetraploidy (Amphidiploid)

The condition that exists when an organism gains or loses one or more chromosomes but not a complete haploid set is known as ________. Euploidy Aneuploidy Polyploidy Amphidiploid


A diploid gamete that is fertilized by a haploid gamete from the same species would be an example of ________. Tetraploidy Autopolyploidy Amphidiploidy Allopolyploidy


________ is a discipline involved in the development of both hardware and software for processing, storing, and retrieving nucleotide and protein data. Proteomics Bioinformatics Genomics Cloning


Who, along with Alfred Wallace, formulated the theory of natural selection? Louis Pasteur Gregor Mendel James Watson Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin

In unicorns, the C gene controls horn color. CB CB unicorns have blue horns, CP CP unicorns have pink horns, and CB CP unicorns have striped horns that are pink AND blue. This is an example of ______. Co-Dominance Epistasis Complete dominance Incomplete dominance


Genetic information contained in a set of three DNA nucleotides that encodes for an amino acid is referred to as a(n) ________. Allele Phenotype Genotype Codon


What is a form of recombination in bacteria that involves the F plasmid? Meiosis Transformation Transduction Conjugation


During interphase of the cell cycle, ________. the nuclear membrane disappears centrioles migrate DNA content essentially doubles sister chromatids move to opposite pole

DNA content essentially doubles

If a haploid cell is treated with colchicine during mitosis, what will be its ploidy (i.e. how many chromosomes will it have) after the cell cycle is complete? Triploid Diploid Tetraploid Pentaploid


Skin color is determined by multiple genes that control the production and deposition of melanin. However, alleles that cause albinism completely prevent the production of melanin and mask the expression of other genes involved in skin color. If an allele for albinism is dominant, it is an example of what type of inheritance? Recessive Epistasis Dominant Epistasis Sex-Linked Lethal

Dominant Epistasis

DNA is replicated during what stage of the cell cycle? S G1 G2 G0 M


The condition that exists where complete haploid sets of chromosomes are present (no incomplete sets) is known as ________. Aneuploidy Euploidy Triploid Pentaploid


F' strain bacteria with a wildtype lac gene (lac+) on its F plasmid is "mated" with an F- strain bacteria with a mutated lac gene (lac-). The F- strain will become ________ after conjugation. remain F-, lac- F'-lac+/lac- F+ lac- Hfr


What occurs when a F+ cell is mated to a F- cell? F- cells become F+ cells with a high rate of chromosomal gene transfer F- cells become F+ cells with rare transfer of chromosomal genes F- cells become Hfr cells F- cells remain F- cells with rare transfer of chromosomal genes

F- cells become F+ cells with rare transfer of chromosomal genes

Genes that are close together on a bacterial chromosome are LESS likely to be co-transformed or co-transduced. True False


When cells withdraw from the continuous cell cycle and enter a "quiescent" phase, they are said to be in what stage? S M G0 G2 G1


________ refers to observations that a genetic disorder occurs at an earlier age in successive generations. Genetic anticipation Penetrance Pleiotropy genomic imprinting

Genetic anticipation

Who was the Augustinian monk that conducted a decade of experiments on the garden pea, eventually showing that traits are passed from parents to offspring in predictable ways? Hippocrates Gregor Mendel Francis Crick Alfred Wallace

Gregor Mendel

Recessive traits are only expressed in: Heterozygotes Males Females Homozygotes


In incomplete dominance, the heterozygote ___________. Has both of the two homozygous phenotypes Is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes Has the recessive phenotype Has the dominant phenotype

Is a blend of the two homozygous phenotypes

Which of the follow is NOT a good trait for a model organism? Cheap and easy to grow and maintain Has a large number of offspring Long gestation cycle Easy to genetically manipulate

Long gestation cycle

How are most eukaryotic genomes organized? One large linear chromosome One large circular chromosome Many linear chromosomes Many circular chromosomes

Many linear chromosomes

A partially diploid bacterial cell is referred to as a(n) ________. Prototroph Auxotroph Merozygote Hemiploid


Centromere is exactly in the center of the chromosome _______________ Centromere is near the center of the chromosome ______ Centromere is the near the end of the chromosome _______ Centromere is at the end of the chromosome ___________

Metacentric Submetacentric Acrocentric Telocentric

If a species has a haploid number of 10, what term would we use to describe an individual with 19 chromosomes? Haploid Monosomy Trisomy Triploid


Which of the following is viewed as a major cause of aneuploidy? Recombination Paracentric Inversions Reciprocal Translocations Nondisjunction


A mutation in a gene that results in a loss of a functional product of that gene best defines what type of mutation? Incomplete dominance Co-dominance Null Multiple allelism


What type of inversion has break points that do not proximally flank the centromere? Paracentric Pericentric Acentric Eucentric


Alleles with mutations in the BRCA1 gene cause breast cancer, and are considered dominant. However only 80% of women with a BRCA1 mutation eventually develop breast cancer. This is an example of a gene with incomplete _______. Expressivity Epistasis Dominance Penetrance


What type of inversion has break points that flank the centromere? Acentric Eucentric Pericentric Paracentric


Which of the following are components of a DNA nucleotide? (select three) hydrocarbon chain Phosphate group Acetyl group Deoxyribose sugar Amino group Nitrogenous Base

Phosphate group Deoxyribose sugar Nitrogenous Base

Name the general category into which small double-stranded circular extrachromosomal DNA elements such as F factors, ColE1, and R would fall. Plaques Viruses Plasmids Transposons


The CTFR gene involved in cystic fibrosis has multiple roles in the body and people with cystic fibrosis have many different symptoms/phenotypes involving both the respiratory and digestive systems. The CFTR gene could be described as ________. Dominant Pleiotropic Polygenic Epistatic


Viral DNA that has integrated into a bacterial chromosome is referred to as a ________. Prephage Plasmid Prophage Plaque


What is the mode of inheirtance in the following pedigree? (on back) Recessive Dominant Cannot be determined


Organized by the centrioles, what structures are important in the movement of chromosomes during cell division? Mitochondria Chloroplasts Spindle Fibers Cell Walls

Spindle Fibers

Which of the following is true about sex-determining chromosomes? They act like homologous chromosomes during meiosis so each gamete will get one sex chromosome. They have the same gene configuration and same loci. They are independent during meiosis. They do not participate in meiosis.

They act like homologous chromosomes during meiosis so each gamete will get one sex chromosome.

Which of the following processes describes the formation of a complementary mRNA molecule from a DNA template? Translation Transcription Mutation Mosaicism


Viral-mediated transfer of bacterial DNA is referred to as ________. Transformation Conjugation Transduction Mitosis


If a species has diploid number of 10, but gave rise to progeny with 15 chromosomes (complete sets), what term would we use to describe the progeny? Haploid Tetraploid Diploid Triploid


Viruses are not technically living things and can have RNA or DNA based genomes. True False


What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree below? Cytoplasmic/Maternal X-Linked Dominant X-Linked recessive Y-Linked

X-Linked Dominant

What type of inheritance is shown in the pedigree below? X-Linked dominant X-Linked recessive Cytoplasmic/Maternal Y-Linked

X-Linked recessive

A certain type of congenital deafness in humans is caused by a rare autosomal dominant gene. In a mating involving a deaf man and a deaf woman, could all the children have normal hearing? No, because it is dominant. Children always get the dominant alleles. No, because children favor their parents. Yes, assuming that the parents are heterozygotes (because the gene is rare), it is possible that all of the children could have normal hearing. Yes, because traits assort independently.

Yes, assuming that the parents are heterozygotes (because the gene is rare), it is possible that all of the children could have normal hearing.

Mutations in which the level of expression is based on environmental conditions like temperature is an example of ________. a conditional mutation expressivity penetrance pleiotropy

a conditional mutation

A cross between two individuals with different phenotypes that resulted in approximately 50% of each type of offspring would indicate the cross was ________. a heterozygous dominant crossed to a homozygous recessive a heterozygous dominant crossed to a heterozygous recessive true dominant to a heterozygous dominant true breeding dominant to recessive

a heterozygous dominant crossed to a homozygous recessive

What is the most likely genotype of the circled individual? (on back) AA Aa aa


Mendel indicated that traits were made up of unit factors. Today, we call unit factors ________. alleles phenotypes characters genes


The theory of epigenesis states that __________. -the fertilized egg contains a complete, miniature adult -individuals with heritable traits that allow them to better adapt to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce compared to individuals without these traits -an organism develops from a succession of events that transforms a fertilized egg into an adult -living organisms can arise from nonliving matter

an organism develops from a succession of events that transforms a fertilized egg into an adult

The event referred to as disjunction occurs during ________. telophase prophase anaphase prometaphase


During meiosis, chromosome number reduction takes place in ________. anaphase II prometaphase I telophase II anaphase I

anaphase I

What defines a competent bacterial cell? capability of uptake of foreign DNA from their environment immunity to phage infection capability to grow in minimal media the ability to conjugate

capability of uptake of foreign DNA from their environment

Cytokinesis in plant cells involves the formation of what? flagella chloroplasts cleavage furrow cell plates

cell plates

Schleiden and Schwann proposed the cell theory which states that ________. cells contain genetic information in their nucleus cells are derived from preexisting cells cells move from the various parts of the body to the reproductive organs to produce offspring cells represent the basic units of heredity

cells are derived from preexisting cells

Which of the following are the areas where chromatids intertwine during meiosis? nondisjunction tetrad bivalent chiasma


Mendel's significant contributions in genetics published in 1866 went largely unnoticed until the discovery of ________. recombinant DNA technology methods to sequence DNA the double helical structure of DNA chromosomal patterns during meiosis

chromosomal patterns during meiosis

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves the formation of what? flagella cell plates mitochondria cleavage furrow

cleavage furrow

Which protein directly holds the chromatid arms together prior to anaphase of mitosis? seperase histone cohesin shugoshin


Individuals from two separate true-breeding strains of white deer mice are crossed yielding all grey offspring. White is recessive to gray color based on crossing mice from each strain with a grey mouse. Which of the following would best explain this result? incomplete dominance epistasis lethal alleles complementation


Which of the following is not a feature of a Col plasmid? is autonomously replicating confers antibiotic resistance to recipient cells typically present in 10-20 copies in a cell toxic to bacterial cells that don't harbor the same plasmid

confers antibiotic resistance to recipient cells

Which of the following is are sources of genetic variation in meiosis? (select all that apply) crossing over the random lining up of chromosomes on the metaphase plate separation of sister chromatids polar body formation

crossing over the random lining up of chromosomes on the metaphase plate

Match the chromosome rearrangement with the correct term.

deletion duplication inversion translocation

In many species, there are two representatives of each chromosome. In such species, the characteristic number of chromosomes is called the ________ number. It is usually symbolized as ________. diploid; 2n polyploid; n diploid; n haploid; n

diploid; 2n

What type of mutation can lead to "families" of genes with similar functions? translocation inversion duplication deletion


A condition in which one gene pair masks the expression of a nonallelic gene pair is called ________. epistasis complete dominance incomplete dominance Co-Dominance


Living organisms are categorized into two major groups based on the presence or absence of a nucleus. What group is defined by the presence of a nucleus? archaea viruses prokaryotes eukaryotes


Fruit flies homozygous for the eyeless mutation demonstrate various gradations in phenotype. This represents an example of ________. expressivity pleiotropy genetic imprinting penetrance


A mating between an Hfr strain of E. coli with an F- strain will yield ________. high rate of recombination and frequent transfer of the F factor low rate of recombination and frequent transfer of the F factor high rate of recombination and rare transfer of the F factor frequent transfer of the F factor and no transfer of chromosomal genes

high rate of recombination and rare transfer of the F factor

Which of the following is incorrect? sex chromosomes are not strictly homologous homologous chromosomes contain identical genetic information a locus is a gene site on a chromosome an allele is an alternate form of the same gene

homologous chromosomes contain identical genetic information

An F' cell is generated by ________. interrupted mating conjugation between two F+ cells an Hfr x F- mating imprecise excision of the F factor from the bacterial chromosome

imprecise excision of the F factor from the bacterial chromosome

The genes on a chromosome involved in a trisomy would (in general) have their expression or dosage ________. increased decreased remain the same completely shutdown


In a Chi-square test, as the value of the χ2 increases, the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis ________. decreases increases ten fold increases is doubled


Which of the following postulates was not attainable from a monohybrid cross? dominance/recessiveness segregation of alleles unit factors are in pairs independent assortment

independent assortment

Migration of chromosomes is made possible by the binding of the spindle to the ________. kinetochore telomere equatorial plate centrosome


At which stage of cell division do sister chromatids start to go to opposite poles? mitotic anaphase and anaphase of meiosis II mitotic anaphase only mitotic anaphase and anaphase of meiosis I anaphase of meiosis I only

mitotic anaphase and anaphase of meiosis II

Organisms that are well understood from a scientific standpoint and are often used in basic biological research are often called ________. vectors restriction enzymes model organisms clones

model organisms

The presence of more than two alternative forms of a given gene would be called ________. Co-Dominance hemizygosity multiple alleles incomplete dominance

multiple alleles

The presence of more than two alternative forms of a given gene would be called ________. Co-Dominance multiple alleles hemizygosity incomplete dominance

multiple alleles

Early in the twentieth century, Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri noted that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis is identical to the behavior of genes during gamete formation. They proposed that genes are carried on chromosomes, which led to the basis ________. -for the determination of DNA as genetic material -of the germ-plasm theory -of the chromosome theory of inheritance -of the law of independent assortment

of the chromosome theory of inheritance

Early in the twentieth century, Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri noted that the behavior of chromosomes during meiosis is identical to the behavior of genes during gamete formation. They proposed that genes are carried on chromosomes, which led to the basis ________. -for the determination of DNA as genetic material -of the germ-plasm theory -of the chromosome theory of inheritance -of the law of independent assortment

of the chromosome theory of inheritance

An observable feature of an organism is referred to as a ________. karyotype phenotype prototype genotype


Once a protein is made, its biochemical or structural properties play a role in producing ________. mutant genotype chromosome phenotype


The physical expression of a trait is referred to as a(n) ________. phenotype gene genotype allele


The clearing made by bacteriophages in a "lawn" of bacteria on an agar plate is called a ________. host range prophage plaque phage zone


What is the term given to the outdated theory which states that the gamete contains a complete miniature adult? -preformation -conjugation -transduction -cell theory


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of events in mitosis? telophase-prophase-prometaphase-metaphase-anaphase prophase-prometaphase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase anaphase-metaphase-prometaphase-prophase-telophase prophase-metaphase-prometaphase-anaphase-telophase


The study of the set of proteins present in a cell is referred to as __________. genomics proteomics bioinformatics reverse genetics


The process that leads to the development of haploid gametes is best described as ________. segregation of alleles independent assortment replication Mendelian inheritance

segregation of alleles

What is the term given to the theory which put forth the idea that living organisms could arise by incubating nonliving components? collective combination natural selection evolution spontaneous generation

spontaneous generation

A bacteriophage that is capable of entering either a lytic or lysogenic cycle is called a(n) ________. temperate bacteriophage virulent bacteriophage plaque plasmid

temperate bacteriophage

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about mitochondria? mitochondria are found in plants and animals the mitochondria transcribe and translate their own genetic information the mitochondria duplicate themselves the mitochondrial genome is contained in the nucleus

the mitochondrial genome is contained in the nucleus

An Hfr strain (met+,his+, arg+, strs) is mated with an F- strain (met-, his-, arg-, strr), grown in complete media, then plated on minimal media supplemented with streptomycin, histidine, and arginine. The few colonies that grow on the plate indicate that ________. the wild-type methionine gene has been transferred from Hfr to F- no mating has occurred, the colonies are just Hfr strains the wild-type histidine and arginine genes and streptomycin resistance gene have been transferred from Hfr to F- the wild-type histidine and arginine genes have been transferred from Hfr to F-

the wild-type methionine gene has been transferred from Hfr to F-

Which of the following is not a common model organism in genetics? Fruit Fly Tiger Mice Yeast


A ________ is an organism produced by biotechnology that involves the transfer of hereditary traits across species. vector mutant transgenic organism clone

transgenic organism

The investigative approach of genetics attributed to Gregor Mendel is ________. transmission genetics population genetics molecular genetics cytogenetics

transmission genetics

The meiotic cell cycle involves ________ number of cell division(s) and ________ number of DNA replication(s). two; one two; zero one; two one; one

two; one

In a Chi-square analysis, what general condition causes one to reject (fail to accept) the null hypothesis? when observed = expected usually when the probability value is less than 0.025 usually when the probability value is less than 0.05 usually when the probability value is less than 0.1

usually when the probability value is less than 0.05

A genetic condition that may be responsible for some forms of fragile-X syndrome, as well as Huntington disease, involves ________. multiple inversions in the X chromosome various lengths of trinucleotide repeats single translocations in the X chromosome plasmids inserted into the FMR-1 gene

various lengths of trinucleotide repeats

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