GEN-ED Assessment

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Instead of obedience to God, Adam and Eve chose rebellion against God. This is ________ of the Bible's meta-narrative.

Act 2- Fall

Formal review of the literature/existing works on the topic includes all of the following, excep

Describing the procedures and methods for the proposed research study/creative projec

Formal review of the literature/existing works on the topic includes all of the following, except

Describing the procedures and methods for the proposed research study/creative projec

When studying Scripture, application asks the question

How should I respond

Materialists believe that we are only physical beings subject to laws of causation and without freedom of choice. Which of the following propositions is not consistent with that premise?

Love, truth, goodness and beauty are ideal realities that, unlike matter which simply is, express value, stipulating what ought to be. Such ideas are not possible in a purely material univers

Studying the literary context of a biblical passage refers to all but which of the following:

Studying the passage in isolation

As a communicator, a global witness must consider which two cultures (other than their own)?

The culture of scripture and the host culture

According to the Oxford dictionary, logic is "reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity." When analyzing this theory through a biblical worldview, how trustworthy is this method of knowing?

It is subject to human error

What should a Christian believe about the arts and entertainments

Because humans are made in God's image, their artistic expressions have intrinsic value

What is the purpose of civil government from a biblical perspective?

Civil government is divinely ordained for order and procedure in a fallen world

When making application of a biblical text, the question of discernment asks

How can I distinguish truth from error

Given that Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave the highest federal court the power of judicial review, which of the following would be the most correct statement about that court case?

It gave the Supreme Court power to pronounce federal law unconstitutional.

Read the following passage from David Price's Love and Hate in Jamestown: "Chief Justice John Marshall, in his 1804 Life of George Washington, began with a brief history of the nation that emphasized Smith's importance at Jamestown: 'his spirits unbroken, and his judgment unclouded, amidst this general misery and dejection.'" Which of the following best describes this excerpt?

It is a quotation within a quotation

DDT is being used to control the malaria in some countries because it is very effective in killing insects and because ____________.

It is long lasting

According to the "Status of World Evangelization 2019" from the Joshua Project, among the 7.67 billion people in the world, approximately 10% are Christ-followers, 22% are nominal Christian adherents, 39% have heard the Gospel but have not responded, and 29% have virtually no exposure to the Gospel ( (Links to an external site.) ). Understanding probabilities and statistics help us calculate the odds in favor and the odds against a certain event. So, 10% of people in the world are Christ-followers means that 10 out of 100 people in the world follow Christ, or, 1 out of 10 people follow Christ. Thus, the odds of a person following Christ is 1 to 9, or, 1:9. On the other hand, that means 9 out of 10 people are not Christ-followers, or, the odds of a person not following Christ is 9 to 1, or, 9:1. Understanding problems as these help us to realize the urgency of the Great Commission, as stated in Matthew 28:18 - 20: "Then Jesus came to them and said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age'." Following the math example above, using the statistics from the Joshua Project, give the odds in favor of a person who have virtually no exposure to the Gospel.

Its NOT 29:100 I think its 29:71

When a hydrocarbon burns in air, what component of air reacts? You can solve this problem by considering how to put out a fire. What could be removed to put out a fire?


The Tower of Babel story, in which God confused people's languages, is mirrored (and redeemed) in which biblical story?


In John 14:6 Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me." According to human philosophy, God is accessible by any means. Some believe if they are good enough, or kind-hearted, or help the poor and needy, then they have peace with God. How does this philosophy contradict Christ's words in the Gospel?

Scripture is clear, the only way to God (Father) is by the Son (Jesus Christ) and His saving work on the cross

An exponential function is one that grows faster and faster as the exponential variable grows larger. Money that is invested grows exponentially with time, which means that it grows faster and faster the longer that it is invested. How does this apply to saving money for a future time when you will be too old to work?

The longer you save, the less you need to save each month and a few years delay makes a huge difference in how much a person needs to save each month. Start saving as early as you can.

How do secondary sources support the formation of a research question?

They show the progression of scholarly conversation within the discipline helping the reader to shape his/her research question.

Which of the following is a benefit of reading secondary sources?

They will help the reader shape his/her research question

An implication of our union with Christ as described in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (New International Version) is that:

We can live in Christ's strength

When making application of a biblical text, the question of duty asks:

What should I do

Social upheavals and protests are indicative, at the very least, of which biblical truth listed below:

While the Bible seems to call us to reject radicalism and instead to live "quiet and peaceable lives," it also commands us to be aware of how individuals may be exploited due to the sinfulness of the human heart.

Visible light is

a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum

A Christian's goal of the study of psychology is to help other Christians better know how to be _____ and ________in a broken, fallen world

salt and light

A Christian's goal of the study of psychology is to help other Christians better know how to be _____ and ________in a broken, fallen world.

salt and light

The fulfillment of God's redemptive plan refers to ______________________________.

salvation of those redeemed through the blood of Christ

Which of the following correctly identifies the nature of, or definition of, a 'worldview'?

A worldview, as opposed to "views of lesser significance," consists, in part, of primary questions related to God, man, and the universe

Many worldviews, both religious and philosophical, would contend that racism is wrong. The strongest reason from a biblical worldview, that opposes racist ideology would be:

All humanity was created in the "image or likeness of God" and therefore all humanity, regardless of what one might define as "race" have equal value

Why do researchers need to consider the philosophical worldview assumptions they bring to their research?

Because worldviews shape approaches to research, the questions asked, and the methods used

Which of the following best expresses why becoming information literate should matter to one who aspires to participate in God's redemptive work?

Becoming information literate enables one to understand and to engage diverse viewpoints in a redemptive manner.

When a Christian presents statistical findings from a study in a peer reviewed publication, what is the most appropriate ethical standard to guide their communication of the results?

Christians summarize and interpret the significance of their finding with integrity so that their audience is given an accurate understanding of their results rather than a misleading one

You are in a debate about the creation of man, and you need to be able to identify and address any fallacies throughout the debate. An "appeal to ignorance" is a fallacy in which a person states that their belief is true because no evidence exists to contradict it. Which of the following best exemplifies an "appeal to ignorance" fallacy that may be brought up in the debate?

Evidence does not exist to prove humans were created by God; therefore, man was not created by God.

Which of the positions below would best represent a biblical perspective on the environment and environmental policy?

Genesis 1 calls us to be good stewards of God's creation; therefore, we all must care for the environment and the State has some obligation to protect society and individuals from environmental damage.

According to the Christian faith, considering that God is both omnipotent and omnibenevolent, that evil yet exists in our world is best attributed to what cause?

God endowed humanity with freewill from which they sinned thus bringing evil into the world

When evaluating the theory of evolution, which of the following presents the greatest challenge to macroevolution (origin of life by evolution)?

irreducibly complex biological structures

The secularization of American society is most apparent in that more people ___________.

object to state interference with religious beliefs

Why do researchers review existing literature/artifacts/creative works in the early stages of the research process?

To establish context and argument for their study/creative project

A church is sending a construction team to help a missionary in Guatemala with construction projects. The team can complete a school building in 24 days, which is 50% more time than required to build a church building. What is the time required to complete the church building?

16 days

The Jerry Falwell Library houses the Value Line database. This database includes "investment research on companies, industries, markets, and economies, including financial measures of stocks, mutual funds, options, and other securities as well as tools, rankings, analysis, estimates, projections, and historical data." Which of the following describe the types of sources housed in this database?

It would most likely contain research about stocks and bonds

Bill is the treasurer for a fast-growing organization whose budget has recently been growing at a rate of 10% per year. The budget last year was $352,000. What should he expect it to be 2 years from now? Round your answer to the nearest thousand


The Liberty University History Department affirms that a biblical worldview should provide guidance in the analysis and interpretation of historical events, personalities, and issues. The following principles provide a biblical foundation for the study of history: God is comprehensively sovereign over the nations. Jesus Christ is central in human history. God has established order, intelligence, and truth in the universe and history. Commitment to objectivity and honesty is essential to historical investigation. The Bible provides principles of ethics that guide our evaluation of people and nations. Man is an image-bearer of God, yet fallen and sinful. The historian must be dedicated to a reasoned and investigated reconstruction of primary sources. The Bible teaches all men to recognize their human limitations. History illustrates the brevity of life and the reality of eternity to come. After reading the nine principles above, answer the following: Historian George Marsden has stated that the study of history teaches at least one theological truth—that man is a sinner. Which two of the above principles best support Marsden's assertion?

8 and 6

An exponential function is one that grows faster and faster as the exponential variable grows larger. When money is owed, the amount of interest that the borrower must pay out grows dramatically as the length of time the money is owed increases. How does this apply to the effects of owing money?

A few extra years of debt can make an enormous difference in a family's long-term finances

Which describes a worldview's impact on our understanding of culture, politics, economics and life in general?

A worldview consists of key presuppositions about the meaning of life which in turn influence our view of and approach to culture, politics, economics and life in general

Which of the following is not a consequence of science and its impact on the world in which we live?


Heather and Allen want to create a safe home for a barn owl family in their backyard. In order to do this correctly, Heather and Allen need to research required features that would attract barn owls to the habitat and that would also keep them safe. Which of the following articles would be the best resource for their project?

Kenner, Michael. "Build & install a barn owl box." Countryside & Small Stock Journal, Jan.-Feb. 2011, p. 59+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 28 Oct. 2019. Abstract: The article offers tips on building and installing a barn owl box. The Internet offers data on several owl box designs and how to build a successful nest. The own box should have some kind of landing board for the birds to land on and take off from. According to the author, he selected a site for his own box that would have a commanding view of the back orchard and the neighbor's neglected field.

The data set below represents the number of pencils each student has in Mrs. Jones's third grade class. Explain how you would find the median for this data set. 9, 2, 5, 0, 1, 1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 8, 10, 2, 4, 5, 1, 5

Order the data set from least to greatest. If there is an odd number of elements in the data set, the median is the middle number. If there is an even number of elements, the median is the average of the two middle numbers.

In Beowulf, the author claims writes "Sometimes at pagan shrines they vowed offerings to idols, swore oaths that the killer of souls might come to their aid...That was their way, their heathenish hope...Oh, cursed is he who in time of trouble has to thrust his soul in the fire's embrace...But blessed is he who after death can approach the Lord and find friendship." Which of the following statements best summarizes this excerpt?

The excerpt compares the customs of the heathen to the hopes of those who seek after the one, true God.

Which of the following is not significant when evaluating the validity of information found on an internet web site?

Was this site recommended by a friend or seen on social media?

Because the church is the people of God,

it carries the responsibility of service to others

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