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What were the serpent's first words to the woman? (Genesis 3)

"Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the Garden."

What did Cain bring as an offering to the Lord? (Genesis 4)

"Some of his crops" (but more important was his attitude, which was not worshipful and reverent of the Lord)

What did Abel bring as an offering to the Lord? (Genesis 4)

"The best portions of the first born lamb"

How many pairs of each kind of unclean animals did God instruct Noah to bring on the ark? (Genesis 7)

1 pair

How many generations are recorded from Adam to Noah? (Genesis 5)


Before the flood, God limited man's lifespan to how many years? (Genesis 6)

120 years

How long did God say that it would rain for? (Genesis 7)

40 days

Approximately what years does the book of Genesis cover?

4004-1635 BC

How many chapters are in the book of Genesis?


How old was Noah when God flooded the Earth? (Genesis 7)

600 years old

How many pairs of each kind of bird did God instruct Noah to bring on the ark? (Genesis 7)

7 pairs

How many pairs of each kind of clean animals was Noah to bring on the ark? (Genesis 7)

7 pairs

How long did Adam live? (Genesis 5)

930 years

Why did God accept Abel's offering and not Cain's? (Genesis 4)

Abel brought God the best he had to offer, while Cain only brought a token gift

Who are some of the key people in Genesis?

Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph

Which brother killed the other? (Genesis 4)

Cain killed Abel

What was the difference in the offerings Cain and Abel made to the Lord? (Genesis 4)

Cain offered some of his crops. Abel brought the best portion of his first born lamb.

Describe Cain's life and family. (Genesis 4)

Cain's family dishonored God by being prideful, marrying multiple women, and boasting that they did not need God.

Who were Adam and Eve's sons in birth order? (Genesis 4)

Cain, Abel, and Seth

How was Seth's family different from Cain's? (Genesis 4)

During Seth's time people began praying to the Lord and worshiping him.

Who, other than Enoch is the only other person to be "taken" by God instead of dying? (Genesis 5)

Elijah is the only other person to be taken up by God without having to die. Enoch and Elijah may have been intended by God to be a kind of foreshadowing of the happy fate of the saints who will be taken up alive when the Lord returns (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

What was different about the record of Enoch's life? (Genesis 5)

Enoch was famous for his faithfulness in a wicked world. Enoch's acceptance by God gives hope to his contemporaries as well as to those who read this account.

Besides the animals and his family, what did God instruct Noah to bring on the ark? (Genesis 6)

Food, enough food for his family and for all the animals

How did God clothe the man and woman and why? (Genesis 3)

God clothed them in animal skins as an act of mercy before expelling them into the harsh environment outside the garden

How did man receive life? (Genesis 2)

God formed man from the dust on the ground and breathed life into him

What is one thing we can take away from the book of Genesis regarding God?

God is eternal, the Alpha and the Omega. He is and always will be. He is almighty over all.

How did God make the first woman and why? (Genesis 2)

God made woman from a rib taken from man to be man's helper, just right for him.

What specifically grieved the Lord before the flood? (Genesis 6)

God was saddened by the wickedness of humanity, he saw that they were violent and that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. It broke his heart and he regretted making them.

What did Adam receive from God during his creation that no other creation received? (Genesis 2)

God's breath

What is the ark a symbol of? (Genesis 7)

God's mercy, and the second chance He has given to us.

How did Cain respond to the Lords unacceptance of his offering? (Genesis 4)

He became angry with the Lord

How does God react differently after he creates humans? (Genesis 1)

He calls his work very good, instead of just good as he had after creating everything else.

What was unique about God's creation of the Sun and Moon? (Genesis 1)

He did not name them

What was the result of Cain's anger at being rejected by the Lord? (Genesis 4)

He killed his brother, Abel, and was cursed by God

How did God continue to protect Cain, despite his banishment? (Genesis 4)

He put a mark on Cain to that no one would harm him for fear of a punishment that was seven times worse

What did God do on the seventh day? (Genesis 2)

He rested

What did God do on the seventh day, and how did He describe it? (Genesis 2)

He rested, God blessed the 7th day and declared it holy

How did God create all things? (Genesis 1)

He spoke them into being, his word made them real.

What restrictions and warnings did God give to Adam? (Genesis 2)

He warned him that man may eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except for the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, warning that if they ate it they would surely die.

What was the serpents punishment? (Genesis 3)

He was cursed to crawl on his belly and to have hostility between snakes and humans

What did God accomplish by sending the flood? (Genesis 7)

He wiped out all the living things that he had created. The flood also undid the boundaries God established on the second and third days of creation; boundaries between the water and sky; and between land and sea.

What was Cain's punishment for killing Abel? (Genesis 4)

He would be cursed to gain nothing from the ground/land, no food or security; and he would be a homeless wanderer on the earth

What was the man's punishment? (Genesis 3)

He would work the land to gather food, but his task was made more difficult because of his sin

Why did God limit man's lifespan to 120 years? (Genesis 6)

Humans were getting more and more wicked, God did this so that they could not do more violence. Considering that people after the flood like Abraham (175) and Isaac (180) live more than 120 years, many believe that the 120 years was simply the number of years before the flood would end all life except for Noah's family, or that it was a general life expectancy and not true for every person.

How did Cain's descendants continue to dishonor God? (Genesis 4)

Idolizing humanity and achievements with the naming of the city he build after his son, marriages to multiple women, taunts about Cain's punishment and declarations that claim them to be accountable to no one, including God

Where exactly was the garden? (Genesis 2)

In the general location of Eden, separated from the surrounding world, it was a home for man, a place for plants, and thus work and food

What happened with Enoch and why? (Genesis 5)

Instead of reporting his death, it is reported that he was taken by God at the age of 365 years old because of his faithfulness.

Why do you think that the birth and death records between Adam and Noah are so precise? (Genesis 5)

It connects God's purpose in creation with Seth's line rather than with Cain's. The recording is regularly paused to show blessings on the line, such as with Enoch and Lamech. The continuation beyond the 7th generation to Noah identifies this as a line of hope.

What is interesting about the story of Noah and the flood? (Genesis 6)

It is one of the most popular stories in the bible, almost every culture has some "great flood" story in their history, even the ones that do not believe in the bible.

What is special about the covenant God made with Noah? (Genesis 6)

It was the first covenant mentioned in the bible. It was a unilateral pact that God made, through Noah, to promise humankind and the world salvation and preservation after the flood.

What is interesting about the size of the ark that Noah built? (Genesis 6)

It was the largest ship ever recorded until 1858. It would have displaced 43,300 tons of water. It was approximately 5 times larger that Christopher Columbus' flagship the Santa Maria.

Who is the oldest man in the bible, and why is he special? (Genesis 5)

Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. His life overlapped that of Adam by 243 years and that of Noah's son Shem by 98 years, thus creating a link between Creation and the Garden of Eden and the Post-Flood world. He died the year of the flood.

What was the relationship of Methuselah and Noah? (Genesis 5)

Methuselah was Noah's grandfather. Methuselah was the father of Lamech who was the father of Noah.

What did God place to guard the garden and the tree of life? (Genesis 3)

Mighty cherubim and a flaming sword

Who is said to have written the book of Genesis?


What does Nephilim mean and who were they? (Genesis 6)

Nephilim means "fallen ones" in Hebrew. They were said to be the children of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men."

Did Noah collect all the animals for the ark himself? (Genesis 7)

No, God sent the animals to Noah, they came and entered the ark themselves. Showing God's power over all the animals.

What did Noah do when God gave him instructions? (Genesis 6)

Noah did everything that God told him to.

Why did God choose Noah to build the ark? (Genesis 6)

Noah was faithful to God, despite the evil in the world around him.

How and when did God create light? (Genesis 1)

On the first day by saying "let there be light," and there was light

What did God make on the fourth and fifth days? (Genesis 1)

On the fourth day He made the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day He made fish and birds.

What did God make on the second and third days? (Genesis 1)

On the second day God made the waters separate from the sky. On the third day He made land separate from the seas.

What did God make on the sixth day? (Genesis 1)

On the sixth day He made animals and humans.

What was the woman's punishment? (Genesis 3)

Painful pregnancy and childbirth, and to corrupt the relationship between husband and wife as he rules over her despite her desire to control him

Why didn't God name the Sun and the Moon? (Genesis 1)

Possibly to remind Israel that they were not Gods.

Who is disguised as the serpent who offered Eve the fruit? (Genesis 3)


Noah is a descendent of Adam through which of Adam's sons? (Genesis 5)


How did the woman change God's words when initially replying to the serpent? (Genesis 3)

She belittled the privileges God had given them, and the emphasis of their punishment if they were to disobey

Why did the woman eat the fruit that the serpent offered? (Genesis 3)

She saw that it looked delicious, and wanted the wisdom it would give her

Who were Noah's sons? (Genesis 5)

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

Other than their eating from the tree of knowledge, why did God banish them from the garden? (Genesis 3)

So that they could not eat from the tree of life and have to live forever in their "fallen" state

Who were the "sons of God" mentioned at the beginning of chapter 6 that took the "daughters of man" as their wives? (Genesis 6)

Some say they were fallen angels, other link the songs of God to Seth's lineage while the daughters of man are the corrupt descendants of Cain.

Hoe did Seth and his family honor God? (Genesis 4)

That was the time people began to call upon the name of the Lord in prayer and to worship him.

Why did God decide to send a flood to destroy the whole world and all of His creations? (Genesis 6)

The Lord say that humans had become more wicked, violent, and thought only of evil things. Their evil corrupted every living creature. He regretted making them and sent the flood to give humans a chance to start over with a clean slate, though it pained him to destroy his creation.

Why did God instruct Noah to bring multiple pairs of clean animals? (Genesis 7)

The additional clean animals might have been used for food and for Noah's sacrifice after the flood.

Summarize the book of Genesis.

The book of Genesis describes God's perfect and complete creation in the beginning. The first people, Adam and Eve, sinned, and now all people are separated from God by sin. Genesis tells about God's judgement on sin in the account of Noah and the Flood. In spite of the world's continued wickedness, God called Abraham and promised that all nations would be blessed through him. This blessing would come through the promised Messiah - a descendant of Abraham.

How is the record of Noah's life different? (Genesis 5)

The normal genealogical formula is interrupted to highlight important theological information about Noah. His father believed him to be a possible end to the curse of Adam's sin and bring "relief from their work and painful labor of farming the ground that the Lord had caused" (paraphrased to match tense).

What is the significance of rain falling for 40 days? (Genesis 7)

The number 40 is often associated with affliction, trial, or punishment; a generation of wandering in the wilderness, the reception of the law, or the temptation of Jesus.

What were the results of their disobedience? (Genesis 3)

The serpent was made to have a feud with humanity. The woman was given painful pregnancy and childbirth; and made to be ruled by her husband. The man was made to work the ground for little reward.

Which tree did Adam and Eve eat from, against God's instruction? (Genesis 3)

The tree of knowledge

What two trees were in the middle of the garden of Eden? (Genesis 2)

The tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Which tree did God forbid Adam to eat from? (Genesis 2)

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil

What is one possible reason Adam and his immediate descendants lived so long? (Genesis 5)

There is a theory that they lived so long because sin had only just begun to have its malign influence on the human race.

Why did the man and woman hide when God entered the garden? (Genesis 3)

They felt shame at their nakedness and disobedience

In Genesis 1:5 "God called the light "day" and the darkness "night"." What is significance of giving them names? (Genesis 1)

To name something is to exercise authority of it, saying that God is the supreme ruler over everything he created.

What did Cain grow up to be? (Genesis 4)

a farmer

What shape was the ark that God had Noah build? (Genesis 6)

a large rectangle with three levels inside the boat

What did God take from Adam to create Eve? (Genesis 2)

a rib from his chest

What did Abel grow up to be? (Genesis 4)

a shepherd

What specific sins of humanity are mentioned before God sends the flood? (Genesis 6)

corruption and violence

What did God create on the fifth day? (Genesis 1)

fish and birds

Who did God give humans authority over? (Genesis 1)

fish, birds, and animals

What did God create on the second day? (Genesis 1)

he separated the sky from the waters

What did God create on the sixth day? (Genesis 1)

land animals and humans

What did God create on the third day? (Genesis 1)

land, sea, plants, and trees

What did God create on the first day? (Genesis 1)

light/day and darkness/night

What did God create on the fourth day? (Genesis 1)

sun, moon, and stars

What did God create Adam from? (Genesis 2)

the dust of the ground

What creature offered Eve the forbidden fruit? (Genesis 3)

the serpent

How many of each creature was Noah told to bring on the ark? (Genesis 6)

two of every kind, a male and a female

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